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Personal Story: Hero through Fame or Actions?

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


I’ve been reading this board since it’s opened, and I don’t think I’ve read anybody saying that they want to be the hero of the day and all the other crap you’re insisting.

I did and you just wrote it in the next sentence:

The players want the story to be about them.

No I don’t and I am a player. There are some players who want see a story about them. And seriously what does this mean anyway? I can tell you the story of my life. I can tell you a story about my tabletop characters. These are stories which are about me. But why would I want to tell me a story about my life, I know this story already.

So the only thing I can imagine when people are telling me that they want the story to be about them, – which already involves them heading out unifying all orders and destiniy’s edge and kill one of the five great dragons, which are the equivalent of death incarnate – that they just want to play mary sues… And the player character is already one.

You could just say that you want your personal story be personal in the way that your decisions really matter and every path you take feels radically different. Well, than I have to inform you that this is not in the game: Not on level 1, not on level 80.

I give you an example from the asura storyline. The first chapter ends, by the way, regardless of your decisions of you begin the snaff servant. This has to be that Zojja can call your character “savant”. But let’s go to the 2nd chapter: the VAL-A golem.
There are 3 suspects of a crime in this story and it is really easy to figure out who the real criminal is after the 2nd story and you can suspect it after the 1st story. Your one – I repeat your only one! – decision in this whole chapter is made after the 2nd story. They let you decide which one of the two non-criminals you are hunting down. That is the 3rd stroy and in 4th story your character finally figures it out, you always go after the real criminal. You see this decision is really pointless and it doesn’t change anything. This is not the pact storyline, this is not level 60 this is level 16.

But do you know what. This is fine by me. I like this game anyway! Not because of its great writing, but because of its other merits, which really shine. But seriously there is no personal story other than that the player character is the protagonist. And no there is no one stealing the show, because the protagonist makes all decisions, and defeats the dragon, and saves the princess… wait wrong game.

Ok, I think I was ranting there for a time, but I seriously can’t hear it anymore that the personal story (which is an aweful name by the way) has to be about me.

It is the main story arc of the game, and guess what your princess is in another castle.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Personal Story: Hero through Fame or Actions?

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


Most real heros are unsung and most of them are unknown to most people. There are only a few how also get the glory. But there are only few people how get the glory anyway. But is isn’t actually an argument for any side, because realism can kitten it.

I have no problem with Trahearne “taking all the credit”, which imo he does not. There are enough people in the story who say how awesome I am including Trahearne.

But people on this forum actually want the story to be more cliche and more predicable then it is anyway. I was glad that my player character didn’t became leader of the pact. I was glad that it wasn’t mentioned by everybody that I am the great hero who will slay the undead dragon. Seriously one step more in this direction and the character will sacifice himself at the end of the story and bring salvation to all races.

This I actually not what happens. The PC build up a millitary organisation, with military research and secret service. Than made a step back, that someone could lead and unify this bunch of idiots who couldn’t come up with “Maybe we should work together instead of fighting each other!”
Than he went out gathered the best of the best which is Destiny’s Edge around him and killed one of the 5 dragons. I didn’t done the last mision yet but I expect my character to walk away in slowmo which Arah is exploding behind him.

The player character is a bad mary sue as it is, I seriously couldn’t take much more.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Guild Wars 2 Tabletop RPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yandere.9176


I think Tyria is pretty rich fanatsy world.
I also like approach on the humans, that these are the high culture and not the newcomer race as in other fantasy settings. The steampunk addition brings something interesting to the table and reminds me of iron kingdoms or eberron.

That is the short answer, but there is a longer one, that I will probably post this evening.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Guild Wars 2 Tabletop RPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yandere.9176


Yes yes, I could just play D&D, but I think that wouldn’t really cut it. And it would raise the question which edition… (by the way I am not a big fan of the 3rd)

What system would you use to play in Tyria? Would you build one on your own pen and paper system to play in Tyria?

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

A Tax-Free Virtual World

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Repair taxes? Seriously my repairman doesn’t take taxes from me, he repairs something I pay him… What you describe are just paying people for services.

But I think it would be funny if there were taxes in the game. At the end of each month, the game would just delete 10% of the gold you earnt the month, and if you earnt really much the tax can increase to 50% of the gold you earnt.
(I live in Germany the maximum tax rate is really about 50% in our country.)

And all this happens so that the children at the orphanage can get their lunch. This is how taxing works.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Humans in every mmo

in Lore

Posted by: yandere.9176


Actually Tyria is one of the few fantasy world were the humans are NOT the newcomer underdog race, which has to compete with ancient high cultures like elves and stuff.

In Tyria humans are the ancient high culture and the other strange races are the newcomer, which I tnk is a nice twist on the old fantasy genre.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Am I too old for gaming?

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


Well, there are stories that are less predictable than other, because they do a really good job in hiding the core story and also have a point to make.

Since I am German I naturally read German literature. Goethe, Schiller, Lessing.
But also ETA Hoffmann (The Sandman), Erich Maria Remarque (All Quiet on the Western Front) and Carl Zuckmayer (Des Teufels General).
And things like the Nibelungenlied and the Edda, only to name a few things.

I like the greek and roman tales like the ilias or the metamorphosis and I do not really like Kafka except it is Ka-Fu-Ka (had to write it this way because of the profanity filter O_o) from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.

But when it comes to Fanatsy or SF literature, Stanislaw Lem is the only auther I see as really interesting and exceptionally fun to read. And to get this out of the way: I do not like the Lord of the Rings. It was so boring that I couln’t finish it, but I have heared that the English version is much better than the German one.

Guild wars 2 is not in this class of books but I it ok fantasy novel.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Am I too old for gaming?

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


I wouldn’t say that you are to old for gaming.

I for example enjoy the story for most parts. Yes it is cliche, yes it is predictable, but it is a fun little fantasy story, and to be honest I don not find books like Harry Potter less cliche and less predctable.

A few parts of the story are bad. I just played the Val-A golem story of the asura storyline and at the first quest I got this feeling that I know where the whole thing would be going and at the half way point my fears would turn out to be true. In combination that Zojja as well as my character acted stupid beyond believe, i was kind of disappointed.

Other parts are well writen and an overall good experience. This is by far no Hamlet or Faust, but is mostly good for what it is and what it is trying to be. That are my 2 copper on this part.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

(edited by yandere.9176)


in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


The real question is who will be your waifu?

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Cut ANet some slack

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Well, I have no problems with dungeons. I don’t dthem at the moment. Perhaps, when the system works better. But not at the moment.

I have no trouble with this I can wait, I have other things to to in this game. But I can give ANet feedback, how the dungeon experiance could be improved imo.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Yeah, I know what you feel. My endgame PvE experience isn’t that great either. I started a new character and having a lot of fun, but I totally see what you mean.

But you mented a good thing: speedrunning! A lot of people enjoy this. Perhaps introducing a speed running reward would be kind of interesting. Perhaps something diffrent from tokens: Mystic Clovers or Glob of Ectoplasm. So you would have two diffrent goals. Exploring dungeons for tokens and farming dungeons for other rare stuff that is usually hard to get. Perhaps this could address both issues?

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Ok I jsut edited my first post, perhaps this was a bit misleading. I was wanted to say that explorable mode should be for well organized teams. I see it is very important to get very clearly state if you talk about story or explorable mode. When anyone would have actually read my post. The first suggestion actually is the one which addresses the problem that the story mode is to hard imo.

So please read the first post again, because I would like to hear your feedback on the suggestions. I know that you like many other people including myself are dissatified with current state of the dungeons.

I do not farm dungeons. I actually do not farm at all. It seems boring to me. It was jsut adressed many times that dungeons shouldn’t be about farming. This is why ArenaNet implemented anti-farming mechanisms. This has basiclly not much to du with my personal preferences as a gamer. And this has nothing to do with forcing my play style upon others. It is just that it was addressed many times that dungeons should not be about farmin an I suggested a solution to acomplish that goal. Dead simple.

And by the way I would apeachiate if less ad hominem discussion would take place because I didn’t design thedungeons at it’s current state I want to discuss how to make the more accessible a broader audiance.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Hunger Royale as sPvP mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


For some reason I couldn’t log in during the Hunger Royal. I would lave to expeariance this again. Perhaps on the Tarnished cost? The area between The Grove and Rata Sum.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Dungeon Redesign - 3 suggestions for a better experience

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


This is basiclly a compilation of ideas I found in other topics in one of the many, dungeons are just horrible thread. I would like to dicuss them here with the attude dungeons are ok, but we want to make them better.

So first things I don’t want to change:

1. Dungeons should be hard.
2. The explorable mode of the dungeons should be for well organised groups not PUGs.
3. Dungeon gear should be the reward for people who fought trough all this.

Here what I want to add:

1. Dungeons should have higher accessibility
2. Dungeons should have more variety
3. Dungeons should not be about farming

Ok and here are basiclly 3 ideas how to archive that.

1. Accessibility
It is fine that dungeons are hard doon’t get me wrong on this. The problem is they are not fun to learn. So basiclly the dungeon difficulty is ok, but to learn want is required from you to live up to the challenge is for many player a frustrating experiance.
You see have feeling that you are put though a meat grinder the first 20 dungeon runs or so, until you finally get want you have to do makes dungeons unaccessibe for people how would normally enjoy this kind of content

So here the solution: Split the story and explorable mode entirely from each other. Make the story mode 8 dungeons with increasingly difficulty from: “Your mom could beat this!” to “Oh, we made it?!”.

Than introduce explorable mode in all dungeons on the “Oh my god, I have never see so much blood!!!” difficulty. This way player had 8 dungeons to learn the ropes and are prepared for what will hit them. By the way I do not say to hand out dungeon token for story mode, I am just saying story mode should lay the middle ground between you casual PvE experiance and explorable mode. It is fine when dungeons aren’t for everyone, but a middle ground is nice and will help people to get accustomed to the harder difficulty settings.

2. Variety

The dungeon token system should be change a little (again that would only affect explorable mode, since there are no dungeon tokens in story mode).

There are some people who want to change all 8 token to one standard dungeon token, that you can use to buy all dungeon sets. This would allow people to run diffrent dungeons and get their dungeon gear together without having to farm the same dungeon over and over again.
Either make this or at least make the tokens interchangeable. So that you can change one dungeon token to another for a little fee in coins, karma or perhaps even gems. I would perfer the one standard dungeon token solution… But than people would just start to run the easiest dungeon to farm their stuff and this true which would bring us to number 3.

3. No farming

Dungeons should be about farming butt the moment they are pretty much only about farming. So here is that last thing I want to bring to the table.
So how should you hand out tokens and rewards:
You get tokens when you complete a dungeon path, once per day.
You get a significant amount of tokens, when you complete all paths of a dungeon, once per month.
You get 1 Gift of Exploration when you complete all dungeon paths, once per character.
This would automaticlly bring more people together wu would run more neglected dungeon paths to gain their all path completion bonus or the Gift of Exploration. yOu wouldn’t need to farm dungeons… Well, you can’t farm dungeons, but would motivate players to try all of the dungeon routes. If this in combination with the 2nd suggestion is implemented the fastest methode of getting dungeon tokens would be to take on all dungeon routes once per day.


This is basically a pile of suggestions which I think would make the dungeons an overall more appealing experiance, and would make this part oof the game more interesting for a greater variaty of gamer. The hardcore crowd would have nothing to fear that their challenge is gone because explorable mode could still be jsut as chellanging as it is right now, or perhaps even a bit harder, because the L2P noobs would have actually a way that would allow them to L2P. And the mindless dungeon farm would also be gone becaue there would be a hard cap on how much token you can get per day.

Thanks for your feedback.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

(edited by yandere.9176)

Why elitists need to chill

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Obviously people misunderstood me. I don’t want to get free stuff for no effort, actually dungeon rewards were never a motivation for me. It is the kind of content I think is interesting. You make a party of five go in try to solve the puzzle.

And this content is at the moment only available for non-casual gamer. It isn’t important to get gear, or gold, XP, anything. dungeon reards are pretty unimportant. The question is this kind of content available on an easy mode and ate the moment it is not. Plain and simple.

As I said, yes I could gear up put effort into the whole thing and solve it on the currently difficulty. But I just don’t have the time I have to spend, for so little a good in-game gear, or an armor skin. The only reward that matters is the fun. Is it easy to pick up? Was it interesting and would I do it again? As I said in-game reward is not a motivation for me, never was never will be. I want to see interesting content at a resonable difficulty. And Touhou does this, the Guild Wars Dungeon not.

Plain and simple.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Charm/Ferocity/Nobility - different only in spelling.

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


At this point I really haven’t noticed these personality traits making any difference about anything.

Do they actually have ANY effect on the world?

The personality has no impact on anything whatsoever just like the 3rd racial question, doesn’t really do anything for most races.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Easing players into dungeons (AC story rant)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Wow every time I see myself quoted, I think : “I need a new keyboard the old one doesn’t read half my input.” O_o

I think most people get the impression that AC is so extremly hard because it is the first and CM is so easy in compare. The Inquest one is a pain imo. Does’t change the fact that is should be the easiest dungeon. As a said difficulty curve, etc.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Why elitists need to chill

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


I’m not an elitist, I truly madly deeply believe that if I can finish all the dungeons that I have finished, so can you…if you try.

This is not helping. Of course I can when I try. I am usually pretty good at those things, but I don’t want to try.

I want a layed back party experience that I can do with my friends from time to time, and just go through and when we fell like a bit more challenge we want the not so layed back but still pretty easy party experience.

You see I have nothing against hard games. I’ve played with the NES as a child and there is a reasion why it is called Nintendo Hard. I even played Touhou
But this is not the reason I play MMOs. I play to socialize to meet up online when it is not time to get together can play some board games. You see I usually want just a good and easy time with my friends while drinking a cup of coffee and eating a sandwich.

Guild Wars doesn’t bring this kind of content to the table. It is a beautyful game and I enjoy the world exploration and have no big deal to soloing the personal story. Some of my friend have problems with that others don’t. But we want to play together so we will always pick the difficulty veryone is comfortable with and this is usally a pretty low dificulty.

Of course we could motivate us to get better at the game, perhaps train our 1337 skillz in PvP and so forth, but everyone of us has a job, a family and other things to do than playing video games. No one of us is 17 anymore where where gaming for 24 hours strait on LAN parties. Seriously this time is over and there are a lot of people like me who still want to play from time to time, but simply don’t wa to put effort into it and don’t seek any clallenge. Because when I seek challenge I go to work or raise my kid. This is enough challenge in my life.

Here I just want to relax.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Easing players into dungeons (AC story rant)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


The problem is this. The sould be a difficulty curve were there is non.

On level 30 you get into your first dungeon, which is AS (story) this one should be a breeze. CM (story) should be the next one. and should introduce more encounter that require more team tactics… Introduce story after story dungeon in ths matter.

Than all explorable dungeons should be introduced, and should rain down the pain upon the player. They had 8 dungeons to learn the tricks of the trade, and here they will use their knowledge and skill that they aquired through their pervious dungeon runs.

The 8 story dungeons to learn what it means to run a dungeon and explorable mode after this to show of your mad team skillz. At leat this is how I would do this.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Never mind Trahearne's Wyld Hunt - what about mine?

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


This was actually a part I was glad to forget. I wake up and I am the chosen one! isn’t really my cup of tea, so I wa rather glad that never mentioned this again.
I would be glad if many many Sylvari had the dream to fight the dragon. And there are many many Sylvari how had the dream to slay a dragon, I know that because I saw the other player in the tutorial. But to have the call to a Wyld Hunt shouldn’t mean that I can fullfil it or get even close to solving it. Just that I have the call to do something great.

Well that are my two cents on this issue.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Charm/Ferocity/Nobility - different only in spelling.

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


The point is the only thing that matters here is our character, so if my character goes into a cutscene he should say diffrent stuff or say the same stuff diffrently based on the personality.
Our character doesn’t talk that mcuh anyway, but this could make a diffrence. This basiclly a pure Voice acting job, but but I realize that it is still a lot of work.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

[POLL] Adding Skills for Karma and Skillpoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yandere.9176



I don’t like the idea.
Most skill sure, why not! Buying them from a vendor, thanks no!

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Thank you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yandere.9176


I think I should post my thank you also here. The feedback I have give sounds rather harsh, but I wouldn’t post here and give feedback, if you hadn’t done such a great job with this game.

Thanks for all you had work, a happy customer.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Is explorable mode is automaticlly unlocked...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


… when you have beaten story mode with one of your characters?

I am asking because, I think this would be kind of a clever mechanic. Since once you have done story mode you probably want to skip right to explorable because story mode has nothing by isself to offer, execpt for the story, which you already know…

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


It works for Sylvari because you meet Trahearne in the Sylvari story arc. I think most Sylvari player (as myself) do not have as much issues with him than the other races. In fact I think every of the other 4 races sould meet him at least once perhaps during part 3 of the story where you are choosing your order.

On claw island you than would have this “Ah, it is Trahearne again” feeling and would just would a know a bit of his profession and could appreachiate his help.

On other notice. It is the same with Apatia, a person you can meet first during Retribution, and than in part 7 of the story (if you picked a certain choice). If Apatia had one line of soken dialog in Retribution, I would have remembered her and the whole part 7 of the story would have been much more memorable to me.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


It would be easy if commander status would be a guld upgrade in Art of War.
You need level whatever in Art of War and all your officer and leader in the guild are able to become squad commander.
If you intend that only leading personal of large guilds are able to become commander make it a guild upgrade, this isn’t rocket science. O_o

Desolation – Mistress of significance level


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: yandere.9176


The is a auto run feature which moves your character in the directon you are looking at… To autorun to your target, I think that is not part of the game.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Flower of Death - useless weapon forced on you

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


Kiting?! I am kiting the hell out of this game! O_o*
This isn’t a question if I tried. Caladbolg replaces half your skills, the skills that do damage and Caladbolg wasn’t as good as my rifle. I beat the mission solo without much problems, as I did with any other mission in the game, but I can see why people have a problem with that and I can say for sure the Caladbolg was a handycap.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Flower of Death - useless weapon forced on you

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


I’ve done Flower of Death on level 28.

It is that simple: Caladbolg isn’t a good weapon. Perhaps the Pale Tree just wanted to troll Trahearne as she gave that thing to him. ^^

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Separate "Loot" and "Interact" keybindings

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Supported. And when we are at this topic. I want to revive my allies not great the random NCS there.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level


in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Please let us not… I don’t want a lot of no-options added to the game, I have to think about.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Actually yes they are a lot of money sinks in this game, so even wheI would normally oppose such a suggestion. I think it might be a good idea.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


“but his voice actor does best to deliver these lines.”
I stopped reading there. This voice actor, whilst having a gorgeous sound and accent, does NOTHING to deliver the lines. He reads them aloud. Flat.

It is sad they you stopped reading there, but I can explain your from where I am comming when I give such a statment. The problem is there is much bad voice acting in this game and on places where you would expect that they would be careful to put a good voice actor there.
I play a male sylvari, and I really like the voice actor, but I everytime I get crippled. I hear: “Ah, ah, my leg” which is a terrible line to begin with, but it is also so poorly delivered that it annoies me very time I hear it, which is way more often than I have to hear Trahearnes’ speaches.
The worst offender on this in imo the one woman who calls out “Might make me right”. I can only explain such a dilivery that the voice actress got so annoyed with this line that she couldn’t bring herself to a halfway ok performance.
And most of the condition/boon lines are really aweful.

When I say he did his best to deliver those lines, I didn’t mean he is a good voice actor. He is not. But never during his performances I thought: “Really are just reading this because you got payed, right?”. This is a thought I have very often, when I heared boon/condition lines. So please read this statment as what it is. I honestly beleave the voice actor did the best he could do. Is this a great job? No, but he wasn’t worse enought to put me off and I at least got something like effort out of his performances, something I cannot say for all line deliveries in this game.

I may sound a bit harsh, but I really love this game, and I would post here if I wouldn’t care so much.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


Considering the player is supposed to be the “military leader of the Pact” it is nothing short of stupendous irony the player is executing a disproportionate number of missions alone or with negligible service and support, never mind subordinate leaders.

Star Trek syndrom! The captain beams down first.

The personal storyline isn’t rubbish because of Trahearne – which is perhaps where you’re getting mixed signals. The entire structure of the personal storyline is rubbish. The Vegetable is merely the grating reminder every time a cutscene opens after Claw Island that the player is a purposeless tool.

That is basiclly the reason for this thread. Trahearne istn’t as bad you might think, the story is! But to be honest most fantasy stories are….

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Revamp Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Acutally I would love to see that if the cleansing reitual goes though.

I actually like Orr it has the fealing of battle field. The problem is that almsot every enemies has pull, knockdown, sink, daze, etc. Which makes it just anoying to navigate. But yeah a nicer greener Orr instance for those you completed the personal story would be cool, and definitly more fun.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Arenanet please consider this.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


% drop chance is always a horrible horrible idea, and if you don’t know why:

Seriously though I studied statistics. This is a geometric distibution, you do not want hand out anything with a geometric distibution.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


Ok, adressing a few things, I found in the responses:

1. The personal story in any meaningfull form falls flat when you reach level 50.

Imo there is no personal story in any meaningful form to begin with in this game. There isn’t even a “personal” story at all in this game.
If you simply deconstruct the whole thing, you get the following: Act 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7
have 3 more or less distinct routes, this is for one race if you look at all races act 1 and 2 have 15 routes, but that isn’t really of importance here. Act 3 and 8 are common but contain more real choices your character can make.
In every of the route acts you have exactly 1 choice to make, you have no influence in the rest of the story. Every Vigil character calls Fergal an old man at one point. You can’t change this, this is not your personal sory it is the personal story of your character. And your character likes Trahearne, you can’t change this, as so many other things in your “personal” story.
Don’t get me wrong I like the GW2 story, but it is neither exeptional good writing I have seen here nor you have exeptional good voice acting (it is pretty hit and miss imo). GW2 writing is pretty standard fantasy novel writing, which is ok but you sure get nor Hamlet or Faust.

2. Military organisations do not work that way.

Yes they do, every task which requires a bit of management (and a wars usually does) will work exactly like that. If you are in charge, you will make just a very few descision. You need someone you filters the informations for you and you can trust that he will bring stuff to your table which requires your attention (and only those stuff which really requires your attention) . This allows you to make all the important decisions, and nothing of importance slips your attantion. If you don’t do this you simply have no talent in leading any kind of organisation, because you simply doesn’t get anything done.

3. I think they could have done so much better.

Yes they could, they really could. The problem here isn’t the character of Trahearne, he works, not well but he does. The problem is that everyone plays the same story after level 50 which is simply not true just because everyone plays the same story from level 1.
I think the main problem is that they failed to connect the acts. I think the last chapter could be so much better, if I would meet people again I met in the past and actually had some relationship with them. I would remind me of the past adventure and would give a feel that my descions led me to the place where I am know standing, which is artifical of course but most of your choices in this game boil down to “Am I going left and make encounter A or right to make encounter B”.
As I said, the story is ok, it just isn’t great. But the problem is not with Trahearne, the problem is that the acts don’t connect.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


He doesn’t steal your personal story, but you didn’t read my post so you wouldn’t know.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Why are the waypoints in the dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Ok, simple thought: Make all monster in the dungeon easier much easier.
Say remove all silver circles. Remove the one hit kill attacks from bosses, etc.

And remove all the waypoints!

I played other MMOs before and I was never so frustrated with raid content before. You see if this is all on an interesting difficult level but a party wipe means restart the dungeon. There is suspension. Will we make it to the end?

If you just make every encounter frustratingly hard and have a waypoint just around the corner. Well, you die and revive until the encounter is solved, and if your gear get’s broken, you just teleport to the start and repair. There is no suspension, this is just boring.

So my suggestion, tune the difficulty down, and make party wipes possible. There you have your hard content the only a coordinated party can master, but it would be much more interesting and not so frustrating.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

(edited by yandere.9176)

Trahearne: Not as bad as you might think

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


This is spoiler heavy so do not read, if you do not want spoilers.

I have seen many people who dislike Trahearne because he is not a very well writen character and is kind of a mary sue. And yeah, he didn’t get the best writing, but his voice actor does best to deliver these lines.

The real problem is that for 4 races Trahearne comes out of nowhere. He isn’t involved in their personal storieline before he appears in Claw Island which causes an emotional disconnect for the player. I think would he have appeared in chapter 4 which is the first order chapter and you could have seen how much the orders respect him, and how he helps these people that would have solved many issue with the character.

So now that we talked about that, let’s talk about the good things.
He isn’t an good military leader and he is a bit bland. Why are these good things?
You see he doesn’t want to make the job, he is naturally passive, which is why he never joined an order. He never wanted to commit himself to a course. But now he does.
Why? Well, because you and the Pale Tree have more or less beaten him into the possition as Martial of the Pact. He is basiclly unable to work without support, and you are unable to reach your goals without his knowledge and neutral standing.

He is basiclly a very clever person, he knows that he sucks at military operation. That is why you make all military based decisions of the pact. He holds the title of Marshal but you are the military leader of the Pact. He acts basiclly as your chief secretary, he gathers information, attents the boring buisness meatings instead of you and sends out chrismas mails to all business partners (a.k.a. the orders).
Than he says I need to have a word with you commander and asks you to make a descion based on the data he gathered.

He isn’t a mentor (that was in chapter IV), he doesn’t order you around. He relies on you, because he knows, that you are the guy how get’s things done.

As I said he is a bit bland but boring, because he is a shy and silent character. You are the hero, this is your story, you are leading this war from the front and Trahearne is your chief secretary. This is really not hard to see and I really don’t get why so many people have a problem with that.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Order Titles

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


I would love to call myself a Warmaster. Every NPC calls me warmaster, well at the moment they call me Commander, but that would be fine to.

Yeah I totally agree I would love to see those titles available, through story progression.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Tribal Races playable

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


May I ask how? The stories of the races aren’t really connected and after level 30 your race has hardly an influence on the personal story. (It determs which two of the tribal races you may not visit.)

So how would the story be screwed up?

I reallize that it is much coding trouble to do so, so I would expect this to be somehow money content like an expantion or the gem store, but again I do not see your concern with the story.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Tribal Races playable

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Yeah that the races aren’t designed for having a player modell, I think it wouldn’t even bother people if only one piece of equipment would show up. The idea is is that you play an underdog race.
Not as may features as the main five but and only one story for five races, but an option to play them and I think that allone would make many people happy.

The point with starting city was just to get t idea out three to put the racial sympathy into account when you choose your starting city would be a nice touch I think.

Kodan, Largos and Dredge could get a similar treatment, but I think those races have a bit more potential, than the 5 tribal races you encounter in the storyline.

And the Tengu as I said… I firmly believe that the will become a playerrace in the future.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Tribal Races playable

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Î am really looking forward to the tengu.

I also is something that I am not neccessarly want myself. It is just something that I realized many people would find awesome and an idea I had how you could implement something like that without being overwelmed by new content you have to write.

Of cause I do not know how the backend from Anet is designed so my suggestion could be virtually impossible to implement. It is just something I wanted to share.

The story however from a tribal person travelling around in the major cities of this world and learning about diffrent cultures and religions, that is something I totally would want to play myself.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Tribal Races playable

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


I have seen a lot of people who would want to play a tribal race: skritt, ogre grawl, quaggan or hylek.

To implement all 5 like the original 5 races would be a lot of work and it is probably unrealistic, that we would ever see something like that.

So here a suggestion how to make all 5 playable at once.

The idea is that they all live in tribal cultures, so your hero is obviously a bit diffrent and goes out to see the world. From the 3 racial question at character creation, the first one would be to “Where I found a new home?” The answer to this question is obviously one of the 5 races: asura, human, sylvari, norn or charr. This would set which city locates the home instance of the character and where he would start the game after character creation.

The other two ractial questions would be like any other race the two questions which would determ the personal storyline which would be the same for all tribal races and would deal with traveling around the world learning about diffrent cultures and religions and learn about theore and history of the civilized races of Tyria and in act 3 obviously the thread that the dragons pose and the orders who wants to deal with that.

I would say you can also give them a commen set of racial skills. So youonly have to design 6 new skills (12 if you count the asosiated toolbelt skills)

The character creation andow the character looks wouldn’t need to be as diversifed as with the other 5 races.

So you would make many people happy and would drown in the development of the content.

It is just a thought but something I wanted to share because, I see many people liking quaggens and a friend of my totally was to be skritt.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Enable use of all org. Asura Gates to Fort Trinity

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


The really strange thing is that they let you in but not back. If I go as a Vigil from Fort Trinity to the Chantry of Secrets they will let me in their headquaters, but they won’T let me back to the front and also blatantly lie to me by saying that the asura gate I just used is under construction. O_o

From a story perspective this is wrong for so many reasons, and makes me thing that nobody at Anet joined the military, bacause your commanding officer would tell you something you say to him the door he just used is under construction and he can’t go back this way.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Karma NEEDS to be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


I actually was really interested in the karma rewards, once I realized that they would require me to play one and only one character the whole time. I decided that I would just ignore them, same goes for legendaries and dungeon token.

I think making more of these things account bound would help the long-term motivation a lot since those rewards are ment as long-term motivation, but of cause only work a such, if you don’t ignore them (like I do at the moment).

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Story Mode Dungeon Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


Preaching to the quire.

Seriously story mode needs to be PUGable and at the moment it is not. => Content to be ingnored.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Dungeons are teamplay based live with it :)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: yandere.9176


As the AVGN phrased it : “This is one of the hardest games I’ve ever played, but for all the wrong reasons!”

To be honest, the personal story had a non-existing difficluty curve and th dungeons also have difficulty problems. That is something they simply do not have down, to correctly estimate how difficult an encounter is and/or if it i interesting to solve it.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Donations for WvW upgrades?

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


+1 one forthis suggestion, this would be nice.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level