Showing Posts For sid.9870:

Props to CC and SYNC

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Don’t you worry bud – they have mastered dropping accusations along with any form of criticism, focusing on the upsides (are they really?) and not making everyone happy.

Boasting about content that should have been there in the first place, and ignoring 99% of feedback coming from players is whats happening – this is why you see such negativity now, not because people are vicious and anet (pvp/community teams present here) are poor victims of online depravity.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Shelter is not balanced

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


If you don’t attack it will not block anything – seriously, get good and avoid people blocking with an obvious animation.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Hire an SPvP Josh Davis

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Obviously Grouch = quality, but… you first need to attract more people/people that left back to the game before hiring staff to communicate with them, else you’ll end up on communicating amongst yourselves.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Props to CC and SYNC

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Does anyone have any funny stories just like OP? I’d love to hear more!
I’m sorry but this just doesn’t sound sincere at all, I find it to be done either out of necessity or simply to improve the sad impression left after this embarrassing spectacle.

Try again Allie.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Shelter is not balanced

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Sir, you are clueless.
Guardians used the signet for a LONG time, simply because Shelter healing ability is/was kitten. It turned the other way around when power/burst meta came.
Thief is by no means squishiest class (evade, evade, evade, puff) and 2 second of block, whereas the person cannot do anything else is not a dealbreaker by any means.
Since you don’t really get it – I sadly have only advice – get good and work around it.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Shelter is not balanced

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I hope you’re trolling.

On a serious note – you can interrupt it. Corrupt boon if he has stability, or an unblockable fear mark will do the trick.
Also, “50% of its HP” is still 5.3k so it’s not a big deal.

However, I hope, balance team will keep in mind that bunker guardian actually IS unbalanced due to amount of survivability and tone it down accordingly alongside lowering general dmg output we all await.

Also, like ensoriki just said – withdraw is the only skill you cannot interrupt and on top of thakittens instant (+evade +control condi removal +supershort recharge to trigger all “on heal” bonuses).

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

subverters paid to bomb gw2 with negativity?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


You gotta pay attention to this small difference between flaming and qqing, and justified negativity as a response to devs doing kittenty job. There.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Idea: Return Zaishen Key's to PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Oh I totally agree with you – I’d love zkeys back here, or some form of similar cross-format currency we could earn through pvp. I just shown you a reason it will never happen.

I’m kind of sick of anets representatives looping “we need constructive feedback/details”, because they have got loads (even from me) and ignored 99,9% of it.

As hard as it is for me to say it – pvp here is on a verge of total extinction and unless they make radical changes it will not be any better.
Since they are not willing to do so, I’ve got nothing to do here besides bashing on the game/developers for its 60 euro worth of it since Ive not recieved proper pvp format I was looking here for.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Idea: Return Zaishen Key's to PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


All the PvP Players – someone did the math and it turned out that solo que population from both NA and EU is around 17k people. It does not include hotjoin, but here’s the thing – only a percentage of total population buys gems for irl currency – given the number of pvp population I can assume it will bring less profit than introducing a single 800-gem set of fancy armour.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Idea: Return Zaishen Key's to PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


It will not happen.
Simply because they care about pve economy more than they care about any aspect of pvp. And why would they even want to make pve people play pvp? They need pve playerbase to sit there and spend cash on gems – not sit in pvp, because its not profitable.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Time for an extended break

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I can relate to that. My team and I quit prior to Paid tourneys introduction – we were simply fed up with lack of the core pvp features, like promised custom arenas, tournaments, ladder…
We made a comeback lately, only to realise that pvp here is in even worse shape than it was when we left.

Sadly, despite having access to custom arenas and ladder are kitten, and there is still no competitive form of game play like mentioned AT/MAT.

What this game needs, is a proper, dedicated and well financed team to work on pvp, implement balance (including reworking some mechanics and general unresponsiveness of skills, kittenty camera, amount of randomness as a factor, unintentional canceling and some other minor annoyances), bring lacking game modes and features (scrims, tourney mode variety), and the list goes on…

The result is, we died off yet again, shocked by how much they don’t give a crap about this format.
Boredom, randomness, spam, imbalance, and boredom yet again – this is how I’d describe current pvp state.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

I can't be quiet anymore . . . (suggestions)

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Adapt to the meta.
I do not say, everything is peachy, because this meta kittening sucks.

Now having established that, I will proceed to enlighten you. In the previous condition meta, people used decoy, nullfield, portal/mirror images/blink.
Illusionary persona is not a must have – you lose some damage/1sec of invuln. – thats it.
I’d miss Ilusionists Celerity much more tbh, but thats not the point.
I can agree, that deceptive evasion is nearly mandatory if you don’t use mirror images, but surely you can live without it. In terms of boon removal, it’s not the only skill/trait that does that – you can use torch to remove conditions, and have greatsword/utilities to deal with boons (arcane thievery comes to my mind, both boon steal and condi removal).

Like I said, adapt to meta, tweak your build and get good, because all the resources are there. I do not want to be rude, but I wonder how did you become this self proclaimed “high experience in high end tournaments since beta” when you see just one-and-only rightful build, and no other possibilities, not to mention the analogy to previous heavy-condition meta we’ve already had.

I’m just saying, that OP has his priorities wrong. The change from invul to evade on Blurred frenzy was a right thing to do, but still you can use it to prevent any “more obvious” incoming damage/cc virtually whenever. It is still extremely powerful tool.

On the topic of risk-reward, I completely agree. Balance between damage and survivability is totally messed up – necromancers/engineers/rangers can endure a whole lot, and still apply tremendous (often lethal) damage in the meantime.
Same applies to the S/D thief, and more… But yes, this is something Anet needs to even out, or this game will die.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

(edited by sid.9870)

I can't be quiet anymore . . . (suggestions)

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


First of all, Terror was there all the time, just like fear chains – its nothing new, so I don’t understand why people moaned about necro being weak, while the skills considered OP now, were there from the beginning.
Secondly, s/d thieves power does not lay in the damage of his 333333 but autoattack dmg, and unblockable/boonstealing effect from Larcenous on top of nearly permanent evades. Its not as simple as “nerf 3 dmg”.

Elementalist is still a class that requires toning down, and every dedicated elementalist player who doesn’t live in denial will tell you that. Burst damage is over the roof, same as burst frequency, on top of great support (protection on demand, heavy aoe heals and peeling).

Unfortunately, same applies to the mesmers – the burst, even if comparable with damage, is even stronger than ele’s due to the fact it removes boons, so no aegis/protection will get in the way.
Moreover, Blurred frenzy also applies evade so its not “just 4k dmg ever 8 sec”, since you get immortality for 25% of your time in game if you just chain this skill (yes, just the theory but math never lies).
Speaking of condition removal on mesmer, I still don’t understand why wouldn’t you use Null Field. It is a great skill, removes plenty of conditions and used to be nearly mandatory skill back in Sep/Nov 2012 when condition meta was in play. Just to add some more, you can use torch, with a trait giving condition removal on torch skill usage, or put 10 in Inspiration for another condition removed with use of your healing skill.

And no, I do not say mesmer is viable – I do say however, that not enough condition removals on them is not the issue here.

Unfortunately, being a dedicated player, does not equal being aware of the problems with profession balance and game mechanics.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I concur with the above, apart from shatter mesmers being equal to evade thieves.
S/D is partialy the reason we don’t see mesmers around.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Offensive Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I use the scepter to immobilize. the spirit hammer to knockdown and knock back plus the pull you can use from the Greatsword. No one gets away…..

More cripple and snare would be nice though.

Condi cleanse, stability (and how many guardians in pvp can actually run spirit hammer in teamfights, not just 1v1?), and the greatsword pull is among the most telegraphed of guardian skills so it’s easily dodged.

guardian is meant to be played as a defensive profession. I have seen some guardians do fairly well offensive though, this is how you do it.
1. Do your spinning sword slash move.
2. When they get out of range pull them back to you.
3. Immobilize them.
4. Do your spinning sword slash move again.
5. Keep doing your spinning sword slash move until they die.

But asking for guardians to be more offensive viable is like asking for thieves to be bunker viable. Thieves are the worst kind of bunker in GW2, do you think they need to be more viable to be bunker specced?

Most baffling crap I’ve ever read. Of course there should be thief bunkering builds. You know, how rangers can have bunker builds but can also build offensive trapper.

Engineer can build glass cannon condi hgh or go bunker as well.

This is not unique.

Last time I checked, Whirling Wrath has a 10 sec cd, and is a channeled interruptible skill that needs melee range to pull off. If they get away, and don’t brainfart and dodge as soon as you try to do bindingly blade projectiles, you won’t catch them.

And even if you managed to pull them back, a 10 sec cd on whirling wrath won’t allow you to spin again for a good bit.

Use scepter-torch/scepter-shield instead of GS.
Or bring retreat if you want swiftness.
And don’t use Zealots Defense as a DPS skill.

Guardian, just like entire GW2, doesn’t need any more dartboard buffs.

Chains of light is a 20 sec cd. You also happen to give up a retal symbol and much of your burst aoe from greatsword just to trade for a 20 sec cd root and projectiles people can outrun.

This is like telling a warrior that if we removed the cripples/several charges from their greatsword or axe, that they should take the longbow for skill 5 root just so they can have slight uptime on a target. It’s absurd to present a single long cd root as a solution for melee uptime against classes with perma swiftness, a whole of evades, and several snares to apply to you.

There is a reason why there are no offensive guardian specs in tpvp teams, so leave the bias because bunker guard happens to be annoyingly strong out of this conversation.

There is a reason, why no successful player ever used GS in top tier tpvp – it blows.
When both retal symbol, and whirling wrath can be avoided with one dodge.
DPS Guardian has always been about massive autoattack chain on sword.
Now the reason its out of pvp is, there are classess that to the same but better (thieves, eles, mesmers, even warriors).
Please do not speak of things you have no clue about.

And I strongly disagree with every class being good at everything, as in thief bunker, since this is the root of the imbalance in this game.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Offensive Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Use scepter-torch/scepter-shield instead of GS.
Or bring retreat if you want swiftness.
And don’t use Zealots Defense as a DPS skill.

Guardian, just like entire GW2, doesn’t need any more dartboard buffs.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Allow Conditions to Critical.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


This idea gave me cancer.


Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Q broke 22min Q's Tpvp over

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Ladder. Not leeder for kittens sake.
Ladder is worth nothing – just implement AT/MAT’s and nobody will even bother looking at the ladder position anymore.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Q broke 22min Q's Tpvp over

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870



I already heard stories about “giving more time to this wonderful format” in terms of Codex Arena @gw1.
Format was great indeed, but nobody cared to play it unless it was a Z-Quest* for this arena.
End result was, Codex was empty since a week after launch.

*zaishen quest used to be an additional reward system, changing daily from arena to arena.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


To quote myself, And no, I didnt read your full post, because it was allround bullkitten and paragraphs about necro and engi were enough to proove that, now I read paragraph about ranger and I rest my case.

I read his full post, and the next one – and its still bs.

PvP needs heavy redesign in damage department, along with toning down access to conditions along with the cleanses. This way, power damage will not kill instantly and teams will seek condition pressure (pressure, non-lethal pressure from aoe, or wearing-down single target condi bursts) to speed up the killing process.
When killing requires some team effort and coordination, it’ll be alright.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


BRA may have more patience than all of us, but sure as hell he doesn’t have a slightest clue about balance in game and behavior in battle.
Everything he says is just bollocks… but yeah, carry on.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

"Rant of the week - Animations"

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


No need to ban Asura.
Just make an option in the menu to: View enemy players in PvP as Human. That way you can be an ET and everyone who looks at you can tell what the hell is going on.

I have no complaints about the Asura race, I even like a lot of their animations (side steping and dodging for example) but the advantage they gain when hiding their skill animations in their small bodies or hiding their small bodies in their pets is annoying.

I was fighting an Asura with a hammer yesterday. When the fight ended I looked at him and it looked like a small mace. Not as threatening as the large human with a massive candy cane.

That. Either make them all human, or enlarge the asuras.

One day I got totaly kitten d by asura guard with candy hammer, simply because I didnt see/recognise his banishes – point neutralised.

Animations are one thing, sounds are the other. I’m really surprised they didn’t take example from Gw1 – many important skills had not only visible animation, but also a specific sound.
No cast bars – ok, but make sure you put recognisable animations (ex. symbol of each mark above necro’s head during the cast) and tone down the effect-clusterkitten so those are actually visible.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

"Rant of the week - Animations"

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


why wouldnt he use the advantage when he competes? not doing it is against common sense, even tho he voices it out as a problem.

And yes, this was an issue mentioned long time ago, it has been a problem ever since.
Just make asuras larger in pvp, like they would be under effect of this silly rangers signet that makes people bigger… as simple as that.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Battle of Kyhlo - remove boxes

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I have better solution – use Locust swarm after you pass the boxes.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I see a solution for you – get kittening good.

If I can land all these things and I don’t play necro nor engi in competitive environment much, then theres something wrong with you.

About confusion, engineer has access to 5x 5s. +2x 3×. confusion every 15 sec (given they take recharge on bombs) and they are already specced for conditions so they benefit from this really well.
On contrary, only viable build in tournaments is shatter mesmer – which has up to 360 condi damage (compared to engineers ~1200) and applies up to 4x 3s confusion on full shatter. How exactly is that better?

And no, I didnt read your full post, because it was allround bullkitten and paragraphs about necro and engi were enough to proove that, now I read paragraph about ranger and I rest my case.

OP may be exaggerating but he spotted the problem really well, you on the other hand have no slightest clue about it.
And your argument about “on paper” can be thrown right back at you but here’s the thing… its much easier to press 3 skills on a ranger to get nearly permanent protection, burning and switfness, whilist damaging someone using 111111111 than to kill the spirits, interupt selfres, avoid poison, cleanse conditions already applied, avoid daze/stun, proceed to stunning, hit the stun through 3+ evades and dodges, start damaging, interupt healing skill and not die in the meantime. And all that done quick enough so the ranger doesnt get help from his teammates.

So please, do not speak of things you have no clue about.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Oh god…

So you say… burning as an equivalent of 6 and a half bleed, on top of actual 6 bleeds, poison and power damage (around 2 bleeds) is fine, because melee class can score a hit for 6k? Apart from backstab and eviscerate there is none capable of doing it, not to mention they are highly conditional, require standing up close and can be blocked, blinded… and no, don’t give me this crap about conditions being removed, because Engi can apply them right after 10 sec, so he will quickly burn all your condition removals, in opposite to a single block, blind or even dodge being able to deal with eviscerate/backstab whilist person attacking is in vulnerable position to get damaged unlike engineer shooting from safe range.

Not many confusions? With bomb3/pistol3 you can get over 1k dmg per skill usage with the confusion applied – thats in the meantime when your burns/bleeds/poison is ticking. And judging by recharge of mentioned skills, this is more than most mesmers can apply.

Please… just please, stop embarassing yourself.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

State of the DPS Guardian.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Another highly credible person, speaking of in-game balance whilist not being able to properly name greatsword and thief.

Let me correct you.
Guardian isn’t OP in any spec we currently have.
2h sword -greatsword- is easy to deal with, with just one key! Dodge, and then press another key and keep holding it to run away while staying out of range. Thats it.
Double dagger -thief- is actually really good against any DPS guardian, as long as he can dodge, wait and then apply incredible amount of damage. Yet, if he can’t dodge – he’ll die to any other class/spec just as well.

To stay on topic, we cannot ask for DPS guardian buffs, cause it will feed powercreep.
I’d even say, leave them as they are – there’s enough of gap closers to stay on your target in 2v2-4v4 encounter but guardian like that, also applies some defensive support, with stability, protection, projectile absorption, blind, etc. so they would be really fine in a team fight, for players who utilise the support along the dmg.
If you’d want a roaming dps guardian – either take staff or Retreat, this way you sacrifice something for mobility. This way, your defensive support along with damage is either lowered or comes to help later, giving an opponent fair time to react.

tl;dr guardian is fine, deal with the rest.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


If you want warriors, mesmers and most notably eles buffed, you sir, have no idea about neither balance nor state of forementioned classess whatsoever.

All 3 of them, would require slight toning down in a few skills/traits to be balanced, but they are sure close to perfection.

Problem is with the necro’s, thieves and rangers – these are insanely strong and imbalanced as kitten.
Whilist engi would need some small rework on couple things (perma vigor/swiftness, perma burning, no recharge on kits) to be ok.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


This is the problem… you cannot see further than the end of your nose.
You can’t bring nonsense warrior into a team comp, only because he can clean himself – theres 4 other people to deal with him, if necro isn’t suited for this task.

You can clean 9001 conditions? Great, I’d be the first one to send a power thief after you, and what you gonna do then? Even so, how exactly does your team benefit from your ability to 1v1 a necro in a 3v3/4v4 scenario?

Instead of telling people to stop QQing try comprehending the problem from tournament, not 1v1 pov.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Constructive LB rank fix Pros/Cons

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Only reasonable solution is to show both.

Example Nickname 32 #325

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Constructive LB rank fix Pros/Cons

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Here’s the main flaw: ladder position means just as much as rank – nothing.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

State of the DPS Guardian.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


And here they come… clueless people and their crazy ideas…

Apart from the nonsense, Guardian wasn’t designed to be a bunker/tank/callitwhatyouwant, it was meant to be a warrior with sort of defensive support, and less dmg in balanced setup.
It turned out, to become full tank, due to powercreep in damage and self preservance department (most notably crit dmg) where balanced guardians dps is a mere 400-700 per hit (s/d thief 3k dmg, regen for rangers/wars is above 700 per sec).

And about this “theres no other tank” how about you try Ele… it has everything required from mid guardian – aoe stability, protection, regeneration/heals and can soak up lots of dmg if you build it right.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


When’s the last time you saw a high-level team run without a bunker guardian you say?
-DPS IRL (6/09/13) SOAC/TDTV Tournament, no guardian.

And yeah, this meta is bollocks. Worst meta I’ve played in, in Gw2 and really reminds me of what Anet did to dervishes in Gw1.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

State of the DPS Guardian.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I played gs/staff even before Retal nerf (yeah, long time ago) when getting 8k retal dmg after initial burst was the issue. After that, powercreep hit everything so hard, this build is no longer viable and I even deleted it from my build board.

And people did not play bunker guardians since release, this abominations came to life around winter. Before you could encounter many many berserker guardians, greatswords, offensive sets on defensive guardians etc.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Err adapt? This means, bring spirit ranger and necromancer for mid fights so they can clean conditions from other spirit ranger and necromancer…


Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

State of the DPS Guardian.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Yomo, Yomo!
Crit chance is added, but it’s not visible.

In general, there are a couple of varians for DPS guardian, all of them being really nice and whatnot, but thing is – at least in tournament meta – everything else is just way too strong compared to guardians, so they can’t be taken into consideration for serious team compositions.
And yeah, mobility is the only thing DPS guardian lacks, apart from general nerf to damage on other classess.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I knew I forgot about something to mention above… AT’s/MAT’s.

That part about smaller teams… They have no real option, either compete in the same bucket with top tier players, lose ladder position and get laughed at by other people when they try to find a team…. or not compete at all.
This is why I find the need to implement unranked 5v5, for smaller teams to practise, casuals to play on regular basis, and leave the hermetic, highly competitive pvp for people who seek strong opponents, and strong opponents only.

Now we’re all put in the same place, probably due to lack of playerbase – but by doing nothing, or implementing other flawed designs (cough soloq cough) we will not enlarge it.
I personally cannot go into a 5v5 with guildmates that are fairly new to tournaments, simply because some people may moan about losing their ladder position and not giving a kitten about preparing new players, testing tactics or experimenting with builds. This also promotes rolling form/meta builds and in the end result, makes pvp worse.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Like I said somewhere, we lack couple of crucial game modes.
That includes:
- unranked 5v5 for people trying to get good as a team, or mentor friends/guildies through tournament mechanics/tactics, already mentioned by Phantaram in this board
-ranked premade 5v5 only, for most competitive players
-TDM slaughter, for both, people keen on killing and those trying to learn the combat mechanics with a chosen party size (2v2,3v3,5v5 whatever)

No 1v1 mode though – if this game even tries to be balanced for 1v1 matchups it will fail a big time.

@up I’d be the last person to care about the ladder, but ever since its the ONLY form of comparison, besides general consideration of someone being good/known/skilled/whatnot, I have to admit it slightly matters. Now if you let it be affected by random factors like beating 4+1’s it will mean even less.
And may I remind you, that most of people (I knew) decided to drop out from competitive format back in november/october 2012 due to no real goal in pvp (no ladder, no promised custom arenas to practise, just free tournaments and no ability to scrim, etc).

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

(edited by sid.9870)

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Problem doesn’t exist… let it be, but the general attitude is still far from willingness to deliver a serious format if you allow such deviations in ladder to happen in something that is supposed to be the most serious pvp format/game mode in game.

So instead promoting advanced competitive players, they are pleasing carebears.
How people decide to play this game? I, just like many others, decided to play competitively, where luck and randomness is minor factor and skill, abilities and persistence are what counts. There is no such thing.

There are many things that need fixing ASAP (vide profession balance, animations, visibility on field aka no more clusterkitten, observe mode for own past matches, skill templates, and the list goes on), and instead of that what competitive players demand, we’re getting the same thing under different name, as in Team Arena, and Solo Arena which is a joke.

And yes, I’d prefer TDM format instead of Random 5v5 on tournament rules, simply because it doesn’t work – its neither fun, nor rewarding. It doesn’t even let people learn since its too difficult for clueless muppets to catch on with the tactics – so yeah, I feel like newcomers would benefit more from simple manslaughter (as in, converging, targeting, positioning, protecting teammates, staying alive, stomping, resing, etc) than this.

Constructive enough?

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Conclusion is, TA, including its ladder is a joke – since you can just beat teams with soloquer who are meant to lose.
Great way to improve the level of competitive play, great Esport we’ve got there.

Like I said, this game requires way more Pvp modes, cause what we’ve got is bollocks.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Do something about sync queuing....

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


well, ever since I had 6-1 I started getting total morons in my team, resulting in 6-7 right now so yeah…

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

SoloQ is so stressful!!!

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Help and coach you say, John.
Don’t forget, that more advanced players, and their advices are considered a bad mannered and are either responded with trash talk or simply ignored.

This… doesn’t… work, and saying “you’re all awesome and such, just have some patience and bear with the ungrateful newbs, quitters, flamers and stubborn/tacticaly mindless people” is just like slap in the face.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


The very design of SA is flawed. Format is too difficult for a random group – it turns out to be mindless zergfest, or 5 people roaming around the map without a slightest idea where to go and what to do.
Capping points, defending them, roaming, side objectives, coordination, teaming up with allies (as in not going all alone into a 1v3)… none of this is present.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Thats why Hotjoin was implemented. Solo Arena is nothing more than 5v5 hotjoin, people are mostly dumb, clueless and stubborn. Nobody gives a rats kitten about any form of coordination, tactics or whatnot, and usually these 2 kittens cost you the match.

How is it a good experience for anyone? How do you learn from that? Do tell.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


My problem is, target focus is not the players that give a kitten about competitive scene in GW2, but the casual whiners who come and never come back again.
Problem is, the community is waiting for proper balance and fairness in PvP, not some more unnecessary bollocks.

E: More on that, I’d love to see unrated TA to guide or teach your buds, on how does tourney look without meeting solid premades on the way.
I’d love to see the work towards making it a skill based game, instead of sheer luck being main factor. This… is my problem.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

(edited by sid.9870)

Thieves Ruin PVP In This Game

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Let me correct you, 1vs1 is not PvP, neither is hotjoin.
Not every team has a S/D thief in top tier tournaments (they either have none, which doesn’t really happen atm, or they use D/P).

I don’t say, thief isn’t annoying or too strong – it sure as hell requires some balancing/polishing but… problem lays as deep as class design and this is not an easy thing to overcome.
So in the end I wouldn’t count on any proper balancing – thieves will either be non-existent or too powerful.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Ty for what exactly? Solo q for Tournament is still there, they added a solo q to the left, so all the solo qqers can gather up and flame eachother.
The amount of synonyms Anet throws at us is impressive, everything else is just the same kitten under a different name.

Pun intended.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


This whole thing, apart from being a total misfit did one thing great – it shown that it is a TEAM based game, and random group of individuals will never be truly successful.

Now something constructive. Before I get into this whole proper matchmaking Ill let the arena slide for a moment, but – who in the right mind puts another rng factor into pvp? Not like we need any more. I mean sure, somewhat new format with equally low chances to win for everyone is fine, let it be, but putting a Leaderboard to RANDOM Arena is plain stupid – you cannot carry a team all by yourself, so its basically new “Lucky” title, for whoever had better teammates.

I imagine, this [leaderboard] was added (or rather will be, since its not up in the moment of writing this, afaik) to encourage people to play it… but I have to ask why. Why wouldn’t you just make pvp playable, enjoyable and rewarding all by itself? Ah ye, who gives a kitten about it…

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

afk/leaving report with pvp temp ban needed

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Enough reports on one person = Dishonorable.
As simple as that.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Tourney Glory rewarding

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Exactly. It’s just people moaning, cause they dont get enough rank points. Jeez.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]