On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
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On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I just checked the wiki and it looks like there is no specific reason given. It’s possible I’m overthinking a fantasy-themed computer game. Still, somehow it just seems odd to me.
Overall, I have greatly enjoyed playing GW2 – I played regularly for almost a year, which is a new MMO record for me, and I feel they have introduced several new ideas that will stick with MMOs in general. Typically whenever I stop playing an MMO I’ve played for a while, I continue to browse the forums, I think to try and analyze why I just don’t feel compelled to play anymore. I think that really I just continually want ‘new’ things. I can’t really quantify how ‘new’ is new enough, though, and words are mostly about quantification. And, some of the stuff in GW2 always seemed weird to me, I just ignored it for a while.. as far as why I think anything in a fantasy-themed computer game is ‘too weird’, I have no idea.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
and then.. I stopped playing.
I for one have never ever browsed a game forum dedicated to a game I don’t play.
I’m not sure I understand the point of your post.. however, I’ll further explain myself, because it seems like fun somehow.
I’m waiting for other games to come out, and in the meantime, browsing these forums is fun for me.. somehow.. It’s also possible I’ll play GW2 sometime again in the future.
Still, can anyone explain why it is that the Dragon Bash organizers constructed holographic machines that create creatures that try to kill DB celebrators?
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Take camps, kill yaks, pick off stragglers trying to rejoin the zerg, attempt to take weak towers or just attack em for distraction/fun, flip mercenaries
My main suggestion is to avoid the enemy zerg(s)
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
My issue here is with the lines the characters involuntarily spout when getting boons, receiving conditions, leveling, etc. Why isn’t there some way to turn these off? It takes me out of the game, because they say things I would never actually have the character say, or ever say in general.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
If you go to Tarnished Coast, you can roleplay as a mule with whatever you like.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
is this serious? because it is also funny
Perhaps, perhaps not, could be, could not be, maybe, maybe not, possibly, possibly not
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Mules in GW1 were deliberately made to hold stuff. Your default vault in GW1 is pretty big, and the inventory is decent too once you get the stock bags, more if you’re willing to grind for it. You can do the same type of thing in GW2, but it’s less necessary since you can buy more vault slots and inventory slots.. although I suppose people will tend to mule it up more as they release more unique event stuff
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Crossfire (AMD’s SLI) did work for me in GW2. The game still lagged in heavily populated areas like Lion’s Arch and WvW, but it did seem to be about twice as fast in render-heavy areas that didn’t require much CPU. I also had all the settings turned up to max. The GW2 engine is pretty light in GPU terms for a modern game, although it does look quite nice, so kudos for that. I say ‘had’ etc because I sold my second card, because in general Crossfire/SLI isn’t worth the money, you rarely get anything near a 2x speedup, and in some cases it actually makes things crash and/or act strangely.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
A donkey and a horse, that’s all you need
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I started to lose sense of it all when during Dragon Bash, the organizers put up holographic generators that would spawn monsters that attack me and try to kill me. I guess the in-game NPCs that were running the Bash really wanted to emulate the dragons, down to trying to kill people who participate in the festivities.. does that make any sense? Maybe it does, in Tyria.. and then.. I stopped playing.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I enjoy the real-time feel of GW2’s combat, but ultimately the simplified skill set and small amount of boons and conditions make it boring for me.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I hope ArenaNet someday addresses the skill lag issues, which are particularly annoying in WvW since you are fighting actual people. Admittedly, however, I’ve given up on it happening anytime soon. I could be wrong.
To me, it’s only the issues of assigning the manpower required to recode the client/server and/or spending the money required to upgrade the servers. I don’t know that ArenaNet is willing to do either. They are probably making most of their money at this point from the PvE-type content.
To me, WvW seems like an afterthought ANet had – “Why don’t we put this in just to have it?”, whereas in DAoC it is pretty much the whole focus of the game (nobody plays Trials of Atlantis :P). I think this shows in the lack of map variety, the initial obvious culling issues, and the continuing existence of very obvious map-wide skill lag.
If you play GW2 as a game where WvW is just a fun thing to do, but not particularly meaningful, you might still enjoy GW2. Personally, if GW2 hadn’t had WvW, I probably wouldn’t have bought it. So, for me, GW2 is basically over. The dynamic event system and shared kill credit/harvesting nodes are quite good too, though, and I am glad I experienced those. They did make the game much more enjoyable for me.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
The gameplay in GW2 is ultimately too simplified for me. There just aren’t enough skills, and there are a very small amount of stock conditions and boons compared to every other MMOG I’ve played.
Part of the fun of GW1 is in finding elite skills and skill trainers, but personally I don’t miss having to restart a mission completely because you didn’t pick that one perfect skill for whatever enemies are there.
ArenaNet just went too far in simplifying the gameplay in GW2. The highly detailed world and lore help to keep the game engaging, but ultimately, I ran out of those. Still, for a free to play MMOG, GW2 is quite good. Just don’t ever buy any actual gems, or you may never stop
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
ArenaNet might do like other games and add extra snazz with DX11 while still supporting DX9. I think most people would rather they add core gameplay like guildhalls etc etc first though. Perhaps they’ll add DX10+ support in an expansion
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
If you don’t like it, don’t spend any real money to get scraps. If you really don’t like it, don’t play GW2 anymore. There’s plenty of other games, and even some very soon to release..
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Posting memes is the new meme.. riiiiiiiiight????////////11111111111one!! OVER 900000000000000000
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Kites are clearly OP, or UP, or PP, or TCP/IP.. LMNOP…. PDP-11 20 bit words
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
TC will run multiple blobs when it’s necessary, but often it’s not.
I think the only way to fix the ‘zerg always wins’ issue is to make the maps larger, or lower the caps per map. I’d rather see larger maps but I think that is impossible with the current engine. Also there is still the issue of skill lag, which would also lessen with lower caps. AND, they could make the current maps seem larger by removing lake(s) and purely NPC areas (skritt, centaurs, etc).
For those that still enjoy WvW, enjoy!
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Re: the complexity of fixing skill lag.. Dark Age of Camelot has been out since 2001 and has had WvW (RvR) from the beginning, also with 3 realms. DAoC has always had one giant RvR map which is overall larger than any single GW2 WvW map and probably larger than all 3 WvW maps combined for that matter.
I never noticed any skill lag on DAoC, and when I first started playing it I was on a modem, or maybe 64k ISDN (it’s hard to remember that far back..). DAoC had similarly large amounts of people, particularly in the olden days with the classic RvR map at the good ole Emain mile gate. I think there was some rendering lag with that many people, but you could turn down your settings. Oh, I never noticed culling back then, either. I don’t think it existed (or exists now on DAoC).
DAoC actually has more abilities overall than GW2, although it does lack the ‘realtime’ combat style. DAoC also doesn’t have any sort of ‘dodge’ mechanic, which I think is really what would make the combat more complex to handle (no computer game has genuinely ‘realtime’ anything, it’s always divided up into chunks one way or the other).
SO, overall, I know Arenanet could fix this skill lag issue with modern CPUs and coding techniques since Mythic had it figured out 12 years ago. Whether they are willing to do so, I don’t know. They did say months ago that they are working on it, but.. months ago. It’s entirely possible that they have done the financial math and have decided it’s just not worth the investment.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Rye tround. Write rye tround
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Yeah, culling has nothing to do with skill lag, except that both involve large amounts of players. If anything skill lag seems a little better than before, when culling also happened to still be in the game.. it’s still quite bad though, and yeah, it basically ruins the experience for me.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I too have lately been finding WvW to be stale. I’m also on Tarnished Coast, which is sort of a T1.5 server that is either going to win massively against T2+ or lose .. semi-massively against T1. I’ve also been playing the game since release and I think I’m just burnt out on GW2 in general at this point.
Regardless, I think these would help make WvW more fun
1) larger/more maps. new maps would help here too
2) remove skill lag in large battles. yeah, it affects everyone, but it’s still the opposite of fun
3) try removing the aoe limit or increasing it, see what happens, if it works, yay, if not, change it back
4) some sort of new condition that causes more damage to targets in a zerg.. like ‘target takes X damage per second for each of their allies that is within X units of them’, or a straight one-hit version.. this might break keep defense though..
5) randomized rules for WvW would be interesting in general, and they could have some of the rules somehow discourage zergs
I generally run in a zerg in WvW myself. In my experience, a decent thief who knows their stuff can 1v1 basically anyone, or just run away if they somehow can’t down them. This discourages me from roaming. There’s also the issue of me running into a zerg or large group, but I can see them coming and can run. I have played a thief and while it is fun, I do feel cheap just stealthing away at the first sign of danger.. but that is what thieves are meant to do in this game. And it works quite well.
Regarding burnout, a more complex selection of skills a la most MMOs would help. This is basically against GW2’s whole casual-friendly focus though, so I doubt it’s going to happen.
Overall, I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of GW2. I find the lore to be expansive and well-done overall. I’m not sure what the human PCs mean when they say ’I’m so good it hurts’. I guess in GW2 humans are just endlessly sarcastic. Did I mention I think I’m just burned out on GW2 in general. It was fun while it lasted. Regardless, I do think my suggestions would help WvW.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I haven’t actually WvW’d this week, but when I do, ohhhhhhhhhhh babyyyyyyy.
Are you ready for some WvW ball? A someday night party? Me and all my rowdy friends are gon’ be rowdin’ it up TLC style (Tender Lovin’ Coast).
Awwwww yeahhhhhhh.
BRING IT, cuz I haven’t, not yet, that’s just MAH TECHNIQUE
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
In new randomized WvW, SPAWN CAMPS YOU!
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Ditto, the Trading Post is also intermittently going down minutes after logging in, when usually it takes a few hours
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I prefer gelato over ice cream. Try it if you never have. And if you have, congratulations. And if you can’t remember if you have or haven’t, try it again, or think really hard, until something pops out of there, could be anything, you won’t know until you try.
I played on SoR for a few months and their organization is quite impressive, particularly if you log onto their TS server. If either TC or SoS ends up with a higher number of points at the end of the week, I’ll be amazed.
TC has enough numbers at certain times to put up a good fight, though, and I am having fun. Even if we end up with lower points, I enjoy the randomized matches, for the.. randomness. And I’ve already learned new things just by dying a few times last night
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
As per my post in the “Who would you like to face next week” thread…. i wanted to face TC, and Anet has answered!
I think it will be very apparent just how massive the gap between t1 and t2 is….. and hopefully Anet shelves this silly system.
Who is silly, the one called silly, or the one calling silly? Answer – SILLY
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
This one has to be fun one way or the other
If nothing else, we can not lose as bad as some people think, but guess what,
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Wait until reset.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Got ta keep it clean in heah, T1. BE CHILL
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I used to get annoyed when people would /laugh or whatnots. But I don’t care anymore. It’s a game. It’s a gaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Also, sometimes I do stupid stuff.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Every server is good, everyone wins, have a cookie, eat a delicious fruit & veggie combo, fry some meat, dance dance dance, quaggans, Charlie’s house, ballistae, burning oil mastery, WXP rank 39439, Platinum Corporal, STONEMIST CASTLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Heal Also, apparently some of the WvW maps don’t have the new retal reduction. I haven’t seen any update saying it’s fixed, anyway.
Personally I just fire off my barrage and see what happens I typically live.
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Loser down winner up would result in endless flip flopping between the same two tiers for people on the ‘halfway point’. It would give a little more variety, but not really :P
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
I am having fun with this. I think all of FA is in their BL in one massive zerg And trebbing themselves, to try and help us! Thanks for trying, but.. we’ll let you wipe us a few times. WE’RE NICE
Randomized WvW = enjoyable for me. I’m sure we’ll get severely worked at some point by a higher-PPT server, and I’ll learn stuff, and I’ll wait for next week
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
So far I’m enjoying this. I’m sure some week we’ll get wtfpwnzed by one of the T1 guys or a lower server that is just better at PPT than us, but I’ll learn things, it will be unique, I will have fun.
I think this is the best thing to happen to WvW since.. it started.. Along with all the other stuff they’ve added
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Okay so as per Devon the dev’s post ~2 minutes ago, the randomized matchups ARE on for today. PARTY ON
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Woah! Awesome! Thanks for the hard, dedicated work on this. I am excited to see how it turns out
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Oh my, so based on the latest dev post, we’re in the same tiers for at least this week whilst they tweak the algorithms some more.
DB v TC v FA ==
WHO WILL WIN??/////////
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Update (see third dev post below) – new matchups are today, but leaderboards (on the website) won’t show the actual matchups right away
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
(edited by sparklevision.8109)
Randomized splits means ….. ?? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? WHATTTTTTTT
Good fights all, I’ve been enjoying myself lately, I hope you all are too, keep it real, get down on it
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Fort Aspenwood, more like COURT TASKIN’ GOOD
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Drgaonbrand, more like FLAGON STAND
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Undermanned buffs in EB just make us THAT MUCH MIGHTIER!
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
What about the 4v-1?
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Annnnnnd.. we may still fight DB (sometimes) when the randomization kicks in. Regardless,
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013