Showing Posts For squallaus.8321:

Suggestion: Chak Egg Sac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Does anybody know how the queue system and the trading post works? If you submit a buy order for 10k , other people submit one for the same amount and then you submit a second one for 10 k, does your second order wait in queue or does it automatically move to the front of the line with your first order?

One possible explanation for why the data does not add up with my experience on the trading post is that I noticed throughout this time there is a buyer that has placed more than one order.

This might be a resourceful wealthy power trader that fills one order, due to the low trade volume of this item, has the second order on standby to maintain position in queue as the next order to be filled, sells the first item on Reddit for a profit since it trades above 10k and there is no listing fee, and replenishes gold to continuously queue additional buy orders of the item making it inaccessible to the rest of the buy orders.

This would force players into Reddit to obtain the item and bear that risk making it inaccessible through the TP.

yes that could be happening. the only way to counter that is really just for everyone stick to trading post. one of the above posters is correct. About 3 months ago this item was selling. It was when the legendary armor first came out. People needed gold. So orders started to fill on the trading post.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Plague Signet passive kills in cities etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Think i’ll have to second this motion. There are some players out there just trying to be annoying to others going around try to break people’s gear when they afk. Make plague signet passive only work while in combat please. I shouldn’t need to change my utility skills while standing in town just to prevent my gear from breaking just in case a bunch of idio%s shows up.

Legendary Trinket questions/discussion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Can we please have a way to allow players to craft more than 1 of these trinkets per account? I want to have them on more than 1 character.

Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Raiment

in WvW

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Just thought I’d put this idea out there.
Was hoping the developers can make the white wings in-combat effects of the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero’s Raiment armor as an infusion effect that comes with the armor when purchased. This way players can move the effects to some other armor if they don’t like the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero’s Raiment skin itself.

Considering it needs 2k ranking just to be able to buy it, I think anet should allow players the extra flexibility to choose their own armor skin and keep the white wings at the same time.

Getting kicked out of fractals after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Was doing some fractals daily runs after the patch. Party got keep getting kicked about 15 minutes after we start. This happened 3 times in a roll. Twice on the Swamp lv 89 and once on lv94 Cliffside before we decided to call it a night and report this.
When we get kicked we got the message cannot access login server or something. The whole party was kicked.

Can someone please look into it?

Foefire wraps engravings not glowing on human

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321



Just noticed the engravings for the Foefire Wraps around the hand area are not glowing on my human female Mesmer, only the top parts are glowing. On my necromancer female asura it works perfectly with all of the engravings glowing.

Can you please fix this so that all parts of the engravings are glowing for human females?


Wanted to add that this problem seem to be intermittent. Not sure what’s triggering it to not work some times but work at other times. Changing maps seem to make it glow for a little while then it stops.

Also if I have “Exhalted Coat” skin on the body part for my human female Mesmer, the engravings around the hand area seem to glow, when it does glow, in the colour of the Exhalted coat colour, not the colour I specified for the engravings for the foefire wraps. When it doesn’t glow, then it shows the right dye colour that I specified for the wraps.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Fractal100 Last Boss Solo Power Mesmer S/S

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Could even be crusader stat type if there’s healing in there. power, toughness ferocity and healing power.

Fractal100 Last Boss Solo Power Mesmer S/S

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321



boss dmg on him seem very low… don’t think he’s using zerker gear… crit rate also seem low… maybe cavalier?

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Except lily also keep claiming minions are bad and condition removal is a non issue. Both of which are untrue. Then he goes on about how minions are not suppose to be for group support and tank build. BS. Minions boost both areas. Never mind death magic, blood magic is equality pathetic without minions. The supposed healing/sustain from blood magic simply isn’t good enough without minions assistance. Death magic having bad traits was never a contention. But the good ones are really good.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


No… No it isn’t. Blood magic is were you get all the support from. Death does nothing for your support. And if you are so concerned about conditions, I’ve mentioned multiple times that Revenant does it far better than we do. Demon stance. But we don’t see Revenants in high end content. Why? Why than would we seen necromancers over revenants in high end content? Well, its actually because of the necromancer’s condition build. Not because of their support. Many players opt to not take any support, favoring Curses, Soul reaping and reaper. Death only came into the equation during that short window of time when Minions were good.

Nope, blood magic fueling life force with Unholy Martyr could potentially have dire consequences. But because the condition removal via minions and condition cleansing by shrouded removal is so good, you can now take Unholy Martyr freely without any worries. That is trait synergy.

But I don’t want Death to be one note. And that was One of the points I was making in this Forum post. Death is a one note specialization. You don’t even argue that it isn’t. You can’t, you just double down on being wrong about everything.

Or maybe your bias against death magic prevents you from seeing there are more than 1 good trait in there. And the good ones are just enough to make for a very well rounded tank build. Better than Soul Reaping + other combinations.

Never said a lot. Also the enemies that tend to stun a lot don’t tend to use very many conditions. From what I’ve noticed its raw damage. Aka, you want to be able to soak damage, not worry about a few piddly conditions.

Also, no you didn’t read that right. Saying that its more of a problem isn’t saying that its a major problem. Don’t misconstrue my words.

Clutch moments? I’ve had a few, mostly on classes I’m less familiar with, such as engineer. Clutch on my necromancer though? As rare as a Precursor drop.

I should also point out that my primary roaming build on necromancer has quite a bit of condi cleans on it. Not for fear of the condis that foes apply to me, but because I apply conditions to myself. And the immobilization and Chill is annoying, but if those ever become a problem I can just take Relentless Pursuit… I don’t need to dedicate an entire trait line to get one trait. I can just change one trait around on a specialization I already use.

Sounds like a case of being carried by your party than the other way round. Any one who has prevented their party from wiping will tell you other wise.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Who trolls people with transfusion? You must have garbage friends. Since I’ve always used it to pull allies out of DPS or in our last Sabetha kill, on the opposite side of the fire wall when a few people were downed. Transfusion is better support because the healers of the group, although they can heal can’t always save someone without risking their own skin.

That trait has always been a double edged sword. Before you use shroud 4, you always have to take note of whether your allies are still up or not. If you don’t take precaution it will land the allies in deeper strife than they would have been.

Although I will admit to one mistake I’ve made. Your build isn’t a Niche. I’m sorry, that implies it has some use. I’m terribly sorry. Its a gimmick build. Not actually useful.

A gimmick build that boasts the best group support for the necromancer in terms of condition removal and transfer as well as a tank build that provides the best rounded coverage in terms of survival, all empowered by Death Magic + Blood Magic synergy. You certainly aren’t biased at all when selecting what builds to use.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


You keep claiming I’m out of touch with the game when you’ve never given an example of how. I play all aspects of PvE, not just Fractals and Raids. (Which btw, Fractals has some of the hardest hitting conditions in the game and I still don’t need to rely on death.)

No I completely get you now. You’re the type of player that either not die or get killed in a couple of hits and therefore don’t need much condi cleansing. Which unbeknownst you is an extreme narrow view of what the players will experience in this game.

If that’s the case you are extremely bad at the game. Open world conditions are low damage most the time and the conditions that can actually hurt you(Aka in the living world and occasionally HoT maps) are few and far between. Not only that you don’t need to cleans them every 3 seconds if you’re an active and mobile player. And for the ones that do hit you hard they generally are extremely short duration.

You’re the one who dies before noticing the large array of conditions that could be inflicted on the players in this game. And its not every 3 seconds its more often than that with minion and trait support; scalable to fighting many enemies at once.

You didn’t correct anything, you showed your ignorance about how grouping works in the high end game modes I was talking about. And its not invalid if the forum post WAS ABOUT THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Learn to read, you just keep doubling down on being wrong. Stop it.

You’re the ignorant one who refuse to acknowledge how well minions work with death magic because of your inherent bias against minions dating as far back as your gw1 days.

FINALLY! I’m getting somewhere. Yes, it is true. This is the point of the post. See, I see that you are struggling to keep to your own side. If you actually read the post you wouldn’t need to keep doubling down on being wrong. Just admit that you are wrong and lets move on. I hope this is a lesson for you to actually read the topic of discussion before making assumptions.

While minions aren’t perfect, they work a lot better than you are claiming them to be. For one blood fiend alone is the best heal for necromancers in the pve mode. But of course you would rather take consumed conditions instead. Indirectly gimping yourself.

Coming from the guy who can’t read that’s laughable.

Laugh all you want delusional elitist. You are the one out of touch and have no idea how to make a tank build.

Condition application in PvE is most frequently done in bursts. While you are slowly pulling conditions every 3 seconds a revenant could just pull all of the conditions onto herself and call it a day. And! she can repeat it plus gain resistance. Rapid? a single condition every 3 seconds is not rapid.(Oh and not to mention she gives resistance to allies…. But lets ignore that little fact, while your allies take unnecessary damage when they could have been given resistance.)

It not 1 per 3 second. It is 1 condition per minion every 10 seconds from all party members + 3 per 3 second with plague signet on. Blood fiend, golum, rise that give up to 6 minions and some jaggered horrors that is a lot of condition removal support for the whole party. While you are in shroud, you lose plague signet support and you pull conditions from minions and allies, and minions pull them back from you or they get cleansed by shrouded removal. It is way more powerful than what you make death magic out to be. While minions are not perfect they work extremely well with death magic. So well to the point I’d argue against getting rid of minions, which you have kept on asking for, but instead improve the minions control mechanic.

I actually excluded minions from this equation because they are not designed with supporting your allies in mind, nor were they designed with tanking in mind. Minions are for your personal benefit. They only indirectly benefit allies, much like dealing more DPS indirectly benefits allies. But if you actually read the post you’d have known that rather than being confused about it. You seem to have just skimmed the topic and were deeply and personally offended by what I posted without understanding the context. Which is why I say you can’t seem to read. Because you didn’t.

Oh there you go with the holier than thou attitude. Oh of course the necromancer shouldn’t be able to assist team members. What makes you think minions aren’t designed with support in mind? What makes you think they aren’t designed with tanking in mind? The trait Necromatic Corruption and the utility skill Rise suggest other wise.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Spreading your allies conditions and the damage dealt as a result of that should be credited to the allies as well as the necromancer. Without both the damage dealt would have never happened. Whether it “grant” the allies more dps or not is simply a difference in the way that is counted. But the bottom line is, you just assisted your allies in dealing more damage to the enemies with THEIR conditions not yours.

But Squallaus, that is no support. Whatever the way you want to put it, it is not any kind of support. It’s just the necromancer taking advantage of what the other give.

Whether it “grant” the allies more dps or not is simply a difference in the way that is counted.

But that’s what make the difference between support and dps lol. The support is purely altruistic the dps is purely selfish. If you don’t give anything to your allies and take their everything to do more damage, you are just ding damage and in no way you are doing any kind of support.

This is the very difference.

Meteor shower take all the support from the boons, buff and vulnerability stacks to do more damage.
Epidemic, the same way, take all the support from boons, buff and every other conditions that your allies put on the ennemy to do more damage. It does not “spread” the conditions of your allies, it copy these conditions, make them yours and apply them to the ennemies surrounding your target so that you can do a lot of damages.

Epidemic give absolutely nothing to your allies and thus, it can’t be listed as a “support” skill. If it was really spreading their conditions, you wouldn’t see their damage and the condition damage wouldn’t depend of your conditions damages. Just like Plague signet who send back conditions on you and neither show you their damage nor does it apply your conditions damages to these conditions.

It would be a support skill like you describe it if there weren’t any condition damage correction and if they were the one to see the condition damage real time.

If the damage numbers changed and were kept track of who’s conditions were spread to nearly enemies then suddenly every one would be praising how awesome necromancers are in helping them with their dps. This is only a difference in the way that it is counted. If the necromancer claim the damage done by epidemic, using his allies conditions is his personal dps, i’d argue that its the player that is selfish not the skill itself.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Actually… No no I’m not. I specifically mentioned PvE… Hell I’ll quote myself. Since you can only read in small chunks it seams. THIS HAS BEEN MY FOCUS FROM THE START! READ THE FREAKIN INTRO!

YES YOU ARE out of touch with the different areas of the game in the PVE environment. You vastly underestimate the amount of conditions that are inflicted on players.

INow this is coming from a PvE perspective and you’re welcome to chime in on PvP and WvW in this post, however due note that this is going to be mostly about PvE and not the other game types.

All along I was talking about PVE. You are the one that has is misconstrued.

Wrong! This is the entire point! Read the intro.

Your invalid bashing of Death Magic did not go unnoticed hence either the corrections from me that followed.

Its hard to argue that there are just superior professions in both these categories when talking about necromancer.

That maybe true, but it does not distract from the fact that death magic + blood magic makes for a better more rounded Tank build, due to better trait synergy, than soul reaping + any other combination. Also other profession can’t absorb negative connections from allies then pass them back to the enemy. This is unique to necromancer. This type of support is made easier to control with the Death Magic specialization.

You’re the one that is being ignorant here.

And yet it over shadows other traits that would be wanted for the same builds. But I also specifically excluded the minions from the equation in my initial post too. Because those traits are actually good and I’ve already made a post about minion changes. But those are not trait changes. And I’ve dedicated a lot of time to all of these ideas..

No you don’t get to selectively choose what you personally like or dislike, discard it, then bash that specialization it is lacking or weak because you choose to ignore minions. Not over showed by others at all. I bet you the HP saved from the rapid condi cleansing provided by death magic out weights the extra health gained by transfusion. The only thing transfusion is good for is the teleport rez feature during clutch moments in 100CM runs. It is also good for trolling friends by teleporting them into the enemy while they are being rezzed.

Death magic: I think this trait line on its own is a big enough issue that it should get its own section. The most useful traits in Death magic are for minions and since minions aren’t that good at the moment its become fairly forgotten. Death magic seems to lack real identity outside of its minions and while it does seem to have the designated defense role in the Necromancer’s specialization lines, it fails in this catagory especially when compared to soul reaping which just provides greater sustain.

Even though minions aren’t as good atm, in combination with death magic + blood magic, it still makes for a better rounded Tank build with party support than soul reaping + any other combination.

Its better than Death now. Because of Foot in the Grave and its life force generation. Conditions? Those rarely kill me. (In fact they almost never do. Even with Agony.) But you know what does end up killing me the most often since the game’s launch? Stuns! An area in the game with a high number of outgoing conditions? Pfff… I’ll just use the build I run around with now and Solo it… Hell, I used to solo run people through fractals on my necromancer for fun. (spoilers, I never used death magic there either.) However, if I’m in an area with a high level of Stuns? Ho boy, that does concern me, I’ll change my build for that.

oh look who can’t dodge now? did I read that right? you get killed by stuns a lot? By the sound of things you died before the conditions kicks in. Maybe you are right in some aspects. For players that drop quickly like you during clutch moments maybe they really don’t need excellent condi cleanse provided by Death Magic. They’d be dead before they get to feel the hurt from the conditions.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Oh you are absolutely out of touch. You absolutely underestimate the amount of conditions the players receive across the different areas of the game because you are too focused on T4s and raid. Just as you underestimate how good some of the traits are in death magic.

While some people may take the opportunity to laugh at a tank build that does not use soul reaping because it does not conform to the norm, it does not distract from the fact that it has much better coverage to serve the purpose of Tanking and party Support than Soul Reaping + any other combination can offer. Whether this is as good as other classes is again besides the point. While you may be unhappy with some traits in the death magic specialization line and that they needed to be changed, I on the other hand wanted to point out the strengths of death magic in the current state of the game. And as it turns out the good traits in death magic + blood magic offer necromancers a better rounded Tank build with better group support compared to soul reaping + other combinations.

Oh yes that darling trait that does not work well with 99% of the builds suddenly looks absolutely fantastic due to the condi cleansing the death magic specialization offers by having minions and by entering shroud. Your oversight however can be forgiven due to the bizarre and wonderful concept of trait synergy that exist in this game that we all play and love.

If utility in shroud were to happen I would probably agree with you that soul reaping is better for tanking because condition cleansing while inside of shroud will no longer be an issue even without death magic.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Being in shroud is only part of the defense. Until the necromancer is dead his defense does not end. It does not end when the necromancer exits shroud. Putting everything to extend shroud longevity does not mean it will make the best Tank build, especially when you neglect the necromancers strongest condition cleansing specialization that is the death magic. Whether Anet “intended” for the soul reaping specialization to be a necessity when building the best Tank build for the necromancer or not, is really, AGAIN besides the point. Because that is not what is actually happening. Soul reaping on its own certainly look very strong trait line, but as it turns out it does not make the best Tank build because of better trait synergy in the other specializations when you consider them in their entirety.

You may have been playing the game for a long time, but you certainly sound out of touch with what players experience in the game when it comes to conditions.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Spreading your allies conditions and the damage dealt as a result of that should be credited to the allies as well as the necromancer. Without both the damage dealt would have never happened. Whether it “grant” the allies more dps or not is simply a difference in the way that is counted. But the bottom line is, you just assisted your allies in dealing more damage to the enemies with THEIR conditions not yours.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Epidemic isn’t a support skill. Looking at the 3 pillars of the Damage, Support and Control Epidemic is Damage+Control. Not support.

Epidemic is not a skill that provide supportive buffs, but it is certainly a support skill that help the party spread their DPS. The “support” refered to by the Dps, support and control trinity refers specifically to supportive buffs. But that does not change the fact that epidemic is a support dps skill.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Not Certain traits being “Niche” traits being just outright BAD! Soul Comprehension, Deadly Strength, Corrupter’s Fervor, and Unholy Sanctuary are bad traits. Not Niche. I’m saying your build is niche because you are intentionally going against the mold in spite of what has been proven to be effective. Your build is niche because you are intentionally gimping yourself to run it. And we’ve already discussed this. Conditions in PvE are rare, or their application is so rapid that 1 ever 3 seconds is actually too slow.

Soul reaping doesn’t have bad traits. In fact, all of its traits are really good. Except Vital Persistence, which is just a cut way above the rest in the master tier. Not that the other’s are bad. You have been arguing that Death is good because of one decent trait rather than actually looking at the specialization as a whole and seeing it for its obvious flaws.

It doesn’t matter if death magic has bad traits that’s hardly the point. The good traits in combination with blood magic allows for a build that is more Tank than soul reaping + any other combination. The premise that necro HAS to tank in shroud is largely misguided.

I use what works not just because what other people tell me will work or what people think what is not niche. Again and again you fail to take into account the combination of traits that is necessary to see the bigger picture. And now you sound like you don’t even know how the traits in death magic even work. Theres no conditions in pve? really? have u ever ran a dungeon before? have u ever been to a HoT map before ? You are starting to sound more and more kittened by the minute. Maybe you should start running your necro without druids around to cleanse conditions for you for a change. By the sound of things, it is becoming more and more clear that you are way to used to raid set up where other people cleanse conditions for you and is totally disillusioned at what most players will actually experience in game.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


you are definitely giving something with epidemic. the conditions from your allies are spread based on the scaling of your own condi dmg stat. you are essentially giving your allies your condition stat to inflict their conditions.

meteor shower can only be strengthened by your ally’s supportive boons it does not strengthen the boons that your allies pass around.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


I can see that all you can do is just mechanically compare trait to trait from 1 specialization to another without considering the overall coverage provided by all specializations used in different builds and then claim 1 trait line is shi$ compared to another. This is an extremely narrow minded view to compare between builds.

While it is true soul reaping lets the necromancer stay in shroud for longer and generate life force faster, but without condi cleanse that is readily found in death magic, the benefit of being able to stay in shroud for longer is offsetted by the inability to condi cleanse, effectively forcing you to get out of shroud earlier than expected. Massively reducing the effectiveness of the soul reaping trait line. Further more, while death magic on it own it not great, but when paired with blood magic means the “niche” trait unholy martyr can now be taken safely without worrying about condi cleanse, effectively making the combination on-par with vital persistence in the soul reaping specialization.

How does that famous saying go again? “The whole is greater than the sum of it’s individual parts.” Quite clearing you fail to see the bigger picture and fail to consider the different builds in their entirety because of your biases towards certain traits being “niche”.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


lol epidemic uses your team members conditions too for the spreading! in effect, you are helping your team members do damage. Just that your team members don’t get to see the values pop up afterwards. But atleast you are using your team members conditions to kill the mobs faster, therefore supporting the team. And those conditions are scaled to your condition dmg. Too bad there is a 25 stack cap though. But the point is, Meteor Shower on the other hand does not use your allies condition to dmg the enemy.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Wow, so much to read; good points, though!

Yes, Necromancer’s ability to tank comes down to its ability to stay in shroud while soaking damage as a boss focuses you.

Minions can tank low power mobs very well but are not controllable enough and do not scale against bosses.

For group support, Necromancer has two skill sets; conditions and heals. Defiance negates any advantage over other professions’ condition builds and Necro heals are not potent enough even if dps is destroyed with a healing build.

Only Epidemic on add’s is a good support skill but it is useless without those add’s.

Um no, condition removal from party members is valid support too. But it will only work if the necro take death magic line. It is dmg prevention.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Um no the question is which pairing is more tanky. Blood magic + death magic is way more tanky than blood + other combination or soul reaping + other combination. In terms of self sustain and in terms of group support.

And why is it suddenly about not taking minions for the sake of not taking minions to fuel your biased views? You should be using what ever works, minions or no minions. Minions is how condition removal and transfer works for death magic. Equally if u don’t take minions with blood magic, blood magic healing just isn’t worth it for self sustain. In which case I rather take parasitic contagion in the curses line if theres no minions with blood magic.

And what makes u think a build like this wont work great in fractals? while the dps is a bit lower compared to some other trait combinations, but you will still have enough dps to solo the echos in 100CM with ease for fractals.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


No your idea of what is not niche is actually niche since you only focus on raid where there are druids there to condi cleanse the party and ignore all other aspects of pve. death magic works extremely well as condition removal for party support and as a condition cleansing line. But by itself it will not be enough self sustain. Nor can Blood magic go on its own. At some point condi dmg will get you if it was just blood magic on its own. That is why the coverage provided by all 3 specialization that you choose is important. Not just each line on their own.

It seems like your extreme view of death magic trait line blinds you from its obvious advantages and you never bothered to run it to test in all aspects of pve. Being able to remove conditions from the party constantly with ease and then throwing them back at the enemy is way better than healing them for 4.5k every 25 seconds in the case of transfusion. Not only do u prevent your allies from being dmged you get to use the conditions your enemy do to your party back at the enemy, scaled to your condition dmg stat.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Way to screw over core necro a-net

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Every new pulse applies the previous conditions as well, so the later pulses are actually rather similar to Signet of Spite.

Yeah. and it applies up to 5 targets per pulse. So if the enemies stays inside the circle…… plagueland is much much better than signet of spite.

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


But that shouldn’t distract from the fact why you are talking about more actively dodging in a tanking thread. Tanking is about taking dmg and not die and the ability to recover. To be able to tank you need to be well rounded in terms of condition cleansing, mitigating direct dmg and being able to recover both life force and health.

By far, Blood Magic + Death Magic give the best allrounded combo to provide all of that. It provides a better combo for “Tanking” and arguably better party “support” compared to Soul reaping + any other specialization. The condition cleanse from death magic is so good u can even persistently use plague signet to cleanse conditions for a party of 5. Everyone knows druids can condi cleanse for the party better with glyphs, but that is not exactly the point is it? Can druids take conditions from ally and send themback to the enemy and then spread them? No. GW2 was built around the fact that each class can do multiple things but some classes are better at others in certain aspects.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Or maybe u know if you actively dodge and use more offensive mechanics you wont need to tank at all. Why are you even making this thread about “tanking” when your central argument is not about tanking?

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Since the introduction of HoT, even the pve maps are condi meta now… how are you gonna tank with soul reaping alone when u can’t condi cleanse. Death magic is not just about minions, it’s necromancer’s strongest condi removal specialization.

And as usual its not just about a single specialisation working on its own. It’s about how it can work with other specialisations at the same time. You don’t just choose 1 line u choose 3. My argument is death magic + blood magic is better tanking over all compared to soul reaping + other combinations.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


you’re not gonna tank much when u get 40 stacks of bleeding on you you’re gonna be forced out of shroud soon enough.

yeah soul reaping + spite is dhumfire tank build with decent dps due to might and vuln stacking and decent hp healing due to blighter’s boon. But in my experience it still loses out on tanking compared to blood magic + death magic. Blood magic’s unholy martyr trait is about on par with soul reaping’s Vital Persistence when u have alot of pets around because u take conditions from pets as well as allies.

Soul reaping is good for tanking while in shroud when theres no need for condi cleanse, but out side of that you’re screwed. And you don’t have condi cleanse while in shroud. So you tend to lose out on tanking over all.

In terms of LF generation, if u got chilling victory and GS it is still fairly fast even without soul reaping traits.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Plaguelands / Epidemic in PvE

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


looking forward to test the piercing later today…. was getting annoyed the projectiles was being blocked.

but still it can be blocked by projectile block skills and terrain (walls and objects)….

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


I’d argue that death magic is better than soul reaping for tanking due to the condi cleaner and transfer from pets and the condi clear while in shroud. Together with rise and a couple of other minion utilities, Death magic condi removal makes pve content a walk in the park. Its so good you can even take plague signet to provide party condi removal support.

Blood Magic (taking unholy martyr trait) + Death Magic + reaper works well for tanking.
Blood Magic (taking unholy martyr trait) + soul reaping + reaper + condi removal and transfer sigils also work pretty well.

The beauty of death magic is, the condi removal works while you are inside of shroud.

Oh ANet, Might doesn't affect phantasms...

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Maybe the dev is trying to set things up for the next elite/util skill set where you can steal boons from your phantasms :P


in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


I rather they keep this as Corruption skill and have something else as Wells Elite. This skill synergizes really well with parasitic contagion with the CD trait in the same trait line. If it was wells, you’d have to take bloodmagic as the same time for the CD.

Epidemic skill (necro) bugged with new patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Epidemic seem to be passing conditions to team members with the latest patch. Can someone please look into it?


PS: this bug might be related to Master of Corruption trait. just tried epidemic without the trait and it seemed ok.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Spectral armor in DS.

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


You mean it didn’t use to work? that would suck.
Its good for fractals when u need to fight a group of mobs. Pop Spectral Armor then DS to tank for a few seconds.
Imo this is how it should be. If it deactivate when you enter shroud it would feel so dumb.

How's Power Reaper in Fractals?

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


If u take soul reaping (as the 3rd trait line), rendering shroud is definitely better cos of the better shroud up time. Chill of death is more single target and only activates once every 20 seconds after an enemy get less than 50% hp. Although chill of death does give u a bit higher chill uptime and remove boss boons some times. But (in PVE) if u didn’t need that extra chill for the first 50% of the hp u probably don’t need it for the 2nd 50%. With rending shroud self-maintained vuln upkeep gets a lot easier.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

How's Power Reaper in Fractals?

in Necromancer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


i think for power build self maintaining vuln wont be too bad. because power builds tend to go with Spite trait line. With Reaper trait line synergy can apply vuln on freeze very rapidly. Then u also got vuln spreading in shroud trait in Spite that works pretty well on adds. Reaper 5 + whirl finish stacks freeze and vuln pretty quickly. then u got reaper 3 fear that applies freeze taht applies vuln due to trait synergy.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Nightmare fractal feedback [merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: squallaus.8321


lol I think the gw2 developers played too much Touhou games to have come up with this fractal.

How are Mesmers supposed to keep up?

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


but if you had condi cleanse on shatter you would have been playing with the inspiration line so you would have had condi cleanse on healing too right? the only thing you needed to change a bit is using that disenchanter. acts as a double for shatter clones as well as condi cleanse.

my main problem with Mesmer currently is that its too dependent on the inspiration line to survive. that trait line gives so much more healing and condi cleanse compared to the other trait lines you’d be crazy not to take it atm. I tried playing other trait lines and take it into fractals swamp. It’s like 10 times easier with having inspiration compared to chaos or domination.

so viable Mesmer builds atm doesn’t seem very diverse to me.

Bloodstone Visage underwater + animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321


This is not really a bug…. but not sure where else to post it. But can we please let the bloodstone visage skin be applied to the aqua breather so it will appear underwater as well? … or let it be effective on top of the breather skin?

Also to make it more realistic, can we please have particles from the bloodstone visage skin, once generated, move relative to the environment rather than relative to the character’s head? Like if the character move forward the particles that is already in the air should not move forward together with the character.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Glider bar not center for triple monitor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321



Just noticed a bug with triple monitor setups. The bar that is normally at the center of the client while gliding appears in the center on the monitor on the right hand side for triple monitor setups. Please fix this so that the glider bar appears at the center of the monitor in the center.

I use an eyefinity setup with 2 27" monitors on the sides and a 34 inch monitor in the center. Total resolution with benzel adjustment is 8984 × 1440.


(edited by squallaus.8321)

Crossfire low FPS for triple monitor setup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Thanks Anet for fixing this so quickly with the new build that came out a few hours ago. Now when in crossfire mode for my 3 monitor setup the frames per second doesn’t drop to 7 anymore and is performing better than a single graphics card. An improvement from 30 to 40 fps vs 40 to 50fps Although I feel crossfire mode could do better still than it currently is as I’ve noticed both graphics cards aren’t being fully utilized. I’m not sure if this is a drive issue or if its a gw2 client thing. But I do remember 1 year ago my gw2 used to fully utilize both graphics cards (as in they are 100% busy ).

On a side note, for triple monitor setup the Glider bar seem to be located on the right monitor instead of the center monitor. I will make another thread in the bug section so it is easier for u to treack.

Crossfire low FPS for triple monitor setup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: squallaus.8321



its low frame rate because crossfire is enabled actually. it goes down to 7 frames per second. if I run it without crossfire it gives 30 – 40 frames per second running on a single card.

I then try other games like hitman absolution crossfire works just fine.
I also tried forcing gw2 to run 32 bit version vs 64 bit version via commandline. both the same.

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Crossfire low FPS for triple monitor setup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: squallaus.8321



Recently I’ve noticed my crossfire for triple monitor setup stopped working properly. This happened probably in the last 2 months or so. Before that it was working fine.

I run a 3 monitor display setup with 2 27" (2560 × 1440) monitors on 2 sides and a 34" monitor (3440 × 1440) in the center. The total resolution after benzel adjustments is 8984 × 1440.
It used to run my gw2 client at around 50 to 60 frames per second when using crossfire mode with 2 AMD R9 290 cards. But now it only runs it at 7 frames per second. The processor that I’m using is a intel I7-4930k with 64 GB of RAM installed. The same resolution runs at 30-40 frames per second if I only use a single AMD R9 290 graphics card.

Obviously I would like crossfire working again so I can run the game at 50 to 60 frames per second again.

Anyone else have problems with triple monitor displays?

Edit: I should also note this is the case for both 32bit and 64bit clients. And that I use windows 8.1 . I’ve also tried the AMD drivers from June 2015, same thing happens. So I feel it has to do with gw2 than it has to do with my gfx card drivers.

Edit2: Also forgot to mention the crossfire mode at this resolution works fine with other games like Hitman Absolution.

So can Anet support team please notify the development team to take a look please?

(edited by squallaus.8321)

Mesmer Clones and Ghostly Infusions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321



It appears the ghostly infusions don’t work for Mesmer clones when agony resist works. Can we please fix this so the visual effects of the ghostly infusions are applied to the Mesmer clones as well so Mesmers that use ghostly infusion won’t be at an disadvantage pvp wise? … also for better visual effects for the clones. :>

Also I think the ghostly infusion aura can still be seen while being invisible. Think it shoudl be disabled while invisible otherwise invisibility won’t work for pvp.


(edited by squallaus.8321)

My chaos armor :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Bumping this until they decide to revert it….. miss the old purple bubble so much.

My chaos armor :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Bumping this until they decide to revert it….. miss the old purple bubble so much.

Oh Sweet Lyssa, Phase Retreat So Bugged!

in Mesmer

Posted by: squallaus.8321


someone make a combo out of this new ‘feature’.

Clones don't have off hand weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: squallaus.8321


Fix it please. how can you let an old problem resurface like this? It was still fine a couple of weeks ago…