Showing Posts For stereoblind.4736:
Honestly, though… who else would T8 play? Have you guys not considered that you might be stomped by any T7 server that drops down?
I know Maguuma dropping down only one tier, from T4 to T5 caused two weeks of insane roflstomping. The same happens when FA drops into T3…
There is a world of difference between tiers, and I don’t think a ratings reset would change anything for ET or FC.
I think we all just wanted to see if we could get our servers’ moral back by having different opponents. I know (speaking for myself here) that the only opponents I’ve ever faced since playing this game have been SF and FC (though I rarely see anyone from FC so they hardly count here) and something different for once would be nice, just to see if we could beat them, but we haven’t even been given a chance. Instead we got teased, started frothing at the mouth, and then watched the bone get swept right from under our mouths.
It’ not easy being a White Trash Hero…but i try. If only you guys fought as hard on the field.
Ladies and gentlemen, FilthyRat.
They’ll be able to see the improvements made to the WvW system. With an open mind, it’s bound to get better as they’ve no doubt recognized that WvW is a popular thing. Yes, one could argue that nothing has been done so far but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something in the pipeline. Chins up, it could be worse. If we were paying monthly then I could see where people might truly be getting angry at this point but for the most part our experiences in WvW have been free.
A RED FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS APPEARED… and shut our operation down. Time to get outta dodge
lol someone’s in need of some attention
guys let’s not feed the troll so he dies of starvation
Shhh we want him to keep talking, it’s the best thing since daytime television.
Thank You guys,
We threw you a wonderful firework party for your new ALLIANCE, hoped all you Fergs enjoyed it
You camped the spawn. Stay classy.
^ Takes true talent/the best of the best soldiers to outnumber a server severely, spawn camp them, and brag about it.
Stay talented!
from the looks of it, you’ve been successfully trolled.
have a nice day
About the JP, I just want to be clear of this, I don’t camp the JP, but is stupid that when I’m helping my guild/server get blueprints Ill wave at an enemy and let them get blueprints for themselves. Everyone else is free to do whatever they want, but I feel that we are missing the point of why the jp in WvW gives you blueprints to use in wvw, and I could care less on PvErs going for the medals, like I said before, I trusted at the beggining and I only got back-stabbed after they got the good numbers to take me down, sorry… not doing that again.
I tried to be civil until I was killed over five times in there…and will never make that mistake again. And I want to thank all the people that get mad at me for my posts just gives me a warm feeling inside…WINNING!!!
if you look at this guy’s post history it’s literally all about bragging about jp camping and how he’s a victim of getting slaughtered so he camps it I guess in hopes of some form of vengeance. I can’t imagine what it’s like checking the map to see your server owns the whole thing while you’ve spent the entire time that you’ve been online waiting in a dark room of a jumping puzzle that no one on either of the other servers even has access to. lol
don’t mean to sound like I’m having a durrrhurrr moment here I just really don’t know; do you mean like an in-game GM or something? (speaking in WoW terms, forgive me :p)
Can’t even deny it, I am looking forward to TESO very much. But if you’re having problems with culling and it’s truly keeping you from playing this game, why don’t you come to one of the less populated servers like Ferguson’s Crossing or Eredon Terrace? I’ve really only seen an issue with culling three times in particular while fighting for ET.
Good to see everything is back to normal. Lol you guys set the alliance up in the regular forums with very little posts of people against it from your forums, actually there was a commander so mad that he was attacked wrote a two paragraph hate letter to the other side. Well spend more time out fighting next time…I guess?
you realize that there is no alliance, there never was, and it was simply “stay out of my hair and we’ll stay out of yours” which is what FC and ET do for the most part anyway? Screenshot was great though, I bet you single-handedly conquered all that from your “strategic point” in the jumping puzzle, huh?
I know I’m about to be the bad guy forum poster here but the game has only been out for six months. They probably had no idea that WvW would be as popular as it is now and lettuce be cereal, we would not be posting in this section of the forum all the time if we didn’t want changes/implementations made to WvW cause admittedly, it is my favorite part of the game and it’s pretty great. Things do need to change, and being able to buy commander with gold was not only a bad idea but it shouldn’t have been a “feature” in the first place. I do agree with a majority of what you said but the commander icon acquisition is one of the things that bothers me the most.
Now with all that said, give them some time. I’m sure there are some major changes and quality of life improvements in the pipeline for WvW but development and testing does take some time to implement (I feel like things might be easier with a PTR type of thing, even if having perma-access wasn’t free, I’d pay 400-500 gems to be a PTR tester). Things will get better for us hardcore WvW’ers, just need to give them constructive ideas and such to go along with.
the culling issue has been in the game since release… they have had 6 months to fix it!
Im not bashing because you made a very valid post, but your a little foolish to think the beta testers didnt pick them up on these points prior to release.
1 person for 6 months working on the culling issue is alot of man hours, no considering its a HUGE fail not seeing your enemy you would imagine a team of atleast 5 working on that… thats a hell of alot of man hours and should of been fixed by now. My guess is they cant fix it and they are hoping people stop playing to make it fix it self.. but even that isnt working
I probably should’ve stated that I’ve only played this game since mid-December and I’ve only been reading/posting on the forums since a few weeks ago. The underlying message in my post was just to give it some time. There’s enough threads out there filled to the brim with complaints and such and it’d take a fool to think that Anet doesn’t realize there’s some serious problems that need to be looked at, however I know culling is definitely a problem but I have no idea if it’s always been this bad or whatever. I’ve only experienced it a few times which is probably what the problem is honestly. haha
To whoever was talking about it, I am willing to bet that most of us consistently playing WvW came from “real” open-world PvP games and of the few I can think of off the top of my head, I (and I’m sure many others) find this form of it more enjoyable. We now have reasons to kill people and the strategy for staying alive in this game is a bit more than “get out of the fire.”
Well, if someone quits, you’ve already lost. You bought the game. Improvements will be made and people that keep GW2 installed and keep coming back to play will be the ones who’ve won in this situation.
I know I’m about to be the bad guy forum poster here but the game has only been out for six months. They probably had no idea that WvW would be as popular as it is now and lettuce be cereal, we would not be posting in this section of the forum all the time if we didn’t want changes/implementations made to WvW cause admittedly, it is my favorite part of the game and it’s pretty great. Things do need to change, and being able to buy commander with gold was not only a bad idea but it shouldn’t have been a “feature” in the first place. I do agree with a majority of what you said but the commander icon acquisition is one of the things that bothers me the most.
Now with all that said, give them some time. I’m sure there are some major changes and quality of life improvements in the pipeline for WvW but development and testing does take some time to implement (I feel like things might be easier with a PTR type of thing, even if having perma-access wasn’t free, I’d pay 400-500 gems to be a PTR tester). Things will get better for us hardcore WvW’ers, just need to give them constructive ideas and such to go along with.
If you spent thirty minutes solo’ing something (not saying you didn’t) I think the accomplishment, for me anyway, would suffice as enough loot but to each his own. I find in this game that I’ll get a really nice exotic drop that nets me between 2-5g one week then I’ll go two weeks without even seeing a rare. Maybe just my luck? Haha
+ 3 high fives to Cosa (srs) not only can you fight but you also seem to be respectable dudes.
FilthyRat will forever be the official spokesqueen of SF. When you read his posts, that’s the tone we read all of SF posts in.
^ to capitalize on this, no one complaining about this match-up from FC or ET could give two kittens or a dog that we’re in Tier 8. The problem is we’re facing a server that obviously belongs in a few tiers up and it’s completely ruining our fun in this game. /whine /cry whatever you wanna call it, come to T8 on either FC or ET, get stomped by a zerg of 40+ every which way you turn on every map and tell me it’s “balanced.”
Edit: merged my posts so my ^ makes sense ;p
I don’t really see how past rankings have to do with anything when everyone in this thread is completely aware of the fact that you could transfer from server to server every 7 days for free at one point in this game’s history..
However if someone has magical fairy dust that grants mad weird sleeping patterns to our US wvw’ers you can pass some of that around
You need to get in on one of our Yak potion/grazing events. If Yarr hadn’t slaughtered us it would’ve been perfect
I have two words, my friends: PAIN INVERTER
I really wish they would just merge ET and FC and go from there however it would cause a lot of people pulling the whole “uh-oh server merges Anet is in trouble people aren’t playing the game will close in a month now!!!!!111!!!!!” But really, I would love to frolic down the road between Anz and Speldan holding hands with the Ferglings and outsmarting SF zergs of 30+
Edit: and if merges are impossible then it’s back to spamming Queensdale chat with “need moar aussies in my lyfe pls”
Instead of /dance and /laugh everyone just needs to buy some fireworks from Metrica Province. They’re cheap, obnoxious and PRETTY. Also holy wow posting from an android phone is a PITA.
pita bread is delicious
ok ok troll moment over
i dont like this guy ^
Instead of /dance and /laugh everyone just needs to buy some fireworks from Metrica Province. They’re cheap, obnoxious and PRETTY. Also holy wow posting from an android phone is a PITA.
When people cry, fun is nerfed/abolished. RIP Golems in a Box, you are missed dearly.
I got ~180 badges in 4 hours after reset. I’m not sure what you’re doing but you’re doing something wrong.
no you didn’t.
It’s no secret that SF is really bad. That’s why getting beat by them is so annoying lol. 10 good players > 40 bad ones.
Yeah, shoot me
2/8/13 Eredon Terrace v Dolyaks v Dolyaks
Storm’s coming, Annie.
Hey, it’s one step closer to not having to hug bunnies in PVE land for gear so I’m all for it, even if I have to wait till March.
Bunzy, you are a legend.
Lol’d so hard
When there’s five of us getting spawn camped by 20+ SF and we don’t own anything I would say it’s unnecessary lol
meh, you guys deserve it.
It takes mesmers a lot more thinking/movement/effort to kill someone than it takes any other class. Mesmers have to work harder for kills than most classes do. But what they lack in roflstomp insta-kills, they make up for in group utilities.
Only thing funnier than killing SF that’s spawn camping us on a level 4 elementalist is watching them die to the legendary defenders over and over till they learn that if they touch the stove, they will get burned. It’s like watching infants learn to crawl, I love it!
We did it this morning actually. It was pretty cool
Never noticed honestly but that is pretty crazy. Add “has no idea how to get titles” to the only a WvW player thread and that’s my contribution.
This is an MMO that people actually play, meaning there will be nerfs and buffs every month for every class till the game ends. Balance is a cycle and it’s a hard one to complete, but the best way to find out how to counter a class is to make one and play it in WvW.
Vid I put together for a Guardian build, so I’ll post it here too! Messed up the ending, but too lazy to edit lol.
Like… three days after me asking Small Sock what your build is! Nice timing
$18-$20 to PAY to move to a dead server? lol why
Hmm dead? Doesn’t look dead to me. Dead is when your server owns the whole map and roamers feel safe in it. I prefer battles myself.
I guess we had a bit of fun with superior ballistas and what I like to call a “massacre” earlier too. When we’re outnumbered we resort to fun here on Eredon Terrace!
No one’s gonna pay to transfer to a server just for that. You’re not gonna get more than a small handful of people
I’ll take a small handful of people any day
if we could saddle those fat donkeys i would collect no karma/xp/gold FOREVER
Another JP theread? Aright copy paste time:
JP in WvW maps are not a right it’s a privilege that comes with fighting for it. Anyone in WvW is free to fight anywhere with any weapon available as long as not using exploit. Fair is not in WvW dictionary. You have to fight for camps, you have to fight for towers, you have to fight for keeps, you have to fight for castle and you also have to fight for JPs if you desire it. And those who desire badges for legendary only and don’t care about pvp, legendary is for people who have done all aspects of the game not only pve.
To be honest, this kind of tread made me sad. Why PVEer want everything as a right when they are even enjoying the server bonuses freely that your home WvWer fight hard for?
Because they’ve never had to learn their class in the other side of the game that involves killing people so they expect everything to drop like mobs, or so I’ve noticed. Normally the same people that complain about thieves and mesmers after spending their first hour or so in PvP.
I’ve said this before in another jumping puzzle thread and my logic comes from someone who doesn’t do jumping puzzles but if there’s 10 people camping a jumping puzzle that’s 10 people not defending a tower. Go take stuff!
Go to Eredon Terrace… They need people…
Bam! And we don’t bite, spawn camp, queue for maps, or suck too bad
Edit: Ferg’s Crossing is also a good server to play on. Both of our servers are often outnumbered but we fight hard for what we have and we have fun with every minute of it. We don’t have the numbers to faceroll zerg people but we make up for it most of the time with strategy and player skill.
(edited by stereoblind.4736)
“Those who spawn camp probably just got out of World of Warcraft battlegrounds” – Confucious
I guess that one guy really wanted to shake hands with the legendary defender. Seem to be spawn camping a little earlier in the night than I’m used to, it’s been pleasant!
If there were any KWBH there please PM me about it as well.