The clear blue sky turns a dark sickening green and swirls with corruption.
A dark laugh of evil echo’s in your mind!
I heard they reworking the entire Spite trait line
And also some of the Reaper trait line to move it away from condi back to power where it originaly was intended to be.
sadly no specific infos about these yet…..
soooo Buffs Confirmed ? this alone got me hyped for the expansion lol
Man I hope not. Power builds are boring.
We are getting a Condi Elite in Path of Fire… Reaper was supposed to be Power…
Says who? Looks like it was built to be a hybrid to me, and I like it just the way it is. I see no reason to change it.
Said the person who created it, Robert Gee. He even said in the original stream announcement of Reaper that it was power focused.
With Scourge being designed to be condi-centric, it makes sense for Reaper to be power-centric.
So it was meant to be a power spec, but it has been a hybrid spec for almost two years? If it had been power from the beginning, fine, but people have built their classes and characters a certain way. I can understand nerfing or buffing, but completely changing a spec from one thing to another is a bad idea.
Besides, can’t people play it as Power right now anyway? They need to leave the chill condition components alone for the condi players that have incorporated Reaper into their build.
fyi, anet changed deathly chill after HoT released to improve the traits damage then silly players used it for something it wasn’t intended for so anet has to go back and fix their fix
I know toughness agro in pve is a thing because I duo the story with a friend who is running clerics gear, I’m running marauders and all the mobs go strait for him and I have to work to keep them off him. also think of vitality vs. toughness like this… conditions ignore toughness completely but vitality gives more health for the condies AND direct damage to eat through. I use to think the same as you do, toughness > vitality, but playing the game for over 4 years i’ve learned the value of vitality over toughness. even my friend after 3 years wants to reduce his toughness in exchange for vitality. don’t get me wrong I still run toughness on my necro but I run much more vitality.
Hm, interesting. I always solo my story missions so I didn’t know about that. But I’ve been playing since beta and I prefer Toughness. I would never switch. I only use Vitality on professions with low HP. But hey, everyone’s different, if you like Vitality then have fun with it! One of the best things about this game is the stat freedom.
and on that I 100% agree ^^
vitality on necro increases the life force pool meaning you can stay in life force longer. also toughness draws agro so you will be focused by more mobs running toughness. if your not running a shroud build and life force doesn’t matter to you and you solo then yes toughness better for you, but if you use shroud and do group play in pve (dungeons and fractals) or especially raids you don’t want toughness at all or very little. it all depends on your game mode and play style really
I know. But if you have no Toughness that means you take more damage in Shroud and therefore it drains faster. I prefer having a smaller HP/Shroud pool but taking less damage. In the end, it’s the same: you have more life force but also take more damage or you have less life force but take less damage. A smaller pool is always easier to heal up/maintain.
Toughness aggro might be a thing in Raids and Fractals, I don’t know, because I never do them. But in open world PvE (like DS meta), I do not get aggroed more often than others and I wear Toughness as a main stat.
I know toughness agro in pve is a thing because I duo the story with a friend who is running clerics gear, I’m running marauders and all the mobs go strait for him and I have to work to keep them off him. also think of vitality vs. toughness like this… conditions ignore toughness completely but vitality gives more health for the condies AND direct damage to eat through. I use to think the same as you do, toughness > vitality, but playing the game for over 4 years i’ve learned the value of vitality over toughness. even my friend after 3 years wants to reduce his toughness in exchange for vitality. don’t get me wrong I still run toughness on my necro but I run much more vitality.
(edited by sylvnfox.7086)
I don’t see why every build or spec has to be PvP friendly.
Have you any idea how useless a lot of Necro SKILLS are in PvE? Not builds, traits, specs… but SKILLS. Core spells of the class.So an entire expansion and nothing new for spvp players that play Necro. Got ya.
well look at spellbreaker, that is most defiantly a wvw or spvp spec. deadeye screams wvw, lok back at HoT, the druid was build for raids. not every spec needs to be useful in all game types.
Necro already has the most HP in the game so Vitality is not too useful. Also, our heals are pretty bad, we just can’t heal up a huge HP pool. On the other hand, we wear Light armor and therefore more Toughness is better, it makes Shroud last longer because you take less damage, obviously. I’ve been maining a Knight-Cavalier Necro since forever (Toughness main stat) and I LOVE it. Conditions are not an issue, I use Suffer! and Shrouded Removal. I don’t know about Scourge, I will stick with Reaper for sure.
vitality on necro increases the life force pool meaning you can stay in life force longer. also toughness draws agro so you will be focused by more mobs running toughness. if your not running a shroud build and life force doesn’t matter to you and you solo then yes toughness better for you, but if you use shroud and do group play in pve (dungeons and fractals) or especially raids you don’t want toughness at all or very little. it all depends on your game mode and play style really
I have also one more question. In the build there are runes of bereserker, which giving +100 power +175 condition dmg and +5% dmg and +5 condition damage.
But rune of throns are giving +175 condition damage and +45% posion duration + you are gaining +50 condition damage when you get hit by poisioned foe.
Which rune are basically better. Both seems to be great for that build
cant help you there I’m afraid I don’t use either one. I use nightmare for condi duration, though the meta seems to be berserker.
that said I need to tell you that on Tuesday there is a big balance patch that is going to nerf condi a lot and remove it from the reaper line all together. this is in preparation for the release of PoF
So to be honest, tommorow they will dystroy condi necro a bit and buff power necro in some way. And in expansion they will try to get healer/support power necro from us?
reaper was always meant to be a power build, it was us silly players that went against anet’s plans and made a condi build out of it. the scourge is meant to be a support/condi class so to be sure that we silly players don’t ignore scourge and keep playing reaper as condi they are making sure that reaper is not viable as a condi class by changing the reapers traits to power.
all I’m saying is we KNOW vitality, condition damage, and healing power are all important, though vitality just for how much barrier you can have on yourself
Explain me something. Deathly chill was causing bleeding. So how they can put it into power damage? I know there is "chill deals damage over time, but basically it’s all about bleed right? If they change it, they will ruin condition build at all since chill is one of the best chain reaction on necro.
exactly, anet is making reaper a pure power build so they are changing what deathly chill does. it would be nice if it was something like “deal +x% damage to chilled opponents”
WP mouses over it in the pvp area when previewing scourge and it still causes bleed. Unless he was playing on a version where it wasnt changed yet we will ahve to wait and see.
1 the changes were not in the demo they played and 2 he was in pvp where that’s how that trait is balanced
at the moment it looks like shaman’s v/hp/cd
Explain me something. Deathly chill was causing bleeding. So how they can put it into power damage? I know there is "chill deals damage over time, but basically it’s all about bleed right? If they change it, they will ruin condition build at all since chill is one of the best chain reaction on necro.
exactly, anet is making reaper a pure power build so they are changing what deathly chill does. it would be nice if it was something like “deal +x% damage to chilled opponents”
I was really confused by the difference between “amount” and “potency”, but I guess it means base barrier HP is 50% of ally health while healing power adds to that base value? If one healing power scales barrier HP less than 1 vit/10 HP/5 barrier HP (hopeful but not likely), I’ll probably keep dps stats in armours and runes and only stack healing power in accessories and weapons.
Also curious whether getting hit under spectral armour still generates LF if the damage is absorbed by the barrier. Nourishing Rot trait’s ICD made me feel like LF generation is gonna be pigeonholed to utilities (or axe/x sideweapon, can’t be trigger happy with axe #3 so it doesn’t corrupt boon which can be turned into torment/burning lol).
max barrier is = to 1/2 targets health.
amount of barrier is determined by casters healing power
no it is not a boon
not condi after Tuesday’s balance patch condi reaper will not be a thing anymore since anet is turning deathly chill to power damage as well as other changes to condi skills and traits
I play power necro in wvw a lot, and I find having about equal amounts of vitality and toughness to be the way to take the most power based hits. If conditions concern you, swapping some toughness to vitality will leave you more vulnerable to power based damage, but less so to conditions.
The new barrier mechanic scales of vitality.
vitality only determines max barrier based on the recipients max health, the amount of barrier granted is based on healing power of the skill user
The scourge is a recipient.
yes but scourge skill put barrier on others as well, so if I grant YOU barrier YOUR max barrier will be 50% of YOUR health which is increased by YOUR vitality MY healing power determines how much of YOUR barrier is filled.
I play power necro in wvw a lot, and I find having about equal amounts of vitality and toughness to be the way to take the most power based hits. If conditions concern you, swapping some toughness to vitality will leave you more vulnerable to power based damage, but less so to conditions.
The new barrier mechanic scales of vitality.
vitality only determines max barrier based on the recipients max health, the amount of barrier granted is based on healing power of the skill user
a little toughness is fine but remember mobs agro to the higher toughness. toughness will do little good if every mob focuses you. my friend is running a clerics and he draws the agro from my guardian because his toughness is way higher.
it’s not bugged. the 2nd questions answer isn’t what you think it is. read the riddle carefully then think what answer caudecus would give.
first, my condolences for your loss.
second, those of you saying a memorial isn’t deserved shame on you.
the deves have done this for other people, those mentioned by other posts as well as Taimi. she was named after a personal friend of one of the devs who died. also they are not asking you to pay for it in any way, nor will you have to go look at it. why can’t the deves design a guild ahll decoration that you unlock just like anything else, it being a banner, statue, monument, something on that order that the guild can tittle and place names on. it can be used for anything then, a place of honor for accomplishments guild members achieve, a memorial for friends, ect. even if they use something similar to ventari’s tablet in the pail tree that anyone can walk up to and interact with to read whatever the guild leader decides to put on it.
again i’m so sorry for your loss, be strong, and take care
anet is at e3 Collin is there for a presentation so idk where your getting your info from
You forgot daily ascended log in rewards and afk autoplay mode
1: ring is a thing but not that bad
2: most people on tgis forumwill say it like getting blood from a stone. But it’s not thatbad. Do map compleation and the story and you will be lvl cap before you get near the end.
3: I’ve played for 2years now and imstill havering fun
4: exotic gear open the gp and buy it. As for ascended you have to craft it, or hope the ring gods cavorted you.
5: there is no p2w at all. The cash shop is cosmetic, the boosters that are there can be acquired in game aswell.
6: that’s a loaded question. People on this forum will tell you everything is wrong. It’s not that bad, area issues yes but the good outweighs the bad.
7: map compleation, pvp, world vs. World, dungeons, fractals of the mist(mini dungeons that get harder the farther you go), and the content patches released every 2 weeks containing new story and events.
So come join us and see for yourself.
oh come on, we JUST had a big feature patch a few months ago that changed a lot in the game, the fact were getting another one this soon was a complete surprise. and the fact that it’s small UI and quality of life improvements is no big deal. honestly I wasn’t expecting anything till maybe the end of season 2 and even then I wasn’t expecting anything big. my time line was every 6 months we get one, a big one then a smaller one like this. no one really has the right to complain about free content in a free to play game. I mean they give us a new toyota but people complain it’ s not a ferrari.
Lion’s Arch, thy time has come, we say good bye with setting sun.
Jumping puzzles, and the bank, trading post, Asura gate. These things we will miss the most, and for them all we raise a toast.
The mystic forge in the heart of town, gobbled all our money down, but loosing it would be a shame so we will miss it all the same.
We came to you to AFK, to sell our loot, and have our say. We crafted armor and weapons made, but now it’s time we went away.
Scarlet comes to burn you down, and take from us this lovely town. But go not quietly into the night, we your citizens will stand and fight!
With tooth and claw and shining blade, flashing spell and hand grenade. Scarlet will regret this day, we will strike back and make her pay!
Once the smoke and dust is gone, life for us will carry on. Perhaps one day we can come home and rebuild you up with wood and stone.
But if that day should never come, we all remember where we are from.
So Lion’s Arch we say good bye, with STERN SALUTE… and teary eye.
Gargantula’s life resets to full when at 50-25%
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