Ele, guardian
Ultimate Dominator
Please consider this idea anet. The SEA WvW community would benefit greatly from this. At the moment, the SEA community is concentrated on a few servers, and at times glicko would toss a server into a tier with 2 other dead SEA servers leading to very boring matchups. This idea would give us options to scrim other guilds in other servers.
Fighting in EOTM and guild halls are options, but they are really bad alternatives. EOTM is really prone to trolling and there are weird extra buffs/cannons etc that doesn’t make fights fair, and the way guild hall overflow works, it takes a lot of time to get everyone onto the same overflow.
This particular idea would allow us to fight each other across tiers and add some action into the timezone.
wtb things to fight against during offhours. please bring jq back up to t1 anet.
The last time few times when it went up so high in ping for any of us, it was caused by cuts to the underwater cables, haven’t seen any report about it recently. Oh well, anyway, that sucks then, i guess there’s nothing much i can do. Thanks for the feedback.
:( So my friends and i from 6 different countries are jumping an extra 200-300 ping from our normal 250-350 ping just solely based on ISP? that.. sucks :/
I initially suspected it was an isp issue. but i don’t think you can just write it off and say that it’s an isp issue when people in 6 different countries around the same region experience the same problem at the same time over the same week.
For 4 years, for us OCX and SEA folks we play on 250-350 ping and we’re okay and used to it. But recently for everyday over the past 2 weeks, in every timezone that all the SEA and OCX players i know try to play in, we get horrible lag spikes of up to 1k to 2k ping for minutes at a time which more often than not leads to a disconnect. It happens randomly but frequent enough to the point that it makes the game unplayable at times.
The lag I’m talking about here is not frame lag or skill lag, it’s ping lag. Everyone I know has either had to deal with playing at 500-700 ping or had it shoot up to 2000 ping and stays at 2000 ping for a few mins while everyone teleports around or walks into wall.
In short, we feel helpless about the situation, and as such, I plead with Anet to look into this lag. The lag is making it impossible for my friends and I to play together, and enjoy the game because of the frequent disconnects that comes along with it.
Yes anet please look into the lag in SEA OCX region. All of my friends in the SEA OCX are noticing extremely high pings over the past 2 weeks. We go from our usual 200-300 to 500-600 consistently with occasional few minutes spike to 4k ping which eventually leads to a disconnect.
Please look into this because it’s completely unplayable for us SEA and OCX folks
yes, please change it back!
Hmm, I don’t really follow you here, because when I tried to link it in party chat, which was the last chat group i used, it still didn’t work.
I’ve been trying to link skills, food, gear on party chat but am unable to do so. However it still works on say chat and whisper chat. Wondering if this is intended or not..
Hello Anet,
Recently I’ve been having troubles whispering other people. I am online, that person hasn’t blocked me. When I right click their name or double click their name on my friend’s list, the /w function doesn’t show up on the chat box. And the only way to fix it is to restart my client, which is annoying if it starts bugging out mid q for wvw or after i make it into ebg that has a 60man q. I’ve tried going offline/online on my friend’s list, but it doesn’t work as well.
Is there a fix for this?
Hai, Anet, it’s been a few months since HoT launched. and the Oasis event lags up the entire map when it’s up making it unplayable until it’s completed.
Is there any ETA on a fix for this? And also, is it possible to disable the event till a fix is found? Because at it’s current state, it’s really unplayable
Imo not being able to revive double downed players while in combat is a bad call
You even quoted it
You still will be able to revive downed players while in combat.
oops wrong lingo used. what i meant was defeated players.
Love all the changes! Except this..
The number of players who can rally off a single kill has been reduced from five to one. Players will also no longer be able to revive defeated players while in combat. You still will be able to revive downed players while in combat. Both of these changes are designed to help fights resolve and to give smaller, more skilled groups a better chance against larger groups.
Imo not being able to revive double downed players while in combat is a bad call because it might promote a driver sniping meta, whereby a group can be rendered helpless because their driver died to ridiculous sniping, and they’re stuck in combat and are unable to rez the driver, which might discourage groups from fighting one another, or promote driver sniping which equates to lesser fights all around.
Also the rallying mechanism works both ways.
An example: A smaller group might have 5 guys in downstate trying to rally off one guy from the bigger group.
Currently : Small group kills 1 guy, all 5 guys rally, and are able to have a chance to continue to fight the bigger group.
Proposed changes : Small group kills 1 guy, RNG will determine which player gets rallied, and leaves 4 guys from the smaller group on the floor, hence still putting the fight in the bigger group’s favor.
1) Driver snipe may become meta, leading to groups wanting to fight one another because of it.
2) Rallying mechanism changes favors bigger groups as well, and hence does not help smaller groups.
Yes, it doesn’t change the functionality of the skill. But this visual bug is deceiving for people etc etc. And I hope that anet will fix it.
Hai Anet, we need to talk about the visual effect of Geyser, Water Staff 3 skill. Ever since the balance patch that changed stability, the radius of waterfield has visibilty shrunk to at least 180 radius. So attached is a picture,
Top Left: Firefield radius
Top Right: Geyser radius
Bottom Left: Geyser and Firefield radius beside one another
Bottom Right: Geyser and Firefield radius on top of one another
Geyser : 240 Radius
Lava Font : 180 Radius
Please fix it!
Here’s what the Heart of Thorns release will look like for WvW:
- On the morning of Thursday, October 22nd, WvW will be terminating without completing or updating Glicko ratings as normal. This will be the end of the classic (“Alpine”) Borderlands maps for the foreseeable future.
- On entering the build with the new Heart of Thorns content, all of your spent WvW Ability points will be refunded. Recall these can be spent differently per character, and spending them on one character doesn’t spend them on any others.
- WvW’s reset time will be changed to be 24 hours later in NA and EU. It will now occur on Saturdays instead of Fridays.
- At the moment Heart of Thorns content becomes available, WvW will prepare its maps. Including the new Desert Borderlands map. There’s no guarantee the matchups from earlier in the week will be the same as the new ones (or that they’ll be different).
- The new round will run until the new reset times on Saturday, then end and update Glicko ratings. After it comes up again, WvW will be running as “normal” except for the changed reset times and the new Desert Borderlands.
Good day anet, would like to know at exactly what time will we not be able to access wvw on the 22nd of oct. I don’t think it has been mentioned in this thread the exact time when it will happen.
The newer reset time is even sadder news for the SEA community.
11am PDT saturday will be 2am sunday for the average SEA player, and 4am for the average OCX player.
This change just makes me a really really sad panda. Friday resets used to be a day where us SEA players who have normal working lives meet up with our NA counterparts in the guild and have fun together while catching up. I guess it’ll just be a thing of the past now.
I hope ANET decides to revert the change in timing. A nearly dead forum suddenly having 400+ posts on a thread with negative feedback should show how much the wvw community dislikes this change. Pushing forward with this change will further alienate the wvw community as a whole.
Dear anet, please reconsider this decision.
As a SEA player, with the current system, it allows us to play reset on a saturday morning. And raid late into the night on a saturday evening, sometimes up to 3am on sunday morning.
With the new proposed system, we won’t be able to raid late anymore on sunday due to real life, work/studying. As such our enjoyment of the game will plummet a lot.
Saturday will be a ktrain night instead of an action packed night because scores are usually decided by then. and people will be ktraining the borderlands.
As such i urge that you reconsider your decision to switch around the reset date.
um… is there any fix for this?
Good day anet,
Over the past 2-3 weeks alot of people in my guild especially singaporeans / asians that i know are having connectivity issues/login issues / unplayable lag.
It comes in the form of lag spikes/consistent lag and high ping.
The lag spikes happens throughout the day, sometimes spiking from 250 ping -> 3k/4k ping. It can happen on any map, from LA to WvW.
The high ping / consistent lag would see our ping go from a usual 250 to 400/500 consistent for an hour or two.
Please help it’s really hard/close to unplayable and really annoying when the lag spike happens mid fight in WvW and you just die because your skills wont register due to the lag.
Hi Dev,
Would you please look into green BLs across every match up? That particular BL has been lagging for the past 2 weeks and it’s close to unplayable due to the lag.
dear anet,
green bl is just horrible and unplayable. it might be somethign to do with the server IP. please fix. 20 seconds skill lag is not acceptable.
A few questions about Shield generator:
1) Is there an AOE cap for the stability that pulsates when a person stands on the bubble?(Like a 50 persons cap?)
2) If there are two bubbles over the same spot, will you get 4 stacks of stab per second ? or is it limited to only 2 stacks of stab per second.
Other questions:
3) Will there be a vertical limit as to how far down you can hit with an arrow cart? (I know that in EOTM you could shoot pretty far down) Because if there isn’t, the lava keep is just going to get arrow cart fired 24/7 from the top.
4) You mentioned Stone/Metal gates, are those going to be tier 3 and 4 gates or are they going to replace existing gates?
(Right now,Tier 1 being wooden, tier 2 being reinforced.)
5) Will the player cap on the BL maps be increased or decreased?. Seeing as the map is so huge and that if a 2v1 were to take place, the defending team would be hard pressed to run from objectives to objectives.
6) Related to question 5, and if so, are you guys going to take any measures to make it any less laggier?
7) Will you reintroduce points per kill now that bloodlust is gone?
8) Will you be adding more guards in towers and keeps? It would seem that keeps and towers are horribly understaffed ._.
9) Will you guys consider changing out the currency to upgrade structures from money to badges of honor?
Thank you for your time!
<edited to add more questions>
(edited by thebeaRRRRR.8640)
It’s been really laggy the last 2 weeks during of all times, sea in tier 1. Skill lag in EBG is so bad to the point that everyone gets 10 second skill lags and sometimes my dodge roll and forward key doesn’t even work. For a tz that is said to be a ghost town for wvw, I think this is pretty unacceptable. Please do something anet!
Epic 3 hour Lord room fights with 3 way zergs would end really quickly if this is implemented. And as long as a group is parked behind the lord, no one would want to attack the tower. I would understand if this is just to scale the HP. But imo scaling damage would make the lord too OP once there is a group together with the lord.
This has got to be the worst idea ever. It’s like saying that your whole family have to stand trial to go to jail because their dad committed a crime.
South east camp. Because a fully upgraded hills with a group defending it is the hardest thing to take in the game. And you can shoot trebs into the courtyard of SE tower from south hills, which would make any attempt to breach the tower with a defensive force defending it harder. And it’s easier to beehive into SE camp when it’s attacked when compared to SW camp.
I’m SEA. How bout reduced ppt during my night time?
Uh. No. A thousand times no. It’ll be close to impossible to get people into the same
Overflow once it gets full etc.
One of the worst changes. The problem with lord bannering was never with The Lord being able to be Rezzed by one banner. But because the warrior is able to trait for double endure pain and anti imob traits. and ignore all imobs and damage for a lifetime before being able to banner The Lord while everyone watch helplessly.
I feel that anet took the easy way out by removing all bannering instead of nerfing endure pain (eg, negate 85% dmg instead of 100%) which would’ve been a better choice instead of outright removing it.
RIP T3 keeps during off hours and long epic 1 hour lords room fight. The only tatic that outnumbered servers have against bigger groups during their weakest timezone has just been removed from the game.
There are many ways to defend a tower. A fully seiged defended t3 tower is a nightmare to take. You just got to make use of scouting so that people can respond to the tower early, and make use of the seige to keep them away.
If you have that much difficulty capping a tower, go do some other daily. There’s so many to choose from.
Towers are the easiest to cap. Briar or lake with seigerAzor’s help, or find a Zerg. Eotm, find a Zerg through jumping between different overflows. If you’re having difficulty capping a tower. You’re probably doing something wrong.
I have like 12 str runes I would wanna take out of my wvw armor…
Anet please fix this issue.
I really hope you’re kidding, OS is good as it is now,
if you wanan gvg or duel or do a jumping puzzle, go to OS.
if you wanna wvw, go to the 4 BLs,
if you wanna karma train, go to EOTM.
Please, for the love of God, no. OS is good as it is now.
Well, what if you have 60 attackers attacking a tower which is fully seiged up with 700/700 supply and 60 defenders in it?
As it is, this already takes quite awhile to take. But when you factor in the dynamic scaling event, i don’t event want to think how long you have to seige it to take it.
And if the defending team just doesn’t want to fight a group that maybe 5-10 people larger than them, they’ll just hide in a tower and never come out.
It’s someone else’s daytime when it’s your off hour. And when it’s my off hour, it’s someone else’s day time.
Once you put that into perspective,
You are proposing that Anet closes all the borderlands after reset night and focus everyone into EBG.
Great fights with pyro,tg,hope during reset tonight outside lake tower that lasted what seemed like an eternity!
Ummm… Can anyone tell me what’s with this wall on SMC?
This is a horrible idea, as a sea player, my night is your day, my day is your night. And I paid the same amount that you paid for the game.. Locking down the wvw maps in my prime time would just be plain unfair.
Great fights to those on TCBL @ Garrison just now. 3 way Inner lord’s room fight for almost up to an hour.
Wait ATM is going to join MERC, WM and ND?
O.O! What I know is, we log in everyday under the server name call Jade Quarry and fight under the server name call Jade Quarry.
This is a fresh match up for us, we really do enjoy it. Its been awhile since my boss stay up so late on weekdays to fight, thank you so much TC <3 and ya.. Omega is my boss new toy.. Once he start playing it, he cannot stop.. Hehe
TC really lives up to its name of being Zombie Coast, really respectable. Not forgetting FA, you guys rock too!
Singaporean spotted! hi hi!
Come to JQ bro. Theres where all the sg folks are.
:> TC also have a lot of sg folks !!!
Well Im from the east coast, you?
I’m from Singapore too.. I live in the east.. Where all the good food are!
I honestly find the OP extremely selfish. I am from SEA and like everyone else in NA, EU and Oceanic players, i paid the full price of the game. It makes no sense why Anet should lockdown an entire borderlands just because NA goes to sleep.
Bottom line is this, when I’m awake and I’m playing, you’re sleeping. Vice-versa. We lose stuffs due to coverage as well. To lockdown the map when you’re sleeping and i’m playing, would be an extremely unfair and selfish suggestion that would alienate EU/SEA communities from the game itself.
Well.. there is one in the red keep @ EB..
I really like the breakout event.. However I do have my reservations on how effective is it and if anyone would abuse it.
For example :
Team A pushes Team B to it’s last tower…. And camps there while trebbing it to bits and pieces.
On my thief, I utilized my #5 bow ability to teleport to the gate of a keep over the weekend (once). This placed me partially in the gate. This didn’t immediately lead to anything fruitful, in fact I was now frozen in place and dying quickly to arrow carts. Fortunately, my group was able to bring me back to life, and to my excitement I was no longer stuck in place – in fact, I walked into the keep through the still closed door……………..
I have never attempted this again because I do not condone or enjoy exploiting, however I say this because the first thought people always have when something happens is that they’re “hacking”. In many cases, it probably is, but I am willing to bet others have been as surprised as I was when something similar happened to them.
The question is, what did he do once in? I myself quickly died and went to WP. If he uses this to portal his team in, then that is cheap. If he did not, then chalk it up to a potential accident and everyone move on with their lives and enjoy the close battles that TC, Yaks, and CD are having!
He was dead before he went in. he just waited for resurrect because the gate was below 10%.
I don’t know who this guy is, but his guild tag was EsF, this is a screenshot I took of a CD mesmer in TC Borderlands at Sunnyhill, this guy literally just phased through our gate during the CD assault that is currently still happening.
I was involved in the assault on the tower @ Sunnyhill, and I must say, it was in no way intentional. One moment he was outside standing infront of the door and hitting the door, went into a down state, died, and suddenly ended up on the inside. All of us there were equally puzzled that he suddenly appeared on the other side of the tower.
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