Showing Posts Upvoted By themightycleric.5987:

Reporting a player for theft

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


It’s a shame, but consider it a lesson learned. Karma will get him later. And not the good kind.

Gone to Reddit.

Restoring a deleted guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


About half a year ago we made a guild with 2 friends. The guild had 3 leaders, with the same rights. We made a decision in the beginning: once we want to delete the guild, there should be the 3 leaders’ congurent vote to make this.

In spite of this rule, one friend got angry 2 days ago and deleted the guild we were build for half a year, which we developed, and which we collected our influence for.


Do you think, is there a chance to get back the deleted guild?

What do you keep in your inventory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


This is all the stuff Hip Hop Hamster carries around with her. She’s gonna get back problems. :c


What do you keep in your inventory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Dragonite, and that other related stuff that I forgot the name of because I’ve been away for a few months. I kept it because Devon said there would be something to spend it on in the future.

But something I just realized is that the future never arrives. Its always the present, never the future.

What do you keep in your inventory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Oh what I wouldn’t give for 20-slot bags whose content are shared across all characters equipped with such a bag. The ability to put all my account bound consumables (boosts, bank access, etc.) in a single bag and use them on any of my characters would be a most convenient one.

What do you keep in your inventory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


A bunch of soulbound mementos from events past, parts for items i am slowly working towards, and some account bound gathering tools.

Really wish our home instance held a shelf of sorts where we could show off items from past events that hold zero economic value.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pamela.8196


I don’t like the dailies at all
I don’t like the fact that they are telling you were you have to go to complete them
there might have been more choices before .. but they were your choices
that kinda killed the game for me and that’s why for the past month I only log in for the award and log right out

“Some say having a dark side will lead to no good … I certainly hope so …”

Raising Level Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


I think we will get:

*New lvls of infusions- currently only blue quality
*Craftable ascended trinkets
*Solo mode dungeons OR hero/henchy/merc system from gw1 (unlikely)
*A new progression panel to augment our characters in a non-op way – sorta like wvw ability points system but more class oriented.
*A couple new weapon choices that can be used by all classes
*Modable/Swapable weapon skills to tweak how each weapon skill works
*A way to set our high lvl character’s power, in low lvl areas, down significantly to increase our drops quality. A type of hardmode in a way.

Mostly a wish list I guess ;-)
This sort of stuff.

Raising Level Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


People have invested a lot of time, gold, resources and in some cases real currency in acquiring Ascended, Legendary, and Elite equipment. Raising the level cap would render all that work and equipment useless, and would be very unwise. People would leave in droves. Very bad idea.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Raising Level Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naiasonod.9265


There’s a very distinct chance that some unknown-but-tacitly-relevant quantity of people would quietly abandon GW2 and never come back if they raised the level cap and effectively rendered all our gear collections obsolete.

Personally, I’d be gone the moment I read the confirmed intention. If I’m going to play a gear-treadmill game, I’ll play one that never tried to be anything else and has been doing it right from the start.

GW2 trying to be that? No. That is not why I (or probably some/many) are here. That is not the game experience I want here. That is not what I will accept here.

One is only the smartest person in the room if they are alone.

Research Paper about GW2 and it's Players

in Community Creations

Posted by: ItsaJello.4168


Yes I’d love to read the research paper too when you’re done with it if you’re comfortable sharing!

(PVE) Turret Engineer Help

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

Just going to say it! Turrets are bad! In all game modes! But if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t care about that kind of stuff then more power to you! Here’s some advice!

  • Don’t go into the Inventions tree! It is by far the worst trait line that the Engineer has and in Vee Wee’s opinion one of the worst trait lines in the entire game! For all game modes! Even if you’re running multiple turrets!
  • Never run 3 turret utilities! The Engineer’s strength comes from kits! Taking 3 turret utilities just gimps you in ways that would make even Channing Tatum cringe!
  • If you really want to do dungeons with turrets, use them as party buffs and not as forms of damage dealing! The damage they deal is too pathetic even with Rifled Turret Barrels! Your own damage may suffer, but stacking might and fury on your entire team, as well as many vulnerability stacks on the bad guys is pretty huge! Something like this!

Hope that helped! Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

New to engineer, not doing enough damage.

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Hey, if you are on the EU servers, you may pm me ingame and I help you out directly with some live explanations and “lessions” how you can improve your playstyle. Telling you about your kits, combo fields, how they really work, how your damage becomes Nr. 2 in aoe and Nr. 3 in single target of all classes etc etc etc.

Just pm me – Ziggs Ironeye

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Research Paper about GW2 and it's Players

in Community Creations

Posted by: HykCraft.4610


I submitted some answers. Good luck.

Sorrow’s Furnace US

Finishers keep resetting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sinzaku.2980


Bump, this is very annoying.

“Necromancer in Heart and Soul” ~ #8k Hours#Asura
-(EvE ~ EU)-

Finisher Reset Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


I’ve noticed that since the patch my finisher keeps reseting even after I’ve changed it. It seems to only reset after I log out or if I go to dye my gear or observe outfits from my hero panel. By reset I mean it will go back to the default flag finisher. It’s odd though because after I log out it will reset to a random finisher that I’ve used in the past. Either way, I wish it would stop resting.

Anyone else having this issue? I asked map chat in heart of the mists and many said they did.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

Level colour

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trevor Bennett

Trevor Bennett

Gameplay Programmer

They go through several colors based on your level difference:
-8 or more is Grey
-7 to -6 is Green
-5 to -4 is Light Green
-3 to -2 is Greenish White
-1 to +1 is White
+2 to +3 is Light Pink
+4 to +5 is Pink
+6 to +7 is Light Red
+8 is Red
+9 is Deep Red
+10 or more is Magenta

Question about guilds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


That’s great then! If the project is of a bigger size, I’d be happy to participate! ^.^

Glad I could help anyhow.

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

My Map is Missing Panels

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


map information, like your friends have, gets unlocked at around level 15 if I remember right. after that, it is permanently unlocked across your account for all other characters.

hope that helped

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Mine-R-Tron Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


No. It says “any”, not “all”.

You get 1 item and you can put it on 1 character. You can of course pass them through bank to another character later, though.

20 level 80s and counting.

Why the Ranger hate.

in Ranger

Posted by: AimEd.3519


Meh, you can build any class poorly. There’s no specific way to play Ranger and if you want to run LB/GS the entire time than good for you, do w.e you want. Ignore anyone who tells you how to play your class, especially if what you’re doing is working and you enjoy it.

Max Laurel @ 99

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: indoryanw.4235


Good news: I’ve completed the daily and I now have 100 laurels.
Bad news: I’ve failed to convince you that I am NOT crazy.

I’ll keep an eye on those laurels. Either Repairing Client helped, or I simply mistook of a different amount.

Regardless the case, thank you guys for your help.

Can't continue quest.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minz.7683


Everything is working as intended. You have encountered the “new player experience” which has somewhat re-organized and partitionned the story into 10lvl segments.
This means that your first act of the personal story will be unlocked when your character reaches level 10. After competing the first act you will encounter another “leveling phase” until you can continue with act 2.

A warning for non-salvageable items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mizu.4508


I assume salvaging goes underneath Crafting.

So I bought Heavy Fused Gauntlets for the skin, and I also had intentions of using the gauntlets as well. However, now that I no longer have a use for them, I now find out that I’m unable to salvage them. I’m sure applying the Hellfire Vambrace skin over the gauntlets does not make it non-salvageable. Anyways, I’m rather disappointed because I wanted to take that Superior Speed rune out of it; I could use that 3g rather then have it stuck inside a non-salvageable gauntlet. Could we get some sort of warning for items that are salvageable or not? This also happened with the Fervid Censer which I had to toss out because again, I wasn’t aware that you can’t salvage it. Fortunately for me, I didn’t end up sticking a Strength Rune or a Hoelbrak Rune into one of these gauntlets; that would have been a real upset to find out its stuck in there. Of course, upgrade extractor is too expensive to extract ANYTHING but a generosity sigil. So at the end of the day, I lose 3g which isn’t that bad compared to other people’s losses on non-salvageable items but please. Give us a warning on salvageable and non-salvageable gear. I feel even worse for WvW armor buyers who find out they can’t salvage their gear for their runes.

Chef crafting question after patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Gallowbraid.9267


I just ate and sold a whole bunch of craftable snacks and meals because the items no longer had that Ingredient (x) label, however I’m just learning that they still are usable. This is so annoying! Now I have to make the ingredients again at some point, though running out of room to store all these in the bank. I agree there should be a separate storage for these, but I doubt they will do that. It would mean losing 600 gems for a new bank tab

Chef crafting question after patch

in Crafting

Posted by: Ice Man.8465

Ice Man.8465

It would be helpful if there was a storage area that you could place crafted items that are also crafting materials for other items.