Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
Anet absolutely needs to change this before it goes live.
See for yourself:
A vote for Evon supports RNG boxes, the true scourge of GW2. Down with RNG and down with Evon!
Been leveling a new toon with the new trait system. Quite frankly it is nothing but a source of annoyance. The adept traits should be MUCH easier to obtain, not 100% map completion on high level maps…
Give out more trait points sooner, and re-balance the trait unlocks (make them cheaper AND easier), and you might have a good system.
So essentially, Home World will be a WvW distinction only. Home World will have NO MEANING in PvE what-so-ever.
I see this creating an even greater divide between PvE and WvW. WvW players won’t be able to promote the WvW game mode to the PvE community in an effective way. New PvE players won’t even realize that they are associated with a specific WvW server, and they will not organize their social structures to match server assignments.
This is how that LA conversation could go:
All of this is to illustrate a point. Server identity needs to exist in a meaningful way in both PvE and WvW. If it does not, then WvW will become its own separate little corner of GW2.
I think it will be possible to maintain server identity in PvE in the new system, but it will require additional systems to do this intentionally. Are any such systems in the works?
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
There are several solutions to this problem:
1) Allow karma/badge equipment to be salvaged, but only for the rune/sigil (could add a pop-up warning)
2) Dramatically decrease the price of the Upgrade Extractor (should be aiming for 5g per use).
3) Dramatically increase the supply of expensive sigils and runes, forcing the price down.
At the very least, Karma and Badge armor should come with a warning on it, saying “cannot be salvaged.”
It is so ironic that Birdsong (on a new account) started this thread…
The obvious solution has been ignored by all the people campaigning for the freedom to troll. Ban trolls from the match-up subforum. Stop messing around with warnings and removing signatures and crap. If you don’t want the forum to be toxic, don’t tolerate trolling.
First Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 1 day
Second Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 3 days
Third Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 1 week
Fourth Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 4 weeks
Fifth Troll: Banned from match-up subforum permanently
This way, the match-up threads don’t become a toxic cesspool. The bans are not forum wide, but merely removing people from the match-up threads who cannot speak respectfully to their opponents. Why should we let the minority ruin it for the rest of us?
Now the match-up threads will move to another site, and probably an unmoderated site, because that is what all the troll champions want. The match-up threads will be infinitely more toxic than they are now, and that toxicity might start to seep over into WvW itself, infecting the community and not just some threads.
I think it would be far better for Anet to retain control of the match-up threads, and use that control to remove trolls from the conversation. Instead they are letting the trolls win…
We need a manual instance selection menu, complete with indicators as to the numbers of guild members/server-mates/friends on any given instance, and how full the instance is.
Anything less than this will just generate a mess when trying to coordinate with friends. The automatic system is good, but it cannot predict every scenario. Give us the tools for when “auto” is not good enough.
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
We will be adding more liquid WXP that will be purchasable, likely with badges and some other currency, soon. As in, less than a month. I’ve made it a personal goal to improve the experience for playing alts in WvW. And to cut it off now, we are not making WvW rank account bound.
Based on this comment, I had assumed that the liquid WXP for badges was intended to make life easier for alts in WvW. Perhaps my assumption is wrong, but it seems reasonable to me.
However, this WXP for laurels will have the opposite effect, for one simple reason: The only people with extra laurels to burn are people WITHOUT ALTS.
If you only intend to play one character, and have already got all your ascended gear, then you probably have hundreds of extra laurels to spend. Pumping an extra hundred World ranks into your main character is definitely possible, and probably more rewarding than selling the unidentified dyes.
However, if you like playing alts, you will NEVER have extra laurels. There are simply too many ascended trinkets to buy.
As such, WXP for laurels (in it’s current configuration) actually makes the game less alt friendly. If you don’t have alts, you get free World Ranks. If you have alts, you will be constantly starting over at rank 0.
Here is what would work:
GW2 already has a nice, alt friendly leveling system: the level 20 scrolls.
For badges/laurels, sell a level 50 WXP scroll, like the level 20 experience scrolls you get for character birthdays. It will only be useful for alts, because it does not add 50 levels, but rather sets you at 50 levels, no matter how many levels you already have.
The only problem with this scroll would be the rank up chests, but that could easily be solved with the bonus chest system. Just give them 2 chests for the next 50 levels (like Anet did when the chests were first released).
If you like this idea, post a reply and hopefully we will get noticed!
WXP for Laurels only works if you dont need those laurels for alts.
Make a Level 50 WXP scroll (like the level 20 experience scroll) instead.
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
There is a reason that the guards are NPCs, because standing around in a tower is boring, and this is a game. We are here to have fun. We let NPCs do the boring stuff.
So let the NPCs do the scouting please. Heck, it is not even scouting, it is standing watch. Scouting is fun, standing watch is not. I don’t want to be a watchman. Requiring watchmen adds nothing to the game, and only serves to make defense even more boring and even less rewarding.
What will happen when defense becomes more boring, less effective, and less rewarding? People won’t do it. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that it will “force” anything. People will just defend less. The game will become an offensive capping race.
Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that the music box will ever see production.
More options = More buttons
If you see an elementalist as “look at how many buttons I have to press to do damage,” then you missed the point.
Think of it this way:
No matter what the situation is, you have a set of skills ready to use. It takes more buttons to have so many options available. But if you had less buttons, then you would not have those options. Complexity is the price you pay for flexibility.
In the meantime, take advantage of the unstable meta. This is your chance to develop new strategies which your enemy does not know yet. People have been making all sorts of stupid strategic moves, make them pay for it! …
My server is SFR. With these buffs the only stupid strategic moves our opponents ever do, are simply logging in WvW… They get zerged even harder…
Now, I see what you are trying to pull with this, and to be fair, I’ve been pretty supportive and patient toward ANet, but this is immensely ridiculous.
Bloodlust was never billed as a solution to population imbalance. You are the rank 1 server fighting rank 6 and 10, what did you expect?
Population imbalance is still a huge issue in GW2, but blaming it on bloodlust makes no sense.
Lag can and eventually will be fixed. That’s not the core issue. The core issue is that all fights 1v1, ZvZ, etc. are no longer straight up fights, they are tainted by the stat buffs.
You can think of it like PED’s in sports. Lance Armstrong won all of those Tour de France’s or Barry Bonds won all of those MVP awards but they took PED’s so it doesn’t really count.
Apply it to WvW: Team A defeated Team B in the field. Team A had the stats buff so it doesn’t really count. Now if Team B won without the stats buff then okay, well done. But Team A never really had an opportunity to do something impressive win or lose, so already they are not going to play to their potential.
I realize PED’s are illegal and the Bloodlust buff is perfectly legal, the point is more regarding the fact that there is a performance enhancer involved and how this impacts the fun of legitimately defeating your opponent toe to toe.
WvW is about strategy. You are supposed to take advantage of every unfair aspect, it is war. That is why there is siege, walls, and upgrades.
If one side has a ballista behind their zerg, they have an advantage. If one side has the bloodlust buff, they have an advantage. WvW is a strategy game, and it is supposed to be that way.
The correct place for “toe to toe” “everything is fair” fighting is sPvP. I realize that sPvP is woefully inadequate for a lot of types of pvp, but that is sPvP’s problem, not WvW’s. They should not design WvW to be what sPvP ought to be. Instead they ought to improve the sPvP game mode so it can run GvG and duels and deathmatch.
Inb4 this was a calculated ‘leak’ so they can then ‘generously’ change the decision to show how ‘in touch’ they are with WvW players.
Say what
I’m just going to squash this rumor right now. Before the strong negative feedback received after the interview at gamescom, every intention was for each color to cost 300g. Pending QA, that version was ready to ship for the feature pack.
When the flood of feedback came in, there was a flurry of emails working out the best course of action, and in the end Zach and Tyler worked the weekend to make sure this change could be made on time for 9/9.
I really appreciate Anet’s willingness to turn the ship around so quickly. I realize that was no easy task and personal sacrifices where made to make this possible, and I’m grateful.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here.
When it comes to WvW, “small” changes have a big community impact. (After all, WvW is the most community driven aspect of GW2.) Things like character or account bound WxP define how the game is played. Likewise, charging 300g per color also has a profound effect on the community.
I understand why Anet wants to wait until the last second to announce things. You have been burned in the past; I get it. That said, if you had communicated with the community about your plans sooner (even if it was strictly hypothetical), you would have gotten this important feedback sooner, and been able to plan accordingly. There would have been no need for a heroic weekend cram session.
This is a reoccurring problem with WvW development. It happened with WxP, Bloodlust, US Season 1 Leagues and now with Commander Tags. All of these problems could have been avoided by working with the community during the development phase.
So this is my suggestion:
Keep the WvW community in the loop. Include us BEFORE you invest a lot of time and energy in an idea. Make sure you emphasize that everything is hypothetical, and you are not promising anything. (So you don’t get burned again by people saying “Anet promised”) Just include us and get our opinion, and you will get a better game as a result.
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
I simply hate running full zerk, for me that is not fun at all. (Except for kill shotting noobs in WvW.)
I run a hybrid DPS/Tank staff ele build. In normal PvE content, my defensive skills/traits/stats would be considered a problem, sacrificing DPS for no reason. However in the tower, my build is awesome. I still do enough damage to kill everything, and I have enough heals, condition cleanses, stability, and invulnerability to survive.
You have my thanks, Anet! This is the first PvE combat in months that I have enjoyed.
Its so funny watching NSP try to convinced the rank 23/24 servers that getting stomped is so horrible…
We know.
The fact that we are still on these low ranked servers says something. If you played for silver league, that would say something too. If you tank to play in bronze league, that says something else…
Well dang, that blog post amounts to a pretty epic face slap.
To the WvW team: Thank you so much for making this change. I know you have been opposed to this for a long time, so I really appreciate your willingness to change your plans to meet the community’s request.
Suddenly, I have the freedom to play alts to my hearts content in WvW. I’m so excited!
A large part of my server would probably rage-quit the game.
People who are in bronze have EVERY opportunity to leave, and choose to stay. We like it here. If you don’t like bronze, transfer like everyone else who doesn’t like it. Don’t seek to destroy what we like because you don’t like it.
At its most basic level, the problem is population imbalance.
However, the problem is actually two separate problems:
1) Game-wide server imbalance
2) Imbalance within a given match up
Each problem needs to be addressed separately.
Simply put, the difference between T1 and T8 is FAR too large. Guilds have been abandoning lower tier servers for stacked servers at an alarming and increasing rate. Why is this happening? It is quite simple.
Currently, the game rewards stacking
No one is forcing people to stack servers. People are doing of their own freewill, because there is an advantage to stacking servers, and no disadvantage (except recently for queue times, which Anet already plans to “fix.”) Because people have been encouraged to stack, they have been making this problem progressively worse.
The game needs to reward balance
If the game rewards population balance, the player base will balance the population themselves. Simply create a sliding reward scale: the lower the servers population, the greater the reward. People will transfer to these “rewarding” places, until the population balances out and the rewards are equal. From that point forward, if ever a massive shift happens to imbalance the populations, the players will correct it themselves.
Ideas for how to reward balance
Once an imbalanced match up begins, there is a tendency for the weaker servers to “give up” and for the larger servers to start “karma trains.” The three way battle was supposed to help balance this, when the two weaker servers gang up on the stronger server. Unfortunately, the reality is that the first place server will get a free pass, and the other two servers will “play for second.”
Currently, there is no reward for fighting against difficult/impossible odds
If you are dominating WvW with numbers, you are greatly rewarded with loot, karma, xp, wxp and three bonus chests. If you are steamrolled in WvW, then you are rewarded with not paying an armor repair bill (maybe). There is no incentive to keep fighting, other than personal determination.
The game needs to reward the underdog for not giving up
I’ve watched people wipe and die over and over again in PvE just because the reward was worth it. Give a reward “worth dieing for” to the underdog and they will keep fighting. Both sides will enjoy this more, because even the winning side gets bored in a washout.
Ideas for how to reward the underdog for not giving up
Currently, the game promotes playing for second
WvW is a classic prisoner’s dilemma. If both weaker servers work together, they could get first and second place. Instead, because they cannot trust each other, the weaker servers will play for second, make the balance worse instead of better.
The game needs to promote ganging up on the first place server
Due to the inherent nature of the prisoner’s dilemma, the game gives to give additional incentive to “go for first.” The incentive needs to be greater than the incentive to play for second, or it will not break the prisoner’s dilemma.
Ideas to promote playing for first
People always talk about the “meta,” but the “meta” is just people responding to game mechanics. People steer toward rewarding actions and away from punishing ones. Anet can leverage this to control the meta, and make it promote balance.
Still wondering why threads like this get buried under hundreds of stupid ones.
Devs, are you discussing this?
Kinda like the Emperor’s New Cloths… or rather the opposite.
I’ve been debating about posting this, but I think it is time.
You are playing a different game than we are. Your goal is kills. Our goal is points. It is as simple as that. We generally call people who play for points, WvW players. We generally call people who play for kills, PvP players.
In WvW, everything is about resource efficiency and time management. A good WvW player intentionally avoids fights, if they are a time-suck away from something more important. A good WvW player spends a lot of time not fighting and instead scouting, building siege, repairing, and coordinating. A good WvW player will even build his character differently, so as to be useful to the big picture, which might mean sacrificing killing power for swiftness or escape abilities.
When WvW players encounter PvP players, they see them as a roadblock, just like walls on a castle or defensive siege. A good WvW player will find the most time and resource efficient way around that roadblock. In this case, overwhelm the PvP players with numbers. It only take a minute or two to do, and the road block is cleared without tying up a lot of resourses or making people run back from spawn from losing to a “fair fight.”
The truth of it is, we don’t care how good you are at killing people. We care about points, and you are no threat there. You are an inconvenience, which is easily countered with superior numbers or running away.
If we WvW players looked at you PvP players and said “We are better than you because we contribute to the server point total,” we would be wrong. You are not playing the same game as us, and that is comparing apples to oranges. You are good at what you intend to do, it is just not the same goal that we have.
Likewise, the opposite is also true. PvP players should not say to WvW players “We are better than you because we win even fights.” That is missing the point. WvW players are not trying to be the best at player killing, we have a different goal. It is entirely possible to be a GREAT WvW player, and lose every 1v1 battle you face. Because WvW is not team deathmatch. Sometimes the best WvW tactic is to intentionally die over and over again just to keep the enemy busy. (In fact, we have done that to you before, sent one or two “sacrifices” to draw you away while we do our work.)
So PAXA, keep that in mind. You do not earn bragging rights when you kill a group of WvW players. We do not earn bragging rights when we steamroll you with numbers. The only way to earn bragging rights is to play the same game, which we are not.
To any GoM players who are still complaining about winning, please stop. This is a great match-up, it is loads of fun, and in case you didn’t notice we are still winning.
To everyone else, please don’t let listen to the vocal minority from our server. We are not offended by you guys focusing us. The number 2 and 3 servers are supposed to focus the number 1 server, that is the point of a three way battle. Of course, it is frustrating for GoM, but it must also be frustrating for you guys. I actually respect NSP and DR more because you are not playing for second.
Now of course, Os would focus on GoM no matter who is winning, but that is only because they have a HUGE crush on us. We love you too Os.
Edit: I don’t know what guild Entropy is from, but I’m sure Os would sign this letter too.
Dear GoM,
I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.
Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.
NSPP.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
We sure have a lot of anger in this thread, (and genuine I think, unlike NSP forum trolling).
I sympathize with ET and FC and the horrible match up you guys had to live with for so long. I also understand why some of us on GoM are mad with “dev-ine” intervention (transfers to enemies + point manipulation) which knocked us down quite a few ranks.
Lets not lose sight of what we have. T8 is a really competitive tier right now, and I’m loving every minute of it. We have the potential to make T8 the most fun tier in the game. So lets enjoy it, and get to know our new neighbors, instead of yelling at the neighbor kids to “get off our lawn.”
ok, so we now have 19 pages of mostly negative feedback.
Not only is it negative, but the people most negative are the guild/server community leaders! These are the people who make GW2 a success.
Its time for Anet to do what they claim they do best: Iterate
I’d say we now have 19 pages of (mostly the same) people overreacting and forgetting the flaws of the game from less than 2 weeks ago. Megaservers aren’t perfect, but I’d take it any day over the situation from 2 weeks ago.
Why is it better now? What have I forgotten? How is it an overreaction?
I can’t run temples anymore. My servers metatrain, which I really enjoyed, is dead. Guild missions are a giant pain now. Rata Sum has newly installed lag generators in the bank area. I don’t RP myself, but I’ve watched the tragedy of RPers getting trolled off a map.
What benefit did Megaservers bring which outweighed all of that?
Okay, so before we get too far into this discussion, here is something else to think about:
Would you rather see us make some number of small improvements in the short term and larger changes long term or just tear the whole thing down and start from scratch?To be a bit more specific, we could probably do something like multicolor markers without too much work, although it is not a given, but that would likely be the extent of things for a long period of time.
Long term, the commander system needs to be scrapped and rebuilt.
Why? Because we really honestly need some sort of a squad UI. And not just a crappy squad UI, a full fledged one that lets you re-arrange groups, track supply, set objectives and draw permanent things on the map and everything.
Short term, limit the changes to easy quality of life fixes.
Come on Anet.
This is not in the WvW sub-forum, so I actually do expect a response at some point…
Just a simple “We acknowledge the problems and will work on a solution” would go pretty far. Its not that hard, honest.
You didn’t miss anything.
The most recent major update to WvW (EotM) is so broken it no longer qualifies as a competitive game mode. At most, it is now an upgraded Queensdale champ train (they depreciated the old one). Other than that, not even a mention of future WvW development since like February, unless you count the developers trying to fix the season 2 rewards…
Low Tier = Less Coverage/Numbers
Low Tier =/= Bad tactics, coordination, or player skill
In fact, when EotM first came out, we quickly learned that low tier guilds can kill high tier guilds, no problem. There is skill in every tier.
It was long, but it was also one of the most enjoyable reads on the forum.
The rich orichalcum node in Southsun Cove is dramatically increasing the supply of orichalcum ore in the game, lowering its price significantly.
Take a look for yourself. You can see the price go up because people were not farming orichalcum as much during the event, then a sudden drop. This is when everyone who did the one day event learned where a static rich orichalcum node lived. Now anyone can reliably pick up 12+ orichalcum a day without a significant time investment. All you have to do is distract a champion mob.
To farm orichalcum before, you had to:
- Keep track of where the nodes are after each patch.
- Work out a path through Orr where you could survive, move quickly, and not waste too much money on teleports.
- Learn how to survive while running through Orr (possibly even modifying your build for it).
^^^ This is challenging, fun, and rewarding.
However this new node is different. All you have to do is:
- Distract a champion
^^^ This is easy, boring, and ruins the reward of the old way
So Anet, if you are listening: Please remove the rich orichalcum node from the game. Those of us who loving fighting off zombies to mine precious metals will thank you.
We want to be able to buy individual pieces of the gemstore armor sets.
Anet will make more money this way. Very few people will fork out 800 gems just for one pair of pants or one pair of boots or one top, but lots of people would pay 200-300 gems for it. You will even get people like me buying more than 800 gems of pieces for various looks.
GW2 is all about customizable looks, don’t lock us into cookie cutter outfits.
Game Update Notes
- Evon Gnashblade has won the seat on the Lion’s Arch Captain’s Council. For the next two weeks he will be near the lion fountain where you can congratulate him. He will reward you for your support with a back piece that looks like a slot machine.
- Black Lion Chests now have a rare chance to drop a Mouth of Torment Key. The Mouth of Torment Key is a soulbound consumable that adds the new Fall of Abaddon Fractal to the fractal roll table for your party for one hour. Mouth of Torment Keys can only be obtained from Black Lion Chests, and only for a limited time!
- Black Lion Keys are now on sale for 20% off! Get your Mouth of Torment Keys while you still can!
Fixed that for you. There is no way they will just give you the keys for gems, you got to RNG for it and put an unnecessary and vague time-limit on it!
(P.S. Gibson, your post made my day.)
Seriously people, stop freaking out about the bloodlust buff.
The meta takes time to change. No one really knows how bloodlust will affect the game yet. Everyone has their own unsubstantiated theories, lets wait and see who is right. Give it a month (or at least 2 weeks) before having your panic attack.
In the meantime, take advantage of the unstable meta. This is your chance to develop new strategies which your enemy does not know yet. People have been making all sorts of stupid strategic moves, make them pay for it! Take your part in shaping the new meta.
So grab your towel and don’t panic!
…Limited due to post length…
We have a Large Community:
GlassCannons and StealthTanks:
Accountability and Responsibility
Conclusion as a Company, it is an obligation to keep things proper, so when you know as a company, and a moderator, that is what you will be dealing with, there really is no benefit to relax the rules. It is better to keep the rules tight, taught and let the people who enjoy more loose rules can make their own site, or move off to another site and do their own thing.
I think, if Magumma enjoys trash talking they would profit greatly from perhaps having their own WvW Spat/Trash talk forum, who knows, you might get some people from the other worlds to kick it up with you, but normally, official sits and forums are not the place for that, too many kinds of people here.
+1 is not enough for this post.
The modern world is quick to break down social norms in the name of individualism and personal freedom (and often rightly so, just look at the history of the free world). But sometimes social norms are very important to keep society working, and this forum is no different. The forum rules are definitely limiting personal freedom (and therefore some people’s ability to have fun), but they are important.
Sometimes, one person’s “fun personal freedom” is another person’s pain. Imagine if I make a post which makes fun of women. Now I’m happily married, I love my wife deeply, and truly respect both genders. I (and my friends) know that I’m just joking, but do you? Perhaps you are a woman who has been abused. Do I tell you to just get over it and realize that I’m joking? Or do I limit my personal freedom and “fun” for the benefit of others? I hope that the answer is obvious.
If trash talkers want to start their own forum, where it is understood up front that everything is in good fun, go for it. But the official forums are for everyone who bought the game, not just the sub-set which are ok with trash talking.
Proposal Overview
Guild Event CalendarGoal of Proposal
create a fast and easy way to schedule guild events without having to send out mail or whispers to your guild.Proposal Functionality
Under the guild window there would be a calendar tab with a plan blank calendar
- ability to add events
- date and time info along with ingame waypoint or poi
- ability to have the event span across more than one day
- ability to have events repeat like when make up guild missions take place ect.
- rank options for who can add, remove, edit and view
- option to be able to be mailed a summary (per player so if a player wants to opt out of it they can)
- option to turn on anet events ( things like feature patch updates or pvp/wvw tournament starts)
Associated Risks
- spam
- inappropriate language or events added
- conflicting events with other guilds (note that every guild would have there own and other guilds would not be able to see them unless you were a member of that guild)
In additional to what suggested.
Goal of Proposal
Easier to coordinate with individuals of different timezone.Proposal Functionality
Display a alert in guild chat if there is a upcoming guild event in xx minutes.
Completely agree, a built in calendar (which automatically compensates for timezones) with in-game announcements would be amazing!
Completely agreed, this design allows kill stealing. I hate WoW for a reason.
Something is only OP if it cannot be countered.
Vaporform can be countered (either no place to run, or immobilize before poping it).
Sure, not everyone can counter it everytime, but how would you like it if your class ability was always countered everytime?
So Vaporform is not OP, but people don’t like it because they don’t have that ability. Should thieves lose stealth because I can’t do that? Should mesmers lose clones because I cannot summon clones? Should necros lose corrupt boon because I cannot corrupt boons? Should engineers… umm… well you get my point.
If everyone gives up their class advantages, then we have one really boring game.
The fewer alts we play, the quicker we burn out on the game. All these alt-unfriendly features are going to hurt the game badly in the long run.
I completely agree. I was so excited about alts in this game, right up until world ranks and ascended gear…
My ele will always be my main, but I loved having the freedom to switch classes from time to time. Now it feels like I’m hurting my progression.
score update.. looked like GoM was losing ground but we manage to gain some back.. gj .. still a close score and hope it continues.. win or lose i like this close score better than dominations..
Regardless of who wins, it looks like we will flatten out the T7 rankings, which ought to keep IoJ and SF out of T7 for a bit longer.
We should probably start checking our mail for IEDs sent by ET and FC…
My oh my…
This entire thread is a perfect snapshot of the PvE vs PvP argument… The jumping puzzles in WvW just bring out the worst in people, I swear…To the OP…
It’s a PvP zone, kid. While it’s nice to think that others will leave you alone and peace will hold sway in a Jumping puzzle while you run through it, the truth of the matter is, in the end it /is/ a PvP zone. They are well within their rights to attack you there. And really, coming here and making a tread about it does not help, and only gives fuel to the forum warriors and trolls…To those responding negatively to the OP…
The reputation you all keep perpetuating… Angry little PvPers will be angry as they ‘Drink the bittersweet QQ of PvE Carebears!!’ and who for some reason can derive no pleasure from a game at all unless they are mindlessly slaughtering other people and then bragging about just how big they think their kittens are…
Really, the more I hear this silly type of nonsense the less I actually hear what they are saying, and instead just hear, ‘Ooo OOO! AHH AHH! >jumping up and down, chest-thumping!< LOOKIT MY BANANAAA!!’Sore losers are bad, but sore winners are even worse, really…
Shhh…. your going to kill this most entertaining thread with all those correct ideas and logic and stuff. Brb, getting more popcorn.
For Grape Justice [FGJ]
It would be really nice to get some developer comments on this thread…
Clearly they are reading it because they released a language hotfix. We have dozens of questions and suggestions in this thread, we could use some feedback too.
I think many people are still missing the point of the breakout event.
It was never intended that you could “own” a borderland and push the enemy out. Each team was meant to have an advantage in their borderland, but every borderland was important because each one had an orb. No one could afford to leave a borderland alone, because that meant you were forfeiting an orb.
The meta changed when the orbs where removed. Suddenly, it made more sense to just concentrate on home because you have an advantage there. Everyone became focused on locking out the enemy, and holding the home BL. You only had to worry about two zones, your BL, and EB. Generally, you would only attack someone’s BL to force them to commit more troops to defend it.
This was an unintended result of the removal of orbs. Breakout events are meant to fix this. There is always supposed to be a battle (spawn camping does not count) in every map, so they made it easier to get started.
Does this make it harder to defend your home borderland? Yes, it is supposed to. Instead of focusing on cleansing the enemy completely off your home map, go to their map and divide their forces. The meta-game was changed intentionally. The old meta-game is not supposed to work anymore. That is the point.
If these monsters just had x2 HP, no one would complain.
However, because they are disabled and immobilized once they hit 50% HP, and you are given a free 4 second spell to kill them once they hit 50%, apparently it is a travesty…
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
Clearly, Anet dramatically overestimated the effectiveness of the automatic system. We need a manual control secondary system in place ASAP.
To everyone still suffering from denial. The blast finishers are completely gone. It has been tested. Move on to the next stage of grief: Forum posting… err i mean anger.
We would probably get stomped, but it would be fun for old times sake.
Keep in mind that weekends are a thing. Now that we’re all back in the office, caffeinated and ready to go, we’re gonna jump back in the threads.
Having said that, when you guys get going and are having good discussions, we sit back and make sure we give you guys room to debate/discuss. Just because there isn’t a dev response every X posts, it doesn’t mean we’re not watching the thread.
I totally agree with you on the whole weekend thing!
However I got to disagree with you on the watching but not participating thing.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the silent treatment. But have you ever stopped to wonder why the silent treatment works? Why does saying nothing at all work as a better attack than direct confrontation? The Answer: People care, a lot, about being heard.
The thread was an invitation to forge a relationship between devs and players. However, if we get no response for days, it begins to feel like the silent treatment. We begin to feel hurt and ignored, regardless of whether or not it is justified. When the silent treatment goes on long enough, people can become hostile.
It is not enough for you to be listening but not speaking. We need feedback the same as you. We need to know what YOU think about what WE are saying.
We don’t need a lot of feedback, one post a day would be plenty. Just assure us that we are not talking to a wall.
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