Showing Posts For unseenone.1463: This POI has a mysterious ore, with absolutely nothing that happens when you inspect it. Anyone know what it was or is for?
I agree, and they can say “oh yea its coming” or whatever as long as they want, it all means nothing until they actually show us some work.
With so many beautiful cities and tudor style houses, it is a real shame that 99% of their interiors are inaccessible. I would love to see more interiors that have meaning.
I have to wonder, what is the intended age group for this game? Many of the quests in personal stories especially the orders seem to involve the simplest of plots and dialogue, and they all seem to have banter, even when there is death all around them, like it is just nothing. Much of the acting reminds me of “team rocket” from pokemon. Was this intended?
I don’t know why you want repeatable, but I definitely agree that they need to add things such as fun dungeons or even jump puzzles to the zones we already have. They could also add new permanent zones, they need to do something and soon.
That’s just the problem “not ruling out an expansion” could go on for another 6 months. They need to decide what they want to do, and start delivering content. Its been a YEAR and they still have no idea what their business model is.
I believe arena net needs to instill some confidence in to the player base. With a typical expansion there is always hype telling what sort of things can be expected, with the living story there is no way to no what is on the horizon, and then when something like SAB and the next patch are released, one is left feeling like there is no point in playing until something decent comes out, which at this rate could be never.
I agree completely. I was so disappointed to find out that they were not going to do expansions. I don’t care how many times they claim they still can, they aren’t doing ANYTHING that is expansion worthy, and there is nothing on the horizon as far as players know since they wont tell us anything other than “oh yea uhh…we are working on big stuff sure…”
I wanted to chime in here as I feel the OP has addressed several issues that I agree with. For all the claims of “innovation” that guild wars 2 promised, it actually seems to be going backwards. The world is stagnant, and these new patches are not different than any other MMO piling on content while failing to update what exists.
I must say I agree as well. I played warcraft for a long time and it always drove me crazy how it was all about sitting in a city and porting around. Guild wars is at a huge disadvantage due to the fact that there are no mounts and it is all portal based already, so they really need to step it up and give reasons to visit zones.
From what I gather most characters are very archetypal, one dimensional cliche characters. The villains are a pretty glaring offense.
1. Integrated lore delivery- Something akin to a journal that has information about zones, bosses, story, armor and items. (would also include the living story as it unfolds)
4. Better rewards – armor and weapons as rewards are useless because there are so many that they are dirt cheap on the trade post. unique weapon skins are a good start
5. I agree with some others on the camera – you cant go out or in enough
YES!!!! These are beautiful. I am so glad they are not doing the warcraft method or “ADD MORE FIRE AND SIZE” .
Please keep it up!
Chill. Its a game, go outside or read something.
If you truly have see IT ALL (which I highly doubt) then maybe this lack of carrot on a stick just doesn’t work for you. I have played through queensdale countless times, and I always find something new that I had no idea was there. Stop looking for some grind carrot on a stick and start playing for fun with friends. If you can’t do that then you may as well play something else.
You all say “never pay for rng” I had no idea that there was only a single dye, let alone that it was possible to be a dye that already exists! Pretty much consumer theft as far as I am concerned. If I had spent more I would be enraged.
Yes, this is exactly the sort of thing we need to bring the game together. Without the traditional quest log there is no way to know what is going on, often outside sources are needed to gather information about what is happening IN GAME. A “newspaper” would fit really well.
It is a great game, far better than anything on the market. Just keep a good perspective and it will stay that way.
Yea I bought a frost and a flame dye. I was so mad, not only is it just one single dye, but on top of that it is NOT unique to the purchase, they are just cheap kitten dyes available on the trade post for nothing.
Are you kidding me here? Grow the hell up. It’s elitist pricks like you who ruin the GAME for everyone else. We are all here for FUN.
I am glad you posted about this, as I was just about to post something similar. My brother and I are both long time RPG and MMO players, and while we love GW2 I agree that the loot has no appeal. The game is fun, but when you spend 10 minutes killing a champion together only to get a useless blue item it really is frustrating.
Oh and don’t give us “bulging sacks of coins” if they have a few silver in them lol.
I have a feeling the dragons will always be in a state of “going to attack soon be wary”.
I want to note that my reason for posting this is not burnout, but rather concern for a game that I think is very capable of breaking the mold and being a great MMO.
Much of the game-play is quite fun, in particular difficult champion fights with friends (the ones that offer a challenge that you can do with two people), exploration (so many cool areas), and dungeons (still have barely scratched the surface myself).
The part that concerns me is that the new content seems to be mostly achievement based mini-games and grinds, that do not represent the original game at all. (there are of course exceptions)
Yea, yet another discouraging post from Arenanet. They call this stuff major releases? World changing events? The stuff that was already in the game is more world changing than this weak “story”.
Happened to me as well. I was really hoping for some interesting lore and places that could be checked out, but played the stuff they released for the new skins etc. However, with this most recent update (scarlet) I have called into question what the point is, since no part of it was entertaining.
This post is short and sweet. Living story is attempting to compel people who feel the NEED to play by creating all these achievement and weapon skin filled festivals, instead of creating content that makes players WANT to play.
As soon as people say “wait why am I playing this again?” the entire thing will collapse for them and they will likely not be interested in playing as much, if at all.
Also, back to school? Not all of us are 13 years old.
I understand the adventure box not taking itself seriously, and I am sure the update will be fun. The problem is, when is the “living story” every going to actually tell a story?
And please don’t give us the “its not finished, its living and coming out a piece of a time” because I played Ascalon catacombs the other day, and got MORE STORY from the intro cinematic then from the entire living story thus far.
Please don’t ignore the player base and continue on this path, or at least change the name to weekly party fun time, so that it is more accurate.
I heartily agree with these points. Lets make guild wars the game it has the potential to be!
I just did some stuff in Kessex hills, specifically an event in fort salma where centaurs attack with catapults. The buildings seem to be destructible, and are repairable afterwards. It was a neat event and really shows what sort of events the system is capable of. I think it would be very entertaining to do an event such as this, except across a zone and have it last for days with the success depending on players, and failure ultimately wiping the town from the map. —This would be excellent for the living story as well, the current living story stuff feels very “just kill x amount of waves and she will go away”
Morrigan, your experience with her is EXACTLY the type of thing I am talking about, there is no explanation or introduction what so ever about what the game offers. Lack of a proper information delivery system, UNLESS you look everything up online, which many will not bother with.
I obviously need to clarify a bit here. I used the term lack of logistics to refer to the effort required of the player in order to get into the game. More specifically, arena net lacks the logistical delivery system that explains any sort of details the purpose of the game, and where you as a player are heading. Yes, you receive a random in game mail about a dungeon at level 25 or 30, but that’s it. Rather than stumbling on a dungeon skyrim style, or being directed by a dungeon finder you end up researching on an external website what is offered. This is a very poor delivery system that does not let newer players understand how great the game is. Living story fits in as well, many players like myself do not quite understand the “point” of it, due to the fact that it is very vague and so far a lot of it is not accessible to those who are not 80.
The key term I would say is – delivery method. That is by far the thing that could be improved to let players know what is what. (side note about delivery, stop putting character stories outside of the game on the website.)
Nightarch has some great ideas!
1. Many more weapons and armor sets added
2. Significantly decrease the availability of armor and weapons so they have value
3. New race
4. New class
5. More weapon options for all classes
6. Much more skills and elites
7. Like someone above mentioned, change loot to reflect the difficulty of the fight(champ zergs in mind here)
Yes, arjeidi I am only recently discovering the lack of armors. It is frustrating to have to buy transmutation gems so I can use high level items on my lower characters for visual gear progression. And from the looks of it mostly weapons are being added with stuff like the dang black lion chests.
I submitted a ticket for an email change WEEKS ago and haven’t heard a thing. I don’t know why a ticket has to be made for something that is so easy in other games.
Eventually I did, the thing is this is not some scenario that doesn’t play out. It played out for my brother and I and we both quit the game in 2 months. The only reason we decided to come back and give it a solid try was because there was nothing to do over the summer.
Yea, I am starting to wonder if China/Korea gets top priority when it comes to art and design.
Can we PLEEEEEEEEEASE get some more pants options? I don’t want to have 90% giant skirts on all of my characters! The pants that are in game look so good!
I for one would prefer the expansion. The living story could be neat, but so far has not delivered any where near the type of experience that a fresh expansion brings. The game needs new classes, new skills, new hairstyles, new armor. Instead we get mini-games and sub-par story telling every two weeks.
I am not saying that this information is not there. I believe you have both helped me pinpoint what it is I mean. Most players will play a character to around 20, and make their opinions about the game. For many, the game will be lacking because information is not provided at that point to explain what is out there for them to continue playing for.
I use the dungeons as the example because when I first began I had no idea they were such a neat feature of the game-due to the fact that leveling to 35 is a bit high to encounter the very first dungeon of the game. I hate to use warcraft as an example, and in no way am I saying warcraft is a better game, but warcraft does provide a solid dungeon experience at level 15, and further has a dungeon finder that becomes available very early in the game which allows people to quickly experience one of the major features of the game.
Hello, before I begin I want to state that this is in no way a quit thread or whine thread, this is intended entirely as information in order to improve the game from my point of view.
I like many played the beta for guild wars 2, and then quit not long after becuase of feeling the game lacked a sort of “end game”. Out of boredom, I decided to re-try the guild wars 2 experience about a month ago. My attitude was different this time, not treating the game as an obsession I played with exploration in mind and a positive outlook, and I have found the game to be quite enjoyable.
So then, what is the problem you might ask? Well, that first time I played I did not get to see the level of detail and enjoyment from the game due to the fact that much of it is entirely unknown.
The dungeons for starters, are amazing, and involve very cool cinematic that are not really seen outside of the personal story. The dungeons are also very inaccessible, not because of difficulty, but rather because they come so much farther in the game, with the beginning one being in a zone that most players have not discovered. Dungeons are an area that I would really like to see expanded. Living story would be a great opportunity to introduce a dungeon to a lower level area that might help players understand that there are dungeons and where to find them without resorting to outside the game help; eventually a dungeon finder would be ideal, though I have heard that is in the works.
Second, is the living story. I very much enjoy the game, but the living story needs more information. Much like the dungeons, one knows that there is content coming, but nothing really further than that. With other games and MMOs in particular, there is a hyped up expansion that has loads of new content and information that is accessible long before the expansion releases. This creates a drive for many to continue to play, because they know what greatness is coming. Much like the first time I played, I have no idea what is coming, and each story that is released seems very incomplete.
To summarize then: Players need to know what is out there, both what currently exists such as neat dungeons (dungeon finder) as well as what is coming to be genuinely excited for (things such as new professions or weapons) – things normally provided by expansions and their hype.
Sorry for the long post, please try to read it and give your inputs!
I have recently returned and tried out the norn racial shapeshift: bear. I am confused, many many months later and this skill still feels VERY clunky and difficult to use. The norn shapeshift style is the primary reason I wanted to play a norn, are they just slow to fix it?
I must say I was REALLY hoping that the story was going to be more than some crazy person. I want to see a multifaceted character, something realistic, not all bad or all good, someone with complicated motivations. This scarlet was far too simple of a stereotypical bady guy, and far too much like the joker from batman. (which could be ok, if for example someone like anise started down a path of darkness)
I must say that I too found the flow to be off. It is “explained” but very very poorly. For many I am sure that this would lead to frustration and then the inevitable log out like myself and the OP.
Yea, holograms and all that stuff really ruin the appeal. Warcraft did the same thing when they released burning crusade and all of its spaceship nonsense.
When I first watched the intro cinematic I was thinking “oh this could be cool” Then I did a few of the champions “ok, these are…neat” I did some of the boss fights which I enjoyed, but found unapproachable due to not being over level 30. Unfortunately I must say I have to agree that this patch in particular is a low-point. Now there are champion zergs in queensdale (which are somehow much more fun than the champions for the jubilee), and just a general grindy feel to this patch that has left a bad taste in my mouth.
I love the idea of a pistol obviously, however even without a pistol as a consideration there is definitely room for another weapon such as a bow or perhaps even another melee option.