Primordus would be a pretty cool take. Imagine if Primordus and Jormag started fighting each other. Hence “Fire and Frost.” But like it’s been said, there wont be a new dragon in this update.
It’s reasons like this that Guesting was made. You can still play with your freidns on their server, and do everything but WvW. Of course if you’re ready for WvW you can probably afford a transfer.
Time Warp, a mesmer ability, grants a boost to attack speed. Swiftness (the buff the ele can give in Air) is movement speed, not attack speed.
I believe everything is account bound. Either way, the important part, Rytlock, can be put in the bank. Glory I know is account bound, and the banker only lasts 5 days anyway.
I’ll be online tonight around 8pm CST if anyone wants an invitation, or would rather ask a question in game.
Sorry I missed ya, had a party to attend. Have fun with your new guild!
As for your question, as I’m sure many others will wonder, we have no level requirement. We understand that not everyone can power grind their way to 80, and everyone has their own pace. We welcome all levels and are willing to help if you need it while leveling.
Don’t be shy! Come join our family!
craft or buy. it’s the easiest method.
Most of our players are EST, but there are several that are CST and PST. We have a couple of officers and members that play from Australia and Europe as well.
Dragon’s Solstice is a Maguuma based guild that is currently working on rebuilding! We have recently tightened up our inactivity policy and are working on building our ranks up and getting back to running daily dungeons and occasional WvW. We have several members who have run solo dungeons. Our officers are all experienced not only in GW2 but in many various games. We have all guild perks unlocked and keep boosts up constantly. Post here or send a PM in game if you have any questions.
We also use Teamspeak as our primary method of communication.
(edited by valemiroqi.4309)
Pick a race and class and play. If you don’t like it, you’ll know within the first 20 levels and you’ll be able to leave without too much loss.
No. Sigils are only for the weapon currently equipped. The exception is sigils that stack (IE Sigil Of Corruption) in that case the stacks stay when you swap away from it, but you wont gain stacks if you get a kill with a different weapon. At least that’s how I’ve noticed it works.
I’m assuming by “Halloween Events” it speaks of things like the DE in LA. I haven’t talked to anyone whose completed an actual halloween event yet.
The “sites” are a scavenger hunt. Use the candy-powered meter you receive in the mail from the Priory person in LA to locate ghosts at the site in the clue.
Costume Brawl does not count as combat. The costumes are Town Clothing, and like all town clothing they get replaced by regular armor when you enter real combat (IE mobs)
We were speaking to one of the GMs last night in game. He was in charge of a lot of the halloween event and he said the weapons that got skins were the ones that could be used by the most classes.
I haven’t seen much difference in skills from PvE to PvP. Perhaps give an example of which skill you mean?
This is why I usually run around and when I see people doing the same stuff, I party with them. That way if either of us need help we’re always linked via party chat. At this point in the game, a lot of the community has hit cap and is purely farming dungeons until something new comes out. Most of them are also the ones that were out and about and helping people. The people still out by themselves are either catching up cause they’ve been helping everyone else, or just going slower because they do everything by themselves.
Posted by: valemiroqi.4309
If you leave the offhand slot empty in set 2, it will automatically fill it with slot 1s offhand upon switch. I occasionally use this on my Thief to swap from Dagger/Dagger to Pistol/Dagger
Seems like you’re nitpicking a bit. Whispers armor (along with all the Cultural Armor/Weapon) is supposed to be a money sink. Odd how I hardly see anyone complaining that the racial armor has the same problem.
To save you time (and tonics) yes the mysterious tonic can turn you in to a golemite.
The Whispers armor isn’t meant to be used for stats, it’s meant to be used for cosmetic reasons.
Even with a high Magic Find, it still comes down to luck. All magic find does is increase your chances. I experienced the same situation last night while running Dungeons with my guild. Me and a guild mate have the same magic find, yet in the first dungeon he got tons of greens and a couple yellows, while all I got were blues. The exact opposite happened in the 2nd dungeon however, then we ended up getting about the same drops in dungeon 3. Magic Find still has a RNG concept, you just have better chances to get good items.
After I did the puzzle like it’s supposed to be done the first time (using the torch) I usually just turn my Gamma all the way up in settings. I know its something that varies from screen to screen but I had a couple friends try it and they said it provided enough “light” for them to see the pillars and make the jump without the torch or the need to use any of the AoE rings. Just something for thought if you have abandoned everything else.
Tab targeting FTW
It is a combo system. In same cases it is an alternate attack, for example my Thief has a stealth shot when main handing pistols that he can only use when in stealth. Hover over your first skill out of combat and it will show all skills using that slot and the various effects/prerequisites they need.
Most skills are able to craft 2 pieces of an item (IE weaponsmith: hilt and blade) as well as an insignia (IE might insignia). You can take those 3 pieces in to the discovery pane and discover a new weapon using this method. I don’t know about all the skills but I know this works with Weaponsmith, Leatherworker, Jeweler
I was curious about the same thing. I have full Ferocity and have no idea what its for
Several mobs have a trigger action that tells you they are charging an attack. At this point they generally lock in place to unleash the attack. The easiest example would be Drakes. Drakes generally have a “Breathe Fire/Poison/Hairballs” ability. When they get ready to do this, they will flash yellow and raise their head as if charging. This is a good time to dodge and attack from the side/back. Raptors have a similar tell for their Daze. Dodging is mainly a game of timing. As a Thief I generally use my Dodge to stay behind or on the side of the target when I can.
I’d have to get on and see if my Assassin is in a playable condition. Last I checked several of my skills got nerfed and I never got around to respeccing.
if the guy isn’t responsible enough to give Guild Leader back after realizing it was a mistake, obviously he wasn’t fit to be an officer to begin with.
Just use the asura gates to travel to Norn starting city or have him travel to Charr starting city. There’s no real restriction to keep yall from leveling together, regardless of race.
You think you had it hard, imagine how my little thief felt. I eventually ended up pulling them to me 1 at a time, killing it, then stealthing away to restore HP. Took me forever but I was finally able to beat it.
Morale of the story: it’s not just you, that mission is a pain.
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