Showing Posts Upvoted By veneoth.3892:

PvP players = Second-class citizens.

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


Am I seriously the only one who sees the obvious flaw with GW2 pvp?

An rpg game mode…. with no usable rewards…

You want to make money off pvp? Sell the skins, and offer earn-able tiered gear. Not necessarily a gear treadmill like wow, I’m ok with there being a best in slot… But give us something to work towards. Just like your pve model… ….. ….

I know you want to fix all the issues that wow has to offer ANet, but right now hordes of players are going back to wow for their Battlegrounds. Don’t let them win for such a simple and obvious reason.

NO, just no. You are completely wrong. You think tiered gear is the problem? You think arena in wow is doing fine? They have just as much problems as we do, they just have a larger player base built over 10 years that won’t give up on their characters easily. Wow’s pvp is absolute no example to gw2. Tiered gear would be the last straw in gw2 attempt at an healthy pvp. Most people came to play gw2 just because of no tiered gear. You think wow’s best pvp players like tiered gear? Reckful has said that if he was in charge, everyone would have the same stats in pvp.

Take that conversation elsewhere, wvw, pve, whatever. Tiered gear is awful.

PvP players = Second-class citizens.

in PvP

Posted by: Mladi Bojevnik.2517

Mladi Bojevnik.2517

They care about money which comes from PvE because people buy gems for clothes, minies, costumes, finishers … PvP does not care about that much and they do not care about pvp.

Update on Forum Moderation Enforcement

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Martin Kerstein.3071


Martin Kerstein.3071

Head of Global Community

I want to take a moment to give you an update on how we will enforce part of our forum Code of Conduct in the future. This pertains the part regarding personal attacks against staff members.

As we have mentioned in the past, these forums are here to facilitate discussions among yourselves and between you and our developers. We value all constructive feedback, be it positive or not. But we will draw a line when posts include personal attacks on members of the studio (yes, “cleverly” disguised ones as well).

Our goal is to have a healthy forum community and provide a place where people can have constructive and respectful conversations and dialogue with our staff members.

So from this point forward, everybody who personally attacks a member of the studio will get an immediate 2 week forum suspension on the first violation. Any further attack on studio members will result in a permanent termination of your posting rights.

You have been warned.

Flamethrower and it's awesomness in wvwvw.

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


Against a small group or an unorganized group, it can be somewhat effective. However retaliation will kill you fast and a simple water field being blasted will negate pretty much all of the damage you do. It is still much better to spend your time building an arrowcart if you have the opportunity.

Flamethrower and it's awesomness in wvwvw.

in Engineer

Posted by: SmallCat.7413


You know who stand behind door?they most are guardian and warrior,you can’t hit them with flamethrower,because retaliation will kill you first,that is my advice.

Anet: Please change the minors in Tactics

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


This is the weekly please change the minors in tactics trait line. I don’t think there is any other profession where you think that the minors in that trait line are so utterly useless. I realize that maybe some warriors like to revive allies, but please make those traits selectable for them in adept, master. At this point going into that tree basically gimps every warrior of 50% if the tree potential.

I’d also like to see warhorn mastery moved down to adept. I think that going into master for that trait really isn’t worth it.


Defektive's "New Meta": New Patch? New Build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


That latest stream was crazy. Keep’em coming!

Adrenal Health New Values inside.

in Warrior

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Took a while but i got it, haven’t seen the right numbers posted so i decided to make a new post for them.

Level 1
117 Base .05 HP Coefficient
125 w/ 150 HP
150 w/ 650 HP
167 w/ 1000 HP
180 w/ 1250 HP

Level 2
234 Base .1 HP Coefficient
249 w/ 150 HP
299 w/ 650 HP
334 w/ 1000 HP
359 w/ 1250 HP

Level 3
351 Base .15 HP Coefficient
374 w/ 150 HP
449 w/ 650 HP
501 w/ 1000 HP
539 w/ 1250 HP

It’s every 3 seconds.

Regen for Example is 130 Base with .125 Coefficient but every 1 second.

Guardian Passive Healing for example is 84 Base with a .06 Coefficient.

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

Healing Mist - Stun Breaker

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


“Smelling Salts”

Super Jump !

in Engineer

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

It probably won’t get nerfed. Why? It’s quite simple: That isn’t overpowered. It is awesome.

There’s a difference. A small one, but there is a difference.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Super Jump !

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


Sorry for bad quality. I have so much fun with the new rocket boots!

I wonder if we can skip some interesting things now with this super jump?! Dungons? Fractals? Open world? Any idea? =)

Elite Supplies: undocumented change

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


Tested Elite Supplies + Mortar on target golems. It seems it increases the damage by 25%

Without Elite Supplies: 952 mortar #1 hits on heavy golem
With Elite Supplies: 1190 mortar #1 hits on heavy golem

Official patch notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Caliga Meshima.4768

Caliga Meshima.4768

Funny, Remember how everyone was saying “these patch notes are fake!”? LOL!!!!

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Lol wtf are you serious..who cares.

Just when i start enjoying WvW on my warrior again they decide to mess up my trait build >< i don’t give 2 kittens about axe or sword i love my hammer/GS build and don’t want to be forced to play a cookie cutter dual wield build.

What’s your WvW Hammer build? My 10/0/30/0/30 GS/Hammer build gets a nice survivability/sustain/mobility buff, and I’ll just replace the lost damage from Heightened Focus with gear. Can’t wait.

Countdown to throwing the towel for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Warrior Traits:

24) Deep Strike: This trait now scales with level rather than granting a flat bonus.
- Prevents overpowered leveling, possible buff if it is increased at level 80.
25) Furious Speed: Gain 10 seconds of swiftness on critical hits. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds.
- Minor buff, allows crit builds to retain near permanent Swiftness in combination with SoR. Still won’t see much use.
26) Opportunist: This trait grants 10 seconds of fury when you immobilize a target. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.
- Huge buff, allows for permanent fury in combination with Leg Specialist.
27) Furious: This trait has been updated to indicate that triple adrenaline is rewarded on critical attacks.
- Unsure on previous amount, possible buff from double to triple.
28) Last Chance: This trait’s recharge has been reduced to 45 seconds, down from 60.
- Minor buff, allows for 30% more usage over the course of 1 1/2 minutes.

29) Defy Pain. The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 90 seconds to 60. This trait will have a 4 second duration, 5 seconds when traited with Sure-Footed
- Good buff, similar to the utility buff.
30) Vigorous Return: This trait now grants an additional 100% endurance when you rally.
- Minor buff/rework, doubt it will see much usage.
31) Sundering Mace: Fixed a bug causing this trait to apply weakness on mace critical strikes.
- Bug fix/nerf, fun while it lasted.
32) Cleansing Ire: New Master tier trait with the following effects. Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent.
- Great addition, hopefully conditions are cleansed before the burst skills action goes through. Thus allowing us to burst through chill, cripple, immobilize without the chance of not reaching our target.
33) Shield Master: This trait has been moved to Adept tier.
- Buff and nerf all in one, forces you to choose Shield Master of Reflect Projectiles.

34) Warrior’s Sprint: Movement speed has been increased from 10% to 25%.
- Good buff, a possible pickup due to the loss of Heightened Focus in builds that don’t have perma-swiftness.
35) Sharpened Axes: This trait also reduces axe skills by 20% in addition to increasing adrenaline with axe critical hits.
- Large axe buff, furthering the promotion of Axes this patch.
36) Vigorous Focus. This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
- Possible pick up as well, in stance builds, with the loss of Heightened Focus.
37) Destruction of the Empowered: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
- Good for builds that utilize Burst Mastery as well. Harsh on builds that rely on Mobile Strikes.
38) Heightened Focus: This trait has been moved into the Grandmaster tier and grants 5%, 10%, and 15% critical chance based on adrenaline level.
- Minor buff to a class that is know for their already high dps. Not a big deal imo.

39) Physical Training: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
- Good buff, lacks usage until Physical utilities are properly buffed though.
40) Dual Wielding: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
- Possible pick up due to the loss of Berserker’s Power for Dual Wield builds. (Sword/Axe or Axe/Axe buff)
41) Berserker’s Power: This trait has been moved into the Grandmaster tier. Damage bonus has been increased to 5%, 10%, and 15% based on adrenaline level.
- Minor nerf for some builds, again I feel warriors damage is not their problem. Actually increases the dps of Axe dual wield builds that go 30 in Strength.
42) Berserker’s Might: This trait now passively builds 2 strikes of adrenaline every three seconds, while they are in combat.
- Awesome buff.
43) Distracting Strikes: This trait now applies 4 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds upon interrupting an enemy.
- Minor buff, possible pick up in heavy cc balanced/condition builds.

44) Burning Arrows: This trait now reduces the recharge of longbow abilities by 20% in addition to dealing 10% bonus damage against burning foes.
- Strong longbow buff.
45) Desperate Power: The threshold of this trait has been increased, dealing 20% additional damage while you are below 50% health instead of below 25%.
- Massive buff, expect to see some usage in balanced/ high vitality builds.
46) Empower Allies: This trait has been increased to 150 points of power.
- Strong buff.

All in all I think A-net is definitely aiming in the right direction. Although I feel they are being too cautious of tweaking warriors, in fear of making them OP.

Titan/Mr Brains

WvW: Clerics, Shouts, and Math

in Warrior

Posted by: Bushido.2184


With so many people swearing PTV is the way to go, seeing GvGs where almost all the warriors are stacking PTV, and seeing the usefulness myself, I wondered how efficient would Clerics be in the typical Soldier Runes / Shake It Off / FGJ hammer build. Vitality is a linear stat, while toughness and healing power gain more effectiveness for longer fights, so let’s find out where the threshold is that Clerics would give the collective more hp than PTV.

This is the formula for the Vigorous Shouts trait, given by Anet staff.
40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)

1000 Vitality vs 1000 Healing Power (10k hp from Vitality, +800 health per shout per person affected)

Let’s be generous. Let’s assume that only 4 people benefit from each shout, not 5, and that each took the full heal. We will also assume that:

  • FGJ is used every 20 seconds
  • Shake It Off is used on an average every 30 seconds
  • You don’t pop FGJ before you engage, but right after the fight starts and you benefit from the heal

For a fight that’s a minute and 10 seconds or so, that is about 4 FGJs and 2-3 SIOs popped. Let’s say only 2 SIOs were used:
800 * 4 (people affected per shout) * 6 (shouts used) = 19200 health.

+92% total health for the group of frontliners added than the vitality gives, whether it’s 100 Healpower or 1000.

This is being very generous and more realistic than wasting Shake It Off right when cooldown is up, and saying 5 people were affected (while very often, you do affect the full 5).

This is only a little over a minute in. The amount of health for the collective only further exceeds Vitality the longer the fight goes on.

For yourself only, the difference of health at 1000 Healpower 0 Vit would be -5200 health on Clerics with 6 shouts. However, Clerics added seems to be superior for group compositions, where every Warrior is using a bit of Clerics instead of PTV to the max. With a more reasonable mix of 200 Healpower 800 Vit that would be -1040 health to yourself compared to the original 10k. Obviously the commander needs to build more for himself than the group.

This does not take into account water blasts, main heals, or condition removal at all, which also gains effectiveness if the collective is using Soldiers runes too (it loses effectiveness with Warriors that build for themselves with Melandrus+Poultry and Leek Soup).

You don’t have to stack full clerics and go down to a 23k health pool again. But, with Vitality being linear, what about finding the sweetspot between Clerics and PTV?

Despite all of this, I see this is not popular at all. Maybe it’s that the usefulness of a bit of Clerics is shrouded in doubt; maybe it’s just that too many build for themselves for more independence than team compositions.

Leet Hacker (War) | Linüx (Necro) | Linúx (Ele)
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.

(edited by Bushido.2184)

Reworking adrenaline will fix warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Cirian.8917


F2 defensive burst. Gogogo!

There’s a thread somewhere about this and yeah, an adrenaline use that isn’t just another HULK SMASH! is desperately needed for variety.

Reworking adrenaline will fix warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Simply make it so any adrenaline gained when it’s already full will grant might for 15 seconds for each additional bar. This will fix the grandmaster trait berserker’s might as the berserker stance itself grants 5-6 bars of adrenaline, on its own because at the moment it’s really a worthless trait.
Not to mention it’ll now be sensible to use axe 5 given how pitiful the damage. This will also make the existing adrenaline gain traits synergy considerably better.

One final plea for banner changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Banners: Powerful but clunky and requires you to babysit them. They get left behind, lost, stolen. You waste time picking up and dropping them constantly.

My (reposted) suggestion?
Have them work using a toggle on/off system, somewhat like engineer toolkits. When toggled on, the banner is displayed on your characters back, and provides its passive bonuses to allies within range. Your #1-5 remain unchanged however, instead the F3 and F4 buttons become available. F3 is Inspire (functioning exactly like it is now, banner #3), and F4 is the banner specific skill (currently banner #2). Only one banner may be active at a time, and toggling off/swapping banners will incur a 30 second cooldown. Banners can no longer be dropped, lost, stolen, etc.

For the elite banner, which functions slightly differently…
F4: Nearby downed allies immediately rally, CT 2, CD 240, Uses Ground Targeting.

In light of the arguments and some warriors expressing their desire for banners to remain as-is, I’ve decided that it would be win-win if this proposed functionality be available via a trait.

New Tactics Trait, 10 PT: Mobile Banners

(edited by Dand.8231)

Got banned for...?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


So very recently I’ve got kicked out of the game saying my account has been suspended. When I tried to log back in it told me that I have in fact been banned for 72 hours for breaking the terms of conduct.
So wait… what did I exactly do?
I kind of have an idea of what that might have been what people thought would be worth a ban but if it is what I’m thinking then it’s just totally silly.

Anyways I at least want to know the reason why I got banned. Isn’t that the point of punishment? So I know what I did wrong and I won’t do it again? :P

Sadly I can not think of anything that would be worth a ban unless my awful pun with the p version of a baby cat actually counts as a swear word (which by the way shouldn’t be a reason to ban since there’s a maturity filter).

Can I get any response to this and also I got banned 10 minutes before I could actually get the dragon achievment thingie which will go away way before I get unbanned, so if this was for no reason I am rightfully disappointed.

You honestly don’t remember what you said? Try about four hours ago. Multiple instances of cursing — I count five in a matter of a minute, all starting with the letter “F.”

The filter is not a license to swear. And with your lack of self-discipline, you’ll need to serve the three-day timeout. In the future, please: choose wisely.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

API Development Plans

in API Development

Posted by: Cliff Spradlin.3512

Cliff Spradlin.3512

Lead Programmer



First of all, I’m really happy to see all of your support for our new API system! We’re thrilled with how quickly you have adopted the APIs and created a huge variety of applications in an equally huge number of languages. Thank you so much for your support.

I wanted to give you an overview of our future development for the APIs. I hope that this information helps guide our conversations about potential new APIs. The currently released APIs are just the first step towards a much broader spectrum of API support.

We intentionally don’t have a roadmap for exactly which APIs we will create. Our plan is to use feedback and input from the community to help us choose which specific APIs to make. That said, we do have a longer term schedule that consists of technologies that will make more types of APIs possible.

We’re working on implementing OAuth2, a safe authentication system that will allow websites and applications to talk to our API on behalf of players without giving those apps your game password. For developers, this will involve signing up for an API key, getting a quota of API calls, etc. For users, there will be a new login flow where they authorize apps to take certain actions on their behalf.

OAuth2 support will enable many more personalized APIs to be created. Guild, Chat, Character, and other APIs are all possible. We don’t currently have a planned release date for OAuth2, but we’re actively working on implementing it.

So, when we’re talking about new APIs, keep this division in mind. If we talk about APIs that require authentication, those will need to wait until OAuth2 is ready. We can still talk about them, just keep the requirements for them in mind.

On the other hand, there are plenty of other unauthenticated APIs we can create now, and we should definitely talk about those!

Our immediate focus is on supporting the APIs that we just released — that means monitoring the servers, helping developers integrate with our API, improving our documentation, and fixing blocking bugs as quickly as possible.

At the same time, we’re listening to your suggestions and feedback, and we’re already at work on new APIs. I’m not ready to talk about them just yet, but we’re already working on some of the things you’ve been asking for.

PS. A suggestion about making suggestions — let’s try this. For each type of API (Guild, Items, etc.), let’s have one thread. Having multiple APIs discussed in one thread is pretty confusing on our forum, and will lead to very long threads that no-one will want to read. And conversely, if we have threads for each idea for an API, it would be too difficult to keep track of all of them. Maybe this will be a good middle ground.

(edited by Cliff Spradlin.3512)

/Shield is awesome!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

You gotta admit, the Shield of Engineer is one of the most darn well designed weapons in the entire game!

So much so, it’s actually worth taking one of the WORST main-hand weapons in the game (Pistol) just so that we could use the Shield offhand!

In one single off-hand weapon, we get:
- Reflection
- Crowd Control push-back
- Blast finisher
- Projectile block
- 2s Stun of foes in a line (as the shield hits twice)

Too bad the recharges are kinda high. Otherwise, this is one of the most freaking amazing off-hand weapons in the entire game!

Kudos, ANET! (Now if only you could make the rest of the Engineer as awesome as his shield…)

Unsuspecting Foe Combo Tip

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Unsuspecting Foe is 50% bonus damage vs. stunned foes.

Bull’s Charge is a 2s knockdown. Knockdown != Stun.

Warriors: Just F it

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


As I’m sure you all guessed, I of course, am referring to the use of our F keys. We currently have F1 as our burst as you all know, but what about F2? 3? 4?

Here is a short repost from another thread of mine, a series of additional burst skills, determined by a warriors 2handed or offhand weapon. {Brackets} indicate variables based on adrenal level.

F2 – Blade Cyclone: Spin in a circle, releasing a fiery shockwave that damages and burns nearby foes. Combo Field Fire, {1/2/3} Seconds, AOE Range 600

F2 – Dismember: A quick strike that hacks off a chunk of an opponents armor, leaving them more vulnerable to attacks for a short time. No damage, applies Vulnerability {5/10/15} for 10 seconds, Range 130, CT 1/4, CD 10.

F2 – Dustbowl: Slams your weapon into the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, sand, ice, or dirt, blinding and confusing nearby foes for {1/2/3} seconds. Combo Field Smoke, {1/2/3} seconds, AOE Range 450.

F2 – Trailblazer: Charge forward, striking, burning, and bleeding all foes in a line, and leaving behind a trail of fire. Combo Field Fire, {1/2/3} seconds. Range 900.

F2 – Infused Arrow: Charge an arrow with intense flames, before launching it at an enemy. On contact, the arrow will explode, knocking down all foes within 130 of the blast. CT 1.5

F2 – Covering Fire: Lay down an extremely rapid fire volley of bullets, striking foes in a tight cone every second, for 5 seconds. Every hit has a 10% chance to inflict cripple for 1 second. CT 5/Channeled.

F2 – Unheaval: Slams the ground, damaging foes and creating a ring of upturned earth thats impassible for {2/4/6} seconds. CT 3/4.

F2 – Shield Wall: Enter a stance where you block all attacks for {1/2/3} seconds, but may continue to attack and use skills. Damage you inflict during is reduced by 25%, and generate no adrenaline strikes.

F2 – Shatter Eardrums: A sonic shockwave that dazes all nearby foes for {1/1.5/2} seconds. CT 0, Range 450.

So now we have an alternate burst skill, making our offhand weapon more meaningful, and offering cool new options!

Next, I’d like to address both the “clunkiness” and unwieldy nature of banners, and our lack of an F3 or F4 button in one fell swoop!

Banners now work using a toggle on/off system, not unlike an engineers toolbelt. When toggled on, the banner is displayedon your characters back, and provides its passive bonuses to allies within range. The F3 and F4 buttons also become available, with F3 being Inspire, and F4 a banner specific skill. Only one banner may be active at a time, and toggling off/swapping banners will incur a 30 second cooldown. Banners can no longer be dropped, lost, stolen, etc.

F3 – Inspire: Nearby allies gain swiftness for 8 seconds. CT 1, CD 15
Largely unchanged from the current banners, with a slight duration nerf due to its increased ease of access

Strength Banner
Passive: +100 Power, +10% Condition Duration
F4 – Staggering Strike: Swing your banner in a circle, knocking, damaging, and applying vulnerability to all foes. Damage 750 @80, Range 130, Knockback 180, Whirl Finisher, CT 1, CD 15

Arms Banner
Passive: +100 Precision, +100 Condition Damage
F4 – Sharpened Strikes: Nearby allies will inflict 1 additional stack of bleeding on their next direct attack, CT 1, CD 15

Defense Banner
Passive: +100 Toughness, -10% Hostile Condition Duration
F4 – Steadfast: Nearby allies gain protection for 3 seconds, CT1, CD 15

Tactics Banner
Passive: +100 Healing, +10% Boon Duration
F4 – Compassion: Nearby allies heal 750 @80, and gain regen 5 seconds, CT 1, CD 15

Battle Standard (Elite)
Passive: +75 Power, +75 Precision, +75 Condition Damage
F4 – Final Crusade!: Nearby downed allies immediately rally, CT 2, CD 240

(edited by Dand.8231)

Rifled Turret Barrels Broken [Video proof]

in Engineer

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


Rifled Turret Barrels is horribly broken, i decided to make a small video about it to show it does not apply the 15% extra damage.
First Test : Rifle Turret
532 damage without Rifled Turret Barrel Trait
532 with Rifled Turret Barrel Trait

Second Test : Rocket Turret
887 damage + 328 dott without Rifled Turret Barrel Trait
887 damage + 328 dott with Rifled Turret Barrel Trait

Third Test : Flame Turret
142 damage + 328 dott without Rifled Turret Barrel Trait
142 damage + 328 dott with Rifled Turret Barrel Trait
Change settings to 1080p for best quality.

Conclusion, Rifled Turret Barrel Trait does not apply the 15% damage bonus.

This test was done on a naked Character, only had the standard pvp pistol to create aggro, talent spec was : 30 points in Inventions.
On tests without i put in 30 in inventions but did not choose a trait.
On tests with Rifled Turret Barrels i put in 30 in Inventions and chose the Trait.

Hope this is sufficient proof that the Trait is broken, and i hope a dev or someone sees this.

Flamethrower and Retaliation

in Engineer

Posted by: Il Paga.1563

Il Paga.1563

Well…it’s great -_-…retaliation damage is the same when you do 8k in 1 hit and 100 in 1 hit…wonderfull…it’s too difficult set the damage of retaliation based on a percentual of damage taken..

(edited by Il Paga.1563)

We got nerfed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


I found a new viable build post patch. It’s called “a Guardian”.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Engi is sooo OP

in Engineer

Posted by: tuskan.1205


Engi needs a nerf anet. They are just way to powerful. They have like every buff, can stealth for days, and their melee damage is just so op combined with their high armor rating. When is this class going to be balanced?

Tuskan, Engineer Extraordinaire