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Has the game improved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wakko.5248


Your answers:

1) There have been a few new skills added, all related to siege in WvW. Most of these skills are of no consequence and will very rarely ever be used.
2) There is still no defined support role. You will find Elementalists have moved into a more support oriented role. This is more the result of months of nerfing to their fighting skills as opposed to buffing their support skills.
3) Support players still get hardly any rewards for playing that role. Elementalists and Mesmers have become a scarce commodity. I know that over three quarters of the player base in Tier 1 plays either as a warrior, guardian, or necro.
4) Still repair bills in WvW.
5) Looting is better with the AoE loot function, however you still have to spam F while in combat.
6) Stomping is now more important since you score extra points if you have orb buffs.

Hope that helps!

Thank you Peetee! Seems like I’m not coming back to this game after all Thanks for the info!

Has the game improved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wakko.5248


My main problems were:

Barely any skill customization. In GW1, you could customize your builds quite a lot, but in GW2 you have only a few skills per weapon. Have they added more skills?

No clear support role, especially in WvWvW, you gained no contribution at all for supporting your players.

WvWvW problems. Such as gear getting damaged, looting corpses being a pain in the * and not getting any rewards for playing support. And also, the annoying “stomping” finisher to actually kill somebody

Playing as support

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


Support players have never really been rewarded in MMO’s…. you could spend your time as a full healer in other MMO’s in PvP and you’d get very little reward whilst they reaped in the benefits of it all.

It’s poopy but it happens in every MMO.

I think Warhammer Online is the best example of how support players get rewarded, that I’ve played at least. When you heal someone and he gets a kill, you get experience for that kill. Possibly not the full amount, but still, you get something. And if you played in a group with friends, you also got shared exp and loot. And healing also counted as contribution for EVENTS, they dont seem to do that in GW2 at all! Come one ArenaNet, throw supporters a bone. I dont care if I have to be in the front/fight to support, as long as I’m not forced to KILL people, but rather SUPPORT PEOPLE to get kills. And that should also be rewarded.

I loved playing support in Warhammer Online, you didnt feel left out like you feel in GW2. Too bad it had many other fundamental game design flaws.

Playing as support

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


That sucks.. Why would they design it that way, plenty of people enjoy playing support characters.

Playing as support

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


Is this yet possible? I havent played for many months, I wonder if anything in this category has changed.

Before you had to actually kill someone to get any reward from the events. And people like me who preferred to play as a support and help out, heal, revive etc was left in the dust.

I was always looking forward to WvW as you could level from it, get loot and everything by just playing pvp basically. But this just lead to a huge disappointment when you wasnt able to play as support.

And a side note, anything been changed to taking gear damage/looting enemy corpses?

Patch notes - Still no reward for support?

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I thought this would be higher on the priority list as its pretty obvious to me. Supporting players should also contribute for rewards! ArenaNet, some of us actually enjoy playing support. We dont just want to kill all the time to get rewarded!

No reward for support is the main reason why I dont play WvW anymore..

Please do something about looting while on a siege engine

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I really like the "Nothing is wrong. Ever. And cant possible be improved on, your feedback and opinions are just invalid, dont like it? Then just blow it out yourkitten " type of guys the hang on these forums…

Huh? There is nothing wrong about with this situation. If you didn’t purchase the siege equipment yourself then its not yours. You don’t own it and you don’t dictate who uses it. This game is full of risk vs reward scenarios… On the other hand you can buy the siege equipment yourself and kick anyone off it and take ownership of it whenever you please, it’s in the games mechanics… You are the only person trolling here…

Oh, didnt know you could do that. Never used siege equipment before, I still like those guys on the forums though. My apologies. I’m too tired to post on forums it appears

Special Thank you to Arenanet New WvW Blog Writer

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I really like how they also took up more issues than the queue… Oh wait..

I expected something like “what we’re working on” and “based of player feedback”, or something.

Please do something about looting while on a siege engine

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I really like the "Nothing is wrong. Ever. And cant possible be improved on, your feedback and opinions are just invalid, dont like it? Then just blow it out yourkitten " type of guys the hang on these forums…

No reward for playing Support/Healer

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I thought one of the ads for GW2 was “play your way”, so maybe a more complex and nuanced reward system would be a good idea.


“Play it your way, but don’t expect to be rewarded for supporting your mates.”

Best ad.

Should equipment damage exist in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


Repair costs are necessary to prevent suicide ganking and the other kind of stuff that occurs in a “consequences free” environment. The costs may need a little tweaking, but overall it’s a decent way to prevent cheese.

I dont even know what you are talking about, honestly.. in all the other MMO’s I’ve played we didnt have to worry about damaged gear in pvp. Why must GW2 change that?

In PvP you should focus on PvP, you are expected to die. A lot. Is Gw2 the game where you’re not supposed to die in all of a sudden? I’m really confused.. I’m also very tired so that might have something to do with it.

Full Auto-Loot

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I personally think there should be a NPC that automatically gets all the loot you get. Almost like a bank, then you can go there and pick out what you want to keep, and sell the rest instantly and stuff like that.

This way you dont have to worry about loot bags and f spamming, you dont have to focus on anything else but the combat when fighting, and you might get happy to find some awesome loot when you finally decide to check what you’ve earned.

Should equipment damage exist in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


Equipment should NOT get damaged in any way or form when killed by a player in pvp. No other games I’ve played that has armor durability has done this, not even Warhammer Online where you actually could level from pvp and get gear. And that game didnt even have durability

No reward for playing Support/Healer

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


You just can’t only support. Just like how the DPS people shouldn’t only be DPS; shouldn’t always be glass-cannoning it up, you shouldn’t only be pure support. You’ve gotta mix it up a bit more.

Why? Why cant people play the way they want to play and still get rewarded? I agree 100% with OP. You should get as much reward for support as for killing.

And thats not really the point either. The point being that no matter if you mix it up, the amount of support you do is not contributing in any way at all. If you dont kill a player, you’re not contributing to the event, if you dont kill, you dont get any loot, if you dont kill, you dont get any badges and soooo on. Its like ArenaNet dont care if people aid their teammates, they just care if you kill players. Some of us enjoy being the support.

(edited by wakko.5248)

Rewards for escorting Dolyaks.

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


What is it with people and their obsession with needing a reward for everything?

How else am I supposed to level from pvp?

Credit for a Tower Defense

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


Getting contribution for support/healing/reviving has got to be implemented. Just getting contribution for killing is stupid. Most of the time someone steals the execution from you anyways.

I had the same problem and thought it was a bug. I kept healing teammates/ressing/supporting but I never got a kill. Therefore I never got a completed event, this just seemed stupid to me and I reported it as a bug. But it turns out, now when I played again and managed to get a kill for once, I actually contributed.

Its just stupid aiding your teammates/ressing/healing does not contribute. Everything you do should contribute the event, well except standing there afk.

Support not contributing bug?

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


This is just silly. Everything you do to help fend of the enemy players should count as contribution and give you reward. It shouldnt just have to be damage, what about heals and defensive abilities? You’re still helping defend? … getting no rewards after a 20 minutes siege is just dumb because you didnt manage to kill anyone. And as it is a 3 minute timer on each reward? Come on AN.. Reward players for their actions!

Support not contributing bug?

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I did damage foes with my skills, but I never got to kill anyone (everyone I tried to focus on with my orb or that ground target thing either got killed by someone else or ran away). Healing and aiding players should also add to the contribution though, thats just silly.

More skills per weapon to chose from

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Just having 5/3/2 skills per weapon gets old very quick. I’d love to see more weapon skills to chose from to kind of make your own “custom” build for a specific weapon you use, I dont know why there is so few skills to begin with no customization, but they’re getting old very quickly.

One of the good things about GW1 was that you had the freedom of creating your own builds you felt comfortable with. Why is that not in gw2? Because some builds can get overpowered? You dont even have any heroes anymore to create a group of OP builds in an instant, if you dont make a skill overpowered then why should builds get overpowered?

Make more skills for each weapon to let us actually customize, even if that means we have different skills for different weapons.

This would also make it easier for people to customize into a specific role they want to play. If a guardian want to play more supportive he could chose only support skills on his staff. I know you want to get rid of the holy trinity, but I just dont think that is the same thing as character skill customization. Sure it might change how people play the classes, but is it a bad thing they get to play the way they want to play their class?

Looting in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I am all for having a chest near the asura gate that acts as an overflow that people can claim before leaving.

I know during normal WvW, there are plenty of times where loot bags fail to generate within a reasonable amount of time due to the volume of people within the area.

Anyone who has earned the loot bag should have a feasible option to be rewarded properly.

What he said

Support not contributing bug?

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


So I defended a gate as a guardian, I am currently just level 18 with this character but thought I could as well level by playing some WvW. As I’m not really the best character to play when defending a gate, I offered support with my staff’s abilities. I healed nearby friendlies as often as I could, I popped down some spells on the ground and just generally played as support.

However, playing and defending the gate for like 10 minutes, I didnt get any experience or anything when the event ended, that is the 3 minute intervals. I asked a friend ranger who just joined when there was like 30 seconds left of the interval, and he got experience. He said he just shot a few guys on the ground, while I’ve been standing there for 10 minutes giving support.

Is this a bug? Or am I just too low level? Which would seem weird as it shouldnt matter right? You should be able to level through WvW.

Blinks -> take us as far as possible instead of "Out of range"

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


excellent idea!

Armor: Not digging it?

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Anyone know what armor that is? That looks decent. I would personally add more blue-spirit flames though.

Future races and professions, my thoughts and yours.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wakko.5248


Just give me shamans and I’m good!

Guild Wars 2 Trailer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wakko.5248


That was… a very bad trailer. What happened AN?

Armor: Not digging it?

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


I think the Guardian needs better skins. I see them as the “knights in shining armor” class and the skins don’t fit it very well. I would like to see cloaks that cover the armor like the Crusaders had. Maybe some more feathers or banners on the helmets. I dunno , anything to make them more “knight” like. I would like to be able to tell what profession someone is just by the armor they wear.

I see them as heavily armored spirit aid in combat kind of class, and would like to see things with like… shoulder pads that has blue flames coming out from it, sort of glowing or something, kind of like some parts of the armor actually are spirits? If that makes any sense. Maybe spiritual trinkets hanging from the armor and stuff like that.

I saw the coolest elementalist armor a few days ago, looked like a shaman almost. I really digged it and I almost feeling like playing one just for that armor. It had like flames and stuff coming out from it. It was totally badkitten Too bad I dont see many of those kitten armors.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Make dynamic events viewable from the map across the entire zone.

This would be awesome. Atleast as a in-game option for those who wants it

I would also like more skills per weapon to actually chose from, and not just have the old standard ones all the time. Customization and variety is good.

My suggestion: implementing some "relaxing" activities

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Minipet tournaments?

Leveling alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


there isn’t much pve endgame content and you want to level faster?


Leveling alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Just a suggestion…

While leveling and exploring is quite fun in this game, doing the same thing over and over again gets a bit annoying and tedious… Especially the starting zones and areas from level 1-40 that you do quite a lot with different characters.

What I suggest is for each level 80 on your account, you gain a % experience boost when leveling an alt character. Maybe like 50% or something.

I know there are experience boosts to buy, but lets face it. They’re pretty crap for leveling.

Mob variety

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wakko.5248


Is it just me or have most of the zones pretty much the same kind of mobs? Feels like down in the Sylvari zones there are 90% events to kill undeads or do something to prevent the undead. And in the charr zones you mostly kill ghosts 24/7

I dont know if it has something to do with the lore but I would prefer some more variety on the mobs in the zones, and the events.

Help me decide for a class, you who might have played more than me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wakko.5248


I dont really like the look of the engineer… But maybe I’ll give it a go. But is there no luck on a shaman-ish class gamestyle?

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wakko.5248


I’d rather have big expansions like nightfall and factions

Help me decide for a class, you who might have played more than me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wakko.5248


So, I have a rough time deciding on what class I actually want to play. None of the classes have really stuck on me, I have played a thief to lvl 80 but thats about it. I generally like sneaky characters like assassins/rogues but the thief doesnt really feel like one. I dont know it just didnt really stuck.

What I played in other games that I really enjoyed was

In Warhammer Online I ended up with a Choppa, slashy slashy. I also enjoyed playing support classes like the shaman, zealot and also the witch hunter.

In WoW, I played a rogue, resto/balance druid and a enhancement shaman/elemental shaman. I think that is the class I miss the most, the shaman. Simply because you could play him at both range caster/melee, he had heavy armor and could take some punishment and be very supportive.

I think the Guardian is mostly like that, but I’ve read that you dont really have that many range attacks. I have thought about the ele but he is just so very squishy.

And in Gw1 I enjoyed the ritualist with all the spirits

Any suggestions? I really want to love this game but the classes for me are just so… weird

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


WvWvW should have near free repair costs. Your bound to die alot in it unless your server is just that good. But it discourages other servers from entering wvwvw when they are getting dominated and tossing silver away for repairs because they cant collect anything.

But this also means all money-drops get removed from WvW, and items dropped in WvW can no longer be vendored or salvaged, right?

No expenses => no incomes. Or the economy inflates.

I dont see the problem with this, Warhammer Online had no repair cost in RvR afaik, and we had loot drops there too and nothing bad happened with the economy

There shouldnt be any reapir cost in pvp, ever.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Improve event scaling
Most of the events are getting no-brainers with too many players around.
That means, being in those events, you are actually have to be happy to get damage of the encounter(s) with that many players around!
I’ve been in boss fights (even in big ones like against the Shatterer) without taking any damage at all! Not because I was playing well, I wasn’t dodging or moving around, nor using defensive skills… For example, I stood at the foot of the Shatterer for 15 minutes until it died without doing anything than spamming my 1 and 2 skills of my warrior greatsword, taking no damage at all!

So, it’s not about having a big challenge all the time, but events with a lot of players are just zerg fests without any tactic involved, not at all!
Yeah, they are probably still fun for a few times (well, my experience with the Shatterer wasn’t fun, I was shocked!), but that won’t last for long!

I agree with this, events needs to be harder when there is plenty of people around.

I Love WvW, hate item repair:(

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


There has to be penalties for dying or being bad.

PvE yes, not PvP in any form.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


Hello readers and ArenaNet! I have two suggestions, well.. maybe three. But I know the third one wont happen.

First off!

Please remove armor damage penalty when killed by a player in WvW. That is the one thing that keeps me from playing it, even though I love WvW. Gear should not be destroyed when killed by a player!


Make it more convenient to loot in WvW! Its very tedious to loot corpses. I would suggest a NPC where all your legit-earned loot arrives to, where you can browse what you want to keep and sell and so on. This allows the players to focus on the combat and the gameplay, rather than worrying about looting the corpses and check for loot bags.

And third

Please, as your next class, if its a expansion or not, please make me a heavy armored caster. Coming to this game, I havent quite found a class that fits me. So far I’ve leveled a thief, which is one of the archetypes I often play. But I often also play battlemages, shamans or druids. I would love to see something similar to this game. I really miss to play as a more heavily armored caster.

I Love WvW, hate item repair:(

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


being killed by a player should not destroy your armor.. as simple as that. I also love WvW, but I just get poor from playing it

Looting in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


I dont see why there must be bags to loot, I would rather like a completely revamped system where you just kill people, and there is a NPC or something that you go to to pick up all your legit loot you’ve earned. Looting bags are just annoying and disrupt the combat. Imagine it like a loot collector you go to

I’d like to just focus on the killing and when I’m done I go to a NPC who got all my loot, there I can chose what I want to pick out or maybe just sell it all on the spot. Convenience!

Let us focus on pvp, make pvp more convenient

in WvW

Posted by: wakko.5248


After playing some world vs world, I have a few suggestions to make the mechanics of said pvp system more enjoyable and more convenient.

First off, I noticed that when you die in wvw your gear actually is being damaged. This is a big no no for me while playing pvp in general. I cant recall any game that I’ve played with PvP that does this, and for me its a really annoying feature and should be removed. You barely earn any money in world vs world, and you die quite a lot. It really takes off the fun, we should focus on pvp, on tactics, and not really have to worry about our gear in the middle of a fight. I can understand this system for PvE, but not for PvP. This one feature is really holding me back from playing WvW, I really love playing it, but I feel like I’m losing more money that I actually earn to make it worthwhile. It is fun to play, but if it means I get broke, I really feel like not playing it then. WvW should be focused on the servers pride and the players should focus on the pvp, they shouldnt have to run around and repair their gear all the time just because they are playing wvw which you die quite a lot. It is also a lot of teamwork in dying, believe it or not. Some might sacrifice themselves to save others, and then they would get punished by having to pay a repair fee. Please let us focus on the gameplay in PvP.

As of convenience in WvW, I noticed that you constantly have to actually loot the corpses. This is really annoying, as that is basically the only way to get loot in pvp? And in the heat of battle, lets face it. You cant just stop fighting to loot a few corpses, and if you actually do you might make the team you’re fighting with lose because you’re so greedy. It just doesnt feel very rewarding. So my suggestion is that if you kill someone and you are legit to some of the loot he dropped, I have two suggestions on how to make it much easier and let us focus on the combat and the gameplay.

First, just mail it to us?

Second, maybe have a bounty npc, this npc gets all the loot and you can go to him and see if there is anything you want to pick out. And if not you can just sell everything on the spot.

This is what I got so far. My main issue is the repair thing in wvw, it is just really odd and I really dont see how that makes the game more fun. Isnt it enough to have it in PvE? This feature is really holding me back playing wvw because as a melee character you tend to die quite a lot. I really love WvW and that would be where I play most of the time as I love huge scale PvP. It was one of the main reason I got this game from the beginning, please do something about it!