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Question About GW2 Trial

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


My friends been wanting to try the game for awhile before he buys it so I told him there was a free weekend deal this weekend. Long story short when the game started I went to about ten different sites that gave my computer viruses before I finally got a beta key, anyone have any cites that are safe/ easy to get a key on?


What profession do you pick and why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


I have a human ranger which was my first main, a sylvari warrior which is my new main, human thief, sylvari ele, human engineer. sylvari necro, norn mesmer, and human gurad, all male.

I used to get weirded out by guys picking female avatars, to me it just seemed kinda weird, and i dunno dishonest maybe. I don’t hit on chicks in mmo’s but the way i see it, in real life there is an equal number of guys and girls, so just pretend all the girls you meet are really girls which makes it more realistic, but don’t flirt with them in an online game, that’s where it gets weird.


Rate My Character Pics!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


Hey all, I’ve been trying to get a unique/cool character roster going and now that I have all 8 classes I was wondering what people might think of my characters. Just a warning its kinda long, I took 3 pics of each front/back/weapon out. Sorry if I have weird taste, my friends think some of the stuff that I think looks cool, looks stupid, anyways no hard feelings if you think they look lame. Thanks guys, enjoy.


PvP Concern

in PvP

Posted by: wewod.6834


Alright so I’d like to start by saying that I’ve dabbled a bit in player versus player, nothing too hard core so far though. That being said I really do enjoy the PvP, however, my concern is that every time I log on and want to play some PvP I just can’t bring myself to do it. The problem for me is that I don’t see a correlation between PvP and the rest of the game. By that specifically I don’t really earn money or rewards or armor or anything really from PvP save a few titles. I love to play PvP but I love to get new armor and progress more. Some people argue that WvW is a substitute for that but it just doesn’t feel the same for me. Is it impossible to have similar tokens in PvP to unlock special skins outside of PvP or something along those lines? Presently I have no motive to play PvP but I really want to. Is it possible in the future Anet may make changes to this? Or should I abandon all hope of this idea coming to fruition? Thanks.


Something thats messed up.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


Played 3 weeks straight grinding in SE, long story short bought wrong set, I wear heavy, bought medium. Why is this feature even in the game? If I cant even equip medium Armor why even sell it to me? It’s freakin soulbound and my hard work was useless, “its a player error not a game error” yea but that doesn’t explain why there is only 1 tab of armors squished together and no different tabs or anything and no refund, cmon…


I Need help desperatley

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wewod.6834


Hi, I just spent the past 3 weeks grinding SE over and over and over, after all this time I go to the vendor to buy heavy Armour and mistakenly buy medium…..Pleeeeeaasssee help me, I seriously saved up like over a thousand tokens, and its like they just vanish in an instant and all my hard work is thrown away like trash, im begging you guys to just let me refund, please tell me there is something I can do?


You can now preview items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wewod.6834


You can now preview items off the Trading Post!!!! SWEEET!


Im I the only one who hates Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wewod.6834


Nobody wants to do any other dungeons, and fractals bores me…..


I need help with the WvW JP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wewod.6834


Ok so, if you do wvw a lot you are probably familiar with the JP’s. So here I am, my first time in a JP and I’m in the eternal battlegrounds. After 4 hours or so of torture and extreme difficulty the chest is only a stones throw away. Throughout this puzzle Ive seen a few enemies but we’ve just ignored each other…Right near the chest I get ganked by 8 people. I am beyond kitten but I am determined to not give up. In my attempt of escape from the mob of anonymous kittens I’m able to drop down right near the griffon part of the puzzle. Eventually someone stumbles by after 15 minutes of praying and waiting and has the courtesy to revive me. Me and him go up and are near the chest…Guess who is waiting there 15 minutes later. The same exact people and once again they just kill me like nothing…..Why? What do they gain from this other than the feeling that they are torturing some random person whom has done nothing wrong to them? Seriously though, this freaking sucks….anyways I was kitten and left to get a glass of water and cool down and when I got back I was DC’d… BYE-BYE afternoon, too bad I have nothing to show from it!


I`m level 80 now what ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


its kinda sad that you have nothing better to do then talk crap about a game you hate rukia….if wows so great go play it and get off the GW 2 forums

If your bored at 80 level another character until future updates btw.


Im annoyed at Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


Alright so first off I know I am generalizing and am not talking about everyone here but seriously. I like coming onto the forums to see people’s ideas about how to improve the game through civilized constructive criticism, or to read about someone enjoying the game and expressing their singular experiences. In place of these I find instead mindless vulgarity and whining. For example, I’m scrolling through the forums hoping to find some form of delightful and intelligent conversation and all I see is, “This game is BS because…..”, I think we should instead of complaining and taking everything for granted, appreciate Anet’s hard work by complimenting them instead, although that’s just my opinion….


This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


To expand a little on the pvp Idea what I mean is that you would get a token from pvp battles that you could then use to but Armour outside the mists, pvp is still balanced but now you have a reason to play other than it just being fun. As for the weapon idea Karma vendors could add attachments to the weapon like you could break the weapon off into different sections such as hilt, blade etc. and vendors could sell different parts or upgrades, and its kind of late but also I think a housing system would be awesome, maybe you would be able to have houses in different major cities and either people in your guild r on your friends list could teleport to your home or something.


This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


1. A new weapon system where you will be able to craft a special weapon and name it, then you would be able to level up with it and customize features on it that tailor to your play style, that would be sweeeet. Kinda like how they had in Lotro if anyone here’s played that.

2. Also duel system would be great, and you should be able to put bets on the duels to raise the stakes or something like that.

3. Make it so that PvP has some correlation with the actual game, like unique armor sets you can play in PvE but can only get from playing PvP, because i love playing PvP but feel no motivation to play because I gain nothing from it.

4. Add a Zone or Map where there are huge cities or castles like divinities reach, but then put events in it or have quests because that would be awesome because I love exploring divinities reach and walking around it because of how gorgeous it is but having events or battles in the city would be awesome.

5. When creating a character have different voices for each race because the all sound the same, so that way whenever I create a human and play through the story don’t feel like I’m just replaying the same character, you should have different voice actors for each class, I don’t see a big guardian having the same voice as a small thief.

6. When in a party with someone and doing the same quest, the same heart area, why cant the whole party contribute to the quest? Me and my friend play sometimes together and I always end up sitting around killing more centaurs with him because I play as a guard and get more AoE skills and he plays as thief so he cant hit as many and it takes him longer.

7. Add awesome loot from taking down stronger enemies. I love fighting veteran Oak hearts but whats the point? Make it so awesome loot comes from stronger enemies because that would be fantastic.

8. Add mounts for level 80’s. OK so I agree and understand 100 percent to not giving mounts to people who are starting the game because it ruins the exploration factor, however I have an 80 who hasn’t explored 100 percent of the map and I have been meaning to get around to it but I get bored, for 80’s mounts would make it easier to finish exploring the map and plus it would just be fun all around, just my opinion, however I think they should be hard to get.

9. Make a very hard to get transmutation stone that allows you to take the appearance of an item that’s not the same type, I just REALLY think heavy Armour with a light hood looks bad kitten but that’s not a function, so once again they would be really rare.

These are just my opinions and in no way am I criticizing the game, I think its a great game and I personally think it would be even better with these features, that’s just me though.


Is there any ability in the game with crows?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


Big fan of Crows?…..Why?