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New CPU upgrade now GW2 runs very bad. why?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Another question you guys might be able to help with. I noticed this new board’s bus speed is at 100 MHz and my amd board ran at over 200+ MHz. Is this an issue?

New CPU upgrade now GW2 runs very bad. why?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Ok I am a moron! Thanks you guys! It was in the lower slot. The first slot is like right up under the CPU and I do not know why I did not see it and put it in there. Ugh! It’s a micro atx or itx board. ugh. That fixed my issue. I am now running at 70 fps+

Thanks again I would have never figures that out on my own any time soon! I had not even thought of that! I’m a moron! Sorry guys and thanks again! You saved me days of head aches!

New CPU upgrade now GW2 runs very bad. why?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I noticed that Texhpowerup GPUZ says the pci e x16 is running at X4 v1.1 hmmm. Is this the issue and if so how do I crank that up? Not seen anything in bios or ufi for my mobo which is the ASROCK H97M Pro 4


New CPU upgrade now GW2 runs very bad. why?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: woofdang.6397


yep it’s in the PCI-E X16 slot.

Alos the odd thang is on the character screen like you show my FPS is fluid at 60 fps or higher, but once I get into the actual world it drops between 8-20 ankitten.

Here are the snaps. So what’s going on?


New CPU upgrade now GW2 runs very bad. why?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: woofdang.6397


FYI yes I did run -repair.


New CPU upgrade now GW2 runs very bad. why?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I upgraded my CPU from an 8350 which ran GW2 at 60-80 fps with an AMD 270x Card but since I changed out my motherboard and CPU for an intel i5 4590 the games run so bad and I get around 8-15 fps, Why is this? It’s a new system with just a few other games installed and that’s all I have on this machine so far. The system (windows 7) has been fully updated and I can’t figure out why it runs so poorly now. Other games run so much better on this new 4590 i5 compared to my old 8350 FX chip, all except GW2.

So anyone have any ideas what’s wrong?


Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I can’t see kitten. I just “swing away” and pray I hit a home run.

ROFL! Me too.

Missing social interaction in GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


No real reason to chat in GW2 it seems being you don’t need other class help. Nor do you have to chat about specs or armor and such as there is not much variety. In other MMOs it was nice to talk about different specs and armor enchantments and where loot was obtained as well as make friends of various classes for help. None of this is needed in GW2 and it’s just a very very simple linear MMO.

So where is this Gem Store?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


That’s great you can earn gems in game.

I also think you should be able to get more out of cash shops than just cosmetic but agree it should not give you an advantage over other players in pvp. But in pve I think it should or do something.

New Player - need help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I know some will want to give me a beatin’ for saying this but I find all the classes are pretty much the same so far. I’m also new. They just seem to play a tad bit different. So I suggest playing the race/class that has the best immersion for you.

newbie questions about gaming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Hiya Winterlove. I’m totally with you. GW2 doesnt need one of those fancy keyboards and mice with all those buttons. It’s a much simpler game. What I did was buy a new gigabyte mouse called the M6980x and I love tilt scroll wheels that can be assigned and I basically just use the tilt scroll wheel for a couple actions and a normal keyboard. Granted a quick keyboard is needed for pvp but I’ve not tried it in GW2 yet but if anything like other online pvp games a quick keyboard helps a lot! I just got a cheap SIIG keyboard that has the funstion for up to 16 buttons to be pressed at once and with a quick reply.

So where is this Gem Store?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Ohhh ok thanks! I see now. Just takes awhile to load and then you have to actually pretend to buy something before it opens an interface for you to buy GEMS. So it is a cash shop only ingame interface. I got it now.

Hehe 800 gems for 10.00 USD. Hehe yeah not gonna happen. Aion already suckered me out of money trying their cash shop and $200 bucks later I don’t feel it improved my gaming there, this why I’m in GW2. Too expensive, do they think we are in Korea and rich like other Koreans? I assume they are rich because wow this is expensive. Common, a kid was just shot and killed across my street last nite and with all the health care costs and prices so high and such here in America I’m lucky to afford getting a tooth cavity fixed so dropping 10 bucks for 800 gems which only buys a cosmetic costume for one character is not gonna happen. I suggest 10 bucks gets you around 3500 gems.

(edited by woofdang.6397)

Missing social interaction in GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Also have you noticed that there is no weapon or armor differences at lower levels? All the green and blues are all that same with same stats! It’s like I wanted to look at other 1h axes but there isnt any! Well 2. I’m now level 20 and still scratchin’ my head wondering wth is the hype about. I get the “you gotta try wvw dude” and I will but I’m not holding my breath for that either because, well I play other MMOs that do that too and am looking for something different, not something of more the same. Anyway not really knockin GW2 just sayin;. And yes I’m gonna give it a couple more weeks. But I’m pretty sure most GW2 players have never been outside of this game. Or are jaded by something in another MMO they played.

Missing social interaction in GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Rumeli, I’m a new player as well and I am totally with you on this!! I’m like uhhh what wasall this hype about GW2? I’ve also noticed most GW2 players have not played other MMOs that I run into and seem to think games like WoW suck but in my opinion it is WAY MORE diverse than GW2 and is way more social. GW2 feels like a single player game and not a good one at that. But I’m gonna give it a few more weeks and see what happens. Can’t believe it cost me $60 bucks so far!

[Merged]1year post launch. How Anet feel on Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I noticed a lot of people in GW2 have all the old shcool MMO definitions wrong. I met a really nice young guy who was helping me in GW2 by taking time to show me around and explain the system and kept using terms like CONTROL and UTILITY and it took me awhile that what he considers utility and control is different than what me and my old school MMO players meant by it. I tried to explain to him that I understood what all he meant though and explain that he is using utility in place of healing or support and control was not real control as he was referring to it as dodge and locking down a player or NPC in a fight. He was super excited about GW2 and assumed all other MMOs did not have these things and I can only guess he got his info from GW2 fanboys because he never played any other MMOs. I tried to assure him these things in GW2 are nothing new and that you have all these features minus the dodge in other MMOs and even more skill branching and customization. I don’t think he got it though. SO anyways I guess my point is that when Fanboys skew others perspective then it does not help them.

[Merged]1year post launch. How Anet feel on Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I’m with Nick on this one.

and because it says my post must be longer. caugh kitten I have to type a bit more, bleh blah blah. there hope that is enough…

[Merged]1year post launch. How Anet feel on Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woofdang.6397


What does trinity mean? I keep hearing about this but have no clue what it means.

Oh wait does it mean grouping? A class group system? I miss it and so far dislike this about GW2. But I’m a new player and often bored inside GW2 with no feel or purpose.

(edited by woofdang.6397)

So where is this Gem Store?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


SO I’m curious after looking around on GW2 site where this Gem store is? I can’t find any info about how to acquire gems and assumed it was some sort of payshop. Is it in game?
I’m a new player.

I don't get it... (New player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I have played PoE since beta too. It’s a nice game for sure. Not what I would really consider the type of MMO I like but for what it is I do like. But can only play so much of it at a time.

As for WoW, I do like WoW. I think it’s a great game despite being a themepark game. After 7 years or so it just got boring and ran it’s course. Unless they totally opened it up to a sandbox game I’m not interested.

The new Final Fantasy game seems interesting but after going to the site I could not find any information about it’s details which I find odd.

I don't get it... (New player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I know exactly what you mean Caramel and figured this much about GW2. I totally got the whole Dodge thing they stress and how everyone can do great damage. I guess it does not appeal to me to play like this in an MMO. Would be cool sometimes however, like if only some classes needed to be played like this and would be cool if there was a lot of diversity in classes. I think I understand what they are doing in GW2 but just thought there would be more. As someone else pointed out the emptiness makes the game very boring and unattractive when new. Having no set goal worsens it too. I get it that you can make your own but something is just missing. I love sandbox games and was hoping this would be a bit more of that than other games. I knew better but bought it anyways to try.

I would try the WvW PvP stuff but as it is now there are so many other MMOs that I already have awesome PvP gear in and know how to play that it just does not interest me that much to learn slightly new mechanics to achieve what I already have achieved in other games I guess. I still may give i ta try one raining boring day when I’m sick or something when just being able to situp is entertaining. Then perhaps I will find the value in it. =) I think I am maybe tired of MMOs in their current state, not the genera though as I’m sure they will get much better now that others feel the same way I do.

Anyone know of any other MMO games that have a different twist to them or they find fun? I’ve done Aion and Rift and EQ and WoW and a lot of the MMOs that I know of but perhaps others like World of Tanks or something else is fun that I overlooked and maybe misjudged by it’s cover? I mean honestly I would play a My Little Pony MMO if it was fun. I know fun is a lose term and different for everyone but I’m getting desperate and open minded to try about anything. =)

(edited by woofdang.6397)

I don't get it... (New player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I guess I was expecting GW2 to have more of the things I liked about MMOs only done better and no subscription. That’s what it lead me to believe anyways, but it actually doesn’t. I mean yeah no subscription which is great but certainly not more or better of what it is about MMOs that entertain me. Which I’ve not completely put my finger on, but it would be the social aspect and sandbox stuff which GW2 has less of it seems. So I just wanted to ask here to make sure I was not missing it before I dismissed it as “like all the rest subpar MMOs”. The graphics are great though, interface is horrible.

Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Something else that really annoys me t oa point of logging off which I know is weird but you cant use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out while holding down a look button or rotating your camera.

Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woofdang.6397


As a new player I totally agree! It’s like looking at a bad holiday/xmas decorated house! It’s very hard to make sense out of things. I wish names above heads would scale too with distance too. It’s just a mess and very hard to tell what the hell is going on. Totally agree about the need for a slider to tun down effects and such too. the UI itself is fine in layout, it’s just all the kitten glitter, flash, name plates and crap done like someone never had any interface education. I believe they even teach you interface design in basic communication arts (digital) now. Serious armatures, which is odd because hasn’t NCsoft and ArenaNet been around the block? Hell hire me I will show you examples of how to fix it all up real nicely!

(edited by woofdang.6397)

I don't get it... (New player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Oh one thing I do miss is parties and groups. I get it that it auto puts you into groups when solo’n but having no dedicated heal and tank class seems to make the game less fun and less social so far. But do fill me in if I’m not getting it.

I don't get it... (New player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: woofdang.6397


So I picked up GW2 after trying many other MMOs and started playing and I don’t get it. It seems rather boring as hell. Am I missing something? Seems all I do is go from one pve event to the next and I can’t make much sense out of what all is going on in Lion Arch. I mean I get that there is craftin and banks and such but is it just like say WoW? I dont understand why they made an exact MMO as WoW minus the subscription… Is PvP or this WvW fun? I’m looking for some fun and granted the dodge and move aspect of fighting is more interactive and some minor small things like this are different from say WoW it still feels the same. As if I would just grind and get tired of it just like WoW.

So can someone maybe fill me in on what I might be missing? or am I just hopeless now that I’ve played all other MMOs and have done and seen it all?

Just got GW2 Looking for Guild and Friends...

in Looking for...

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I am just now starting to play GW2 as of today Oct 19th and have no clue what I am doing. I’ve not sat down and read this giant book and other printed stuff my son got for me yet but will eventually. Right now the game seems dead, at least in the starter areas and a lot of the interface does not make sense. So I was hoping someone could help me out and perhaps even point me in the direction of a Guild that recruits new players and is friendly.

Also any advice on which class is best to learn GW2 in would be great! As well as how I can find other players so I’m not alone.


- W

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Such a beautiful game graphic wise, I can’t believe there are no mounts….

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Yeah. hehe I am in Queensdale doing the quests. =)

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I’ve just today purchased and started playing GW2 but am a bit unsure what to do as there seems to be nobody else in the Starter Areas and I’m a Social Gamer. Could anyone give me some suggestions or wisdom on how find other players or where to find other players and perhaps some pointers on getting up to a decent level where I can get a better idea of the game as I’m not having much fun doing low solo quests.

- Kovock
Blackgate Server