Showing Posts For xBlack.4897:
That’s it. I am working on hero points now, and have more interest in Renegade than Herald, so I’d rather save my points if I can.
I really doubt that’s the case, remember that you can buy and play PoF without HoT, and whitouth its elite specializations.
So yeah, it’s safe to assume that HoT specs are not required to unlock PoF specs
I think the Greivers stats combined with Might generation and Ferocity stacking will make it a pretty decent set, although it is lacking in mobility and defense so I don’t know that it will be good for PvP or WvW.
It will certainly be far better than currently, We’ll have to wait and see.
Better than what ? Currently ranger’s power dps and power scaling is garbage, a set that sacrifice expertise (condi duration) for ferocity (power scaling) will be more than useless and only lower the dps of the currently strongest dps build of ranger, condi.
That’s obviously from a pve point of view, for pvp/wvw you’ll always want either vitality or toughness next to other stats, so that’s a no aswell.
Scourge boon corrupt and condition application broken and overpowered.
2 Boons corrupted with 4 sec cd + torment + burn(traited), that makes 4, i mean, 4 condition at once on a 4 sec cooldown (pvp/wvw speaking).
Meanwhile guardian got a 2.5 sec cast mantra that apply 1 stack of burn with 15 sec of recharge. This mantra would be useless even if it applyed 3 stacks.
At the same time weaver got a pulsating stance that can pulse 5 times 2 stacks of burn, on the same recharge/ammo mechanic of the guardian mantra, without any long ass cast time and punishing cd if used the last charge.
“great again”, again ? when have they ever been great to begin with ?
I know toughness agro in pve is a thing because I duo the story with a friend who is running clerics gear, I’m running marauders and all the mobs go strait for him and I have to work to keep them off him. also think of vitality vs. toughness like this… conditions ignore toughness completely but vitality gives more health for the condies AND direct damage to eat through. I use to think the same as you do, toughness > vitality, but playing the game for over 4 years i’ve learned the value of vitality over toughness. even my friend after 3 years wants to reduce his toughness in exchange for vitality. don’t get me wrong I still run toughness on my necro but I run much more vitality.
Hm, interesting. I always solo my story missions so I didn’t know about that. But I’ve been playing since beta and I prefer Toughness. I would never switch. I only use Vitality on professions with low HP. But hey, everyone’s different, if you like Vitality then have fun with it! One of the best things about this game is the stat freedom.
The problem isn’t necros high base hp, the problem is necro’s main defensive mechanic scales with vitatility. Which mean vitality will ALWAYS be slight more beneficial to a necro.
The “only using vitality on low hp classes” scthik is thrown out the window when a classes main mechanic scales with vitality.
okay so i finished my build
everything people talk about in here is false atleast most of it….
i was running high vitality builds on my Necro for years now…
since the shroud changes i thrown the soul reaping trait line into the trash and picked up Death magic….. also removed all the vitality from my gear and exchanged it to Toughness…and HOLY HELL its waaaaaaaaaay better tankier….. i have 20k HP instead of 30k but i sure as hell can take waaaaaaaaay more.. both in shroud and outside of it…
I can actualy somewhat survive thiefs multiple openings before they take me down….compared to the 30k HP they literaly instantly chewed through before….
same with facetanking Bosses and mechanics etc…..For Necro toughness is just Better then vitality…..
what people forget is that toughness also douple tips from shroud just like Vitality just in a different way……im never going back to vitality except if they add some realy strong extra something to Shroud and vitality…
Don’t forget that a lot of your life force comes from passives and deaths that regen your life force in % of your total, so the more vitality, the more passive regen, the more you stay up.
And let’s be real.. toughness in useless in pve, fractals and raids, you can choose that stat but you won’t gain any real benefit.
So what is left out is wvw, where you wanna have atleast 2600 toughness no matter what and condition are the bigger trouble at the moment so vitality is a clear winner on that side.
As other people mentioned, toughness is not your only way to mitigate direct damage as you have the shroud’s natural -50% incoming damage (of which people seems to forget), you have -33% direct damage from protection, -10% from occasional frost aura, -20% from the 6 seconds long reaper#3 skills all of which (except this last one) don’t touch the ammount of condition damage you get.
In other words, yes you can build up toughness but direct damage must not be your only concern and toughness address only this one while vitality let you take both more of direct or condi hits.
(edited by xBlack.4897)
I purposefully no longer take any banner buffs (like the heroes banner for example), because the buffs/icons/food/utility you have, keep getting pushed further and further to the right hand side of the screen – to the point where you can’t even see which buffs you have! I even reduce the size of my map, but I still cannot see my yellow “XP” buff, because there are too many buffs.
Will there ever be a change to this? Is it THAT hard to program it so that all buffs can be shown on your screen? I don’t understand.
For now at least, I am no longer taking any banners because I need to see all my buffs. It shouldn’t be like this, but until something changes, I can’t afford to take any banner buffs. Please look into this Anet, it’s becoming a very big problem.
See the pic below as an example. So many buffs get pushed off the screen that I have to ask other players how much time I have remaining on my XP buffs. You shouldn’t have to do that.
Tryed going into settings and lowering your UI scale ? 50% of your screen is covered by UI.
You are either blind or ignoring said option…
Not to mention the aspect ratio that is the biggest source of your problem..
(edited by xBlack.4897)
They killed the condition revenant when they changed mallyx elite from copying conditions to apply torment.
It was fun, strong but fun.
It needed counterplay in the form of applying resistance to the team and staying away from the revenant.
They had build a complex mechanic that they couldn’t bother to balance, so instead they decided to scrap it away.
You could apply yourself conditions with your skills like how a necromancer can do, then spread them around with your avatar form, it wasn’t a simple passive that you pop on and forget until energy is about to end, you needed to manage to get as many conditions and resistance on you as possible to be effective, while pressuring on the enemy.
Pve side, revenant is just another autoattack dps like thief has been forever, while in pvp has still his role of being that armored chaser, overly crippled by all the post launch cd’s, nerfs and energy costs increase.
The real question is, why are you using a condition build for pve in first place ?
Path notes: “Alacrity will now be available through the Salvation specialization line, allowing Ventari’s Tablet to project it at a constant rate.”
Don’t get me wrong the update is cool and all, but I was expecting something more like Nourishing Roots (pulses regeneration) that pulsed alacrity at a constant rate like the patch notes said. The only trait that applies alacrity now is Serene Rejuvenation through Natural Harmony. And you can’t have 100% uptime on that skill :/
Welp I see everyone else in this forum is thrilled with these changes hahaha…
You’re saying you expected a trait-aoe-passive-alacrity with 100% uptime ?
How could someone not laugh at this joke ?
I have nevermore and the mentioned issue aswell.
From what i understood basically the trail is disappearing during the “aftercast” of skills, the span of time where the character get back in position, while the trail appear only during the cast time of those skills resulting in that half animation.
Donno what would be the solution to this problem, but it’s sad that after 1 year it’s still there and not mentioned by basically anyone.
Moreover it’s an issue for everyone, it’s not something on client side, i’m kind of sure of that.
Also the argument that PvE does it goes not up, should the pvp legendary be buyable on the trading post?
The fact that rocks are thrown on mountains does it goes not up, should the river come across the ledge of sanity for free ?
Jokes aside, you’ll gain a little ammount of money from pvp alone that may get you to your leggy back someday, so no need to pve if you don’t want.
I got my ascension back during 2nd season so i’m fine with how things are i guess.
That’s what dwarf elite should have always been lol
No one uses that 50% dmg reduction, ever, beside the autoproc on passive.
Just built a brand new system:
CPU: Intel Core i7-6850K @ 3.8GHz
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 G1 Gaming 8GB
RAM: CORSAIR Dominator Platinum 32GB (4 × 8GB) DDR4 2133 @ 10-12-12-31
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X99-Ultra Gaming
HDD: Samsung 950 PRO Series 512GB M.2 Internal SSD
OS: Windows 10 ProMy previous system was about 5 years old, so I was expecting a massive performance boost, but I can only pull 50-60 FPS in Lion’s Arch when I look/run around. Any suggestions?
I basically have the exact same issue.
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600k OC @ 4.4GHz
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1060 Gaming X 6GB
RAM : CorsairVengance CL14 16GB (8×2) DDR 2400
Motherboard : Asus Z170 Pro Gaming
With graphic maxed out on 1080p i usually hit 100+fps, which drop down in pupulated zones around 80, and see massive drops to 40-50 with spikes down to 30 in places like lion’s arch or the initial zone in the heart of the mists.
Moreover the gpu usually only see a 60-70% load, while the cpu has every core used at around 60-90.
Even lowering resolution, or graphic quality doesn’t change the fps drops in these zones, while the gpu has even less load dropping around 30-40% at lowest settings.
I highly doubt an oc’d i5 6600k may do any kind of bottleneck, same goes for the 1060.
The question is, what’s the problem here ?
(edited by xBlack.4897)
legendaries have effects only on projectiles, nevermore has no special effect on druid’s autoattack aswell as eternity has no effect on mesmer’s autoattack.
Pretty sure A-net made a mistake there. They probably intended it only for Necro minions… :S. Hope it stays this way
It was answered already that this would affect every single player made ai, so enjoy.
Just accept the class has too much damage for its sustain. Saying otherwise is plain insanity.
You can say the same thing about dd cele ele, that’s how it is developed and how works, get along with it instead of starting cry posts complaining about the whole class defining it “broken” or “op”.
You’re just one of the little minority of people that QQ about a class thay can’t understand.
The vast majority of feedback was positive, correlated with big feedback of every single skill trait and bug.
This is just one more QQ post that say “it’s op nerf it, why and how i don’t know”.
Full elite unlock- 4000 gems
You’re welcome devs and players for this awesome idea!!!
Something a bit more balanced and realistic would be 100 gems for a Hero Challenge Tome of [HoT map name here]. The tome would unlock a random hero challenge point on the map. These items have already been coded for WvW so creating a gem store tome to accomplish the same thing would be trivial.
$10 = 800 gems = 80 hero points
$20 = 1600 gems = 160 hero points
$50 = 4000 gems = 400 hero pointsConsidering how many players will want to roll a Reveneant and NOT go core game map competition on him this is an easy cash grab for ArenaNet. We’re all so upset over the cost of Elite Spec unlock we’d be thankful for them to take our money to let us have the Elite Spec unlocked for $50 at this point.
Doing this would be in-line with the original manifesto of keeping GW2 causal friendly. It will also help eliminate the grind for hero points. ’
Reasons why my suggestion is good
- Utilizes existing code for it’s unlock mechanic, creating a gem store counterpart to an existing in-game item should be a very trivial task for the developers to get this in the gem store immediately
- Scales to meet players hero point needs so it aids all players willing to pull out the mastercard. Doesn’t matter if you need 100 hero points or 400 this system would give you an option to buy vs grind which again was part of the original GW2 manifesto to keep the game accessible to those who have a life outside he game.
- Gives ArenaNet a simple way to turn this problem so many are complaining about into an immediate strong revenue stream (some players will shell out $50 for the 400 hero points, essentially buying the game twice)
- All the rage in these threads helps ArenaNet justify the gem store items. If people scream “what I’m having to pay for the game over again” ArenaNet can simply point out the new items are a way for more casual players to obtain what those who did map competition worked so hard to get right away. They can point back to these forums as their reasoning and be off the hook entirely.
It is a win-win
Do you seriously give an elite specialization unlock the Same Value of the whole expansion ?
I would only support this type of pack for pvp-only players. This way they could purchase the elites specs for pvp play without necessarily buying the additional content they’d never play. GW1 had similar pvp-only packs that could be purchased, to gain access to skills and such from expansions (example:
Additionally, it would need to be limited to a cash purchase in some way. No gold to gems. But that’s just my opinion on it.
Did you hurt your head somewhere ? the only benefit of being a pvp player is that you haven’t to do anything to earn skills and gear and you want to bring them away with the addition of a pay wall ?
Jokes aside, i’m against of any type of pay to unlock content since the expension is already a pay2unlock one.
Plz no. This game already has enough super sustain specs. We don’t need another one.
Zealot is hardly a super sustain spec.
Combining with Druid or scrapper or even maybe revenant. It can easily be one.
It basically only lacks condie damage. Good at everything else.
With 0 toughtness and vitality you are both vulnerable to conditions and direct damage, the only way to mantain yourself alive effectively will be focusing on healing, playing passive and this will result in less dps pressure.
It can be effective only on the few specs that have a high base health pool and passive healing, so it’s not really a “super sustain amulet”.
Your answer
(edited by xBlack.4897)
We are in a good spot.
not really, it hits once triggered and once the big shield animation explode into fragments, guess this explosion cause the additional strikes
For this BWE Shield of Courage was changed into a Block from the front, no matter melee, projectile or instant range.
So yes, it’s working like that and it was intended
On Spear of Justice i would rather want a slow or a taunt as a cc to make use of that chain that is supposed to “cripple” the target in a way or in another.
Wings of resolve seems to be the most belanced virtue right now, i have no complain about it.
Shield of Courage has been changed into a block, rather than a projectile absorb, in the direction you are facing, while that’s good it still feels that this 90 sec cd is way too much..
As for adding cc to that virtue, i doubt it will happen, it wont even be that usefull fue to the huge cooldown.
I have stopped reading after this pathetic tip :
“1) make it throw a rock and have it teleport you to where the rock hits (though this would mean you can’t use it when out of range which a lot of us don’t want)”
what does that tip even has anything to do with revenant beside crippling the class ?
Another QQ thread that bring nothing but whine.
Guardian has sword skill #2, 2 meditation, thief has a signet, steal, shadowstep all of which do the exact same thing.
“2) make it a ground targeted blink skill” -> Phase Traversal a gap close supposed to let you engage and make your next few skills unblockable a ground teleport ?
“I thought thieves were supposed to be the most mobile class in the game? with revenants this mobile, is there ever any reason to take a thief?”
Revenant can’t move fast without a target, that’s the downside of phase traversal, making it a ground target teleport will make it a thief bow #5 clone, thief will always be the most mobile class out of combat (if you consider the perma swift from the dodge of the upcoming elite spec there is no doubt).
(edited by xBlack.4897)
If by revenant stunbreak you mean the shiro dodgeroll #7, it actually has the short cd on any kind of CC you get, hope it’s a bug because the stunbreak on legend swap works fine.
Y’know? I’d like to hear a some sort of chain SFX when you throw the Virtue#1 OR when you actually cripple someone with LB#1 (or some kind of noticeable sound when you cause cripple).
Right now when the autoattack bounce to another target there is the same audio feedback you have on the pulsing staff skill #4 which make no sense
Stop dreaming…
Stealth ? 4s Float per trap ? Boon stripping ?
Random upgrades without any reason behind it is just dreaming..
I do agree that DH is just bad right now, with bad traps, cast time virtues with f1 that is totally useless but still most of things you said are just random upgrades when the worst part of the elite spec is the trait line.
Well, it’s an “Elite” Spec x)
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