Showing Posts For xBuffx.2964:
i think rodgort could use a change. it shares the same effect as Incinerator. it needs to stand out differently from it. even the footfalls are so light you can barley see them.
so where’s the eureka legendary book that grandmaster hobbs is suppose to have? sorry if this was already asked, but haven’t seen any thing about it.
run t4 fractals, teq and wurm and pray you get ascended armor chests and all you need is a exotic viper recipe and use that with the mystic toilet to get your asc viper set. it might take a while but save you a kitten load of gold.
which stats are best for doing a condi ranger?
been trying to hunt for one but have been haven’t been able to get one. i know it’s rare but kitten how rare is the crystal?
how can this be a chill build with no chill skills being used besides your greatsword? not to mention you want to use chilling victory to get the extra might. all your doing is taking a chance of chilling foes while getting hit.
got most of that looking at the meta builds. i can craft exotic viper armor, but will have to farm more for the ascended viper recipe. but what about trinkets? what stats should you go for that since viper stats are only attainable through the raids and i doubt i’ll be doing those any time soon.
any one got some tips for a good condi pve build. i’m so used to running power necro i haven’t run a condi build for at least a year or 2 now and with some of the changed wanted to give condi a try. i currently have all zerg ascended armor, weapons and trinkets. what stats should i go for? should i go for viper stats or stick to the rabid side? any help on this would be appreciated.
just right click it and go down to select stats. it only works on legendary weapons.
did anet set the max sending/receiving gold yet? been away for a while and haven’t heard any thing about it.
i have the same problem and i did try that method dengar and it didn’t work for me at least.
the guild commendations npc is gone from the royal terrance since the new update.
wow why are there so many people complaining about not getting another glove box after doing story on another character? like most i was dissapointed about that to but it didn’t stop me from grinding my way to get the lum gloves, which i finished getting yesterday. it’s not that hard, just do the events in sw and some luck in the lab with the greater nightmare box and you can get it in less than a day. hell i got luck and grinding enough crests to buy one box and when i got around 700 more crests i got lucky in the lab and got my last glove box from the chest.
taxi on different groups.
try a different map?
not sure if there’s already a topic on this since i haven’t been able to find it. hopefully there already aware of it but the pollen cloud that are underground that you need to imbued the firefly lum with is temporarily unavailable. is there any idea when it’ll be fixed?
is this about how to get the pillowcase for the collections acheivment?
just noticed that the superior rune of the traveler 6/6 25% speed bonus doesn’t work under water. it shows up as 5/6 under water and then back to 6/6 when your out of the water. is this a bug or suppose to be like that?
it’s cause of the megaserver obviously. i run the game on a (ssd) and have a kitten good computer and when ever i run that even i get a 4-5 fps. but if you turn your graphics option down to the lowest you might be able to overcome the big lag at the event.
if i remember there was a time saying the sell will soon be gone, but there was no count down days as they usually do.
To unlock a skin, you must use it.
but here’s a question about that if an anet person can clarify. say if you have armor skins you used on a char like a cultural set that you ended up deleting, since you used those items before will they get added? from what i understand of the system is that you have to log into each character you have and what ever skins they have on they will be added but there’s no mention if previous items you have worn which you got ride of will be added or not. especially with the gem store skins since many like to take one or two off a set and get ride of the rest? and also will all gem store purchased skins to be unlocked since you can see you bought them via gem store?
yes the ship is gone. i went there yesterday to help a friend complete it and it was gone.
since the ship is gone from the jp cause of the update, how are we suppose to do it now?
i only do certain jumping puzzles that give me the highest ammount. per each lvl 80 char i usually make kitten fragments doing those certain jp.
yep got lucky with like a few seconds left. which was dumb cause he had no health at the 7 second mark.
Probably would have helped our time and DPS if the southern turrets weren’t dying all the time due to lackluster defenses. I’m pretty sure you saw me screaming on map chat for the southern turret defenders to aim for both the eastern and southern mobs, and not just the southern ones. I was left alone with the eastern ones and died numerous times…because all 10 of the other defenders were aiming for the southern mobs exclusively like fools.
i was there on southern defense, but ya no one was really organizing together to kill the mobs. like you i died a lot because of it.
yep got lucky with like a few seconds left. which was dumb cause he had no health at the 7 second mark.
just got done beating Tequatl again and defended the west battery on 75%, north battery on 50% and east battery on 25% all with silver ranks and still got no achievement for it and which happens to be the last one i need to finish. So what gives?
you can add me.
come join. there is no overflow and lots of people and commanders on.
for reals, i get stuck in the kittenty overflows where be lucky to get 10% health off and no way to get to regular or at least a better overflow.
i’ll take a invite if you have more room.
I’ve actually gotten 2 of those from using the black lion salvage kit on exotic weapons. Plus you can buy them on the tp but gonna cost a bit.
happened to me twice yesterday. only happened when i was in the storm section.
what armor set is this person using? i know they have the citadel gloves and shoulders. what top,bottom and boots set is that?
My ele Fiora Sans
what’s that armor set you have on your 2nd picture?