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Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


Twilight Arbor: Path – Forward, Up.
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Player 1 – 45 (First Run of Path)
Player 2 – 20
Player 3 – 15
Player 4 – 60 (Second Run of Path)
Player 5 – 20

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


Gets to last boss; starter leaves.. no rewards. You should make it that if the starter leaves the whole run doesn’t reset. So we can find replacements.. ;C

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


TA Path Up: 15 tokens – Others got 60
TA Path Forward, Up: 30 tokens – Others got 60

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


As it has been made aware by various players, we have made some purchases with tokens by mistake, others by easily mistakable errors etc. For example, the Twilight Arbor Medium and Light gear, have the exact same stats and images causes people to miss-purchase their item. I am one of those people.

I have also been made aware via friends that apparently you ’don’t have the power’ to refund or exchange these items. Why not?

If that is the case you really need to implement a time period where we can refund our items or atleast change the images so they aren’t the same and this doesn’t happen! But I believe that people who have made aware to ANet that this is an issue and this has occurred should receive a refund of their purchase. As for some it has taken days/weeks to obtain these dungeon pieces.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high. This did not get reset with the patch.

If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the times to complete and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system.



To be quite honest, this new ‘Diminishing System’ is quite stupid, if it means that we only receive 60 tokens on our daily then eventually drop to 8-6 tokens per run I would rather the old system back. Seeing as you state that depending on our time completion depends on how many tokens we get? Then explain the fact that some people get 60 while others only get 15.

Honesty we can’t help the fact that we are able to find shortcuts and breeze through dungeons quickly in order to obtain armor, its expected in any MMO. At this stage of the game many players are willing to grind to get their Dungeon armor, but not to the point where it will take them weeks/months, in the old system I already found that obtaining some of the tokens for my armor already took me weeks, why make it harder?

It may get to the point where people just forget about dungeon armor for their stats and just craft everything considering they all have the same stats and people will do dungeons at their own pace just so that they can trans-morph it.

I honestly don’t like the idea of changing the fact that we don’t recieve tokens from every boss; as many have stated if the group falls apart or say the dungeon glitches, we wasted time for nothing. Yes people say suck it up; try again – but for those who do the right thing with no reward in the end isn’t that fantastic. If this ‘Diminishing System’ is still going to be implemented make it so that before we enter the dungeon we’re made aware of how many tokens we’re going to receive for that run (after we pick our path)

You really need to take into consideration the effect some of your decisions may have on this game. Yes by all means boost the daily to 60, it will encourage us to take all paths of the dungeon, but you shouldn’t be penalizing us for our efforts in completing them especially in a certain time frame or completing them numerous times. As I already stated, this decision may effect the amount of players willing to use dungeons and pick crafting over it in the use of obtaining exotic armor.

With major changes like these, I also believe that the public should be made aware of these changes before putting them in action so that we can tell you what should be implemented and what shouldn’t be as now you’re finding that we agree with some changes but not all.


Does ANet need testers? Cmon, totally unfinished patch.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


I absolutely agree, as I stated in another post this new system will get us to the point where we wont do dungeons and only do them in our free time as crafting exotics produces the same stats, and in which we will only look at dungeon items for their looks to trans-morph them. I honestly think this ‘Diminishing System’ is a silly idea; apparently if we complete the dungeon to quickly.. we get penalized, if we do it to often.. we get penalized. Why would we want to do dungeons if we get penalized. Honestly, ANet has to expect it in any MMO players are going to want to find the quickest route and quickest way to obtain tokens in order to become fully geared.

By all means, I love the idea that we obtain 60 tokens for the daily, but at this stage it doesnt seem that they have made that obtainable for every path which in my thought about first hearing this implementation was the whole idea of giving us 60 tokens for the daily so that it would encourage us to take other paths, but it seems to me that we’re still getting penalized for taking other paths..

ANet really needs to over look this patch, while it can be very successful it has major flaws to it. If they want to implement such changes as these it needs to be put forward to the public first in order for them to here our opinions and what should be implemented and what shouldn’t be, in order to avoid another occurrence like this again.

I got 1 token from completing a dungeon...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


On my first run of TA after the patch, I only recieved 15 (Up), which was expected as I had been doing the path all day, but when I took a completely different path and only recieved 30 (Forward, Up), it kind of annoyed me when I believe that by taking that route I should have recieved 60. If one of the purposes for the 60 Token Daily was to get us to take other paths, its not really working :/

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high. This did not get reset with the patch.

If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the times to complete and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system.



To be quite honest, this new ‘Diminishing System’ is quite stupid, if it means that we only receive 60 tokens on our daily then eventually drop to 8-6 tokens per run I would rather the old system back. Seeing as you state that depending on our time completion depends on how many tokens we get? Then explain the fact that some people get 60 while others only get 15.

Honesty we can’t help the fact that we are able to find shortcuts and breeze through dungeons quickly in order to obtain armor, its expected in any MMO. At this stage of the game many players are willing to grind to get their Dungeon armor, but not to the point where it will take them weeks/months, in the old system I already found that obtaining some of the tokens for my armor already took me weeks, why make it harder?

It may get to the point where people just forget about dungeon armor for their stats and just craft everything considering they all have the same stats and people will do dungeons at their own pace just so that they can trans-morph it.

You really need to take into consideration the effect some of your decisions may have on this game. Yes by all means boost the daily to 60, it will encourage us to take all paths of the dungeon, but you shouldn’t be penalizing us for our efforts in completing them especially in a certain time frame or completing them numerous times. As I already stated, this decision may effect the amount of players willing to use dungeons and pick crafting over it in the use of obtaining exotic armor.


Dungeon Rewards are Incorrect.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


I received only 15 for one of my runs, I re-did it and took a path I’ve never done before and only received 30 when I should have received 60. Hopefully this fixes when the day resets :C

Same group - different rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


I encounted the same, I received 15, while others recieved 30 and 60. Normal runs should be 20. Why did I only get 15?

One type of tokens for all dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


That would be pointless, because people will find the easiest dungeon, farm it and get what they want. They may as well just get rid of all the dungeon :/

Dungeon Rewards, how is it Calculated? or is it Bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


It decreases depending on how many times you do the dungeon.

Refundable Token Purchases

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xlilashx.2903


As it has been made aware by various players, we have made some purchases with tokens by mistake, others by easily mistakable errors etc. For example, the Twilight Arbor Medium and Light gear, have the exact same stats and images causes people to miss-purchase their item. I am one of those people.

I have also been made aware via friends that apparently you ’don’t have the power’ to refund or exchange these items. Why not?

If that is the case you really need to implement a time period where we can refund our items or atleast change the images so they aren’t the same and this doesn’t happen! But I believe that people who have made aware to ANet that this is an issue and this has occurred should receive a refund of their purchase. As for some it has taken days/weeks to obtain these dungeon pieces.
