Showing Posts For xxxzavulonxxx.8413:

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Huh? I’m not like the TC PR team. I don’t care about server reputations. But the fact TC does worry so much about their appearance is pretty much why there’s such furious trollings in these threads.

I have played DB within the past month. I know what they’re about. And those new guilds are NA. But from the sounds of it, DB still has work left to be done in those hours.

Mm, PR or stamping on unsubstantiated claims/accusations and attacks, out of server pride?

PR. And it is quite obvious. Every tier I have had the pleasure of being in with TC. TC does the same thing. Paint up a server to look bad, and pretend to act friendly. Yet we have seen plenty of TC trolling in match up threads over the course of FA and TC being in the same tier.

Now, lets look at Yaks Bend as a counterpoint to all of that. They are generally friendly. You don’t see them trying to act like good guys and saying other people are bad guys. Some of them might get into verbal sparring. But their drama is by far much less than TCs.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Sorry, bud, you don’t have the ability to rustle my jimmies.

And I suppose your jokes aren’t very funny. I kind of go to Prior or Carlin for the funnies.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


DB doesn’t have a strong NA crew. It’s a SEA crew as people already know. From what a few of my Mag buddies told me when I inquired about the addition of the JQ guilds, is that those guilds weren’t spectacular in and of themselves (no offense to those guilds). And having fought DB quite a bit when I was on Mag, they kind of like to get rowdy and will push whatever server they see fit.

If DB’s NA crew isn’t strong then please tell me that these JQ guild moving there are all NA.
I’m almost worried now for reset that we will log on and see barley any DB.

Or maybe, just maybe this is come kind of nefarious SU disinformation campaign designed to suck the morale out of our hungry troops that have been promised battle and glory!!

Huh? I’m not like the TC PR team. I don’t care about server reputations. But the fact TC does worry so much about their appearance is pretty much why there’s such furious trollings in these threads.

I have played DB within the past month. I know what they’re about. And those new guilds are NA. But from the sounds of it, DB still has work left to be done in those hours.


Dragonbrand : Welcome new WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


That video and transcript had me chuckling.

Though I have no clue about the person in question.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


DB doesn’t have a strong NA crew. It’s a SEA crew as people already know. From what a few of my Mag buddies told me when I inquired about the addition of the JQ guilds, is that those guilds weren’t spectacular in and of themselves (no offense to those guilds). And having fought DB quite a bit when I was on Mag, they kind of like to get rowdy and will push whatever server they see fit.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Kain – You had a good run.

Match up predictions for next week….

TC will go into PR mode and try to cuddle DB

But they don’t understand DB. DB is a honey badger… it doesn’t give a kitten.

FA and DB will probably pvf with each other a bit, but all the while secretly crushing on each other.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Your map? lol

I see no Deyja BL or Deyja Battlegrounds.

Personalized map might be pretty kewl tho


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Think some people on FA like roflstomping DIS and PiNK more.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Plenty of video footage states otherwise.


Portal-bombing Golem Rushes: Good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


It’s not bad for the game.

People shouldn’t expect their keeps to be safe always. And if people refuse to defend, they deserve to get their towers and keep turned to paper.


WvW Balancing

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


They need incentives for people to WvW. Sure you can get some loot and what not. But there’s no point in winning. There’s no point in people sticking around the whole week when their server is losing. If Anet introduced some point/some rewards (not LOL moar loot bags and LOL wxp) they might be able to bring more players into wvw and even tiers out more.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Multiple people from TC have kept the argument going by trying to white wash the comment.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Well TC is being super defensive about it. And it has gotten to be a game of tennis apparently.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Who needs to justify an argument when there was a screenshot?

I don’t see why TC has such a problem admitting that not all of their members are Saints.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Lol.. Comprehension? I don’t think it is hard to comprehend somebody saying that an ally is now worthless once that ally is no longer strong enough to be of use.

TC and Kaineng were “allies” in regards to how we viewed each other – respect and sportsmanship. Certainly we weren’t allies on the battlefield – my fond thoughts of TC as a server sure didn’t stop me from smoking them, nor did it keep them from planting a spike in my head at times. Not entirely sure why anyone would blow that out of proportion and make it seem like we’re the U.S. and Britain in WWII. On the battlefield, red is dead, as it’s meant to be.

When you start saying that an ally is no longer useful to you it implies something more than a buddy partnership going on. Not that the entire server felt that way about KN. I mean, if you real life friend moves away, do you say “well, theyre useless to me now?” I am sure most people keep in contact as best they can, and not worry about how useful that friend is to them.

You’re reading waaaaaaaay to much into this, dude. We just kill each others virtual avatars for internet points.

Not true. TC is all about the PPTs.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Lol.. Comprehension? I don’t think it is hard to comprehend somebody saying that an ally is now worthless once that ally is no longer strong enough to be of use.

TC and Kaineng were “allies” in regards to how we viewed each other – respect and sportsmanship. Certainly we weren’t allies on the battlefield – my fond thoughts of TC as a server sure didn’t stop me from smoking them, nor did it keep them from planting a spike in my head at times. Not entirely sure why anyone would blow that out of proportion and make it seem like we’re the U.S. and Britain in WWII. On the battlefield, red is dead, as it’s meant to be.

When you start saying that an ally is no longer useful to you it implies something more than a buddy partnership going on. Not that the entire server felt that way about KN. I mean, if you real life friend moves away, do you say “well, theyre useless to me now?” I am sure most people keep in contact as best they can, and not worry about how useful that friend is to them.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Lol.. Comprehension? I don’t think it is hard to comprehend somebody saying that an ally is now worthless once that ally is no longer strong enough to be of use.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Since TC loves animals, will you guys be petting the dragon next week?


4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


You were so eager to be right that you just made up a Mag guild. Zav is on FA. Also, he wasn’t telling NNK to leave…

I laughed, I really didn’t notice he wasn’t on Maguuma. Sorry for that.

But on the other hand, are you 100% sure there isn’t a SU on Mag?

Also, his hypothesis is based on NNK leaving, and in order for him to prove himself right, he would want NNK to leave.

No point giving logic to them, Elano. They’d have stopped arguing otherwise. Initially, it was NNK, TFV, then EA, then TG, and now BP. Maybe KUZO will be next.

They do this, while I’m running with an excellent EA commander, capturing their own BL, with a few others from NNK, KUZO, TFV and a few other guilds who constitute our server.

They still think of us as individual guilds. Maybe this is how they play, and why they don’t capture maps completely during NA times.

They come here to preach us about tactics, team play and what not. I wonder why they’re in 8th place if they knew so much. Keep giving excuses, and you’ll never learn. We’re seventh, and may soon be an undeserved 6th. Keep the inputs coming.

you do know that rating in wvw is all about coverage and not about tactics right?

You do know that coverage is about multiple guilds coordinating on a server, instead of a single guild, right? Logic. Again, you prove my point.

Lol. Come to T2. I am daring you.

We’ll come there when we deserve it. And we won’t take your route of changing servers.

I don’t care about PPT. I love playing with the guild I am in. There’s no guild on Maguuma currently quite like it. If there was I’d have gladly stayed because I am quite fond of quite a few of my old server mates.

Since you like to try and troll though. Please hurry it up to T2


4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


You were so eager to be right that you just made up a Mag guild. Zav is on FA. Also, he wasn’t telling NNK to leave…

I laughed, I really didn’t notice he wasn’t on Maguuma. Sorry for that.

But on the other hand, are you 100% sure there isn’t a SU on Mag?

Also, his hypothesis is based on NNK leaving, and in order for him to prove himself right, he would want NNK to leave.

No point giving logic to them, Elano. They’d have stopped arguing otherwise. Initially, it was NNK, TFV, then EA, then TG, and now BP. Maybe KUZO will be next.

They do this, while I’m running with an excellent EA commander, capturing their own BL, with a few others from NNK, KUZO, TFV and a few other guilds who constitute our server.

They still think of us as individual guilds. Maybe this is how they play, and why they don’t capture maps completely during NA times.

They come here to preach us about tactics, team play and what not. I wonder why they’re in 8th place if they knew so much. Keep giving excuses, and you’ll never learn. We’re seventh, and may soon be an undeserved 6th. Keep the inputs coming.

you do know that rating in wvw is all about coverage and not about tactics right?

You do know that coverage is about multiple guilds coordinating on a server, instead of a single guild, right? Logic. Again, you prove my point.

Lol. Come to T2. I am daring you.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


A page from the Game of Thrones books.

You got your Lannisters: Tarnished Coast.
Rich on man power and resources.
Jammie Lannister: Jadon[Pink] – Likes to fight.
Cersei Lannistor: Coral + Kitty[PF]
Tywin Lannister: Azelroth[MoM] – Patient and tactful.
Gregor Clegane: Nightlight[CERN]
Tyrells would be the Crystal Desert guilds that joined TC.

You got your Starks: Fort Aspenwood
They win the fights, but lose the War.

You got your Targaryan: Kaineng.
They look weak, but they are slowly rising.
Dragons: WM + KOR – feared in the past, but not so strong anymore.

I like it.

Mainly because Tywin dies on the toilet and Gregor dies slowly to poison.

I thought it was his brother, the Mountain who died from poison. I haven’t read the books in ages so I may have them mixed up.

Gregor is the Mountain. Sandor is the Hound.


4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


You were so eager to be right that you just made up a Mag guild. Zav is on FA. Also, he wasn’t telling NNK to leave…

I laughed, I really didn’t notice he wasn’t on Maguuma. Sorry for that.

But on the other hand, are you 100% sure there isn’t a SU on Mag?

Also, his hypothesis is based on NNK leaving, and in order for him to prove himself right, he would want NNK to leave.

No. I don’t care what NNK does ultimately. And I am hoping NNK manages to boosts DB’s glick rating high enough and KN’s glicko rating sinks low enough that KN and DB switches tiers. Which implies I hope NNK stays on DB. I would love to see DB in T2.

SU is a guild name I have. It was only me. I am in BT though..


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Lol, spoiler troll itt now.

And does that make Tywin the Elvis of GoT?


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


He should’ve gone with the name Eddard Stark.


4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Anyone notice that the only ones who talk about individual guilds in the forums are Mags PvF champs?

If they played the game enough, they’ll soon realize that no one guild has the ability to change the course of the match. It’s the collective contribution that matters.


If NNK left DB you would be singing a different tune. And WM has not been logging on as much on Kaineng, and their score has been suffering. I am glad your opinions are grounded in reality.


Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I think the timeframe of 6pm resets on east coast and 3pm resets is horrible.

Well you could always petition to get the same reset times Europe had. The beloved Europe, that Anet caters to so greatly. That Europe.

How does 2am – 5am depending on timezone sound? Thats what we have had to endure.

Or ANet could’ve thought about the matter beforehand. I played a game with EU/NA servers with two separate reset times for these servers.

I still would think that European players are only marginally getting helped with it. Isn’t reset still going to be at 12am in England and later in other European timezones?


Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I think the timeframe of 6pm resets on east coast and 3pm resets is horrible.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Gregor isn’t a Lannister.

I would think FA would be more on par with the Wildlings too.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I tried to skim for any scheduled fight club nights but i didn’t find any, does this tier of WvW have a specific night for a large fightclub with all 3 servers? Or are they mostly spur the moment ones? For my old tier it was always Thursday nights. Wondering if you guys do anything like that. Thanks!

I don’t think this tier has fight clubs like other tiers. They should. It might bring a little respect between some people.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


The TC spin machine reminds of some of the news agencies these days heh.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


TSL has been on TC since release. From what I understand, they are a very old guild that started many years ago. I know for sure they have some great commanders and we are lucky to have them.

This part is true. We are a VERY old guild, many of us playing out of the same seniors home. Many of us belong to a seniors gaming network. Although most of us have cataracts in our eyes… we give it our best. Nights become very interesting when one of our legally blind commanders is leading. He lead us into that pack of Minotaurs north of Bay Keep thinking it was a BT Zerg…. He then told us that he got 50 badges from that one battle…

… the rest of us knew better though. I share this because he can’t read the forums either.

If you ever see us just zig zagging back and forth, please have sympathy for the norn up front.

Much respect for DIS as well. We’ve greatly appreciated grouping up with them lately. Bunch of great guys.

How on earth did you falsely quote me? lol


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


PiNK halving badge counts? They exponentially grow badge counts.


Remove Waypoints in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I see no real correlation between waypoints and zergs. Small groups use waypoints. And if you remove waypoints you would actually reward zergs by making keeps even harder to defend.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413



Low pop servers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Aren’t all NA servers high population now? It’s not an issue of population, it’s participation, and ANet cannot account of that.

How are all servers high pop? There hasnt been any server mergers yet. They even said you can transfer to lower pop servers for free when they let you. So its still a big issue

You cannot judge servers by their WvW populations. They’re highly or very highly populated because the majority of players are doing PVE stuff.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Oh, make no mistakes I realize a lot of servers have recruited. There were tons of threads for it while free transfers in place.

As far as WM goes… I have seen servers in the past (DB’s NNK and CD’s KoMe) still get beat when other servers lacked a comparable force in their hours of operation. Those servers get beat for lacking the kind of NA peak hours that is necessary. KN peaked out at T2 for a reason. They get focused fired by the other two servers in this tier during their off peaks hours. WM simply can’t carry KN and further.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


That’s just crying. for the wrong reason. Waking up to losing all your crap is a fact of life on almost all tiers. People have the option to go to bed. Because at the end of the day PPTs aren’t a real life accomplishment or anything.


Some people can do something about it, like filling up our gaps instead of just going to bed. You go to bed, we’ll do something that can help everyone and go to bed. You going to hold that against us?

You are not looking at your argument objectively.

Nowhere did I say how TC should or should not go about things. Just the logic presented is slightly flawed.

You are stacking your server like any T1 server has done, yet make the claim that your intent is not to go there. It makes no ultimate sense to recruit more and more people if your aim is to stay in T2.

Neither does it make sense to use the argument of long playing hours because things get flipped behind you when you are asleep. Recruiting players off of servers just pushes that problem off on other people. The players on CD have had a particularly rough go at it because of xfers off their server in the past and present. And although some people on lower servers complain about being “nightcapped”, by now the vast majority of players have accepted it as part of the game.

Personally, I just find the caring over PPT to have been pushed to ridiculous levels that are detrimental to the health of the entire game. Especially since there are no real rewards for being #1 of any tier.

Wow I never knew you were appointed as the caretaker of wvw. Must be a stressful job Devon. Oh wait! Your not him! Almost had me!


There’s a difference in sorting out arguments than actually caring what happens inside a video game. Of course not being able to sort out false dichotomies and resorting to round about ad hominems probably is the reason you cannot make a good argument here.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


That’s just crying. for the wrong reason. Waking up to losing all your crap is a fact of life on almost all tiers. People have the option to go to bed. Because at the end of the day PPTs aren’t a real life accomplishment or anything.


Some people can do something about it, like filling up our gaps instead of just going to bed. You go to bed, we’ll do something that can help everyone and go to bed. You going to hold that against us?

You are not looking at your argument objectively.

Nowhere did I say how TC should or should not go about things. Just the logic presented is slightly flawed.

You are stacking your server like any T1 server has done, yet make the claim that your intent is not to go there. It makes no ultimate sense to recruit more and more people if your aim is to stay in T2.

Neither does it make sense to use the argument of long playing hours because things get flipped behind you when you are asleep. Recruiting players off of servers just pushes that problem off on other people. The players on CD have had a particularly rough go at it because of xfers off their server in the past and present. And although some people on lower servers complain about being “nightcapped”, by now the vast majority of players have accepted it as part of the game.

Personally, I just find the caring over PPT to have been pushed to ridiculous levels that are detrimental to the health of the entire game. Especially since there are no real rewards for being #1 of any tier.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Filling coverage is something only people looking to move up do.

How about for people who’s pulling an all niter? No?

That’s just crying. for the wrong reason. Waking up to losing all your crap is a fact of life on almost all tiers. People have the option to go to bed. Because at the end of the day PPTs aren’t a real life accomplishment or anything.

I don’t care what TC does. Just that metric doesn’t hold up well when you take into perspectives outside T1 or T2.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


….except TC’s rationale for that makes no sense.

Filling coverage is something only people looking to move up do. Most servers don’t even have oceanic presences to begin with LDO


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I don’t think GvG can happen with FA/TC simply because of the level of mutual antagonism and vitriol. For GvG to happen there has to at least be a small level of mutual respect/trust and repeated efforts to try to establish this has failed.


Maguuma and almost any server will do gvg and fight clubs no matter what level of forum trolling goes on. That’s not really a reasonable excuse. People generally will be fair except for those sneaky [awe] guys and their trebs in gvg

Hey! We only trebbed you because we got wiped by those superior ballistas in the fight right before it! We were trying to clear them! Haha!

Also we do not mind GvG but we’re pretty average so please go easy on us… (That and we’re SEA night timezone)

That was actually the only time I have Gvg’d (even though it was bony and the morning crew which isnt a guild). And probably one of the funnest and funniest things I have ever seen.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I don’t think GvG can happen with FA/TC simply because of the level of mutual antagonism and vitriol. For GvG to happen there has to at least be a small level of mutual respect/trust and repeated efforts to try to establish this has failed.


Maguuma and almost any server will do gvg and fight clubs no matter what level of forum trolling goes on. That’s not really a reasonable excuse. People generally will be fair except for those sneaky [awe] guys and their trebs in gvg


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


It seems AoN has rubbed off on the rest of FA everyone running when they see a TC name.

Personally my experience roaming against TC has been quite the opposite. I never run from a fight unless the odds are ridiculously out of favor. And yet whenever we find an evenly sized group to fight, they run until they find more friends to try and beat us

I’m not generalizing an entire server though, that would be unfair. Don’t need to trash talk us.

EDIT: Also, I’ve ran with AoN a few times now. They kite strategically (and very well) against ZERGS. Us (5 people typically) kite 20-30 enemies waiting for an opportunity to kill some of them. The whole AoN trash talk thing is getting old. They’re an exceptional group of players.

It’s jealously. And it’s TC at its finest. “Oh, we are so nice… but AoN sucks and runs!”


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I like how the “nice” server is busy talking trash to a little guild like AoN.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Here’s how I feel about the lag tonight…



4/5 TC/Kain/FA Week 5

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I just honestly don’t believe this about TC. KN has some good guilds and have provided some good GvG’s. TC barely GvG’s. The few times they have it has gone very poorly. These are times when numbers are even. You can’t hide behind walls or show up with twice the numbers and brag about steam rolling a few guys. It’s about who’s “better” because the baddies die. If you are genuinely curious and believe a certain group is “competent”, then put it to the test.

It doesn’t really matter what you believe about TC. This is a statistical reality.

Average players make up the majority of a population group. Most players are average. Average players will make up 68.2% of the population. How do I know that? This is standard deviation. If you have 100 people 68 of them will be varying degrees of average. What this means is that within this group of players some will be better than others and some worse but, as a grouping, they make up the largest number of the population and, well, they aren’t spectacular one way or another.

13.6% of people will be above average and 13.6% of them will be below average. The 13.6% of players could be defined as ‘good’ players.

Above the good and the bads come the greats and the terribles. These players make up 2.1% of the population respectively. So, out of 100 players 2 of them will be great and 2 of them will be terrible. Yes, it’s fun to call everyone terrible but the reality is that most players of anything are average at it and only a few are terrible.

Then, beyond this group come the ultra-elite players. And this group makes up… 01%. Yep, in 100 players there may be ONE who is super-duper-amazing.

I can understand “server pride” but one server is about the same as another server when it comes to player skill. There are definitely differences in culture but in terms of skill one is about the same as another. There might be a very -small- difference in overall server skill but in WvW I haven’t seen it. The most differentiating factor between the servers is morale (which directly impacts population in WvW) and culture (which directly impacts morale).

The biggest thing when it comes to server ranking is population. Servers need 24/7 coverage to be a tier 1, they need 18-20 hour / 7 days coverage for tier 2, and it drops steadily after that.

Culture does have some impact on results when all is equal as does the ability of the commanders to lead the average players but we’re not discussing this. We’re discussing small groups of “elite” players.

But, I know this won’t change your mind. You’ve already decided to believe that TC players are all bads and that you have elites. That’s okay It’s your own personal belief and that’s cool. You can continue to believe yourself to be awesome and I’m sure that you are. As long as you’re having fun along the way then keep at it!

That’s not how stats work.. You are just using bell curve figures. Which makes no sense. You haven’t found a mean to even know what the average skill of a player actually is.

If you wanted to measure skill of servers you would need actual data.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

4/5 TC/Kain/FA Week 5

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Welcome to T2 [awe]. I shall remember you guys for the day you guys dueled Bony and some of us random Maggies. Sneaky golems, trebs, and ballistas and all.

I’m in BT, so I suspect we won’t cross paths though.


Zerg versus small'ish groups.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


what you do try to suggest " increase AOE limit " do not promote skill /tactics at all , only skill spam.
70 ppls attack hills
30 ppls defend hills, by spamming aoe at lord room entrance, (20 are staff elementalists and will do 1500 aoe /25 targets) they sit behind wall so you cannot target them , you cannot spam aoe unless you enter on the range. You enter on range you take 40k damage instant , cause they are pro. the other 10 are hammer warriors who will stun your entire 70 ppls zerg for 2.3 seconds each. cool
Skillz that killz
situation 2 .
zerg vs zerg 100vs 100. i am warrior and i use crpling wave-hammer i cripple 40 ppls (600 range in front of me) i stun 20 more with hammer , and i use whirlwind attack. I just tagged 50-70 enemy’s out of 100 . Any dead enemy will rally me, i am pro

Ummm, lol, it’s L2P..

This is the only game I have played where the AoEs have been limited to 5 people. And people in the other games just played smarter than balling up into zergs. The zerg is what is not skilled, not AoEs.


4/5 TC/Kain/FA Week 5

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


This thread is pretty entertaining.


4/5 Dragonbrand - Yak's Bend - Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Hey, did you guys know there’s another server in this match up? Last Stand or something…?

If you hate our server so much get off of it and stop posting on our behalf. Geebus.

If you are referring to me, who said I hate Maguuma? The fairest Hackuuna and I share the same opinion of this server. People sit in towers going “Omg, 60 man zergs..”, while both of us (and AoN by proxy) sit there thinking it is a lot of bags…. I <3 DE|RP, the true work horses of Maguuma… I just care very little for the other false posturing that goes on, and there aren’t people with the kind of ethic to make something like BT and AoN work besides perhaps Tsazari and Rebel.

Have you ever played during oceanic prime with the Maguuma Aussie commander? We are constantly fighting in the open field as well as towers and he treats all invaders as walking loot bags as well as plowing face first into said 60 man zergs. And since it’s oceanic prime, it goes without saying that we are almost always outnumbered yet we farm everyone that we can before we lose the tower/keep. Saying that perhaps only two people on the entire server exist that could do that is an incredibly sweeping generalization. Maguuma players are generally laid back and not that big of try-hards to do something continually like zerg busting or raid times. So yes, it’s a matter of work ethic, but also interest.

Quite a bit. And there’s no reason without proper training the Bony O’Clock crew couldn’t punck NNK in the face so to speak. But I also understand that discipline and getting everyone on mumble is a natural barrier. And I’m not so much a leader as I am a ’soldier" with some bit of knowledge of how to counter zergs. My figuring is that Bony feels underequipped during those hours.
