(edited by Glitch.6849)
Halloween Fun!
Me soloing the MK. LIKE A BOSS! Skivvies as per usual to provide extra challenge
Me and Bro being a Boss wearing skivvies.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Also a HUGE APOLOGY to all the players I haven’t responded to that have taken an interest an invite will he arriving shortly. I’ve been engrossed in helping some of my bro’s friends that have recently got the game.
This is why you have the awesome Founders!
They will probably contact you sooner than me.
They’re much more awesome then me anyway!
I hope letting Lexy get a free MK chest this evening will balance the karma.
As again look forward to more faces and hope everyone’s enjoying the Halloween festivities!!!
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Name: Devin
Main Character: Devv Bear
Current Server: Henge Of Devari
Interested Activities: Anything! Just questing tough in general
Active: Usually Later on weekday’s, But try to do all nighters on sunday/monday
Additional Comments: I’ll try to help others the best to my ability’s
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes, Yes I would
Hey everyone cool to see more folks.
Always welcome to have more. I might be on later this evening but knowing Lexy or bri they’ve probably already done it.
Also to the current members love the really active chats with everyone and hope you keep it up!
…but knowing Lexy or bri they’ve probably already done it.
Also to the current members love the really active chats with everyone and hope you keep it up!
It’s my priority when I get in from work.
Also loving chatting to everyone in game, it’s really nice when I’m in LA crafting or trading just to have people to chat with (other than bri )
Thanks Glitch for the free MK chest help last night – consider your karmic balance restored Was pleased to see that the MK dungeon works cross server – good for people to know if they are looking for parties you can ask your fellow guildies.
Hi everyone!
Name: JumpingWarfish (or… Jumping Warfish)
Main Character: Hate To Be Taboo & Jumping Warfish
Current Server: Ring of Fire (subject to change)
Interested Activities: Socialising, sPvP, tPvP
Active: Monday-sunday, different times every day & sometimes not online. It varies.
Additional Comments: I play PvE as well and enjoy it a lot as well, though my focus is PvP in all its various ways.
I’ve not got a lot to say. Unfortunately I was only able to convert 1 friend to GW2 from WoW (ooo, brothers where art thou?!).
- I really enjoy this game. I find it a lot of fun. To me, gaming is all about becoming the best you can, but it can’t stop being fun. If it stops being fun, it’s not worth it.
- I’d like to play with a few more people than I do now, while having fun-times and kittenz’n’giggles. All the while getting better!
Haha good to hear Lexy! I got the MK’s slippers from that run.
Hey there Warfish! At least you got that 1 person onabord that counts for a lot!
Maybe as Gw2 develops then more of those WoWers will take an interest but WoW’s got like 8 years or something?
It’s awesome you’ve taken an interest. The Founders will most likely get back to you before I do.
Lets Do Some Damage!
Troll! Troll in the dungeon! I’d thought you’d like to know
Hound’s out!
Hey folks how’d you like the idea of a website? Or is it just too hardcore for our ideals?
Just wondering as my bro suggested getting a website.
Firstly, I think a website is a good idea if anyone has the time to set-up and maintain it. Certainly it would be an easier way to show the information that people have put up here (if they agreed to it) ie. server, playtimes, etc.
But, secondly and more importantly I reached 80 tonight!!!!! Yeah!
And just to prove it here is the celebration photos Bri and I took to commemorate it.
I’ve had a great time getting to 80 over the past 5-6 weeks – it could have taken me another 5-6 weeks and I wouldn’t have minded at all. Right – time for some gear shopping
Congratulations Lexy! (I’d thought I’d say it again!)
Right hand man bri right by your side as usual.
My bro’s pretty awesome with website design. He designed some websites for some students for their uni course and sites for gaming clans etc. Like Mechwarrior Online.
The website would be pretty good, we could start to organise events, have a
help day or what not
Yea knowing my bro it will be pretty easy to use and pretty professional. Bro probs maintain it and he can teach me too but it could be pretty awesome.
I also want the input of other current Union members too!
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Guess what?!
Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!!!!!!
Just thought I’d get that in before bed. (Well in England anyway
Website sounds a nice idea. Ever heard of
Happy Halloween, everyone!!!DD
and congrats, Lexy!!!!! and nice outfit! haha always looking good you two.
nice you got the MK run done too and AWW wish i was on too to do the run again. didn’t get to play last night :/// lol.
and grats on the slippers Glitch!!
welcome to all new-comers as well! i’ve added a few and there are a couple more SoRers on here nowDD lol we’ll catch up to you soon GH! hahaha
and a website would be pretty cool!! would definitely be good for help days and or any other events we decide to have! i would love that. that would be fun and help our cause as well : ))) or people could post when they might be doing dungeons, which ones and people can organize that way, or vice versa, people looking to do dungeons and others more familar can help
@JumpingWarfish – nice! hha i have a friend who’s playing now from WoW. he originally said, meh, looks the same but a day later he beought the game, and he’s lvl 35 now lol. i expect him to stay ; ))) well done!
Name: G (yep just the initial, everyone calls me that)
Main Character: Gaveth
Current Server: Isle of Janthir
Interested Activities: Socialising, PvE, exploration and the like, especially jumping puzzles
Active: Play all week from around 4pm to 1am (GMT), weekends usually from about midday onwards (again GMT)
Additional Comments:
-I do get sidetracked by trees, ore, plants and events, so if you are running with me don’t expect any path to be a straight to it kind of thing, I’m a sucker for these things.
-I do talk alot, and it doesn’t matter if I’ve known you for 2 minutes or all my life
-I do run around alot with my gf, so always expect company, but we are both friendly people, and easy to get on with
-on that note we do go out of our way to help others – book quest had us resing people for 2 hours in the crypts, just to make sure they got through. thought it was only fair since we got it and saw loads of people dying in that area.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: yes, but can’t join the guild unfortunately because I’m already in one and no more alt spaces to make a character just to join (otherwise I would). still interested though if anyone is looking to group up for whatever reason
hey nottsgman! : )))
that is awesome. 2 hours resing people on the book quest. that dungeon was pretty nasty and there are ton of more like minded people like you and your girlfriend in here!
and definitely get sidetrakced by all of those things! we all should! lol
re: guilds – you can be part of up to 4 guilds afaik in gw2 at this moment. of course you can only rep one at each time, and i know certain guilds have their own house rules as well. but just through i’d throw that out there ; ))) i’m part of another guild as well and i rep the UNION’s guild every so often just to chat to people. haven’t had the chance to do any instances yet but hopefully soon!
wow the stuff you learn, I didn’t know I could join more than one guild. makes me wonder how it shows in the guild panel though.
I meant to put my name down for this ages ago, but got distracted by the halloween event, yep very distractable lol. did meet alot of nice random people along the way, mostly from other servers (thank you overflow!) which made it all the more fun
Haha that’s awesome you’ve taken a bigger interest. It’ll great to have you on board, the more helpful folks the better!
Also note space is getting a bit limited so an expansion will probably be in order.
Hope there’s some more awesome folks that want to make more of an interest!
Hey Glitch,
I would like to join as well to help people in need; I have my own guild to tend to, but would love to stop by often.
Sky Avalon, SoR
Hope everyone’s having a Happy Halloween!!!!
It seems a website might be a good idea for better organisation. We’ll see to that.
On a little side note: I’ve noticed some members just ninja leaving. I am curious to know why. I really love some input. Was it just not for you?
If you DID think everything would be given to you maybe it wasn’t the place for you. Operation: Union is an OPPORTUNITY. You will have to work to establish bonds between fellow Unionists.
Just sonthoughts. I’d love to hear from The Founders about this too. Have you lot heard about the reasons why?
Don’t get me wrong this is getting fairly big and I am grateful to all those involved so far!
Just a thing that crossed my mind
Hey Arc. We will get to you shortly unfortunately I’m off to bed but I have seen both your interest! Most likely one of the Founders will get back to you before me.
Thanks for you time!
@ Glitch, i haven’t heard anything. in the past week, i’ve invited a few more (though more times than not, they’re already in! lol Bri or Lexy, looking at you! lol). i’ll try to pay more attention though. i’ll be frank, i’ve been distracted with the halloween events as well :/// but will make sure i am around more.
dungeon runs this month folk? especially since they monthlies are related. at least one of them, and i suspect the other two ???’s to be slightly related as well. haha.
@ Arc – i’m at work now, but am sure i’ll see you around soon!
and just wanted to share.. last night, i FINALLY completed the clock tower!D before i got inside, i was at the top twice and i just jumped straight into the goo, not even coming close to the clockface, lol. third time’s the charm!
good job on completing the clock tower akamon! I know how tough the first time round is
haha thanks notts! it was pretty crazy. i thought i had missed the jump again, as the animation looked EXACTLY the same as the last two times, but then glass shatters and i’m in.D
and oh, in regards to how being part of multiple Guilds shows on the Guild panel.. it’ll show the guilds you are in on the upper left window, top most tab.. then you can click on each that you are part of, and represent them when you want to. same way you repp-ed your first one (button on bottom of Guild panel / list or members, etc). hope that makes sense.
Here’s the deal:
I was questing for 1.5 hours yesterday in the CoF entrance area, spamming to get into the CoF story mode. There wasn’t even 1 other player looking for it. However, there were at least 10 parties for explore mode.
I’m really considering transfer, and even went to the server choice menu, when I was that blacktide is actuall full.
However, I find no other member in this thread who is also in blacktide, nor when I play, I can’t find people to go story mode instances.
The result is that at level 75, due to me not wishig to spend 3-4 hours spamming near instance entrances whenever I want to instance, I only completed ac story mode.
Glitch has recommended transferring to either Aurora Glade or Gunnar’s Hold, which according to this thread will at least group me up with some nice people.
The only reason I didn’t transfer already was that I saw that blacktide was full, and I thought that this is a result of the haloween.
Is it the situation on other servers, or that blacktide is the only server with no story mode groups?
I don’t want to commit to a guild since I have 2 babies, and can’t play at regular schedules. However, I’m always willing to jump in with someone who wants quest buddy or need of a story mode group (not that I have much to offer there, but when I do, I’d love to help with that).
Should I transfer?
Thanks m8, I’m already in the guild.
I won’t be able to play for at least 10 hours from now, but when I do log, I’ll probably transfer to GH.
You’ll definitely enjoy your stay at GH omerk!
All of us understand that everyone has other things in their life such work, college, children and spouses etc. (I don’t have the last two)
We understand as we are involved with at least one of those things. The only thing I truly ‘want’ is that people just take an interest and get involved!
To me there is a correlation between those who do not participate in chatting with the other members are the ones that leave.
Ahh well, this was set up to provide an opportunity and I have the utmost respect for those that initially took an interest and continually take an active interest and participate.
So hopefully this will continue to grow and provide such an opportunity to others in the future. It has improved my experience tenfold just knowing I’ve got some kind folks that I can just talk to about anything really.
Just a big thank you for those that have recently contacted me via pm.
Name: Yumiko Ishida
Main Character: Yumiko Emi Ishida
Main Server: Tarnished Coast
Active: I’m Eastern USA so its EDT and GMT -4/-5 (please correct me if I’m wrong)
Interested in: PvX (WvW only and occasional holiday pvp) RP and Dungeons. I love crafting and plan to do all 8 crafts on one character to 400 (if possible). I’m considered a completionist.
Misc Info: My machine is a piece of Kitten Poo, so I tend to not do so well in big crowds, so WvW may not be good for me until I get a better system next year. I have a few alts, but they are hardly used aside for storage (mules). I main A Human Female Elementalist (named above) and a female Human Guardian named, Hikari Kyoko Ishida. They are my main Role Played characters, and they are a mother and daughter pair that can’t reunite.
I can’t do any of the lv 60 and higher maps alone as they are too hard for me. I die constantly and I just get angry and quit and go back to Lions Arch. I’m looking for people that will be willing to do these maps as a group regardless if they did them already or not.
does anyone else find it frustrating seeing threads (like yours Yumiko – and welcome btw) where you’d like to lend a hand, but can’t because the person is on a completely different server?
I can’t wait until the guesting thing comes along, then no one will have to worry about what server they’re on.
i moved to stormbluff last night. i will be hanging around there for awhile.
My First Server Transfer was a success!!!
@bri – thanks buddy!
@omerk – like bri said, no need to be online 24/7 or be super heavily committed. the whole point of this community is to be able to help those that need it or just like hanging out casualy : )))
@Yumiko and nottsgman – i wish i could help out! i love exploring, even if i’ve done the maps before and i have no proble chasing events, even if i just did ‘em 5 mins ago. lol. sadly, on different servers to we can’t group with PvE stuff. hopefully more people will notice this and maybe you’ll find a fellow TCer (Toaster) that can help you! if not, like nottsg mentioned, when guesting happens! : ))) and welcome as well.
@rgrwng – congrats! hope you’ve found a good server that you enjoy : )))
@Glitch – are you gonna be on this weekend? haven’t been on much last two days apart from “attending the party”. i wanna play! lol. i would love to do some AC runs (need some tokens, as well as for the monthly!) this weekend if you’ll be free (and try cross server dungeon for once!
). although, since i am on an NA server and you on EU, do you know if there’ll be noticeable lag?
Yea I’ll be on in the weekends.
This month I’ll be running a lot of AC this month. So any folks that want to their monthly just ask.
I’ll be asking around in Guild Chat so look around.
GameID: AnkhPhoenix
Main Character: Ingrid Moonshade
Current Server: Gandara
Interested Activities: Socialising, PvE, Dungeons
Active: Whenever I’m not busy dancing or visiting my gf. Usually tuesday and wednesday.
Additional Comments: Played GW1 almost from start.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes. Joined the guild yesterday
(edited by AnkhPhoenix.9583)
Good to see you folks. Welcome Ankh! (Again!) I think I gonna have to get more guild space.
Gw1 such a good game but I think Gw2 is more accessible to most folks. :P
Also don’t worry to all fretting about always being active all of us have at least on other thing in our lives.
Don’t let that stop you front taking an interest!
Also BIG THANK YOU FOR 4000+ VIEWS!!!!!!
Didn’t realise it till today!
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Hey all !!
Name: Onewing Spartan
Main Character: Mistah Daveh
Current Server: Stormbluff Isle
Interested Activities: PvE, Events, WvW, Dungeons (would really like to do more of these)
Active: Mostly in the mornings and evenings
Additional Comments: I’m a fairly quiet person until I get to know people better.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes
Hello Onewing, the Stormbluff contingent will be pleased to see you I’m sure (I’m on Gunnar’s Hold). I’ll be in game in the morning so if you haven’t been sent a guild invite by then I’ll be sure to do it.
Welcome, we are a really laid back, but social group and hopefully we are heading towards being more organised for group activities for those who want them.
Looking forward to chatting to you in game soon.
Just ran across this thread, honestly was kinda wondering where a thread of this type was in this forum. Its a good idea!
Name: Loperdos
Main Character: Laniadas
Current Server: Sanctum of Rall
Interested Activities: EVERYTHING!…..though, less sPvP at this point, perhaps I’ll get into it at some point.
Active: Early mornings (CST) and the occasional evening.
Additional Comments: Always always always looking for people to run with and talk to. I get the feeling a lot of times that people don’t like to initiate conversation within the game. There are times the community seems a bit…well…lacking. Hopefully something like this will help change things. Feel free to add me in-game, whether you are on my server or not!
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’s Project? Yes, definitely.
EDIT: I am currently invested in the Sanctum of Rall server, seeing as my guild is here (its a small guild of friends and family), but am truly looking forward to the “guesting” idea, sounds like a great idea!
See you all in-game!
(edited by Loperdos.7924)
Hey folks I’m glad to see a larger variety of different servers.
We’ll get back to both of you folks soon enough.
@Loperdos don’t worry about server we have a few folks on SOR. One of the Founders, Akamon is on the same server. Always willing to talk and help out.
Also a note to all current Unionists. I will most likely reorganise the ranks. Adding a little server tag to each rank so it’s easier at a glance to see what server everyone’s on.
Was there a forum roll back? I posted in the thread to organize a group for AC explore but it is not here. It was a good write up. I hate when something like this happens as I fail to be able to duplicate the post. In a nut shell tried many PUGs = really bad experiences = thinking I don’t ever want to PUG again. I wanted to get experienced and/or people willing to stick it out to finish all paths. 6pm eastern is best time for me to start in weekdays and any time on weekends. And would like to do it this week (between now and 7 days from now). I’ll add (not in my original post that was lost) that I refused to ever PUG in GW1 after way to many bad PUG failures with never any successes even on the easiest of content, figuring that every PUG ever would be the same. Not that dungeons are easy but I hate wasting huge chunks of time over and over again on the random hope that this time I have a group that can be successful. Anyways back to about grouping for the dungeon(s) the only limitation, unless they fixed it, is you have to be in the same region (NA or EU) to be able to do the dungeon together.
hey guys, can someone send me a guild invite? wasn’t sure if it was better to ask here or in-game, so thought I’d try here first.
Aww that sucks Jia I’ll be organising some sort of dungeon help for EU players. However someone told me it works for all could try it anyway.
We’ll be running AC stories and Explore at around 1900 to 2000 GMT.
If you’re interested we’ll see you there!
@nottsgman my apologies I had some kind folks in game wanting invites and it led to some good discussions and I forgot.
Just hang in there notts . You’ll be in there shortly.
I’ll try to do it this evening if bri or Lexy are on send them a whisper and they’ll patch you through.
thanks Glitch. I’ll be in game a little later, and through the evening if that helps at all. right now I have to get to doing some much needed housework (the joys of rl).
Thanks notts. Yea right now I’m doing some homework.
Yea I’ll get an invite asap.
Aww that sucks Jia I’ll be organising some sort of dungeon help for EU players. However someone told me it works for all could try it anyway.
We’ll be running AC stories and Explore at around 1900 to 2000 GMT.
If you’re interested we’ll see you there!@nottsgman my apologies I had some kind folks in game wanting invites and it led to some good discussions and I forgot.
Just hang in there notts . You’ll be in there shortly.
I’ll try to do it this evening if bri or Lexy are on send them a whisper and they’ll patch you through.
Count me in I’ll be online a bit before then.
That’s cool. We can make use of bri’s mumble as well. :P
Hey there, really great of you to set up a post like this. Let me introduce myself.
Name: Eidoron [eye-dough-ron]
Server: Maguuma
Characters (Actively Playing):
-Theodore Alberon [80 Human Engineer]
-Magister Nox [35 Asura Mesmer]
A little bit about me: I am the guild leader of a really small krewe which basically consists of me and like 4 friends. We were originally from Yaks Bend but moved over to Maguuma since the people we planned on playing with in Yaks sort of dropped. Sad to say, things didn’t change when we swapped to Maguuma. We remade our guild from Storm Front Vanguard [SFV] to Crescents Bane [SUN] for multiple reasons, which I can disclose if you ask me at a later time, but to say the least we wanted a fresh start. We’re sort of a small group of friends so we dont really have much people to play with at the moment, being the guild leader I felt obligated to start some sort of social network in order to be able to run instances or do group things more often. Tried negotiating with other guilds to have some sort of representation between guilds, only worked with another small guild.
I mostly play my Engineer at the moment since he was my first character, do look forward into playing my mesmer but i figure I should deck out my engineer before i do so. I’ve been planning on doing Sorrows embrace instance runs for the past couple of weeks and actually started doign so yesterday. What usually gets me into a game is the ability to make my character look super amazing and enjoying the game with good company.
What I’m looking for: Hoping to meet people who are willing to keep in contact for future runs and such.
(Edit) Timezone is PST and I would like to give Operation Union a shot.
(edited by Eidoron.2694)
Looks like this is still doing rather well, glad to see so many people working together. I would do some AC explores with you fine folks, but I’m in my own little world here in yak’s bend lol.
Happy gaming.
Looks like this is still doing rather well, glad to see so many people working together. I would do some AC explores with you fine folks, but I’m in my own little world here in yak’s bend lol.
Happy gaming. :)
You can do dungeons with people from other servers- just be sure to be in the same map when the leader enters. :)
Looks like this is still doing rather well, glad to see so many people working together. I would do some AC explores with you fine folks, but I’m in my own little world here in yak’s bend lol.
Happy gaming.You can do dungeons with people from other servers- just be sure to be in the same map when the leader enters.
I appreciate that, thank you. That’s not quite what I meant though. I just have a rather bad habit of somehow forgetting the existence of people outside my server, and so things like meet up times tend to slip by very easily lol.
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