Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together
welcome everyone who newly posted, sent you all invites (hopefully). glad to have you here
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
I wouldn’t go the mandatory representation, it kinda adds a hardline to the guild that is in essences counter to the casual/helping style.
If Im playing with friends from another guild I’m in I try to represent so its a showing for the guild that people do play togeather, if soloing I represent the guild that I feel needs the influence the most.
Unfotunatly this works good and bad as only those representing see any discussion (though thats alwasy going to be an issue untill ANet adds in the ability to listen-in to guilds your not representing).
@Chandelier, I’m online most days after I do my online college course work, I’m on Ferguson’s Crossing as well, I’m available to assist in anything you might be needing done farming-wise or for anything else you may need help with.
Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by lordkabal.4857)
Hi! My guy’s name is Catcrafter (he crafts cats :p) He is fresh lv 80 Charr Minonmancer from Ring of Fire server and he needs a coat and gloves from Arah dungeon because he is fashion sensitive. He looks for fellow adventurers with simmilar taste in fashion to help him achieve his goal!
Ahh so glad that it’s met with a resounding NO!
I personally thought that it would contradict our motto if I forced folks.
Good to see more people you’re always welcome!
Probably be on in the evening again GMT
I got some more revision work to do after work.
I’m sorry for the poor experience we had in FoTM.
This is probably not the one to try with 3 people new to the dungeon, 1 of them even without his elite skill unlocked (the level 7 thief).
Moreover, this dungeon, much more than the other ones is extremely depended on team work, and advancing togather.
The point with that particualr hammer is that the group should guard the one carrying it, and this person should be able to negate the tons of condition the hammer inflicts.
Also, in my successful run, the hammer switched hands after every time it was used, so the person carrying it didn’t suffer from the periodic conditions stacking up till he’s downed.
Anyway, tonight I hope to get a group running, this time with the gw2lfg.com app to help us find that last elusive members for ac story, if guildies won’t be online.
@everybody knew here: a warm welcome from me also! Good to see so many people are interested in joining our group here. As i see, all invites are allready send, so will not bother you with another one
@Glitch: for me its very simple. I have only 1 guild at this point that i want to represent and that is The Legion. So i have no hard choices to make here :p
But i understand that other people have more friends in this game and they need to be free to choose when to represent what guild.
For the “inner circle”, the officers and stuff, i would say, try to represent the guild as much as possible, since we/they are the face off the guild.
I would love to help out in the Support Team, and will do my best to be as much as possible in the game. But i have that hectic workshedule to follow, and then some kids and a lovely wife to keep happy So it could be that i’m not ingame every day or only for short bursts off time. But will do my best if you want me for the team
Also wanna say that the new pc is running SUPER! Did a bit off Skyrim yesterday, and after the long install off 35 mods (yep, i love mods and they are mostly graphical enhancements for Skyrim ) i started the game. The game decided to go to Ultra High settings and it runs like a dream! So me very happy now
And now i’m off for some lunch, see you all ingame i hope this afternoon!!
Doggy bag give away! Hi All, I have quite a lot of food items clogging up my bank space – all generated in getting my chef up to 400. If anyone would like a few items (if only for the useful +10 exp on kills) please msg me in game. Let me know the level range of any characters you have and I will try to provide appropriate items.
Sorry, but magic find items probably won’t be included as I have a tendency to eat those
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
I’m sorry you feel that way.
I was a post today about someone who does 3 exp mode runs every evening ending with 1.5 gold profit.
Indeed he needed the practice before he got there.
I did already several runs with at the most 2 full down states which generated more profit than loss.
This requires practice, and I hoped to get a nice player base for people who will be well experienced in dungeons to help the new comers and the people who are in need of these runs.
This was the point for joining the guild, at least for me.
Anyway, it’s your call, and if you aren’t enjoing something, you shouldn’t be doing that.
Thanks everyone. I think the support team who be a good thing to get going, to help the new players and help make the face of the Operation like you said Noppy.
I also thought that the mandatory representation would alienate folks.
I’d also like sonera feedback from newer members:
1. Are you enjoying the atmosphere?
2.It is what you hoped and does it keep to our ideals of helping others?
3.Did you also enjoy that you aren’t required for mandatory representation?
4.What drew you to this topic in the first place?
Just thought I’d get some feedback too.
@bri the dungeons are difficult at first as it requires a completely different playstyle and requires more attention than some realise. Such as watching other members conditions, your boons and tells etc.
However once you get used to it becomes easier ad second nature. Maybe try AC later as my bro was trying lead CM last time.
Eventually you cam make at least 1g in 24 mins excluding drops.
My speed runs normally take 8-10 mins
If you still like the look of the AC med armour we can run that later.
Omerk: me, my bro and Fred Probs running AC paths around 2000/2100 GMT.
You can go on dungeon crawls, speed running you can make a quite a bit providing you got the right team. Most paths can be sped run in 10mins.
Name: Juun (pronounced “June”)
Current Server: Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
I ran dungeons last night with a few of our members and it was a lovely experience. I did make some money, but more importantly, we had loads of fun.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy your dungeon run(s), I had my first experience of them yesterday. I’m not interested in the armor, but the experience of it was fantastic! even if what I got didn’t cover repair costs (which it more than did), the experience alone would have been reward enough for me.
Glitch is right though, they do need a different way of thinking, which I think needs practice to get. you never know, with a few more runs you could get to the point where you’re not going down all the time.
I don’t know, maybe its just me, but I had a great time, even lying there dead because I did something stupid, but you know what, it was my first time, and I know I’ll get better at it, and I’ll enjoy it all the more well as long as people are good with dragging me around there.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Just wanted to say “howdy ya’ll” \o
@Lexy … Thanx for the doggie bag
@Glitch …
1. Yes this thread is one of the few bright spots in this forum; so is the guild.
2. I do belive so, I certainly see it here. I haven’t had as much time to see it in action in game, but I did see some of that same spirit today in guild chat.
3. Definately, but I still would have taken time to represent whenever I could anyway. I do believe when we are running in game together we should represent.
4. The topic title But seriously, I founded my guild (back in GW1) on the same principles that ya’ll founded this group on. I was happily surprised to find another group of people that shared the same ideals here in GW2. Now if we could just get guesting and maybe guild alliances (with alliance chat) in game ….
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union
Thanks all.
@G did everything chase you while Kit could do whatever she wanted?
Good to hear that your expedition went well!
Sorry about forgetting to say goodnight. I had to quickly go to sleep to get up for work.
@FGreen cheers on the feedback I think most folks come to check out why there is an obscene amount of post on 1 thread.
Yea this is good as long as folks are just willing to drop in from time to time it’s all good.
Representing when with others is more than enough. Just gotta make sure Nubhead does it. XL
Also I’ll be on later. For anyone wanting to run AC I’ll have 2 spaces (EU).
I’m sorting out the more serious dungeon on Aurora so that explains the lack of spaces. :P Still teaching Nubhead how to be a pro runner, with skill timing, interesting combs and out the box thinking. Slow process but it creates some awesome runners. Anyone interested on an EU server is welcome. I’ll try to provide some advice on dungeons and how to improve. I’m more knowledgeable on some classes than others so may not have some specific class advice.
War/Thief lucky. Guard/Range moderate knowledge rest no idea.
Thanks folks. Another great chat for th evening
Great to see chat isn’t so empty anymore!
Congratz to Lexy for her first dungeon.
Congratz to G and Kit, now able to cause even more havoc !
Hmm… Not sure if Devout Keeper of The Shoe is a better title for Kit…
Nice chill dungeon run me and my bro was playing pass the parcel with our favourite boulder.
Kinda tricky at the end so many effects I couldn’t see the Foefire. :P
Wish there was an effects slider.
On to Ex next time.
I can also show you how to be a farming robot and not play it properly if you want.
Thanks Glitch (wearer of the hair-clip ) There have been a lot of different dungeon experiences reported on this thread and other posts in the forum, both good and bad, and I suppose that is why I’ve put it off for so long.
I’m happy to report that mine was a great experience, loads of fun, good leadership (nice one boss) and good communication. I came out of the whole thing with about 30s after I sold all the loot and drops, and I would have had about 8s repair costs if I hadn’t used a repair cannister.
Sign me up for explore mode, happy to take a few shortcuts if you want a speedier run Anyone one on EU want to lead a CM story sometime? That’s next in line for my dungeon conquering exploits…
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
I can help lead CM. Maybe let my bro or Nubhead to take over. I know my way round the dungeons but I’m an AC Vet first.
Good to hear that you found it nice. I didn’t type much of a detailed explanation as I would Ex but you seemed to do great.
Just wait for the Explore rewards.
Also get the fancy tokens. Suddenly I want to get the gauntlets for CM.
We’ll try next week or something either a CM Story or an Ex of some type.
Also if Kit keeps giving free stuff I might as well use it.
Well I forgot to add this lol…
Name: Death Reincarnated
Main Character: Einsteintenious (Elementalist)
Current Server: Crystal Desert
Interested Activities: Completionist – everything involving PvE
Active:From Australia – Mostly thursday evening and saturday day, sometimes other week day nights.
Additional Comments: I’m not a noob at this game but I’m not the best. I will help out when I can but don’t expect me to own the mobs.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yeah, whenever I can
I think I received a Guild invite from you. Was the guild called something ‘honoured’? If so, for some reason not sure how to accept – there is no accept button lol. I never considered being in a guild since I like to solo and occasiaonly bump into players and work together.
I have a ‘Letter of Commendation’ to use up as well
Do not click this link!
Hi Death. Press G on your keyboard. It will open your guild tab. There will be invites on the left side Under account guilds. accept it and don’t forget to represent (at the bottom)
Glitch, If i can’t hug you, this is the alternative. throws dental floss glad you liked the hair clip
^ This lovely lady has all the answers.
Thanks Kit always nice that I can floss my teeth at a given notice. Now I really should go to bed like a good kid…
(edited by Glitch.6849)
lol. since Kit has graced us with her presence, i see a lot more things flying around.
@everyone new – welcome aboard!! again, i am lacking presence on the forums over the weekend, but am sure you guys are all covered in terms of invites. always, always feel free to ask any questions or just drop by here! and in-game ; ))
@Cayen – am on SoR here as well! woot! haha. the wifey is eyeing some TA gear right now actually. we haven’t done story yet so hopefully one of these days we’ll be able to catch you online if you don’t mind lending a hand ; ))
finally, got a chance to play with some people over the weekend!D
@Kaii, G, Kit, Monty – great fun lolol. you guys did awesome as well. looking forward to running more dungeons! i need more stories done as well (i’ve only done AC and CM) so when you guys are ready, lmk. spending a good half hour or more in the mansion of CM after the story was most enjoyable lol. what with levitating asuran, transforming golems, moas being all wonky then dying all of a sudden to pets that won’t stay off the furniture.. that was the best bit of the run. lol XDDD
@everyone else, can’t wait until guestingggggggggg lol. really hope we can keep this going strong and really appreciate everyone being here and attitude in this game.
@Glitch – re: the mandatory reppin, etc haha seems i missed that convo but it’s good on what you guys had agreed : ))) i think one of the best things for this group here is the flexibility and when you see people online, but not representing, never hesitate to send them a tell / whisper! same goes for me. ; ))) i love hearing from anyone, let alone from you awesome folk.
one small suggestion for officers perhaps, if the Union goes into that direction, we can perhaps have set times where a number of officers WILL represent at these times. or could even have specific EU or NA groups running dungeons, like we do but slightly more organized, and hopefully in the near future, we’ll have a few more “leaders” so we can keep helping and allowing the gw2 community to grow. for those with a larger presence on the same server, we can do farming / exploring runs. jumping puzzles run s(G, Kit, looking at you lol), and when guesting comes along. we can organize even larger events! as Kaii mentioned, we can all turn into a stampede of baby quaggans and raid the fields of Tyriaaaaaaaaaa! lol. things i’m looking forward to.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I wanna be a baby quaggan. how I be a baby quaggan?
Fun day today. Learned how to NOT do CM Exp Butler. EPIC fail.
learning how to NOT do sth, is effectively learning how to do sth. ; )))
CM… is actually one of the most frustrating dungeons. for me, personally XDDD
alternatively.. i’ll send you some next time i’m online
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Hey everyone!
Been a day or two, I’ve been kind of off and on, here and there. Finally getting to stya a while for the first time since very early this month, and getting my first taste of the 7 day lock on server transfers.
Usually I jump around a lot, and when I say that, I mean that I’ve got over six “home” servers, and a handful of others I traveled to when I needed a group, to meet up with other random people. I’d go to Vabbi for WvW and exploration, Aurora Glade for Orr farming, bugged skill points etc… Eredon Terrace for chatting and the low TP prices, Henge of Denravi for dungeons and more good chat, and a number of others for a variety of reasons.
Now, however, I need to sit down on one server, with a steady group of people who are in to more than farming fractals and waiting for the next tier of gear to drop. So, where would y’all get the most use out of a walking wiki/guild wars super-nerd?
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
hey Nels! ; ))) glad you’re finally able to stay on longer. and wow, haha, that IS a lot of worlds!D
i want to say that most of us in this group here are more than farming fractals. ; )) a bunch of us started doing the OG dungeons. i myself am still in explore mode. soon going on a JP hunt!
you’re always more than welcome on Sanctum of Rall!! ; ))) though i am on at weird hours and will most likely only see you on the weekends. it is a great server though, people are friendly and there a couple of us on here from there.
a healthy Isle of Janthir population growing now. and Gunnar’s as always been a great place it seems. ; )) so depends if ya wanna go NA or EU.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Well, there’s three, I’ll probably bounce between them for a while, as there are amazing opportunities for making money on the TP if you make the right moves at the right times.
For right now, I rolled a D12, and it told me Sanctum of Rall, then Gunnar’s, then Isle of Janthir should be my rotation, so I’ll try that order out first.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
:DD hopefully i’ll see you in-game shortly then. so weekly rotations then, eh?
and i thought the TP was global?
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Yea Nel we get to see you soon!
Now that the little fiasco seems like it’s sorted.
Hey Nels, when you get to Gunnar’s Hold give me a shout – we can go out exploring or dungeoning or whatever
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
Glitch is right though, they do need a different way of thinking, which I think needs practice to get. you never know, with a few more runs you could get to the point where you’re not going down all the time.
My build and play style is based on solo map exploration, which I have done in every PvE map in this game. I routinely solo farm in Forstgorge, Malchor’s Leap, and Cursed Shore without dying. So, it is not me ‘going down all the time’ that is the problem…
A statement I find rather patronising, btw ..
As for dungeons, if you, or anyone else, had a good time, then I am happy for you. Perhaps it is more about how one values rewards for effort. Sorry, but I do not see 12s as being a justifiable reward for 1-1,5 hrs effort in a dungeon. Most certainly it is not enough of a reward for me to even consider changing my playing style, since my current one nets me more in Orr.
As for the experience .. well, my first one was terrible, even omerk admitted that doing Fractals with the party we had was a bad mistake.
The second time it was not clear to me who was leading the show, and it seemed more chaotic than it needed to be. Did this contribute to me ‘going down all time’, as you like to describe it? I don’t know .. Despite this, we did manage to finish the path. Could I have played it better?? Most certainly, particularly knowing what I know now.
However, the big question is, would I do it again? My answer is: no. My interest in doing dungeons is gone for now. If I ever want to do a dungeon again, and I doubt I will, I’ll take my chances with a PUG. At least it couldn’t be any worse experience than what I have been through …
PS. While I was outside AC for almost 2hrs on Sat evening waiting for Glitch to show-up (which he never did …) I had 3 or 4 party requests to do the dungeon. So, there are still people around wanting to do these and not Fractals …
Sorry, I was finishing up my usual school work, straight after work. So didn’t get on till later.
Seems like the experience left much to be desired. Well my bro was trying to lead but could’ve communicated it a lot better. Playing a ranger makes it harder on yourself as you have no way to remove stacks of conditions.
Using TS was probably what was holding up the typing as 3/5 were on TS.
Currently I’m training more runners but it’ll take a long time. Some will be good leaders others not so much. Hound and Nubhead make good team players but not very good leaders as they’re pretty impatient.
I think we were also mucking around that time too as we had new builds. Bro could’ve also explained better instead of on the fly.
I dunno maybe a story would have eased you into the mind set. My regulars are all set with the one hit, cheap shots and invisible conditions being applied.
Also the build for one may not work for something else. Stacking for slight toughness means you have leeway. You can run around as a cannon but you have to up the situational awareness.
I dunno, if you don’t like it noones forcing.you.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Just accepted your guild invite. I might need some time before I learn what this is all about – especially the use of influence.
Looking forward to doing some team oriented events and stuff
Do not click this link!
Awesome, depending on the server we’ve at least got a guild stash.
Just say hi in the chat normally there’s quite a few there.
Rewarding my self with a little down time on a free as did pretty well on my Chem test. Few sillies but won’t make the same mistake again. :P
Looks like getting into Med School is looking up.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
oh yeah that was great fun! I’d go through the other story modes, no question, and everything in between.
come on guesting and baby quaggan rampage!
can’t wait for you to come and visit us on Isle of Janthir, and glad your game is stable again so you can play.
I also thought the trading post was global, but I guess not by what you say.
I didn’t mean to sound patronising, so I am sorry for that. it was more of a statement based on my own first time experience, and that you mentioned repair costs outweighing the reward. I should have found a better way to say it. I wasn’t suggesting that you don’t play well, or that you can’t hold your own, but that it can be an unforgiving environment. nothing more than that. sorry if it sounded different, it wasn’t my intention.
good job on your chemistry test!
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Ty G.
@Also some folks really enjoy dungeons like me and don’t really mind the low reward, huge time investment if taking new folks through.
I’d say bri was doing pretty well for an Explore despite our lack of communication. Think I was discussing builds, dungeon skill switch outs, weapons in situations, professions in dungeons. Kind of got carried away as Nubhead was asking about that sort of stuff.
I am always the go to guy for my bro and his friends even though they’ve played more.
@bri dungeons are unforgiving, cheap shots, and frustrating at times; however when everything comes together after countless groups, it’s a great feeling. For me I really like that enjoyment, trying anything and everything to think outside the box to overcome the obstacles.
Also in dungeons you can get away with a PvE build the main thing is awareness but also switching out weapons and skills depending on what you think you’re coming up against. E.g con removal with a Hammer and Greatsword for a condition heavy single target that hits hard but relatively low health.
If I make some coin that’s awesome, but for me the enjoyment is because of the challenge, helping others that want to give it go and for anyone up to learning a few thing.
Dungeons, the source of why this whole ‘thing’ started and the origin of my roots. So I’m bias. :P
Oh wow! I was away from the forums for a long weekend and I have pages to catch up on.
@ all the new peeps – Welcome! I’m kind of married to my server, but if anyone wants to visit Eredon Terrace for a week or do a dungeon, PM me! I’m on from about 8 PM – 12 PM EST. The deal is you facetank, I nuke from afar (j/k… kinda :P) Edit: I also lurk on the forums during work hours EST.
@akamon – Crafting some knights gear, but I want the TA Light armor shoulders for some wings! Unfortunately I’m cheap and vain so I want gear with the right stats AND that looks good right off the bat (since I can’t seem to earn any fine transmutation stones). I’m pretty sure legendary and ascended are probably going to be out of my league for a good long time.
@bri – yeah, my first few dungeon runs (AC, at level 70+) were more money sinks than makers. I have run all paths of AC, though, so I can help strategerize if we run it together!
@Noppy – I demand specs! And Skyrim mod names! When I ever get tired of playing GW2 (yeah, it happens), Skyrim and Civ 5 are my go-to games. I only have about 15 mods for Skyrim though. My graphics card is a little older, so I can’t afford to run every good texture pack, only a few
@Glitch – The only other guild I’m in is with my RL friends, so I like representing it when I’m farming or in WvW for all the influence because we don’t have a lot of people. But I do think it’s fair that if I’m doing activities with other Legion members then I should represent LoH. And congrats on the chemistry test! You’re one step closer to selling your soul to a school for 5+ years (at least, if completing med school takes as long as getting a Ph.D).
(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)
Well, that was an interesting day for dungeons. Best PUG ever.
Entered: 11 silver
Exited: 1.19 gold, 9 ecto.
People have been telling me that it’s cross server for months, but the stark price change in common goods between some servers tells me otherwise. There was a time in the early days, before the 24 hour locks started, that I could buy something like Platinum Ore on one server, and sell it for a 30% profit on another, about a minute later. It was especially easy to notice going from a full server like Henge of Denravi to an empty server like Vabbi.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
@DEK yea. It will 5 years! It’s not thaaaaat long. The test is just a good indicator of how everything going so far. If I do the same in the actual exams in Jan, I’d be pretty grateful.
I’ll be taking a deferral anyway as I missed out on some things (like leaning to drive!)
I mean the experience so far has been amazing but I think I over did it as had lots of things related to Med, this year was full of Med related stuff.
If A2 goes as well as it is now then it’ll be amazing prays hopefully
Hopefully fortune favours fools.
Anyway, I thought it was fair. If you get together with others represent with pride!
that is interesting. I haven’t switched servers, so I haven’t had the insight that you have. the things you learn in one morning.
do you have a list of what you usually buy/sell? just wondering if it would help you to determine the best time to transfer if you knew how the market was going on this server? because if it would, I’d be more than happy to keep an eye on it
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
That’s interesting. I flipped gold dyes 39s to 1g got lucky with that.
I don’t really have enough time to watch the TP. I’d rather just have some fun and do dungeons. Good enough gold for me. 1/2g minimum everyday for the 3 days I play for 2hrs.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
I’ve played around with dyes for a while. As a mathy type, the Mystic Forge kind of fascinates me, and common dyes used to be cheap enough that I could buy a bunch and throw them in the Mystic Forge without losing too much gold. It seems that common dye prices have been stabilizing, though, and so the margin on them is much smaller than it was even a week ago, so no more dye tinkering for me.
While I tend not to flip items because I feel a little smarmy doing it, I go to www.gw2spidy.com to do any margin calculations, and it seems pretty accurate to my server’s prices.
I quite like playing the TP when I have time. Finally a time where my Statistic Maths comes in handy! Not spent doing boring exercises, I enjoy the Calculus stuff more as it’s interesting.
However TP requires a lot of close and careful watching however the predictions I did make were pretty good like the gold dye/dye ones.
Made like 5g should’ve used all my money!!! I only really use l what I can afford to lose.
Statistics boring subject but has a real life use.
Name: Elennilda
Main Character: Narma Ela (l20 Norn ranger), Elenna Ela (l25 Sylvari guardian), Vilya Ela (l55 Sylvari elementalist).
Current Server: Sanctum of Rall
Interested Activities: General exploration and/or leveling together, dungeons, some socialising, maybe WvW when I feel confident enough.
Active: Some evenings (European evenings, that is), some weekends.
Additional Comments: This is my first MMO, so I’m still learning the ropes. In general I don’t like to rush things, I’d rather take it slowly. I haven’t done any dungeons yet, not sure whether I feel up to it (only my ele is high enough level, but she’s rather squishy and probably undergeared), but I’d love to start discovering them at some point.
Hey El! More SoR’s Akamon’s sure gonna be proud!
Don’t worry none of us are the impatient type. We don’t mind explaining stuff and we hope that you get something out of our wall o texts.
I’m sure Kit, G or any of the founders will shoot you an invite very soon.
I have a strong forum presence keeping an eye on things but only in game Friday to Sunday. So that’s why I have the Dynamic Duo and Team Awesome!
Yea so warm welcome to you and thanks for the interest! Any questions just ask here.
I’m the impatient type! I mind explaining things! In fact I’m a very mean and malicious person who is not helpful or friendly at all. Just ask people who have run dungeons with me. They will tell you how I yelled at them and called them forest grubs.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
Are you really?
But you seemed so nice!
In time you’ll learn to be patient. I used to be very very impatient as a child now I’m the regular go to guy for explanations.
If you want get serious and want to lead your dungeon groups:
Patience, determination, motivation, communication, but most of all a kind and helpful demeanor!
Team Lead:
1. Assess
2. Plan
3. Execute
If all else fails: ADAPT.
Trust me it’s shorter to take your time and explain stuff to the group than to rush in without a plan it’ll take much longer and cause so much frustration. :P
Lol Glitch. When G and Kit tease me I always give serious answers like that and they giggle at me for taking it seriously.
I’m actually quite calm and easy to get along with lol.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]