(“Big Hat”)Praise the Sun!
(edited by Archmagel.1350)
I ran into some problems with Consume Conditions, all in one day, at separate times. Here is a list:
1. After dodging and quickly using Consume Conditions, the skill was used, I was healed, but the condition (Vulnerability) was not erased. It was not refreshed by any means, either. The timer was still going normally.
2. When being hit with Hunter’s Shot from a Ranger, I used CC and the skill was used. I got the heal and erase, but I was then knocked back, and CC used the cd of a knockback instead of it’s usual 25sec.
3. When using CC and being hit by Hunter’s Shot I used CC and was stuck in the end animation for it. The skill was not used, but I was stuck in the animation until I used a skill.
Edit: Sorry, I could not reproduce these things again, but I just couldn’t find a willing Ranger. The problems seemed to stem from them, so I tried to recruit one. No luck though.
(edited by Archmagel.1350)
Discovered something new.
The Mark of Blood created with Mark of Evasion is a blast finisher. Easy test: create a Corrosive Poison Cloud then dodge to your enemy while in it – the combo heart over your head comes up area weakness every time.
The mark of blood isn’t actually a blast finisher, it’s just that you create a blast finisher along with the mark of blood, hence I can dodge roll off a cliff with mark of evasion and the fall one, and create a poison field + area weakness even if the mark isn’t triggered.
Because It’s separate from the mark, I don’t think it’s a bug because they would have had to actively decide to add in an additional blast finish effect.
Played a bit with the mark of blood and that trait.
- The dodge one does only apply 2 bleeds [which is known: NB0060]
- The dodge one does less damage on explode ( ~130dmg vs ~100 dmg only staff equipped in Battleground vs. Heavy Golem Traits 20/20/0/30/0) But seams to be same Power skaling.
Edit: OK its more like 50% more Damage from the staff skill. Baucause a Crit of the dodge mark does as much damage as an noncrit Staff Mark of Blood
- The one from the dodge lasts only 5 or 6s, While Mark of blood lasts till it is cast again, well at least much longer.
And yes i can confirm, that the Blast finisher is applied on the dodge, not when the mark explodes. Easy test just dodge in a Well, when none is around.
E2: probably no bug, but a nice to have feature: If cast Reaper’sTouch and have an allie targeted, it will not hit him or bounce. Just flies through him and the skill is lost. But because the skill has a buff to allies this should work, i think.
(edited by unleashed.8679)
Archmagel.1350 – tried, managed to do the animation stuck, but never the cd thing (you can also get necrotic grasps shadow scythe stuck getting it also when the staff sheaths – looks kitten)
Unpredictability.4086 / War Mourner.5168 / unleashed.8679 – you can find all the MoB stuff on another thread already posted, only that it got covered up by (new) “more important” stuff.
Is it intended that you do not receive Life Force when killing things in Death Shroud?
Otherwise it seems like something that should be implemented.
Can anyone confirm if the retaliation from spiteful spirit in the power tree is working properly? I have tested it on a thief autoattack and he said there was no damage at all taken from retaliation.
Also have switched straight in ds with a 100 blades warriors and out again, with the retaliation buff visable and have been killed instantly.
Well even with maxed power trait at level 80 your looking at a reflected damage of maybe 300 pr attack. That is not a lot in the grand scheme of things. Also, i don’t think that Retaliation actually removes any damage from you. It only damages whoever damages you.
Dooooon’t forget infinite fear. Not sure what skills they are, but having to stand in a corner for 5 minutes really isn’t fun.
While they (supposedly) fixed the necro fearing another necro with auto-fear trait that resulted in 20 second fears, a similar one can apparently happen if a your auto-fearing necro fear a mesmer that reflects CC effects. Could that be what you’re seeing, Heartling?
I’m not sure is this a bug, need for test?
I have notice Putrid Mark can transfer condition to foe (Staff 4)
and you can use it from far range, it still transfer condition to foe even you are not in trigger circle.
But as Mark of Blood (Staff 2)
You CAN’T get Regen boon while you’re not in trigger circle
I’m not sure is this a bug, need for test?
I have notice Putrid Mark can transfer condition to foe (Staff 4)
and you can use it from far range, it still transfer condition to foe even you are not in trigger circle.
But as Mark of Blood (Staff 2)
You CAN’T get Regen boon while you’re not in trigger circle
Thas a little bigger explosion radius (360~) for from where it pulls the conditions from what i know, but never got condition transfer from more than 1/3 of the range away.
See example attached, please. My Death Shroud isn’t working properly, so I figured I would send you a visual example of what I am experiencing.
It happens to me too. Same bug. I use DeathShroud, it works for 1 second, then it goes in a stasys status for some second. You can understand that since the reaper’s icon on the right become a grey lock instead. During these seconds you can’t do nothing. You can’t use DS spells nor return to a normal form. You can just move and see your life force fall. This bug is really really a big problem for me.
Extra info: I’ve talk with 4 others necromancers in my guild. Seems that just I got this bug, so isn’t even easy to proove it… Anyway the video posted by Evalana is really clear.
The 50% increased siphoning does not increase the minion siphon nor the well siphon.
The DS lockout bug – what runes are you using there are known issues with some of the sets like Svanir and Vampirism triggering the mist or block of Ice when using DS these will lock your skills.
(NB0001) Rune of Svanir “Become a block of ice” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
(NB0002) Rune of Vampirism “You become mist” will trigger after entering DS and receive foe damage. (Ignores %HP trigger)
Well, in fact i’m using Vampirism set. This evening i will try with another set.
Tomorrow i’ll post the result.
Anyway (this isn’t the right section i know) the 6th Vamprism runes set ability never worked. Even in normal form.
(edited by Terz.7495)
See example attached, please. My Death Shroud isn’t working properly, so I figured I would send you a visual example of what I am experiencing.
It happens to me too. Same bug. I use DeathShroud, it works for 1 second, then it goes in a stasys status for some second. You can understand that since the reaper’s icon on the right become a grey lock instead. During these seconds you can’t do nothing. You can’t use DS spells nor return to a normal form. You can just move and see your life force fall. This bug is really really a big problem for me.
Extra info: I’ve talk with 4 others necromancers in my guild. Seems that just I got this bug, so isn’t even easy to proove it… Anyway the video posted by Evalana is really clear.
Do you happen to have a rune set with transform equipped? they seem to trigger as if going DS sends the health to (near) zero for a moment.
Life Transfer never increases your life force whether 1v1 or 1v9000. It either (barely) stays the same or continues to decrease.
This must be a bug so add it to the list.
Ruufio.1496 – Life transfer transfers the exact amount of damage it does into life force, since we have around a 21k minimum hp pool, its barely 4% a second (the degen is 4%/sec) thus not a bug (the 3% LF note on it was always useless, you can even see it on the alpha version video from Totalbiscuit that it doesnt generate 3% pre enemy on pulse).
And that is why i would love for Anet to put a straight numbers overlay on the LF bar, less confusion that way…
Ok, Solved. Was the runes set. Thank you all for the support guys.
When using any Well in combination with Ritual of Protection (Death Magic, IV), the granted protection buff is unaffected by increased boon duration. It’s kind of upsetting given that focusing on Boon Duration can be a very important aspect of playing Support.
I did a search of the thread and didn’t see this listed, so my my apologies if it’s already been brought up.
Axe’s Ghastly Claws doesnt give 4% Life Force per strike even though the tooltip claims it does. The total Life Force from the whole combo is 8% so the actual Life Force gained is 1% per strike.
- And as mentioned some days ago, the CD of the teleport of spectral walk is applied while you are in midair, for example jumping from a wall. But you do not teleport. Should work while falling or after you hit the ground (if you aren’t dead).
Not sure if this is a Bug or intended.
-You can teleport back inside a keep in WvW with spectral Walk only through the gate. From top of the gate doesn’t work nor from top or behind/trough walls.
Hello. I didn’t saw anything about Deathly Invigoration . The tooltip says nothing about it’s 20s cool down and it doesnt show any numbers healed.
The only useful bug i know with necromancer (beside shroudstomp and shroudrevive) is with Spectral Walk – equip it, use it, change the skill before the cooldown of Spectral Recall expire and you got free swiftness.
Does anyone know do Vampiric Precision stack with Sigil Of Blood ? I have the strong feeling it doesn’t. Not a big deal since its heal is useless Never tried with healing power.
Hello. I didn’t saw anything about Deathly Invigoration . The tooltip says nothing about it’s 20s cool down and it doesnt show any numbers healed.
The only useful bug i know with necromancer (beside shroudstomp and shroudrevive) is with Spectral Walk – equip it, use it, change the skill before the cooldown of Spectral Recall expire and you got free swiftness.
Does anyone know do Vampiric Precision stack with Sigil Of Blood ? I have the strong feeling it doesn’t. Not a big deal since its heal is uselessNever tried with healing power.
vampiric precision does not work with sigil of blood however 100healing power gives you and extra 10hp with the sigil of blood. base is 453 I believe. so 30 points in blood giving 300healing power ups this to 483
SET.3275 – you know that it actually pops the numbers a nice chunk above the allies, unlike on the ground like WoB, also all dual effect skills (like Spectral walk, minions, turrets, etc) can be swapped out post use if not in combat (but i wouldnt do that if you swapped out the location of SWalk while its in the spectral return phase since it will place both skill slots on a 60+the first skill swaped cd (take skill1, skill2, Walk, swap walk with 1, swap 1 with 2, swap walk with 2, 2 and walk will end up on a 60+skill1s recharge, but it will only show up to be on cd since half of the skill1s recharge time – will be still uncastable and actually on recharge till then), this is fixed if you take the Spectral Mastery trait (or just dont do that much swapping).
Regarding the Regeneration on Mark of Blood and Reaper’s Touch:
Rune of Dwayna’s 2 piece set bonus, +20% Regeneration Duration, isn’t being calculated and displayed on the tooltip for Mark of Blood or Reaper’s Touch; however, it’s still effectively increasing the duration.
Bug regarding:
Death Magic
Placing a Chilblains mark erroneously triggers the sound effect for the Death Shroud 4-skill, Life Transfer. This only occurs if the Necromancer has the Greater Marks trait.
Tooltip error regarding:
Tooltip reports that 4% life force is gained for the entire channel, that would be .5% life force per tick of the attack. 8% life force is actually gained, 1% per tick.
(edited by Fynd.4890)
You guys ever thought about taking this to the next level and make some sort of public petition? I mean….all this, all the bugs, its just too much to be ignored byAnet.
The Spite line trait Spiteful Talisman doesn’t effect Reaper’s Touch. It updates the tooltip but the actual skill cooldown and range is unchanged on use. If you look at the focus skills when equiping the trait you will see Spinal Shivers flip as to be updating but Reaper’s Touch doesn’t.
The Spite line trait Spiteful Talisman doesn’t effect Reaper’s Touch. It updates the tooltip but the actual skill cooldown and range is unchanged on use. If you look at the focus skills when equiping the trait you will see Spinal Shivers flip as to be updating but Reaper’s Touch doesn’t.
Completely confirmed.
I just tested scepter range(900) and reaper’s touch range WITH spiteful talisman and they both go out of range at the same distance.
You are correct about the tooltip reverting to 18 seconds after the skill is used and then from 18-11 seconds, the tooltip incorrectly states 18 seconds recharge and 900 range, then once the cooldown reaches 10 seconds remaining, the tooltip flips back to 14 seconds listed cooldown and 1200 range. So, it does indeed take 18 seconds for the skill to recharge WITH the Spiteful Talisman trait when it should take 14 seconds.
I have already reported as a bug that the bounces do not occur unless an eligible target is within 600 range for them to occur, however the first hit which applies 3 vulnerability stacks and the initial damage, will always occur – even at 1200 range.
So, to clarify:
Text in bold are the only current bugs regarding Reaper’s Touch that are not yet official bugs
(edited by Fynd.4890)
The Spite line trait Spiteful Talisman doesn’t effect Reaper’s Touch. It updates the tooltip but the actual skill cooldown and range is unchanged on use. If you look at the focus skills when equiping the trait you will see Spinal Shivers flip as to be updating but Reaper’s Touch doesn’t.
Completely confirmed.
I just tested scepter range(900) and reaper’s touch range WITH spiteful talisman and they both go out of range at the same distance.
You are correct about the tooltip reverting to 18 seconds after the skill is used and then from 18-11 seconds, the tooltip incorrectly states 18 seconds recharge and 900 range, then once the cooldown reaches 10 seconds remaining, the tooltip flips back to 14 seconds listed cooldown and 1200 range. So, it does indeed take 18 seconds for the skill to recharge WITH the Spiteful Talisman trait when it should take 14 seconds.
I have already reported as a bug that the bounces do not occur unless an eligible target is within 600 range for them to occur, however the first hit which applies 3 vulnerability stacks and the initial damage, will always occur – even at 1200 range.
So, to clarify:
- Skill cast/initial effect range w/o Spiteful Talisman trait: 900
- Skill cast/initial effect range w/ Spiteful Talisman trait: 900
- Bounce range with AND without Spiteful Talisman trait: 600
- Recharge w/o Spiteful Talisman trait: 18s
- Recharge w/ Spiteful Talisman trait: 18s
Text in bold are the only current bugs regarding Reaper’s Touch that are not yet official bugs
additionally a benificial “bug” spiteful talisman increase the damage of both these skills this is reflected both in the tool tip of reapers touch and spinal shivers and actually does increase damage of the ability, I tested using golems and a steady focus.
The Spite line trait Spiteful Talisman doesn’t effect Reaper’s Touch. It updates the tooltip but the actual skill cooldown and range is unchanged on use. If you look at the focus skills when equiping the trait you will see Spinal Shivers flip as to be updating but Reaper’s Touch doesn’t.
Completely confirmed.
I just tested scepter range(900) and reaper’s touch range WITH spiteful talisman and they both go out of range at the same distance.
You are correct about the tooltip reverting to 18 seconds after the skill is used and then from 18-11 seconds, the tooltip incorrectly states 18 seconds recharge and 900 range, then once the cooldown reaches 10 seconds remaining, the tooltip flips back to 14 seconds listed cooldown and 1200 range. So, it does indeed take 18 seconds for the skill to recharge WITH the Spiteful Talisman trait when it should take 14 seconds.
I have already reported as a bug that the bounces do not occur unless an eligible target is within 600 range for them to occur, however the first hit which applies 3 vulnerability stacks and the initial damage, will always occur – even at 1200 range.
So, to clarify:
- Skill cast/initial effect range w/o Spiteful Talisman trait: 900
- Skill cast/initial effect range w/ Spiteful Talisman trait: 900
- Bounce range with AND without Spiteful Talisman trait: 600
- Recharge w/o Spiteful Talisman trait: 18s
- Recharge w/ Spiteful Talisman trait: 18s
Text in bold are the only current bugs regarding Reaper’s Touch that are not yet official bugs
additionally a benificial “bug” spiteful talisman increase the damage of both these skills this is reflected both in the tool tip of reapers touch and spinal shivers and actually does increase damage of the ability, I tested using golems and a steady focus.
Tooltips dont update with more power, it doesnt increase the actual base damage nor scailing.
Before I explain my findings, I will define two key things I will talk about to prevent from confusion people.
The Wall: This is where the spell animation appears, it is visible.
The Combo Field: This is the area where you can shoot your projectiles, and use other combo finishers to gain boons and added effects onto your abilities. It has the same shape and direction as the wall.
1. The combo field itself doesn’t go on where the wall is placed, instead it goes on top of the necromancer’s location (you cannot see it). Keep in mind that you still get the protection buff for walking over the wall itself, but the combo field is elsewhere.
2. The Spectral Attunement, the trait increases the duration of the wall, but not for the combo field.
Would really appreciate it if someone else also tests this, I have done so with every combo finishers.
Confirming that Spiteful Talisman does not do the increase range or cooldown for Reaper’s Touch. Reaper’s Touch remains at 900 range and 18s cooldown.
I don’t understand how they broke this. It was working a couple days ago and all ANet was doing was routine maintenance.
Also, Plague form sometimes does not change your model to the cloud and instead remains whatever your character looks like for the duration of the elite skill.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
BobJoeXXI.2493 – guys it never worked, they said they fixed it a few patches ago, they didnt as always.
Damage taken in Death Shroud does not transfer to normal form, it is a bug
By this i mean that when necromancer has like 5% in death shroud, and it gets hit by 99k damage, he will not die, it would only take those 5% of death shroud and return to his normal form, without considering the rest of the damage, so the rest of the damage is not applied. The taken damage should not be gone in vein, the remaining damage must be transfered to his life.
It works like this now:
Necro is in death shroud, he has 5% of his “death shroud life”, you damage him for 10k. Lets say he absorbs 2k with those 5% of death shroud, and the rest of 8k should be applied to his normal life, but it is not, the rest of the damage is not considered.
How it should work:
Necro is in death shroud, he has 5% of his “death shroud life”, you damage him for 10k. Lets say he absorbs 2k with those 5% of death shroud, and the rest 8k of damage must be applied on his life.
iSinner if that were the case a Necro could jump off any height, activate DS before hitting ground and live and that doesnt happen.
ok im 20 in death magic and using traits
4(ritual protection – wells grant 3sec protection)
7(spiteful vigor – gain 5secs retaliation when using a heal)
if i use well of blood i only gain protection not retaliation
but the other 2 heals the consume conditions and taste of death when you sacrifice minion trigger spiteful vigor. is well of blood not considered a heal?
Just tested Spiteful Vigor + Ritual of Protection with WoB, and I got both boons — protection and retaliation.
ok im 20 in death magic and using traits
4(ritual protection – wells grant 3sec protection)
7(spiteful vigor – gain 5secs retaliation when using a heal)
if i use well of blood i only gain protection not retaliation
but the other 2 heals the consume conditions and taste of death when you sacrifice minion trigger spiteful vigor. is well of blood not considered a heal?
ok i found the bug, when you use trait 9 in curses focused rituals wich makes wells ground targeted you no longer trigger spiteful vengence when using well of blood
wich really kills a 0/20/20/30/0 build using following traits
2 9
4 7
2 8 12
@iSinner: I can confirm that it is not bugged. I got overkilled by a dungeon boss with a sliver of the Death Shroud HP bar left and got downed instantly.
Not sure if this one’s been added in yet. Quite hilarious when you consider the state of the class on a whole.
What in the world are they playing at?
Gents – if y’all could keep this bumped and stuff, that might help. It’s time for some answers.
Need Confirmation
New / Updated:
You forgot about the mark of evasion Trait:
- The evasion Mark of Blood does 33% less damage
- The evasion Mark does only last ~5sec
- The evasion Mark does only 3 stacks of bleed [known: NB0060]
And Reapers Touch:
- Reaper’s Touch has to hit an enemy first, cant be cast on allies first.
All from my old post
Trait IX Master of Terror Bug
50% Fear dont work
It is 1sec on Death Form and 1sec with Staff (Button 5).
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.