Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered
Because a thief should be overwhelmingly better than warrior 1v1, not struggle at all. Warrior is already one of the best at PvE, ZvZ, GvG (where the thief sucks), it stands to reason the thief should crush the warrior no questions asked.
You can’t be serious. See, this is why I said your opinion isn’t valid. That post you made a few days ago that I posted above, and now a comment like this. Thief doesn’t mean free pass to walk all over warrior. You still have major advantages vs warrior if you actually trait properly, in all honesty warrior should still be slightly buffed vs thief.
A roaming class should absolutely have the advantage over warrior… warrior is already good in PvE, ZvZ, GvG, it’s not fair that it’s good at everything at once.
Warrior is also a roaming class. Everyone actually see that qq bc u can’t free kill warriors anymore. Who said that warrior should sux in 1v1? Oh well..a mad 2222 thief.
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
Yes, but when you have a burst heal, you can pop it between poison applications or after cleansing it off of you. Think outside the box. Healing Signet is also very susceptible to spike damage and in my opinion practically worthless in a group fight. I wouldn’t even use it for a 1v1 personally, but I am still not going to let you people who think you should be able to walk all over warriors come in here and complain about things that are just fine. You got outplayed buddy, deal with it.
As for the rest of your post, look it up yourself.
Oh man, so mature. Gonna quote an old post just for the sake of causing problems. What, did you get a flag through your skull one too many times and come back to cry to me about it?
But yeah, “free bags” That must be why I and some pugs ran your pitiful group off on multiple occasions in our home BL the other night, huh? In the event you did kill them, you still couldn’t focus me down, even with your laughable roaming squad. On one occasion you didn’t even have the guts to cap the camp after I went back into it alone.
Try harder, Perphection. vT is far from threatening. I could kill any one of you 1v1 at any time and have flagged more of you than you ever encountered me alone, laughing while I did so – this I have discerned from watching your group try so very hard to succeed and fail time and time again. I did so enjoy watching you bleed out.
Lol, your posts are hilarious. I love how much you embellish, well I guess I should say lie. Again, do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better =) At the end of the day you’ll still be angry and I’ll know the truth. I just wish there was a block on the forums too..
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer
Because a thief should be overwhelmingly better than warrior 1v1, not struggle at all. Warrior is already one of the best at PvE, ZvZ, GvG (where the thief sucks), it stands to reason the thief should crush the warrior no questions asked.
You can’t be serious. See, this is why I said your opinion isn’t valid. That post you made a few days ago that I posted above, and now a comment like this. Thief doesn’t mean free pass to walk all over warrior. You still have major advantages vs warrior if you actually trait properly, in all honesty warrior should still be slightly buffed vs thief.
A roaming class should absolutely have the advantage over warrior… warrior is already good in PvE, ZvZ, GvG, it’s not fair that it’s good at everything at once.
Warrior is also a roaming class. Everyone actually see that qq bc u can’t free kill warriors anymore. Who said that warrior should sux in 1v1? Oh well..a mad 2222 thief.
The Only free kill warriors I’ve met are the bad ones, those are the free kill warriors. Good ones are the ones that give you a run for your money and make you panic.
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
Yes, but when you have a burst heal, you can pop it between poison applications or after cleansing it off of you. Think outside the box. Healing Signet is also very susceptible to spike damage and in my opinion practically worthless in a group fight. I wouldn’t even use it for a 1v1 personally, but I am still not going to let you people who think you should be able to walk all over warriors come in here and complain about things that are just fine. You got outplayed buddy, deal with it.
As for the rest of your post, look it up yourself.
If you’re using healing signet by itself then yes, but if you’re also taking in Adren health it’s quite powerful. Though accounting spike damage Warriors have a high health pull where they can eat a chunk of it. Then ofc they have great moblity if you manage to live through it, in which you can just escape.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Healing signet offers high regeneration but laughable burst healing. It is also one of very few healing skills that offers no other utility whatsoever. If you look at other warrior heals, they heal for less because they either refill adrenaline or cure three conditions. I am also pretty sure that an engineer’s turret can heal for about the same HPS and also cures conditions at the same time. Neither need to be nerfed, you just have to learn to deal with it.
Because a thief should be overwhelmingly better than warrior 1v1, not struggle at all. Warrior is already one of the best at PvE, ZvZ, GvG (where the thief sucks), it stands to reason the thief should crush the warrior no questions asked.
You can’t be serious. See, this is why I said your opinion isn’t valid. That post you made a few days ago that I posted above, and now a comment like this. Thief doesn’t mean free pass to walk all over warrior. You still have major advantages vs warrior if you actually trait properly, in all honesty warrior should still be slightly buffed vs thief.
A roaming class should absolutely have the advantage over warrior… warrior is already good in PvE, ZvZ, GvG, it’s not fair that it’s good at everything at once.
Warrior is also a roaming class. Everyone actually see that qq bc u can’t free kill warriors anymore. Who said that warrior should sux in 1v1? Oh well..a mad 2222 thief.
The Only free kill warriors I’ve met are the bad ones, those are the free kill warriors. Good ones are the ones that give you a run for your money and make you panic.
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
Yes, but when you have a burst heal, you can pop it between poison applications or after cleansing it off of you. Think outside the box. Healing Signet is also very susceptible to spike damage and in my opinion practically worthless in a group fight. I wouldn’t even use it for a 1v1 personally, but I am still not going to let you people who think you should be able to walk all over warriors come in here and complain about things that are just fine. You got outplayed buddy, deal with it.
As for the rest of your post, look it up yourself.
If you’re using healing signet by itself then yes, but if you’re also taking in Adren health it’s quite powerful. Though accounting spike damage Warriors have a high health pull where they can eat a chunk of it. Then ofc they have great moblity if you manage to live through it, in which you can just escape.
/rolls eyes
I am obviously accounting for Adrenal Health since 90% of warriors have to get it in order to get Cleansing Ire. So annoyed with these threads by horrible players who want warrior to be a free kill. Warrior still isn’t competitive, look at the tournament for evidence.
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
Yes, but when you have a burst heal, you can pop it between poison applications or after cleansing it off of you. Think outside the box. Healing Signet is also very susceptible to spike damage and in my opinion practically worthless in a group fight. I wouldn’t even use it for a 1v1 personally, but I am still not going to let you people who think you should be able to walk all over warriors come in here and complain about things that are just fine. You got outplayed buddy, deal with it.
As for the rest of your post, look it up yourself.
I know very well which skills cause protection.
I was hoping you would take a look and learn some things for yourself. Suffice it to say that 1 class is capable of “high protection uptime” and that class requires use of a weapon set that is extremely easy to counter.
I was hoping you’d learn a thing or two about actual trade offs other classes have to make to obtain protection, as opposed to the warrior “put signet on bar, gain best HPS in game” trade off.
Oh well, I tried to educate you. Not my fault that you won’t listen.
Also for the last time, I’m not posting because I got lost to a warrior. I’m posting because regardless of how you look at it, healing signet is overpowered. It’s not a gut feeling, it’s not a hunch, it’s not an angry reactive “I JUST LOST SO NERF”. It’s simple. The highest HPS healing skill in the game should not be a signet passive.
I just wish there was a block on the forums too..
So do I. Sil would be on it immediately.
(edited by wolfpaq.7354)
Bullkitten, Defektive and you know it. How does a thief go against it? Short bow? have you tried kiting a war with 400+ health per sec regen with shortbow?
Come on, be more objective please. If you say kite or avoid killing the war, you just lost the arguement right there. And i love how you saying “GS is easy to counter” when in fact the skull crack is the real problem. No kitten GS is easy enough to counter, but a 4sec stun every 7.6 sec is a little bit harder to deal with.
Easily. Take Shadow Step on your bar or use a sword and leave infil strike’s return up. The return on the sword won’t break the stun anymore, but you can still use it to move yourself out of the HB. The shadow step will break the stun on both the intial port and the return. If you find yourself actually sitting in the HB often… then I don’t know what to say.
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
Yes, but when you have a burst heal, you can pop it between poison applications or after cleansing it off of you.
I don’t fully understand why that had to be spelled out, but thank you Ashanor for explaining it.
I wouldn’t even call that outside the box, that’s just basic logic.
@Wolfpaq: What should the highest HPS skill in the game be? There has to be one or more that sit at the top. What should they be?
EDIT – Ideas time. If it’s highest HPS, its utility is healing power, so it should probably just be healing.
If it’s just healing, and it’s higher healing than every other ability, it should probably have a downside. What about high susceptibility to something that reduces healing? A passive is great for this, because the most HPS you can get is when you are letting it tick, which is also when it can suffer.
I just don’t know what you want.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)
Because a thief should be overwhelmingly better than warrior 1v1, not struggle at all. Warrior is already one of the best at PvE, ZvZ, GvG (where the thief sucks), it stands to reason the thief should crush the warrior no questions asked.
You can’t be serious. See, this is why I said your opinion isn’t valid. That post you made a few days ago that I posted above, and now a comment like this. Thief doesn’t mean free pass to walk all over warrior. You still have major advantages vs warrior if you actually trait properly, in all honesty warrior should still be slightly buffed vs thief.
A roaming class should absolutely have the advantage over warrior… warrior is already good in PvE, ZvZ, GvG, it’s not fair that it’s good at everything at once.
Warrior is also a roaming class. Everyone actually see that qq bc u can’t free kill warriors anymore. Who said that warrior should sux in 1v1? Oh well..a mad 2222 thief.
The Only free kill warriors I’ve met are the bad ones, those are the free kill warriors. Good ones are the ones that give you a run for your money and make you panic.
You don’t think warriors make sacrifices? lol
What class do you play?
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.
List these mysterious “many” classes with access to high uptime protection.
Having Healing Signet actually really blows when you get poisoned.
Most heals blow when they have their values reduced 33%…
Yes, but when you have a burst heal, you can pop it between poison applications or after cleansing it off of you. Think outside the box. Healing Signet is also very susceptible to spike damage and in my opinion practically worthless in a group fight. I wouldn’t even use it for a 1v1 personally, but I am still not going to let you people who think you should be able to walk all over warriors come in here and complain about things that are just fine. You got outplayed buddy, deal with it.
As for the rest of your post, look it up yourself.
If you’re using healing signet by itself then yes, but if you’re also taking in Adren health it’s quite powerful. Though accounting spike damage Warriors have a high health pull where they can eat a chunk of it. Then ofc they have great moblity if you manage to live through it, in which you can just escape.
/rolls eyes
I am obviously accounting for Adrenal Health since 90% of warriors have to get it in order to get Cleansing Ire. So annoyed with these threads by horrible players who want warrior to be a free kill. Warrior still isn’t competitive, look at the tournament for evidence.
I don’t know why you’re rolling your kitten eyes for honestly. I never said I even wanted free kill Warriors? The fact only thing I brought up was the HS and how it can heal for more then a traited virtue of resolve with Regeneration, per tick, with one slot. Do you honestly think Healing Signet would make Warrior a free kill? Also Wolf is wrong or the way he put it. All i suggested is lowering the base a bit and buffing the ratio.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
@Wolfpaq: What should the highest HPS skill in the game be? There has to be one or more that sit at the top. What should they be?
I don’t care which class has it or what skill it is as long as it requires an active use.
This matters for several reasons. You actively have to choose when to heal. This requires skill. This requires a break from DPSing. Maybe you timed it with stability so you wouldn’t be interrupted. This requires TRADE OFF.
This also comes with risk & a possibility for opponents to counter you. You are vulnerable for that 1 second cast time during which any number of things could happen. You could be poisoned. You could be CC’d. You could be interrupted.
Furthermore, even if you get the heal off successfully, it is now on a cool down. This means that an opponent knows how roughly how long he has during which time you have no heal skill access. A smart opponent knows exactly how long that window is and can coordinate his move set to be executed in that window.
You see what I’m getting at I hope. Knowing when to heal is a HUGE part of skilled pvp play. A signet passive has zero counter play and requires no risk. You can’t daze it, you can’t poison it unless you are capable of perma poison (which against a smart warrior is pretty much impossible), and it has no cooldown. You can’t interrupt it with CC. It is completely uncounterable and requires zero skill. Put on bar, gain best HPS in game.
Why shouldn’t it be on a passive signet, on a melee class who has been considered to have horrible sustain since the game released? It only makes sense that the class most susceptible to being in the middle of the AoE would have better sustain than people who can stand outside and lob them at crowds.
Let’s not even forget that MOST warriors are still using Surge from what I have seen, myself included. I tried out Healing Signet and it just wasn’t as good as Surge in most situations.
I’m so done here. Sick of arguing with bad players on these forums. They got used to warrior being an easy kill for a good player and want that free kill back. Truth is, warrior still needs more buffs to be competitive. I am going to actually go play the game instead of arguing with people who will only ever see it their way thanks to bias.
I have already provided several arguments. Your failure to discern them, yet alone provide any response other than “I’ll just insult the person since I am incapable of basic reading comprehension” proves responding to you any further is a complete waste of time.
I didn’t address your so-called “arguments” because they’re unworthy of consideration, being poorly constructed, ill-thought, and generally a waste of my time. Healing Signet is what it is. You’re angry you can’t faceroll warriors now. Cry more.
Lol, your posts are hilarious. I love how much you embellish, well I guess I should say lie. Again, do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better =) At the end of the day you’ll still be angry and I’ll know the truth. I just wish there was a block on the forums too..
Angry that I’ve stomped members your little guild into the dirt because they didn’t have someone waiting to rez them? lolz. I’m not the one stalking people into threads with some petty vendetta. A pity reset is tonight – I’d grab some more screencaps of your miserable corpses and make a little display for the forums here just to show what a poor player you really are.
Deeds, not words. You fail to deliver either way.
The counter-play is poison and burst. Healing Signet has no potential energy, just kinetic. It’s a sustain mechanic. It’s akittens most powerful when you build around giving yourself several seconds where you aren’t taking damage. If you’re taking damage from multiple sources, you’re just kind of SoL.
Imagine if you get a Warrior to 50% HP. He has Healing Surge. He heals back up to full, or otherwise can, for the most part.
Now imagine you get a Warrior to 50% HP. He has Healing Signet. He’s just at 50% HP now, and he needs to try to avoid taking damage for several seconds in order to net gain a few thousand HP back.
I’ve fought plenty of builds for various classes that are basically unkillable 1v1 based on my build. If this one is basically unkillable 1v1 based on your build, then build to kill it. Then other classes will be basically unkillable 1v1 based on your new build.
You’re playing GW2, not Street Fighter.
Also, I use Healing Surge, because it’s more useful to me in basically every way.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)
That’s basically it, Cogbyrn. There are counters and they’er exactly what you just mentioned in most cases. Way easier with the build in question here also than something with high healing power.
I can’t believe I have to explain this. Poison is not a counter to healing signet. If you have a long duration poison on you, use adrenaline. Poison gone. You suffered a couple tics of 268 instead of 400, not a big deal. If you have a short duration poison on you, ignore it. You suffered a couple tics of 268 instead of 400, not a big deal.
As opposed to say, healing surge. Stage 3 heal is 9820 health. Opponent drops poison on you during the 1 second cast time? 6579 instead of 9829. Huge deal.
Also using “burst” as your so called counter is ridiculous. Regardless of how you built your warrior, you have guaranteed burst counters in the form of dodge. Say you get a warrior to 50%? So what? Now you’ve used your burst. It’s on cooldown. And he’s gaining 1.2k health every 3 seconds for free – no skill – no cast time – no trade off – while you wait for your burst to recharge.
The reasoning of Excalibur is amazing.
Well thief should be better than warrior in 1v1, but right now warrior is a pain to take down. I’ve examined several roaming warrior videos using this spec and imo the mobility, sustain, and damage is too high as a combined package.
Either way, we’ll see what’s done in the next patch. I’m tired of arguing with people who just want to defend their precious op spec.
lol, by using the adrenaline to cleanse the poison, you also dump the effectiveness of your Adrenal Health.
And oh no! They’re "a pain’ to take down! How dreadful! That’s absolutely hilarious in the same post talking about a thief, of all classes.
I think in PvP the real criteria is if you have some kind of godly advantage when 2v1. And given combos that happens, but overall it seems to even out, mostly. Do you pull the super throwdown uber move or do you stop the bleed/poison/fire from the second enemy?
I can’t believe I have to explain this. Poison is not a counter to healing signet. If you have a long duration poison on you, use adrenaline. Poison gone. You suffered a couple tics of 268 instead of 400, not a big deal. If you have a short duration poison on you, ignore it. You suffered a couple tics of 268 instead of 400, not a big deal.
As opposed to say, healing surge. Stage 3 heal is 9820 health. Opponent drops poison on you during the 1 second cast time? 6579 instead of 9829. Huge deal.
Also using “burst” as your so called counter is ridiculous. Regardless of how you built your warrior, you have guaranteed burst counters in the form of dodge. Say you get a warrior to 50%? So what? Now you’ve used your burst. It’s on cooldown. And he’s gaining 1.2k health every 3 seconds for free – no skill – no cast time – no trade off – while you wait for your burst to recharge.
I don’t know why you don’t understand, but I’ll try again.
Burst is a spike of potential energy on a class. After you burst, you don’t just go AFK. You should still be adding supplemental damage over time until you have an opportunity to burst again. If you aren’t you’re playing poorly, or you taught yourself that burst should down someone or reset until you can try to down someone again. Which is playing poorly.
Also, you’re clearly out of touch with Cleansing Ire. “Just use Adrenaline” is one of the silliest things I’ve heard in my Warrior life.
Ranger applies poison from 900 range away? Just Skull Crack into the air and hope you hit something to cleanse. Thief just poison you and Stealth? Just Arcing Slice right away to get it off. He’s probably standing right in front of you.
Anyway, check out what we’re doing:
Enemy applies Poison on Warrior.
Warrior needs to try to remove poison via some mechanic, ie Cleansing Ire.
Enemy knows Cleansing Ire exists and needs to counter the Burst ability that’s incoming.
Warrior knows Enemy knows Cleansing Ire exists and has to insure it lands to remove the condition.
Maybe the Warrior switches to Longbow to guarantee the burst ability to remove Poison. Now he’s using a Weapon with basically 0 defensive capabilities besides standing inside his own AoE, so you can punish him for at least the next 5 seconds. Perhaps you can plan your Poison application around this.
Are you seeing the counter-play? Do you see the mini-game that’s created? For a shield-using Healing Signet Warrior, their Shield Block and any utilities like Endure Pain are basically their “heals”. They use them to buy time to heal. You bait them, you have until they are back up to work on the Warrior, and he needs to be careful because he has fewer outs to what you might do to him for the next 30+ seconds. You could even try to bring an Unblockable mechanic from your build to counter it and continue the pressure after baiting it.
Are you seeing the counter-play? That’s the Warrior’s gradual drip of lifeblood, and you work on taking advantage of it however you can. You don’t just come complain about some number on the forums and expect it to be nerfed because you can’t be bothered to stop and think about what you can do to a class that is playing for the long-term. You either bring it to the short-term, you cripple the reason they are taking it long-term, or you play their game and hope to play it better. Why you think you should automatically be able to be better at it is beyond me.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
The reasoning of Excalibur is amazing.
Well thief should be better than warrior in 1v1, but right now warrior is a pain to take down. I’ve examined several roaming warrior videos using this spec and imo the mobility, sustain, and damage is too high as a combined package.
Either way, we’ll see what’s done in the next patch. I’m tired of arguing with people who just want to defend their precious op spec.
Ranger applies poison from 900 range away? Thief just poison you and Stealth?
Ranger 900 yd poison: 2 second duration
Thief poison: 4 second duration
Yeah, so I specifically said you should not use a cleanse for short duration poisons. Are you not reading my posts or just intentionally ignoring the parts that contradict your little rant?
Regardless, I’m done. Healing signet is completely overpowered. Highest HPS in the game should not be a zero counterplay signet passive. ANet will either fix it or they won’t, what we say here won’t change it.
Healing signet is actually the weakest hps skill the warrior has. If we are talking healing per second then adrenal will heal 9000 in 1 second…. Last i checked that was more that the 400+ per tick of the signet.
The problem here is a point of view thing. Some aren’t understanding the real risk of running healing signet is that of getting bursted. Healing signet warriors should be treated like regen rangers. Burst them down immediately. If you can’t well then just add them to one of the many (every class has at least 1) builds that cant be instagibbed. That doesn’t make it op. Only makes it on par with other classes.
The reasoning of Excalibur is amazing.
Well thief should be better than warrior in 1v1, but right now warrior is a pain to take down. I’ve examined several roaming warrior videos using this spec and imo the mobility, sustain, and damage is too high as a combined package.
Either way, we’ll see what’s done in the next patch. I’m tired of arguing with people who just want to defend their precious op spec.
Next patch they should fix perma stealth, perma clone making, tone down conditions, balance the damage from classes, remove unblockable moves for free for some classes, reduce the invulnerabilty, distorcion, evades from some classes and after that they should tone down the healing on the signet.
Several build that people say that are OP are 1v1 builds. This is not diferent. The problem in WvWvW is the food. After ANet fix the food that build and healing is perfect balanced with other classes in the game.
Well thief should be better than warrior in 1v1
Because you said so kid?
When warriors signed that agreement?
If you cant be carried by the most OP stealth class on the history of mmorpg then that is no warriors fault that is your fault.
ALOT of people are saying mace/shield war is extremely op atm and i have to agree, the stun is far to long on far to short of a cd. people might say “kitten DE kitten use stunbreak” ok most stunbreakers are on a long cd and war stunlock is unjustifyingly short cd! explain yourself.
Once you’re stunned for 6 seconds in a fight that’s basically an “I win automatically haha” moment for the war.
So, lest see, apart from the personal insults I have received which are sort of funny considering some people had to go through my entire post history to come up with em (lol) I have noticed a few things
1) Some people not only claim this build is not OP but heal sig needs to go up to 500 hps
2) Other people claim this build makes warriors now “competitive”
3) And there is a minority that claims this build is OP and might need to be toned down a bit. I am not referring to me and Excalibur
Also, the fact that in less than a day this thread has grown to 5 pages and the sheer diligence in some posters to throw down insults left and right in order to back up their claim kinda hits at the fact that underneath all this charade, everyone knows this build is OP and will get nerfed. People just want to ride the OP train for as long as it last because as some brainless CoF camper put it, its about time for also warriors to be OP.
I mean really, people, you have a build with High sustain, high DPS, near complete immunity to conditions and CC, ability to stun up to 50% of the time and you STILL claim thakittens balanced. Yeah sure food and melandru runes have their own share in breaking this build but the fact still stands this build HAS NO COUNTER.
There is something in the game i think called uhm block breaker ! Tip : use them ?
In my 30k kills in wvw and some sPvP i’ve never seen 1 guy that is not completly afk to take a 6 seconds stun ! Above all this there is compensation in all , from the crap class that warrior has been for almost 1 year now it started to look good !
You’re funny maybe your argument would be valid if when i used my abilities to break out of/avoid your stun it wasn’t already off cooldown.
So, lest see, apart from the personal insults I have received which are sort of funny considering some people had to go through my entire post history to come up with em (lol) I have noticed a few things
1) Some people not only claim this build is not OP but heal sig needs to go up to 500 hps
2) Other people claim this build makes warriors now “competitive”
3) And there is a minority that claims this build is OP and might need to be toned down a bit. I am not referring to me and ExcaliburAlso, the fact that in less than a day this thread has grown to 5 pages and the sheer diligence in some posters to throw down insults left and right in order to back up their claim kinda hits at the fact that underneath all this charade, everyone knows this build is OP and will get nerfed. People just want to ride the OP train for as long as it last because as some brainless CoF camper put it, its about time for also warriors to be OP.
I mean really, people, you have a build with High sustain, high DPS, near complete immunity to conditions and CC, ability to stun up to 50% of the time and you STILL claim thakittens balanced. Yeah sure food and melandru runes have their own share in breaking this build but the fact still stands this build HAS NO COUNTER.
Welcome to the world of OP classes, where the bad/ ignorant players will defend their class even if it 1 hit kills you. Only most elitist/respectful players actually own up to it. Like when DD eles were op I owned up to it any chance i got.
First let me say I usually play DD ele and when DD bunkers were op (i never really played as bunker much but i knew what they were capable of) I admitted to it. I owned up to it and i even suggested nerfs on some threads.
Now wars with mace/shield and GS combo are overpowered, this much is clear. More and more warriors run this every single day and i find myself saying the same thing “gosh that’s way to overpowered”
most pvpers i group up with agree the only ones who don’t agree are obviously the warriors and people who haven’t encountered it yet.
That stun needs a far longer cooldown you might say “lol l2 use stunbreak” but my only 2 stunbreakers have either a 40 second cd or a 90 sec cd, take your pick. How long of a CD is your stun on? Oh ok.
Not only that but these warriors have such high sustain and survivability, taking one down is like taking down a raid boss if you can’t hold him still. Something needs to be done.
This thread has grown to 5 pages for the same reason that reality TV shows are popular. People love drama.
And that’s all this thread is. No one actually thinks the claim is reasonable besides people who seemingly make a bunch of other totally unreasonable claims (like how Thieves should automatically be better in 1v1 than Warriors, which I guess ignores the fact that Thieves are the kings of the disengage and arguably already are).
@wolfpaq: I know you’re reading, because people like you typically say you’re done, then come back anyway. I find it delightfully ironic that you try to nitpick a few facts out of my post, claim I’m only reading parts of your post, then go on to talk about how it has no counterplay. Even though the rest of my post was about how it creates counter-play.
gg no re
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
@Wolfpaq: What should the highest HPS skill in the game be? There has to be one or more that sit at the top. What should they be?
I don’t care which class has it or what skill it is as long as it requires an active use.
This matters for several reasons. You actively have to choose when to heal. This requires skill. This requires a break from DPSing. Maybe you timed it with stability so you wouldn’t be interrupted. This requires TRADE OFF.
This also comes with risk & a possibility for opponents to counter you. You are vulnerable for that 1 second cast time during which any number of things could happen. You could be poisoned. You could be CC’d. You could be interrupted.
Furthermore, even if you get the heal off successfully, it is now on a cool down. This means that an opponent knows how roughly how long he has during which time you have no heal skill access. A smart opponent knows exactly how long that window is and can coordinate his move set to be executed in that window.
You see what I’m getting at I hope. Knowing when to heal is a HUGE part of skilled pvp play. A signet passive has zero counter play and requires no risk. You can’t daze it, you can’t poison it unless you are capable of perma poison (which against a smart warrior is pretty much impossible), and it has no cooldown. You can’t interrupt it with CC. It is completely uncounterable and requires zero skill. Put on bar, gain best HPS in game.
Don’t forget Healing Signet still has an active. You will almost never use it because of how small the heal is. There is still a trade off here, but your health will usually be very low when decision making time comes. If you have 2k health and a Thief can stealth open you, what do you do? Pop your heal and have 5.5k hp to avoid being killed with one hit? Or do you kite and hope you can get him to miss while you regen?
I would not be surprised to see Healing Signet passive brought down slightly in favor of a higher active. It went from the weakest heal in the game to one of the best, but it’s not overpowered. If every Warrior started taking Healing Signet no matter what build they ran, then yes, it would be a problem. Right now it’s only viable with certain builds. Builds with high toughness, and builds that take your opponent out of the fight(stuns) to allow regen.
I would not expect to see a change to this anytime soon. Warriors were in a very bad spot in pvp for a very very long time. Right now we have something that works, and the Devs will be very cautious about what changes they make. Wolfpaq you make some good observations, but I would not expect many people to agree with you. Warriors may finally have their chance in the spotlight. If Warrior forums were Detroit, you would be shot for holding a brotha down.
these threads are getting annoying, not to mention theres over 1000 threads about and lets not mention either that later we found out that 90% of the OPs are noobs who don`t know anything.
Why don`t you play one yourself? ever thought of it?
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Can I ask you a sincere question?
Do you believe starting yet another thread about this is useful?
Go polute perma stealth class forums.
Oh, and no need to stun break if you… don’t get stunned…. by the melee range obvious stunning move.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Oh surprise, surprise. look at his thread history. the guy who already made a thread for it on the warrior section as well as saying that the warrior he encountered has sword and mace mainhand with shield off hand, a gs and a lb all in one.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Go back to WoW already and stop making threads.
Post your Ele build. Have you made any trait, utility, amulet, rune, or sigil changes since encountering stun Warriors?
Do you use Tempest Defense, Final Shielding or Earth’s Embrace?
(edited by Copenhagen.7015)
Also, the fact that in less than a day this thread has grown to 5 pages and the sheer diligence in some posters to throw down insults left and right in order to back up their claim kinda hits at the fact that underneath all this charade, everyone knows this build is OP and will get nerfed. People just want to ride the OP train for as long as it last because as some brainless CoF camper put it, its about time for also warriors to be OP.
Wrong. This thread is long because warrior players are angry you bad players come in here saying this kind of nonsense and we argue valid reasons as to why you are wrong (and even tell you how to beat it, as if it isn’t obvious anyway) but you people keep repeating the same lines over and over.
So, lest see, apart from the personal insults I have received which are sort of funny considering some people had to go through my entire post history to come up with em (lol) I have noticed a few things
1) Some people not only claim this build is not OP but heal sig needs to go up to 500 hps
2) Other people claim this build makes warriors now “competitive”
3) And there is a minority that claims this build is OP and might need to be toned down a bit. I am not referring to me and ExcaliburAlso, the fact that in less than a day this thread has grown to 5 pages and the sheer diligence in some posters to throw down insults left and right in order to back up their claim kinda hits at the fact that underneath all this charade, everyone knows this build is OP and will get nerfed. People just want to ride the OP train for as long as it last because as some brainless CoF camper put it, its about time for also warriors to be OP.
I mean really, people, you have a build with High sustain, high DPS, near complete immunity to conditions and CC, ability to stun up to 50% of the time and you STILL claim thakittens balanced. Yeah sure food and melandru runes have their own share in breaking this build but the fact still stands this build HAS NO COUNTER.
I’ll ask again that you defer to my previous post, the build DOES HAVE COUNTERS. The fact of the matter is that people are so comfortable with their easy to play condi spam builds that they don’t want to run anything to counter it. However, already I see necros building to counter me. Everyone wants to run all offensive Utilities, now this build is forcing innovation in the meta even if it’s only in Hotjoin SPvP.
The biggest proof of this build not being OP is the fact that we don’t suddenly see TPvP teams running 2 warriors like we did when Necro got buffed. It’s similar to Mesmers, strong in 1v1 but just good in team fights. Necros and engis are still far more useful at capping points. As for WvW it’s the same deal, Mace is a single target weapon and considering most of WvW involves Zergs of people you can hardly call it OP. Locking down a single guy is a zerg isn’t going to drastically change the tide of battle. As for 1v1 duels, it be pretty ridiculous if we balanced a team game around 1v1 engagements now wouldn’t it? Once again that’s why I’m OK with mesmers, their strong 1v1 but that doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things, especially since mesmer is still by far the best dueler.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Also, the fact that in less than a day this thread has grown to 5 pages and the sheer diligence in some posters to throw down insults left and right in order to back up their claim kinda hits at the fact that underneath all this charade, everyone knows this build is OP and will get nerfed. People just want to ride the OP train for as long as it last because as some brainless CoF camper put it, its about time for also warriors to be OP.
Wrong. This thread is long because warrior players are angry you bad players come in here saying this kind of nonsense and we argue valid reasons as to why you are wrong (and even tell you how to beat it, as if it isn’t obvious anyway) but you people keep repeating the same lines over and over.
If he repeats a line in caps enough times, then it becomes mandated by the One True God.
His Whole-wheatyness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I’m starting to think you’re just getting hit by the skull cracks because you’re standing still. There’s no possible way you can take three breaks and have to go through all of them before any come off cooldown, unless you completely take your hands off your movement keys in a fight and wonder why you’re getting hit with every stun. Either that, or you pop a break in between each CC ability and not actually when you need to (when they swap to GS).
This build is strong, but by no means op.
I main thief but i also have a 80 ele warrior and guardian and soon mesmer.
If you are an engineer play pistol shield
30 iii v xii
10 iv
20 i ix
10 vi
bomb kit flame-thrower rocket boots. If he gets close you can either use 5 to daze him, or 4 to knockback or your trait that blinds someone when you get cc’d automatically every 30 seconds, or use your flamethrower knock back or the blind. You also have access to a blind field from smoke bomb which you can combo stealth field off with rocket boots big bomb or shield 4.
If you are an ele you have access to mist form teleport chill aura stun protection.
if you are a thief you have multiple ways to beat this, sword dagger, sword pistol , dagger pistol, blind fields shadowstep ect. Pistol dagger but i haven’t tried that in ages.
Havent played my guard in a while but stability/aegis.
Mesmer will NEVER lose to this build, staff teleport is on almost the same cool down as the stun, blink, decoy, shatter invuln shatter daze sword skill 2.
Cant speak for necro’s and rangers because i haven’t played them since release.
Also a screenshot just to prove i play thief much more than warrior.
If i see this build nerfed im going to quit this game and i suggest everyone does the same, really, this by no means deserves a nerf but what other things do, like thief core spam mechanic, or the necros condi aoe spam,, there are already so many broken mechanics in this game but really warrior has no acces to any of those, i even laught at people that suggest this build has amazing sustain just because healing signet, there is no way, healing signet is outhealing the incoming damage the warrior recieves because he has no protection and we are not rangers, now that is a class that can achieve immortality through regenerations but warrior dosent.
If this spec doesn’t get nerfed next patch, I’m taking my warrior (currently lv2) to lv80 in WvW and I’ll stream/make some videos with him to show how easy mode it is.
I was levelling my warrior earlier, but then I remembered with next patch comes account balance so I’ll be able to level my FotM warrior much easier.
Keep it up guys. This isn’t OP at all. Everyone that dies to it just needs to l2p.
If you are a warrior and in wvw you are doing your server a disservice if you are not running this build.
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)
If this spec doesn’t get nerfed next patch, I’m taking my warrior (currently lv2) to lv80 in WvW and I’ll stream/make some videos with him to show how easy mode it is.
I was levelling my warrior earlier, but then I remembered with next patch comes account balance so I’ll be able to level my FotM warrior much easier.
90% of the opponents you meet in WvW are easy mode no matter what class or build you are.
If this spec doesn’t get nerfed next patch, I’m taking my warrior (currently lv2) to lv80 in WvW and I’ll stream/make some videos with him to show how easy mode it is.
I was levelling my warrior earlier, but then I remembered with next patch comes account balance so I’ll be able to level my FotM warrior much easier.
Can’t wait to see these videos, I hope you will be picking some good oppoments and not some noob/uplevel/oblivious to dodge/stunbreak players.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
If this spec doesn’t get nerfed next patch, I’m taking my warrior (currently lv2) to lv80 in WvW and I’ll stream/make some videos with him to show how easy mode it is.
I was levelling my warrior earlier, but then I remembered with next patch comes account balance so I’ll be able to level my FotM warrior much easier.
“A roaming class should absolutely have the advantage over warrior… warrior is already good in PvE, ZvZ, GvG, it’s not fair that it’s good at everything at once.”
Thought i would look back on your posts to see what class you are. Im actually enjoying fighting warriors on my thief now, rather than destroying them. But tbh most of these mace shield warriors wear zerk gear so it doesn’t take too long to destroy them with my sword dagger , shortbow.