Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phatt Dude.7538

Phatt Dude.7538

Well, all very interesting, but here is what i know to date. I have examined my start-up menu to see what programs run on start-up, and have eliminated all but bare bones stuff. I have modified my update process’ on my software, to not download updates in the background, because it was suggested that such things steal processor time. I run no other programs (when i am having trouble) like a browser to also free up the processor. I have 2 shortcuts to guild wars 2, one is set to run normally, the other is set for -clientport 443. My thinking is, if i experience trouble, i can swap to the alternate to see if it stops the problem. I have run ping-plotter software with little success since some servers do not respond to ping-plotter queries, and can falsely look like a fail when they are operating fine. I am troubled by the vagueness of this error code. All it appears to be telling us, is that the client program running on our machine lost connection with the Arena-net server. The ping plotter program seems nothing more than a ploy by arena-net to distract us from their server being the issue. Even if I knew of a node on the greater internet that was blocking my traffic, and presumably every other gamers it came across, who will go to bat for me against that server? Arena-net seems to think it should be my ISP. My impression is that traffic load somewhere is effecting my connectivity. There are times where i can play for several hours uninterrupted. There are times where i am disconnected every 4 or 5 minutes for something approaching an hour or more, while i try everything i can think of to diagnose a cause. The fact that connectivity is a bigger issue when testing is going on, or some event is in progress, suggests an issue with Arena-net servers more that the greater internet. I find it hard to imagine that a company whose market exists largely on the internet; would not monitor the connection to the internet carefully, and match servers to the load. Just like a brick and mortar store would not build a store out in the countryside, with no roads connecting it to its best markets. This is why I have asked before and am asking now for arena-net to just pick somebody with this problem, and use your network people to actually get to the bottom of the issue, and report back to the rest of us the details of what you found, so that we might all learn how it was fixed.

By the way, the impression I have of the -clientport option was a response to some internet providers classifying gaming packets as lowest priority when traffic was peaking on their servers. Each packet that travels over the internet has a lifespan, which counts down each time it passes a node along its route. If the counter reaches zero the packet is discarded since its originator deems it worthless at that point. Additionally, packets aimed at ports which are default gaming ports can be essentially put on the back burner or simply discarded to clear up bottlenecks for packets deemed more essential. The gaming industry has tried adding port 80 and now port 443 to hopefully fool these servers into thinking their packets are not gaming packets.

Would it be a challenge to write some small diagnostic for the client that would run whenever it detects the connection loss to take a snapshot of where the fail was at that moment with a ping, and then record the results in a log to be examined by someone who knows what they are looking at?

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scorch.7302


Phatt dude, the idea to create a client like that isn’t a bad idea and could help identify the issues that people are having, but then again, the initial error code is too vague for this to work for half the people with it. The code neither indicates a fault with you, any interferance between you and the server and the server itself. The client idea could help but it’s a case of us not knowing where the issue has come from in the first place, which it wouldn’t necessarily help with. As far as I’m aware, the issue for me seems to occur during peak times which may indicate throttling in my area. From what i’ve heard, a conversation with your ISP about throttling will make the issue dissapate but that’s only one possible cause. Another cause is as mentioned before, your router. I’m not sure what the issue with the router is but it seems to have an effect on some peoples performance with the game. And the final was port forwarding or /clientport 80 which helped me significantly. I still get the error every now and then but only during peak times. That is all the information i have gathered so far.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Garreth MacLeod.4158

Garreth MacLeod.4158

I started having this problem tonight. Tried the /clientport 80 suggestion. That did not help. Game crashes after about 15-20 minutes.

No comments from Anet in this thread? Come on Anet. At least let people know you are reading this.

Leader, Phantom Coven – GW1 & GW2
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blueicestorm.8590


I was doing just fine for that past few weeks and then a couple of days ago it just started happening. Now I can barely stay connected. Like others here, everything else is totally fine, but GW2 disconnects.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qarandir.6132


Same, maddening problem.

Have tried:
GW2 Repair
Forwarding ports
Updating Network drivers
Changing wifi channels
Lowering firewall settings
Allowing GW2 through firewalls
Disabling antivirus
Restarting router
Disabling dual bands on wifi
Restricting port access
Using a VPN

Traceroute doesn’t suggest bad things according to the guide on the GW2 support site

I doubt it’s a problem with my internet provider; everything else runs smoothly while GW2 is up or not. Torrenting files, streaming media, Steam, other downloads and MMOs, FPS’s, anything and everything. Just constant disconnecting on GW2, so much so that it is unplayable, as others have mentioned.

The fact this has gone on for so long, with several tickets gone unreplied, and with very few helpful suggestions has severely dimmed the regard I had for the devs and team.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: msblueness.6781


=/ I started getting this error last night. Glad to see I’m not the only one, tried solutions presented but none worked. Really hope this gets fixed soon.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qarandir.6132


Small update: Complete reinstall does not help either.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WizardBro.4510


I am having the same issue started today. I disconnect after two minutes. I have called my internet company everything is fine and I have reinstalled GW2 as well my modem. Nothing I do works. Arena Net please fix your servers I know the problem is the beta’s and stress tests your doing that takes away from the data flow. Please fix this.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WizardBro.4510


I have contacted my internet company and everything is fine 100% good. I disconnect when I login to GW2 every few minutes or so and get that error. Why is this happening I have been playing GW2 for almost 2 years first time this has happened to me. I have restarted my modem and my computer multiple times uninstalled and reinstalled GW2 as well. Someone please fix this maybe a dev will see this and actually have something done about it.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Seriously fix this godkitten annoying bug! How do I need to pay for you to fix this bug? How many games do I need to lose? Just fix these servers already!Sick tired of this error

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I’m tired of this bug! it come and goes, one week starts again, 2 days fine…next 2 days starts again…just fix this error! I lost countless games because of these random DC

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Supreme.3164


The problem is at 100% on your end. It’s only GW2 that keeps disconnecting…my interned is just fine, full ping, no lag, delays..nothings…just GW2 that keeps getting this error…truly awful

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And yet the vast majority of the players do not experience this error.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Supreme.3164


And yet the vast majority of the players do not experience this error.

And you are the vast majority I suppose?

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And you are the vast majority I suppose?

Just a matter of logic.
If it was a widespread issue we would have thousands upon thousands of posts about it. We currently have a couple of posts mainly be the same people, which suggest that the issues is not at ArenaNet’s end.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qarandir.6132


Hi there, have recently found an obscure suggestion hidden away on some random Forum somewhere, that disabling WMM on a Broadcomm wireless driver may help with this issue. I did that, and it’s worked a treat, with no visible problems in any other area. Worth a shot if any of you are using the same setup.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: alllovelost.8762


I’ve been having this same problem off and on for about a month and a half now. I get this error code (code=7:11:3:191:101) every single time and I know for a fact, it has NOTHING to do with my ISP. All other devices connected to the internet run smoothly and it is only GW2 that is having a connection issue. Even when GW2 is the only thing using the internet. It is getting increasingly frustrating, especially when I’m in the middle of battle and suddenly everything stops fighting and just stands there. My skills flash but nothing happens. I can run and dodge but the game doesn’t recognize that I’ve doged (the gauge is still full of yellow). I don’t usually get sent back to the last spot the game server thought I was in- like the reply from support said in a previous post- if I keep running, and it reconnects, I’m standing wherever I just ran to, only I suddenly have taken damage from out of nowhere. It’s as if the game continues to play without me. This can go on for 2-3 mins before the game kicks me and gives me the same error code. The thing that makes me the most angry however, is when this happens while I’m fighting and I DON’T get kicked, so I immediately die as it reconnects and I’m forced to travel to a waypoint. I’d like to be refunded for all the sliver I’ve had to waste because of this. I wouldn’t have died otherwise, because it happens to my lvl 80 even in places like Plains of Ashford. I’ve also lost a bunch of loot because of this. If it continues much longer, I’ll be giving them a very heated phone call. I didn’t spend real money in this game (bought some coins in the store) just to waste it on completely avoidable deaths. Man, I really miss those resurrection shrines, and FREE fast travel between outposts. Anyway, none of the troubleshooting helps, and from prior experience contacting support for GW1, I know they don’t actually read what you send them, they just glance at your issue and send you the generic troublshooting tips because they assume you’re too stupid to try that first. Not really sure what the issue could be since it seems no one has been able to find a solid answer, but this issue needs to be fixed asap. It makes the game nearly impossible to play.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NoobzForLunch.7216


Hello, I keep getting DC-ed. Searched the forums and other places. Tried absolutely disabling my internet security programs. Tried restarting my PC. Tried waiting a few days. It’s getting incredibly frustrating when I can’t play for more than 5 minutes at a time. I’ve lost about a solid gold because something or another kills me and I have to Waypoint when I log back in. Even more infuriating because I cancelled my WoW subscription after 7 years because I heard this game was stiff competition. Where’s the competition if it won’t even run? Please don’t force me to go back to the toxic (but at least functioning) WoW environment. Here’s the error I get when it kicks me to the character selection screen: 7:11:3:191:101
Please help.
Thanking you in advance,

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jesse.4865


I’m having the same problem, and it seems that only GW2 has these disconnect issues.
I can watch youtube, browse the internet and play other online games and everything is fine.

The error appears randomly too – I can stand afk for a long time and nothing happens, but sometimes when I play actively I get disconnected after a few minutes…

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WizardBro.4510


Yeah guess what after that patch I cannot log in at all I dc every time I login I reset my router, computer, reinstalled, and even rent to properties and repaired my client. Nothing is working.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Same code here… Getting DCed after world bosses.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ToMBisMo.2478


Started for me this morning, cant stay logged in for 5 min without getting disconnected from the log in server.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


may sound strange but after I checked for compatibility issues, I activated compatibility mode for GW2. I have not had any errors for the past 2 hours. I’ll report back after playing the rest of the night.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouser.3170


This morning I began to get this issue as well. I lasted 32 seconds. Ran it compatibility from troubleshooting menu and it lasted 28 seconds. Ran in advanced capability mode (settings: Windows compatibility mode: Windows 8, Display settings: Scaling on high DPI, Run as admin)
I’m not moving, sitting In Lorner’s Pass Looking at the ground. Lasted 2 min 8 sec.
Set to run in compatibility mode under properties, last 1 min 40 sec.

Found a thread awhile ago where a dev said to input this.
Server: Yak’s Bend
Region: US
ISP: SuddenLink
Zone you are experiencing this issue: Lions Arch, Fields of Ruin, Lornar’s Pass, Heart of the Mists.
Number of characters this is affecting: Ele(FoR), Mes(HotM), Thief, Not warrior (in LA) waited 5 min before checking another character, Not necro (In LA) waited 5 min before checking another character, Guardian (in LA), Engineer (In LA), Ranger (In HotM). I’m now in FoR on my ele and it seems fine now. I’ll update if anything happens or I have nw info.
Does this happen on multiple accounts or systems?: Can only check this one.

Other thread i found.

(edited by Mouser.3170)

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Yeah, i disabled compatibility mode now and still having no problems, so that didn’t fix my problem. So bugger….

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: calcium.5942


Hello everyone.
i have been having lags , so i decided to change my internet.
since i changed it , gw2 started to crash and give me errors.
i assure you the 7:11:3:191:101 code is related to your internet ports.
i didnt invent a fix for this problem , this fix was already posted somewhere.
here is what i did and it 100% worked.

first i made a shortcut for gw2 launcher
then , what you have to do is , right click it , go properties
in the Target: you add /clientport 443 or /clientport 80
for me i tried /clientport 80 but it didnt work ,, when i changed it to /clientport 443 it
worked perfectly , ill post a picture for it

try it and let me know

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


If changing your internet port works for you, then you should really take a look at your internet configuration. BTW, this problem is on your end. not Anets

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: calcium.5942


yes , it is not arena net’s problem , its people’s internet

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dor Bell.7368

Dor Bell.7368

Game is unplayable due to this error. Not happy.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dor Bell.7368

Dor Bell.7368

ANy update to this error anet?

Thanks in advance,.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You might try posting in/perusing Dev responses the pertinent sub-forum: Tech and Account Support

Good luck.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Franken.7809


I just bought the game yesterday and I cannot play it due to excessive lag and high pings! I am having the exact same error code. The only time I was able to play decently was during very late hours. I tried every single thing that the webpage suggests (opening ports, closing apps, etc.) with no luck. It seems it is affecting a few people around the forums. Are there any other suggestions? Please answer.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phatt Dude.7538

Phatt Dude.7538

Well, a couple of things. I am a retiree from a major internet provider, and spent the last 8 years of my career there as a tech support employee for people with internet problems. I just want to say, that while I respect everyone who posts on these forums, I find some folks who state with conviction that the problem is absolutely here, or absolutely there, are suffering from short term exuberance over what seemed to have worked for them. Possibly some of them are even right. I think the fact that they may be right comes secondary to the equal likelihood that their information is anecdotal, and irrelevant to other peoples issues.

Second, the suggestion that this is a small subset of users having this problem so that somehow excludes Arena net from the list of possible trouble spots. I have found complaints sprinkled through this forum, as well as other forums on fan sites. The idea that some of us continue to rail on, while others just give up on this game and move on, should get a pat on the back, not used against us as being a minority.

Finally, and most kitten ing of all, the complete indifference (or perhaps intentional ignorance) of Arena net in the issue makes it just as plausible that something more sinister on their part might be going on. The truth is no-one knows what is going on here except perhaps person or persons directly responsible for it. It would be just as plausible to suggest Arena net has some sort of data cap or meter on its users, and once a user surpasses a certain amount of game time, they begin to suffer this problem.

I am not stating that is what is happening, I am just suggesting that it is as valid an explanation as any I have seen in this forum. I had a guild mate that spent more time in the game than anyone else, and within the past year began to complain of this very problem. It continued to get worse and worse, and she finally gave up on the game when she could not stay on line for more than five minutes at a time. All the while she had problems, the rest of us would tell her our connections seemed stable, and we were having no trouble.

Well, I have this trouble now, and i have it frequently. You can read above to see some of the things I have tried to resolve the issue and none of them has any lasting effect. Yesterday, I replaced the modem and gateway I was using with a brand new one. I thought it might cut down on translations between IPV4 and IPV6. The new gateway costs 100 dollars. Guess what. No impact at all. I still have the same problem.

I have guild wars 2 installed on 3 computers in my home, and it fails the same way on each of the 3. So once again, I ask, why can’t Arena net expand on exactly what this error code means, or subdivide it into smaller categories that are less vague so that we and anyone else can actually troubleshoot these problems in a more rational way than just wringing our hands in this forum, rather than spending serious coin (and time) on solutions that seem little more than red herrings.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


Phatt Dude.7538 -

Sorry, but I find your suspicions ludicrous. You, as a former tech support person, should know that sometimes various nodes on the internet have problems and that there is nothing the end user or A-net can do to fix them.

The problem lies with that particular peer network, which is why we often ask for Tracerts in order to pinpoint the failing node.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dor Bell.7368

Dor Bell.7368


HI ,, I can no longer play this game because of the error. What kind of tracerts would you like? IN the mean time can you provide the solutions for this error you gave to other users ? ( please note — i have tried everything listed in every forum that users posted about this. ) -- Thanks in advance.

QQ — do you think the same error will occur when the expansion comes out.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


a) We need the tracert from your PC to the GW2 servers.

b) The only solution (other than network errors on your end) would be to contact 1) your ISP and 2) the administrator of the failing network node(s). I cannot fix this. Anet cannot fix this. It isn’t a problem with the game servers and if it was, Anet would know before anyone here – they monitor their servers.

c) I have no way of knowing what [internet] network nodes or ISPs could be having problems at any given time.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dor Bell.7368

Dor Bell.7368

HI Thanks for responding. What are the gw2 servers I should do my trace to? I was thinking since you monitor the games servers — why dont you monitor my account — when i get disconnected — that should tell us something.

AM I wrong in thinking if i cant fix this issue myself— i should just stop trying to play your game and pass on the expansion? I dont own the routers/gateways between my pc and your gw2 servers — so how woudl i fix them?

Since others have contacted their isp’s with no results .. am part of a group that can never play gw 2 again?

(edited by Dor Bell.7368)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phatt Dude.7538

Phatt Dude.7538

I merely wanted to make the point that pigeonholing people who suffer this disconnect as a cranky minority is just silly and absurd. The whole point of having a tech support forum is for users with issues to air them, and hopefully get help.

My ludicrous suspicions were an attempt on my part to be equally absurd and hopefully gain the ire of someone in arena net who would (although angry at me) respond in some fashion to this groups entreaties.

Finally, why even bother with the charade of trace routes and such, if once we do all the work, people just throw up their hands and say: “whats a person to do?” Let’s just cut through the blue smoke and mirrors and say: “We know this is a problem, but we really have no idea what can be done about it.”

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


My patience has started to run thin, I never had this sort of trouble back when i was in college, and I didn’t have it either when i first played the game at home. But ever since that STUPID CAMERA PATCH! My game has been plagued with problems and this is the most reoccurring one. Game runs fine for a couple of days, then next hting I know, i’m lagging so hard my skills won’t launch for 60 seconds. I can’t even get to the news screen sometimes. No other game do i have this problem with, just this one! I have forwarded my ports, turned off my firewall, done pingplotter, EVERYTHING and it seems like my connection is always breaking up on their end!

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dor Bell.7368

Dor Bell.7368


Any update to the questions posted? Or can another support tech take over…. Sorry for posting but I actually do enjoy playing guild wars 2 — so a answer would be nice.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dor Bell.7368

Dor Bell.7368

Can anyone at anet answer this question — Will the expansion pack also be unplayable for us?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xbon.9086


I’m having this problem and have no idea how to fix this! please help! keep disconnecting every 5-15 mins!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: suremarc.6437


I started playing gw2 again after a few years, I’ve been getting DCed every 20-30 mins. It’s strange that many other users have had this same problem
I purchased a new router, didn’t change a thing. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Earendilgrey.6820


Just recently (like in the past 3 weeks) I have been getting dropped constantly from the game client. Beforehand I could play all day with no issues at all. Sometimes it will take a while and sometimes it may be only a few minutes before I get kicked. I get Code=7:11:3:191:101 when I get kicked to the log-in screen. It’s making playing the game hard since I can’t go very far in a mission or dungeon without getting kicked multiple times. And as I said, this just started recently and I haven’t made any changes to my ISP so I am pretty sure it’s not on my end, in fact I just got a new router today and am still having this issue. I ran a diagnostic by adding the -diag to the end of a shortcut of the .exe and these are the results I got. I tried putting in a ticket but that is giving me an error message as well.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: suremarc.6437


I did a traceroute, it reported packet loss:

I did some further research, it seems to be related to level 3 communications.
I live near Houston—apparently others are having problems, too.

I’m really getting tired of having to replay missions 4-5 times because of getting d/ced.

(edited by suremarc.6437)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Erebus.4732


This issue pops up every so often with me, sometimes out of the blue. It has gotten in the way of mapping and crafting. It is also vary annoying when you are also in the middle of combat and this happens!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Splatter Paw.7238

Splatter Paw.7238

Im getting dc’d ALLOT, started off only in wvw, got kittened stopped playing and went to work. Come home and now its happens in pvp/pve/wvw, now its to the point i cant even log in for more than a min or two and the error pops. Am i the only one? if so mabye its on my end, but nothings change…..same router, computer ect, just acted up suddenly today and very quickly progressed to not being able to log at all….=( I put a ticket in but who knows how long thatll take

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bubba.8759


Getting the same error 7:11:3:191:101 pls help

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bubba.8759


Hello. Are people still getting this Error Code: 7:11:3:191:101 ??? past 2 week this error comes several times a day. Pls help

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Happening to a lot of people – it seems if I stay idle for more than a minute or so, I get DC’d. If I’m moving around or using skills, even in cities, I stay in the client.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]