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(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Hello, i know this sounds dumb and you all may have tried this, but i was having this issue and all i did to fix it was restart my router and bam its fixed. So for thoose who havent done this and havent thought about it. give it a whirl
it worked for me.
This is always a good idea, and it takes just a minute or two! I am not implying that everyone experiencing this issue can solve the problem with a router or modem reset, but this is my “go to” step, and it’s really surprising how often it works!
Thanks for posting the suggestion, Dazzoe.
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Any news today on this update Gaile?
For those still experiencing the 7:11:3:191:101 error, the team is still on the case. I’ll update the internal e-mail thread to see if there’s any news and will post here if we have any updates.
As I said above. A DSL/PPPOE reconnect (which only takes a few seconds compared to 1-2 minutes for a router restart) fixed the problem for me in all cases.
It also narrows down the possible cause. More or less the only thing that changes is the public IP address that Anet knows for my client.
My guess is that an internal ID that is composed of the client IP and the account (and maybe some other information) gets somehow stuck in the assignn to server tables on map load. Changing the client IP (by a router reset or ISP reconnect) produces a fresh ID —> problem fixed.
I further guess that we are seeing a classic “race condition”, a client asks for a connection, gets assigned to a server, but when the client actually connects the resource is no longer available.
Been getting this issue constantly over the past week, practically unable to play the game as almost all my characters have this issue. Tried resetting router, guesting, forwarding ports, and allowing through firewall, nothing works.
Unplugging modem, and renewing ip from cmd line do not work for me.
Guesting to lower pop servers unsticks my characters, but I am never able to enter Eternal Battleground, which sucks, as I mainly play this game for WvW.
Error code : 7:11:3:191:101
Game is unplayable…my main character stuck in hearthfire rise and i can’t load map….
Is very random some maps i get stuck and others i play normally
I change game client port 80,443, 6112, 6600 and don’t work.
I played gw2 for 2 years and is first time i get this error.
I have the same problem on 5 toons now and sometimes my other toons cause the problem also but they unstick after 3 hours its really anoying:(
hope this gets fixed soon
UPDATE as of 05 August 2014:
We apologize for the time it has taken to get the situation resolved and we will keep working on the problem until things are back to normal.
To clarify my earlier post, I was apparently able to fix the problem for me by:
Once the Gw2.dat file had been downloaded again (I left it running overnight), I had no more issues. I couldn’t get the files to download at first, but when I added in the Gw2.tmp steps, it seemed to work just fine. Once you’re satisfied, I recommend deleting Gw2_bak.dat.
I tried this because in the past, a “stuck” character could often be fixed with the “-repair” command, especially if it happened soon after a large update. I tried to repair the files, but it stayed at “0%” for an hour and crashed when I tried to close it. I decided there must be something wrong with my data archive, so I renamed it (in case I needed it, which I did for Step 2 above) and tried a fresh download.
This may not work for everyone, but it certainly seems to have worked for me. I’ve gotten two daily rewards with it so far, and no more disconnects. My wife did the same thing, with similar results (though if she had asked me, I would have simply copied the file to her computer).
Yea this is getting pretty silly. I had this bug or whatever it is a month or so ago. Disconnect with error every 1-5 minutes. I didn’t do anything to fix it just magically fixed itself after a day? Now it’s doing it again. If this is going to be a repeated problem due to whatever, it’s going to be hard to keep customers.
All the problems GW2 seems to be having lately, between bugs, patches, development, content, ect. Each thing is losing customers. 1 aspect/problem by itself isn’t a big loss but judging by how many people are experiencing and leaving due to each one, devs need to fix their kitten before players start leaving in groups. I want to play this amazing game that I’ve had fun on for 2 years. Don’t cut it short now due to bugs that keep persisting.
im getting really frustrated i cant play on any of my characters now(i have 11) they all crash and i cant load in
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RiskyShenanigan.9275
I am also experiencing the connection error when trying to download the last file.
Guess I’ll be joining this party too. My main character now got Error 7:11:3:191:101 everytime I log in, tried the few tricks around forum, rebooting the rooter doesnt work on my side. But all my other log in just fine, until I tried to join “the heart of the mist” if I send one of my character there, they get the error too.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Don Zardeone.8730
Just posting to report that the issue is still there
I can’t get on my dudes. I’m going to try and find one I can finish my daily on… hopefully.
So euh… about those people that got banned injustly and got a free gift…….. I wouldn’t mind a few birthday boosters or one of them nifty chests…?
I mean, for not being able to play now
Well, I tried a few more things on my end, I was able to get my main by guesting on Kaineng server… odd but worked.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Apex Predator.3475
I’ve been having this issue since the last patch. Constantly get disconnected at loading screens, doesn’t happen all the time though. I’ve been using the Guesting trick to get into my stuck characters but any loading screen can cause me to get stuck and have to exit again. I’m barely even able to access this forum and the gw1 and 2 wiki’s are pretty much inaccessible to me right now since this patch. I had sent in a support ticket before Gaile Gray suggested that we do not send one about this situation. However, the support team has requested information about my internet connection, background applications, firewalls, routers etc. I’ve sent them all that information but I somehow feel like they might be treating it like it is unrelated to this situation where lots of people are having connection issues after the last patch.
Yesterday my charr engineer was stuck with that error at Black Citadel. I could log sucessfully today but got stuck again with same error at Fireheart Rise.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkusTheFirst.6890
First Incident on 8/5/2014 ~ 8:45 PM Eastern Time
Server: Eradon Terrace
Map Location: Timberline Falls
Error Code: 7:11:3:191:101
On Log-in attempt following
Build: 36993
Error Code: 42:0:9001:4347
Dignostic Check 1
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 15ms 1/ 25 = 4% 1/ 25 = 4%
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 12ms 1/ 25 = 4% 1/ 25 = 4% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 13ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
4 16ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 16ms 2/ 25 = 8% 1/ 25 = 4% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
6 14ms 2/ 25 = 8% 1/ 25 = 4% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
7 24ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 41ms 2/ 25 = 8% 1/ 25 = 4% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
9 27ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
10 59ms 2/ 25 = 8% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
11 62ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
12 —- 25/ 25 =100% 22/ 25 = 88%
0/ 25 = 0% |
13 61ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0%
Trace complete.
Section completed in 146.84 seconds
Attempt to log in 2: Successful
Attempt to Play 1: Reached Character Select
Attempt to Enter Game, Charr in Timberline Falls: Success @ 9:28 PM Eastern Time
Attempted to join a party at a separate location instance of Timberline Falls.
Subsuquent failures from ~9:35 PM Eastern Time continueing on through 10 PM Eastern time
Friend NOT having this issue and connecting to the game perfectly fine. Even playing WHILE I had been having these issues.
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 2ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 1ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% ControlPanel.Home []
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 20ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 22ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
5 37ms 3/ 25 = 12% 2/ 25 = 8%
0/ 25 = 0% |
6 —- 25/ 25 =100% 24/ 25 = 96% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
7 —- 25/ 25 =100% 24/ 25 = 96% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 —- 25/ 25 =100% 24/ 25 = 96% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
9 —- 25/ 25 =100% 24/ 25 = 96%
0/ 25 = 0% |
10 58ms 4/ 25 = 16% 3/ 25 = 12% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
11 58ms 3/ 25 = 12% 2/ 25 = 8% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
12 —- 25/ 25 =100% 24/ 25 = 96%
0/ 25 = 0% |
13 58ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkusTheFirst.6890
Now, I am no techno genius, but this is not seeming to be a issue with the actual connections. It seems to me that its a issue with certain areas of the map on specific servers.
And while I can understand the reasons for doing so, Could you perhaps tell us what exactly you have uncovered and are working on Devs? That way we can at least try to figure out whats going on as well?
I cannot help but notice that a lot of the points that are being issue right now TEND to be involved with the current Episode. As each and every one of the areas I’ve seen listed either has some form of dialogue related to the quests, contains the locations of such quests, or similarly has events related to this episode.
Is this the case? Should we be avoiding areas that involve the current Living World missions? And if that’s not the problem, as this is clearly not a recent issue, hopefully someone has some idea as to what the actual problem is and can explain it?
Because this doesn’t make sense to me. The error says its a connection issue, yet I have a better internet connection than my friend, who was playing at the same time, had no lag, and is STILL playing even as I speak.
Whatever the problem may be, can you explain what it is? I know everyone including myself might not understand. But there is bound to be someone that will, and Might even know how to fix the issue.
I apologize if I seem rude, but as has been mentioned by a great many…This is feeling like wasted time and effort not being able to play the game or characters that I and others have put so much effort into.
And just telling us "UPDATE: This is very much a known issue and the matter is under investigation by several team members. We apologize for the time it has taken to get the sitaution resolved and we will keep working on it until things are back to normal.
FYI: The issue is not isolated to Guild Wars 2, but is also impacting other games.
We will update here in the forums when we know more , but at this time, it is not necessary to submit a ticket."
What exactly is being investigated? Has a server somewhere in the chain blown up? Did the Charr catch a deadly virus of glitchanitus? Is this an issue with the living world that was not foreseen? What does this mean?
It was mentioned that its not isolated to GW2, What other games are having issues? Are they getting an identical problem? Does it involve the same server?
Explanations that explain something to the community are far better than saying the team is on it. What has the team found? I see how old this thread is. And who knows how many times its been merged. So, what exactly is going on? Please someone explain!
And again, sorry if this is sounding rude, but this is rather ridiculous! I mean…Weeks, if not full months this has been known? If a team of Tech guys/gals cannot find the issue in that long? There must be ideas. And ideas can be tested. its not like there is a short supply of people having the problems, I am sure they’d be more than happy to try something to get this fixed.
Got ALL NIGHT with this disconnection problem. It’s really annoying when doing S2 stories.
BTW, I didn’t meet this problem until the last update.
I’m on Centurylink using a C1000A modem and am getting this error also.
Dunno if that is a common factor with some on here, but just letting it be known. Just built a new PC and wanted to get back into GW2 but looks like I’ll have to wait for this problem to be fixed.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ARMsIgnition.8930
Hello, i know this sounds dumb and you all may have tried this, but i was having this issue and all i did to fix it was restart my router and bam its fixed. So for thoose who havent done this and havent thought about it. give it a whirl
it worked for me.
This is always a good idea, and it takes just a minute or two! I am not implying that everyone experiencing this issue can solve the problem with a router or modem reset, but this is my “go to” step, and it’s really surprising how often it works!
Thanks for posting the suggestion, Dazzoe.
Just tried this method and it works, never though the simple step would solve the problem.
Still, it doesn’t mean the whole issue not related to the Dev…
Dev should look into why only router/modem reset would solve the problem,
instead of telling player to reset it each time the problem occurs.
Anyway, hope this issue would solve once and for all, its really bummer when you encounter this issue and spends few minutes to reset router/modem which might also enraged your friends who were dotaing under same line……
(edited by ARMsIgnition.8930)
Problem is getting worse and worse everyday. Guesting won’t work anymore, ISP and DNS reset didn’t and never fixed the error. After 14 hours I was finally able to log into my character. Wanted to get some daily dungeons out of the way, tried to load into CoF and BAM error comes back. I can’t even play the game at the moment.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Don Zardeone.8730
I have one char that works, does wvw, mount maelstrom, I may even go cursed shore. I dare not move to any of the other areas
I bought this game 1 week ago and these last 3 days is having this error.
I can not get into my main character only in the other (thief, guardian)
I can not use Inpost trading in my other characters.
This happens a lot in my lv 59 warrior to speak the truth whenever I try to enter it now appears this error and I can not play it.
Help ME
This issue continues since the 2012 launch of the game and it seems Anet couldn’t fix this problem within 2 years… I bought new and stucked on Gendarran fields loading screen. I tried another character to load that map and stucked that one too. My main was 29 lvl so its not a big problem for me but i dont know if i had a lvl 80 or sth. So it seems this game doesn’t worth to play? We won’t be able to know when this issue gets us with our new char. I wish i had searched game issues before i pay for it. I really don’t think they will be able to solve it. Because for 2 years lots of player complain about it and it still going on..
fireheart rising crashing the game on loading screen after loading for ever
happened to me with heart of the mists yesterday then worked great now this map :/
To clarify my earlier post, I was apparently able to fix the problem for me by:
- Deleting Gw2.tmp.
- Launching Gw2.exe, but closing the launcher before auto-play finishes counting down.
- Renaming Gw2.dat to Gw2_bak.dat.
- Launching Gw2.exe.
Once the Gw2.dat file had been downloaded again (I left it running overnight), I had no more issues. I couldn’t get the files to download at first, but when I added in the Gw2.tmp steps, it seemed to work just fine. Once you’re satisfied, I recommend deleting Gw2_bak.dat.
I tried this because in the past, a “stuck” character could often be fixed with the “-repair” command, especially if it happened soon after a large update. I tried to repair the files, but it stayed at “0%” for an hour and crashed when I tried to close it. I decided there must be something wrong with my data archive, so I renamed it (in case I needed it, which I did for Step 2 above) and tried a fresh download.
This may not work for everyone, but it certainly seems to have worked for me. I’ve gotten two daily rewards with it so far, and no more disconnects. My wife did the same thing, with similar results (though if she had asked me, I would have simply copied the file to her computer).
i tried this my game worked fine for like 2 hours then evrything was back to crashing characters and not beeing able to load them
Since I had this issue… managed to free chars by guesting, and not using waypoints , since as soon as I tried to map to a diff area I got a char stuck. Ofc after a couple of days of being free, I forgot my own advice and waypointed… now i have a char stuck again.
If the next patch has us mapping about all over then this thread is going to grow quickly.
Update: now unable to log into char that wasnt previously stuck and using a portal instead of waypoint got me stuck as well. (at this rate il run out of chars to play on, tho sticking in same area is just as annoying)
(edited by Missy.7356)
Do you know did they find any solution to this issue in the past 2 years? I am redownloading the game but i don’t expect so much. This is so bad i hope they figure it out.
Redphoenix.9560 posted that he guested over and it worked. It did for me and then I took my warrior to Southson Cove and it did it again. So I bought my other toons to Malchor’s leap and now I can get on them.
Ty Redphoenix.9560 for posting this little thing. And I agree it is weird but it worked Now to try to get my warrior.
The reason why I did the whole “redownload” thing is because it sounds like much of the problem could arise from corrupted data files on the local client. That is, when your computer starts to load a specific map, it finds invalid data (i.e. doesn’t match what it should be), and for whatever reason it decides it must be a connection issue. It’s kind of like the game client is double-checking with the server, finding a mismatch, and interpreting it as, “We must not have heard you clearly. Probably a bad connection.”
For others (like myself), it could be a specific character/creature model or something instead of the map itself.
Of course, this is all just conjecture on my part, but it sounds reasonable to me.
However, the facts that it’s so widespread and sporadic, and that it has been happening occasionally to some folks (again, like me) ever since the game launched, usually after an update, suggest to me that it could be more of an issue of an archive corrupted by the patching process. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say unstable overclocking could play a part in some cases, since it could lead to integration of bad values during the patch process.
I don’t know why it would be so prominent right now, though, unless it’s because the new Living Story changes aren’t just adding more data (maps, creatures, etc.), but altering more of the current areas, yielding more opportunities for the (non-draconic) corruption to arise.
EDIT: It’s also very possible that there are multiple problems causing the same error message. If the explanation in my first paragraph is accurate, it would suggest that the 7:11:3:191:101 error isn’t very exclusive.
Dear Arena please check European NCSoft servers – the same problems are in Wildstar. Both games have connection problems. One of the servers in Frankfurt is probably unstable.
Some people say if we change the server, like from EU to US server will solve problem but it is not free? it costs 1800 gem, i am new in this game so i dont have that yet and i can not pay while its not certain if it solves. So maybe they can move us there for a short period and when they repair they can move us back. I formatted my pc, resetted modem settings and redownloading the game now, i dont hope this helps but just trying.. This is really annoying.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ARMsIgnition.8930
Hello, i know this sounds dumb and you all may have tried this, but i was having this issue and all i did to fix it was restart my router and bam its fixed. So for thoose who havent done this and havent thought about it. give it a whirl
it worked for me.
This is always a good idea, and it takes just a minute or two! I am not implying that everyone experiencing this issue can solve the problem with a router or modem reset, but this is my “go to” step, and it’s really surprising how often it works!
Thanks for posting the suggestion, Dazzoe.
Just tried this method and it works, never though the simple step would solve the problem.
Still, it doesn’t mean the whole issue not related to the Dev…
Dev should look into why only router/modem reset would solve the problem,
instead of telling player to reset it each time the problem occurs.Anyway, hope this issue would solve once and for all, its really bummer when you encounter this issue and spends few minutes to reset router/modem which might also enraged your friends who were dotaing under same line……
Success once, but happened again and this time Reset Modem/Router not working, Using 3G din’t help either……
More and more people encounter this error, and not even an announcement from ArenaNet……
Think they din’t have enough tech guys to solve this issue, cause most of them assigned to deal with China GW2, and left us to rot……
Can this get fixed already? I cant even log on next to the trading post to buy something off it before i get booted.
(edited by AlienMagi.7102)
Hello, i know this sounds dumb and you all may have tried this, but i was having this issue and all i did to fix it was restart my router and bam its fixed. So for thoose who havent done this and havent thought about it. give it a whirl
it worked for me.
This is always a good idea, and it takes just a minute or two! I am not implying that everyone experiencing this issue can solve the problem with a router or modem reset, but this is my “go to” step, and it’s really surprising how often it works!
Thanks for posting the suggestion, Dazzoe.
Just tried this method and it works, never though the simple step would solve the problem.
Still, it doesn’t mean the whole issue not related to the Dev…
Dev should look into why only router/modem reset would solve the problem,
instead of telling player to reset it each time the problem occurs.Anyway, hope this issue would solve once and for all, its really bummer when you encounter this issue and spends few minutes to reset router/modem which might also enraged your friends who were dotaing under same line……
Success once, but happened again and this time Reset Modem/Router not working, Using 3G din’t help either……
More and more people encounter this error, and not even an announcement from ArenaNet……
Think they din’t have enough tech guys to solve this issue, cause most of them assigned to deal with China GW2, and left us to rot……
Agreed. This happens for years and they couldnt find any final solution to it. At least we expect an announcement about this. At least say we are on it or sth. like this!
ISP: BAtelco
Regin: Bahrain
Server: Henge of denravi
i just got a mail from a gm saying that its my ISP and that i have to change my DNS to a google DNS, dont they see all the peoplein this forum treath that have the same problem for years,, how can it be our ISP if somany people have this problem, and why is it only affecting this game and not my other games, doesnt make sence at all
They should stop using us all as a excuse. because its there problem before the patch it worked . And change a DNS while it worked fine before .Its related to a few more games they should fix this not us . What we tried so far fresh reinstal dont work .
Reset modem router worked but got worse later. The amount of trading post lag there is aswel now that makes it worse. Guesting a diff server worked fine but on main server stuck again. And just as alot of people have this problem now it looks like it gets worse in the next days. And keep on posting here people let em know
tada new build available guys hope this works now
fingers crossed
New build seems to have fixed the issue….let’s see how long this lasts. I’m finally able to log into my characters but still weary about zoning to different areas, it’s like playing russian roulette.
fingers crossed
it worked can log all locations in so finnally they can now admit who problem it was
Guys did the that last patch solve it really? Can i see my character which is in purgatory (Gendarran Fields…)? I am redownloading the game now i am so eager to launch it!
The ’’new build’’ made me got this stupid error, AGAIN!
Ohh my god! WHY?!!? Just when I finally got it through the loading with my main, and now the stupid build came and ruin this for me again..
Really disappointed with this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ARMsIgnition.8930
I don’t think the New Build fix the issue, more like the server restart for new build to Online also reset the character stuck login server , which might happen again randomly……
Anyway, hope they really fix this and maybe give a explain why this issue occur from time to time without a fix.
Character just got locked in Caledon Forest, patch did nothing to fix this error. GG anet, just go ahead and sweep this issue under the rug.
Didnt solve? Ohh! What are the tech guys of Anet doing? This game is getting unplayable! We give so much time to our characters and then PUF! All gone! Someone has to say something please!
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.