Showing Posts For Actracts.1389:
I’ve done it a few times (rezzing someone standing still in a mob area) only to have them be killed within moments of me rezzing them – in particular, during the first phase of the Halloween events when a toon was standing right next to where a Haunted Door spawned. Lesson: If you’re going to AFK, at least do it somewhere relatively and reasonably safe.
Sad that there’s some truth in this. As a Ranger, if someone sees me poitning my LB at them, their initial reaction be stopping themselves from activating their Elite skill. I’m a kitten Ranger for kitten’s sake! My LB should be making people think twice about taking me on in a straight on fight! Instead, they just laugh, take out their bow and I’m dead within a few seconds.
Being that bows (in particular LB) are the weapon most associated with the Ranger, it should be where my damage capability is supposed to shine! If you see a Samurai coming at you with a Katana, or a Jedi pulling out their lightsaber, you should have a “Oh Kitten, I just kittened in my pants” moment. Same should be for a Ranger and a bow.
And as for pets – because most of them are nothing but a warm up for my target – once they’re gone, about 1/3 of my damage out gone!
(edited by Actracts.1389)
…just re-roll. It’s not as if leveling in this game is an impossible chore that will take months upon months of grinding to reach max level. I’m a casual player, and by that I mean I may play about four to eight hours a week, and I’m in my mid sixties. Don’t want to lose armour – put it in the bank. Got a title – make it part of the leveling process to regain.
Why should ANet make a race change patch just because you’re too lazy? It’s not as if you didn’t see each race in mid-gear level armour before you created the character!
Either this…or bring back the companion system, which has my vote. Sometimes, real people are just a pain to deal with – especially in dungeons when you get the wannabe Leroy Jenkins aggroing mobs left and right because they just want to run to the end – realize that they can’t, then mob trains back to the rest of the group and we spend the next hour chiseling away at the twenty plus vets and ten plus champions in small room. Okay, I’m overexagerrating – it was more like eight champions with a really dodgy vet.
GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...
Posted by: Actracts.1389
This is the first I’ve heard of this. My main toon’s name is the EXACT name of my Prophecy main’s name – exact spelling. Or was there some kind of “Fill this form to actually get a name reserve so you won’t risk someone else using it before you can create it” process that I skipped out on?
Okay – if you hate the game, leave. Most of us don’t even considered this particular issue…an issue.
The C/D of the my Ranger and Ele’s are not so long that it hurts my gameplay – even while in Dungeons or large scale DE Boss fights. This is the same arguement back in GW1 when everyone wanted to have 2000+ energy to cast spells and 1 second c/d and .01 second for cast time for all skills.
What you, and all other noobs that just suck at range attacks, need to learn is some skill management. A missed target is still a missed target – and a used skill is still a used skill.
You sure…are a phony! This guy’s a phony! Phony! Phony!
^^ on a side note – I’d like to test this theory out now.
…then don’t. It’s a simple as that. I love GW2 – but I still play TERA, FFXIV, WoW, Aion, TOR, Rift, RO…etc…
But what I love about GW2 is the ‘casual’ feeling it has. It’s my “I’ve got 45 min between tasks and I want to kill time” game. I can hop in, play a for a while – get some items, gain a level, explore an area, do a DE – then hop out. It gives me the same amount of content on what normally would take me half a day on another MMO.
If you’re bored, you’re bored.
“Buff” is considered a gamer slang for, as many of us should know, temporary/indefinitely raising specific character stats – thus it could be considered an informal term. I’m guessing GW is simply wanted a…technical and lore specific term, “Boon.”
^_^ Though I doubt we’ll see players running around anytime soon screaming, “Someone! Boon me – NOW!” /^_^
*I know, I know – GW isn’t the first people to call it a Boon, I remember Magic The Gathering referring to similar effects as Boons.
Yes…and in a few weeks, we’ll get the “My Account was hacked, used as a Gold Farm Bot, and now I’m banned!” collective thread.
Another, “I wish GW2 was like X game, but I’m not going to play X game, I’m just going to complain and wish how GW2 was like X game, but I’m not going to play X game, I’m just going to complain and wish how GW2 was like X game, but I’m not going to play X game, I’m just going to complain and wish how GW2 was like X game, but I’m not going to play X game…”
Just another “I wish this was X game, but I’m not going to play X game – I’m just going to complain about how I wish this was X game, but I’m not going to play X game – I’m just going to complain about how I wish this was X game, but I’m not going to play X game – I’m just going to complain about how I wish this was X gaame, but I’m not…”
And it never really ends.
Call it whatever you want – grind or “a reward for being able to play for days on end so you can brag about how you played for days on end” (or any other euphemism). End game or “I paid for this game so I’m entitled to be entertained for the rest of my living days by this game.” In the end – you only paid a one time fee for it and you have access to this game for as long as it’s up and you’re not obligated to put any more cash into this cow! Don’t also act as if ANet should feel obligated to add stuff to keep you around either – you’re not paying a sub fee. You’ve completed everything, gotten every title, maxed out all five toons, got all equipments you can – good on you. Now move on to the next thing that will keep your attention. There are some of us who’ll likely not even complete our personal story by the time the next expansion content is release!
Because professions need to be balance – that includes weapons and skills each class can possess. On another note, I wonder why people can’t just use the search bar?
I can just as easily write: Dear Anet! The HW stuff is over priced and out of reach for those of us who’re super-casual gamers – ie, we only play for two or three hours, accumulatively, throughout the week. It’s not fair that we, who only average out three to six silver a week and barely have more than two golds to our main character’s name, can not buy even one key for the BLC HW stuff.
Of course, I understand that I chose to put myself in that position and, more importantly, I realize that having a chainsaw skinned sword will not, in any real way, better my life at all. Thus, I will not post such a moronic whiney little complaint and just continue to be able to enjoy my Halloween experience in GW2!
Just another thread with whiners once more proclaiming, “I wish GW2 was like X game – but I’m not going to go over and play X game, I’m just going to complain about how I wish GW2 was like X game – but I’m not going to go over and play X game, I’m just going to complain about how I wish GW2 was like X game – but I’m not going to go over and play X game, I’m just going to complain about how I wish GW2 was like X game – but I’m not going to go over and play X game, I’m just going to complain about how I wish GW2 was like X game – but I’m not going to go over and play X game, I’m just going to…”
And it never really ends…
While we’re on the topic of wanting to change GW2 into another MMO – I vote we throw in some Chocobo mounts, a Kafra service, a Sith Marauder sub-class for Thieves, an Elin race, and – ooh – how about some Age of Wulin style combat?!
On a serious note: Guild Wars is NOT WoW! It shouldn’t try to be, nor should it feel like it has to be WoW or any other MMO out there! As others have already stated, if you feel that GW2 should be more like another MMO, then go play that MMO. Though GW2 has its own glaring flaws, many of us like GW2 because it is nothing like some other MMO’s.
IMHO, Rangers in GW1 were not the greatest of professions either – as they were considered the Jack of all trades. Even their job specialties, Marksmanship and Beast Master, couldn’t really measure up to what the other classes had to offer. Throughout most my GW1: Prophecy playthru, I relied heavily on my secondary profession skill (primarily War) to even the playing field. I’d kite and bait with a flat bow, then switch a sword and shield – once the enemies were within melee range (and believe me, most of my fights were more often melee than ranged).
I think the only class in all of GW1 that had it worsed off were ’Sins. Talk about a profession that was made to just be killed…
I, too, must admit that I find the lack of response from ANet a little saddening. For the most part, we’re not asking for any solid facts or even promises. We, the player who love our Rangers and have spent sweat, blood, and tears to even get them to compete in PvE Dungeons effectively, would like to know if ANet has any plans to either buff, nerf, or ignore the profession altogether.
My main is a Ranger, but I’ve also rolled every other class – and I’ve found that it was FAR easier to PvE with the other classes, either in a group or solo, than a Ranger. Even Ele, MM, and Necros – three classes that shouldn’t be able to compete with my Ranger’s physical qualities – were FAR less squishie in mobs.
Simple supply and demand tactics. The BLC are easy (though slightly rare) drops but not the keys – why? It’s incentive to 1.) sink gold into buying gems into buying keys and 2.) have the players use IRL cash (likely the intention of ANet) to buy keys.
If your poor – sorry for you, but even IRL, those who have cash have more options and this law transfers easily into MMO’s. Especially one that doesn’t require a monthly sub. And, as other posters stated, ANYONE can get these keys without spending a penny IRL. But, trust me on this, if you’re playing this game, even at a casual rate, in two years, you’ll likely have more gold than you care to do with. In GW1, by GWEtN release, my main had more plats than I could burn through. I WISHED we had a Gem sys in GW1 – I probably would’ve been able to afford every upgrade packages without spending a dime IRL.
I agree with having pets being able to ‘Find’ an enemy within a given distance from the Ranger. I mean, they already have “Search and Rescue,” why not have “Seek and Destroy?”
Long Bow as my main. Axe/Axe as my melee and mob control. IMO, I think the Axe/Axe combo skill tree is a good middle ground meeting for the LB and SB. Axe/Axe has good range, while being able to cause condition, a dual attack move, and a hell of a “Oh Kitten” skill five when you’re surrounded by mobs! Add on to traps and sigs and a good pair of pets, I rarely ever get pwn by anything under Champions (save for underwater).
Getting the LE ver, I find ALL my human Ranger’s elite skills horrible. If not for the Mistfire Wolf (which works great in a bind), I wouldn’t even bother with the Elite skill bar. BTW, Mistfire Wolf looks awesome with a Ranger ^^ – it’s like having a second pet for thirty seconds….but actually does damage T_T
Let the Warriors keep the guns and give the Rangers back OUR BURSTS ATTACKS! I want my Ignite Arrows back!!!!!!
Give it ten more years – at the rate of technology (barring some horrific economic depression), we could all be playing an MMO on our mobile phone, which is in the form of a contact lens.
Because 90% of every kitten chest I’ve opened, after a long drawn out epic battle of several vets, a champion, and the respawned vets – because the kitten fight was that long – all I get for my effort is two armour pieces that ISN’T EVEN USABLE FOR MY PROFESSION and a piece of jewelry I could easily get from a mining ore.
Make our characters smart enough to auto-attack when idle...
in Suggestions
Posted by: Actracts.1389
“Currently, our characters just stand there and wait for input…”
I know! It’s almost as it’s some kind of game!
But, the good new is there is a similar way you can achieve what you want! Go to youtube, watch someone’s gameplay and pretend like you’re character’s idle but is auto-attacking for you! See, we all win!
Agree…if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m a masochist with a competitive streak for beating down tough monsters, I wouldn’t bother with non-event champions. And I suspect that a big reason why I do is because I rarely use ingame cash to buy things – since all of my equipment are from drops and I’ve never been big into crafting – so I have the silver and gold to burn. But I’m certain that a good majority of the Map calls I make to fight a non-event champ is ignored because the risk is hardly worth the reward.
Agree…in certain points, the respawn rate is ridiculous. I’d get done killing six centaurs, fight a veteran – only to have the six centaurs respawn and help the veteran kick my kitten!
My two cents on a Martial Monk Class
F1 – Hard Style (High damage moves used mainly for interruption like Knock Downs/Backs, stun/daze, and cripple)
F2 – Soft Style (Lower damage, but more of condition skill base: Weakness, vulnerability, inflicts longer C/D, perhaps even a ‘drain/regen’ move)
Note: Hard style and Soft style work similar to Ele’s intune, where the weapon’s skill changes depending on the style selected.
F3 – Stances – fists only (Similar to Rangers collecting pets, Monks can discover certain scrolls/tomes to teach them different forms. When activated, the Stance skills must be used in a similar fashion to GW Assassin’s chain move fighting format – with the first three setting up the chain and the last two being the finishing move depending on how the chain is set up. IE 1-2-3-4 or 1-3-2-5. To keep from the character from being dependant on F3, Stances can only stay activated while being stationary within a small area – think 1/2 the size of a Ranger’s trap circle.)
As mentioned by OP, no weapon swap as F3 is technically the Monk’s option to ‘swap’ to a fisting fight format and the ability to use different fighting styles, along with the the skills that comes along with each styles, will make up for it.
Choices of weapons -
Main Sword, Mace
Off Hand Mace, Dagger (throwing purposes)
Both Staffs (used as a phyiscal weapon), Hammers
Armor – Light
Class Specific Accessory: Brands on the forearms.
Stalker/Drake Agressive – “I will beat some sense into my opponent by beating them senseless.”
Crow/Snake Passive – “Everyone has a breaking point, I just need to find it and apply the right amount of pressure.”
Bear/Wolf Adaptive – “If my enemy is strong, I will be like water and flow around them. If my enemy is quick, I will be like a mountain and obstruct them.”
Playstyle – Monks are incapacitators. Adhering to a strict belief to uphold and protect all creatures’, good or evil, right to live. Despite this belief, they understand that sometimes battle is unavoidable. The Monks set of skills are built around disrupting an enemy’s defenses and incapacatating their offenses. The Monks battle philosophy is to convince an enemy that surrendering is better than to keep fighting.
I love the dance – it’s vibrant and has a sense of primal freedom in its movement! It’s exactly like the Sylvari!
The reason: sometimes, lines just needs to be drawn! Unlike GW1, where you can gain a 2nd profession and just use the skills in that profession, GW2 profession has their own job unique skills to their weapons. A Ranger with a LB skill bar is different from a Warrior’s LB skill bar. I imagine ANet just said, “Look, we’re not going to give EVERY weapon and EVERY profession unique weapons skills. Lets just choose a limit set of weaponset for each profession and work it out that way.”
I’d like for my Ranger to use a stave and/or spear. Since they’re intune with nature, I wouldn’t mind a focus item that can call on nature spirits. An ability to track moving mobs wouldn’t hurt either. I’d also like to have them be able to equip shields and opt to wear heavy armor. I’d also like to see them have some low/medium level elementalists magic. Would like to have my Ranger be able to stealthy, go invisible or disguise themselves are bushes, and use daggers. Heck, give me the Thief’s hood while we’re at it! As a Ranger, I should also be able to have a craft ability to “Skin” animals – we can get certain meats from them already.
Just for the fun of it, I’d like to have four Halflings following me around along with a Dwarf, an Elf, and a Wizard!
Agree with OP – I vote we go back to the days were one death resulted in loss of a day’s worth of EXP – in some cases, a level drop – and complete loss of every item/equipment in our inventory. Lets also not forget the X% stat drop penalty as well – which can only be recuperated by entering a rest area or slowlying grinding your way back to normal – and btw, the penalty stacks everytime you die.
I agree that a majority of the elite skills are lack luster – however, seeing has it’s only been a little over a month since the game’s release, I won’t be making a permenant stand until the six month mark.
But a bit of advice to ANet – Elite skills (as they are now) seem to be more of an “Oh kitten!” button rather than a “Your kitten is grass” skill. It needs to be the latter! When I see another player activate their Elite skills, my mind should be going, “This. Ain’t. Good.” Instead, I’m saying that as I’m forced to activate my Elite Skills, in the slim hope that it can distract the enemy long enough for me to slink away to safety.
Different lifestyles.
If you look at videos of large 1st world events from the 1950s to now, you notice that the rate of obese people increases through the decades. I remember viewing my grandparents photo albums and the first thing that came to my mind was how thin everyone was in the 60’s (they had tons of pictures of huge events). Then I watch my parents videos (70’s – early 80’s) and notice people were a bit thicker, but not fat. I go through some of my jr High to High School (90’s) and realize people were starting to get fat in general. As I skim through the first decade of the new century, people were even fatter. And now…well, medically, I’m twenty pounds overweight for my height, but most would consider me chubby – there are people out there who wish they were as ‘thin’ as I am.
I imagine that the lack of additives and preservatives in even their fatiest foods and the fact that ‘people’ have a more active life style in the game plays a HUGE part in their physical appearance.
Definitely would like to see this – I don’t dislike my main toon. However, I would like to tweak my main’s appearance once I reach endgame. Just as I did with all my GW1 main after reaching endgame, I want to make them look older so I feel that they’ve aged and grown during their journey – ie give them longer hair or add some gray to it, dull the colors of their eyes a little, a scar from a random battle, more/less muscle, some facial hair (my mains are all males), a tan or lack thereof…etc…
(edited by Actracts.1389)
A reason why ANet doesn’t ban some of these acct is because some accts are hacked acct – I was a victim when my acct got hacked on multiple occassions during the first few weeks. And I even took the precaution of changing my email, password (several times), and formatting my drive after the first time it happened. I’m happy that ANet just didn’t ban my acct, as I bought the LE. I’m also sure that many of these bots are hacked acct. Some botters might have legitmately bought a copy – and if they’re intelligent, they’d use a program to decipher the algorithm of the serial code and create tens, if not hundreds, of serial codes so they can hop back in with a ‘new acct.’
I know guys who have done this in other MMO (some P2P some F2P) – a few even made a decent living off it for a short time (considering the live primarily in the P.I). It’s not a simple matter of banning accts – as the really adamant botters/hackers typically just don’t have one bot/hacked acct at their disposal. Ban an acct – no big loss, they’ve got another one ready to go!
For Cantha, I’d love to see a Martial Monk class. C’mon, the ‘/dance’ in GW1 for monks was a martial arts form reminiscent of a Shaolin Monk – it was such a tease! Hell, even Mhenlo could be described as a Shaolin Monk inspired concept. I imagine Monks could be a more physical style CC with skills that causes stuns, cripples, knock backs/downs, and stances with various effects – increase toughness, counter chains, evade, confusion..etc…
As for a new race…well, this might be breaking lore a bit, but how about – Robots/Androids? I mean, we already got moving anthropomorphic plants! Whose not to say that somewhere down the line, some Ashura successfully created a group of intelligent Golems/Robots/Androids who, after the death of their creator, continued to thrived on their own!
(edited by Actracts.1389)
I agree with OP. I loved Divinity’s Reach…then I noticed that all the action is in LA.
Maybe if I get a ‘home town’ advantage, I would visit Divinity’s Reach more often. Things like discounts on certain crafting materials, more exp gain in crafting in my home area, better sell rates, maybe even a small bonus stat for for a set time depending on how long I stay or what I accomplished in my area with a max cap (IE +2 for all stat for 15 minutes if I meet X amount of requirement in my home area – sell/buying items, crafting, killing things, completing DEs).
As many mention, I believe the hardest part about grouping is with instant communication. Playstyle is a FAR second, as people can adapt playing to suit the moment – ie, I would never ask a Ranger to rush into a mob and I would never as a Thief to stand back and DPS. Unless you’re directly speaking (same room/phone, skype/group chat) it’s hard to communicate. I type at 90 WPM and even I have difficulties conveying on the fly messages to my group, while fighting off a mob. Often, by the time I type my super condense message (“Lets move” or “Pull back”), the moment of necessity has already passed. Hell, even typing “TY” for being revived is a bit of a pain sometimes.
Neither. I believe the correct term is Ethnocentric – where they believe they’re better then all other races. And, in many ways, they are!
I went with the Priory because I view my Ranger more as an Indiana Jones character. He’s not in it for the protection of the people or for the bigger picture, my Ranger’s an explorer who traverses the wilderness to search the lost knowledge of civilizations long buried by time.
Don’t know about you, but I’m dead serious about wanting a billion dollars everytime I login to play.
I agree with OP. BTW, Anet, I’d like a billion dollars everytime I login to play too!
Because I’m tired of getting mobbed everytime I try to approach an underwater Boss/DE. Not to mention, a good portion of my U. Skills are disabled, most of which I’m accustomed to using in a Boss/Mob situation.
Commoner Ranger who lost his parents – due to that, he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and tends to use his ferocity to break through most problems. On a larger scale, my GW2 character is a direct descendent of my first GW1 character (same name and profession even) that I reached GW1 end game with. I hope to see similar expansions with Cantha and Elona – so I can continue those character’s legacy as well.
The only difficulty I find I have underwater is measuring out the distance – especially if I’m using spear/harpoon. On land, things are limited to front/back or left/right – underwater, there’s up/down, left/right, front/back. It can get a bit disorienting after a while – especially since most underwater areas are filled with more things that want to kill you.
If there was a monthly fee, I’d agree that it should last. However, being as there isn’t a monthly fee, getting over 70+ hours of game content is worth the cash they paid. As for time invested – I’m sorry, I wouldn’t view it as investing time in playing a video game as I would say we’re wasting time playing a video game.
bring people together, it feels to much like a solo console game.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Actracts.1389
Sorry, I’m in agreement with nachtnebel – no force party scenarios. Some of us prefer to solo and let grouping happen organically. That’s what I love about GW2! Groups can be pre-formed or they can just happen as the need to. Some like the concept more than others, however, whenever I needed help there was always someone in a town more than willing to lend me a hand completing a mission or just getting thru an area.
The gun I hold to my head :P