Showing Posts For Aether the Nob.9172:
I play several classes. And how long did you play on the weekend?
I dont really want to make this just about me because its been happening to other players in my division too, but I probably played around 16 hours total on the weekend.
yes. got free win streaked up, and then have no one to play against.
S2 at its finest.
This was in no way a free ride. I kept a roughly 80% win rate all through diamond against esports players like Eurantian and Esportacus, etc.
The simple fix is to match me up with the tier below if there is a shortage of players online in my division. Like I said, the skill level can’t be and isn’t too large
I played 2 hours a day and 1 weekend lol. Prolly around 5 losses total before I got to where I am now.
I’ve played with you clayton, you’re a necro right?
Edit: maybe 3 hours a day
I’m in T6 diamond. Since starting T4, I have had 30 min long queues or more (besides games where the 10 people re-queue at the same time).
The only way for me to reliably get a queue pop is to party with people who are below my division, which makes it easier for matchmaking to find the rest of the 10 players. But that obviously puts me at a disadvantage, because I have to queue with a lower ranked player, who is also not benefiting himself by helping me.
Its pretty clear this is bullkitten. Am I THAT much better than the division lower than me that I cannot be queued with Ruby players if there are not enough diamonds?
Please fix this, I have easily spent 2x my actual playtime in queues this season. Yes, I’ve tried re-queuing, and I’ve tried letting it run. There just aren’t enough players for me to queue with. I honestly have never been this frustrated at Anet, or matchmaking in general, than I am in these 1 hour+ queues.
I really like this build. I’m a pretty low mmr, but in Ranked Solo Ques I pulled a legit 1v2, no kiting bullkitten. Its also really fun in team fights, still need to duck out at times if the pressure is too much, but I guess its like that with every build. I definitely feel more effective overall.
Thing is, though, I changed it, and I think this may be the change you were looking for: swap the ammy to Valk and slap Intelligence symbols on both weapons. IMHO, that is bordering a sexy af setup. I really, really, really like valk and intelli sigils. REALLY like them.
Only thing is that there may be classes like d/d ele and shoutbow warrior that can do the same role better. Idk about that though, this build is just a blast, so thanks
I’ve been trying it in unranked. I like it, its definitely more fun in teamfights than the meta medi, I can tank much more and dont notice too low of a decrease in dmg. 1v1s are not fun though
Vaanss you’re sick dude. Build is NASTY, tried it out in wvw and had a blast.
I took your advice, and was able to come up with an armor combination that I feel combines the barbaric and noble look!
Hi guys, I just got my norn warrior to 80, and am looking for armor/ dyes that will give him a look of nobility. Thanks for the input, and if you have any noble characters, please share them!
This is what he looks like now, and it is a little too barbaric imo
I find it funny how this thread is labeled a discussion, but its more just a “here is my build, and anything you say against it is wrong” thread.
As far as that build calc is concerned, how about you actually look at it and learn to use it. Effective health is nothing more than your health pool along with damage reduction from armor. Healing power is IMPOSSIBLE to calculate into survivablity like that since alot of it is dependant on the actual player. Any gain you get is on your skills which need to be used. Say you dodge roll at full health to avoid an attack, in that case any healing power with selfless daring is not going to anything to effective health, since you didn’t heal at all. So please, give us the formula that shows that you can calculate that before ripping into a pretty nice build calculator.
Also, as red said above, the manual tab is there for a reason, you can pretty much fix everything from it, including wvw and sigil stacks, as well as if there are gear pieces missing you can manually enter them.
But please, show us this amazing calculator you have that adds in condition damage to effective power and healing power into effective health.
Actually, I was showing Brutally that celestial trinkets can compare with, and possibly out-do other trinkets in some cases. I was NOT looking to fight about my build, and,if anything, was looking for advice as to what gear celestial should be replaced with. Sounds like a discussion to me.
Celestial is very much viable/competitive in wvw but only if you use a couple of pieces from the armor. Trinkets are poorly designed since they dont offer as much effective stats as a combo of other trinkets do.
No i dont hate celestials, my only ascended armor (and probabaly the only i ever will get due to just playing wvw) is 100% celestial but i never use my celestial trinkets since i can better my effective stats by combining clerics, berserker, valkyire and pvt to get larger effective healthpool, equal healing and higher dps.
Here, I actually did make a build using non-celestial that has comparative effective stats: 50%prec, 50%crit DMG, 30k ehp, 3000Effective power. Honestly, as you can see, the difference is just about insignificant (I may have used different foods though, sorry I cant remember I’m posting using my phone atm)
CELSTAL TRINKETS:|2.1n.h1.0.0.0|1.1g.h15.0.0.0|1c.bx.1c.bx.1n.bx.1c.bx.1n.7x.1c.7x.|411.|0.5.u46b.u289.5|2e.7|w.16.19.1b.0|e
(edited by Aether the Nob.9172)
I have done numerous of builds trying to find a celestial build that cant be bettered with a mix of gear but budget wise celestials are poorly designed.
Ahhhhhh I understand now. Celestial IS viable, but only when used with a mix of gear. However, when you mix the gear effectively, we always need the most expensive pieces (trinkets) to be celestial for the build to work.
And here I was, thinking that you hated celestial, until I took a hard look at your thread and then back at this post. Sorry for not understanding you correctly.
Just chiming in… I use celestial trinkets for WvW zerg busting, and every time I see someone hating on celestial, I try to re-work the build and nothing comes close to the stats I want, which using celestial provides. I really hope the devs don’t mess it up too bad, because then I’ll have to spend a lot of time and effort making another build that works just as well for me.
In level 76 of the personal story, at “Descend into the ossuary’s lower chambers”, I was at the entrance of the lower chambers when Trahearne flew up into the air and fought from up there. I went ahead and left him, and finding the path too hard to solo, I went back. He died, and I am unable to revive him because he is floating. Here is a screenshot. I cannot continue the story without him being alive because he triggers an event.
I’ve got… 2 gold right now. But I’m always spending, so overall, for the time I put in, I feel that I get a fair amount of gold. That is only because, however, I farm a few times a week for more. Since most of my play time is in WvW, I would prefer to get an increase in gold there, but I’m not holding my breath.
The most I’ve ever had was 30g (not counting the 80 i was mailed to transfer servers).
After playing for 6 months in high intensity wvw raid guilds, I’ve decided that I want to move away from such intense groups and join a huge, active, and friendly PvX guild, with wvw raids here and there. I’m willing to transfer servers (off of blackgate), but would prefer to stay on a pretty active and competitive wvw server. Also, I’m broke xD.
I play a dps/tank guardian build. I also have a level 80 exotic geared thief but don’t play well with him.
Hey guys! New month, new goals.
For October, I plan to craft my new Elementalist to level 80 (by farming gold in frostgorge), work some more on my personal story, and participate in lots of WvW.
Still trying to get some cool skins but that’s been pushed to the side for now.
How are you guys doing?
I was thinking that after every month we could post what we accomplished and what we want to do for next month. We can keep small goals to stay interested, and long term goals (like making a legendary) as something to work for and to look forward to.
Lol don’t advertise your own fail post man.That is uncool.
So what are you going for this month?
What are you up to this month?
I’m going for some cool armor and weapon skins for my asura, and revisit my personal story after a month’s break from it. I want to break some pretty big ground there by the end of the month.
How about you guys?
(edited by Aether the Nob.9172)
I play for teh WvW and to have fun… it also kills a bunch of time
You can PM me in game for more information
[VoV]—Versions of Violence!!! If you can think of a better guild name, come at me, because, well, that’s the best one there is. We— or I guess I— are a completly WvW based guild focused on having a blast with our friends and the rest of the community. That means WvW guild gatherings and just repping almost all of the time in WvW. I don’t give a kitten what you all do in PvE, just WvW a lot and rep a lot and we’re cool.
PS: I’m just starting this right now and I’m not a hardcore player or anything, so if anyone wants to kind of handle this thing I’m all for it. Like I said, this is just a start up, and I’m the only member, busy with leveling alts and WvWing and whatnot.
(edited by Aether the Nob.9172)
So I have recently started an elementalist, and have leveled him (almost entirely through WvW) to level 20. I almost always travel in groups, sometimes big, sometimes small, but always with at least 3 people. I love to play D/D, and mainly use fire attunment for damage and water for healing.
Do any of you know a good D/D build for group roaming like I described? I would really appreciate any and all help I could get.
Can kodiack be the only one that talks on the forums from ALS? You’re embarrassing your guild.
Ohmygosh I’m so embarrassed
Hi guys,
I’m an Anvil Rock player and I just got a Cold Potion from an Orrian Jewelry Box which turns me into a huge Ice Elemental for 5 minutes (I can use it indefinitely). Here is me:
and here is what I turn into:
So if any of you other server people see me in this harmless giant suit by myself, please don’t attack me. Schmooze with me for a bit; I won’t/ can’t bite.
I don’t understand why we can’t just buy single transmutation stones. I only need one, not 5, and would much rather buy the 1 at a slightly higher price than the 40 gems a stone would cost in a pack of five. Lets make a deal: 1 fine transmutation stone for 50 gems
Can we please have an Off Topic section on the forums so people could just hang and chill out for a while? The forums are altogether too serious IMO and need brightening up; the OT section could host lots of fun threads that wouldn’t fit in General Discussion or anywhere else.
Lots of other game Forums have an Off Topic section and I think that this game could really benefit from one too.
This is how I see myself
YES… please put in an amount active or last time online statistic. I could understand no Guild Halls (which would be nice), but please, please let the officers in a guild have access to such a feature. Not only will this help small guilds, it will help large guilds that can’t keep track of it’s players.
Please assure me that I’m not messing up my build. Also, I will equip runes of Scholar (right now I’ve got runes of Lyssa). Should I rebuild the lost crit chance with my accessories or do something else?
I mostly wvw. I run a little CoF, but only speed runs.
I’ve been farming CoF for about a week now, doing 10 min p1 speed runs. It’s very productive: every 10 minutes, i get at least 1 gold. However, I spend quite a while both finding a group, and waiting to enter due to it being contested. Is there a server where CoF is hardly ever contested and there are always many people there?
(Of course, I will be guesting to this server.)
thanks for your responses so far.
@ Aether: the gold farming in Orr is because the end game gear is mainly brought from TP is that correct?
Like I said, I bought my endgame gear through Karma at a temple at Orr. I farm for gold to buy runes and jewels which would fully complete my character.
Well I basically only enjoy WvW. Therefore, I only started to PvE while gold farming in Orr to get better weapons and such. So when I hit level 80 after 120 hours of play time, I was able to buy 4/6 pieces of a full exotic karma armor set. I then started gold farming for good runes, sigils, and weapons. I haven’t finished yet, but I am close to making my character exactly how I planned him.
I have 120 hours of play time, and I never pve, or pvp. I only wvw. And it’s fun. So when I hit 80, I decided to buy exotic karma armor, and, minutes after hitting 80, I was able to buy 4 exotic armor pieces (the parts with the most defense).
So I would like to thank wvw for the ease of collecting the amount of karma I did in the short period of time.
(but now I have to farm gold for sigils and runes and such. Where can I get the gold?—-it seems painfully slow after collecting karma)
I think you mean reviving from being downed. Then you have four skills to either eliminate what downed you or revive back up
In my exp…Guardians. #3 can almost raise you while being attacked itself. Use it then #4 which is the standard heal over time everyone has.
If this is not what you meant…then I/we are in need of more info from you
Yeah that’s what I mean. Reviving from being downed. This is also called “Rally”. So Guardians have the easiest way to rally?
I repeat: if you get stuck in a 1v_ and HAPPEN TO GO DOWN, is there a certain build set that gets you up most effectively?
If you press V while alive, it makes it easier to resurrect yourself.
Since you don’t go down, hah…
… I beg to differ. In a 1v_, there always stands a chance of your player going down. In these frequent situations, dodge might not help. Therefore it would be beneficial to have a build that could get up fast when killed.
Is there a certain trait set up in any profession that makes rallying yourself when downed extremely easy? If you have one, pleas post the build.
(edited by Aether the Nob.9172)
Just to clarify, by saying both have good survivability, I meant the possibility to escape tricky situations with d/d using heartseaker away from the enemy. This, combined with stealth, allows me to escape many situations. However, due to all of your comments, I think I will (for now) be rolling with d/d because of the immense single target damage. If I hit level 80 (60 ATM) and decide differently due to the sword hitting 3 targets at once, I will try that out. Thanks a lot everyone, this has really helped me
I have found/tweaked a S/D build, and have used it with great success in wvw and spvp. Then, I realized that D/D might be more fun. So I used the same build, (it works very, very well) and I do enjoy the D/D play style more than the S/D. But I have questions: Do both sets yield similar damage #‘s? Actually, that’s my only question. They have the same amount of survivability, so for me the only deciding factor is enjoyment, (although I do enjoy D/D more, S/D is lots of fun) and damage.
Here’s the build:;ToAg0Cno4ywlgLLXOukctsYgA
Hit my 100th hour a few days ago!!! Going for 150 now.
Guys get your wvw groups to do naked parts TOO
This video is proof that:
passive defenses are virtually pointless in this game…
You serious man? The whole thing was for fun. We weren’t proving a point (other than that Anvil Rock is awesome). It was for F-U-N. Look it up sometime :p
This video is proof that:
Naked Zergs rule.
Anvil Rock rules.
Anvil Rock is a boss server.
Everyone should join Anvil Rock.
Every other sever should post their naked zerg vids too!!!!! (But they won’t be as cool as Anvil Rock naked zergs.)
Just try and disagree with everything I just posted
I really think this is a valid idea
Preach. I love this thread, and the video makes me reminisce about how fun the game can be. Then I remember that all I seem to run across is groups of 20, or focus fire puts insane pressure on instantly, or I finally find a good small-scale fight, and it’s all D/D ele, P/D thief, or guardian. Sometimes it’s all three in the same small group.
Kudos to the OP for having fun with the game, and making this post. These forums could use more wholesome fun. I just wish I could still find that sort of entertainment despite the annoyances I have with the game.
Zees ess why zee forums need an Off Topic section. Moar foon
I’ve done some more research:
Lower Crit Chance, More Health:;TgAA2CnoqxUjoGbNuak1A
Glass Cannon (I personally Think This is Better):;T0Ag0CnoqxUjoGbNuak1s4YQwRknIzRA
I think the first build is better for almost anything except maybe 1v1.
So now I’m having trouble deciding between these two builds. Thanks.
I guess my decision hinders on this: Does the amount of added critical damage and overall attack power make up for better shield skills and more health??? (for a WvW solo roamer)