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Unique Ascended Trinkets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

Trinkets from raid weren’t unique from the begining.

Update – March 08, 2016
“Accessories awarded from Gorseval are no longer unique.”
So, not all of them were, and it probably wasn’t ever intentional, but some of the raid trinkets definitely were for a time.

I’m curious if the blood ones are intentionally unique and they’ll offer us more trinkets in the next living story release. I would consider that acceptable. This is our first LS3 release so I’m not sure what their plans are.

July 26th Guardian Skill Balance:

in Guardian

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

Has anything changed regarding usefullness in 81+ fractals?

It is much worse for fractals with boon stealing because it now has more symbol skills and they’re all light fields. I really wish some were fire or something.

Mushroom is blocking at Vale Guardian

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

I’ve tested an assortment of speed boost mushrooms. I’m fairly sure that you can get obstructed if you and your target are lined up just right. I think the obstructing spot is near the middle of it, though it might be slightly off center (it seems to include the center). You can usually see over it on angular terrain when you have the high ground. I also found it much easier for me to be obstructed using Thief’s pistols than with shortbow.

Some angles vs. the mushroom seem to be easier to get obstructed than others. I lured a tiger around various angles and could hit it fairly consistently at one angle, then I lured it 90 degrees to the right and was getting obstructed fairly consistently.

Most of the speed boost mushrooms, I had to go out of my way to get obstructed. However, some of them were a lot easier than others just given the flatness of the terrain, along with potential competing obstructions (eg. tall grass, not sure if that can obstruct, I could walk through it), as well as the relative locations of available enemies for me to lure.

I didn’t test it in the raid since I wouldn’t have been able to reach VG solo. Those mushrooms would be really great for testing since there wouldn’t be any other terrain that might invalidate the test.

I’m fairly sure that this issue is real, though I guess it is possible that my imperfect testing conditions may have yielded some false positives.

New Ascended Insignia recipe feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

The patch notes were very confusing about the changes to Insignia, “masterwork, rare, and exotic inscriptions.” It meant Insignia, but that’s besides the point. It didn’t mention Ascended at all, which was strange, but Ascended did change.

Before, it used 3 Bolts of Damask and no Elonian Leather. Now, it needs 3 Bolts of Damask and 3 Elonian Leather. I cannot condone this.

- Leather was already increasing in price between the Legendary Mastery and the party comps seen in Raid success videos (lots of Engi, often with a Druid thrown in too).
- More tier 5 leather is required to refine it as of this patch. That was already going to increase Ascended leather costs too.
- This is contradictory to the build notes talking about reduction. “To account for the added leather cost, the amount of cloth required to make an insignia is reduced.” No such reduction occurred for Ascended.
- With multiple effective cost increases, this is hurtful to players who were already having trouble paying for Ascended gear.

How about you make the Insignia require 2 Damask Patches instead of 3? Then, it would only need 2 Bolts of Damask and 2 Elonian Leather Squares, which is much more reasonable. The cost would at least be closer to what it was before.

Please don’t leave it this expensive.

[BWE3] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

Herald’s Facet of Nature passive effect is so good that basically any PvE party should always have one around with as close to 100% up-time as possible. Among other things, it maximizes the Chrono’s quickness to a new level. 1 Herald + 1 Chrono + 1 Guard, you can get nearly a minute of contiguous quickness without any other boon extensions. Not sure if that’s intentional.

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

Fire Wyvern F2 skill, it should fly up to your target before using the attack, unless you have no target. I saw it created behind me several times, which is generally not useful. Also not sure why the combo field starts after the Wyvern finishes spreading the fire. It takes so long to do this attack that it may not be useful to be there when it finishes. It would be better if it were one of those growing combo fields instead.

It is difficult to build Celestial Force without using the Staff, while Staff builds it absurdly fast. Staff builds gauge very fast even if you have no target.

Overall, I’m not sure what to do as a Druid. I don’t really want to heal all the time, but I can’t build the gauge without the staff. Playing it as-is requires very careful management of the gauge, and you need to make sure you use the right version of the glyph skills for the situation. It feels overall the most difficult to manage of any character, though if the gauge were more consistent then I don’t think it would be as troublesome.

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

The Gyros feel too low on HP. They’re also too slow.

The hammer feels close to right overall, maybe a little more damage would be nice. I know several people that want the #3 skill to be cancel-capable. I know a guy who even pulled out a flamethrower and kept leaping, and flew off of a cliff.

I didn’t try all of the traits, but at least a lot of the concepts seem useful, and most of the numbers seem reasonable.

[Suggestion] Spend tokens through the wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

Wouldn’t it be convenient if you opened the wallet, clicked a token, and then a menu was opened that let you spend the tokens? No more telling people where to find the vendor, no more WP + walking over to them every single time.

[Feedback] on Revenant Beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

Unrelenting Assault’s camera is awkward, both during it and the really slow zoom to your character at the end. I can kind of understand in the middle, but the end must zoom faster, or just snap like with a normal Shadowstep.

The animation of the 6-0 skills when you swap Legends should be faster. I want to use Embrace the Darkness almost immediately upon swapping and just mash it and hope I cast it without cancelling it. That’s more awkward than it needs to be.

[Suggestion] Energy Management Traits

in Revenant

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

The current Revenant has trouble using its skills because it doesn’t generate enough Energy. In GW1, we had many different ways of recovering Energy or using skills that didn’t use any, not just the auto-attack. I suggest adding and/or changing traits to help.

Perhaps the Venom Enchantment could be modified, for example, to give you a buff with 1 pip of Energy Regeneration when you poison something. It could not stack intensity; probably give some odd seconds of it with a cooldown, or stack duration.

Maybe have a trait to gain 5 Energy on dodge. Maybe on Retribution somewhere.

You need more than that; I’m just throwing out some ideas. Maybe 1 in each specialization. They should be small effects individually, but enough to add up when you use multiple.

Also, anyone else have ideas on this subject?

Request: Rainbow Dye for Marriage Equality!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

The game engine only supports up to 3 colors per dye. Some armor has gradient blends of them, thus making them appear to have more colors. The devs might be able to make a dye with red, yellow, and blue but it would not appear rainbow-like on most gear. Also, different gear uses the colors differently; some use the secondary colors for undertones while others use gradient blends, and I’m pretty sure some gear doesn’t even use all 3 colors.

It would be much easier for ANet to add a gem store back piece or something like that. Maybe reskin the guild flag back or, as someone else suggested, rainbow wings.

New trait system Good or bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

I can’t say that I appreciated some of the new restrictions they put in place. That said, I’ve been able to make some builds that I like on most of my characters (not that I really felt like I found anything right on the other one before, so w/e for that one). In fact, most of my characters are overall better than before. Also, not tying attributes to the traits has allowed me to use a lot of trait combinations that I couldn’t use before because my attributes were thrown too far off, especially with my Mesmer.

However, if it had been up to me, I wouldn’t have changed the gear stats or base stats. I would have added a new menu for “stat tilt” that let you distribute some points for stats, adding up to the same total that the traits gave before.

The UI is a little awkward but I really appreciate the color coding, both on the build menu and on the list of effects on your character. I think I would have made the colors more different though if I’d done it (Ele is fine, but Mesmer is all purples or pinks, for example).

Overall, I’m more happy with it than not.

New virtue of resolve is a NERF for support

in Guardian

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

…1200 range 3 condi clear insta heal…

The 3 condi removal is via the Absolute Resolution trait in Virtues, which you can still take even if you go DH (though it might be awkward taking both specializations in one build). I’m actually curious how that effect would work with DH.

Tome Change ideas

in Guardian

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

I like the proposed changes. The tomes were inconsistent with other Guardian skills, while the new skills integrate perfectly. Guard also didn’t have any elite Signet or Shout already. It sounds like Signet of Courage’s activated effects could use further balancing, maybe let you move but not use other skills, like with Renewed Focus.

Bringing tomes back as kits for an Elite Spec, as many people have suggested, seems the most reasonable way to do it. The swap-on-demand nature of kits I believe would make them much easier to use, and is also more natural to pulling out a book.

I noticed a lot of people didn’t even know that Guard has AoE Quickness via Tome of Wrath currently. I guess that says a lot about how little the tomes are used now.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

I like the concept of new skills [and traits]. The newest batch of healing skills helped fill in gaps in certain builds, even if they could probably use some balancing. I always felt that my Mesmer just wasn’t all that it could be, but I really like how it works now. Similarly, adding a new Venom heal for Thief adds something to that type of build (though I’m staying on a crit build).

However, something was lost between the Antitoxin Spray and the new heals: multiple methods of learning them. While 25 skill points isn’t much of an effort for a consistent player, the alternate cost for the Antitoxin Spray seemed a bit high. I’d rather not pay 25 skill points per month on all of my characters just on skills (Ascended crafting, material upgrades, etc. also using them). I actually don’t mind using event tokens, but the cost was a bit high on the last attempt. Also, I would advise not increasing costs for new skills over time because that would increase the difficulty for newer players to catch up.

I would also suggest having a new notification of the availability of new skills or traits because I’ve talked with some casual players who had no idea what was in the 12/10 patch, and that was 5 days after it was released.

This may sound crazy, but you might want to give out the new traits for free. We’ve never had to pay much for the existing traits. It would also be friendly to the casuals.

Guild notice, send to all including non-rep

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

My guild would benefit from being able to sent a message, similar to normal chat messages, to all members of the guild, even if they are not representing. It should display the guild tag, presumably in its bracketed glory, to be clear that it is a guild notice, rather than the name of the sender. Maybe list in guild history who did it though.

I originally conceived of having a 5-minute cooldown on that so that you don’t overly annoy people with it. However, there should probably be 2 with a 5-minute cooldown so that you can, for example, ask for more people to go on a dungeon run, then notify when you are full.

I also thought maybe it should have a sound when you send it out, perhaps a gong or old-style school bell sound. I imagine if you do get 2 with separate cooldowns, only 1 would make the sound (not just to minimize annoyance of those who don’t care, but also because the follow-up should generally bear less weight than the initial notice).

A once-per-day (or every few days, something like that) all guild mail also wouldn’t hurt either.

This would be helpful for scrounging up trusted people who don’t rep all the time. It would simplify staffing dungeon parties and guild missions. It could also be used to give part-time repping members some idea of what goes on in a guild, and when.

Mind Spike Tooltip typo

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

The Description for Mind Spike says “stab your foes and remove a boon off of them.” However, the icon and text next to it says Conditions Removed: 1. I hope it doesn’t remove a condition from a foe but honestly I haven’t tested it. Either way, part of the tooltip is wrong.