So I just completed the heart by Smooshatron PoI, went to the vendor to get my Petrified Wood but he wasn’t selling it, like the previous days.
Is this a bug or has it been updated?
So I get this attached error when I start up Guild Wars.
It doesn’t actually affect gameplay as I can just drag it to the bottom, but if I click Ok the client closes.
If it makes any difference, my Laptop updated it’s version of windows last night, but when I got on this morning, all was fine.
Any ideas?
1. Why are they not on the daily chest, and 2. are there any plans to put them in there?
Skyhammer used to be a fun, unique map, now it is just a boring, bland hack-and-slash-athon on point like every other map out there. Change back please
Can we please sort out the aftercast delay delay on Push by the time of the next SAB festival? It’s absolutely rediculous
Like do you even have testers?
Just one of the many infuriating progress blocking bugs in SAB, maybe sort all these out for the next festival.
As well as this block getting stuck in the ice wall and not being able to push it any more, there are so many bugs.
Checkpoint in 2-2 after the first squid, shooting you into the ground
Getting stuck inside pushable blocks in the Pagoda in 2-2
Getting stuck underneath chest lids after you’ve opened them, from behind
etc. etc.
Unfortunately you will get infracted for naming players on the forum.
Sorry this happenned to you.
I’m willing to take the infraction if it allows other people to see who these people are
If people dont move from base area
Just had 2 people rage because “theives suck” so we were 3v5 all match and obviously lost.
How is that fair? There’s not even a report option for it, to add insult to injury
Besides the ones you get for completing World 1&2 achievements I think it would be awesome if you got a title for completing the weapon collections, for example you could have:
Super Adventurer for getting all blue skins
The King Toad for getting all green skins
The Storm Wizard for getting all the skins
If there’s anything in this game people love more than SAB it’s fancy titles
restarted client and it solved the issue
I’ve been using the 32 bit client all along, and I’ve not noticed that.
I assume your OS isn’t set to use Chinese, which would be the obvious explanation. Have you ever downloaded the Chinese client?
nope OS is set to English, and never downloaded Chinese client
I’ve seen this ‘bug’ posted off and on over the years…way before there were 2 different clients.
I’m afraid I don’t remember the solution to the issue, if there was a solution. I’m sure a Google search would turn up previous threads/posts on it, if you are so inclined to search.
Good luck.
So I recently switched back to the 32bit Client, and I just noticed that when viewing the gw2 client from the task bar, and I noticed that the title of the window is in Chinese or something… anyone else had that?
“If you own the expansion, you’ll be able to simply log in to the game to gain free access to upcoming Living World releases!”
I wouldn’t be surprised if they went back on that and tied it behind a BLTP outfit/glider skin, and ofc this would be at least 3000 gems because you’re getting more than just a glider/outfit
Anet found out the scorned where having fun in hotjoin so they took it away :P
wouldn’t be surprised, they borked WvW as well, no1 can enter
Check your filters.
never have any set (as you can see from the side), and it’s not just me, other people in the lobby have the same issue
This is a really great analysis. I appreciate all the work you put into this. We recognize the problems that the season 2 matchmaking is causing and are looking into solutions that will provide a good experience and satisfy our goals for the league system.
abolish mmr and just match people randomly within division? Can’t be worse than it is now
It is clearly a botched system that is not working. Just match people based on their division, or heck even tier within the division.
I’m fed up of my matches being comparable to Manchester City vs Lobotomy United (or for you Americans, Miami Dolphins vs Lobotomy Lice) they aren’t fun, regardless of what side I’m on. I imagine its not fun for the people who always get stuck on the losing teams as well. It’s just going to put people off of competing in PvP in future, this killing the eSports dream even more
So I finally completed Astralaria last night, with minimal use of the TP, and I’d just like to congratulate ANet on the whole legendary journey. I feel a much greater sense of accomplishment, having built up the precursor from the rubbish looking The Device, all the way to this intricately engraved axe, compared to having crafted TFP and Sunrise previously.
All that being said, please provide more info on the next upcoming legendaries, surely you must know which ones are being released next. The last 3 months of creating Astralaria have been some of the best I’ve spent, gathering all the materials, visiting remote locations etc etc.
I’d love to join, I’m pretty new to PvP though, but I’m willing to learn. I’m fed up of brute forcing my way through the tiers in SoloQ, and would like some people to play with.
Also, please no Hurr Durr….get team pve scrub hurr durr
Personally I don’t think MMR is the sole reason for massive losing streaks, in SoloQ. I think it’s partly down to team comp as well. Obviously if you queue as a team you can select the perfect comp, to get the most balanced play. However in SoloQ, you are at the mercy of chance, and could be partied against a team that had the perfect comp while you have 4 warriors + 1 DH. You will obviously lose that March up. Something should be done to limit the number of a certain profession or team in SoloQ.
Obviously MME does have something to do with losing streaks, but these two are tightly linked, I.e. get rubbish comp -> lose match -> MMR drops -> etc.
Try to balance PvP, PvE and GvG altogether.
It’s only available for this year…..
Why make it limited? For people who have to work long hours, who have families etc this makes it incredibly difficult to get.
This is the only legendary in the game that’s time limited. It’s seems the total opposite direction to where the HoT legendary quest was going. But hey this is ArenaNet and their passion for eSports….
Now people are getting PvP legendary backpack
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Akachi.1352
When are we getting Ad-Infinitum?
Time to stop ignoring the rest of the player base that doesn’t enjoy PvP
You realize you can actually craft the Orbs yourself using artificer, right? You realize you can craft the whole gemstone without relying on any RNG, right? RIGHT????
It literally takes 4 seconds to google something before posting
4 freaking seconds. Was it hard to do?
Well thank you for your oh so useful contribution, but it still takes RNG to get the base gems, to promote into orbs, and I’m not sure how many people have 1440192 T1 gems to promote to the required 2250 orbs…. If I wanted a toxic post, I would have posted in the PvP sub forum, so in future, use a little tact when replying to someone
Can we get a dev response on the above? With only 3 HoT legendaries the rate of use of these, and orbs, doubloons and crests, far outstrips the rate at which they are coming into the economy. Just imagine what it’ll be like when the new legendary sword or greatsword comes out. Right now I feel l, and I’m not alone, that 750-800g for one part, of one part of a legendary is just about right. By no means am I saying legendaries should be cheap or easy to get, just some of the items to craft them need some more reliable methods of coming into the economy
The best idea I saw on reddit was to introduce a vendor who sells a new item called sub-par amalgamated gemstone for 1.5g. These would function similarly to the current gemstones, but you need twice as many.
What are your thoughts/ideas?
Also, please devs respond….i have cookies and stroopwafles
So people can’t exploit to get their dailies, good riddance.
Because no 1 on this forum ever used the glory farm “exploit”…… It’s not exploiting, it’s taking an easy route to complete a daily. It’s the equivalent of mining one rich node instead of 4 regular nodes for daily miner… Same thing, just quicker and less hassle
Heck, they could up it from having to play one game to 3 and I wouldn’t mind, as long as you could get it in custom arenas
Are you really complaining about having to PvP to do the PvP dailies? There are WvW, PvP, and PvE dailies from you to chose from. That’s where “play how you want” comes from. This would be like PvE players complaining that they wanted to get their achievements from only killing Skritt.
If you’re curious though, they removed the achievements that were only attainable in Conquest so the daily rotation was completeable in Stronghold. You know, so Stronghold players could get their achievements done too. AKA: “Play how you want”.
I still play PvP, just not ranked our unranked. I agree they should have got rid of capture related dailies for stronghold, but they should have included custom arenas. Excluding is like this, is like saying you can only get Ascalonian miner daily in Fireheart Rise, or daily tower capturer only in EB.
PvE players could get their dailies from killing Skritt, before daily killer was removed…
Simply put this should be completable in custom arenas.
I dont enjoy the toxic kitten-pool that is the pvp community at all, so me and a group of friends have our own custom arena, when we can play pvp, but not deal with the epic amounts of salt and bullkitten that comes from the pvp community.
Why should we be forced to do unranked or ranked, just to complete this daily. None of us have any interest in doing the pvp league, we just want to go up against each other in our own arena, and not be discriminated against.
I suppose this is ArenaNet though, who go by the logic “Play anyway you want….as long as it’s the same as our way”
Bugged again, last thing I need for collection, serious progress blocker. Have a toon permanently waiting there, hoping to get a clean instance and for it to not be bugged
Is this event bugged? Captain Cork is not spawning for me. Has he spawned for any1 else recently?
Title says it all.
When I equip the Paws of Koda and then Protector’s Footgear (Human T3) the main dye slot carries over from the former to the latter.
e.g. Main dye slot on PoK is gold, PF should be dust.
Equip PoK, all is fine.
Equip PF, main dye is now the gold colour…
Only piece of armour where this happens, all others keep their unique dyes schemes.
Anyone else have this issue?
I’d like an invite. I main Herald, and before that it was Guardian. Can play any profession, but may need more training on some, more than others
good, not just me. Taking ages to load anything.
Uete, my account info reset as well
yes, that’s the one.
Thanks, so basically you can get Magnification Lens and Ancient Planetarium Side at the same time?
How is it possible to get this when Arah is virtually always under Pact control?
Is there a particular stream I have to glide through to get this item?
Title says it all
Due to work and real life commitments I only have time to commit to raids on a Sunday, but by that time all the guilds I’m a member of have run out already and reached the shard cap. As a result I’ve only got just through the place where you have to run down the alley destroying the spirit walls.
Are there any guilds out there that would be willing to take me under their wing and run the raid with me?
I main Rev but have at least 1 of every other class so I can be very versatile, give our take a bit of training.
Recently I’ve noticed that my GW2 client is starting to use up masses amount of CPU. A few other guildies are experiencing the same as well. We are all using the 64 bit client. Anyone have any ideas why?
Does any1 else get continual DC’s during the Buried Insight mission? It’s only in that mission I get it, all other parts of the game run fine without dc’ing
Update: got out with lightning flash…..eventually
After popping the blisters in The Jungle Provides it is really easy to get stuck in the remains of the pods, just by standing next to them.