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Your party should be able to revive you faster then a single mob will kill you. The big problem in PUG groups is people don’t work together. They also don’t use group buffs appropriately. Sorry but this ain’t WoW – if your group is bad you should die even if you do everything right. One person can not carry the entire group.
On a more serious note… the dodge button is key. You are not supposed to be able to sit there and take hits.
Secondly its expected to go down. Make sure your party works together to get downed folks up fast. As a Guardian I specialize in making sure people stay alive.
Someone goes down I run over and use my “Retreat” shout that gives me and my ally aegis. Typically bosses don’t chain moves and regular mobs aren’t THAT scary. I start reviving and boom he’s up with a fresh aegis due to one of my traits. Fight keeps on going.
If for some reason one aegis isn’t enough I pop my F3 to burn my 40 sec passive aegis to give me and my allies another one. Again someone goes down bam they get back up and are fighting again.
And that’s just me. Other people also help with the revive and folks are up in seconds.
What dungeon are you having problem on?
Oooh home instances would be fantastic. I’d love to make a really massive home – make you build it from scratch though. Depending on the wood you use it looks very different.
Only thing I agree with is that the final boss fights should be tougher in comparison to the rest of the dungeon. A lot of times a certain “trash” set of mobs are harder to overcome. I don’t mind challenges throughout the dungeon but the last fight should be the hardest.
I love hard dungeons but sometimes certain fights are annoying once they get past the dangerous point.
For example in AC Explorer you get a fight with Gravelings. One of them is a howler Gold level mob. We ignore it until we kill the other mobs. The fight is difficult at times depending how experienced your group is. However once everything is dead except the howler… the fight ceases to be any challenge. However we still have to wail on the stupid thing for 2-3 minutes.
My solution? Make the howler do MORE damage – making the fight scarier in the beginning – but lower its HP making the boring “mop up” phase go by quicker.
This is just one example and I could go into a ton more but that’s really the only balance change I think is needed in dungeons right now.
Cool – I hope they keep increasing the difficulty. If I can pay half attention and complete a dungeon in explorer mode its not really worth it to run.
Have never failed to complete a story mode dungeon with pick up groups.
This is not a typical MMO. You can not sit there standing still feeling all god like and powerful while everything dies around you. If this is the experience you are looking for – you will never find it in this game.
You must dodge. You most think critically.
Take for example the lovers fight. Oh look there are boulders everywhere. Oh look you are warned that you need to keep them apart. Oh look… I’m the only one in most groups to bother with trying to separate them. The fight is EZ peazy once you do that.
Story mode is EZ mode. None of my groups have ever failed to do story mode. And I’m not an elite gamer by any stretch of the imagination – we do fail explorer mode quite a bit. Story mode is not hard at all. Maybe its for the 80% and the bottom 20% who don’t play video games often or don’t know the mechanics can’t do story mode but to say its 1% or 2% is just flat out wrong.
I would love to be able to inspect! If someone doesn’t want their gear viewed have an option to turn it off but have the default be on.
Man I’d love for them to actually create a “Guild War” fight. A full guild max cap at 40 put into a smaller 1v1 version of WvW for 8 hours. If someone has to leave then a guildie who is queuing can join in. That would be sick as heck!
Slyvari Guardian, died a couple of times but so far (up through 60s) its been fairly easy. Granted I’m a guardian…
I’ve enjoyed my personal story a TON.
High level zones probably empty because not everyone is 80 yet…
Also the downed mechanic is sweet. Total change up.
I play a healer in this game. Yup I do. I’m a guardian. When someone go to dying I am on them in a flash. I pop an aegis of one sort or another to protect us and bring em up. The healing over time/big heals as HP goes down is not the way the game uses healers. You just have to rethink how it works.
On my server I find it hard to find ANY dungeon group.
This is the only thing you can pretty much do end game and we can’t even do that.
Waited 5 years so I want to stick at it but every time I log in, spam for a dungeon group for ages then get bored and log out.
Join a guild that likes doing PvE content?
To the OP… guess what Guild Wars 2 is not Guild Wars. Its different.
Are you grouping with friends are random people? This is important because when the boss goes into a kill mode is your friendly guardian granting Aegis? Is your group rezzing you ASAP when you drop? Are you actually dodging? Yes you said “you can’t dodge everything” but you don’t have to. Regular boss attacks don’t typically one hit kill you. Its their specials.
“Second is that 5 man dungeons are not exciting just because they are too small.”
Heh – I bet he didn’t finish explorable. ;0
I agree 100%. Doing a dungeon 50 times is OK… but then having to do it another 50 times if I want the armor on an alt… um yeah now we are going to have issues.
Done AC, CM and TA story modes… never failed to complete it. And these were all with PUG s.
I’d love for them to add a 4th path on explorable… a skull and crossbones DEATH DEATH DEATH dungeon. Something that 80% of the people will never be successful at doing.
For who you ask?
I’ll tell you. Not for you. This not WoW. You are NOT guaranteed to succeed in every aspect of the content. If you can’t complete a dungeon, then it’s either you are not good enough or this type of content is not for you and you should find other activity in the game that suits you.
Dungeons are designed in the way not everybody can finish them – this you should accept. Whether they change it or not it’s up to them.
Personally I think dungeons, especially explorer mode are.. too easy.
I’ll tell you who dungeons aren’t for: they aren’t for people who want to play with a certain trait/weapon setup. I’m sure I could sleepwalk and auto-strafe my way through dungeons using a bow or a rifle, but frankly I find that type of gameplay snooze-worthy. GW2’s combat system is not competitive with a polished FPS, which is what I’d play if I wanted to concede that ranged is hands-down superior to melee in every way.
Melee Damage is not a viable role. I’m not interested in playing a game where a significant chunk of the “skill” involved is back-loaded onto simply picking the “right” spec. If that “right” spec were different for every boss fight and trash pack, then maybe it’d be justifiable. However, it’s not. It’s not even close to that. It’s “ranged unless there’s a very specific anti-ranged gimmick.” It’s “support/control are infinitely superior to damage.” It’s “if you want to play melee, spec full tank or prepare for a gibfest.”
Ultimately, GW2’s combat system didn’t solve a central issue of MMORPG’s and ARPG’s, which is that dealing melee damage is tons of fun, but isn’t complex or engaging enough to actually require any skill.
With the way dungeons are set up right now, I personally don’t think players should be able to spec out of support/control, ever. It’s clearly not intended for them to do so, so why dangle the carrot of glass cannon builds, which a huge chunk of the playerbase finds so much fun?
Why would someone ever not go glass cannon if there wasn’t much of a chance of dying? If you ROCK and know the dungeon, know how to dodge and have allies that give you buffs – a glass cannon build can help clear the dungeon faster.
What you are wanting is the ability to play the way you want to play despite not having the skill to do it. And since you dislike this you want to ruin other people’s enjoyment of the content. There are literary dozens of other MMOs you can “DPS HURRR HURR” through to your hearts content. Go play those.
Explorable modes are supposed to be a challenge for experienced groups, and too hard to beat for pugs.
I’ve yet to come across an explorable mode that we didn’t beat THE FIRST TRY. So they fail to live up to the “intended” difficulty standard. On subsequent runs I almost always clear dungeons without a single wipe, this means they’re not really challenging at all.
I feel that GW2 is a tad too easy in general. DE’s, hearts, the personal story AND dungeons all suffer from this.
I have had struggles in CM on that Asura-branch and we were close to giving up when we faced this huge group we bypassed later.
But in overall the game feels a little bit too easy for my taste. But it at least feels challenging when playing explorable’s with PUG’s so I’m fine for now.
Too easy… compared to what? I’ve played WoW and this is like a sparkling breath of fresh air.
Of course if you have a group that plays together often and puts a strategy together that works – ultimately you should be doing fine if you are well oiled machine. Then the challenge comes from PvP
LFG would be great. And feeling powerful by running low level dungeons? Lame. The whole down level thing is genius.
Leader boards would be cool. I’d like to see specific armor gear for COMPLETE dungeon completion. (Every single dungeon and possible explorer routes).
I agree! GREAT JOB! So sick of easy mode WoW dungeons. These were down very well.
AC story and AC explorable is fine. I’d say the same thing about the other dungeons but I haven’t done them yet. People just need to realize just because you have 5 people and you zone in doesn’t mean you should auto win. This ain’t WoW.
Not a fan of raids… but who cares if they add them? Some of you sound like its a make or break that just having a raid in the game will crush your souls. Get real.
The other thing that rings true is how toughness works. Bosses do a crap ton of damage which means a lot of toughness may prevent a one shot but it will still wreck your world. Unlike other MMOs its not % based. Very interesting stuff. Are you going to post a website or create a wiki for it Hansuki?
If you make profit selling it makes it harder for the buyer to afford the gear… Anything that benefits the sellers will hurt the buyers. And vice versa. It sounds like a lot of people are upset that they can’t sell things for higher profit margins.
Hansuki – Thank you! That is some awesome info there. Do you know if all skills are 1:1 in terms of damage based on power? This makes AOE amazing and will have me rethink how I build my guardian.
I think they could use some better awards… but please keep them hard. I want a challenge.
I don’t know… I’m of two minds. I like hard dungeons but on the other hand when my group was just incapable of doing it well it made me feel like a flipping hero standing their dodging and tanking the boss while everyone else ran back. Without the option I’d have never felt like such a bad a**.
If anything… MAKE EXPLORER HARDER! I’d be ok if they toned down story mode (ez mode) if they thrashed the loot to get less.
Also I’d like a completion portions for dungeons. With special cosmetic gear for completing all the dungeons and explorer path options.
PvP ranked mode. (By Proffesion)
Oh here’s another fun idea… FFA TOURNAMENTS.
Haven’t done MC yet but I’ve done AC explorable and every time its like “OMG THIS IS TOO HARD” and the groups that stick with it and learn the encounters finish it.
I could change my mind when I get higher but frankly… in a world of MMOs with easy dungeons I’d love for them to keep these difficult.
The extra account BS should be reported and they should ban like no one’s business. If someone hasn’t fought in 10 minutes they should be auto-kicked.
Just finished Howling King – oooh man we wiped a bunch of times. Good times though – we ended up defeating it and the final boss we didn’t wipe on.
Thank you for making an actual challenging PvE content!
Be glad that you’ve probably played this game for about 200 hours now. That’s 200 hours, less than a buck an hour for entertainment!
I hope they introduce a ranking system too. And I blow at PvP right now… its the right thing to do since it will help tell if people are good or not. Its not about the rank being a carrot its about being able to compare yourself to others.
Sorry but thieves are OP, elementalists are UP, everything else is fine.
Everyone gives this bullkitten about “oh the game is completely balanced because anet says so” but no, its not. Just look at the amount of people complaining. People of that amount dont complain over nothing…
People do complain about nothing… all the time.
However I will say the idea that the game is perfectly balanced is absurd. There will be balance changes in the future – that being said if you’re utterly failing right now regardless of class the problem is you.
If what you are doing is fun does it matter what reward you get? I think some people are way too goal focused in their games because they don’t have a goal in an actual career IRL. This doesn’t apply to everyone obviously but I get that nagging feeling that we as humans NEED goals and if you aren’t currently working MMOs fill that need. (Only you don’t get paid!)
Dear Alex,
This is what we call rep building. It may take a little while, but the rep is long lasting.
As long as we don’t end up with cross server bs features, once someone proves themselves either in the good or the bad, people will remember you. And if it is bad, they will either work to get in good graces with the server community, or they will have to pay real life money to transfer.
It really does make one think twice in how they behave, when they have to actually take responsiblity of their actions. They have to face the same people day after day.
You make a great point about no cross server stuff. Just frustrating… its explorer mode… expect to wipe at least once! Oh well their rep is something they gotta live with.
Ugh needs a report function or blacklist option.
Sounds like other people are in the same boat as I am… I’m sure someone has started working on this.
Please do NOT nerf dungeons. Nothing is more fun then spending 3 hours working together to try to defeat an extremely hard encounter. If people want easy stuff just do the open world PvE quests (they are fun but really easy).
Make the dungeons as tough as you want under no circumstances weaken them in the slightest!!
Why bother?
There is nothing worth looting anyways.
Badges? Stuff to salvage? Good stuff.
Picking talents and abilities is sometimes difficult because the tool tip doesn’t show exactly what the power does. For example their is a guardian ability that heals upon aegis removal.
OK great I have no idea how much of a heal that is. I’m assuming its going to be based on something like level and +healing power. But… how would I go about figuring that out?
Has anyone created or is starting to work on a wiki that goes into the equations behind the powers?