Showing Posts For Alphard.6529:

[BUG?] Gorseval's spectral prison in mid air

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Apparently it’s possible for Gorseval to drop the spectral prison circle under you while you’re in the air, gliding back towards the platform. Not sure if this is intended or a bug.

Video (spoiler alert, video shows full Gorseval fight)

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Doesnt that prove the rewards were useless? The fact that you had 70+ pieces of ascended in your bank with nothing to do with them.

In any case after stat swap was added, fractals had very good rewards (the best they’ve ever had). Also newer players get quite a lot out of fractals (free rings, free back, free 20 slot boxes).

[KING] Alpha Cas

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Nah they werent. Fractals have never been rewarding enough.

Yes they were. Fractals have been rewarding enough.

No they weren’t.

The 50+ ascended armor and 20+ ascended weapon boxes in my bank would like to disagree.

Edit: Also the hundreds of gold from selling fractal 50/40.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

New squads and boon sharing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


possibly. However a rev won’t cap at 25 on everyone solo.

Also it looks like PS might duration got nerfed from 8s base to 6s.
(which explains why i’ve noticed might wearing off very fast since patch on war).

So capping 25 might on ps takes more investment now ( str sigil).
It also allows berserker ( warrior) to take prec food over dumplings since they should hit 95% might with str runes + facet. (dropping arms means the need for extra prec, but the % mods are totally worth it).

also partying subsquadding up hinders EA application ( 9s duration, 3s interval) so you’d want the war not restricted to buffing 5 people.

A Herald with strength runes/sigil can maintain 20-23 might in combat, so it will need only a little help.

The EA concern is valid, but I think it may be trumped by the lost might from the PS war due to it being too unequally distributed (wasted on people who already have 25 stacks). Same with the might from the Herald, it might keep buffing people who already have 25 from the PS war.

If you have a 2nd revenant though (+PS war), maybe you don’t need subsqauds.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Item Restrictions in Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Can you universaly remove them from the game? :P


[KING] Alpha Cas

New squads and boon sharing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


However with things like a PS war it may be more desirable to let the boons flow amongst everyone.

I think having a PS war in 1 party and a Herald in a 2nd party is a better way to do it. Also might from the PS war keeps overwriting might stacks on people with 25 already, no?

[KING] Alpha Cas

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


It’s not as bad as you guys make it sound. If you salvage/sell everything and convert the tokens into gold, you’ll still make 1-2 gold per dungeon path.

[KING] Alpha Cas

New squads and boon sharing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Do we know if we can have 5-man parties within a squad for the purposes of boon sharing / buff management?

[KING] Alpha Cas

Ad ininitum [Legendary Backpack]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


So tell me where is the difference in running 14 fractals on on day, or 2 fractals every day for a week?

So would you be happy if there was a ‘weekly’ chest instead of a daily and it awarded 14 fractal pages, so you could do it all on Sunday if you want, but then you wait until next Sunday for the weekly chest to reset?

[KING] Alpha Cas

Adding Replay Value to fractals 51-100

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Preselecting fractals does not fix the never repeating hard fractals problem by itself. On days when “bad” fractals like snowblind pop up, most people will just skip the dailies that day. In addition assuming rewards are also fixed, it does not give a reason to do higher and harder fractals on any particular day. So, it will be extremely hard for a person to “catch up” if he misses and falls behind his group’s level. This suggestion is fine as a quick fix but it does not fix the core problem of disincentivizing harder fractals.


Unfortunately it seems when designing the new fractals system, they’ve decided to make all rewards easily accessible to the majority of more casual players by allowing them to get all rewards by doing only the easy fractals for the daily. This also limits the rewards Anet can put in dailies, ‘cause you can’t expect amazing rewards for 2 swamps and 1 jade maw.

I was hoping high level fractals would be the 5-man challenging content, but alas.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Raids and kicking to make room for a guildie.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


So I guess selling raids won’t be possible?

[KING] Alpha Cas

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


you see if both Raids ( 10 man instanced content) and Fractals (5 man instanced content) both gave out Ascended then people would most likely do both and get a lot of ascended – and that’s a big no-no in Anet’s book.

On the other hand they’ve added an ascended weapon/armor sink – balls of dark energy are required for the legendary back item, and likely for legendary armor too. So these could be balanced.

[KING] Alpha Cas

cliffside 94 how did you beat this?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Did it with a mesmer hitting the close seal (close to where you’re stacking), a thief hitting the far seal, used portal at the start. Thief can survive using stealth and shadowstep, mesmer’s got stealth and distortion (e.g. if you trait signets).

[KING] Alpha Cas

Where did the Dungeon Gold go?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


It’s dead, Jim.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


It seems very likely that the best (i.e. most efficient) way to deal with this (and other) instabilities is to ignore the mechanics and power through. It’ll probably be faster than having a specialized boon removal party comp. Which indicates bad design.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


So here’s what Colin has announced in this article

In the short term, we need to take a look at iterating on some of the issues with rewards, XP, and potentially some scaling issues on the higher tiers of fractals.

I guess it’s a good start.

[KING] Alpha Cas

How to get 150AR?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


If you have the expansion you will need to craft 3 10s and 2 11s, which you will put in the 2+2+1 slots that the rings and the back item provide. The rest are just vendor 7s. As of the latest patch this should be the most cost efficient option.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


I wonder though, what is your suggestion for improving this?

I’ve edited my point 3 and added some suggestions.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


So I’ve hit FoTM lvl 100 and I’d like to post some feedback. Unfortunately it is mostly negative because I believe the update actually made fractals worse in many respects. It seems to me like the fractal updates were rushed and as a result the quality suffered. There are a number of problems with the new system:

1. The Boon Fumbler instability (when you dodge roll, you lose all your boons) is just bad.

Fractals used to be one of the few places in the game where skill and knowledge of each specific encounter (boss attack tells, etc) mattered. Dodging mattered in most cases. Why would you punish skilled play? Becoming better at fractals is fun, being punished for applying skill is not. There are ways to reduce the effectiveness of dodging (see Mai Trin) other than a blanket ‘f*** you if you dodge’ rule. Suggestion: remove this instability and add specific boss mechanics at higher levels (if you must).

2. Huge health pools and nerfed boss damage make fractals tedious, boring and requiring less skill

This is related to the previous issue too. Mai Trin at lvl 100 hits for less than Mai Trin used to at lvl 50 before HoT. This makes skill and encounter knowledge less important, while making boss fights slow, boring and unfun. Why learn the boss attacks and mechanics when they don’t actually threaten to kill you? High level fractals (51+) were supposed to be even more challenging than the 40-50 tier we had before HoT, but most of them are not. Now some fractals are actually somewhat challenging, but many need to be balanced individually. I’d suggest you make some bosses (maybe depending on the level/intability) have high toughness but low vitality, wheres others have low toughness and high vitality, but not both.

But the biggest issue of all is this:

3. Once a player is done with their achievements, almost all fractals (esp. lvl 51+) become dead content for them.

Remember how the aquatic fractal before HoT was dead? For exactly the same reason almost all 51+ lvl fractals will be dead. The reason is that fractal rewards are tied to dailies, and the single 51+ daily will be completed by doing a combination of Swamp and Molten Duo fractals, because they are the quickest, just like how everyone used to roll for Swamp which meant they never did the Aquatic fractal. The game doesn’t reward you for doing the hard fractals at all. There absolutely need to be multiple specific lvl 51+ daily fractals. But even this will solve the issue only partially. Before HoT, in order to get the best rewards (at lvl 50 daily) you HAD to potentially do the hardest fractals in the game every day! There isn’t an equivalently hard + rewarding option now.

Edit: Further suggestion for a fix — add 4 more specific fractal island dailies, 2 randomly selected from the pool of levels 51-75 and 2 from 76-100. Make daily rewards scale with the fractal level and make these dailies give the best fractal rewards possible (even some unique rewards from the daily chest from these only). This will ensure people can’t get the best rewards (or at least as quickly) by only doing the easy fractals. Balance the 51+ fractals (read: make Swamp, Molten Duo and Jade Maw hard). The balancing will likely require mechanics/instability changes which unfortunately makes it unlikely.

4. Rewards

I don’t have detailed statistics on how good the rewards from dailies are, but my feeling is that the rewards aren’t even as good as they were before HoT. I’ll just say that I’m happy I did the 40/50 dailies for the past year and a half before HoT so now I’ll never have to craft another ascended weapon or armor piece.

Let me know if I’ve missed or misinterpreted something.

Edit2: So here’s what Colin has announced in this article

In the short term, we need to take a look at iterating on some of the issues with rewards, XP, and potentially some scaling issues on the higher tiers of fractals.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Doesn’t matter what the rate is when you take into account you need every single point in the old maps as well. That x9 is too much.

Except you don’t! There are enough hero challenges in the jungle you don’t need to do any in the core tyrian world – those simply speed you up on day one if you already got them.

How accessible are the jungle hero challenges? Are they gated by masteries? I have 16 characters most of which haven’t done map completion (no old world hero points) and I’m worried most of these characters will become unusable because they’re not able to access the elite specializations.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Ability to buy favor with gold

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


The point is that the Dev’s can’t expect all their players are willing to conform to all upcoming changes and that people like me are resistant to some of these changes.

That’s true. It just so happens that these specific changes are very reasonable (and even welcome) by many (and probably most) players.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Ability to buy favor with gold

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


To stop that they can use one of their favorite mechanics: the time gate.

A time gate is not enough, because all you need to do is buy the daily/weekly max amount of favor with gold and you’re done. The point is that the new stuff is acquired by playing the (new) content, you can’t just bypass it. This is the reason they keep adding currencies with every new map.

[KING] Alpha Cas

How do you feel about Exalted reveal?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


they just dropped the Master of Peace’s actual goal like it was nothing. You had most of Season 2 revolving about the mystery of the whereabouts of Glint’s Egg and you spoil it before the game even comes out?


[KING] Alpha Cas

Ability to buy favor with gold

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Someone answer this “Why is this suddenly so bad when it hasn’t been a problem for 3 years?”

Because there’s new stuff coming, it’s not the same old stuff as before. You shouldn’t be able to buy everything in a guild hall on day 1 with gold, just as you shouldn’t be able to buy one of the new legendaries from the TP.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Ability to buy favor with gold

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Anet has always said for a very long time even pre-release of core game “play your way” and “we don’t want to force players play in a way/game mode they don’t want to”

This is why they’re adding pvp and wvw guild missions.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Here’s how I would rework the master tier traits:

- Harmonious ConduitGain stability when beginning an overload. Oveloads break stun (move the stun break into this trait)

- Earthen proxy – remove this trait and replace with: Overload recharge is reduced by 20%. When you complete an overload, gain increased damage by 10% for 10-15 sec.
This gives clear separation of function of each trait, one is definitely more offensive, the other is strongly defensive. Depending on the game mode or build/role, you get effects that actually matter and feel strong, instead of getting random effects you probably don’t care about whatever you choose.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


10% increased damage after overloading is a fantastic idea.

It just needs to last longer.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Anet likes normalize? Lighting flash?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


i would like to have it normalized to 1200 range, like blink and shadowstep

This is reasonable.

[KING] Alpha Cas

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


So because the ranger is getting a water field that moves with them, eles can’t have one? Please make the warhorn water field move with the ele!

Also I called this a month ago :p

[KING] Alpha Cas

Has their been any progresses on aura bugs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Do auras at least refresh their duration when re-applied?

[KING] Alpha Cas

Been away from GW for a while. Ele build pls?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Check out builds on

[KING] Alpha Cas

Thunderclap vs WH Air#5

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


At the moment, this skill’s DPS potential is wasted if you have more than 1 target.

This is the biggest issue with the skill. Another issue is that the damage is unreliable, noone will be standing still waiting for the orb to do its full damage, they will just sidestep it. And if there’s a wall or some other obstruction behind the target (which happens fairly often), it does very little.

[KING] Alpha Cas

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


What’s killing build variety in PvE has more to do with those conforming to a supposed meta than anything else.

We can have a discussion of whether this should or shouldn’t be the case, but we have to deal with the current reality. Just look at necro. There are many builds on many classes that are in the exact state necro is in, i.e. (almost) no one wants them. People choose not to use them and do not want them in their party. Maybe things will change some day, but for now there are easy ways to make Tempest more viable in pve in our current reality.

[KING] Alpha Cas

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Harmonious Conduit: This trait has been re-worked. Upon activating an overload, gain stability for 4 seconds. If the overload is successfully completed, gain 10% damage for 5 seconds.

Since most of the changes discussed here are from a pvp/wvw standpoint, I want to discuss pve issues as well.

The specializations patch killed all build variety for ele in pve. Everyone is now running staff. D/F Fresh Air used to be a viable meta build, not anymore. It seems Tempest is the same way. Karl, please consider what changes to make to Temest to make it work in pve as well. Tempest needs selfish options too.

Regarding the Harmonious Conduit trait (quoted above), 10% damage for 5 seconds is simply too short. Put the 10% bonus in another trait and make it compete with a strong option that will usually be taken in pvp/wvw (e.g. make it compete with stability on overload). Make the bonus damage last for much longer (e.g. 30 sec), or just make it permanent. This way in pve you can take the 10% damage trait without Tempest being too strong in pvp. The way the Arcane line achieves this is pretty good, in pvp/wvw everyone is running Evasive Arcana, whereas in pve you’d run Bountiful Power. Even with a 10% damage modifier Tempest might end up not being used in pve, but it’s a start.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Wash The Pain Away range?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Karl, are you considering centering Water Globe water field on the tempest?

This definitely needs to happen.

[KING] Alpha Cas

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


damage should be around 125% to 150% the damage you could deal in that spec over the same period of time

Fire overload with a 4 second cast time is already there. In fact it’s probably at 200% or more.

[KING] Alpha Cas

BWE 3 Tempest Specialization Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


I’m not sure whether these changes are a buff or a nerf to Tempest overall. Some major nerfs:

1. Heat Sync – no longer spreads all boons (only might)

2. 20% Warhorn skill recharge reduction trait is gone

3. 20% attunement overload recharge reduction trait is gone

Apparently warhorn was too strong in its current form.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

[FIX] If you cant enter game after launch

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Worked for me and i’m running win7

lol, same here.

[KING] Alpha Cas

CTD, anyone?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Alphard.6529


-perf -windowed worked for me.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Map Too big, it will kill WvW

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Alphard.6529


The problem with a small map is that a single blob can reach and defend everything. There’s no need to split off smaller groups and it becomes a blob vs blob v blob.

[KING] Alpha Cas

CTD, anyone?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Alphard.6529


My client crashes in a different way. After I click ‘Play’ and then click the button to accept the user agreement, I immediately get a “Guild Wars 2 Game Client has stopped working” popup, and I only have a “close the program” option. No crash report or dump.

[KING] Alpha Cas

beta #1 character can not longer access maps.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Have you checked what level of the map you’re viewing? On some levels the waypoints are not visible. Check all levels and see if you can see the map.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Please add an option to disable combat music

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alphard.6529


The new areas have some amazing music, but it always gets interrupted by the combat music. The combat music itself is much louder than most other ingame music, which is annoying, and it’s the same music we’ve been listening to since GW1.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[BW2] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


I’ve been playing the tempest/warhorn combo in spvp and one issue I encountered is that very often you have to leave the point you’re holding to chase your water field if you want to blast it a few times. It’s not very suitable for conquest. It would be better if the water fields followed the ele, like the warrior torch fire field.

Also, the combat is very fast paced and the warhorn air/water CC skills will often miss as they move very slowly.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

Overload recharge bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


It’s not a feature, what they mean is it locks you out only if you switch away, if you stay in the attunement, you can continue using it.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Overload recharge bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


So there seems to be a bug with the recharge of the overloads/attunements, here’s what happens: when you overload any attunement, then switch to a different attunement, the recharge of the attunement you overloaded will suddenly increase by 2-3 seconds, e.g. if there were 10 seconds left, it will jump to 12-13s. I think it’s related to having the arcane trait line. If you remove arcane line, the issue goes away.

Can anyone test this to confirm, as I can’t record videos?

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)

[BW2] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


Tempest needs a damage option somewhere in the traits. Best would be some damage modifier. Boon support only goes so far, and to be viable in PvE, it also needs damage, pure an simple.

[KING] Alpha Cas

[BW2] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


I just want to mention that warhorn air #5 is still a weak and boring skill. Offhand #5 skills are supposed to have strong effects (on a longer cooldown), something should be done to this skill.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Tempest Changes for Next BWE!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


though i must say tempest is better support then ele atm just not that much better.

One of the problems of pure support specs is that they don’t fare well neither in spvp, nor in pve. It needs to be able to do something else as well, be it high mobility, 1v1 ability, high dps (esp. for pve) or something. Even if they improve the support of tempest, it may still not see much play.

[KING] Alpha Cas

Tempest Changes for Next BWE!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alphard.6529


The rare time I see staff ele in spvp they are almost always off the point on a vantage point where they can use their range safely.

Nope, cele staff stays on a point 95% of the time. This is the purpose of the build – point holder/support. Watch some weekly tournament vods or high ranked streamers to see how they use it.

[KING] Alpha Cas

(edited by Alphard.6529)