“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
Or just reduce from 3 borderlands to 1.
Heck for T8 we probably can’t fill a single map...
This system will not work as long as it doesn’t adapt itself to the players and number of players. The WvW system is to rigid, it needs to adjust itself dynamically to numbers/players.
4 Maps is just overkill for the lower tiers, I don’t think any server in T8 right now could max more than 40 players each during reset, we’re not even half-way to a queue on a single map. All that means is that whoever leads gets to own 4 maps.
Honestly it doesn’t even matter if it is Desert or Alpine maps, there is still 5-40 players from each server trying to control 4 maps.
* Remove the HOME borderland system
* Run single map for Borderland
* Rotate Alpine back in (when it’s ready and updated again)
* Run EBG +BL map
* Use the EotM system to make more instances of maps as needed
yes, they did and I’m hoping it is a bug that will be fixed, because I really do not enjoy having to open my world map just to get a bearing on party member locations on the same map
Can we get EotM achievements in WvW?
A job well done is its own reward.
The simple fact is a castle or tower should give the defenders a significant advantage over any attackers below them. This is not reflected in game as the immovable siege is useless within 2 seconds of an attack beginning, and enemy siege can be placed in ridiculous positions but still clear your own siege whether well placed or not.
The top of almost every real castle a crenelation to allow the defender to attack the enemies below whilst still having a degree of defensive cover. They have arrow slits and murder holes to rain death down on the attackers, whilst very well defended.
Non of this is reflected in the game mechanics, so every time a blob comes knocking the defenders with fewer numbers will typically lose. Taking a garrison or major keep should be a monumental achievement, not a quick 2 minute task by a blob that is karma training a whole map.
WvW can be a very unrewarding place for those of us that enjoy scouting and defending, very little reward for hours of work which can be wiped out in seconds by every huge blob that turns up at the gates, whilst the masses run around gathering vast quantities of loot-bags and rewards on the K-Train.
Give me a castle that works like a castle ArenaNet, if a few defenders could hold or at least seriously slow down an enemy then more people would scout and defend, especially if our efforts were rewarded in loot. You get loot for taking a tower, why not for a successful outnumbered defence?
A workable defence would even help smaller servers that are outnumbered constantly in periods when the majority of the servers population are sleeping and prevent the huge discrepancy in scores that happens overnight. Just look at the statistics, the bigger servers score more points in the periods where the majority of the players in the time zone are asleep.
If I was sleeping in a castle and it was suddenly attacked, I’d wake up and defend it. Clearly we can’t in the real world send alarm calls to the servers population all night, so giving defences that actually function as defences and provide a significant advantage is the better answer.
The walls in this game are meaningless.
People just run up to the wall…spam AOE on top of it.
The players on top can’t get a target to counter. If they get close to the edge then they die. It incredibly bad design. The siege is quickly destroyed by a single elementalist and you can’t put siege out of a person range. Its really quite silly.
What is the point? Build a huge castle to not be able to counter attack. Shouldn’t there be an advantage?
So just get rid of all the walls. I’d ask for them to be made wider and a siege camera to be swapped into when you manned siege….but I know that is crazy talk.
This is part of your blob problem….
EOTM is pve karma train that happens to have pvp enabled mode on.
WvW – 7 days week match between 3 servers, no overflow
EOTM – 4 hours long matchups that dont impact wvw matchup, overflows turned on
I don’t see why I should pay to change servers for a gamemode that could/should be fixed by the developers.
And if you can’t understand that you need to move out from your parents house and start earning your own money coz clearly you don’t know what spending personal money is for something that shouldn’t be broken in the first place.
1. then don’t Anet offers the service you are free at anytime not to pay for it.
2. I own my own home and make plenty of money – anet put out a good product the players are the ones who broke it. and even then its not really broken just not optimalNot to mention gems can be purchased with gold if real cash is an issue….
Yes, because you make SO much gold from playing wvw that purchasing gems is a breeze…
I really wish pve’rs would stop posting this sort of crap in the wvw forums. Wvw players end up buying gems to convert to gold to pay for the things you want in order to play wvw- or force themselves to go on a mindless boss event 100 times or chase chests in SW in order to raise the gold to do what they actually log on to do, which is play wvw.
There are many ways to kill big zergs and i know some of your guilds are good enough too know how to. So instead of doing nothing, maybe learn the others some good skills in playing WvW?
I say: dont put the blame on us because we got numbers. Dont put the blame on hackers (not seen them for a while). Just make the best of it and give us nice fights.How would you know, your server fights 25+ vs 4-5 most of the time and sends an army of 30 people to deal with 3 people who took a camp
Having say that, I agree that skill is important , it can win fights to a certain extent as you bt have realised in small scale outnumbered (for us)fights vs uw many times. But is only so much 4-5 ppl can do against the 25+
So what you asume? that we should say to ppl that they may not join WvW because UW and FOW got less ppl? thats a bit unfair for them.
And we want to improve to, so we do lots of raids with our guild, and ppl join us then.
So, sorry but for me this is just a way to whine (my opinion).
Oh no, I am not whining, is fun to see that you send a zerg to deal with 3 ppl in camp , or the guy in our servers that invites people to bt to ask us to go to bed and stop trying to cap etc etc. Neither I say that you shouldn’t continue to be proud of the hugely outnumbered fights(for us) that you win , population it is what it is. But you was saying above that there are a lot of ways to kill big zergs (so in our situation you believe that is easy to kill 25+ when you are 4-5) and I was wondering how would you know,because bt plyers run away from fights unless if they have safety in numbers
(edited by Elia.7193)
I ask you, commanders from FOW and UW. Please look at your own server. We know there ppl of your server who check out our server and give information. Lots of times when we go stealht in towers or keeps, ppl know exacly where we are, even if its impossible. And when we go with golems, you also know exacly where we go. So dont point fingers.
Lots of times when you “go stealth” in towers, it’s the only tower or keep enemy server has, where else would you expect them to be. Also everyone can see those little zerglings running towards main zerg, we don’t have that many people on the map but it’s generally easy to predict where your zerg is (usually on their way to kill those 2-3 guys trying to take a tower).
People from UW/FoW didn’t quit wvw only cos of the hackers, it’ the fact that hackers flip towers, others upgrade them to T3, sit on cannons the whole day and call your 40+ zerg to defend anytime someone shows up. The same zerg that camps spawns even with siege and you wonder why UW/FoW don’t give kitten about playing wvw right now. Unbalanced matches like this happen sometimes but I am not that naive to expect the weak servers to wvw day after day if all they get is a piece of sticky matter from the dominating server.
The intent is that since you can’t join or transfer to a “Full” server, their populations are going to diminish over time, until eventually they reach “Very High” again. At this point, all “Full” servers are going to be balanced. This won’t be right away, though, since we’re not kicking anyone out of their servers.
Good reply. This is how I also interpreted the changes. These won’t however do much to help the lowest tier servers.
Most WvWvW players want a “full” experience. Meaning that their server has reasonable amount of people on at any hour. Currently only the top EU servers can offer this and it is impossible to transfer to them. The current change benefits “Very High” status servers the most. I predict that several guilds and WvWvW players will move from the “full” servers to them, but now people need to think their server transfers more carefully, maybe it is not possible to return.
The only real way to solve the problem of diminishing WvWvW population is to increase the rewards and make the WvWvW feel more fair, balanced and fun. Merging low population servers might be needed in EU, but merging servers isn’t a long term solution if the player base is bleeding.
My suggestions to make WvWvW a better experience:
1. Increase rewards to same level as other game modes (I do not count EotM as WvWvW) e.g. each WvWvW chest should have 1 guaranteed rare, it still takes more time to earn one WvWvW chest than attend a world event in pve
2. Introduce (copy & paste) the reward tracks from spvp to WvWvW
3. Allow more varied gear, including ascended materials, back piece bought with laurels + gold + badges of honor e.g. ascended backpiece 30 laurels + 5000 badges + 50 g.
4. Make WvWvW gear salvegeable
5. Keep WvWvW unique, do NOT make it a watered down copy of pve or spvp. In other diminish both spvp and pve alike elements from WvWvW, less random pve mobs like the forest animals and less contesting the circle like conquest based spvp.
6. Have a separate WvWvW balance team. WvWvW skill balance and meta is different from pve or spvp e.g. stealth is more powerful in WvWvW than spvp and WvWvW has large group fights, still dominated by the GWEN and pirate ship metas.
7. Change the scoring system so that it leads to more even match ups. Encourage the #2 and #3 attack the currently leading server. e.g. if you take an objective from the server, which is leading the match up (determined real-time), you will get double rewards + bonus server points from capturing objectives from that server.
8. WvWvW achievements need to be put down to realistic level, not 1 million dolyak kills, but more like 5000. Introduce multiple level achievements and titles, like spvp has.
9. Quality of life changes, like addition of WvWvW blueprints to wallet
I am sure that after these changes, the numbers of happy WvWvW players will increase dramatically. Then Arenanet can think about moneytizing it.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Fellow Warriors of the Mists,
World population is visible on the labels on the World Selection and Transfer screen. It determines whether you can transfer to a world and, if you can, how much the transfer will cost. These measures historically have been set based on aggregate population levels around all game modes. But because World versus World is the only game mode to which worlds apply these days, we have developed a better model that exclusively uses WvW data to determine population levels and transfer costs.
We will be rolling out the new model soon and some shifts in the population levels should be expected. We’ll continue to monitor the situation, and we’ll make all adjustments we deem necessary to improve the WvW experience. As always, your feedback is very welcome.
See you in the Mists,
— Samuel
EOTM crowd is mostly PvE crowd. True WvW players don’t care for EOTM and don’t do it because ktraining is boring..
No invisibility week: All players are constantly revealed. Revealed bonuses are cancelled.
Everyone even week: As invisibility is so special lets make it even, everyone gets permanent mass invisibility whenever they are on WvW.
Snowball mayhem week. Everyone is automatically equipped with snowballs and presents on entering WvW. They can throw presents to enemies, or throw snowballs at them. As someone gains more presents they become encumbered, and unable to move, eventually falling over and having to port to spawn or get their gifts destroyed by other people of their side. Snowballs have no other effect than knock enemies down and interrupt them.
Flower Power: Everyone is automatically equipped with a bunch of flowers on entry to WvW and has to throw them at each other. Eventually people get overloaded with the love and burst into tears. This may be useful during Februrary…
Devs actually read all the posts in WvW forum week, and keep reading them until they actually understand what the post means. Every post has to be replied to personally.
(edited by Serious.7083)
For real, take this event and shove it anet.
Want to do some stupid event like this, do it on one of the BL’s not all. This way you can keep all parties happy.
I know this might not be the best moment for this post with all the negativity around (let’s be honest, this subforum has been like that for a long time). kitten it, I’ll post it anyway.
So much potential… just left behind. It could easily have been the greatest RvR experience for years to come, with a little love and commitment. I am aware that resources are limited, but seeing what other game developers can pull off with a limited budget (both Indie and AAA) makes me wonder how disorganized ArenaNet really is.
DaoC, while outdated, just trumps WvW in so many ways, despite its terrible graphics. It was fun, incredibly rewarding and encouraged strategic play. WvW still has so much room for improvement.
I really don’t know if I should laugh or cry at this point. 2 and a half years without real communication and interaction between the devs and the wvw player base. It really feels like a hefty smack in the face.
I don’t want to play the doomsayer or anything but if WvW doesn’t get any meaningful updates this year then I don’t see a future for this game mode. Of course, it will always be filled with PVE players looking for karma but the players that love mass scale pvp will leave sooner or later.
A new map is nice and all, but we need fundamental changes like factions or alliances, immersion, real consequences, strategic play and most importantly smart avenues of communication between devs and player base.
Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. Thanks for reading.
- A concerned RvR enthusiast
Edit: No TL:DR. Read it, it’s a short text.
(edited by Kraljevo.2801)
Real question is why do we still have server transfer?
With the megaserver they removed the need for it for PvE, which is what it was really for. But with the megaserver they removed all server pride.
Server pride only exists in WvW.
Server transfer costs are still based on server total population when the only reason to move server now if for WvW.
Transfer costs should reflect WvW rank instead now, but the devs refuse to do that.
Though since PvE players now no longer need to bother changing servers, why should WvW players have to pay?!
Frankly I’m with Disco and Amber, first of all the idea of having WvW be “Server vs. Server” was already lazy design in the first place and having a ridiculously expensive server transfer cost is not helping that situation. I understand that they can’t make server transfers free forever since that would destroy WvW, but come on, 1 free transfer per month or two wouldn’t realistically damage anyone that badly, server jumping is greatly exaggerated and yeah it sucks for players who want to get into WvW and can’t because of the server they got put in. And No, “They were free in the past” is not a legitimate excuse since it’s not a new players fault they are just getting into GW2 and picked the first server that wasn’t full. Also don’t even bother bringing up the WoW comparison since to my knowledge what server you are on doesn’t affect how often you can do PvP content in that game too my knowledge, and even if it does isn’t the whole point of GW2 to improve on the MMO genre?
Looks like it’s another week of Edge and Fractals..
We placed scout on the game when hackers were roaming. We did make a video and we posted it. Anet deleted the links. Why? Because you can see hackers name in the video. And the person posting video about hackers got warning for doing it.
It’s a shame to hear that, but maybe a second video without his name appearing would work. Or if you can blur the name in the original video. They didn’t accept the video because it didn’t respect Anet conditions. :/
gl on that.
Let’s be honest here, we are customers who payed for the game and want to play it. We are not going to waste our time hunting down hackers, proving that hackers are hacking or doing whatever things people who work for game publisher are suppose to be doing. Nobody is going to pay us for that effort, we already payed to anet and we are not allowed access to the game mode we want to play with fair chance of actually winning.
Its not up to players to figure out whatever weird exploits hackers are using, its what people working for anet are getting money for. If they can not do their job properly, maybe its time to replace them with someone who can.
Its not actually up to paying customers to patrol the game, looking out for hackers, buying extra software and learn to use it to record videos, then edit the videos to hide names of potential hackers, then getting the videos deleted because anet does not allow edited videos, then recording more videos, then getting new ones removed because you can see the names of hackers. Honestly, its up to anet to use the tools they already have or should have to do this kind of investigations.
We, the players have no access to server logs, like anet workers have. We have no access to the GM tools to teleport into any location, to know what other players are doing or have done in the past. We are just players trying to play the game.
This whole hacking spree started already 3 weeks ago. In the week June 26 – July 3 our nightcrew was still trying to capture points and do whatever they could, hackers were careful and tried to hide when anyone was around. We started thread here on official forum to get them banned. We did not lose that many points yet.
Next week, July 3-10, our nightcrew gave up on trying to capture anything because hackers were retaking everything within minutes. Hackers were always there and we lost the matchup. Our thread here about hackers with videos and proof was removed.
This week, July 10-17, we started server-wide boycott on wvw. Nobody bothered to even go there beside finishing some daily achievements.
I am sure anet has many skillful people working day and night on this case, but its been 3 weeks and some questions may arise. If they have been investigating with great care and found no evidence of any hacking, most of our server is crazy and imagining things that do not exist. The videos showing hackers are probably faked by FoW players who can not really fight properly and just want to get rid of honest and much better skilled opponents from Blacktide server. If this is the case, it would be nice to get reply from anet stating their conclusion so we can all find a game reflecting better our reality.
If anet has not investigating this case because they lack of people or other resources then perhaps its time to spend some of that huge profit GW2 is earning to hire more people or develop tools to catch hackers and prevent this kind of situation in the future. Again, some message would be nice, is it worth for us to keep waiting and hoping something will be done eventually or is it all waste of our time.
In the moment we are left in sate of confusion and anger. We have done our best to report illegal activities and prove hackers are ruining our game. We have waited for replies. We have waited for hackers to get banned. We still can not play the game we payed for. We have no idea whatsoever if anything has been done, is being done or will be done any time in the future.
Your location
Game World
Seafarers Rest
Nuff said.
It does make Well of Blood and Well of Power slightly harder to use when you’re under pressurfe and you need to get them off fast, but it’s a matter of practice.
I find it slightly easier if I quickly pull my mouse cursor down to the skill bar just before I cast: ground targeted skills get cast at your feet if your cursor is somewhere not actually targeting.
Also remember that, for Well of Power, you still get the full 5" effect even if you’re not standing in it, so if you’re stunlocked and getting wailed on just hit the key, doesn’t matter where you aim it.
My guild recently transferred from DR because the tier is so dead in WvW. I started on DR a month after release and went up and down with the server over the years (not wanting to be part of the problem by leaving). I don’t care much about PPT myself as long as there are good fights to be had. However, a month or two ago, it was transfer or quit the game. We could roam for hours and not see a soul in the BLs. Of course servers fluctuate, but it has never been as bad as it is now. ANet really needs to fix it.
(edited by TakeCare.3182)
So here’s the thing
Both your servers have people on them.
Both your servers have 1 major problem, which is that neither of your servers have someone or some people to step up and lead to change the server culture away from that of casual random non-comms karma training or roaming into a group focused PPT focused server.
I spend quite a lot of time down in T5-T8 NA servers on my alt account and they all have 1 thing in common: There’s no one spamming teamspeak details in map chat. In fact, when I ask for teamspeak details, I often get confronted, cussed out and get called a spy. That to me is hilarious cause you guys are ranked way at the bottom with nothing to lose each week to even need to care about spies
Also, UW is Underworld. Ranked dead last in EU due to some… drama that happened several months back. Nasty situation that split the server and caused a lot of people to transfer off.
I also spent 1 and a half years on T8-T6. And apparently it must have been some other T8-T6 NA then the one you were on. I have personally done all the things you speak of and much much more. All to no avail.
Our small group recruited heavily from PvE, we had dedicated days to bring in folks from PvE and help out, training days, spammed map both in and out of WvW, all that stuff.
We finally got enough people and trained and refined our fighting to go up against overwhelming odds to up a few tiers. We made it to T6 with an occasional match in T5, and thats when everything just turned sour.
No matter what we did or how hard we fought, and I tell you, we fought MUCH MUCH harder then the guilds from T2 or T1, there is just NOTHING absolutely kitten I N G NOTHING, that we could do against nightcapping. After a few months, this just got so old and right down depressing our community dissolved and we all went our seperate ways. Vast majority of us went on prolonged breaks or outright quit the game altogether and have not come back yet.
The effort on our part was immense, and our execution was right down flawless + then some including kitten that the mighty upper tier guilds can’t even think of. Many of us stayed up literally 24 hours trying to recruit some Aussie or SEA or EU players, etc. MANY MANY times. When is the last time your kitten has stayed up 24 hours playing WvW and recruiting at least once every 2 weeks ? You think its that easy ? You think, you just map spam and things will magically happen and off prime time players will magically appear ? Your comments are very ignorant in all these matters and it is clearlyou havent tried any of what you are actually attempting to speak of or you would know this and not make them.
Sticking people on low tiers WvW for prolonged periods of time is a good way to entirely drive people away from the game.
Personally I would love to see the bottom 2-3 tiers just merged straight into other tiers. In the current state ov overall WvW in GW2, there would still be plenty of empty maps for roamers to roam if they so desire, in combination with other improvements it could really revitalize WvW, instead of further sliding it down.
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