Showing Posts For Amshaa.7492:
The Hero of Piken returns home!.
I just saw an awesome video about raiding with Red Guard in which you were yelling ’that’s how it goes wrong ! that’s how it goes wrong ! the people think they’re kittening heroes’ :P
Nice to see you back on the EU side of WvW.
Unfair match-up but got so much fun in small scale battles during the whole week.
Both DZ and WSR showed some great fighting spirit despite the numbers. I enjoyed it, thanks a lot.
Aside from haters and forum warriors, this match-up is great. Had a blast fighting UW and RoS whenever I could log in, night and day.
Best regards to whoever wins this match-up.
I look forward to the next time we get to face each other again.
18:00 GMT+1
On the road to Hills north gate, 2 groups (or so, 10-12) of almighty RiOT got stomped by 2 groups (or so, 10-13) of Ranik’s Pugs. No siege assist, no guild group… I guess that might have been too much of challenge atm.
Can’t wait to see it in your next video
(if you can’t bring peace to the forum war then just spit some oil on the fire) :P
Fighting UW is fun. Fighting FR is not. Constant blobbing on every BL …..
Actually, the whole evening (and night) each and every BL was a free-to-go on FR server. No queue. So, imho, you should enjoy your time and battles until you get to face a german server
Anyway, it’s all about biased points of view. As a reminder, you may wisely think about how you looked like tonight taking longview on FR BL (with 4 trebs and acs) [RiOT] + [VcY] + followers…. A blob, yes, you guessed right :P
That said, I do really enjoy this match-up so far, had many blasts fighting you guys (both UW and RoS) ! Keep it up and keep it clean (thread as match-up) !
@yroeht : “Yaye ! Mom, i’m on youtube !” o/
@Bloodstealer : please, do report any hacks you may notice (and don’t use the ingame report, it’s just usefull against goldseller or anything related to, a ticket on that forum may be more effective).
@ Rednik : I get your point. But I’d say that to be in position to make wall suppression and throw healing combos to the door you must put yourself in the arrowcarts range. Yet, two catapluts can really annoy/delay your door team. Furthermore, spreading your team on the area makes you vulnerable to the ennemy’s impact.
Anyway, my point was more about giving some tactical response to zerging. Actually, you can have both effective defense and offense by making one big blob. If 10-20 man teams are ‘nearly as effective as’ zergs at taking objectives then the big blob will have to make some choices in objectives they can afford to lose or have to split in groups to defend every contested objective.
I’m definitely conviced that less zerg fights means less skill lag.
(edited by Amshaa.7492)
Thanks a lot Sir !
So basically, it could be doable to have arrowcart’s AoE making cheap damages to first 10 targets on the list, then reasonable damages to next 10 and finally insane damages to the last 30 ?
I wonder where the RGs were during weak times of BT and SFR ? Just hopping to another server. Yet you still come here and try to explain how the good fights should be played for the sake of the game. Not really laughable, tho.
You’d probably do better for the game and your guild posting positive feedbacks and ideas in your own matchup thread.
What about removing waypoints (keeps and castle upgrade, war camps) from WvWvW and replacing them by spawnpoints (usable only if you’re dead and onlys in war camps) in order to reduce the effectivity of one single big blob to cover the whole map ?
Then, orbs could be used as an extra spawnpoint for its owners.
Nightcap Begins
A movie by Lé monsieur Frenk
- Vizunah’s Square as main actor
- Seafarer’s Rest and Desolation as background actors
- Pugs from all over the world
What the world said about the movie:
“Brilliant movie, it shows how some people are just not in need of rest.. what am I supposed to do in order to kill them?” – Freddy Krueger from “Nightmare”
“The seafarers rest too much” – Jack Sparrow from “Seafarers of the Caribbean”
“It’s just a desolation in here” – Deso fanboyGenre: Horror
Release Date: 2 March 2013
Movie Poster:
That’s more like it!
I always enjoyed movies from WhySoSerious Production!
WvWvW’s joy :
When SFR tried to reach T1…
When Sacrx will eventually get to T1 and set up his Operation Pesticide…
While somewhat understandable, remember that WvW is not the only part of the game, nor its focal point in the grand scheme. Having medium pop with a big fraction of the population active in W3, aka creating a ‘WvW server’, is a bad idea in the first place, and now finally you see why – yet finally it can balance itself out.
You’re right, except the point was that the server transfer fees is the only thing affecting WvW by a huge amount. For PvE, who cares if we are in LA overflow or LA proper? Nobody. Quite the contrary, sometimes you WANT to be in LA overflow for a greater chance to find PvE groups.
Anyway… Perhaps we shouldnt call it a “fail”. We should call out Anet to answer some questions instead:
What do they consider is a viable queue length for WvW. What is the intent? What did you design the game for? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 30 minutes? 1 hour? Or does Anet consider a 2 hour queue to be good and perfectly acceptable for enjoying Guild Wars 2?
Post queue statistics for all servers. Allow us to see how it is – if nothing else to decide what server to migrate to if Piken Square isnt viable anymore. We know Anet have this data – they have posted average queues in pretty graphs before.
I think you should answer some other questions before considering to call out Anet.
What do you consider is a viable waiting time before being able to complete events in some places of Tyria ? Etc…
Do you see where I’m heading at ?
Transfer fees come in to bring stability and balance for any kind of playstyle and fun. PvE, WvWvW, sPvP, RP, and whatever else. By scaling transfer fees upon WvWvW rankings, they would deny, or alterate at least, the ability for servers like Piken Square (for exemple) to get some fresh PvE blood. Valuating one kind of fun over an other would be just plain bad for Anet’s business, that’s why transfer fees are only about whole server population and not a part of it.
I do agree that queue length is a pain in the kitten, but it’s the dark side of having a high population in WvWvW and happens regardless to the fact that your whole server population is low, medium or high.
Please hear this need for help.
A frenchie here, who fought Blacktide on their T1 days and now back on his birthland of Jade See.
Whatever you may think about bandwagonners or however actual Blacktide see themselves (rat trying to scrape points, really ?). Those people still on this server keep fighting despite being heavily outnumbered. HEAVILY.
People with such fighting spirit do not deserve what happened to Blacktide. They do not deserve to be left aside. They deserve respect. And hopefully some helping hands…
Raise up your head Blacktide. As Genotix said it you’re the decent remaining people. Keep up fighting ’til better days. Good luck.
And thieves who macro their cnd (cnd+steal+bs)
Both situations i was playing one of my glass cannon characters. Not a problem, minus thieves macroing their backstab combo which is kinda cheap.
I hope you’re not insinuating all Thieves macro their combo. My brother plays a Thief with Backstab combo build. He executes the combo perfectly every time and I know for a fact he doesn’t use a keyboard macro (I don’t think he’d even know how to set one up.)
Im a thief, and i personally think that its not working as intended even if you arnt macroing it. It’s jsut way to powerful and one of the reasons everyong is calling for nerfs on thieves.
I think there would be alot less nerf calls if people would stop exploiting the combo.
Anet has spoken and it is intend. The ability to use instant cast skill in conjuction with skills that have cast time.
Churning Earth+Lightning Flash
Ring of Warding + Intervention
Working as intended, indeed.
But, maybe a slight change could be good to Steal+CnD :
If traited as Mug, Steal could grant the revealed debuff as it uses shadow to port you to the target and deals damage.
Then, damage output from a backstab thief would remain the same, but it couldn’t use Steal+CnD+Backstab combo anymore, at least in the same order.
Thanks a lot !
Your communication in this thread is very incentive to look forward to the next WvWvW steps.
As Mike said, we’re aware that there’s an issue and we’re looking into it but we don’t have a solid repro in our test/dev environment which makes it much more difficult to debug.
Could a test-server, dedicated to WvWvW maps where players can log, be helpfull to the reproduction of any kind of bug, glitches, issues ?
I’m quite sure that a lot of people, tired of the actual state of WvWvW or not, would be glad to give you a hand on improving the game.
Keep taunting, ranting, hating or whining as much as you want.
Vizunah Square will keep fighting.
That’s what I loved ’bout this server.
I can say with certainty that a well played ele is MUCH more powerful than a well played thief, whereas a poorly played thief is much more powerful than a poorly played ele.
And goes the same about mobility.
fun fights as usual
vs maybe stop whining about everything and try not to blame the whole server when single individuals abuse some stuff.
not like deso or sfr needs to abuse anything vs a server which only skill is zergculling 24/7
maybe spend the time in game else you will probably drop to t2 not that anyone will lose a tear about that.
Actually, the one who reported a supposedly abuse in this thread is Tzun.6073 and is from Deso… So, I guess you’ll have better luck taunting a whole server next time
To every single one who isn’t taunting, ranting, whining or whatever : keep up fighting ! It’s great to meet you on the battlefield !
Actually playing a thief (3rd character to reach level cap) and I enjoy it a lot, due to its balance between effectivness and unforgiveness about any mistake.
But, I dropped the dual daggers weapon set pretty fast, as it, imo, is goes a bit too far in effectivness.
If I had to fix something, aside from culling who definitly needs to be adressed (hope is runnin’ for february patch), I’d swap the damages dealt between #2 and #3 of the dual daggers. #2 would still be a quick short range leap, but on a low damage+condition dealing type and #3 would be the high damage dealer on low life targets. Then the high damage amount dealt by the actual Heartseeker would be less spammable and a little bit harder to land.
Best regards.
There’s just too much speculation in this thread. Bring facts or shut you piehole.
Talkin’ about fact, there’ll be only one around here, ever.
And here it is : the only playable character that can be found in every single MMO that has been or will be released, whatever its lore and background, is the Forum Troll.
Sadly, respect, kindness and honesty are none of its skills or traits. Even on Xmas time.
Props to anyone trying to keep up any kind of positive attitude here.
Winterdays are coming !
And along with it, all those wishes for a better world. I still hope i’ll never grow up on that.
As we all know, stress is a plague. And there’s what Anet could do about it…
Introducing a new animated emote : /bug
You’d be able to use it once per hour. Your character would die instantly while the bug-report window opens itself.
Fill it and send it, or just simply close it, you’d then see that perfectly round, peaceful, smiling and freneticly speaking creature, with that stupid and annoying voice of them. Yes, a Quaggan. Picture it ?
So, this little quaggy is coming to revive your toon, and as it rally you’d have to answer that last question : ‘Is there anything else I can do for you ?’
1st possible answer: gracefully, your character hugs the quaggans, because it’s so cute and it will teleport your toon to the nearest waypoint for free.
2nd possible answer: with dignity, your character /salute the helpful creature just before being teleported to the nearest waypoint, for free.
3rd possible answer: ferociously, your toon kick it right in the kisser, because quaggans are a perfect match with anti-stress balls you like to twist with your bare hands, just before being teleported to the nearest waypoint, for free.
Well…. As anything useless, it’s a must have, so I guess it was worth the try.
Taking an enemy controlled tower or keep should not be easy unless the enemy faction has neglected to upgrade. I think speeding up the upgrade process while also making it more expensive is the right step. However, the upgrades need to be worth it! Give upgraded doors and walls more hp ALOT more. Upgraded guards should include legendary / champions. Wvwvw points have turned this into a game of flipping control points to the level of being silly.
Here’s the way I see it :
Hi there!
In my humble opinion, reworking the outmanned buff should be enough to make an healthier Realm versus Realm.
Instead of granting outmanned players some bonuses, the outmanned buff should interact with NPCs around them.
The way I see it, outmanned buff could give to allied NPCs the following bonuses on a 2000 range :
- 1 or 2 extra levels
- Fury, Retaliation, Swiftness and Might
- The ability to dodge and move out of ennemy’s AoE
- A faster respawning time
If well balanced, the aim is to give some painful time for a 40 men zerg taking a full upgraded keep while there’s only a few “outmanned” players defending it.
If very well balanced, the whole game becomes about which server have the most educated and dedicated population, night and day. On the other side, no defender no buff.
Thanks for reading, and my apologies for my bad english.