Showing Posts For Apocaly.2786:

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


To make it clear: Cannabis did not get disqualified. They just did a rematch of one fight.

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


new stream-channel: !!

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


You are allowed to change some traits/skills, after you won a fight. But you are not allowed to change trait-lines. If the changes are too much, an admin will say this.

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


You can change the roster of your team until the event starts – if one or your members won’t come, you can check in with the remaining ones or say, that you dont want to participate anymore. Feel free to ask me everything ingame @Apocaly.2786

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


The Trailer ist now finished… ;-) Thanks to Frigerius! <3

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Rules are dumb.

Noone forces you to participate here. And if you want to help us, just explain your point, instead of just beeing dumb yourself. Without explanation noone is able to improve himself.
Have a nice day, my friend.

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Still free slots

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


If you have a request, you also can try to ask Aquilius.9253!

Toxic skills

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


How difficult can it be to discuss skill balance without insulting other players? I don’t need to learn to play. I know what these skills do and how to counter them also. This is a topic discussing how to balance these skills so that their power is more in line with combat flow.

Hello, my friend. You do not know the skills. Torch 4 of mesmers can be seen, even if they are used in stealth, they have a obviuous animation AND sound. Pls play without auto-targetting, it is the worst, you can use. ^^
You can see, if the enemy runs away while in stealth, cause you are out of fight then. And tbh, stealth just goes for 3 seconds normally – so u need to count, dodge or doing something, it is not really hard. Thieves need to restealth after these 3 seconds, you can interrupt them. There are so many ways to counter stealth….if you are playing guard → use traps, if you are playing ele → use interrupts, while they want to stealth, if you are playing revenant → use ur mighty auto-attacks around you and time your dodges and blocks, if you are playing warrior → blocks, evade-dmg (gs3, etc..)…and so on……stealth is not op or hard to play against….

and please, the wall of reflection is, as said, just ez to counter: stop attacking. It just reflects projectiles, ele-staff-fields can be still used, fresh air can still attack, mesmer doesn’t have any reflectable skills (except staff-autoattack)…. the only thing you can hardcounter, are longbow-ranger, then jsut stop to pewpew for this time and start melee or use your pet…most classes doesn’t play with skills, that are affected by reflect….as i said, except longbow-pewpew-ranger, lich-form of necros … but please – reflection wall doesn’t kill anyone.

have a nice day!


Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


If anyone have ideas to improve the system, feel free to post or send me a mail! (Apocaly.2786)

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


The question was asked, whether the winner can reset his CDs. Of course he can. It’s pokemon-style, but not pokemon itself.

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


DC-rules: if it is not obvious for us, that you were lagging hard before dc’ing, we cannot allow to do a rematch, cause it can be absued easily. Ofc, the if the DC is at the start of the fight and nothing relevant happed yet, we might do a restart, but it will be a decision in each specific case.

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Higher Prizes! <3


in Community Creations

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Donations appreciated. So we can increase the amount of gold. ;-) But you do not need to pay anything to participate. ^^

Community-PvP-Tournament hosted by Apo

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


[For EU Players ;-)]

EDIT: Higher prizes, thanks to donations!

Hello friendly people out there,
Due to this content break by Arena Net, I want to create a little PvP-Tournament. It won’t be as big as the Tournament of Legends or something like that, but I think, it will allow you to show your skill and win some gold. To participate in this event, u need to write an email to (for more information look below).
So now: Some important rules/ settings/ etc.:

Date: 21.05.2016, 18.00 CEST (17.45 –> check-in-time)

I. Prizes:
1. Place: 400 Gold per player
2. Place: 200 Gold per player

II. Rules: Pokemon-Tournament!
- Each team needs to consist of 3 different classes. There CAN be 3 different players to play these classes. (on different accounts of course, u cannot say, that there are 3 players on one account^^) So, one team can include 1 Player with 3 characters/classes or 3 with 1 class or maybe something between. (2 players, 1 with 2 classes, 1 with 1 class…)
- Prizes, as said, are for each PLAYER, so you do not need to share 4000 gold with 2 other players.
- We will fight 1v1, just the loser of a fight switches to another class, the winner NEEDS to stay.
- The winner is the team with more points by winning fights. If a fight won’t end (5min), it will be rated as a draw. If the whole match is a draw in points, both sides need to reroll on one of the registered professions, without using the elite-spec AND they are not allowed to use an amulet with any defensive stats.
- Just the two fighting people and Admin-Stuff are allowed to be in the arena while fighting. Other members of a team need to stay outside to prevent help.
- We will play on Courtyard, at the inner circle. You are not allowed to leave the battlefield by one of the gates or anything like that. If you do this, you will be disqualified. (Look on the picture at the end.)
- One class on every team HAS TO be non-HoT, that means without elite spec and revenant cannot be non-HoT.
- You are not allowed to have more than one condition-build in your team.
- 8 Teams are allowed to participate in the tournament.
- Rules can be changed until the tournament starts, you will not be informed by mail, so look into this thread, and it will be marked.

III. Banned amulets and traits and skills
- All amulets with more than one defensive stat are banned from this tournament! (defensive= healing power, toughness, vitality)
- Moa signet, time warp (Mesmer); lich form and plague (Necro); sneak gyro and elixir X (Engi); rampage (Warrior); spirit of nature (Ranger) -> banned elite skills!
- Trapper Rune, Nightmare Rune are banned
- Thieves are not allowed to play shadow arts.
- Mesmers are not allowed to play power block and mantra of distraction at THE SAME time.
- Necros start with 15% DS/RS, Druids start with 0% astral force…

IV. General Settings, registration, etc.
- Be nice and be fair, otherwise you will be disqualified.
- Admins will just say ONE TIME, that you might stop bad behavior, and then they will ban you from the tournament.
- You need to verify your team 15 min before the event starts.
- Each Team needs to have one captain; we will talk to this captain for organization. (If there is just one player, who plays 3 classes…we might know, who the boss is…^^) Please tell us, which class each player will use.
- If u want to participate, write me a mail at (including accountnames, captain, etc.) – you will get an ingame mail, if you are one of the 8 “safe-teams”
- The first 8 teams, writing me for participation, will be safe. All other teams can verify before the event starts and will be chosen by a “queue-system”, if some “safe-teams” won’t come.

V. Stream
The event will be streamed: or

So, that’s all. If you have any questions about this, you can ask in game: Apocaly.2786 or write an e-mail to the known address.


PS: Thanks for donations to Chro Nick!


(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Flaming the whole day - noone is nice anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Laughing after winning a 2v1 with a class that is widely considered currently overpowered in the current meta = SEND HIM OUT

Bonus points: If you were an asura.

Sadly. Your argument is kinda bad. He was running the same build as me. And he had a Revenant on his side. So even if my build would be op, his would be the same + another player. So you cant blame me for winning with an op-build, if my enemy is running the same one… ^^

Btw: Noone noticed the fact i was talking about? It doesn’t matter that I won this fight. It is just: don’t laugh about other people, as i did. And do not blame others for cheating, just cause they are better than you.

Flaming the whole day - noone is nice anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Nice, that some people really noticed it. Of course it was not right to use the /laugh-emote. That is exactly what i wanted u to see. I wanted to show, that this rude comments (in PvP, WvW; even PvE..) in the game made me be a bad person myself. That’s why i asked everyone to be nice, even me. THEN the game would be much better.

Learn from your faults. But to react with “you cheated” isn’t the right way. So they should be nicer, too.
Everyone = They + me. We.


~Love u guys!~

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Flaming the whole day - noone is nice anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


I just wrote this, cuz i am very angry. 30min before i fought a Chronomancer and a Zerk-Revenant in WvW and killed them both (twice). I also am a Chronomancer. And cuz they were chasing me over the half map and then dying both to me (2v1), i used the laugh-emote, just cause it was funny. And then the Mesmer wrote that i am cheating., cause i can run faster then he. I tried to explain, that i did not cheat, but he was sure….I tried to explain, that he might have seen my illusions having super speed when i shatter them….but then he blocked me…

WHY are all people so rude, trying to chase u over the half map, losing 2v1 and then blaming u for cheating ? I dont understand why people doing this… =( Cause of this i am rly mad sometimes and then i ll become such a person myself, “flaming” others…if we all could just be nice and stop finding stupid excuses for our own defeats and faults (including me)…the game would be much better!!



EDIT: (My comment a bit below..^^)

Nice, that some people really noticed it. Of course it was not right to use the /laugh-emote. That is exactly what i wanted u to see. I wanted to show, that this rude comments (in PvP, WvW; even PvE..) in the game made me be a bad person myself. That’s why i asked everyone to be nice, even me. THEN the game would be much better.

Learn from your faults. But to react with “you cheated” isn’t the right way. So they should be nicer, too.
Everyone = They + me. We.


~Love u guys!~

-> I wanted to show, that u should not use the /laugh-emote on people. Sadly, not everyone understood the real fault made in this scene. I hope, u guys anderstand now, what i wanted to show. Dont use /laugh and this rubbish to decrease people’s dignity.

Have a nice day! And be nice!

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Banned Account - Information?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Heyho, guys!

Does anyone know, if u get mailed when u got your account (permanently) banned? Or is the only way to notice this: trying to enter the game?
Thanks guys! <3 Love ya! <3


[Have a nice (and maybe very hot) week, guys! ^^]

Stronghold - Some Feedback :)

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Hello guys!
I just want to say, that I’ve heard, Stronghold will be within the normal System of the other maps, if it comes out. THIS would be very uncomfortable, because u (Arenanet) want us to join the Qeue-system with a class and stay on this class…but i am really sure, that most of the players would play other classes on Stronghold than on the other maps. So if a Team is joining with a normal setup to do “old” PvP, than they will be punished, if they get the new map, cause their setup will not work there…maybe…

I am pretty sure: Stronghold as a really new (kinda lot of PvE-including) mode needs to get his own System…otherwise u will punish all old PvP-players, who do not want to play this much PvE in PvP with a failed setup for this map.

I dont want to say something to the map itself….just: It is really a lot of PvE – some Builds are really overpowered -> for example a turret engi (ok, he is op on each map) can interrupt u until the end of this world, if u re trying to get some supplies or get the mists-buff…! ^^ And i think, that the Lord needs much more HP, because if u re there with a lot of burst, he mostly is down, before the defending team can arrive there. ^^ …As i said: it is really a lot of PvE .. and if u want to give us a guild-ranking-list, then u should except stronghold as a own system and don t put it in the old system… =) Otherwise, i am really sure, u will lose some players…^^

greets from

[Sorry for my bad english…^^]

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


EDIT: seems to be fixed!

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Edit: Tested engineer: Bomb kit: skill 2 → burning ticks kinda random. 479,470,470,20,470,41,20,470 (ca.) ….

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Edit: on heavy armor-golem: 25 stacks might = 1725dmg-ticks with focus fire 4-skill. (burning)

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Edit: just with focus-4 on fire i got two 470 and and nine 940-ticks on the light armor-golem in heart of the mists. (Without any mightstacks, normaly cele-ele-meta, 00266-traits)

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786



We found a new godlike-bug, means: rly kitten! Burning dmg (tested as elementalist) is completly bugged. If i use my normal dagger/dagger-celestial in pvp against another ele, without mightstack – i ll do dmg-ticks like 400, 300,400,300,400 or 400,20,400,20,400,20 seems to be completely bugged …tested with dagger-fire-2-skill!
If i ll use fire 4-on focus: ticks (AS CELESTIAL) 600,600,1200,600,1200,600,1200…i guess focus will be new meta! my mate took this on a high lvl – with 25 might stacks he got as cele 1600,1600,900,1600,1600 – a way tooo op, i think..
If u use any condition-duration-things, the dmg will decrease instead of beeing constant with longer time…

Another interesting fact: we tested this kitten as ele vs ele and ele vs guard. Second test gave us the clue, that vs. guard u do lesser tickt with fire-dagger-2-skill…420,41,420,41…. much more often than against ele…seems kinda random…

I hope, u can clean this mess – so we can fight without asking where our burning-dmg gone or why one no-dmg-skill killed a player just with buring in 6 seconds! :>

Thanks! And sorry for my bad english…^^

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Guild Chat bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786



I found some issues concerning the guild-options/interface…maybe u could fix this – cause i rly want to talk to my mates and want to build some guild-catas!
- Guild-Workshop isn’t working anymore, just one upgrade will be build eben with the workshop.
- A finished upgrade is stucked at 0:00-Time and can just be stopped stucking by taking another upgrade into the qeue.
- The guild chat isn’t working anymore.

greetings from

[I’m really sorry for my bad english!!^^]

A lot of disconnects - login-server-problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


I have a lot of DCs and cant relogg into the game after this, because the login-server is not available……i also cannot connect to the website or guildwiki in this times….maybe someone can help me to fix this problems… =( never had this before….maybe it’s a routing-problem and i just need to wait, until my provider fixed it ?


[Incinerator] Flame Extinguished!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Thanks Gaile. Hopefully they’ll fix this issue in some time.

[Incinerator] Flame Extinguished!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Incinerator → The Flame-blade goes away, a few seconds after attacking…
Bolt → The lightning of the blade itself goes away … same issue…

[Incinerator] Flame Extinguished!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Same here… if this isn’ t a bug and Anet rly wants this → i will quit the game… if not → pls fix this crap!

ESL Gemprizes... sigh...

in PvP

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Even the ppl winning a giveaway in the streamchat needs to wait. Just if the shoutcaster has some codes left, then they’ll get it earlier. But for the german stream, i can say, that they need to wait until Grouch sent some codes….(I can totally understand Grouch’s comment) Sorry for my bad english, btw. ^^