Showing Posts For AreeSoothsayer.1068:
Nope, lost connection.
But I have noticed that I always lose connection during the cutscene parts of the story mission.
Well when I saw the storyline fix you showed me I went to do it and found it already in place.
Edit: I removed the ‘fix’ and was able to play straight through first try. Hope it keeps working that way.
(edited by AreeSoothsayer.1068)
This issue has been ongoing for a number of years. Different ISP’s. Different Cable boxes. Different Routers. Different motherboards with ethernet. Different ethernet cables.
So it’s not on my end.
Also, it only happens during Storyline instances. Doesn’t happen any other time.
(edited by AreeSoothsayer.1068)
I love the storylines in guildwars. With all the choices I don’t get bored.
Going into an instance, struggling through it for 15-20 minutes then getting kicked is painful. Finding myself out on the world map and ALL of my progression gone is agonizing. I’ve stopped playing for months several times, coming back to see if it was fixed only to slam right into it again.
So here’s my idea to fix it.
The instance should have a timer, 5 minutes would be best, allowing the player to log back in. Even if it’s at a savespot and losing a few minutes or repeating a boss fight. It’s 10x better than having to start from scratch.
With the premium faces you can makeover with some of them get some disturbing stretching in the cutscenes.
The Packmaster <3
I really, really, REALLY, really want to see this in game.
I was gifted the new Crystalling Dragon Wings. Lovely. A while later went gliding. Nice soun…. buh?
The wings… they flap.
Why don’t all the wings flap?
Make it known, even if just to +1. Show your support for more flapping.
Well I for one was interested in the wings until I saw them live… just no.
Anyone know why the things are so… floppy?
I messed with feathers as a kid and they never did what these do.
The bug with the giants is still around. Took 3 retries to get it to actually work.
Yea… don’t mind me. I got so used to my Autoloot feature. The treasure box is outside of it’s range so I didn’t loot the box and that kept me from getting the item. x..x
I need the Chak Garent drop mistward helm casing. I did the event, it succeeded and rewards were handed out.
But not the item I needed. I was told you get those achievement items first time from bosses and the like. Do I need to report this as a bug or is it going to be a kitten to get since it has 4 bosses and it seems to be an unpopular event.
Been checking each week the day tyhe new stuff comes out. They haven’t shown up at all this October.
Before Halloween….
I sent in a request asking for them. Anyone else wants them or knows a friend who wants them, encourage them to do the same.
They were a previous halloween item that I wasn’t around for. When I saw them in the bank I knew I must have them. Waited for October, earned gold to get enough diamonds I would be sure to get them,
Would you mind resetting the Ulgoth map? The event starts but doesn’t fully trigger so he sits there invunerable. It’s been a week.
I think I found it at last.
Deep Teal.
The Mistward armor has glowing spots, so I am trying to find the dye that matches it. The painful part is the preview doesn’t always match the real view of dye colors.
Does anyone know which Dye I can use? I’m having trouble finding it.
Thank you for the replies.
We’ll know soon enough, seeing how Anet is full on in closed door meetings building the next expansion. Which means classes are all getting new elite specs.
I really hope they add some pet elites specs. I am a pet fiend and so far necro and ranger are my hopefuls in something … non-cardboard cutout pets coming into play.
I am curious. Do the minions have their own stats themselves with only damage/healing affected by my stats or are all their stats reflections of my own to varying % degrees?
If I use, say gunner clone, with a gun that has the flame blast AoE. Will the shots from the gunner trigger the AoE?
Ah, I’m not a crafter so I’ll just be going with Giver’s stuff.
I don’t see any of this Viper’s gear on the Auction hall.
Hello, an old returner.
I’ve always disliked how.. heavy looking the medium armor is.
So, I’d like to request the cook outfit. If I manage to farm up the 250 gp needed in trade I’ll negate the request but… it’s taking so long.
Almost forgot: US server
Got it, I forgot just how much crafting mats I was hoarding. Sold half of it and had enough.
(edited by AreeSoothsayer.1068)
Alot of weapons have Condition Damage, but there is the few Giver’s weapons that add a total of 20%, 10% on 1h and 20% on 2h.
Which is actually more effective?
My gut instinct is the duration since it adds 20% duration damage, the culmination of 6 pieces of gear, runes in the gear and the condition damage on the jewelry.
The trait stats it gives my clones 10 seconds of fury with a 10 second interval. I have watched and ‘sometimes’ it will trigger a second time but overall it only affects when summoned and never rebuffs them again.
. . . I need this mini.
I also want a grown fox for a pet for my Ranger. Because why not?
Yes please.
. . . I need this mini.
I also want a grown fox for a pet for my Ranger. Because why not?
Yes please.
Always check that.
Store stuff, dangit. Being abysmally poor in reality sucks.
I got the auto response that they recieved the ticket, previous tickets gave the same however there was no personal response. Just the auto.
I used the website, sent in a report back in the beginning and around one year ago. Never got a response the previous times. I do hope this time is different.
Of course I did.
When I bought this back when it first came out I deliberately got the deluxe edition just so I could summon the wolf.
Sent in repeated bug reports since I wasn’t the only one. By now such things should have been fixed but… it’s still greyed out.
If only I still had the digital receipt, but it has been 2 years afterall.
Anyone else still got this problem as well?
If you look at the list there’s a regular fox kit near the top.
The other little pets tell you exactly how to get them. Can anyone tell me how to get the little fox? They’re my favorite animal.
Welp, I’m in. The mobs are a ton easier and really… after all this time, not a single new pet.
Some say it is too hard and some say it is too easy. As Vayne said, go to silverwastes for harder content. Do Aetherpath in Twillight Arbor, do Tequatil and/or Evolved Jungleworm (Tripple Trouble) or do Fractals up to level 49 (Rumor goes that 50 is easier).
About the pets… Eh isn’t 46 pets enough? That’s more pets than any other MMO’s I know of, just from the start.
46 pets, yea there are that many. However when it’s just skin juggling and ONE different skill from the 3-5 other same breeds.
Attack of the clones, Oh wait. That one has a sword, while this one has an axe. They’re diffrent! …. grrrrr :|
Welp, I’m in. The mobs are a ton easier and really… after all this time, not a single new pet.
Well I do hope in the time since I last played they made the pets a bit more… customizable.
Been a while since I last played. Got an email the other day about advanced or was it elite? upgrades or something for the classes.
Downloading now but just gotta know. Is there an elite/advanced Ranger class focused on the pets?
The first trait would show up. The ones that are active at all times would be visible. However those that require a specific action, defense, area or event to occure would be ?. Since the really, really good ones are specific types you’d have to unlock them one by one.
No responces at all, really? =\
Right now the pets are basically cookie cutter designs. I had expected better with all the hype around them. Been playing since beta, waiting for any signs of a change. Nada. So I’ll toss out one of the more interesting ideas I had thought of for them.
When people are born they are usually gifted or ungifted in certain ways. Unnaturally clumsy or excelling in sports. Horrible at Math, astounding in Calculations leading to rockets heading into space.
So give the pets the same. 3-5 traits. 1 shown at capture. The others reveiled when they first trigger. Some, passive mostly, come into play immediately so when you catch one and check it over you see some of the hidden traits you didn’t see out on view. It’ll be random. Traits available to all. Giving passives, boosts, negative values, specific situation effects. The whole nine yards.
Just like everything else these special pet traits will have tiers. Basic, Fine, Masterwork, Rare, Exotic, Legendary.
Basic is usually the low level passives that give a boost/negative to a stat. 5% to toughness, ect.
Fine would have those passives a bit stronger 7%, but add in specific effects. Thick fur insulating from cold damage. Blubber for underwater or polar critters. The species specific stuff would start showing up here.
Masterwork is where the fun is. Special moves, 10% +\- values. Wider array/more powerful defensive/offensive values. Like Alpine wolf taking/giving more damage from Flame legion.
Rare This stuff can’t be found on the lower or higher tiers, anything rareis found only in rare. Adoring Master, allows the Master’s trait to go to 35 instead of 25. Stuff that affects traits, valueable abilities. Enhancing pet attacks. (Rare or above have no -value)
Exotic So very few, so hard to get. These are ones people will try catching pets for hours just to nab one. Example: Heroic Dungeon Diver: Inside of dungeons all the pets stats increase by 50%, 25% boost to speed, +200 to condition and healing. Usually very specific, but deliciously useful in those situations.
Legendary: Even one of these will make your pet noticable. Once unlocked the sheer potential of it shows in the eyes of your beast. Active abilities. Trait Enhancement. Event Triggered. Example: Zaihtan Bane, Inside of Arah when fighting against Zaihtan your pet goes on a frenzy. 2x gain in size, 2x stats, all new attacks.
No longer will 3 Rangers using Bears have the same bears. They won’t be built by a press by the dozens. Each one will be unique.
I noticed something odd. I was using bombs with a bloodlust sigil. The damage before stacks and after max stats was similiar. So I took down the damage stats on the bombs with 25 stacks, then died. Checked, it was the same.
Got some cheap condition stuff, checked the fire damage, compared to all power stuff. Same.
Healing. Same.
What’s the use in having Power, Healing or Condition boosts in your build as a Mad Bomber if the stats have absolutely no effect on the damage you put out?
I played in beta, when it first started up. Got taken off for amonth because of RL. Just today I did the Claw of Jormag event.
once again the sound bugg hit, turning on a high pitched siren sound then the whole client just froze up.
It’s been over 6 months. When are you gonna fix the client crashing bugg?
I’ve been playing since beta. I have a lvl 80, 51, 48, 33 and 31. None of them work and I have sent 5 tickets, that I remember, since I first hit level 30 and hit lvl 30 with the rest of my characters.
No, bloody, responce.
Got the items but it’s been months. I have sent tickets, even added my voice to others over the grayed out Mistfyre wolf skill.
Mine is still greyed out. I’ve got the physical Deluxe edition with the code as proof if it’s needed. I got that deluxe edition JUST for the wolf and I still have never used it.