Showing Posts For Attic.1562:

I'm tired

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Attic.1562


We can argue the effectiveness of spamming two all we want, but I think we can all agree having a spammable execute ability is kittened.

I just wanna know how a spammable execute made it out of pre-production in this game. Some producer failed miserably weeding that out of the team working on weapons =/

My Nightblade has a spammable ranged execute. Jussayin.

(edited by Attic.1562)

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Attic.1562


If you can’t see the ridiculous position warriors are in right now after 6.5 months of nothing but buffs/reworks/improvements your arguments are invalid.

You know, you really should update that 6 months quote man. You’ve been saying it since October or thereabouts. Logically speaking it should be 9 months by now.

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: Attic.1562


I could care less about the dev team, because the dev team has given me no reason to care.

It’s ’couldn’t’. You ’couldn’t care less."

A few small man and guild vs guild movies.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Attic.1562


Awesome moderation.


Burst CD 20 sec, 15 sec with 30 in Discipline

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


[stat pic]

Approximately how long until you post another picture of your gat? I don’t want to miss it this time.

Burst CD 20 sec, 15 sec with 30 in Discipline

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562



You really are buttpained Dyndyn.

P.S. Come play Smite.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Why do you bother man? This is the exact same reason that ascended gear should never have been allowed into WvW as well but there’s no chance on hell of that being undone. So can’t I see why you would have any faith in them reverting the orb nonsense either.

Honestly, I’m surprised Ozoo. This is way more of a Jscull post than is typical for you.

Just a question I wanted to throw out there.

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562



The game of easy access and ‘have fun the way you like’ I was sold, bought, and played last year is no more. Now it is bound within the chains of throttled, time intensive gear acquisition and ‘play the game the way we want you to’ that I so despised in the games that I have played before.

You may disagree with that characterization, in fact I imagine you will, but I cannot think of anything else to label it. When I did the math a few weeks ago I discovered that in order to get a full set of Ascended (rings, accessories, back piece, and necklace) it would require a modestly active PvE player around 1 month and ~11g to do so, but to acquire that same set as a pure WvW player who is uninterested in doing Guild Missions and the like it would require 150 days, nearly 4 months, and well over 100g. How else can I possibly express the notion that requiring almost 4 times as much time commitment and approx 10 times the resource consumption irritates something very fundamental in my soul?

And even more recently you, personally, have dashed all hopes of two other bugaboos getting addressed ever: account bound WEXP and the 5 man AoE cap.

Given all of that knowledge; that many of what I felt were among the games best features have been vastly limited, the dismissal of fixing two major balance issues that deeply effect the way I play, and the utter lack of anything, apart from the aforementioned culling fix, that positively effects my gameplay. I have to ask you: can you conjure up any reason for myself and my ilk to stay or hope that whatever your team has planned will meaningfully improve our gameplay?

Just a question I wanted to throw out there.

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


I wrote up this bloody long reply to Devon in that “Lost all faith in the devs thread” and wanted to still post it anyways regardless of the fact that that thread got deleted and this will most likely get deleted as well. Because I feel that an honest answer would help put a lot of my personal thoughts and feelings to rest.

On top of that, this upcoming “WvW – new content patch” that was revealed was ~EXTREMELY~ disappointing….

I’m quite curious what you are talking about here? The 9/3 build has essentially no WvW updates because we’ve been focusing on completing the content that Hugh previewed in the Live stream. That content is very close to coming out, it was not ready for this upcoming build, but it will be shortly thereafter. I’ve refrained from making large content delivery promises because we know that we don’t have those incoming in the next build. There are some very large changes to WvW in bound, but as with everything, see the memes of me, I pretty much only ever say soon or as soon as possible.

If you want to be disappointed with WvW, that is certainly your prerogative and there is no way we could ever please all the people with the direction we are and have been headed, but at least be disappointed with the reality of what we are trying to do and not with some made up set of promises that we haven’t made. It’s hard enough to meet the lofty expectations we set for ourselves without being held to an arbitrary standard of the wishes of individuals. Believe me when I say we care deeply about WvW and we will continue to work on it with all the passion that we have. It’s my hope, and the hope of everyone on our team, that we will prove that with the updates we have coming in the near future.

I mean just what I said… the upcoming new WvW content patch.

This patch you’re putting out on 9/3 is not a WvW Content Patch, so this is not the “upcoming WvW Content Patch” that was revealed to us (IE, during the livestream).

Then I politely request you wait until you have any idea what is in that patch before you complain about it. Or if you prefer, I can name some other future dates that you should start complaining about what isn’t in those builds.

Devon, while some of the posters here and elsewhere may be acting somewhat rude and even hysterical I do hope you can at least partially empathize and understand these positions and what has lead to them.

It has been a year since launch. A full year. As players we can only really react to what we see or don’t see and try to extrapolate from that experience. We do not share your foreknowledge of what is on the drawing boards, nor the hurdles involved with bringing them to fruition, nor the limits of the design specs and resource allocation you and your team must work within.

May I tell you what I have seen this past year? I saw a game launch with extreme ease of access to the style of RvR gameplay I have craved and loved for near a decade. A game that for all its flaws; like culling, AoE caps, extreme zerg encouragement, queues, some ludicrously unbalanced builds; overall had a bright outlook. It was nowhere near as confining and infuriating as WoW, RIFT, or SWTOR, and was a lot more active than WAR, Planetside 1, or DAoC.

It was such a breath of fresh air to see how exceptionally easy to gain access to a wide variety of stat upgrades and how alt friendly the game was with its total lack of gear and other advantages locked away behind dull content I had no stomach for or behind tedious rank and currency grinds. I have 9 bloody character slots and 6 80s because the game allowed me that liberty. All I have ever wanted in an RvR game to do is log in, kill people with 4-9 of my friends, and not be severely disadvantaged because of being unwilling to submit to the thought numbing grind of the ‘end game.’ And you guys delivered that pretty well I feel. Though admittedly most of my friends disagreed and left after 2 months. I just made new friends and played with them instead

However, one year hence, I struggle to see why I should care anymore. In a year, what has Arenanet done to my gaming experience? You removed culling, which is obviously a point in your favor, but between Ascended gear and the character bound WEXP system most what has happened is that my experience had degraded.

Greater Marks moved to 20 points??

in Necromancer

Posted by: Attic.1562


BTW – Guardian buffs, LOL!

P/D thief buff too…

5 man seeking upper tier not to quit GW2

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Yea you pretty much nailed it buddy. Unchained couldn’t come soon enough.

I have 500 reasons that say it shouldn’t come too soon though. Heh.

I’d say roll to Dragonbrand, great community and it’s position in rank makes for extremely diverse matchups!!

The amount of people in this who are blatantly not reading the OP and just advertising their own servers is hilarious.

(edited by Attic.1562)

5 man seeking upper tier not to quit GW2

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Moving our 5 man as a last effort not to quit the game. Name some places where small mans fight small mans daily. We understand the 80 mans are around, dont care well avoid them. We dont want to zerg bust, we want other small mans to legit fight. Ones that dont add to 10 when they lose? Do those exist? Please advise.

You’re not going to find what you want here man. The game mechanics just don’t give enough support for 5 man groups to realistically function in WvW. Anytime you do run into a 5 man group it is more serendipity than design.

You have 3 options essentially. You can either give up on the 5 man only rule and just take fights as they come. Give up on the free roaming and only do organized 5v5s behind the windmill. Or give up on the game and go play something else.

GW2 doesn’t offer anything that conforms to your specifications. There is no glorious Emain 2.0 waiting to be found on another server. No undiscovered country. The vast majority of people who sought what you’re seeking either quit or found other ways to have fun ages ago.

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


Kitten. Is anyone else glad it’s reset day? I’m exhausted from reading all these long kitten posts.

You actually read them?

That hurt Oooz.

(edited by Attic.1562)

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


In Warhammer, for example, my guild could fairly easily zerg bust 3, 4, sometimes even 5 times our numbers. This is what we came into GW2 to do and this is one of many things that just is not reasonably possible within the game. The ultimate conclusion is that all of my original guildies left back in October and I only stuck around because I found a new group of people to run with in NoQQ and LARP, and the vast majority of those people are gone too for the same bloody reason.

I wouldn’t leave Call of Duty and then jump into Uncharted and demand that it should be the same gaming experience.

Your guildies (and most of the other people you’ve hung out with) have come to the conclusion that five people could not compete with twenty-five people at one time and chose to vote with their feet. They discovered that Guild Wars 2 was not the gaming experience they desired. Based on what you’ve said, I believe they made the right choice and you may want to consider following in their footsteps if you are also disappointed with the fact that you can’t compete against up to five times your numbers.

Maybe, but I can’t help but feel mislead by ANet’s pre-launch assurances that small group PvP would be supported and that player skill would be rewarded.

…ANet …is unwilling to actually attempt to balance combat within WvW for whatever reason.

Balanced in what sense? By allowing five people to “zerg bust” twenty-five people? I’d wager that isn’t quite the definition of “balanced”.

By definition ‘balance’ is a way to describe a relationship between two or more factors that is in equilibrium.

In this context the factors being discussed are player skill vs number of players; a relationship that is clearly not in equilibrium in any way, shape, or form once a certain threshold of ‘number of players’ is crossed. You cannot reasonably dispute that.

[stuff] :P

These are the sort of things that make me anxious to get my hands on Star Citizen. I can live with random impersonal fights but I really want a digital home to build and defend.

(edited by Attic.1562)

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


World vs. World is about accumulating points by holding locations and killing sentries.

Your primary supposition is wrong and all of your points stemming from it are flawed.

WvW is not about ‘accumulating points.’ WvW is just an extension of the PvE side of the game with an alternate ruleset.

The main reason that points and objectives and such exist is to give additional goals for players to undertake beyond ‘kill everything that moves.’ Plus a crude balancing method in the case of points and more varied terrain over which to fight in the case of objectives. That’s all they do. Reading further into this is just over thinking things.

This conclusion is supported by the fact that there is no official or unofficial discouragement of activities that exclude all possibility of earning points or taking objectives. Namely organized fight club nights and the like.

However, it should not be JUST zergs. There should be an option for small man roaming. Because of ET’s low population, we need an option to have small man groups be effective. Unfortunately, they can’t be because of the reasons Jscull and some others have described.

Small man groups can contribute in all of the ways I’ve already described (plus many more I’ve probably overlooked). If anyone should know that, it’s we ET’ers. Sure we can toss a “zerg” together on occasion, but we are the epitome of getting things done with small groups. Just the other day, five random players grouped up (not even partied), and took back every single camp and veteran on our map in a ridiculously short amount of time. Five people, who didn’t know each other, talking in /S chat made a meaningful (as defined above) contribution to our server. Well, for at least one or two ticks anyway.

You’re overlooking the fact that many of us are dissatisfied with those ways we can ‘contribute’. What I believe most of us want is to perform similar functions that we did in previous games.

In Warhammer, for example, my guild could fairly easily zerg bust 3, 4, sometimes even 5 times our numbers. This is what we came into GW2 to do and this is one of many things that just is not reasonably possible within the game. The ultimate conclusion is that all of my original guildies left back in October and I only stuck around because I found a new group of people to run with in NoQQ and LARP, and the vast majority of those people are gone too for the same bloody reason.

This sort of bleeding is not healthy for the long term viability of WvW. It should have been stanched long ago, but ANet seems to either be afraid of scaring off the more timid casuals or is unwilling to actually attempt to balance combat within WvW for whatever reason.

We want WvW to be fun for EVERYONE, not just zerglings.

That’s impossible. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. We play games in a fantasy world, we don’t actually live in them.

Absolute twaddle and insultingly conceited. Nobody worth listening to is asking for small groups fun to come at the exclusion of the zerglings fun. What we want is our fair go; the ability to compete in a meaningful way instead of being limited to ineffectually backcapping points and killing yaks.

(edited by Attic.1562)

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


I agree attic. Anet could fix a lot of these issues / increase competitiveness by a couple easy fixes. Raise Aoe cap to 10 or 15, scale wxp/xp so the smaller the group used to kill a player / take a tower the more xp given (running in Zergs basically weeding out any xp given because its just too easy to get) out of combat rezzing of the dead, and the big one IMO other than Aoe cap GROUP BUFFS ONLY. People grouped get the buffs/condi removal… non grouped members get notta. This stuff was used in games 10 years ago. It really isn’t rocket science.

In my opinion I have always seen smart Mobility > Zerg mentality. [Bags] focuses more on moving around and striking smart, and when we see a Zerg we never have a problem, we engage from ranged to get their attention, but with the idea that we are going to feint retreat hoping they chase us. And it works. Yes it sucks we have to avoid these full zergs but it’s a part of the game.
We find if we use builds that offer as much mobility as possible, and high damage we can string out groups of people, turn and get a few quick kills, and continue moving before the rest catch up. To be fair in our HoD matchup I never saw paxas 5 man. We ran into 5 KoM guardians, but they were a lot of bunker and nobody was winning. I think the 5 mans are around just not all at the same time.

I guess what I’m saying is we substitute going bunker/ group support for group mobility and burst damage. No we won’t be taking out zergs, but the zergs sure as hell don’t take us out. Maybe roaming groups need to try out thief mentality applied to group situations. Move smart and pick your kills.

The thing we’re objecting to is that the rewards for individual player skill in WvW are few and far between. Numbers are the primary deciding factor in almost any engagement.

Numbers allow groups to soak more far more damage & CC then they otherwise would and gives them a massive advantage in rezzing in addition to the large advantages in firepower and general survivability that normally accompanies said large groups in all games. Player skill cannot realistically compensate for and overcome those bonuses once you pass a certain threshold.

Strategies that worked in other games to fight zergs just flat out don’t work in GW2, often because you have no way to keep people dead apart from slinging CC at the people trying to rez. You say you guys run an extending group. But you’ll almost never wipe people like that because people just follow along behind you picking up the bodies and giving chase again; unless you’re fairly even numbers wise. It can be kinda fun, but you’re still getting hosed by the game mechanics.

No other PvP game I’ve ever played has placed player skill at such an overwhelming disadvantage. It’s incredibly frustrating and just serves to drive competitive players away from WvW; which will eventually cause bad things for everyone else too.

Also you’re saying fix WvW for small man. One could also argue that WvW isn’t designed for small man, but large epic group fights. That’s why it makes small groups more impressive. If you want serious small man, reinvent your builds in sPvP because you’re playing the wrong game.

I wish people would stop saying these things. They’re complete nonsense arguments that serve no purpose but to deflect attention away from the real issues at hand.

Looking at ANets blog posts from pre- and post-launch all outline that small man groups are a valid and supported WvW playstyle. No discussion.

And saying “oh just go play sPvP” is insulting. We play WvW because we enjoy the chaotic and unpredictable nature of open PvP. All of the people I’ve spoken to think that sPvP is staid, boring, and overly predictable. We don’t want to run around in circles sitting on cap points. Personally, to me, that’s no better than karma trains.

Leave sPvP out of arguments about WvW.

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


One of the things that kind of bothers me about GW2 is the lack of variety in the number of moves available to use. I just start growing bored playing the same class/build for too long.

And it’s so boring/time consuming/gold consuming leveling and gearing out new characters too boot. Terrible isn’t it?

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


I agree attic. Anet could fix a lot of these issues / increase competitiveness by a couple easy fixes.

It’s a shame that they won’t do them because of how little value they placed on WvW back in beta. Now they seem to realize that WvW is a bigger deal than they thought it would be and they have no really thought out plans to implement. So they’re just grasping at low hanging fruit like the near useless wxp system; a poor replacement for realm ranks in any light.

Raise Aoe cap to 10 or 15

Nah, that would only move the goalposts. A better solution, that would still keep the game from turning into a complete AoE-fest like Warhammer did, would be to limit the amount of AoEs that a player can be affected with at once, instead of limiting how many players can be hit with a single AoE.

With the current system, if 5 people throw all throw an AoE into a group of 20 people then the 20 will only take damage from 1-2 AoEs on average and then if the group of 20 players toss 20 AoEs at the 5 man group each member of the 5 man group will take 20 AoEs of damage.

Whereas, with say a 10 AoE per second limit per player what would happen is that all the players in the 20 man group should be hit by all 5 AoEs, but when the 20 man group returns fire with there 20 AoEs each member of the 5 man group would only take 10 AoEs worth of damage.

Obviously the numbers are up for debate, but such a system would help neutralize the great benefit large groups have over smaller groups, without turning large group vs large group combat into a massive instagib-fest. Big groups would still have some inherent advantages over smaller groups, but they would be diluted.

scale wxp/xp so the smaller the group used to kill a player / take a tower the more xp given (running in Zergs basically weeding out any xp given because its just too easy to get)

I doubt that would do anything substantial. People don’t just run in zergs because of the payout. Often they do it for safety, because they don’t want to lose. This is easily observable in games like say, Planetside 2, where you can easily get vastly greater xp rewards for killing people rather than zerging around capping bases every 5-10 minutes and zergs are still extremely prevalent.

Many people are very, very bad at losing and tend to fall into behaviours that reduce the risk of failure to whatever level they feel comfortable with. And safety does come in numbers. This is what drives the zerg mentality more than almost anything else.

Of course, the increased reward payout doesn’t help anything, but it’s far from being the prime motivator.

out of combat rezzing of the dead, and the big one IMO other than Aoe cap GROUP BUFFS ONLY. People grouped get the buffs/condi removal… non grouped members get notta. This stuff was used in games 10 years ago. It really isn’t rocket science.

Yeah, there’s no real arguing with this. The downed state could really use a good overhaul too. Multiple rezzers should not stack additively.

Too bad it’ll never happen. Or at least won’t happen soon enough. Could have been a pretty bloody good game otherwise.

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


As WvW stands now, there is something to do for everyone’s play style. There are opportunities to play 1vs1, 5vs5, 10vsXXX, use the siege, defend the castle, run the dolyak, grab that supply camp, or whatever you consider “fun”.

You elitists that insist WvW is completely going downhill because it doesn’t support YOUR view (and ONLY your view) of “fun” need to pull your head outta your hineys and realize the world (or a game) don’t revolve around your gaming preferences.

I enjoy all the above mentioned aspects of WvW, which is why I’m there almost every day, as time permits. You whiners and haters? Hit the road. I surely won’t miss you.

Wrong buddy, not something to do for everyone. There aren’t highly skilled groups running around. I have fought every tier below 5 for a year now and can count the groups that give us a solid fight with both hands. That’s pathetic considering there are 20-60 mans running around. So what you said is false. 90-95% of the population does the same thing. And calling us elitests is just pointing out what we are and what we’ve earned. We’re here to compete, not kitten around and play grab kitten with buddies somewhere in the Internet world . Like I said earlier… Most of the population is here for social gathering, reason I’m complaining is because I’ve played other games with WAY less potential with WAY MORE competitive people/teams. Just doesn’t exist here nor does Anet want that. They like majority money spending casuals.

Well, technically he’s correct. You can do whatever you want in WvW. Nobody is beholden to a certain paradigm. It’s just that the balance between the different groups is utterly fubar’d. So it’s not a spectacularly viable & sustainable playstyle.

Since numbers give way too much of an advantage for skill to reasonably overcome past certain points. The vast majority of the competitive small group people have either…

  1. Quit.
  2. Joined the zerg.

Which is, of course, why you can’t find the buggers. There are some other, more minor, issues as well, but that’s the big one.

Again, there’s nothing inherently, objectively wrong about people wanting a less competitive, more social playstyle. In a better game they would be the prey for more cutthroat and aggressive small man groups and you would get good competitive roaming groups clashing against one another in between culling zerglings. It’s just that here the zerg is all powerful and cannot be defeated by skill alone. Taking on any group that is more than say 50% larger than your own is a pretty dicey proposition unless they are both really bad and have a disadvantageous class/gear setup.

ANet will probably learn their error the hard way eventually. Zergs don’t drive lot of retention as a general rule; the average zergling just doesn’t have the desire to by that dedicated. Whereas the opposite is true for the professional zerg handlers and the competitive groups.

As with PvE it all boils down to content creation at the end of the day. Zerglings create content, and by association drive retention, for the people who command them and the people who prey upon them (and a little bit for other zerglings, though not enough to really generate much retention. A zerg is too fragile for that, just like a house of cards is too fragile to support a bowling ball.). Zerg commanders create content for the zerglings and the people who kill the zerglings. And small, competitive groups in turn are supposed to generate content for the zerg commanders and zerglings, albeit usually as something to avoid, and for other competitive groups who want a good fight.

Too bad the last piece of the puzzle is pretty much missing in this game. There is no bigger fish for the zerg to be afraid of, except maybe a bigger zerg. It upsets the balance and hurts long term player retention

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


The forums are not here to coddle you. Think on this next time you feel the need to rage post.

^ He said coddle


You would have preferred BF3-dle or haddock-dle?

2. Berk- you are 1 of 95-99% of this game that doesn’t want to do anything else but use wvw as your “epic battlefield”. Dude it’s pvp… Player vs player… There are towers and keeps here And that is all you see. Forget the red players running around, theyre just annoying right? Forget that running around with 20+ people makes this game ez mode because of dumb mechanics like 5 person Aoe cap and downed state (worst idea ever in mmo history btw). Just play general Patton every night and feel epic like youre living lord of the rings? 95-99% of this game hates competition. Hates when enemies kill/troll them in a jumping puzzle so they waste RL time and are “appalled” at the actions. Please graduate from lalaville and jump into wanting to use your own skill to kill other people. Not Anets seige skill. Like king AMA said, take out siege – I bet 40% or more would quit the game.

There’s nothing wrong with the way he plays the game. It’s a supported, and intended, playstyle.

Man I hate bloody siege and the needlessly zerg friendly mechanics as much as anyone, they’re one of the major reasons I hardly ever touch the game anymore, but it’s not the players fault for using them. Instead, it’s ANet’s fault for implementing those mechanics and devaluing the more skillful and competitive small group playstyle players like you and I prefer.

Direct your ire towards the bloody balancing team at ANet who feel that WvW is unworthy of it’s own balancing because it isn’t esportz like they want sPvP to be. Don’t blame your fellow WvW’ers. That’s just ignorant; not cool.

(edited by Attic.1562)

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


There are a lot of absolute kittening kittens on this forum.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with “killing people in a PvP zone”. There was no killing being done. There is no honest WvW at all. This wasn’t a fight. It was one guy kitten ing people off for no good reason whatsoever.

If you think that’s cool, you’re a kittening kitten too.

Understand and realize that almost nobody here gives a kitten about what this guy did to you. Nobody is going to pat you on the head and tell you about how you’re safe now because mommy is home.

Because all we see is someone crying about how they and their buddies were absolutely dominated by the better part of an hour by an extraordinarily simple to counter strategy. Your continued tears on the subject and lashing out at us only serves to fuel our amusement.

The forums are not here to coddle you. Think on this next time you feel the need to rage post.

7/5 DR-ET-SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


Dear Mezmereyes (Sorrow’s Furnace, Guild GBD or very similar):

Yesterday in the EB JP, you met up with our party and joined us, promising our leader non-aggression in return for showing you how to get through part of the puzzle. She was out ahead of the rest of us at the time, and after she got you where you wanted to be, you promptly pushed her off the perch.

You then spent the next 45 minutes camped out in a safe place on high, using Focus #4 to knock off anyone who got within range of you.

We finally got enough ET people to flood the area such that you couldn’t get us all off, we got through and promptly killed you.

Note that no one died from those falls, so you weren’t getting any loot bags. The only possible benefit to you would have been some perverse pleasure at kitten ing people off for 45 minutes. This makes you a vile human being in my eyes, the lowest of the low, despicable beyond belief. Behind every toon you continued to grief for no reason whatsoever is a real person at a real computer wasting 45 minutes of his real life because you somehow get your jollies off other people’s misery.

You, sir, owe every person you griefed 45 minutes of their lives back.

I do not hold this against SF. In fact, we ended up running with a group from LORD who were perfectly nice and respectful. I’m not even holding it against your entire guild. However, know that any mesmer I see from GBD (or similar) will become target #1 immediately for me and everyone you griefed.

Griefing for loot bags is one thing. Griefing from a safe spot for no tangible reason is a different thing entirely. And partying with someone to get their help getting to the safe spot, and then turning around and griefing them is beyond the pale. I have never seen such despicable behavior before in GW2, and I hope never to see it again.

Sounds bloody hilarious. Hats off to that man for prompting such an amusing, tear soaked post.

Someone test this please:

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


You could make that assumption, but converting bleeding gives vigor for some reason just like chilled does. Only poison converts into regen.

Maybe there is no real logic to it though. I still can’t fathom why burning converts into aegis and blind turns into fury. They seem like they should be reversed.

What just happened.... to your build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


I’m bloody annoyed personally. I was really quite happy with my hammer/sword&horn 10/0/20/10/30 build. But now a significant number of pieces have changed and not all for the better.

I’m not sure where I stand +dmg% wise atm. But I’m sure it’s at least a minor nerf.

The Leg Specialist nerf hurts like hell.

Not quite sure what to do with my points in Strength and Tactics.

Go 20/0/20/0/30 for extra power and because Building Momentum is awesome? But all the non-minor traits suck except maybe Death from Above and Great Fortitude, which are merely ok.

Probably going to end up with 0/0/30/10/30 taking Cleansing Ire for the additional adrenaline generation and swapping in Empowered for Leg Specialist.

Any word on if the change to Burst Mastery removed the old Adrenal Reserves effect? Or did only the -20% Burst skill CD bit get changed?

Honestly, your build seems to have been buffed also. Leg Specialist nerf is painful, but not that bad. You still get the proc a lot, at least with hammer 3.

I just switched ten points in strength for ten points in disc to pick up HF. Can easily switch it to burst mastery if I would so desire, although HF is still good.

With DoE now being a master trait, you can counter the damage loss of berserker’s power somewhat by slotting it.

Also, weakness got a huge buff.

Cleansing Ire is sweet with 30 in disc.

I just went roaming with sword/shield and hammer and I quite enjoyed it. Too ba the pathing on sword two is epic bad. Is it worse then before? I actually missed some critters who were standing still…

As I said, I’m more annoyed than anything atm, just because I finally had things lined up in a way I liked and now I have to rethink a bunch of stuff. At the very least I’ll have to muck with my stat balance once again to try to stay above 2k power.

Also, the exclusion of the healing cd reductions was a great blow. With those changes the patch would be pretty much unequivocally hailed as ‘great’, whereas without them it stands firmly in the ‘bad to meh to ok depending on your spec’ end of the spectrum.

Someone test this please:

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


I’m putting my money on it not being converted at all. It seems like a typical oversight.

I’ll take the money from your typical forum-poster assumption.

Also, thanks to those who jumped on and tested.

Given all the other weird oversights that regularly occur, like the cancelling issue Staggering Blow is now having, it seemed like a reasonable assumption.

I imagine they have it set up to that the system they have in place to convert conditions gives might stacks by default and all other outcomes have to be set manually. That would explain why the conversion is so bizarre. Based on the other movement limiting conditions you would expect torment to grant vigor or swiftness.

I wonder if they’ll change it.

Someone test this please:

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


I’m putting my money on it not being converted at all. It seems like a typical oversight.

What just happened.... to your build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


I’m bloody annoyed personally. I was really quite happy with my hammer/sword&horn 10/0/20/10/30 build. But now a significant number of pieces have changed and not all for the better.

I’m not sure where I stand +dmg% wise atm. But I’m sure it’s at least a minor nerf.

The Leg Specialist nerf hurts like hell.

Not quite sure what to do with my points in Strength and Tactics.

Go 20/0/20/0/30 for extra power and because Building Momentum is awesome? But all the non-minor traits suck except maybe Death from Above and Great Fortitude, which are merely ok.

Probably going to end up with 0/0/30/10/30 taking Cleansing Ire for the additional adrenaline generation and swapping in Empowered for Leg Specialist.

Any word on if the change to Burst Mastery removed the old Adrenal Reserves effect? Or did only the -20% Burst skill CD bit get changed?

Official patch notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


can someone clarify what ‘modified conditions’ are?

Ones used by players with +X% condition duration so they last longer than normal. This makes sense because if a condition lasts, say, 140% its normal duration, 140-100=40%, so it lasts 40% as long as normal against Warriors using this skill.

It’s unlikely someone will get +140% condition duration.

Especially because condition duration caps at +100%. What Dusk was describing was someone with +40% duration, which is easily accomplished by just eating some pizza.

Remember that all conditions have 100% duration by default. So without any form of duration enhancement Berserker’s Stance will cause all conditions to have 0 duration. But if the caster has any +duration food/runes/gear/traits those conditions will still be applied with a shortened duration.

For instance, since my necro has +100% condition duration (a total of 200% for those playing along at home who failed math in middle school) any conditions she applied during Berserker’s Stance would have their normal, unmodified durations. Whereas Rising Dusk’s pizza scoffing example would apply their conditions at 40% unmodified duration, just like he said.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens if you get hit with fear while in Berserker’s Stance. Will a 0 second fear result in any loss of control? I imagine it would result in a slight stutter step. I also bet that it’ll be possible to miss attacks due to a 0 duration blind if you time everything just right.

5/31 IoJ~DR~FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


O.O…… I’m speechless and a loss of words. Thank you from all of us for these words. I know i noted, on more than a few occasions, of the improvement I have seen of your guild and congratulate you all on that. As for you saying, “If you were to branch out and teach the masses I’d be very afraid of DR.” This has already happened with a few guilds on DR such as DDLG/REGA. Some great people in there and DDLG/REGA have taken some of our lessons and have found their own glory. I used to run with Envy (now XOXO on another server) when I was on Ferg for a few weeks. We had some people run with us a bit and transfer to Emry bay & I will let you figure out who they are. And just recently we had some Borilis Pass people transfer over for a bit then went back to use what they learned. You can check out the BP thread to see us mentioned. Our numbers get thinner in the interim but their has been knowledge transfer to others to help them in their endeavors and I’m/we have been happy to help.

(NoQQ) Leader

Bloody hell man. You shouldn’t drink so much red bull first thing in the morning.

31/5 - EB - BP - AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


Speaking of [NoQQ], I bet they are regretting naming themselves after a bandwagon server now that it’s dying. Should be “Glad We Didnt Roll Kaineng”.

No I dont regret it because people dont understand “my” meaning. I made NoQQ (Shoulda Rolled Kaineng) on Kaineng as a joke when Kaineng was the lowest of the low with a population that was nonexistant in WvW. Was more of a joke to those that we killed that they “Shoulda Rolled Kaineng” otherwise they wouldn’t have died in WvW to a Kaineng group roaming around. This was on Kaineng WAY before the bandwagon ride up that Kaineng did. I moved my guild off of Kaineng weeks before they started their rise up the ranks.

Stylii Elementalist (Leader)

It was a joke, bud. I heard the story multiple times while we played you guys. Loosen up a bit

OMG, that was a joke. WoW had no idea it was. Dang I wish I had known before I commented since I had no clue it was. (Rolls eyes) BTW you aren’t the only one that reads the forums. Stop hating.


What’s up with the hostility, and where did you get the hating? I had nothing but good experiences with you guys when we played, so I’m not sure why you’re trying to pick a fight in a matchup thread that isn’t even yours.

Calm thy teets. If I knew I would have to read your life story (again), I wouldn’t have said anything. The only hating going on here is yours of corny situational humor.

The problem with the joke is that not everyone who reads the forums knows the backstory on NoQQ and why the guild is named the way it is, so Stylii has no choice but to correct the record for those people.

He probably regrets the guild name for that reason but not for the one in your joke. :P

The other problem is that Stylii posts like a 12 year old girl does; between the ballistic approach to punctuation and capitalization plus the love of emotes and OMGs I always have trouble reading his posts in anything but a shrill, hysterical voice that always ends sentences with !?.

It makes me feel like I’m trolling on deviantart/gaia again. Like I wouldn’t be shocked to see him spouting off stuff about Naruto, bishies, and yaoi in 16 pt glittery pink comic sans.

Basically, it’s really hard to understand exactly what he’s saying if you don’t have experience talking with him in vent to filter the post through.

Personally, I loved wearing my [NoQQ] tag back when we fought against Kaineng. Especially when we ran over War Machine and SoS groups.

I miss the glory days of Oct & Nov. The game will never be that much fun again.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


You can get ascended in the wvw rank chests as well. Laurals is not the only way for WvWers to get ascended anymore.

But continue with your whining. As you were.

Per the patch notes you can get ascended rings via the chests ya berk, at an undisclosed but almost assuredly abysmally low drop rate.

Please note that rings != necklaces or accessories or back pieces. So no, you cannot “get ascended” from the chests. You can get 2/6ths (or if you prefer 1/3rd) ascended and they’re also the bits that are already the easiest and least time consuming to acquire.

But continue drinking your Kool-Aid.

Outmanned buff immunity to traps

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Traps are most likely going to be some clunky item that you have to use from inventory.

2013-05-14 Patch notes

Traps have been added as a new purchasable consumable utility item. Two unique variants are available.

When placed, traps last for one hour.
Players may only have one of a given trap type deployed at a time.
Traps will disappear when a player leaves the map.
Traps are sold by the vendor for 15 badges and 525 karma; they will stack to 250 and are account-bound.
It takes a 4-second channel to place at feet.
Placing a trap uses very short-range ground targeting to assist in orientation.
Placed traps have a 600×90 rectangular trigger area; only enemies can trigger them.
Once triggered, traps affect up to 20 enemies within a range of 1200.
Traps cost 10 supply to place.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


Now now, playing coy will get you nowhere.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


Don’t mind Robert, he’s not the brightest crayon in the box.

Contrary to popular belief.
I am not a crayon.

I am a unicorn.

I guess now I have a name to go with this picture.

Somehow I’m not terribly shocked.


WvW Livestream on GW2 Twitch Channel

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Honestly do you guys think they are going to do this again after all the hassle you gave him for one semantic error? He obviously was speaking strategically not tactically class wise.

We need developers to play the game more and give more attention to WvW, but when you guys are this rude and disrespectful when he is obviously trying to build interest it gives them no motivation to do it again.

You could probably consider this the first and last stream.

Next time, you should encourage more gameplay and allow them to learn with us rather than be kittens and shut them down just because of a minor detail error.

You could have just as easily pointed out the error without being kitten

What semantic error? He gave an opinion. The fact that said opinion is one that basically confirms a lot of other peoples opinions about thieves in WvW is what is the source of this venom. People wonder why such things are allowed to continue when even the Lead Designer knows about them and treats it like it’s not a big deal. You can’t just come out and say “Yeah, thieves are supposed to be impossible to kill while simultaneously laying waste to 6 people. Working as intended,” and expect it to be just water off a ducks back.

We’ve had non-stop threads about thieves in WvW since the beta weekends with hundreds of people complaining about how they’re balanced. Hearing a developer being so blase about that issue is going to upset those people and erode the hell out of the confidence that the playerbase places in the dev team.

Maybe it’s a good thing that they never do another stream, maybe they should let the community team handle communicating with the community. That’s their bloody job after all and hopefully they would be more sensitive to the community and not make such a pig’s ear out of the thing.

Calling it a ‘semantic error’ is just laughable. You can can keep making your own excuses for Isaiah, but the people who are upset are extremely justified in calling him out on this and don’t you try to dismiss them.

WvW Livestream on GW2 Twitch Channel

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


My point I was trying to clarify was that a tactical maneuver (strategic withdraw) is very helpful and useful tool against any situation in which you are not in the state of winning. I wasn’t making a comment on the thieves balance nor am I trying to get into a debate on the subject now but merely trying to teach and explain an extremely useful tactic when playing WvW.

Regardless of what you want or meant to do, I’m sure you can recognize that as a developer your words have a lot of weight with the community; especially when those words are essentially placing a certain…contentious class at the top of the WvW hierarchy.

Defense Grandmaster Trait: Indomitable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Attic.1562


Well done, Daecollo. You have totally missed the point of everything in my entire post.

Looks like the broken clock has moved on from being correct once more. Does my heart good to see the universe work as ordained.

(edited by Attic.1562)

Defense Grandmaster Trait: Indomitable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Attic.1562


in Pvp like Tournies etc I rarely use because I need adrenal health to stay alive to bunker a node. Not that it does much against certain foes and receiving foul mouth for playing one.

I’ve always though it was terrible that the warrior had any traits that encouraged pooling adrenaline; i.e. not using our class gimmick. I can see the intent of the traits, which seem aimed at not punishing warriors for “wasting” potential Adrenaline by not using their Burst skills on CD along with providing an choice between, aha, burst damage and sustained damage or burst damage and some healing.

Of course, the ball got kinda dropped by making most of said traits and most of the Burst skills damage oriented. Forcing the two into competition with each other on damage. In doing so the devs ensured that either pooling or spending Adrenaline would always be numerically superior to the other in most any given situation.

Berserker’s Power and Heightened Focus do not provide an interesting choice under almost any circumstance. Adrenal Health is better about this, but still is not ultimately that engaging; if only because it seems like such a minor buff unless you’re playing a regen focused bunker build, where, as Brutalistik says, it can feel too valuable to give up.

I believe that, instead, these traits should grant a non-boon buff that provides the same level of bonus for an increasing length of time depending on the amount of adrenaline spent.

For example, if Adrenal Health gave 125/240/360 healing/3 seconds for 10/14/18 seconds after using a Burst skill. It would encourage Burst skill usage without trapping warriors in a scenario where they are required to use their Burst skills on cooldown to maintain the buffs.

(edited by Attic.1562)


in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Dude,drop it and move on.

Not dropping it. I gave you guys all the patience and slack anyone could be expected to give.

You can keep going the rest of the week and for the next couple of weeks as well as far as I’m concerned. This is hilarious.

Healing Signet still worthless.

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


Warriors can gain 50% endurance regen with a utility (another signet, lol). Just a different way of getting it (different classes, go fig). There’s also vigor from an actual weapon skill.
Ranger has to again trait to get that vigor (on heal, on pet swap w/ birds or moas, on being crit). Again, different ways to get it for different classes.

Ranger’s massive amounts of evasion are tied to specific weapons. Just as warriors only have those blocks (MH mace, OH sword, shield), evasion (GSword), stuns/dazes/KDs (MH Mace, OH Mace, Hammer, Shield) on different weapons.

Yes, yes, different classes are different. My point was more that the sum of the defensive options available to the ranger outstrips the warriors. Maybe not overpoweringly so, but the ranger certainly doesn’t have much cause to complain about Healing Signet of all things.

Spending 5 points in a tree for permanent 50% end regen is better than having to use a utility slot for the same 50% end regen that disappears for 48+ seconds if you use the active. Getting Vigor from an evade utility, swapping to certain kinds of pets, and from each tic of Healing Spring is better than having to use a mediocre weapon and a mediocre trait that requires yet another bloody utility slot. Getting access to Protection at all is heads and shoulders above not having a lick of it.

Warrior sustain is … not in a good place. It’s one of the primary complaints against the class. Given all of that, it seems silly to have sour grapes over Healing Signet.

As far as who cares at 0 healing power? People who don’t use Celestial / Cleric / Apothecary / Magi gear.

As I said, edge cases. The only sensible way to use HS is in conjunction with other passive healing methods which all but requires a significant investment into healing power and anyone who is going to care at all about the healing provided by SotW is likewise going to invest in healing power. There are some things that cannot be balanced for.

As far as the differences at 1,500+ healing power…


  • Healing Signet = 200 + (0.033 * 1,500) = 249.5
  • Signet of the Wild 62 + (0.06 * 1,500) = 152
  • Difference = 97.5 … SotW is 60.9% of HS

Which is what I said.

Healing Signet still worthless.

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


Just as the Warrior loses the passive when they use their heal, the Ranger loses their passive when they use their utility … which doesn’t even benefit them (just their pet) without investing 30 trait points and a grandmaster major trait.

You get two weapon sets and then five slots. A utility slot is one of those five slots just like a healing slot is. Slightly different in selection, but it’s one of the five.

The difference in opportunity costs and overall healing is massive. If you cannot accept that then I cannot help you.

No evasion on skills?

Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. I said “lack of evasion” as in “warrior weapons lack evasion in comparison with ranger weapons”.

Whirlwind Attack is very good, but it doesn’t even the playing field all that much. Especially since overall ranger evasiveness is so much better thanks to easy access to constant 50% endurance regeneration and Vigor.

That’s because you’re not a ranger …. though you do have Whirlwind Attack. You also have weapon sets that allow you to have an enormous number of stuns/dazes/blocks/blinds, etc..

Ah yes, the infamous Hammer/Mace & Shield/Longbow/Greatsword setup. How silly of me to forget.

The OP was complaining that 200 hp/sec is weak. This is silly seeing as it is more then 3x what Ranger’s get on theirs and we still make use of it despite needing 2300 healing power just to get it to heal as much as yours does with 0 healing power.

First off, I learned long ago to all but ignore Daecollo and I would heartily recommend doing the same.

But I don’t feel you’re being quite fair to SotW. At any level of healing power that a regen focused build is likely to have, say 1500+, it provides at least ~60% of Healing Signets regen value. That’s a far cry from Healing Signet being 300% more effective than SotW.

Who cares how effective they are at zero healing power? Those are edge cases. Anyone who gives a fig about SotWs regen passive WILL stack at least some healing power. And anyone who runs Healing Signet as their sole source of healing is either mad as a brush, totally incapable of comprehending the tooltips on the other warrior heals, or level 5.

Healing Signet still worthless.

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


And a cleave/AOE, etc. that hits you for 1k hits the ranger for 1k and the pet for 1k … that’s 2k … 100% more.

You using extremely flawed logic Daecollo.

Additionally, if you just hit the Ranger for 1k and ignore the pet, only the 62 hp/sec is what matters. This is what happens in pvp as people know that a good Ranger can just swap out the pet before you finish it off.

There are several key differences between warrior and ranger regen builds: like Vigor/Protection access & uptime, the lack of evade on warrior weapons, and the fact that warrior regeneration is pretty much entirely bound up in banners which makes them so easily kitable.

But arguably the biggest reason ranger regen builds are on a totally different level than warrior regen builds is that Healing Signet is a healing skill while SotW is only a utility. If a warrior needs to use their healing skill they’ve just taken a huge chunk out of their passive healing for what is a thoroughly unimpressive healing skill. If a ranger needs to use their healing skill they can do so without losing ~25% of their passive regen to do so.

If Healing Signet was a utility skill it would see a whole hell of a lot more use; even if they changed the active.

(edited by Attic.1562)

Saving Confusion: Internal Cooldown?

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Confusion did too much damage in WvW, now it doesn’t do enough. Perhaps an internal cooldown on taking damage should be put in place so the damage on confusion can be increased and still punish spam-clickers without obliterating them?

The problems I always had with confusion were that:

  1. Even though the damage scaled linearly, the potential threat posed by low stacks was pathetic and near totally inconsequential while the potential threat of higher stacks was insane.
  2. It triggered on weird stuff that nobody would expect given its description: dodge roll traits anyone? Totally unintuitive. This should be fixed regardless of anything else imo.
  3. The shatter delivery system is just stupid. Especially since a single minor trait more than doubled a mesmers potential confusion output. I don’t pretend to know enough about engis to know if they have something similar, but any attempt to bring confusion out of it’s current hole almost HAS to adjust this mesmer trait in some fashion. Personally I think It would be cool if it only added confusion to Mind Wrack and added burning to Cry of Frustration, because it would limit how much confusion a single mesmer could potentially stack while also lessening how dependent condition mesmers are on confusion for their damage.

All the nerfing has really done is moved the threat bar. Now minimal stacks are even more of a joke than they were, the moderate amount of stacks that a single personal could reasonably put out are a slightly less funny joke and can even be a moderate threat when the stars align, while maxed stacks are still a fairly significant threat even though they won’t take off half your HP in one tic. It seems exceptionally lazy and has turned several viable specs into largely useless ones over night. Which is something I tend to oppose on principal.

So there are a few ways I can imagine to muck with confusion, while still retaining it’s nature as a punishment mechanic:

  • Proc late limitations. Which would help reduce the significant threat posed by higher stacks while further neutering the already minimal threat posed by smaller stacks.
  • Lower stack cap point. Single enough, limiting the maximum amount of confusion stacks to say, 10, instead of 25 would do a lot to limit the higher potential damage of confusion without negatively impacting the the threat of lower stacks (however impotent they may be).
  • Non-linear intensity stacking. The previous value of 1 tic of 1 stack of confusion was equal to about 1 tic of 3 stacks of bleeding; post-nerf it’s sitting at pretty much half that. But what if the value of confusion stacks started off high and then tailed off in intensity? What if, for example, the first stack was the equivalent of burning (currently worth a tic of ~6 stacks of bleeds or 4 stacks of current confusion), stacks 2-6 were equivalent to the old confusion, stacks 7-11 were worth the current amount, and the rest of the stacks up to 25 were equal to 1 stack of bleeding? That would vastly increase the worth of lower stacks while mitigating the extreme threat posed by larger stacks.

I think it’s obvious, given how much text was devoted to it, that I prefer the latter. I don’t know if their system can even support such a thing and the numbers are obviously totally up in the air. But it seems to me to be a far more elegant solution to the issue than the hamfisted nerf they implemented. Which ruined builds and rendered all the effort sunk into building gear around those builds naught but wasted time. Now mesmers can join warriors, guardians, and elementalists in not having a condition spec worth spit; doesn’t seem like progress to me.

(edited by Attic.1562)

26/4 - DR - NSP - GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


Legit question: What is your favorite color?

Why do witches burn??

A legit question my liege. It seems that the Internet has the answer:

DOH!! and here i was hoping we could go back and forth.. i just wanted to say BUILD A BRIDGE OUT OF HER!!!

Wait, wait, we can salvage this….

“very small rocks…”

Err, no, maybe not. For a legit way of continuing, perhaps I should have consulted the Book of Armaments:

But this thread has become a silly place… much like Camelot:

Okay, okay… I’ll stop.

forget camelot.. lets all head down to the castle anthrax..

but apologies for the sillyness. those responsible have just been sacked.

Yes, bad Zoot… Doh, I did it again.

Excessive Monty Python and the Holy Grail references: -50 DKP.

26/4 - DR - NSP - GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Attic.1562


What would be the name of the guild? Etc. We have no idea.

I still champion using the name [WM] Whirr Machine, because it tweaks of the nose of someone who very much deserves it and is a knob joke to boot. Much better name than Shut Up and Color.

[NoQQ] – Originally brought a lot of Elementalists as well as a couple of team leaders.

I think you mean still brings elementalists because the only people left are you, Jezri, Stylii, and some new guy who I know is an ele.

M Black, despite being a single target profession Thief ninja assassin, reportedly has over 60K WVW kills.

And I’m still glad to say that none of those kills are me.

All things said I would like to say, “Nice fight in front of the tower before everyone else arrived and this incident” BTW, I don’t teabag I throw unmade SEIGE on top of people. ;-P If you happen to get on my “S” list you get an Alpha Golem and I have thrown two of those so far.

I’m pretty bloody certain you did it to Dred at least 3 times.

Ascended Gear... none again?

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”

I appreciate the response, but I’m confused as to what the roadblock is… I’m admittedly not a programmer or anything, but it can’t be too hard adding a new merchant to WvW spawns.

I imagine there is some opposition from the PvE team because of some notion that being able to get ascended stuff from WvW would be ‘too easy’ and thus devalue the PvE endgame content they’ve been pushing.

See: ‘welfare epics’.

I would expect that when they finally do some to WvW they will require an absurd amount of badges, some gold, and possibly some sort of new, rarer, badge as well. Oh, and you’ll only be able to buy the rings for at least 6 months. The earrings probably won’t get added until at least two more ascended pieces are released and the necklaces will remain under the province of the laurel system.

Edit: So, scrap the additional currency idea. But perhaps you would enlighten us as to what some of the obstacles blocking the path are Devon?

(edited by Attic.1562)

Small man/Havoc Crew Tier Consolidation?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Attic.1562


6. Realize there are 22-44 noobing morons following a blue Dorito

“They don’t play like we want them to play, therefor we must insult and berate them at every opportunity.”

I’m sure this “small man tier” initiative will go quite smoothly driven by your charm and warm personality. After all, surely everyone will commit to sticking to your exceedingly narrow view of “acceptable game play”.

People who will chase 5-10 across a map with 40+ deserve to be ridiculed.

What about when 5-10 people chase 1-3 people across a map? Do they deserve to be ridiculed as well, regardless of context?

Why most wars use the same utilities (PvP)

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


That’s what I said Scoobaniec xD, I think I misundesrtood you?

Probly..i was mean why all the adrenaline we had goes to 0 when the burst skill got a cd atm.. Its like 2x cd, first to cast a skill, second to build adrenaline.

Because we could easily pop Signet of Fury and Healing Surge to get 3 Eviscerates/Earthshakers/Kill Shots in a row.

And in case that does not seem so overpowered:

  • Three Eviscerates would have higher damage than Mug>CnD>Backstab
    And take about 6 times longer to execute while also wasting your heal.
  • Three Earthshakers would give you a total of 6 seconds of stun with a cast time of 2.25s, so you would have almost 4 seconds to beat away. Think 3x Earthshaker > 100B
    FYI, stuns don’t stack duration. So your ridiculous fantasy wouldn’t work. And you’d still end up wasting your heal.
  • Three Kill Shots would give you damage higher than three Eviscerates, from a range of 1500.
    And would take a full 6 and a half seconds to cast.

You’re a reactionary fool, do you know that?

Why most wars use the same utilities (PvP)

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


And to the above poster, having to take a 90 second cool down skill, which doesn’t even stop conditions being inflicted btw, just for a flat out 25% attack speed increase is not worth it. It wastes 2 utilities of which the warrior already lacks stated in many topics.

As I said, people do that now because of the damage effect. Remove that, and most people would switch to use Balanced Stance, as its a stunbreaker and gives Stability, both of which would greatly benefit Frenzy. Heck, most people are already running Balanced Stance on their bars.

You mean people might actually want to use frenzy then? Bloody hell I’m glad we don’t live in a world like that. It’d be a terrible thing if people went around using their abilities without getting their butt handed back to them or having to use two bar slots. One might even call it a travesty of justice.

Good thing we don’t have to put up with that sort of nonsense here.

The thing is, there are people who love the mechanic we have.

That doesn’t excuse the fact that the adrenaline system is a weak mess of various revisions and nerfs and is in dire need of a fresh look. A good start would be to revamp the weak Burst skills and then either significantly reduce or flat out remove the CD on Burst skills. Then they could start making the traits worth a kitten

Endure Pain is like Mist Form

I wish Endure Pain was anywhere close to being as good as Mist Form.

Havoc WvW Necro discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Attic.1562


This is what I ran back when I still played.|b.1b.h16.d.1b.h5|6.1b.h16|1b.7v.1b.7v.1b.7v.1b.7v.1b.7i.1b.7i|4x.0.2x.d1e.3x.0.1b.9b.1b.9b.3w.0|u47c.u69c.a2.0.0|30.d|3r.44.3x.4a.0|e

I exclusively played in small groups (up to 15 man). The survivability is admittedly lower than I’d like, but this is the only way to get across the board 100% condition duration, which I felt is worth the trade off.

Not only does it guarantee 2 tics of fear damage every time (which is near 3k damage with full stacks iirc), but it also makes keeping chill, poison, and weakness up on your targets much easier. Not to mention condition duration is of paramount importance when it comes to spreading confusion with epidemic.

Sometimes I also swapped out the focus for a dagger and slotted well of darkness and chilling darkness so I could really screw with people. But I found this to be a good base. Especially if you’re good at pre-kiting.

The rare few times I was solo I also sometimes slotted hounds of balthazar just for the extra damage from burn.