Server: Maguma
Guild: Judgement [Eye]
I have a very short wishlist of two to three things i would love to see put in the game. (Part B could count as two different things.) Note: This has little to do with gameplay and are just cool/ QoL changes id like to see in place.
A: Gliding in the rest of Tyria. PLEASE! I love gliding. I will just run around all over the place gliding for fun. But there are so many places in the older maps that I take one look at and i’m like “Man. I want to glide off this cliff. That would be fun.”
I dont care if there are zones around jumping puzzles that prevent it, or if its still not allowed in WvW. I would really like the abillity to glide in the more relaxing zones of tyria without mordrem mobs trying to rip my face off :P
Suggestion: Add another rank of mastery to gliding, the final rank allows for gliding outside of Magus Falls.
B: More Dynamic Dyes. To explain I have two ideas for this. One would be a cool textured dye. We already have armors with neat textures, such as the zodiac armor and then there is the druid astral form. I would love to see a Dye that adds an astral look to armor, or one that makes it look like hellfire. A dye that changes the feel of the armor itself, rather than just the color.
The other Idea was Dye swap on certain conditions, such as Weapon swap or Day/night Dyes.
With this i was thinking how Eternity and ascalon weapons change apearance with day/night. I think it would be cool to have dyes that do the same to keep up with the weapons, so people who are obsessed with matching weapons to outfits like me, don’t have to be concerned with what time of day it is ingame.
The two dyes i would like to see are an ascalonian one (a Greyish brown that turns ghost blue at night.) And an Eternity themed dye. (Either white to black, or a gold or blue to red.)
Thats all. Just some shower thoughts I had that i thought would be fun to have in game. Hope you enjoy!
I went and farmed up the revenant armor set and did some mixing and matching to make it less spikey and more armored. BONUS: i get to run around as a blindfolded archer.
Ummm, how are you currently changeing your armors. If you have multiple sets there is nothing stoping you from switching between them, they really arnt changeing much about the transmog system other than useing gear your useing skins from a gallery. So you know…you dont lose the skins.
So i fail to see the point of where the price is going to go up for fashion. If your changeing your armor appearance alot atm like everytime you need a new outfit. your already spending way more than you will. Because you will consume both the gear and the stone.
Seriously, if yours running multiple gear sets for different appearances, that would be your best bet if you dont want to spend a fortune on charges
you do know you can apply a different rune over the current one right?
Yes please I want real wings of good size. You know something that looks functional. All the current sets are far too tiny
We were Role playing in Gw1, by comparrison gw2 was a huge improvement for it.
I run meditations in PVE all the time. Their wonderful! the point of running a meditation build is our only selfish build really. Im always solo exploring areas in pvp so its a build that provides a few things
Great damage (Fury and crit damage makes high burst)
Great Defence (High healing/armor/condi removal)
Can run almost any weapons with the right set up.
when you just dont care about helping others and only have to worry about yourself its an awesome pve build.
there really is no need. the reason there is no mid level mats is because no one is killing the mobs that drop them. If you want to make money seriously just go to mid level areas and kill everything. you can get a decent chunk of them in a half hour. they still drop for lvl 80s
I use meditations because it provides self healing, Fury and large amounts of Condition removal. I dont know any other build that is as defensive and offensive at the same time. Like i said though, im a very selfish guardian who does mostly solo game play. Shouts and AH work much beter with groups.
I currently love the Meditations build, its beautifuly tanky with quite solid damage. I realize its an incredibly selfish build but im mostly doing solo pve/roaming.
I currently use Sword/focus and Scepter/sheild
but i was wondering if its possible to make meditations work for greatswords? Every time i mess with the build maker i feel like i lose so much power pulling out of radience to put stats anywhere else. And ive tried the meta builds and found i dislike how squishy i feel. I am very happy with my current build but it does make it hard to work in any other weapons. Any suggestions to how i could make this build more effective with a greatsword?
Edit: Weapons and armor are full beserkers with scholar runes, though in WvW i find myself running my Knights armor with travelers runes for extra duribility and speed.
(edited by Aven.7295)
So ive mained a guardian since the game started and i still just cant get over how anoying the effects for the scepter look. If the weapon had a beter astetic i would use it a ton more. Sooo i came up with some ideas for partical effect changes that i would love to see.
Skill 1: Change out the small blue tennis ball for the projectile from Zealots defence or Whirling wrath.
Reason: It would give a brand new feel to the weapon and make it seem as though you are fireing off blade trails (AWESOME) instead of tiny blue orbs.
Skill 2: Change smite into a beam of light that strikes an area damaging enemies that stay inside it.
Reason: I dont know why smite isnt a symbol… it really deserves to be. but since it isnt can we make it into RoJ from gw1?…please? Anyone whos played gw1 knows that skill is just awesome.
Skill 3: im actualy ok with its current state.
IF this is just completely not possible, would we beable to get them attached to say a Guardian sepesific legendary scepter? I pictured a long handled wand with a crystal blade and crown at the end. (Meant to apear almost sword like to give reason to the new particle effects.) It could also change skill 3 to apear as 3 ghost swords locking someone in place.
as for aquisition, It would be great to have it be aquired through a long quest chain rather than current legendaries. Starting by meeting with guardian trainers who had either heard stories or discovered a new source of power. Then through this adventure it would test the player on what it means to be a guardian, forceing them to explore the different aspects of the class and being able to adapt to a large variety of situations.
and at the end the weapon is either forged by your efforts or given to you by an ancient guardian spirit.
…well anyway thats my hopeful wishing. let me know what you think
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, omg you guys think this is a pay to win game. ive never laughed so hard in my life. Gw2 does their cash shop right, their items in there offer absolutely NO combat advantage. It is merely items of convience and just because you dont want to buy them you cry Pay 2 win! omg not fair.
Seriously… comming from Aion a true pay to win game where you need to spend easily $200 to get your armor in fighting condition, your petty argument is halarious
the point is to have a single noticeable and effective passive at a time rather than 3 subtle and boring passive with horrendus cds for the actives give the guardian the abbility to choose between a very active support style (lots of virtue changeing) or a more passive style by staying with the passive they prefer
i think restricting the weapons would be detrimental to guardians rather than helpful, but Finnway, i have been playing my guardian since beta and he is still my main, that doesnt change my opnion that the class still needs a bit for of an interesting mechanic
I am here to possibly cause waves but I think these would be good changes for guardian to make the class more interesting and fun to play and giving us a slight bit more complexity as well as a bit more of visual satisfaction.
My idea is originated off a few posts i’ve seen floating around the forums so I cant take credit for it but I am merely stating how I think it should work. But without further ado.
Change the Virtues into a stance/atunment based system.
The reasons behind this is currently virtues are unimpressive and have terribly long Cd’s making for uninteresting passive game play. The only time virtues are fun is when you are speced 15 into radiance and can spam VoJ for blind and burn. Not to mention a lot of our base stats are lowered to compensate for these boring passive effects that make us good.
How would it work?:
My theory is pressing f1-3 would change your atunment to a different Virtue. When changing Atunment you activate the virtues effect and cause it to do something noticeable. This would be the equivalent of activating a virtue now. But after the active is done you get that virtues passive along as you are Attuned to that specific virtue.
This would also give guardians a far more active supporting role, For example. Your group is trying to burn down a champion mob, but the mob has a big aoe you need to watch out for. You start off by attuning to justice. Putin heavy burning on the target as well as giving your allies a nice boost of damage for a short duration. As the boss prepares to aoe you change your atunment to courage putting aegis on everyone and increasing defenses for a little while. Then people start to get low so you change to Resolve to heal people for a large amount and apply some passive regen. Then later you switch back to Justice to try and push the damage again to finish the boss off.
The key thing with this is we would easily be able to buff these effects to make them more noticeable and more effective since the guardian would only be able to access one at a time and switching would cause that virtue to go on CD. You could easily add in some noticeable spell effects so plays will know what virtue the guardian is in.
Justice would have an aura of blue flames
Courage would have the aegis and could have a shield shaped aura
and resolve would give an aura of glowing blue light.
(This also solves the problem with Ages ruining all shield skins for guardians, because we would attune to it when we need the shield and not have it up at all times where it usual blocks an insignificant hit.)
Obviously this would not be an easy change and would require quite the rework of traits surrounding virtues as well as a re-balance of the guardians stats but overall I believe it would create a larger variety of builds and more interesting and involved play style for guardians.
Greetings all you guardian crafters! So as we all know ascended weapons are comming out. I figured we can start a fun little conversation on who is excited for it and what weapons you guys will be crafting first.
I personaly will be aiming to craft myself a greatsword right off the bat and then will aim for a hammer. How about you guys?
I would like to propose a severe reduction of aoe damage done to summons across the board. One thing i notice is summons are created they run through storms of aoe and instantly die. In pvp it doesnt work well, they go down so fast and it also makes they a rather poor choice in dungeons.
My suggestion is increase health of all summons as well as give them a buff that reduces aoe damage taken by around 70% meaning if people want to burn summons quickly they will need to target them. At a 70% reduction they will still be up long enough to do some damage but not be invincible.
Run full berserker, 0/30/0/30/10.
someone didnt read. thats the guardian dps build
You probably want more of an anchor build, one that can stay in the fight and be a rallying point for your team.
i personaly recomend Knights armor with zerker jewls, this will give you a nice mix of survivablity, and damage, then if you want decent survivablity and a little more for the damage side,
0/15/30/20/5 works wonders, letting you spam virtue of justice every kill for might and blind.
if you want alot more survivable then 0/0/30/30/10 will make you quite tanky and acess to alot of party support. both builds i recomend shout utilites and either hammer or greatsword weapon. although other weapons are good to have for other situations. Hammer for tanking and greatsword for damage
He did answer your question…
Damage isnt pressure if its easily ignored/outhealed. When you cant out damage regen. then your only able to buff allies. He pointed all this out but you either didnt understand it or didnt read.
Your build will work well at supporting, but bunkers need to be tanky and put out enough damage to push people off a point, otherwise they will just sit there and slowly wear you down. Which granted would give you time to get team mates to come but overall youll tend to just be ignored.
i think there is an Overwhelming agreement…. Guardians need to inherit
wouldnt mind something like this for my sheild
thats the thing though, they also said their looking at the actives so some of those may change too, they focused mainly on warrior but breifly covered guardian. I know the stat ones are doubled. the heal and damage reduction will probably be untouched but i think if the actives are buffed then it might just be a viable build.,
i was thinking a little something like this
Currently with the more effective signets, it was like 180 power, 20% dmg reduction, 2 conditions per 10, and 180 condition damage
the final signet is mainly for a nice imobilize or you can just swap it for any skill you prefer but the first three were pretty nice, expecialy if they get buffed to be even more effective
in the SOTG, they stated that all signets that give stats are pretty much being doubled.
with signet’s passives getting buffed and the actives getting changed, is anyone besides me debateing a 30 radience signet build?
im just thinking of all the jucy stats signets will give with the buff and then our talent to make them even beter.
I would be happy, if it was just more astheticly pleaseing… i feel so lame useing a scepter. when i imagine a big plate warrior useing a magic scepter, i was hopeing for something a little more inspirational than little blue tenis balls and tiny magic fists
ive been playing a full rabid set with P/D in WvW. Its a bit of fun and you feel very elusive. Essentialy you want to have your shadow arts full and you will feel extremely tanky due to the healing you get from always being in stealth. Grab a sigil of earth for you pistol to help stack bleeds faster and run uncatchable and caltrops to get those bleed stacks fast. Your not going to kill quickly, but you will kill most people who are dumb enough to sit around and try to fight you.
Its a fair bit of fun becuase when you get good at it, you can kill people inside a zerg and they just wont be able to keep up with your hideing.
also when fighting rangers, their pets give you easy access to stealth makeing them one of the most fun to fight. and melle just get kited all day with all the caltops.
The only people i have trouble with are Mesmers and people with exessive condition removal. But the good thing is when you find someone you cant kill, just drop shadow’s refuge and sneak out of the fight, if you play your cards right, you can disengade from any fight with ease
listen friend, i understand you upset but you also need to take a deep breath and calm down. Its hard to take suggestions from someone who is angry, even if your argument is passionate. Also demanding something feels very self entitled, and probably wont get you very far to use that terminoligy if you want to see actual changes.
On one hand, P/D condition builds seem to be completely unaffected by the patch. but i can completely understand your frustration. haveing fludity in a combo is what makes a class fun and make it have synergy, when that tempo is off is kills alot of the entertainment. because you actual have to sit and watch rather than just feel it out.
man i just want a sheild skill that uses the awesome charge animation. i love the spin shoulderslam. Unfortunately ive been so disapointed with guardian shield and so impressed with warrior im actual in the process of leveling a warrior X_x
Wait? did the OP just complain they have added stuff to HoM. LoL. Everything that is in the HoM has been there SINCE BETA!. Nothing new has been added, nothing has beem updated. HoM is the exact same as it has been since its release. The skins are ok, but honestly for a big time gw1 player it was a bit of and insult walking back into the HoM and seeing everything ruined and destroyed.
Its a small bug where occationaly upon zoneing into major citties like Lion’s arch and Divinity, i find i am unable to select anything or target. I can still interact with Npc’s as of the F key. Its not terribly bad just a little anoyance i thought i should bring up.
Alright so i have my build set up just the way i want it. Im currently running a Sword/X build. I change out X to either torch/shield/focus depending on my mood.
The way my character is set up his left arm is heavily armored and his right arm is not so as to allow left arm for defense and right arm freedom of movement with the sword.
So heres the question. Idealy i would like my character to Apear as though he fights with just a 1handed sword so ive been running a focus.
Ive been useing courage for now but does anyone know a more subtle Focus skin that also doesnt look akward as it sits on your hip? Any advice is welcome.
PS. right now im not looking at the Anomaly as it is way out of my price range.
thanks all, ive been playing around and ive settled on soldier armor with knights jewls since thats all i can aford atm. Ty all for the help
So i have a question for a few expereinced guardians. I understand the builds just fine but im workinder what gear should a guard be walking around in for decent survivablity and damage.
I currently see people saying a combo of Knights + valkyrie’s in both armor and jewlry. Could someone tell me what the combos usualy is?
Currently im running full soldiers armor with rune of the soldier and cleric jewlry.
Im wondering what i would need to replace to get a decent amount of crit and offensive power while still remaining tanky.
i think hes stuck on the necros have low dps thing… which couldnt be further from the truth….
Sustained dps on a boss > burst
most of what he thinks is good dps is actualy just burst damage
i love haveing a necro in party it usualy makes things go rather smooth
Guild halls are part of what made gw1 awesome, Its what made the game feel like home. To have a place that belonged uniquely to your guild and friends, it was awesome. Expecialy for a Role play guild.
I wish they would increase the priority on Guild halls, its a small thing but i dont think they realize just how important they were to the playerbase
i like what your getting at, it would be nice to see the offensive trees be a bit more suited to the weapons that their supposed to be for. Currently it just doesnt feel fun or worth it to do a glass cannon guardian.
it would be nice to actualy setup a bar and feel like your ready to be dps of the group.
it would take alot of work to fix the tree currently and i dont think were first on the list :/ but man what i would give to do
that again
That talking salad is Kormir 2.0… What happened to you know… Prophcies where you actualy get to be the big hero instead of a sidecharacter
edit: also, what happened to no two characters will have the same story…. streching it a bit there huh?
(edited by Aven.7295)
I demand that all walls, trees, rocks, buildings, cliffs and water be removed and replaced by a flat level featureless plain. These items get in the way when I am trying to kite something and are completely unacceptable. How are we expected to play and also be aware of our surroundings? On top of that, a rock ate my Mesmer once when she did a teleport skill. She was stuck inside the rock and had to pay several copper to waypoint out. ANet needs to refund me 60 copper for that.
i also want trash mobs to drop Legendary weapons. I’m fine with just one a week, I’m not greedy.
Dude man, You dont want plains! All the blades of grass, They cut you man, THEY WILL CUT YOU!
One of my favorite things i absolutely loved from a few of my favorite mmos is when you craft the highest teir item, it puts your Character’s name in the items Title. Or you could choose the items new name.
If they ever release ascended or a new craft teir i would love to see this happen, it would really give a strong sence of ownership to the item as well as a bit of prestige.
(Ex. Aven is a max weaponsmith, He crafts [X] Uber dagger. The items name becomes Aven’s Uber Dagger.)
the reason i suggest this is when ever a master craftsman creates something truely amazeing the items are usualy either named after or named by the craftsman. To be able to create such an item would make the said item feel very important to its creator and it think it would be a wonderful addition to the immersion aspect of the game.
hey dont lump gw1 players all in the same boat. me and my guild all played gw1 for over 6 years, and granted we loved that game alot but the new gear system actualy works rather nice. All you need to to get full set of exotics and your set, you can do almost anything. And for those who want to push their stats even farther their are Ascended items. But ascended items dont feel required. (they may be for fractals but i havent set foot in there).
the gear system is fine, i just wish they had done with less levels so more content would have been “End game”
Knight’s armor is Power/Precision/Toughness for its 3 stats
well it depends if you want more offensive or defensive, but unfortunately its kill speed is kinda slow compared to a hammer or GS, its really good for leveling cuz you can take on things alot higher level but if you want to kill quick and farm youll need a different build, as for 1h/shield builds ill show you 2 of em that i found worked.
thats the more offensive build and i recomend a full knight’s set for it, you want to get your crit way up and you want and On Crit sigil on one of the weapons, its all about the crit
for a more survivable build
this one worked decent, i was a little dislikeing the slower kill speed but had way higher survivablity. and a ton of support.
good luck!
I leveled as and continue to play sword/shield on my guardian.
I’ve used a few different builds. One was a condition damage/boon duration build. It worked fine, although it really only found its strength 60+ with grandmaster traits. In retrospect another build may have been better leveling, but I honestly can’t say for sure.
I’ve toyed around with several other builds and they all were fine. The key part is the sword/shield playstyle:
Sword #1 will do the vast majority of your damage.
Sword #2 is a great opener and blind mid-fight.
Sword #3 should be saved for a ranged attack while immobilized or to block projectiles.
Shield #4 is to give protection to yourself and allies.
Shield #5 is a knockback, projectile absorber, and heal—use it for one or all, as necessary.This is not a playstyle that lends itself to people that obsessively put all their skills on cooldown; you need to wait for the right moment. Autoattack is fine as long as there is no reason to use the other skills.
A lot of people prefer a focus offhand to a shield because it does more for your personal survivability; the lack of an interrupt is the dealbreaker for me, but you may want to consider it.
I keep a scepter on weapon swap. It is a very underappreciated weapon in our arsenal, but a lot of the underappreciation stems from what it used to be and what people what it to be, not what it is.
Sword’s autoattack cycle takes 2.5s and consists of 5 attacks, making it proc burn faster than any other weapon—so it makes better use of condition damage than other builds.
Sword #1 will do the vast majority of your damage if you can get your crit up.
Sword #2 is a chase skill and good for blinding on big windup hits.
Sword #3 Is your BURST! (this skill hits mega hard and while is does have ranged you mainly want to use this point blank to unload heavy damage. Useing this at range is really wasteing the damage potential of this skill and more often then not misses.)
Shield #4 is to give protection to yourself and allies.
Shield #5 is a knockback, projectile absorber, and heal—use it for one or all, as necessary.
generaly grab Judge’s inqusition for a gap closer (or whatever the fire teleport is) its much more reliable and deals good burning. save sword #2 for when they run or if you need to blind to avoid an attack.
so here is my build, mu goal is to have a sword/shield based build that is able to properly support my allies but also be able to do some decent damage while solo.
i havent tested the build yet but im working on createing it.
i have no idea what to use as my second weapon, also the utilites arnt really locked in, i change em out alot depending on where i am and what im fighting, as for elite too, not to fond of any of em lol.
I plan to use a full set of Knights armor as well as a full set of Beryl Jewlry, as well as food to help raise my precision., Currently my Sword has a sigil of rage and my shield a sigil of blood lust,
Im really torn up on loseing the t3 tallent on valor for the 15% 1h crit in radience, so i left it as is for now. Any and all suggestions are welcome, please help a fellow guardian work out his build dilema
can i has old roj elite?
gw2 has gotten to be the hipster mmo… its kinda funny
I transfered to a lower population server to experince wvwvw and now its not letting me transfer back to Maguma. i keep getting this error. Anyone know whats going on?
i want to love the game… really do. put enough investment in the first game that i was really hopeing this game would live up to what they said. Right now my biggest problem is your not allowed to farm. and everything in the game is pretty much just another gold sink.
you know why people loved gw1 with less content? Because Anet didnt tell them how to play.
Also the thousands of personal stories thing is BS no mater where you start it ends the same. its mass effect all over again.
Players who try hard to play the game and put in extra time to succeed/farm/ or pull ahead in anyway shape or form are punished.
Fanboys claim their doing it wrong…
They touched on a power plateau at max level around the time they had the ele reveal. Countless blogs and discussions in the years after that. You mean to tell me that somehow, when you “read everything on their site plus a couple reviews and beta videos”, you somehow missed all of that?
Here’s a link to a blog post by Colin touching on how a gear treadmill will not be in the game.
Colin JohansonFun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.
Here’s Colin Johanson and Eric Flannum in a video a few weeks before release talking about endgame.
So basically, yes, ArenaNet has said gear progression past max level will not be in the game. So if you bought this game expecting a gear treadmill, you might as well go out and buy Battlefield 3 expecting it to be Quake-esque arena shooter since you insist on being an uninformed consumer.
Correct. I did not read two random blogs released just prior to the game before buying it. I read what was on the main website, specifically the dungeons section which is very much in contrast to “aesthetics only,” and did a couple hours of research otherwise, most of it before June 19th, which would make coming across that information rather unlikely. Calling anyone that didn’t hunt down every last blog about the game uninformed consumers is ridiculous, and judging by your other posts in this thread you are either a rabid fanboy or a bad troll anyway, so kindly take it elsewhere. Neither I nor the OP nor many of the people concerned about the lack of endgame are saying GW2 is a bad game, but we would rather not see it be the next Warhammer, which is what it will be without some form of post-80 character progression. That actually does include things outside of the “gear treadmill”. AA/skill points that only work in certain areas so as to keep pvp balanced, heroic bonuses that only apply to heroic dungeons, there are numerous possibilities that could be implemented with minimal effort and without disrupting the other aspects of the game.
There was no post level 20 progression in GW1 either. Only cosmetic progression.
So just.. deal with it. There won’t be any power increase after level 80. Which I’m really glad I’m tired of games where I have to endlessly chase new carrot to be on pair with everyone. I have no incentive to do it nor time.
If you want endless progression. Go play WoW, RIFT, Everquest and countless other MMOs.
GW1 also had enough content to support the original intention and had Replayable content. Also it wasnt NEARLY as bogged down with anti farming codes. Please actualy know what your talking about before you say it. Ive played every single one of those mmo’s, gw2 at its core, is actualy a worse grind because we cant actualy farm.
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