Showing Posts For Awkward.1286:

Mesmer WvW What The...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Awkward.1286


really? lol.
Never said anything about the world ending for any class, just compared one balance change to another.

Mesmer is the only class that can use an ability that can move multiple people from this range.

Multiple people.
Target anywhere Terrain skill.
Maximum Distance when used.

Every other class that has an ability to move another character at any time has a LOS obstacle and a 1 person limit.

But not mesmer.. they can pull you through walls, off of buildings, anything that has no ledge, even if you are not even standing anywhere near a ledge, an auto attack would deem target to be out of LOS and this ability would still work against that target.

The use of “Into the Void” has extended range upon the spells also extended range from traits.
Watch the youtube video in the OP link.

Pretty sure only the ranger longbow should be able to hit that person in the video, and i can 100% bet that the ranger would get the “obstructed” message if he tried.

Mesmer WvW What The...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Awkward.1286


How does every other class get a line of sight nerf and skill rework that is in the interest of “balance”, but mesmer does not?

Mesmer abusing skills freely, with no fear of being nerf’d, while other class’s get balance changes to LOS and changes to many targets that are affected by the newly balanced skill.

Mesmers using skills that work without line of sight.. with a 25 second cooldown..

Basically can rip anyone off a platform that is no where even near the edge.
I feel sorry for the Necromancers who got another nerf to epidemic when a skill like this goes unchecked and is abused in all aspects of GW2.. mostly wvw.

The skill im refering to is: “Temporal Curtain” then “Into the Void”
Every 25 seconds.. with extended range when traited.. then extended even more when the target is further out of distance.. which manages to still hit the out of reach target.

I’ll assume the dev’s know about this and that this thread will be ignored or locked because of flaming replies or OP lacks constructive criticism.

Here is a youtube vid of what im talking about:

Unable to log in, Multiple codes. [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


I am having exactly the same problem.
I entered a dungeon and was hit by this.

Jormag's Escape..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Grumpy people on these forums..

Lesson Learned: ignore people with issues that cannot see the funny.

Jormag's Escape..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Aww yes I thought we would get it right at the wire lol

Haha, yeah we tried.

I like the irrelevant facetiousness of the people smartassedly correcting OP.

I laughed at the comments about “claw of jormag”, lucky i made no spelling mistakes hey.

LOL that sucks. did you get your chest?

No sadly, when we were kicked, the “claw of jormag” had no health to display on the bar.

Jormag's Escape..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awkward.1286


I wondered if ArenaNet was trolling us when they brought the server down 1 hour after the reset.
Knowing that everyone would be hooking into the Improved Chest Events.

But i figured out a secret plot behind it all..
They are Jormag sympathizers!



New Bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Just stumbled upon this guy in Diessa Plateau, who looked like he was stuck inside an Iron Ore.
I came over and tried to strike up a conversation.

Then he seemed to teleport outside of it, hit it 3 times faster than i have ever been able to harvest a resource, then simply vanish.

I blinked, then continued on my way.

Not 4 steps down the road i see the same guy, on a Gummo Sapling, machine gun chopping it down, then teleport to the tree just beside it.

I thought i was seeing things, he can simply teleport from resource to resource.
It looks like they are able to simply teleport.. bypassing all the waypoint costs.

This reminds me of the botters on WoW, that used to teleport around a map that still plague that game to this day.

I reported this guy, and added him to my friends list to see if he ever goes offline or is banned.
Lets see if ANET does anything about it using the ingame reporting system that we are told to use.

New ranger skill to make us "special" in WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Guard – is not 4000 range, it is 1200.
-It does not scale walls anymore, it can only climb down them still.
-Sniffing out stealth enemies means nothing, even with the anti-aggro changes to stealth.
-Pets should automatically hunt stealth enemies.
-Having this skill in your bar is a pointless.

Ore, plants and trees, ruined outcome.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Am a little glad that im not the only one experiencing this,
Cursed Shore and Frostgorge Sound.

Threw away all my level 60 tools and bought new ones, still getting ruined materials.

RANGER - Healing Spring - Entangle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


These 2 skills don’t work properly anymore.

Entangle, seems to hit some npc’s, sometimes it simply does not work, if it does work it only lasts for a few seconds.
Have not been able to entangle players with this since patch.

Healing Spring, Does not work on other players or any allies, it only works on myself and pet, it was not removing conditions either.

Weird Mail Glitch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Me and my guildies have been having this issue also.
Eventually it started working correctly, seemed like it was something to do with replying to a mail sent by an alt character on whoever’s account.

We have not transfered server or anything like that.
After the maintenance that was just before this flame&frost patch we started to see a fair few strange things happening.

We still cannot upgrade our member capacity or ginvite anyone, while it keeps giving us an error saying we have too many guilds we are currently representing.

AC dungeon FPS drop after patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


We had this experience also.
But only with the Detha event and the spike traps.

First time i have ever seen my fps take such a huge hit, people in my party also had it, 1 person was unable to see any of the enemy, so he just spammed his trap.

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Having an issue with increasing guild member max.
Cannot guild invite, cannot guild member upgrade.
Receiving error that is related to how many guild i currently have in my Represent list.


Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Nicknames is a pain in the butt to add all over again.

Please don’t do this kind of thing again next maintenance or patch or anything.

Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Restarting the client did not fix my crash problem, when giving the players on my friends list the nicknames they once had.

A Reboot of my Computer fixed my crashing problem, when giving the players on my friends list the nicknames they once had.

I still have alot of missing nicknames.
I know this is a fickle problem, and can easily replace, but what if a full friends list and lose all of the nicknames.
That would be really annoying.

Not sure if the nickname system went silly with adding nicknames to people who are online or offline, i lose nicknames to people who i added while online and offline.

Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


The last week i had added many people from a few other guilds that was in regards to an alliance.

Now after this maintenance, all the nicknames i had set to show which guild they are from, have been removed.
Also now i cannot even change/give nicknames for the people on my friends list without crashing.

This is and the “party display problems” along with the “guild vanishing” problems, im starting to get pretty annoyed at the simple things.

System Date Affects Daily Achievements [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Ok nevermind, after figuring where all the stuff is on my new w8 system i figured it out.

Yes you indeed were correct it was a time problem, apparently my computer thought i was in london even though i specified my location on my computer.

Then i needed to resync the time for it to take effect.

thanx for the info.

System Date Affects Daily Achievements [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Ok no need to be snippy, there is no sticky post about this that i could find, and i did have a look for similar problems.

Im unsure how my computers date and time is not setup properly, note the screenshot in attachments:


System Date Affects Daily Achievements [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


I have 2 Daily quests that appear to be broken.

-Daily Veteran Slayer
-Daily Crafter.

Have killed many Veterans and still no change.
Have Refined well over the amount needed to complete the Crafter Daily and still nothing.

The 2 Daily quests sit up top right of my screen saying 0% while my total Daily says 60%

Screenshot of this in attachments.


Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Was this written with 100% sugar?
Someone hire gobflinger for creative storyline development..

I was compelled to read it.

Fractal Death - Unable to Rez

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My Group is in the middle of the “Captured Colossus”
When someone got knocked off the ramps where those heads blow wind at you.

When he was sent back to the respawn, he was completely dead, and we could not see him at the spot to rez him, he was saying that he was there and we were walking over him, but we could definitely not see him.

On our Radar he was way off in the mists off the map area.

So he will not be able to help for the rest of the fractal, nor be able to loot the chest.

I have seen this happen in other instances of the game, where people are dead and not at the place it shows to others, making them unable to be rez’d and would have to use the waypoint to come back to fight.

BUT.. with fractal.. he cannot do anything but sit and wait for us to finish it.

BUT.. with fractal.. he cannot do anything but sit and wait for us to finish it.Another note, he said that when he got knocked off the side from the wind, ..when he finally finished falling, he was hit for over 2 million damage.
Although it does not show up in his combat log, he just saw the numbers in red fly up when he was teleported back to the respawn.

Messages suppressed for over an hour [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


I rarely even use MAP chat anymore because of this reason.

I have sent in a ticket a while ago for the same reasons posted above, with just the normal cookie response, nothing changed.
I guess it’s to help fix the gold seller spam in LA, but for some strange reason.. i don’t get the Suppression in LA.. so not sure how that works.

Seems kinda weird to restrict chat like this, especially with the lack of a dungeon/group finder thing other than that website.

Global DR Punishing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My Guild Group just Dominated a Dungeon and all it’s Paths, only 1 run per path..

Then we went to the next Dungeon on the list..
We Did path 1 then path 2..
But on completing path 2 of this 2nd Dungeon, we were hit by the Global DR.

So instead of Getting the Daily 60 tokens, we all received 45.

We managed to get 5 paths in 2 hours.

I Understand this DR system is used to prevent cheaters, but it really does feel like punishment for legit players who are capable.
This is coming from a group of people who have run together constantly and done these dungeons every day for the past 2 weeks.

  • So are we being punished for being awesome at our dungeon kill job?
  • Should we Not have upgraded all our gear to be able to complete a dungeon this quick because we can?
  • Should we start tormenting the mobs inside the dungeon instead of killing them? toy with them as if an orca is teaching its newborn how to hunt? (basically to make the dungeon last longer.. /yawn)

I can understand why these systems are in place, but it’s really not appealing to dungeon run anymore, why must legit players get punished for being good at this aspect of the game?.

Im at a loss, my group is right now, sitting around waiting and being bored because we cannot get the correct rewards for the first time of the day, the tokens and the silver is being strangled by the DR.

Sorrow's Embrace

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My Dungeon group has had this conversation many times.

Those 2 Dungeons have horrible WP’s, it would be nice to see them add some more.

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Awesome news, thankyou.

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Well hold on here.

Nobody actually knows the amount of DR the system currently puts on the players. There is a bug at the moment which is screwing things up, so before you all start going in to a rant, lets just wait for the bug fix first?

Correct. People can speculate about the timing involved and how it works – we will not be divulging this information since it opens the system up to people finding ways around it. While we are confident in the system, we are doubly confident that people are amazing at finding holes in systems and breaking them.
The system is currently bugged, and is treating people unfairly. We’re actively working on it.

I can imagine the things you guys have to go through, to stop people abusing systems to get the most out of it, i don’t envy that job.

And im glad you Acknowledge that the system is bugged.

I Have tried to run dungeons the past week and its just getting worse and worse for me, I don’t enjoy running these dungeons anymore.

Please have a look at the screenshot i posted in a previous post.

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awkward.1286


So basically what Robert is saying; is that we can only be good at one dungeon.

… No comment.

You can be good at all dungeons. Just don’t run them back to back in rapid succession.

Im a little lost as to why people cannot run them in rapid succession?
Im not even receiving the correct rewards from dungeons, so obviously the path was botched a little, and am slowly getting bored with things not being fun anymore after each patch.

But to not be able to farm a dungeon for tokens to get gear.. is a step back in progression, better off giving more tokens the more you run a dungeon.
You could even make achievements for this kind of thing.

How is Punishing people for completing a full path of a dungeon repeatedly supposed to be a fun system?

BTW.. this is what i got from a dungeon on my 3rd attempt yesterday.


Dungeon Rewards Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Just did another run of CoF.

I got 10 tokens.

So im being punished or something, lots of wasted time.
Think im just going to buy gold and craft an exotic set.

I mean.. why bother doing dungeons now, i have never received the correct amount of tokens for any run, being it first time per day or whatever.. its just irritating and am quite annoyed with this.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My First Dungeon For today, 15 tokens.

This is indeed broken.

Screenshot as proof.


Dungeon Rewards Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Looks like im still winning.

With the lowest amount of tokens as a reward!..
Ill take my Trophy/Reward for the win now…

What do you mean i dont get one?!?!?!?!!!

Dungeon Rewards Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My 1st Dungeon for the Day, i received 45 tokens.
My 2nd Dungeon for the Day, i received 45 tokens.
My 3rd Dungeon for the Day, i Received 2 tokens.

I have no idea what is going on right now, but people are talking about getting 60, every single time they have run the dungeons, and some are even getting 70..

Meanwhile the population for the dungeons has dropped down and am struggling to find a group.

Here is a screenshot of my 2 tokens for people to enjoy.


Teleport To Capitol Cities Should Always Be Free

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awkward.1286


I don’t even like going to the capitol city’s anymore.

There are botters spamming gold selling websites all the time.
Nothing is being done about this by the looks.

Botters.. Everywhere..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Not sure where to put a post like this, because there isn’t a forum really for it.

I have reported soo many botters, and they are still here.
There is a guy who has been in the same spot for 3 days.. not sure how he is still here.

People are openly talking about using bots in map chat.

I have seen people with items that they could not possibly have afforded without buying gold.

There is a massive amount of Gold Sellers, and People are buying Gold.
Botters are running all over the place all the time.

Im worried that there is going to be nothing done about this.

I know of 2 people from when i started, found them together at level 7, they were botting in an event zone.
I reported them.
Now i just found them at level 80, botting in another event zone. (1 and half weeks later)

Reporting people does nothing?
The people Investigating these botters not doing anything?
Please start Banning botters.

Trying To Figure Out The Ranged Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Awkward.1286


I have had some success and some failure with this weapon.

Its slow, its not very responsive, easily avoidable.

If your target is moving at all, you will find the attacks will veer off into random directions, you will also get a bunch of random mitigation problems.
Where the attacks hit the target but do no damage and will popup with some random error message, like it was blocked or they were obstructed or something.

Even though the target has no shield, or boons, and is standing right in-front of you, the only difference is that they were jumping from side to side, not using evades, but just moving left to right while jumping, effectively nerfing the scepter.

Other than that, if your target is standing still, then it works really well.
You can get 4-5 attacks slowly moving to the target before the first one hits, without having any attack problems.

But the Scepter has its problems, the responsiveness of the attacks is really bad for a ranged weapon.
It has really short range compared to every other ranged weapon also.

Elite Skill Golems

in Asura

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Was Wondering why the Golems were NOT Immune to Fear and Stuns?

Email Authentication

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My Brother still has received no Email with Authentication or Verification.

But he is now able to connect and login again.

Thankyou for the fast response to my ticket, am standing here over my brother typing this, wondering what happened, or if i will get an email explaining, and if i will have problems like this again in the future?

Email Authentication

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Awkward.1286


My Brother and Me, both had to do this today, something to do with Australia and telstra maintenance.

My Authentication went through easily, got an email instantly, was able to login to the game and website with no problems.

My Brother did his Authentication login thing just after me, he received no email, he is also not able to login to the website or forums, it keeps asking him for a verification, he is spam clicking the refresh on his email, still nothing.
He has sent in a support ticket.

I have checked his email settings personally, he does not have the email filtered.

Used this post as Instructions for the ticket, still waiting for a reply for him.