LOL, Who still use Runes
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
When you loot 5 Exotic’s in less than 30min after a zerg fight with EMP.
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
I don’t really like the animation for it.
Its ok for the Con-removal & but its not really a stun break if it make you skill go on a CD.
If anything keep the effect f stun break and con-removal, but make the skill like the Rampage 5 skill Stomp
Turning it from a skill 15% of players use to about 50% use
Any Opinions or Ideas on this?
OMG a DEV type something in the engineer forums!!!! did someone get fired?
not saying my build is pro , say 100 nades is the only build out there.
i use a build that maxes out confusion and retaliation along with laying down blinds.
My opinion is that the idea of "100nades was someone just wanting to play a thief, i dont see any real engi traits in it unlike tankcat, condition overload, Elixir build, etc
you can call me kitten, troll or what ever but just look how you play and compare to what other engis with different builds can do.
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
learn the 100 nades..
History before 100 nades what post i was around for a month it was nerf 3 times before people truly got into it. the build does no show of what the class can really do other than say i press buttons.
also once of your skill go on CD the hold build turns south if the person your fight isa ele or a another engi with a diff build. must i go on?
1. my build s more tanker that nades
2 i dont see my build getting nerf
3 i still going on as a beast
Maybe the change in the trait is a way the devs tell us to not use 100 Nades build, because it a lame build that show no true skill r use of what the engineer can really do
In my opinion 100 Nade build was a bad build and you should feel bad for using it, it had no true skill or use for the fullness of the class that we are
very nice tips, ii can surely use them, anyone else got any info?
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
I’m making another build for WvW, i know most of you don;t WvW but any info on ths kit will help me.
Tell all pros and cons of the kit bugs etc. I mainly doing thi, this way to cut me some time and gold on test it out.
my wok around is to angle my camera under me so im looking up
Again i say Elixir X is better than you think nice video Kardiamond.6952.
Im in a upper tier in wvw where zerg is a bit heavy popping Elixir X in a zerg is the best
A key thin don’t be glass, if your worried about confusion its because your glass or not understanding when to use the skill.
lol yeah i just found the info about the “mine kit”, aso people keep posting i want to find a build for the mine or a use
is it only 1 boon or all?
toss me some ideas
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
you glass cannon People make me sick, try doing something new.. TankCat build try it
And the kit is not broken it is working just fine, your issue is your not use to ground targeting and should work on it, also if you wvw you will fully understand why a ground targeting system is better with this kit rather than a auto tartget one.
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
Who why when i read your post you sound mad, im just trying to be fun on my free time with ideas
I been looking at Engineers and thinking. Does anyone use [Throw Mine] skill. If so please post and share with me.
Other than that I was thinking the DEV’s should change the skill to a kit.
So looking in the forums i came up with this kit using all the idea people have made for kits. The idea goes on like this
[Artillery Kit]
=Rocket Shot
(1) Auto attack shoots Rockets
-The animation for this attack (something like the Charr elite Charrzooka)
-The Damage for the attack to make it not op should be like the Tool Belt skill from the Rocket Turret ,_Rocket_{damage 304, radius240 range 1200} with a 3/4 CD
=Lead Shots
(2) Shoots multi- shots like the Warriors Volley or the Engineers Poison Darts
-The damage {200 damage shoots 8 shots the inflecting Weakness for 2sec per shot. Also a combo finisher having a 2.5 CD time}
=Static Bolt
(3) The animation is like the Elemental staff attack Chain Lighting
-The damage{147 damage, 5 maximum targets, 1000 range, with a 12sec CD time.}
=Drill Shot
(4) The animation is like the Warriors Kill Shot but when fire you inflect 2sec stun to yourself.
-The damage {500 damage, 1200 range, 15 sec CD}
(5) I say leave as the Throw Mine skill, and the F2-F4 option should stay the same as well
IF you don’t like its okay, if you do sweet, I’m not asking for this but it would be fun to have, its not op just a lot of random stuff to make players go (O_O") " I want to play as a engineer"
The link breaks down the meaning
We are a Being full of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Tyaen!, yeah I think I was the only person in WvW that used Elixir X till I showed Tyaen, but the skill is not bad. Yes, it is RNG, but I can make it work in any situation. So far i have face the dragons, zergs, Bosses, PvP players, etc.
Like last night i was with a guildie and camp jacking in wvw, he was in shock because of some of the thing i did, " Engineers never stop surprising me. If i didnt pick a guardian before before launch i would had been a engineer."
What I’m saying is be a better player make stuff work. Because the only way we will get to the top is to make hings happem
does it work if i take a thief hood and place it on my engi?
Term PUG is so negative, you might as well call the players trash. It not a big emotional thing but it can reflect on team play with others.
OMG!, TW guild i just cant fight you. IT’ ’S JUST TO HARD, I rathEr stay inside a keep then fight you again
Ele/thief/ of JQ-PRX
One more thing, does sigil of air, lighting animation look cool on flamethrower/ nade/ tool kit?
So this is the story, I was in the need for some gold so i went farming. When i farm i drop all my traits and just have fun changing kits and skills after every kill. Just fun Engi stuff you know what i mean.
Then switch to Grenade kit, and just auto attack a young karka, just spam my 1 on him and bam he had freeze damage…..
O.O THERE NO WAY I PRESS FOR ICE NADES, so I went to thinking and realize i had me sigil of ice on.
So, does Sigils work on kits now?
Looking at the class in SPvp or TPvp there start you off in simple gear mainly having toughness. Not stating we focus on toughness but it’s needed for engineers. To stop my bs and back on topic with the thread is to focus on traits mainly, also let me better explain my first quote about my idea.
What meant when i said stay still don’t move was. When looking at the traits a lot of them seem to excel when the player is not moving, and traits can be place for the player to do more damage when they are not moving or the endurance is full. Also traits can be done to do different damages at range CC Conditions etc.
Some Of The Traits I’m Talking About
Auto-defense Bomb Dispenser, Accelerated-Packed Turrets, Exploit Weakness,Steel-Packed Powder, Cloaking Device, Etc.
I’m real looking up the website for the original trait they had for the engineer during beta, but the main trait that i notice was for the flamethrower in the firearm tree Juggernaut now it gives 200 toughness and ability to stack might, the original one was like 200 toughness and to 50% more damage when standing still, i believe it was.
I will link it once i find it again but i hope this help clear up my post. Sorry.
YEAH, I did because I can
“Because I Cam”- Galvon, of SoR
I just +1 all the post because i can tell that some of you actually study your class, and i hope a DEV actually reads this , yet again some of you had some off ideas but that just my opinion but other than that i ’m thinking what you are thinking
I think your heart is in the right spot but your idea as not.
there is no need for new kits at all, the kits we have are fine we just need a damage change and for our sigils to work on our kits. things will be better for the noobs for the class. but true engineers, like the guy who made Tank-cat or Con-overload those guys made something out of nothing and i thing you guys should study the class more and do the same. because my build is doing fine without and changes. and i have been using it sense lvl 30.
Hello, I have been playing the Engineer class as an Asura from launch. I feel like i study just about every inch of the engineer and came to a idea of a build, but don’t want to use it.
Before I Explain this thread is only for People willing to think, if your not willing to go back and read your traits and skill before post a comment stop reading now.
Now let me explain, the build base is stay in one spot and don’t move. Weird i know but look at some skills it may change your mind.
Looking at skills start with The Rifle, only does max damage when foe is close, and main thing that does damage shoot your for back letting you stay in your general area
Pistol just simple damage but the off hands have the control yet again you keep your foe a bay.
Seem a Little off on what I’m saying but the trait will help . I’m not going to sit and type each one but one the real Engineer players to go see. but for a boost ill say these quick ones.
deal extra damge when endurance is full / for is stun/ not moving.
Turrets have targeting/ med kit /turrets heal them self and can cause cc: along with tons others.
sad to say ina world that moves around It’s hard out there for a engineer but that won’t stop me and should not stop you.
“Only the best players can play the engineer and stick with it no matter what is tossed his/ her way.”- Commander Galvon~ of SoR
my Favorite traits are
1. Self- Regulating Defenses, Life saving when you in a zerg, forget to check HP, or a thief thinks he so cool and sneaks you. In my words " I’m tiny i should be taking more damage lol!" also a good way to wait for a CD to end giving a foe false hope.
2. Cleaning Formula 409, if trait right with the right skills you can be the last one standing, with having 9 possible cures and then they can reset and you still have all your skills.
3. Speedy Kits, endless combos. with this one trait mix with others you can also get. perma swiftness vigor regeneration and might stacks,
I been playing Engi from the start, just about every build ever post on the forums i have tested. I also have taken some of the builds that was really well thought, and change them to make many more, slowly growing to that one build that is perfect for engineer’s to be feared
Hello, I’m suppose to post this in the Engi build thread but i sure no one cares but the dang Dev’s that are working to slow for most of you my fellow Engi’s .
So let begin on what this build gives, mass AoE along with condition damage and power is the first part, a CC, nad for the main focus the duration stacking of the Boon [Retaliation] and the duration and stacks of of the condition [Confusion].
For the fast thinking Engi’s you have seen what this build does already, for others i shall explain real simple…. “Your enemy kills himself”.
The Build Spec’s!
Weapon: Pistol / Shield
Skills: (Elixir H or Med Kit) the choice is yours on that.
(6) {(Pain Inverter)if your a Asura} but [Elixir U] or [Elixir S].
(7) [Elixir B]
(8) [Bomb Kit]
(9) [Supply Crate]
Quick run of skills-
=Pistol {3} does a 2 stack of confusion lasting a base of 3s along with blindness 3s, allow you to reset or do x more damage.
=Pain Inverter 3 stacks of confusion for 5s and Retaliation for a good 6s _ None Asura: Toss Elixir U make combo fields,. All the combo field will work for you but mainly focus on lay down the confusion one or blind, the 3rd one is just a shield for your foe to think about. If you don’t want that Elixir S if you taking to much damage or you want to play around.
= Elixir B, well it give you Boon’s there is no down side , but the reason for this skill is for the Retaliation that a 13s add to you.
+ Bomb Kit, tons of AoE plus a CC on your tool belt: you cant go wrong.
No real focus on this Kit, i use it to make some range on my foe but yet the extra.. yet Confusion for 5s and 5 stacks that just nice to add along with another blind.
By now you may see i suck at grammar but stay with me and try to read my text :P
Explosives: Going 30 with III, VIII and XII
III- increase range
VIII- decrease cool-down
XII- when (Stun Knock down… etc) drop smoke bomb…. yet another “Blind!”
Firearm’s: 10 is IV
IV -Range is increased
Alchemy: Has 20 I, IV
I – When gain Swiftness you gain Vigor
IV- At 25% HP drink Elixir S …. life… saver….
Tools: Going 10 again VI &
VI- Gain swiftness when you change to a kit
Traits can be changed around with out any major diff.
The gear well from what we get from trait and skills it easy to see we need gear with power, toughness, vitality
Berseker’s gear with Soldier’s Runes, …. no I’m not making you a Warrior.
For the other things pump your self with toughness precision and condition damage and/or duration
mu opinion duration is 100 times better than damage.;T4Ag1yqEUJpSVliKqsMZJyymlLLZWjLmRA
Sigil’s 605 chance to chill baby, have thing go your speed
oh reason i named Inverter build, its based of the Asuran skill and does what it do.
Hello, just to tell i been using this build for a long time now and it works.
Tips: bersekers or Knights gear with solider runes
As an Asura the damage is great with our races trait but to make it for all races use
Elixir U, and for heals use the Elixir H or Med kit.
ill post my full build on a later date for better number for you guys
(edited by Azimuth.7091)
Hey, send Galvon.. <-me a invite
Where is my Babies hat she looks so ….. without it
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