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It has been like forever. Gets brought up a few times a month by different people. Which is why people have stopped really responding to it.
Theres minmal difference between exotic viper and ascended, so you could just go exotic viper for trinkets…some sinister trinkets are also ok
There is a difference in cost though. With every viper exotic you put on you need to make up that agony lost in other slots. He said he wants to do high level fractals and 150 is needed when ever Mia Trin daily comes up.
The two builds I’ve played with are pretty similar. Really just runes and a sigil swapped with different accessories. It is basically the two most popular builds one being with Berserker Runes and the other with Trapper. The 5% extra condition damage from Berserker is added on to your Condition damage and does not effect the base. On the calculator it is 36 apart but the back pieces don’t exactly have stats yet so it might be 37.
This build’s gear is easier to get since it does not require all the viper gear to hit bleed and poison cap. I find it more fun with the added effect of being hit by a poison foe increases your condition damage by 50. Walking into aoes on boss fights for a single tick of damage or his passive aoes will trigger it. Find myself purposely taking damage which is fun and able to keep up 200 extra Condition damage through a whole fight with the odd time hitting 250.
Plays pretty much the same way but as said before you need all the raid only vipers to get full ascended. Which if you want to get 150 AR is pretty much needed to not take a gold hit with higher level AR infusions. The damage is a bit lower but you do not need to take damage to make your damage do its full potential. Without any thrones stacks this build does do more damage but after you get one stack they are about equal with two pulling ahead.
All and all they are both really solid ways to go. Thorns to me is just a tad bit more fun and our two main conditions being 100% duration is nice.
Edited cause of bad links
(edited by Azsune.7946)
With all the extra healing don’t know why you wouldn’t run with blood magic to get the extra bit of healing and traits that benefit from healing. Also I’m not a fan of foot in the grave.
The runes of condition duration with a random sinister off hand dagger seems a bit weird to me. I’m guessing its for the jagged on a 60 second cooldown. Would of picked something healing related to fit the gear. Also maybe a warhorn or a focus with the axe.
The thing that bothers me the most is nothing you picked in utilities and traits benefits from all the healing you have.
I wouldn’t run healing myself on a necro. I feel we lack any short cool down decent heal and can’t really keep up Regen on a group. But if you have fun running around with it just do it.
In high level fractals I feel that condition necro is way better. I have two sets of ascended armor to switch between when I get tired of playing power or condi. When I group with my friend he tries to heal my minions. By the end of a fractal I normally have 10 with lich up. But some fractals that really isn’t possible. Cliff Side I had 22 by the time the boss died was seeing over 24k bleeds on break bar was pretty crazy.
Even in pugs I feel like I am doing a lot more damage then full zerker necro. Epidemic alone can feel epic on trash pulls and the few boss fights that have multiple targets (Aetherblade Retreat).
But in lower level fractals things die way to fast for condi reapers to really shine. You get 4 bleeds on a target its dead. By low level I mean everything under 50. If you want to run dungeons fast power reaper is the way to go also. Getting those 8 quick dungeons feels slower with a condi necro.
My condi set is Vipers armor back/amulet/ 1 ring / weapons with rest sinister and thorns runes. Sit at 99.8% duration I think it was fully buffed on bleeds.
My power set just berserker stat everything with scholar runes.
Actually the tooltip for Feast of Corruption has been wrong for ages. On other classes with torment it shows the double damage while moving properly. But for necromancers it doesn’t for some reason.
Did anyone else notice that rise is now effected by death magic traits? Maybe I never noticed it and it has always been a thing but I could have sworn that death nova when they despawn was never a thing before, the extra toughness from them being out or the condition transfer from minions trait.
I just feel like a power rev counters you. Being able to dodge our damage while putting out damage. I haven’t beaten any really good revs in 1 on 1 and the other revs let you hit them with hard hitting abilities. One thing that helps is make sure you can swap to staff when they do start to block. To me it just feels like a direct counter but maybe I just don’t have the experience to beat them.
Forgot to ask one question. Why spite over Poison Cloud? With Master of Corruption you have a 20 second cooldown on it. You should have enough condi damage to make the 5 pulses do a decent amount of damage as well as an extra field that lasts 8 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. so 40% up time if timed perfectly almost.
This build is similar to what was run in the past before we got access to reaper. You’ve just taken it a bit to the extreme by trying to eek out some condi damage with it. Also those 1.2 tick chills you are getting I am assuming you are talking about when you break the boss bar. Since my full Viper/Sinister gear pulls around that much before full stacks of might and no bar broken. Even the 2k bleed ticks seem a little high without breaking the bar. On break bars I get to 14k tick bleeds on a regular basis if I don’t mess up rotation. So I guess if you got some lucky barbed precision procs it could be done once in a while.
One issue I see with it is the huge amount of crit you have over 100%. (I wish anet would add in power/condi/ferocity gear). Say you have 6-7 condis on the boss which is not hard to do that would be 12-14% crit. Combined with fury 20% which most groups have up 100% now on top of you gaining it when going into shroud. 50% from Decimate Defenses and your 49.76% from prec.
You also slotted master of corruption for one corruption. Isn’t really a better option for that tier just feels kinda lack luster.
The group damage increase from blood magic I feel makes up for the little increase in sustain you have gained.
You also gave up Scholar runes which lost you 110 power, and 100 ferocity. With another 5% less damage to direct damage to gain 5% more damage in conditions and 210 condi. Which I feel is a bad trade off when using two power based weapons.
All and all probably not the best build for dungeons and groups but seems ok for solo. I can’t see giving up blood though even in solo play. The sustain from vampiric is really nice.
Spite is not a really good choice. I don’t feel it really adds anything. Blood adds a bit of group damage and support as well as reducing the cooldown on offhand dagger. Death is nice for those massive aoe poison damage on fights that allow it. For clearing trash in dungeons and fractals Dhuumfire is actually really good. Being able to cleave 3 mobs and 5 on final hit with burning is a lot better then scepter. On boss fights though not so great since you lose all your other conditions to stack a short burn.
So for boss fights it is normally between blood and death while short aoe trash dhuumfire can be worth it.
I find myself rarely using my viper set in fractals. When doing quick daily runs it feels worse since groups all stand on the tree and if you can not cleave you get line of sighted by the tree and can’t really do your full damage. I more or less have the second set just to change it up. In lower fractals bosses die before you can really stack bleeds up making a zerker build far better.
But if you are actually doing fractals that are not mossman on tree you do more overall damage as condition if the fights that last long enough. Also if you are going to craft vipers remember that you can change stats and save a lot of gold.
Don’t know why you would be a full rabid necromancer. Anyways you can try mixing in some carrion. Another kind of tanky set.
I have been running my necromancer with wells and full berserker. Using dagger focus/warhorn and going with greatsword for dungeons. Able to walk in and kill large groups fast and if you have to live for a bit the lf generate from daggers is pretty kitten high. Fooled around with my full viper set in open world. Things die a bit slower but again haven’t run into any real issues. Actually able to solo most hero points with vipers thanks to the range damage boost.
What stats does the amulet have?
I was remember that shroud was effected by your weapon. Which normal death shroud still is. To give it a sudo fix they decided to make reaper shroud have a hammer so switching to a greatsword from a dagger wasn’t all important to do max power damage. But that got me thinking about lingering curse since it requires a scepter for the +150. It apparently does not give the bonus 150 condition damage in Reaper Shroud. But it does give it in Death Shroud. Is this intended or an oversight?
Edit: I changed this post to include anything useful regarding the Dark Harvest collection. Feel free to add more information in the comments, and I’ll continue editing this post.
Here’s the wiki collection page:
Draithor’s Reaping Crystal
- Apparently it can drop from either event in which you slay Draithor. This is different from the wiki, which indicates that the “Free the Black Lion merchants…” event needs to fail.
- The BL merchant event seems to start at about3
Pristine Shadow Claw
- Mellaggan’s Valor Waypoint – three smokescale spawn nearby (1 is a vet)
- Coztic Grounds has 1-2 spawns
For smoke scales I farmed them south east of Scar Camp Waypoint. On your way up to that race there is 7. Almost said 5 but I had to go check to make sure. You can kill them almost constantly without waiting to long as they respawn real fast. I found this from an older thread back when I was farming 3 smokescale on and off. SCAR Lane events do need to be at a certain point before they spawn though.
RS adds a lot of damage and it is kind of like before where Life Force as a condi necro was slow to generate. I use staff 1 when I’m stuck in staff. It plays more like pre hot necromancer with a lot more burst. I never said it was amazing just really fun. It does do one thing really well though is kill other condi classes(carrion frostfire necro).
The glass cannon was part of the fun. Being killed in half a second from not paying attention or not noticing. I have been running carrion for so long it was getting tiring. So I decided why not switch it up with something crazy.
As for Wanderers amulet. I find the lack of power to be painful when running into a diamond skin. Being able to get them below the 90% in a few attacks is what makes it strong.
As I said before I just sit back and let the bunkers handle the point while I pretend to be a pew pew ranger hiding in the back. Coming in to support if it is needed.
For PvE damage output Vipers with sinister once you manage 100%
Forgot to mention with all the stability everyone seems to have with boon corrupt you seem to get a lot of fears.
This is the first time I’ve done a million damage in a ranked match… Been playing necro since launch as my main. Try to do 3 pvp matches a day to get my 3 games in for the kitten time gate. So I’m no where near amazing at SPvP.
I made a weird build to remember the days of terrormancer with no sustain for fun and just did what I could by making them have to take a bad fight to get me if they wanted me. It is a really fun build against all those bunkers out there and other carrion frostfire necros melt with double plague signets.
Getting 3-5k crits in reaper shroud really helps with diamond skin. But the problem is life force generation. Staff 1 Scepter 3 is it as awesome as marks. No tanking in reaper form. Just a glass cannon.
For those curious here is the build it isn’t anything special.
It is also on a seperate CD then DS. Allowing you to leave DS to try and heal when ur low hp and probably die without ds on.
Currently Bunker Necro is insane… Being able to hold the point from 4 to 5 players at once for 1 or 2 mins depending on how bursty they are. With a friend their staying in death shroud 100% of the time. Been actually looking for 4 necros to troll bunker with. Being unkillable when next to another player.
Yeah 20 seconds to start doing decent damage is a pretty long time to start to do decent numbers. Takes about the second blood is power to get close to 6k ticks at 25 might stacks and 25 vuln.
One thing this build has that power doesn’t… Epidemic. Did a fractal with full conditions and just hitting it on trash felt so good.
Yeah but propably cause there were other classes stacking condis on your target :< I really hope Anet adresses this, they seem to have done a good job with finding the actual problems so far. I’m literally impressed. Instead of going “World bosses melt? Let’s nerf condi into the farthest corner unviability again!” They went “huhm…we gave the players a kittenton of more damage without adjustung boss hp and condi resistance… let’s crank that up!”. Sure, they overshot it on some bosses (Tequatl is BS currently) but I’m relatively sure they’ll adress it pretty soon. And who knows, if Teq could actually be crit anywhere properly like the patchnotes say, it might actually not be needed to reduce its hp.
What do you mean cause there were others stacking on the target?? When fighting a boss you can’t epidemic to spread the bleeds to other targets normally. On a single target fight by the time you get to the 2nd blood is power on your own accord you should have 6k ticks.
Yeah 20 seconds to start doing decent damage is a pretty long time to start to do decent numbers. Takes about the second blood is power to get close to 6k ticks at 25 might stacks and 25 vuln.
One thing this build has that power doesn’t… Epidemic. Did a fractal with full conditions and just hitting it on trash felt so good.
I have been using a condition build the past few days. Been having fun with it and seeing 7k-8k bleed ticks at its peak and staying over 6k once the conditions start rolling.
Explained it in another thread if your interested.
I have been doing ok with Condition damage with my necromancer. I hit a 8k bleed tick a couple of times. But normally cap out around 7k with 25 stacks of might.
It’s no where near those crazy 20k burn pictures but its decent.
After doing dungeons yesterday I think you guys were right with the signet mastery being better damage. Also switching out for signet of vampirism was nice. Was able to break 8k ticks in a fractal and getting over 7k more consistently.
I actually did fool around with it a few days back. I felt like it was stronger then soldier. I ran it with curses blood and soul reaping. With dagger warhorn and staff. My main burst was the double wells and I was able to stay alive in 1v3s quite decently. Even won a few 1v2s. What made it feel stronger was the bleeds and terror actually felt like they added quite a bit more damage then the extra power that soldier had. Didn’t even think to try it out in a signet build could be something.
Don’t really have a rotation its just all the bleeds. Normally pop blood is Power early to get the 1 min bleed off cool down sooner.
Scepter 2 dagger 5 spite blood is power return conditions back to them death shroud 2 and 5 can golem charge for another 16 secs of bleed and dodge roll for 2 more stacks. But it does take a bit of luck with the 33% chance on crit nerf to barbed.
25 stacks of bleed. You can go way over 25 stacks of bleed. I just did the Harpy fractal alone to see how many bleeds I was actually doing. I hit 35 at one point.
I have thought about it and the blind is annoying. But the bonus might just goes to waste. In my normal group I’m almost always at 25 might. But I have not tried it out yet.
I have been running around as a Condi Necro in PvE for a few dungeons and fractals now. I have been able to get 7k ticking bleeds on boss fights (over 5k is average 7k is just the highest I’ve seen). At first I thought we were screwed and power builds were the only option. But the condition damage changes have actually been really nice. I have been able to hit 40 stacks alone.
The thing that makes it so strong is the fact that lingering curse still allows you to go over 100% bleed duration. This does not stack linear. So when you have a 5 second bleed on scepter one it is now a 20 second bleed. Scepter 2 is a 28 second bleed. With the 20% from the first trait in curses the Krait Runes and Super Veggie Pizza you can hit 101% bleed duration.
You may notice I did not take Terror. This is because Blood is power on a 20 second cool down is just amazing. On top of that it gives you a 2 stack of Torment for 13 seconds that you can transfer back to the boss which will add up to a lot more damage then fear would of. I also did not take Dhuumfire. Well it is a fun trait sitting in death shroud longer then casting 2 and 5 lowers your bleed stacks by a lot.
For Blood Magic the 33% reduced cool down on dagger 5 combined with the small group damage increase and healing of Vampiric Presence make up a lot of damage and you can dodge roll every 8 seconds to put a mark of blood down another 2 stack of 16 second bleeds.
In Spite Spiteful Talisman gives a small increase to damage and allows you to use focus 4 more. With vulnerability increasing condition damage this is a nice little damage increase. Spinal Shivers is always a nice trait and on the few mobs that do put boons up it helps remove them for that 5% bonus. Close to Death and Signets of Suffering are both good choices. But Close to Death just does more damage output.
I have been having fun with this build in PvE I am not sure if it is as good as power. But it does have a lot of damage and I enjoy it. Feel free to make suggestions. This is the first time I’ve posted a build.
(edited by Azsune.7946)