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Loading is really slow after last patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


After the last patch my game is loading everything really slowly. That’s not just having slow loading screens, that means once I’ve loaded in none of the world has loaded, people’s characters haven’t loaded and the game won’t play sounds correctly. My frames and my ping are absolutely fine, it’s just that the game isn’t loading properly at all. The attached picture was queensdale after a 3 minute loading screen and after 5 minutes loading time in the map. I have not had this problem at all until the most recent small patch.


Official Skill Balance Thread: 22 February Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


When are you going to stop ignoring devourers? Two updates to pets and they are still in the worst position.

Jumping Puzzles build.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I actually made one of these recently. Asura mesmer, giver’s armour with runes of the snowfall, descent into madness for reduced falling damage, mimic, blink and portal for skills. Basically lots of boon duration for swiftness and maximising reduced falling damage. It actually does make jumping puzzles and general getting around way easier.

Where is the Aetherblade Armor set??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Yeh honestly, this is bothering me more than most of the patch cause I was really wanting that aetherblade light armour. It’s an oversight somewhere but not sure if on the BLTC or on the post.

Guild Armor Insignia

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I was wondering if anybody knows how to make the guild insignias yet? We’ve got a few people in our guild who want to get the new guild armor but we can’t get the insignias so we can’t make it.

The Minstrel going back on the shelf.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I was rather disappointed having heard that FSP got footfalls that there was no update to the Minstrel. It’s really annoying because now basically every other legendary feels legendary. The Minstrel just doesn’t. I made it because I like it, and I still do, but I still wish it would match up to the other off-hand weapons in terms of its visuals

Please make AF gen based on heal, not ticks

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I know other people have said it, but I feel like it really bares repeating. Astral force generation should be based on the amount you heal and not how constantly you can keep your tiny heal ticks going. If you burst heal 5 people for 7000 each, that should not count the same as healing 5 people for 150 each. That’s just ludicrous. Once again you’ve made it so that people who don’t spec healing at all are actually better healers than those who do. People who spec to heal should be able to fulfill that role better than people who wear no healing gear and just produce a high number of healing ticks constantly. I can see why the previous iteration of AF generation was a problem because the bar was full a lot of the time, however now once again people who spec healing don’t have CAF ready when they need it because they burst heal everybody to full so the AF bar no longer fills up from the constant small health ticks.

400% "shave" for Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I had this exact thought this morning. Woke up to yet another druid nerf with no buffs whatsoever and then saw how extreme it was. I don’t understand the logic that it’s better to nerf things to death and incrementally buff it again. Especially since it feels a lot like that’s not going to happen. At the moment it just feels like they’re going to nerf every little bit of druid into the floor and never bring them back up.

Ranger Help Ranger [PET LOCATIONS]

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Well, just experienced how annoying this gating is first hand. Doing the meta events to try and get E Wyvern and tiger only to realise just before the time ran out that my instance wasn’t trying to finish it they were just farming the exp. So it was a colossal waste of time. So gg, we’ve got to rely on people who couldn’t care less to actually do the event rather than farming it for the experience.

Ranger Help Ranger [PET LOCATIONS]

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Still no luck confirming tiger or lightning wyvern then?

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I gotta agree with the complaints on this one. Been testing most of the day and I got enough AF for CAF once and got downed before I could use it to heal myself. The generation of AF is far too low at the moment, even using staff, to justify the degeneration out of combat. It’s utterly ridiculous. I’m hoping it will be fixed cause currently we’re having to deal with: bad resource generation, degeneration out of combat and a cooldown. We’re now the love child of necro and warrior where we got all the bad genes of death shroud and adrenaline.

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Ok, opinions on druid so far:

1. healing scales awfully and so does damage, so you sit there doing no damage and no healing. You should really have one or the other cause at the moment staff in particular is just not good. Right now you might as well stick to normal damaging stats because there’s no point in speccing healing power at all. Since the intention is to make healing useful, please do so and improve the heal scaling significantly.

2. The tiger’s F2 skill should cause the Fury at the start of the animation not at the end. Because of where it is in the skill it often just affects nobody at all. Either that or increase the radius.

3. Staff animations are really clunky on human females. Not tested out other race/gender combos, but the over head animation just feels very uncomfortable and weird.

4. Cosmic ray is very hard to hit with because people are always moving around. I think to fix that the cast time should be removed so it hits right away. At the moment as long as the cast times are going the person you’re trying to heal has left the area

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I honestly couldn’t be happier. Druid gave me everything I wanted it to. People who don’t want support/healing on ranger can play base ranger, they’re getting updates too according to the stream so there will be improvements there. Nobody is forcing anyone to play druid if they don’t want to

Underwater play. Grrr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Honestly I have a rather different opinion of under water combat although I still don’t really like it. I think it could have been really interesting if they had done aqua breathers differently. I think that either 1: they should be skins which are applied to your normal helmet on entering the water or 2: (a rather unpopular opinion) that they should function. If you don’t wear it then you can’t breath. There should also be actual good aquabreathers assuming they’re going to stay the way they are rather than only being able to get rares. In terms of the 3d combat I don’t feel as though it’s done too badly and some underwater areas I really like. For example the really eerie water in cursed shore where you can only just see in front of you.

100% Representation and HoT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I agree with the suggestion of talking to your guild leader and seeing why they have that rule. I would also explain the situation with your friends (that they don’t want to join a bigger guild but you still want to play with them), they should listen to you. And if they don’t then I would leave. You can’t promise their 100% rule and that shouldn’t be an issue. I’m in a guild where the rule is “Majority rep” not 100%. Cause we know people might want a WvW guild and a PvP guild.

Is f2p causing community toxicity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


The only toxicity I’ve seen as a result of F2P is “veterans” being toxic to those F2P people. I’ve not experienced any toxicity coming from people who are playing the game for free. On the other hand since the update every single time something negative happens they get the blame. So the answer to your question is yes, F2P is causing toxicity in the community since people are being toxic towards them

Does ANET punish individuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I’m in a similar boat with the whole playing since launch and no precursors however my favourite RNG is that a guy in our guild got venom and rage two weeks into playing at the same guild mission. One rush and he got two aquatic precursors. Best part was that he then proceeded to accidentally soulbind them both so he had to keep them

Toxicity in the RP Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Gotta agree with The V. When people are RPing properly, the absolute worst thing you can do is drop character to explain that you’re typing or something similar. You stay in character at all times. The biggest problem with RP in this game is that there’s no in game help to do it. There aren’t any RP servers or anything so people make do with what they have. If we had RP servers or RP areas then people might be more patient since they know that the other people are there to RP rather than just getting in the way of them. But yeh, if someone gets annoyed at you for being slow or getting things wrong RP it off. If your character is nice, stay nice and apologise for misunderstanding them or something. Just stay in character

My disappointment with guilds :/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Guilds run in completely different ways depending on what it’s for. My guild is a reasonably casual PvE guild. We do our guild missions every week at the same time and we run custom events when we can, but it’s fundamentally for socialising and making friends. That is exactly why I like being in my guild so much. I wouldn’t even leave the guild you’re describing because I’d never join it. However there are guilds that do what you’re wanting and take everything very seriously in an organised, regimented manner. The difference is you have to look for those rather than having them look for you.

I've owned GW2 for 3 years and I only pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Why the need to take it into PvP into the open world if you don’t want to do open world content?

I don’t mind the open world or its content, but i dont understand the phasing behind the heart of the mists and why we can’t duel in the open world.

Because not everyone likes dueling in the open world and the community that typically brings along.

And the skill sets and gear for PvP and PvE/WvW are completely different. PvP being separate allows for ANet to keep PvP balanced and to where it comes down to the differences in skill levels, not who is richer or who has played longer.

All that information is completely irrelevant to what i was asking. WHY DON’T WE HAVE NON INSTANCED DUELS YET?

It’s not at all irrelevant. Open world dueling (as in what you’re asking for) brings out really bad attitudes in people. People start harassing people in maps to duel them, insulting them if they won’t and treating people generally awfully. High level people start picking on low levels and the environment ends up worse overall. That is a big reason we won’t have it and therefore completely relevent

GW1 still worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


it is a terrific game, but so far from contemporary expectations and habits you will probably have a hard time getting into it. I tried it some time back for nostalgia´s sake (played it from launch for several years), just couldn´t get back into the movement restrictions, invisible walls etc. But as it is just a few bucks, by all means try it.

You forgot the most important movement restriction, the inability to jump. I just can’t get used to that any more

What time does the Mordrem event end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Just realised that sounded really sarcastic, I actually just don’t know what that conversion is

What time does the Mordrem event end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


According to google, yes it is lol

What time does the Mordrem event end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


ends 9am pst on the 14th

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Why would you want that?
In the end it benefits all the players, since more people around the map, more money for ANet in the long run, more/better quality content for you.

LESS (no none) younger players, because you have to pay. You can see the communities in other games. There are more mature people in games that can play and know what are they doing. free players are at free servers and you can also see the quality of that servers.

(I am not saying everyone is like that but majority of them are)
Its always about game quality when comes to game life lenght insted of population.

I’ve actually had a 10 year old in my guild since long before F2P. We’ve had many adult players who take the game seriously but couldn’t afford it join since F2P went live. I’ve seen no more bad attitudes except from veterans who bought the game

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


The Op is making the point that he has to play selfishly in order to get the rewards he wants, along with probably 70% of other players at these events, I totally get what he is saying and I agree with him 100%. Does this make us bad people? no, what it does is show though is how badly the reward structure was designed.

While I get you’re point, nobody HAS to do it that way. I’ve reached 20 stacks while actually helping with the events rather than leeching. Leeching is just a faster, easier way of doing it

I’m going to have to call you out on that. It is basically impossible to get to 20 without being selfish about it.

People keep saying that but it really isn’t. It’s hard to get much more than 20 without being selfish, but you don’t need to. 20 and 35 mean the same thing. It’s more about prioritising the events you do. For example, the shield events take next to no time if people do them properly, the catapults don’t take long if people actually build the catapults and keep them alive, but the bombs always take long

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


The Op is making the point that he has to play selfishly in order to get the rewards he wants, along with probably 70% of other players at these events, I totally get what he is saying and I agree with him 100%. Does this make us bad people? no, what it does is show though is how badly the reward structure was designed.

While I get you’re point, nobody HAS to do it that way. I’ve reached 20 stacks while actually helping with the events rather than leeching. Leeching is just a faster, easier way of doing it

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Actually they are. Try making a free account and playing it. Granted you’re not blocked from actual content, but try playing the game when you’re limited to a set of things on the trading post and can’t ask for help in map chat. It really does impact their gameplay. Just enough to make people want to buy the game without scaring them off

[Suggestion] Character profiles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


This has been suggested quite a few times and I think (although I’m not 100% certain cause I just remember someone pointing it out on reddit recently) ANet suggested a long time ago that they were looking at it, but they haven’t mentioned it since. It is a thing that a lot of people want though

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Simple, the paid accounts get a free outfit, the Royal Guard Outfit, and aren’t locked out of parts of the game. Here is a list of the constraints put on free accounts

Mordrem Invasion Update 10 September

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I feel like they should just make the rewards map wide but also add the normal event rewards for bronze, silver and gold contribution. Give people an actual incentive to stay and help the event

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I feel like they should start making merged topics stay on the front page in their own section so that people don’t keep starting new threads for them

A good death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


My best death was when I was trying to jump onto a small hill, I’m guessing I got hit by some sort of fall damage bug cause when I fell down again (at the height of a normal jump) I just ended up dead. Checked my combat log, took no damage, didn’t go downed state, just one-shot by a small hill

Is Druid Good For Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Although technically we have no idea what it will be like, there was datamining of a mechanic called “aspects” so i’m hoping it will be similar to ele’s attunements and you’ll have an aspect for each role. So maybe bear is slightly tankier, wolf is supportive and bird is dps. But again, that’s pure conjecture since we don’t actually know at all.

No healers yet, but tanks are coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Tanks aren’t coming, This game has no mechanics that would make tanking a thing that was possible. No way to hold aggro at all. And now we’ll get the uninformed saying they added taunt but taunt is just a backwards fear. It doesn’t draw aggro or threat. It just makes you run in a certain direction for a bit until hit.

Revenant can actually be a somewhat effective tank.

in Legendary Dwarf stance, there is a utility with no cooldown but 50 energy cost that gives a 2s taunt and slow, plus, its other utility skills are a condition removing heal (that grants retaliation), an AoE that causes weakness and grants you stability, anability with an upkeep cost that reduces damage taken by 20%, and the elite is an AoE that grants you an unspecified amount of damage reduction.

in its retribuion traitline there is a trait to make taunt last twice as long and make enemies deal 20% less damage whn under taunt.

there is also a trait that makes you take 10% less damage when under 75% hp, and a bunch of traits that rely on you being hit (endurance on hit, stability and retaliation on dodge, and a choice of either a self heal when you get hit, or to gain might when you get hit with retaliation)

it’s not a traditional tank, but it does rely on you being the one to get hit, and being able to recover or mitigate that hit.

It doesn’t matter how many hits you can take. We’ve been able to build massive “tanky” characters since launch that can take all the hits. But there is no mechanics for taking, holding, or maintaining aggro so tanking is a moot point. That is all there is to it. It also shouldn’t exist in this game because this game isn’t a trinity game. I just don’t get why people bought this game that was advertised as a non-trinity game and then instead of playing one of the hundreds of games with a trinity try to break this one by breaking the major reason most of us bought it.

Because it was never advertised as a non-trinity game. It was advertised as a soft trinity game. Where you could perform any role with any class. That is what we paid for and that is NOT what we got. Some people want what they paid for and some people are happy with mechanics that even the devs admit are fundamentally flawed to their own game design

No healers yet, but tanks are coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


does toughness help with dmg from condition?

Nope, its why you find Mordrem Husks are tougher to killl with Power than Condi (they have high Toughness).

since I only fought them with my Engi and Thief, I did not know. Is there a defense for Condi dmg?

Only real defense for condi damage is having more health. And obviously condi cleanses

Can we recruit a sylvari?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


They probably don’t want any more prominent sylvari characters before HoT considering what’s happening with the sylvari and Mordremoth

people playing the new classes already?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Beta weekend so people were testing them out

Previously completed zones now 98% complete?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


It’s intended. Those new bits were added to help new players, but you’ve already had the reward for that area and therefore don’t get it again

Armor > Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Armor > Outfits

Time need to create 5 pieces of armor < time need to create 1 outfit

Efficiency bro.

And as long as ppl buy it they won’t change it.

I know it’s sad but welcome in real life…

not really,
for existing outfits its not “creating 5 pieces of armour” its just slicing it in to bits, we see alot of already ingame armour is crudely sliced up,
so in reality all they’re making extra is a doodle for the icon and give the parts a name.

for future outfits it would be just as simple as making current outfits, they just don’t join it all together. and then give each piece a name and icon.

and then rather than being able to sell that onepiece to a select few that have no imagination they will sell the outfit to the people who just want the gloves, people who just want the boots, people who want just gloves and boots,
and people who want any of the other 717 mix and match possibilities.

take the easy route and sell to a market of 1.
put in a little bit of extra work and sell to a market of 720.

imho its madness NOT to make them into armour skins and reel in the cash.

edit: i should also note that many of the existing outfits were around before the outfit system so they are already separate parts with icons and names, so Anet wouldn’t even have to put work into them.

Not necessarily the case because you’re assuming that light, medium and heavy armour all fit together in the same way which is rather unlikely. So it could end up that they don’t just have to slice it up, but also recreate each of those bits for every outfit so that they fit together with the different armour models they already use

Armor > Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I actually don’t see a particular problem with outfits because after they’ve been about for a couple of weeks you barely ever see anyone using them. I see a lot more clones using cultural armour sets or mix and match armour sets which they’ve managed to make identical to the person next to them than people in the same outfits all the time

No healers yet, but tanks are coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Game was never designed to not have a trinity of some sort. It was designed to not have defined roles per class. It was designed so that any class could be a tank, any class could be dps and any class could be support. Simple misunderstanding of the game’s design in the first place. What they’re doing now IS sticking to their original game design


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


If you have trouble pugging you could also try to find yourself an active, friendly guild that’s accepting new players. Gives you access to a group of people probably of varying degrees of experience who may be happy to help you out. Personally I never use LFG because my guild handles all of my dungeoning needs even if I’m taking a level 35 into AC

Do you not have a 'main'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


My ranger is my main because she’s the character I love most. She’s not the one I find funnest (hopefully druid will change that), she’s not the one I have invested in most since my mesmer has the only legendary I’ve made, she’s just the one I have most attachment to

SMS... Thingamjiggy...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Why don’t people who don’t want to use the SMS validation just use the verification code version? It doesn’t involve your phone number and the notifications still don’t show up. SMS isn’t their only two step security

Royal Guard outfit available proper later on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Going to have to disagree with the OP. There are certain time exclusive items that I do think should be added back into the game at some point, however this outfit isn’t one of them. They specifically designed it for the people who bought the game before it went free to play. Making it available to people down the line would fundamentally demean the very sentiment with which they made the outfit. To thank those of us who were there. So no, I don’t think it should be

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


You’re exactly right that’s the point. They’re meant to buy HoT not the original game. That’s why when you click buy Gw2 on the website it takes you to the HoT purchase

Weddings & passive buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I liked the suggestion I saw on a previous forum with this topic of being able to teleport to your spouse in the open world with a ring item or something like that. But an actual buff would be a bad idea

why are not more people wearing wings?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


Because wings look silly on things that can’t fly…

Poor flightless birds everywhere


why are not more people wearing wings?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


As other people have said, lots of people had them when they first released, but as people realised either that so many people had them, or that they didn’t actually particularly like them the started to drop off a bit. Happens with literally everything added to the game. When chaos skins released there were glowing bright white weapons all over the place. Same happens with gameplay as well. I bet when HoT releases we’ll see almost everybody using the elite specs, and after a while they’ll drop down considerably when people decide they don’t like them as much. After a while you’re left with the few people who genuinely like the skins and want to use them rather than just wanting new stuff.