Showing Posts For Bibi.6817:

Brightness is dark in windowed mode

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Problem solved, i just reset my catalyst control center back to factory settings. Mods you can close this thread now

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Brightness is dark in windowed mode

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


I haven’t even touched my desktop gamma which is the strange part…. maybe ill have a play with the settings when i wake up tomorrow and see if it effects anything

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Brightness is dark in windowed mode

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


I have had an issue start today, and have changed nothing in any settings, in game or on my PC.

When i run the game in windowed mode, the screen is really dark (Ive always run the game in windowed and never had any issues) but when i run it in Full screen native resolution the brightness is fine! Taking screen shots always shows the screen as dark, as well as fraps.

I have a AMD HD6950 graphics card.

Any help would be appreciated, as well as any help why my fraps is so dark :p

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Oh yay, more QQ on portals, lets nerf the Mesmer more so that no one plays one and its a boring class, L2P and counter a portal, its really not that hard if your paying attention.

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

anet gives free portals in JP?

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


You know Mesmer’s can portal in the EB puzzle right? I and a few other of my guildies do it a lot to bypass the griefers that stalk the dark and gladiator rooms, not to mention it wastes a lot less time than the guild spending hours in there when there is legitimate work to be done in WvW! Find and kill the Mesmer(s) GG!

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Excessive messages error

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


I have found that if you link Waypoints or POIs you get this error very quickly. Simple typing has stopped all my messages being supressed. Hope this helps till its fixed

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


So here is what happened to me just about 3 hours ago. First, I have an email and password dedicated to GW2 and nothing else. I also have the mobile authenticator enabled. I am 100% sure there are no trojons, or keyloggers on my computer. I logged on this evening and was put into a Lions Arch overflow server. I was standing at the bank when I was asked to ping my Twilight in /say, which I did. About 1 minute later I was disconnected to the character select screen, I jumped back in the game and was disconnected almost instantly. Jumped back on, disconnected again but this time a message popped up saying something along the lines of the account being used from another location. I immediately went to the account management page and tried to access my account but of course my password had been changed. I was able to reset it to a totally never before used password and log back on. In a period of maybe 3 minutes the hacker had got all my gold, t6 mats, and a good bit of my other mats. Of course when I logged back on I imagine the hacker got kicked to the character select screen and so we battled for control back and forth for a few minutes. Here is the strange part tho, once I stopped getting kicked I went to log into account management only to discover my password was changed again! Within maybe 8 minutes of me setting it to a totally unique password the hacker had changed it! This time I was unable to reset it and created a support ticket. Support was able to help me get control of the account again but I’m not at all sure that it will stay that way considering how quickly and easily it was hacked in the first place.

Sorry to hear this, did the hacker delete your Twilight as well as everything else?

Seems i had the strange hack of someone just deleting all my characters, not just my gear, i couldnt care less about the gear (other than my legendary) but my characters…

Still waiting to hear from support on my issues, hopefully today when they wake up i will hear weather they can reinstate my characters.

I find it hard to believe that they cant replace items that have been lost, this isn’t an indy company and I’m sure as hell they have logs i just don’t think they want to admit that they have some serious security issues and want to keep it under wraps.
(although to be honest, this isn’t a subscription game, so they don’t really loose anything if people quit because they lost some pixels)

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


@ Cyrus

On Monday my HDD blew up, i have a fresh install of Windows AV and all sorts of protection on my PC, believe me i am very secure with it as being disabled gaming is my life and only hobby. Kinda makes me want to go find another game to play even tho Guild Wars is something i love, just the prospect of having to explore everywhere again, do all the crafting let alone getting my legendary back… its kinda disheartening

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


What worries me, is when i changed my email and password, i didn’t get a confirmation email to say it had happened. Is this usual?

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


If your account has been accessed and you have access to the account, please be sure you change your password as soon as possible. Consider that your email may have been compromised (especially if you have the same password on your email as you have on your game account).

If you do not have access to your account, be sure to tell the Support Team that detail when you submit your ticket.

i have changed all the above, (ma game email and main email and passwords are all different) and the response to the ticket i sent was this

We are sorry for your breach of account, however as the account was accessed from your IP address there is nothing we can do, we are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and trust that you understand our reasoning. Maybe a family member did this. If you have any further questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact us again

I was just going to respond with the information that I had acquired: “This account shows zero logins from unapproved IPs – not even attempts. If all the details are accurate, they were attacked by someone who has physical access to their approved/accepted machines.”

I live alone….

ponder Have you had an suspicious delivery persons? A pizza you didn’t order showing up with a sketchy looking person who lingered around your computer? I don’t mean to make light of a serious, but I’m really confused about this one.

I will let our Security Coordinator know about this, as I think it sheds new light on the issue. One question: Do you save your credentials on your account on your computer? Just curious.

Nope, nothing of the sort, im very secure i keep nothing on there at all and i dont even have WiFi nothing at all is saved on my account. id really like this sorted asap as ive lost so much

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


If your account has been accessed and you have access to the account, please be sure you change your password as soon as possible. Consider that your email may have been compromised (especially if you have the same password on your email as you have on your game account).

If you do not have access to your account, be sure to tell the Support Team that detail when you submit your ticket.

i have changed all the above, (ma game email and main email and passwords are all different) and the response to the ticket i sent was this

We are sorry for your breach of account, however as the account was accessed from your IP address there is nothing we can do, we are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and trust that you understand our reasoning. Maybe a family member did this. If you have any further questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact us again

I was just going to respond with the information that I had acquired: “This account shows zero logins from unapproved IPs – not even attempts. If all the details are accurate, they were attacked by someone who has physical access to their approved/accepted machines.”

I live alone….

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


If your account has been accessed and you have access to the account, please be sure you change your password as soon as possible. Consider that your email may have been compromised (especially if you have the same password on your email as you have on your game account).

If you do not have access to your account, be sure to tell the Support Team that detail when you submit your ticket.

i have changed all the above, (ma game email and main email and passwords are all different) and the response to the ticket i sent was this

We are sorry for your breach of account, however as the account was accessed from your IP address there is nothing we can do, we are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and trust that you understand our reasoning. Maybe a family member did this. If you have any further questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact us again

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Today i logged into my account and had all my 8 characters deleted, 3 level 80s one with a legendary Twilight. No email to say that the account was accessed from another IP everything i have ever worked on has gone. I’m very disappointed to say the least as i have worked very hard on all these characters one of which is a commander with a substantial amount of gold on its person.

My guild mates advise me that i was logged in when i was sleeping but they didn’t think anything of it as i have a strange sleeping pattern.

I would really appreciate my account being restored asap especially the legendary (and if you can make my Mesmer an Asura i would be doubly grateful! (just joking to try to cheer up my bad mood, but this would be a nice bonus considering i have a different password for my email and game account, and restore my faith in anet :p

What sort of authentication do you have on your account? Two-factor auth or email auth? Thanks.

I have the email authenticator

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Today i logged into my account and had all my 8 characters deleted, 3 level 80s one with a legendary Twilight. No email to say that the account was accessed from another IP everything i have ever worked on has gone. I’m very disappointed to say the least as i have worked very hard on all these characters one of which is a commander with a substantial amount of gold on its person.

My guild mates advise me that i was logged in when i was sleeping but they didn’t think anything of it as i have a strange sleeping pattern.

I would really appreciate my account being restored asap especially the legendary (and if you can make my Mesmer an Asura i would be doubly grateful! (just joking to try to cheer up my bad mood, but this would be a nice bonus considering i have a different password for my email and game account, and restore my faith in anet :p

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


[CIR] and [RG] : fighting against you, guys, is just awesome.

Its a pleasure fighting you too, especially the [MORT] guys, some epic fights every day

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Legendary pistol -- THE QUIP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Considering if I get a Twilight my iZerker and bouncing blade have the item transfered over not sure why these should not.

Twilight doesn’t appear on the iZerker just mirror blades, which also includes the footsteps, kinda cool really

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Greatsword sigil?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bibi.6817


I actually prefer the power of bloodlust as i can stack a little more toughness in WvW which i find i need for the style i play

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Greatsword sigil?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Sigil of Bloodlust :p

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Finish enemy players, its really annoying to see 30 players auto attacking 1 downed guy!

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

26/10 Blacktide vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Elona's Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Just to clear up the “no golems” ….

I know this is DB, but its the same golems and same way to get them in :p

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Still seeing porting through gates

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


While this is still possible, you could also be seeing a mesmers illusions on the other side too.

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

Language Toggle

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bibi.6817


I have this exact same problem, im using a Steelseries merc stealth ( language Croatian) and the mod from the guru forums, yet after about 10 mins of play the F and V keys switch places. I have changed the language in region to UK, US and also Croatian and yet the game pad always changes the keys around.

Its highly annoying for me as i have ostio-arthritus in my left hand so the game pad is perfect for me. Can anyone help as to why the keybinds keep changing all the time?

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

(edited by Bibi.6817)

Give Everyone the Same Downed Abilities or Remove Them

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Learn to down the Mesmer not its clone, its easy once you know the difference!

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer