Showing Posts For Birdrock.1697:
This is a classic example of people not having any clue what they are talking about and spouting random nonsense. It does not break stun or immobilize. The range is fairly short, and it regularly fails to even teleport ANY distance.
What new complaint will there be? I’ve heard complaints about every single shatter ability, blink, decoy, mirror images, phantasmal berserker, blurred frenzy, phantasmal duelist, magic bullet, temporal curtain/into the void, portal, moa morph, mass invis, time warp, deception (doesn’t work 90% of the time), and phantasmal rogue.
How about we try to play the profession and understand the mechanics before we start whining again?
Masterful reflection never worked on blurred frenzy. Ever. So it is just a text change.
The icon spam is what was fixed, if I understand you correctly. Duelist never applied projectile finishers on every hit despite flashing the combo icon for every hit.
What are you trying to say?
Good thing everything is exactly the same as it was on launch. All abilities perform identically; no players have learned anything.
Mesmers are OP everyone you kill are not ‘bads’ kids that play OP classes like to belive its pure skill.
I’m facerolling to great victory on my mesmer, I actually have to try when I’m on my necro to do half as well.
I guess I could drink the coolaid and say man Im really skilled on a mesmer I beat everyone and everything mesmers are not OP im just that good at the class.
Could be that you aren’t exceptional on your necro. I still find it doubtful you actually have a mesmer since I see you trolling every thread, making outrageous claims, while have a rather poor grasp of the mechanics of the profession.
Purely cosmetic, as it should be. This way everyone is on an even playing field. There is a spot for every PvP item in your locker. You can always right click and select deposit collectible to send any PvP Gear into your locker.
You can also break down items using PvP Salavge Kits and throw the materials into the mystic forge. Throw in a material + material + item token + level token. You can find specific recipes online.
The only real progression is experience and rank. But currently rank means absolutely nothing because it can easily be farmed by a pair of people or more trade capturing nodes. You shouldn’t be able to gain Glory in hot join or free tournaments, period. But that’s a completely different topic. The Mists and PvP servers are becoming less populated every single day. I would love to see the metrics on PvP server and tournament populations.
That seems fairly snobby. You should be able to gain glory through PAID tournaments? If you want to turn people off completely from PvP, that would be a good way to do it.
Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.
You could have dodge rolled and mitigated 100% of pistol whip as well.
100 blades is fine. Unlike the thief or mesmer build burst warriors do actually give up ALOT.
Perspective of a necro that has been killed by 100 blades… I dont like getting killed so fast but I do have a good chance of winning the fight. Thiefs I dont see coming and even if I live past the burst and can kill the thief they just leave the fight come back in a few seconds too kill me there is nothing I can do about it, mesmer same thing.
Contrary to your misinformed opinion, a shatter build mesmer gives up quite a bit in other areas. As I’ve said in other threads, I play a very much not shatter based mesmer build, but have played several shatter permutations, before. I understand the mesmer trait trees pretty well. In order to put up large numbers with shatters, a mesmer must build very glassy. There is quite a bit of compromise to achieve this. Further, even when this is done, I don’t find it to be a problem. Shatter builds are pretty easy for me to deal with because I understand the mechanics of mesmers and know how to counter them. Perhaps you should do the same instead of continuing to spout the same company line. Repeating something doesn’t make it true, no matter how superior it makes you feel.
Warriors not OP. Mind Wrack Mesmers and D/D Thieves are still the OP builds/classes and Warrior is far from these two. Dodge mechanic simply doesn’t work against these two last builds while dodge works perfectly fine against the best Warrior builds.
Explain how you think this is the case. Explain how dodge works fine against warriors but not against thieves and mesmers. I’ve not had any trouble dodging anything except a from stealth attack on either of these professions. In the case of a thief, they’ll get an opening, then you dodge and remove their ability to finish you. Unless you are a glass cannon, you should have a decent survival rate. In the case of a mesmer, especially a shatter (mind wrack) mesmer, the shatter is pretty well telegraphed. If you see all the illusions run at you, roll through them. If they are directly in your face, it is the same as any other very quick attack. Difficult to dodge. Luckily for you, the only illusions that sit in melee range are sword clones.
Two possibilities come to mind. Was he using a focus? If he put Temporal Curtain down, all illusions that ran through it would gain swiftness for 10 seconds. Another possibility is a full set of Superior Runes of the Centaur. If the mesmer used a heal near the illusions, they would gain swiftness for 10 seconds.
Mesmer burst OP and easy to play, if it was hard or balance you would not see so many mesmers the numbers of Mes Ele Necro would be closer to the same in spvp tpvp.
The reason you see so many mesmers is two fold. First, mesmers have a incredible kit that is flexible for dealing with varied threats. Most importantly, mesmers have several stun breaks available. This makes a glass cannon somewhat viable.
Second, people keep complaining about something about mesmers without understanding the mechanics. Many try it and fail miserably, but a few enjoy it and continue playing.
Mesmers are strong, but the burst available is less significant than you make it out to be. You are making the mistake of thinking every mesmer has the same spec; if they take every trait for mind wrack, they’ll hit hard with that but be pathetic everywhere else. A full glass cannon will hurt. Just like any other profession.
Protip: only 3 mesmer abilities can summon an illusion of a mesmer is blinded or you block or dodge. Mirror Images, Decoy, and Deceptive Evasion. So you can the initial summon or dodge the shatter. I have never had problems doing this. I don’t run a shatter build, and actually crush them.
I suspect it’s intended. Once the mesmer hits shatter the clones are essentially projectiles that home in on the target to deliver the selected skill, the mesmer has no further control of them.
Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again. Many classes can set up a projectile combo so multiple hits land simultaneously
Shattering illusions is not a projectile, thats like saying popping a bone minion is a projectile.
If the illusion is “in flight” it is still around, and should not be considered shattered yet. I certainly hope this was not intended.
Agree heck necros cant even blow up our two bone minions at the same time there is a stupid delay on blowing up the seconds one.. more times then not the second one dies before the delay is up and it can be exploded.
But mesmer is the chosen class all the tools and power with no drawback. Reason why its such a popular class in Tpvp and Spvp
Having a delay in triggering your second explosion doesn’t stop the rest of your minions AND death shroud from functioning.
Yeah it does I death shroud and i can no longer explode the minion…. If I have to go into deathshroud my bone minion will be dead before i get out to explode it 90% of the time. Oh and I actually have to look where the minions are at and hope the attack what I want them to… I can just hit a single key and have them explode or even attack the target i want. Mesmers have other skills to use besides clone spam/shatter… I know you never needed to learn about using these other skills because you have no reason to put effort into playing like some classed do, easymode burst combo needs a nerf. Burst with an ele and tell me mesmers are not broken easy.
On a side note, you must be mistaking me for someone else, I play a Necro everything about mesmers clones/phantoms and traits that buff them are easymode to the extream.
So the rest of your minions completely stop functioning after you explode the first bone minion and you are unable to enter death shroud as well? Because that is the parallel.
Pro tip: Don’t make foolish assumptions.I don’t play a shatter centric build. Keep ranting about how you think mesmers are the easiest profession to play while simultaneously not making the slightest effort at trying one to learn about the profession mechanics. If you did, you might find you are incorrect; keep that head in the sand.
Your side note doesn’t even make sense. How about this for an aside: are your minion summons able to be dodged, blocked, or fail because of blind or LOS? Didn’t think so.
(edited by Birdrock.1697)
I suspect it’s intended. Once the mesmer hits shatter the clones are essentially projectiles that home in on the target to deliver the selected skill, the mesmer has no further control of them.
Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again. Many classes can set up a projectile combo so multiple hits land simultaneously
Shattering illusions is not a projectile, thats like saying popping a bone minion is a projectile.
If the illusion is “in flight” it is still around, and should not be considered shattered yet. I certainly hope this was not intended.
Agree heck necros cant even blow up our two bone minions at the same time there is a stupid delay on blowing up the seconds one.. more times then not the second one dies before the delay is up and it can be exploded.
But mesmer is the chosen class all the tools and power with no drawback. Reason why its such a popular class in Tpvp and Spvp
Having a delay in triggering your second explosion doesn’t stop the rest of your minions AND death shroud from functioning. What you are suggesting would be tantamount to the same thing.
Stop being so dramatic and hyperbolic. Try playing a mesmer. You’ll find things aren’t exactly what you think they are. Or don’t, and continue complaining. It’s clear you don’t understand the mechanics of the mesmer profession, but it isn’t worth it to try to educate someone who is willfully ignorant.
Working as intended, as I explained.
“Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again."
actually this is true for elementalists Scepter Water 2nd attack – Shatterstone which is BEYOND STUPID
It is also true for the entire mesmer scepter 1 chain.
You can strafe many projectiles and you can dodge them, but dodge 6 simultaneous shatters is nearly impossible. Many times even if you dodge they change their path and chase you.
If they shatter the copies far from you they can be slow, but at mid range they’re not.
The illusions run at the same speed at all times. At long range, simply turn and run and they won’t get to you. At medium range, run toward them and dodge through them. They will shatter and you will dodge, taking no ill effects. At point blank, it is like any other instant attack.
In order to generate 2 sets of 3 illusions and to have all of them up and chasing for a shatter, in a reasonable time, the mesmer would need to execute the no fewer than 7 actions. This is including Mirror Images, which generates 2 clones. If both of these are to be mind wracks, Signet of Illusions must be used, bringing it to 8 separate actions.
Further, the mesmer loses the damage caused by the attacks of the illusions as soon as the shatter command is executed; depending upon spec, the mesmer may lose a significant portion of their own damage, mitigation, and secondary effects.
More food for thought: mesmers have traits to apply effects on shatter and on death for illusions. While shattering clearly kills the illusion, on death effects do not apply.
I find that these six items are the main causes of imbalances in pvp games. It seems impossible to design a competitive system that includes them without them becoming a dominate strategy, limiting the strategic options the game, or just not being fun or interesting to play against. I feel they must be removed completely from any MMO that wants to be taken seriously as a competitive game.
1. Crowd Control: Next to gameplay control is the next thing players notice while playing. Taking away that control is very serious matter and not something players should be able to do to each other whenever they feel like it. Even if there are ways to counter it it’s always the best decision you could make.
2. Risk Free Repositioning: Teleporting, shadow stepping, portals, knockbacks, etc. Anything that gets you from point A to B easier or faster than the other guy without some major drawback is going to be overpowered.
Check your game design history, in every game that’s ever been made (single or multiplayer) the most powerful options are ALWAYS the ones that allow for easier repositioning or denying position to your opponent.
3. Invisibility: Stealth is fine, invisibility is not. In addition to not being fun to play against invisibility violates one of the key concepts of competitive gaming: making decisions based on the actions of your opponent. You can’t make meaningful decisions based on an opponent you can’t see.
It’s also impossible to design effective counters to invisibility without giving everyone the same access to it or removing its viability.
4. Fire and Forget AI (Pets): Everything in PvP must be controlled by a player. Duh.5. Group PvP: PvPers are very selfish people, the only skill they care about is their own. More importantly PvP becomes exponentially harder to balance and less accessible the more players are involved. Unless you’re designing a game like baseball and put strict limits on what players can and can’t do team PvP will not support competitive play.
6. Free/Safe Actions: Every option that is made available to a player has must have some form of penalty and/or exploitable weakness attached to it. Nothing should be safe only safer.
Of course I could be wrong on all these points, but I have yet to find any game (single or multiplayer) that incorporates these items while still remaining competitive or balanced. If one exists I’d like to see it.
Can GW2 make it as a competitive game while these kinds of options remain? Even if they were balanced is it worth designing around them if they turn off the casual player base?
I’d love to hear what you guys think.
So your idea is 1v1 with only damage, mitigation,and heals?
Yeah this garbage mechanic makes any noob such a deadly duelist. Seems like this is the only build people run with in PvP it’s all illusion spamming and Mind Wracks. This needs to stop 3 illusion is 3 illusions no matter if it’s casted or not. Oh and I play Mesmer too.
Randomly claiming to play a profession you are whining about isn’t very credible. Additionally, your grasp of the mechanics doesn’t appear strong.
I suspect it’s intended. Once the mesmer hits shatter the clones are essentially projectiles that home in on the target to deliver the selected skill, the mesmer has no further control of them.
Preventing the mesmer using any phantasm skills until the projectiles hit home would be very unfair on them, no other class has to “wait” for a projectile attack to land before they can resume using their relevant skills again. Many classes can set up a projectile combo so multiple hits land simultaneously
Shattering illusions is not a projectile, thats like saying popping a bone minion is a projectile.
If the illusion is “in flight” it is still around, and should not be considered shattered yet. I certainly hope this was not intended.
The problem is that these projectiles are the slowest in the game. A player cannot outrun the ranged attack of another profession. A player CAN outrun an illusion that has been commanded to shatter. If illusions still counted until they actually shattered, rather than initiated the shatter process, the entire mesmer profession mechanic could be entirely disabled by the target player simply kiting the illusions around. In order to prevent this, illusions no longer count toward the limit if they have been commanded to shatter. It is still one of the most telegraphed attacks in the game. If you would like them to still count until they actually dissipate, the run speed of shatter activated illusions needs to be vastly increased – perhaps to standard projectile speed.
I agree we need some clarification and unification of what type of ability phantasm constitute. If they are an attack, in addition to the issues raised above, our condition damage should apply. All bleeds, burning, etc should increase in damage based upon my stats. Currently this is not the case, so it would suggest that it is bugged or that phantasm aren’t an attack, but a summon.
So many things getting “fixed” and bugging out in actual gameplay leaves elementalists wondering if the developers actually test them out against real live targets. Really, I’m wondering which magical builds of awesomesauce they are balancing the elementalist around.
Elementalist is at the point where ALL builds need specific traits in specific traitlines or else the build is inherently bad. The points being spent are very tight and there’s little flexibility as a result of this.
Now contrast this with Mesmer or Thief. The points are fairly loose, going deep in traitlines as a Mesmer is optional because for almost every build there’s only a very few deep traits that are specific to particular builds. Thief is so loose it’s possible to throw points out at random and build around that with appropriate gear, weapons and traits.
The points in a mesmer build aren’t loose at all. Every build needs several very specific traits. While there are variations on these builds, these become separate builds. Shatter builds need at least 20 in dueling and 10 in domination to be effective at all. Every build needs 5 in illusions. To be a true shatter build, you need to go 30 into illusions for illusionary persona. Mantra builds require 30 in domination and if you want damage, 30 in dueling as well. Etc.
I am a Mesmer please completely nerf my class to oblivion.
He doesn’t play a mesmer, he IS the profession. “I am mesmer.”
There’s a big difference between mesmer stealth and thief stealth.
Plus, mesmers don’t have backstab.thieves got no portal
thieves don’t make clones on hit .
thieves don’t hit from 2000 range
and we miss the moa.
I trade backstab for moa at any second .Mesmers don’t have shadow step. What’s your point?
Mesmers don’t make a clone on hit except for the 3rd attack in the scepter chain. Other ways to generate clones are spread on various abilities, and through dodging if you are traited for it. Even if your claim were accurate, it doesn’t seem relevant.
Maximum range on the longest range mesmer attack is 1200, or 1500 on the pistol if trained.
Moa morph is an elite skill. Hence trading backstab for it would make no sense. I’m all for it, however. If you wanted a more appropriate trade, it would be for Basilisk Venom. Both are 10 point elites that are control oriented.
my point was an quote to your fellow mesmer who told : mesmers don’t have
and regarding what you told basilisk is 1.5 seconds and moa 10 seconds. Basilisk don’t destroy necro’s minnions, basilisk doesen’t take your utility bar off, basilisk don’t negate all your pasives /boons.
and yes i would trade basilisk for moa at any second.
Moa morph has a 180 second cool down. Basilisk Venom has a 45 second cool down. Moa morph does not remove control of the character. You can still move, attack, and sprint away. Basilisk Venom is the opposite. Moa morph can be blocked with aegis and dodged. Basilisk Venom? Not so much.
The mesmer is immobile while casting moa morph. Try using any of your escape abilities or dodging.
Here’s why an exchange of the two won’t work: thieves can burst people down really quickly. Mesmers can spec for some burst, but it requires buildup and doesn’t approach that of a thief. The only way it would work would be if it took your entire pool of initiative.
There’s a big difference between mesmer stealth and thief stealth.
Plus, mesmers don’t have backstab.thieves got no portal
thieves don’t make clones on hit .
thieves don’t hit from 2000 range
and we miss the moa.
I trade backstab for moa at any second .
Mesmers don’t have shadow step. What’s your point?
Mesmers don’t make a clone on hit except for the 3rd attack in the scepter chain. Other ways to generate clones are spread on various abilities, and through dodging if you are traited for it. Even if your claim were accurate, it doesn’t seem relevant.
Maximum range on the longest range mesmer attack is 1200, or 1500 on the pistol if trained.
Moa morph is an elite skill. Hence trading backstab for it would make no sense. I’m all for it, however. If you wanted a more appropriate trade, it would be for Basilisk Venom. Both are 10 point elites that are control oriented.
PvP-wise.. the moment you learn how to press the “I messed up button” every time you get caught by Basilisk Venom + Steal or Shield Bash + Skull Crack.
Not only limited to stun break + invisibility AND going invulnerable every time you get caught by something that can link to a combo.
No seriously its a pansy class that takes no skill, do you really need help with this pathetic class where people hide their lack of skill?
Man you are butthurt. First of all, stop blatantly making stuff up. You completely invalidated your whine with a lie. Decoy is a stun break and short term invisibility that spawns a clone. It does not grant invulnerability. Further, it won’t remove a root or snare.
Based on your post you play a thief and a warrior. Is the one button iwin on your characters not working? How about this: try playing a mesmer. Actually learn about the profession, rather than spewing this drivel.
(edited by Birdrock.1697)
I’m bad and I should feel bad.
Moa is only OP against idiots who stand there and eat up attacks like Pringles. Maybe I’m a super noob, but I like the group invisibility the most. I love having an extra stealth ability, and the cooldown on it isn’t that bad.
you must be very pro if you can dodge the morph in 20 vs 20 or 100 vs 100 in wvw , how ever once you are morphed you are dead, but no you must predict that an lvl 30 mesmer will come and target you, and you become useless for 10 seconds.
MOA is the win button for noobs
How is it that you are dead if you get moa morphed in a large battle? Start running back to your team’s lines; you can still use dodge to sprint toward your team.
And moa morph is a waste in wvw. If the mesmer slotted time warp instead, there would be several times as many dead enemies.
I haven’t tried the elementalist helms, but tried all 3 necro helms. None of them look good on my character’s skin tone, but such is life. I’ll try it on an elementalist helm and see what happens.
Edit: I only tried the fire helm, but you seem to be correct. It showed as completely blank.
(edited by Birdrock.1697)
That doesn’t work for me. It always makes the unbound item soulbound after transmutation. Perhaps I am misunderstanding? I tried with both white and green items. Can you give me an example of an item I should use?