Blunt of Balthazar – 80 Human Guardian
Khan of Feurt – 80 Charr Necromancer
This standard build is what i use… and i love it.
Just a standard WvW build!
Dont use my hammer much in PvE in Pve im more GS and Axe/mace
Well im not a very experienced warrior (yet) but i think something like this if you are planning on only using the GS and not swapping to other weapons;
only change signet to HtL in pve and empowering might to longer lasting symbols
When i go in to WvW i change a couple of things but nothing gear wise, my WvW build on this char ( i say this char because i have to guards) is this one;
With this you got almost 2600 armor which is good for about 30% dam reduction with an extra 10% of signet you are at the same point as someone with a little bit more as 3k armor, next to this you will have an almost constant 33% Protection boon on you so you can pretty much survive a zerg without to much trouble.
And when you solo roam or small group you hit like a truck and can take a battering without dying instantly.
So just some changes to traits and utility settings
(edited by Blazin Blunt.6908)
Thank you for the quick reply
This is my hammer dps build;
Hi Agent,
Can you link the build unbuffed please, no foods, no wvw buffs no stacks etc
Thx in advance
Maybe something like this;|6.1a.h1j.0.0.0|1.1a.h1j.0.0.0|1c.71g.1c.71g.1c.71h.1c.71h.1c.71m.1c.71m|21l.0.21l.0.31l.0.21l.0.31l.0.2u.0|0.0.u64b.u28b.a3|0.0||e
or this for a more support rolish kind of thingie;|6.1a.h1j.0.0.0|1.1a.h1j.0.0.0|1c.71g.1c.71g.1n.71h.1c.71h.1c.71m.1c.71m|21l.0.21l.0.31l.0.21l.0.31l.0.2u.0|0.0.a4.u28b.u39c|0.0||e
Why do you get 2 infusion slots and only 1 sigil slot on 2handers…
Isn’t this the standard healway build…? But yes as Timodo said, i would swap all armor for soldiers and i would change the major rune of the water for superior rune of the traveler. And i would change the sigils in your weapon sets to energy for a free dodge roll on swap.
But heee that is how i play it…
Well thank you kind sir!!! And might i say i would self normally use Omnomberry ghost, but it has the same effect
Mmmmm, probably something like this;
Hi there mr Gank,
I would go for something more like this;
Because of the fact that you have AH and can be easily healed with a ww due to the high crit chance and EM, you will not need more armor then 3k. But hee that is just my honest opinion and my playstyle. Then again if i play zerg vs zerg with my guard or solo roam then i just take this setup;
When you look in to this forum and posts you will see a lot of different builds, people who like 3.4k armor or peeps who say 2.6k is more then enough. It depends on your own playstyle. Just try some builds and play arround with different armor setups and after 200 hours of playin you will find a setup that is your style and even then you will be tweaking it up quite a bit :P
Hi there,
This is my current hammer DPS setup, because of the group i play in i chose condi cleanse instead of consecration because my buddy plays a consecration guard.
for might stacking you can change sword for staff
I hope this might help you
Thought so, but wanted to know for sure.
Hi guys,
I am almost done with my ascended hammer, but i dont like the skin at all. Now i want to transmute it with my Mjolnir hammer but is this possible?
Thx in advance for the reply…
There he is the new and improved
Can you explain this to me… not quitte sure what you are talking about. In Queensdale are random drops of chest and you can pick them up at any time with any of your 80’s in my case 6…?
Well i am almost done with my hammer and i will transmute it with my Mjolnir, because it is the best looking skin for a hammer of the whole game. The creation of Mjolnir took me ages and i will be very disapointed if the skins of the ascended weapons would be updated/upgraded. Then i want a lot of materials back for the crafting of Mjolnir :P
Thx! That is why i have none of these shards. I haven’t run dungeons in ages :P
So i finally got to 500 yesterday, but now i am missing emperyal shards. Can anyone tell me how i can obtain them i got my 500 bloodstone and my 500 dragonite i am only missing the emperyal shards.
Thx in advance
There is no way i am going to play a burn build, but if i was going to i would do something more like this;
Or just take a look at the pyroclasm thread
This build i use it for small group roaming;
Doin pretty decent DPS with hammer and when you enter a zerg you can just switch to staff for some taggin and baggin
And this build for just a whole night of zerging;
Was trying to edit my first post but it didn’t work so hereby the pictures…
Because i do more wvw as dungeons, so when i run wvw i like to have at least 15k HP and 2600 armor. Next to that i already hate to swap weapons and traits according to situation then i also have to switch armor so that is why :P
This is what i run with and in WvW and PUG’s dungeons:|2.1g.h15|6.1n.hz|1n.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1p.7e.1g.7e|2t.0.3t.0.2t.0.2t.0.3t.0.2s.0|a2.0.u600.u000.0|54.7||e
This is what i run with organised group PvE dungeon, fractal:|2.1g.h15|1.1g.h15|1n.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1p.7e.1g.7e|2t.0.3t.0.2t.0.2t.0.3t.0.2s.0|a2.p26.0.u000.5|54.1||e
First i started a human guardian, because i like to live long and prosper. Human because of the combination of the third and second tier armor, it is just to kitten nice to not to use it escpecially as a guardian. Then i started to like the hammer more and more but was very content with my guardian, so i decided to make another guardian a beast of the elements.
When you think beast you have only 2 options a charr or a NORN again based on the tier 3 armor with tier2 gloves i chose for the norn. Why is he the beast of the elements well he uses Mjolnir and Volcanus.
I will post pics of both later on when i get home or check some of my earlier posts…
I do use it in fractals, but not high level fractals only lvl 28. But it runs pretty smooth and it depends on what other weapon sets you bring to the table. For this guard i always cary my staff, GS, sword, focus and mace all zerk, so i can switch around with my offhand.
Hello Shameless,
Don’t know what build you are playing, but my hammer guard is all zerk with a knight helmet and valk legs, that is it.
Hi there Sweeps, i have this hammer on my norn guard and i am sad to say that foofad is correct!
Here in this build editor it says that 3656 armor gives you 49,78% damage reduction.
When i lower the armor to 3162 it gives you 41,94% damage reduction
Then i go a bit lower to 2592 armor and you will only have 29,17% damage reduction.
So as i understand SoJ adds another 10% damage reduction. So from example 1 to example 2 the 10% is almost the same as 500 armor and from example 2 to example 3 it is roughly 600 armor.
If i am wrong i would like to hear it…
Nice build almost using the same;
I have to guards specced to do 2 different things in WvW. 1 is for small group roaming and mainly focussed on doing damage, and the other one is escpescially designed for support;
You won’t hit very hard but you will outlast most hostiles and revive, heal and support your teammates.
My zerg guard is based on the healway, with some soldiers in the mix;
And sometimes i switch in some consecrations and trait for them
True, and it is also dependable on what you are fight ie. armorrating etc, but if i take my build and i hit my AA with the mace so that is 1,5 sec for about 5k so that is 3.5k DPS
That is what i meant is that dan low, mediocre, good or excellent DPS
The problem is that we are here talking in a relative form and not in an absolute form, define the following statements;
Low DPS:
Mediocre DPS:
Good DPS:
Excellent DPS:
Define those and after that you will speak the same language. Also good to know define those with normal auto attacks and which weapon is used and with might or vuln stacks crit or non crit etc
Thx in advance because i really like to know
It is true it is more up to date, but i just don’t like the site, the looks, the usabillity etc. It just doesn’t work for me but hee that is my opinion.
Well i used to have it with Abyss and White, but i found these colors better suited for my norn in this case. I am gonna try that build for sPvP, always did more with 10/25/30/5/0 burst build with MF or just the whole other way like the healway build.
Btw forgot to mention i use omnomberry ghost and master maintenance oil in both builds….
Ok so this is my wvw build;|2.1g.h15|6.1n.hz|1g.7h.1p.7h.1g.7h.1p.7h.1n.7h.1g.71j|2t.0.3t.0.2t.0.3t.0.2t.0.2s.0|a2.0.u64b.u28b.0|0.0||e
And this is my pve build;|2.1g.h15|9.1g.h1.f.1g.h4|1g.7h.1p.7h.1g.7h.1p.7h.1n.7h.1g.71j|2t.0.3t.0.2t.0.3t.0.2t.0.2s.0|a2.0.u65b.u287.0|0.0||e
I dont need that much dam reduction in pve so i switch to purity for 2 passive condi removals, generally speaking it is enough for normal PvE and then also switch to writ of persistence for the extra damage .
@ akamon; if i am running solo in wvw or with only 1 friend i use my Volcanus GS just because of the better mobillity, but when i am with zerg or 2 or more friends always hammer for control. Im bringing everybody to 1 point and take/tank the initial damage with my protection up and they burst them down with big aoe’s. But when i am with zerg it is mostly staff
Mjolnir is just the best looking hammer in the game so i think everybody who plays with hammer is aiming to get a Mjolnir :P and what shoulders do you use, because i am in doubt about the shoulders especially now because i am thinking about radiant gloves.
So you also use celestial dye and midnight ice or just the same composition…?
(edited by Blazin Blunt.6908)
Well with a hammer like this you are just plain ol silly not to use it :P then again that reason is only esthetic/cosmetic :P
Same as amins only soldier gear;
Hi Blasino,
As you know i’ve tried a lot of builds and asked you many times for help. I’ve used all kinds of weapons but i now finally have a build i like to use and it is based on symbols kind off…
This is it and i use it for both PvE and WvW zerg and small group play, and i am loving the damage it does in both of them…
Thank you for your advice and such
BTW i use staff in zerg fights mostly because of the swiftness and the tagging
Well you have this;|2.1g.h15|6.1n.hz|1g.71j.1g.71j.1g.71j.1g.71j.1g.71j.1g.71j|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|a2.u6ac.0.u2ab.0|0.0||e
effective power 4.9k
Full zerk with 30 into radiance
effective power 4.4k
with 30 into valor to get AH
so that 0.5k EP is the loss compared to a lot of sustainabillity AH gives you.
So get what you need but compared together in my opinion the DPS loss isn’t that big. I seldom change it around for cof runs but it is marginal….
Then again everyone has its own playstyle and i have tried a lot of different builds and when i see other cool builds on the forums i will always give them a try but always end up with my own build or the Healway from Christos. That is why i have 2 guardians 1 berserker and one cleric/healway
Scepter: Zenith
Focus: Zenith
Using almost the same build, only aiming for the 100% crit chance in DS
And planning to go full zerk when i am done with COF…
(edited by Blazin Blunt.6908)
AC is also a great looking sword, but i don’t like the @night effect. And the new zenith is very nice, but i chose for the focus and scepter skin…
These are the swords i use on my guardians;
Just because it is the sword of justice,_the_Golden_Sword
Just because it is awesome looking on a human guard
Just because it is on FIRE!!!
These are the hammers the guard use;
Just because it is the hammer of wisdom
Just because it is THOR’s hammer of pure lightning!!!
So in conclusion JUST BECAUSE…
I just switched to this build yesterday and i am using the exact build as nemesis describes exept for wvw i used a staff in stead of the dagger/warhorn and then the trait greater marks.
I used this for small skirmishes and your opponent dont have any idea wtf is happening to them. When in DS your bossing them arround and in then i use my axe 2 attack and gone.
Just to be clear we where with 1 ele, 1 guard and me. And with just the three of us we killed groups of 5 and 6. We also got wiped 2 times because of we killed a group of 4 or something and then we got steamrolled by the zerg ;-)
Because of this build i am finding it fun to use me necro again instead of 1 of the 2 guardians i have
Thx nemesis!!!
Simon says….
The main question is……. What is your goal what do you wanna do? PVE, PVP WvW…?
For PvE and WvW there are a couple of builds but a real bunker doesn’t exist in GW2.
But these are just examples. What you need to know is this;
- Don’t go for more armor as 3200 (because of diminishing returns on damage reduction)
- If you wanna do healingpower you need at least 800 if you wanna “tank” for your dodge rolls, staff empowers and healing signet
But the most important thing to know is there is no class that just can sit there and deny damage/facetank everything. Normal mobs ok, but no veterans or champions.
And by no means take this advise as if i am de CEO, general manager El presidente on knowhow on guardians im just a player and these are my experiences in playing 2 differents style guardians for almost a 1000 hours.
Good luck
Hello Doctor Nieves; i think this is the build of yloon;
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