Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay
Please bring back the Storm Bow and Floral Glider. You would make many Sylvari happy!
I’d like to see them either unlink servers for a round or add another tier. I’m getting tired of the blobs and ktrain mentality.
People are paying for skins so they can be seen by others, not just for themselves.
The glider is great and it should look even more flashy imo, and should sing war songs too.
Disco ball glider needs to be a thing.
An option to turn off gliders would be nice for those who wish to do so. I don’t care who can see my stuff.
I’m a pve player looking to get into wvw. What is the best way to start learning it?
Press B, pick a borderland, enjoy.
It’s not complicated. You learn by doing, not by reading guides or going into entirely different game modes that are unrelated to WvW, with different skill functions and rules. You just pick up bad habbits.
This. PvP is not WvW.
I’m surprised you didn’t ask for more pips if you’re running zerker.
No, it doesn’t need a buff.
Anet needs to take some kind of action. Wvw is a mess. I’ve been in pve for 3 weeks now – that should tell you how bad the situation is.
Crappy matches week after week, and server links are making it worse. I am ready for them to either blow up the current servers, unlink servers, or just merge them already.
I don’t care anymore what server I’m on. I will always defend and scout the home BL. Please make wvw fun again.
You don’t need PvP experience to wvw. There are some tips linked at the top of this forum:
My only suggestion is to bring a class/build with condi clear. Condi is stupid op in wvw. It also doesn’t hurt to find a wvw guild that’ll show you the ropes.
These days you can make money in wvw. If you’re losing money something is wrong. Anyways, the commander tag has many more uses than just commanding. Use it to show the location of enemy/siege/your dead body. Use it in pve to mark locations/bosses/events. I have a tag but never tag up anymore and I don’t consider it a waste. Sorry you’re upset though. It is wvw and I have no problem with a 300g requirement for a wvw legendary.
The penalty is fine, if too lenient, as it is. My link server has gotten a lot of transfers and there is definitely no loss of moral and no complaining about the penalty. This is just another case of “gimme now”, but really in the grand scheme of the game, the extra wait is nothing.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
Players should absolutely not have the ability to kick another player from the server. Are sabotage and spying lame? Yes, but they are a part of war. Unfortunately war isn’t fair, and neither is wvw (per Anet themselves).
I’d like to see a function implemented that announces when a tactic is pulled, along with who pulled it – “Bob pulled Emergency Waypoint at Garrison!”. You’d be able to turn off the announcements in your options if so desired. I’m also all for guilds being able to block an individual player(s) from pulling tactics or taking supply from an objective.
In the meantime watch your tactics. If they’re pulled unnecessarily, prepare for incoming battle. Don’t wait 10 minutes for golems to show up. In an unintentional way, the trolls are giving you a headsup, so have your scouts take advantage of that.
I’m very disappointed with Weaver. Lackluster sums it up, and the long global attunement cd doesn’t help.
When POF hits I will be sticking with Tempest. As it is, Weaver doesn’t feel viable in wvw, no matter what weapon set you are using.
Weaver is very lackluster. I seriously doubt I’ll even touch it when live. No issues with lag or crashing for me.
well yah your showing that you actively exclude others, simply because you can for whatever reason you want, in a game mode which requires cooperative play. Seem like a valid issue that anet would want to look into. And its not like im telling these players to message me all these horror stories about bullying and exclusion in wvw from commanders, they come to me after reading threads like this.
I can see by your flippant attitude that you basically think its funny and that you support it. Id say anet needs to make it so that being in a squad gives no benefit over being outside of a squad, and this post is proof enough of that. As a veteran player myself, make no mistake it would be extremly simple for me to “fit in” to your zerg, do what you say, log into TS, play the game the way you want me to play it. But i don’t want too, can you blame me, why would I want to conform to anything that even remotely resembles what you want? Now imagine if i wasn’t as skilled, that would be enough to make me quit the game mode entirely, which is what many do. Yet you guys ask for and wish for new players, which is baffling given this behavior.
wvw is a game mode which primarily relies on zerg/squad based play, and then anet gives commanders full control to whatever they want as they see fit, which also includes the bullying and exclusion of others and then they decide to make being out of a squad a detriment. This behavior is not surprising, what is surprising is that in order to enjoy the game mode properly, you have to conform and put up with others behavior. I really hope anet changes squad mechanics in wvw to make them not so impactful to successful wvw play.
So if you aren’t in a squad then you’re completely incapable of playing wvw? That simply isn’t the case. This is about you wanting more loot and wxp, which is inherently fine, up until the point at which you want to force others to allow you to join them against their wishes. You do NOT need a squad to have successful wvw play.
You could solve your perceived problem by tagging up and running your own squad.
If these supposed players are messaging you all kinds of horror stories regarding exclusion they should post on the wvw forums, otherwise saying that you get PMs means nothing.
If you don’t view WvW as a serious game mode, why are you on the WvW forums complaining about it all the time? At this point I think nothing will make you happy unless Anet turns the game mode into a loot fest with minimal-effort rewards. Seems to me you are the one who is dictating how things should be. You’re entitled to your opinion, but when that opinion is basically “force everyone to play with me the way I want and give me my loot NOW”, well… people aren’t going to react nicely. As they say, if you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
Wait in queue like everyone else. 100% against this idea.
You think queues are bad now, implement this idea and it’ll be worse.
If you are truly being harassed/bullied, I’m sorry. That sucks.
However, if this is just a complaint about play style, well, I’m sorry for that too, but you can’t force other people to play the way you want.
I don’t see why you can’t play with the squad without being in it. Just follow along and be useful. If you’re helpful you will be utilized. Unless you’re a kitten, then maybe they don’t want you for a reason?
If they are harassing you then report them and get them banned as you say you can do.
Either way, it sounds like there is more to this than has been told. Perhaps a transfer is best for you. Post in the “Looking For” forum to find a server that will better suit you. They may pay for your transfer costs.
I expect wvw to become even more broken with stupid builds and more condi kitten. I also expect they will break a few things unintentionally. Multiple reset night patches for all!
Oh, I also expect much complaining from certain forum warriors about how much this or that isn’t fair because they can’t get their pips and shinies faster than everyone else.
No. The other tournaments were so horrible for wvw. If for some reason Anet decides to do another, lock servers. No pips if you transfer, and no extra tickets. It seems the OP only wants more tickets and fails to understand why tournaments have been detrimental.
I’ve never understood why a pve option was part of the wvw daily. I can take it or leave it, I just find it odd.
This problem seems to have popped up after the trading post went down briefly yesterday. Hope a permanent solution is top priority and this isn’t just being pushed off.
This isn’t a quality of life issue. It is about you crying on the forums instead of waypointing. Mechanic working as intended.
Just block them.
1. Quaggans.
2. Unlinked servers.
3. The old issue on northwest tower where the gate would not render.
It’s not discrimination. It is rewarding those who’ve played wvw for years. Why should new players, who might leave wvw altogether when they have their rewards, get the same amount of pips as those loyal to the game mode?
I welcome everyone new to wvw, and hope you find it fun, but you have to earn your ranks and rewards like the rest of us. Wvw has been neglected for ages, so it is past time for those of us playing this game mode to get something from it.
Please remember, someone else’s rank doesn’t take away from your fun and rewards. Stick with wvw and you’ll get there soon enough yourself!
Your post is the very essence of discrimination. You played WVW those years ago for what is was back then and you gained numerous hours of game-play and enjoyment. Giving you EXTRA rewards literally every 5 minute tick is too much. Rewarding extra for the content you enjoyed in the past is wrong. You have already had a head start on the achievement points and so giving you permanent boost in your pips is simply outlandish. .
Your logic is seriously flawed. Let me help: you didn’t invest in the wvw game mode and now you want instant gratification. Since you cant get that, no one should have it.
I’m going to pop into PVE now, I get insta raid armor, right? Insta map completion? Oh, I don’t? Well darn, guess I will have to put in some effort! The horror! Call the ACLU!
Edit: you could have had 2 ranks in the time it took you to complain here. If you’re on EBay msg me and we can get you ranks.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
It’s not discrimination. It is rewarding those who’ve played wvw for years. Why should new players, who might leave wvw altogether when they have their rewards, get the same amount of pips as those loyal to the game mode?
I welcome everyone new to wvw, and hope you find it fun, but you have to earn your ranks and rewards like the rest of us. Wvw has been neglected for ages, so it is past time for those of us playing this game mode to get something from it.
Please remember, someone else’s rank doesn’t take away from your fun and rewards. Stick with wvw and you’ll get there soon enough yourself!
It is easy enough to queue for EBG and re-enter queue when it pops In an hour.
This. Can you imagine the abuse and queue sizes if anet implemented this?
So it’s ok to punish those of us with “legit” high ranks because you’re having a fit over eotm? Yah, in my opinion it’s lame to farm high ranks in eotm, but it doesn’t take away from my rewards if someone else is getting them faster than me. I’m not losing a kitten thing so why should you or I care about someone else’s rank?
Nothing unfair here. This patch was to reward wvw, not eotm. There shouldn’t be an easy track. I’ve been playing wvw since about 4 months after gw2 came out (been gone off and on for about a year total). I’ve earned the VAST majority of my +- 2500 ranks from defending the home bl. Not zerging. Not ktrain. I earned those ranks the hard way. So to those who want it easy, maybe you should have actually played wvw. If I could get 2500 ranks from defending home bl, anyone can.
Good for the nerf. God help us on the BL disaster atm, though.
I decided last night I’m basically done with GW2. Why would I invest any more time or money in a game mode that has no future. Add to that being linked to a sever I detest and getting the DBL week after week after week, I’m finished with Anet. We’ve gotten almost nothing from them in regards to the multitude of wvw issues, and their silence speaks for itself.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
I’m thinking we should be asking why servers were disabled, but I know we won’t get an answer to that. Were they downsizing the server farms or something like switch hardware, but why do that on a friday.
I’d like to know that too. Downsizing is a sure sign of game death.
Whatever the case, the lag was real in wvw tonight. My guildies and I, who are based in different states, all had lag. I rarely lag in gw2.
Just leaving my name here. QOP is on Ebay now (currently fighting TC), so if you’d like to practice via duels with us, please feel free to contact me.
The problem with votes/polls is that we are given two basically poor choices, such as “do you want to be set on fire, or do you want to be boiled in oil”. We don’t want either, give us a meaningful choice. Many of us wanted an option to remove the desert BL altogether, but we sure as heck weren’t given that option to vote on.
Actions speak louder than words, and based on Anet’s actions, wvw will never be fixed. Look at Ghost Thief if you don’t agree. It took a pve incident to address that problem. Now all we have to look forward to are skirmish updates, which won’t address the condi BS or server link issues.
My guild keeps playing, but as soon as something decent comes out we are gone. Why give money or support to a company that ignores a large chunk of its consumers? Remember that, WE are the consumer.
We eventually were given the vote to remove the dbl….. but the option was remove it and never get a new map or keep it and maybe get a new map someday.
People voted to keep it because they were afraid anet would quit working on wvw completely.
As I said, 2 bad options. That’s wasn’t a real choice to remove the DBL, it was basically forcing us to keep it out of fear. What a crappy way to treat the wvw players.
The problem with votes/polls is that we are given two basically poor choices, such as “do you want to be set on fire, or do you want to be boiled in oil”. We don’t want either, give us a meaningful choice. Many of us wanted an option to remove the desert BL altogether, but we sure as heck weren’t given that option to vote on.
Actions speak louder than words, and based on Anet’s actions, wvw will never be fixed. Look at Ghost Thief if you don’t agree. It took a pve incident to address that problem. Now all we have to look forward to are skirmish updates, which won’t address the condi BS or server link issues.
My guild keeps playing, but as soon as something decent comes out we are gone. Why give money or support to a company that ignores a large chunk of its consumers? Remember that, WE are the consumer.
They are currently destroyable, just take the tower. We really don’t need more siege BS in wvw.
Perhaps if Anet fixed the current serious issues I’d entertain this idea, but as it is, nope.
This would be a counter to the BS that is the watchtower.
We have different definitions of seige BS.
I am always for defense of home BL, hence in favor of watchtower. I could go on and on about offensive siege BS, but I’ll just leave these two letters here: YB.
Anet will probably close this thread now just because you mentioned one server.
Edit: inb4closedboi
It just goes to show how this player is so outdated on their information. The Yak’s Bend players that dropped all the defensive siege in Towers or Keeps, no longer players the game.
As for the Watch Towers, I am not a fan of them. The range on them is to far.
Learn to read. I said offensive.
They are currently destroyable, just take the tower. We really don’t need more siege BS in wvw.
Perhaps if Anet fixed the current serious issues I’d entertain this idea, but as it is, nope.
This would be a counter to the BS that is the watchtower.
We have different definitions of seige BS. I am always for defense of home BL, hence in favor of watchtower. I could go on and on about offensive siege BS, but I’ll just leave these two letters here: (removed) .
Edit: removed the two letters. Not my intention to make this a matchup thread.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
They are currently destroyable, just take the tower. We really don’t need more siege BS in wvw.
Perhaps if Anet fixed the current serious issues I’d entertain this idea, but as it is, nope.
My guild is looking for another game to play. Wvw is just so meh anymore, so why bother spening the time on gw2. We do still show up, but nowhere near as much as we use to.
Makes me sad to see a game mode I loved become….crap. Shame on you Anet.
…a lot has been destroyed in the past year/past nearly 2 years. So wvw has got no real purpose anymore or at least it feels like it. I still blame the botched implementation of stats in June 2015 and Hot/lack of balance for the majority of problems wvw has got.
This. 100% agree with the above.
I’m all for removing server links. I moved to a small server to avoid the skilless blob fests and now blobby, poorly made matches are inescapable. Makes me not want to play to be honest.
I played on an Alienware for a couple of years, no issues in wvw. Unless mega blob stupidity ensued, that is.
Then it died a month ago, so I went back to a desktop:
CM Storm Stryker – Gaming Full Tower Computer Case with USB 3.0 Ports and Carrying Handle (SGC-5000W-KWN1)
Samsung UE590 UHD-QHD Monitor U24E590D 23.6-Inch Screen LED-Lit Monitor
2 of HyperX FURY Black 16GB Kit (2×8GB) 2133MHz DDR4 Non-ECC CL14 DIMM Desktop Memory (HX421C14FBK2/16) 32GB total
Intel 7th Gen Intel Core Desktop Processor i7-7700K (BX80677I77700K)
Gigabyte LGA1151 Intel ATX DDR4 Motherboards GA-Z170X-GAMING 6
Samsung 850 PRO – 1TB – 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-7KE1T0BW)
Power Supply
EVGA Supernova G2 850W 220-G2-0850-XR Fully Modular Power Supply
Corsair Hydro Series H100i v2 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler, Black
Graphics Card
EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition, 8GB GDDR5X, LED, DX12 OSD Support (PXOC) Graphics Card 08G-P4-6180-KR
People still care who’s winning? Totally useless feature imo.
Thankfully I play at 4k so I didn’t even notice until I saw this forum.
Please fix the UI issue with the 4K screen resolution. The UI is too small when the resolution is set at 3840×2160. I have to step down to 2560×1600.
I’m getting kittening tired of being stuck with DBL as the home map. 8 out of the last 10 weeks. Rotation and randomness is a joke. DBL is a sloppy, poorly designed map for wvw, plain and simple.
Staff ele can melee just fine. All I play is staff ele and I have no issues being competitive. In fact, the idea of having to assign attunements to weapons is not appealing at all. I find staff so effective for all my needs – I can play however I want depending on the situation.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
As of right now, No.
They’ve destroyed the fluid beauty of combat in this game with the last expansion, it’s auto boon vs auto condi wars now, can’t imagine how much more rekt’d it’ll get if they decide to introduce yet more elite specs/weapons/skills. They’re unwilling to make combat and balance a priority for the health of the game.
They’re obviously more focused on making pve and spvp better, so why would I bother paying them for not putting in as much care in the area I care the most about in wvw. Can’t even be bothered to do simple promotion for wvw to get new blood in there.
Repackaging guild stuff into a massive forced pve grind with the expansion still has a sour taste to me, makes you wonder what else would they repackage as such? I have a good feeling they’ll repackage wvw into that expansion, well my friend keeps telling me that anyways.
It’s been over a year and they still haven’t delivered everything that was suppose to come with the last expansion.
Only way I would consider the expansion is if it has some mind blowing wvw stuff in it, and would only look at that after release, not before, to see what they actually do (the guild wvw repackage was a surprise to me).
I could deal with a lot of the HoT crap, but the way they kittened over small guilds I can never forgive.
Skirmishes make no difference. The same problems, including coverage, still exist. I gave up long ago on caring about scoring or winning.
I am a NA player looking for a mid or lower-tier EU server. I only play WvW and prefer to defend/scout/ninja the home map. I don’t need a winning server each week (please note that I HATE the desert map), I am just looking for a server that appreciates good scouts and defenders. I love to siege, but I can fight and I am not afraid to take on enemies.
My guildie might be coming with me, and he would be interested in a community that has some native Italian players. I only speak English unfortunately. I can be in your TeamSpeak/comms, no problem.
Any suggestions on a good EU server for me?
Feel free to post here or PM in game, Blodeuyn.2751
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
Remove the Desert BL.
+1 Stealth disruptor traps. Makes me giggle every time.
Name: Blodeuyn.2751 (Blodeuyn Tylwyth)
Game mode: WvW Only
Role: Teacher
Realm: Sorrow’s Furnace
Other info: I run a specialized bunker staff ele that is geared for solo or small-group WvW.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.