Sea Of Sorrows
Beaches Get [WET]
We were a WvW/GvG guild then ANET decided to change our name to Geese Batch [Bird] lol…
Legends Never [DIE] <3
You even saved it awwwhhhhh <3 you must really miss us, or be super bored in those BG queues.
I can feel the kitten radiating from you mmmmmmmm sooooo beautiful
Get a large group and go wipe the GvG groups. Done.
It’s freaking (for lack of a stronger word due to censor) rude to GvG on a queued map. Just unacceptable.
Lol. Love seeing a pug group go try and interrupt a GvG. They are just the halftime show. Get lots of bags and lolol with the other guild you are GvGing with. Much fun. Very based.
where do i sign up for easy win
Ehmry Bay went from tier 3 to tier 8 in a few weeks due to all WvW guilds leaving to bandwagon tier 2 servers. We feel the pain.
Ahem GH,ZoD,ZOMG,FALL.Gods,DIE,FTF. etc etc etc
Stop complaining DIE left, we told you we were there for only a few weeks for vacation from queues of leagues.
You just sound mad and pathetic, like weve been gone for 4 months…. you guys dropped last month soooooooooooooo….. i dont see it.
Official [DIE] youtube channels
[DIE] blob killing movie
Badgate (Blackgate) QQing about [DIE] (thinks 5 DIE+pugtrain=DIE skillgroup… top lel)
Come join [DIE], get loot, have fun and make people cry (best part).
Lil B loves you <3
Looking for highly skilled and active followers of The Based God.
RIP Ebay. </3
1v1 me bro
These people above know whats up. The real Ehmry Bay have been here since day 1 and we are still here.
We don’t need anymore guilds joining our server and leaving our server after we teach them how to play GuildWars 2 correctly.
I would start naming names but I don’t want to put anyone on blast. cough DIE cough cough Rekz cough cough GH/ZoD/FTF/ZOMG/PK/Etc. cough
No more baddies allowed.
We do it for the Bay.
Idk where we would be if it wasnt for those few weeks in ebay… <3
Please, everyone direct your attention to what ebay taught us in this video V
Hey don’t forget about Void! Us leaving was the reason all the fairweathers decided to jump ship after all. Though to be fair Ebay had already been dead for months,good to see it’s getting a proper burial into tier 8. #EbayworstserverNA
The high horse is strong with this one.
There is a reason you guys aren’t on that list.
(If you want to rebuttal that DIE isn’t either, we weren’t ever REALLY ebay and therefore we weren’t important to the majority of the community)
Something like this btw never heard of SHDW
Early NA/EU————————Central NA——————Oceanic———-SEAGood idea, in order to make room for this it will require rsome guilds from the list. Maybe the least active ones.
Put (none) for ehmry bay. SoS bought all their wvw guilds.
thats horrible, what happened? o.o
It was like 10 ish weeks, more or less, of dragonbrand vs borlis pass vs ehmry bay.
With db being super sea heavy and Bp/eBay having no night crew. ZoD/GH/DIE just gave up and let themselves be bought.
So… As a leader of DIE I’m struggling to see how you think that’s true. We were on ebay for like 4 weeks for a vacation after SoR and T1. We looked for a server during that time then moved to SoS in November. The other guilds from ebay that came over were in January. SoS does not help with transfers. I can speak for DIE when I say we brought all of our people here ourselves. 99.9% that’s true for the other guilds as well.
So before you start spewing information, make sure it’s kittening true.
I hear that is more popular opinion than anything. I think a better idea would be to do a SurveyMonkey of the Guild you hate to fight the most would show a better result.
Wish there was someway for something like the old GW1 Hall of Heros (I think it was called, been a long time) Guild battles that you could watch (think it was guild battles, might have been smaller). Having a tournament system that that would be awesome.
You mean a pvp system that makes sense? Impossibruh.
WTB gw1 Hall of Heroes and Guild Vs Guild +1
So sorry to hear this. My condolences to his IRON family and to his blood family <3
Requiescat In Pace Starscream
(edited by CRAIG.9862)
ps. tell craig i love him just a little bit
Oh kitten kitten it kitten we lost the respect from someone on the internets
I would try to respond to tyrion but I have absolutely no idea what any of that meant.
And nox are you sure you aren’t just methed out again? Pics or it didn’t happen. Could’ve been wrong DIE or someone trolling you cause they knew you would kittening cry about it
Lol. Really? LOOK AT YOUR ZERG LMAO. Great video man really shows how amazing BOMB is lmao. Yes those 30 or 40 pugs really don’t so anything lmao great joke
CORE, don’t lie about having a GvG with us. If we did then neither of our 3 leaders OR our entire guild knew about it. Stop making kitten up. And not showing for a GvG? Mind telling me the story behind that one? As the GvG driver for DIE I’d like to hear this fascinating story of where my team arranged a fight, and didn’t follow through with it.
Nox you need to go take your medication, cause the kitten you’re spewing is all lies. Recruit off of FA? We aren’t even recruiting off ebay. And FA blobs worse then BG ever did. Or any T1 blob for that matter, difference is your blobs are absolute trash
yeah, that roaming group really got their butt handed to them! Man, DIE must be soooo bad.
Heh, miss you too man. And I’m glad you don’t go to EB, it seems like that’s where FA goes to get constantly wiped.
P.S. just so the neck bearders don’t start throwing their feces everywhere, YES FA did wipe us once or twice…. But is a 70v25 really worth bragging about? You got a few wipes on us, but you Aspenwoodies need to stop getting your blobs beat consistently by a tagless guild group. Just sayin.
I hear the FA players in EB were getting spanked a bit tonight XD
my bad.
Legends Never [DIE] from SoR got in, were very excited to be able to participate and help ArenaNet in this. Should be a lot of fun.
I HATE ARROWCARTS. The worst is when your circling with an enemy group (zerg of it floats your goat) and then they drop a sup AC behind them… This has been happening more an more frequently.
Siege is not supposed to be in open field. It should ONLY BE FOR ATTACK/DEFENSE.
You say this is a pvp mode? Then for quaggons sake stop taking all of our pvp from us.
We would be able to assist you in transferring. We actually just got some exciting news about the future of VeT. He will be even more down your road then we already are. If you want to know more mail me in game or here
Great havok guild, if your interested in organized havok squads in WvW deffinetly look to join them.
Yes it’s 1800 gems, we’re a very large server, just our WvW crew is smaller then TC/DB
hey! thats for VeTs recruitment thread, if you have a bit, take some time and browse through it, we can use a player like you! message me for more info
im the leader of VeT, which is a guild that EXACTLY fits into your criteria. we are building a WvW guild centered around PvP. 20-25 guild players a night, to roll 60+ man zergs. we also do a metric crapton of sPvP and tPvP. and also lots of pve so that you can get your equipment for WvW
we can help with transfers as well
Hey efeatilla! i know your on T1, but im from Fort Aspenwood and the difference between T2 and T1 is very minimal! Fort Aspenwood is the lowest population server out of the top two tiers, and with that, we have many many great fights, and we have had to as a server and players, become better to fight the numbers. We even just had two large guilds transfer off but yet we are doing better then ever! we are a stable and strong server.
I am the leader of Vincere Est Totum, one of the smaller, growing WvW guilds on FA. We do daily organized WvW using TS3, scheduled GvGs (10v10, 15v15, 20v20 future) and we try and pride ourselves in using tactics to roll over the bigger groups. So far we have had some amazing success, and some amazing losses, we dont mind dieing as we learn what not to do.
If your interested in helping guild become a powerhouse, come and help us! we dont want to be a zerg guild, but 20-30 a night and we could roll any zerg! we just need dedicated players who want to kill red blobs with us! I think you would be a great fit, and we can help with your transfer. Let me know! msg me here or in game at Ser Craig
EDIT:: heres our recruitment thread!
(edited by CRAIG.9862)
Hey Kazehaya!I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with about 30 players on at our peak times (NA nights), they are all helpful and friendly players, who are willing to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Roppa! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Arcaz! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Tu! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey you guys! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Bradekus! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Jonesy! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Iahna! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Infernyx! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Lordpynne! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Atrix! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey S E Florida! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey termina! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey macabri! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Kadgiko! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Ivan! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you make the transfer over if you wish to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Hey Ergo Proxy! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
“were Gunna need a bigger inventory”
That about sums it up I think…
This topic is going to be closed? Moved?
Is this legit?
I didn’t report, just waiting to see…
why? this is something that i personally believe needs to be enabled as a mode in the game, its GUILD WARS. i played GvG in GW2 for like 3 years, all i want is that sense of competition back. These are already being set up, why not make it easier for us to get consistent fights?
It’s been hard to find gvg’s recently.
this is the point of the thread
(edited by CRAIG.9862)
I’d like to try and get some GvGs set up for this weeked. Pm me here or in game Ser Craig
No Arrowcarts
No WvW Traps
10v10 or of given enough time 15v15
hey everyone,
I have made this thread here so that we can have a list of guilds and people we can contact to set up some Guild Vs Guild open field fights in North America Tier 2.
So if you are part of either Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast or Dragonbrand, and your guild is interested in organizing some GvGs, please make a post on this thread including…
Guild Name:
Player To Contact:
Size of Fights:
This way we can all be able to message each other freely and set up multiple fights. If you know of any other guilds that are interested in doing this and havent posted please get them to make a post. i will keep updating this post with lists of the guilds from each server.
If we get enough guilds signed up here, maybe we can organize a Guild vs Guild tournament, i for one know myself and my guild will be willing to run it and supply some prizes.
Fort Aspenwood:
Vincere Est Totum [VeT]
Ser Craig
10v10|15v15 with 20v20 in the future.
Red Essence [RE]
Legendary Lee, Legendary Noodles, Legendary Evo
20v20 | 25v25 Structured
Night Shift [NS]
Tarnished Coast:
Anet may not have blessed us with a Guild Vs Guild PvP mode yet, but they have given us the tools to create our own GvG fun. Maybe if we can do this successfully, and get a good turn out of guilds, then Anet will realize there is a huge demand for a GvG mode.
(edited by CRAIG.9862)
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