Showing Posts For CheeseJimmy.4796:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I think people are missing the part where he’s not asking for a backpack, he’s asking for a toy like the broomstick.

The Jetpack or Spinal Blades are all well and good, but they don’t do anything. He wants an item that actually changes the way you appear to move while it’s activated.


Also, I’m not asking for a mount that increases movement speed. I’m one of those people that think they’re pointless. Cosmetic ones on the other hand I’m fine with, as long as they get released slowly and not like 20 at once.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I want a portable harrier jet in my fantasy game!

You say that as if what I’m asking for is unreasonable.

Might I remind you that the Charr have giant war machines that can level a building in one shot and then drive over the remains, while the Asurans build giant death rays that are quiet literally guled together with magic glowy bits.

So, might I ask how a simple Jetpack themed around either or both of these races would be out of place?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Too bad you weren’t here for Flame and Frost. jettpac

I was around then, but I was trying to level my first character, so I never got the chance to run the dungeon


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I know this a really weird thing to ask for, but I’ve been reading a few of those Mount topics and people kept pointing at the Riding Broom.

While mulling over some things, I suddenly thought, “I want a Jetpack”. Something that works on the same level as the Broom… but as a Jetpack, and a Charr and/or Asuran themed one.

So yeah.



Super Adventure Box ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


There’s clearly a deeper story to SAB, given what happened last time and the short story they posted on the main site during that same release.

Give it time. I’m sure they’ll bring it back sooner or later

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Mounts that increase movement speed?… no, I’ll be one of those that’ll say we don’t need them. I will admit I forget about Waypoints sometimes, but we don’t need speed increasing mounts.

Mounts that are cosmetic and just replace normal walk cycles? Yeah, I could get behind that. Someone ealier in the thread mentioned a cloud mount, and the first thing that sprang to mind was the cloud NPC from the Super Adventure Box. Could you imagine people riding round in one of those? Man the Laktu jokes! XD

Now, for those of you complaining about screen clutter: Options —> Graphics —> Mounts: Show/Hide.

If the mounts are just cosmetic and replacing normal walk animations, then there could be an option to just them off if you don’t like them or find them slowing your system.

I think everyone has learnt a new word today: COMPROMISE

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


While the LFG system became of the part of WoW after it launched and got 2 expansions, it happened in 2009. You know 5 years ago. It could be a base feature from release in GW2.

You really need to look at this from the devs side of things though. Is an LFG system something that would make the game unplayable if they don’t add it in before release, or can it wait till after the game goes live?

What may seem like a no brainer to us may have been something they had to choose not to put in so they could get the game out on time.

Chances are they probably did want to put one in, but couldn’t get it working properly in time for launch, so rather than release it in a buggy and unuseable state, they held it off to get it working correctly.

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


With MMOs, there’s never a “too late”.

Well, unless it gets shut down, that would surely count as “too late”.

True, but I was more talking about while it was still running.

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Here’s a great example of features being added WAY after the release that improve the game:

WoW’s LFG system. How long did it take them to get it where it is now? Certainly wasn’t there at the start, and was no where near correct when TBC came out. It was like middle or latter half of WotLK before they nailed it.

With MMOs, there’s never a “too late”.

Share Your WTF / Funny Moments in Dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I’ll just let the text from this screen explain everything.

Btw, don’t question what I was running at that time, because even I don’t have a clue >_< (I had only been playing for about 3 months and I didn’t fully understand everything… heck, I still think I’m running sub par even now :S)


Why do our characters fail so much?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Well, if we didn’t, there wouldn’t be much else to do would there?

Also, this is a common trope that goes by the name of: “You can’t beat Stage 1”

Before voting for WP reduction....

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I also find it funny that people are getting so hyped about a 4 week reduce to WP costs. Are these people really saying that they can’t afford 3 or 4 silver? I can make back my WP fees without noticing.

Kiel is the new Kormir/Trahearne

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


For those who don’t know, Kormir is the 6th human god, but she wasn’t always a god. She was once an allied NPC of the player in GW1 who let the player do all the work while she received the ultimate reward. If you’d like to know more, this video explains it all:

I was just watching that video… creepy… 0_0

Still, I have to agree, Kiel really does come across as someone who just makes us do all the dirty work and then claims all the credit. If she was on the Council, she wouldn’t even acknowledge us or even give us any form of power. At least Trahearne made us a Commander and at least got his hands dirty by actually fighting along side you (even if he does kinda take all the credit >_>;)

Waypoint offer: 20 silver? 30? Not worth it IMO

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


if i realy have to vote i will vote for Evon as well since his offer fits me better. if there’s an option not to vote than ill do that. both their video’s they are crying about the other instead of promoting themself. they didnt tell me why they should be chosen.

Isn’t that how real life politics works anyway?

a question for the Evon supporters.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Kiel was very useless in the field, if she’s elected then she gets to be very useless in office. How bout we let Kiel do what she does best – tell players to do things which she gets credit for.

Evon Gnashblade’s fractal research may one day allow us to free Abaddon from Kormir’s grasp. The God of Secrets is a total bro, trust me, I’m sure in exchange he’ll provide us with all the knowledge and power needed to send those pesky Elder Dragons packing. Then we can all return to the important business of destroying each other with wanton overkill once the Bloodstone is reforged.

I’m no GW Lore buff (in fact, I never played GW1), but unless I’m misunderstanding you, I’m pretty sure Kormir wasn’t born when Abaddon was beaten. That was like, 1000+ years ago from what I understand.

Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I have to admit, Gnashblade has me won over for two reasons:

1) The Fractal that comes from him winning sounds WAY more interesting than the one Kiel has to offer.

2) Gnashblade just sounds like a far more interesting character and would do great things to shake up the LS later down the line, which would be better for us players. I can just see him voting into situations that mean better profit for him, but worse situations that we have to fight out of… or better yet, he takes over LA and turns it into a corporate nightmare, and then we have to over throw him.

Kiel comes across to me as too much of a goody-two-shoes type of person. She’d just vote against anything that sounded ‘risky’, which to me would make pretty lame LS content. Let’s at least have a character that will cause some scandal and some interesting scenarios.

Of course, I do see the whole thing with the Black Lion Keys being an issue as people feel this will encourage Anet to include more RNG Lottery systems in future, but don’t forget, this will only be for 4 weeks. And who here doesn’t have nearly a stack of 20 Black Lion Chests in their Bags or Bank? They’re like the Crates from TF2. You can never get rid of them! I’d love an excuse to buy some gems and open a few of those with the Key cost being reduced.

Plus, I find it hard to believe that people are finding it difficult to pay for WP costs. Seriously? Can you guys honestly not afford 2 or 3 silver?

Too Much Temporary Content Can Only Harm GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I agree with Vayne on this. WoW and Gw2 have radically different and opposing design decisions.

Well yes, that’s true enough, but the way Vayne was putting it, he made it sound like that there was no way of comparing the two, despite the similarities.

Too Much Temporary Content Can Only Harm GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Sure. Anet didn’t ask you to compare a game that was many years old and has zero relevance here with a game that’s ten months old. It’s not a fair comparison and it makes that particular opinion all but unusable.

What can Anet do with this particular opinion. They can’t have 2, 3 or 4 years of content now. So this particular opinion gets wasted, which is fine.

In the mean time, other people read this opinion and think maybe this guy has a point…but I don’t think you have a point and since this is a forum for discussion, I can say that I feel you don’t.

Anet asked our opinions. This is my opinion of your opinion. It’s sort of how forums work.

This argument is SO flawed.

Zero relevance? They’re in the same genre for crying out loud! I’d say that was pretty relevant. If Kaaboose was trying to compare GW2 to Team Fortress 2, then there would be little if no relevance.

Also, you’ve effectively said that if a game is older, you can’t compare it with a new one. That is most certainly not true. Try comparing something like Battlefield 3 with Call of Duty 2 (two games in the same genre, both made by different companies, one older than the other… same as what’s going on here).

New achievement interface: I don't like it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


This is going to be the same as what happens when YouTube change the channel layout. Some people will complain about it at first, but after a few weeks, they’ll act as though nothing happened.

Of course, if they’re still complaining in a few weeks, we either have some late comers to the new layout or something really is wrong.

Too Much Temporary Content Can Only Harm GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Temp content has it’s place, there’s no denying that, but focusing so much time and resources into this sort of thing is a bad idea.

It seems to me that keeping things like the Dungeons in a lot of this temp content is one of the big issues here. Sure, people claim that this content will ultimately go unused, but seeing as gear and levels aren’t a factor in the Dungeons in GW2, leaving them in won’t be such a major problem.

If you’re worried about immersion, just have an Asura with a time machine go, “Hey, wanna relive these moments? Hop in my time machine!”. An in game History book explaining all parts of the LS up to that point would be nice.

I’m betting that a few months from now, people will be wishing they could run the Flame and Frost dungeon again, but they can’t because it’s NOT THERE ANY MORE. I missed out on that dungeon and I wish I could have a go at it, but I was still new to the game at the time and was leveling up my first character (and I didn’t know about the up scaling).

(edited by CheeseJimmy.4796)

Suggestions for the Mai Trin fight

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I kinda lost that after having wiped so many times I lost count…

You know what? I think I’m in the wrong here. I got frustrated and took it out on the mechanics. I’ll give this boss another try.

EDIT: Okay, I actually managed to beat her this time. I’ll admit that the way the cannon barrage works is fine… but I still think it’s way too long. I got to a point where I was begging for the attack to end so we could get back to the main bulk of the fight. Also, Defiant being removed would resolve the whole shield issue.

(edited by CheeseJimmy.4796)

Suggestions for the Mai Trin fight

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


>Firstly, the cannon barrage goes on for WAY too long, and it can be almost impossible to dodge it at times.

Speed buffs allow you to outrun the shots. The shots target individuals, this means you can group up and avoid all shots very easily, or split up to 5 corners of the room and dodge the single barrages heading your way.

Both methods are not faceroll easy, but they are very straightforward unless you are not competent enough to play games in general.

>Secondly, the shields she has are an interesting mechanic and works well, but I feel she has too many stacks of them, which just drags the fight out.

Grasps, freezes, snares will all keep her in the field enough to take off 5 of her stacks per go. Making sure everyone is just outside her melee range means that the shots are all going to land very close to her, meaning you’re far more likely to be able to grasp/freeze/snare her within it.

Your group is likely not thinking about how to work together, and instead trying to max range her in the hopes of surviving individually. The problem isn’t with the boss, it’s with your approach to it.

Luckily if you learn how to play properly ANet can throw some more interesting boss encounters at us in future instead of meatshields.

I find it amusing that you are bringing competency of playing games into this. Just because you found this easy to get through, doesn’t mean the rest of us are having such an easy time.

I enjoyed the fact this dungeon was hard. The Frizz fight was probably the most fun I’ve had on any Boss in GW2 so far, but this boss is just a chore and drags out far too long, mostly because of the shields and how long the cannon barrage goes on for.

Even if the way the cannon barrage works stays the same, it doesn’t need to last that long. 45 seconds is a bit much. 25 seconds… maybe?

Also, thinking about it, the shield problem would be solved if the way defiant worked was changed or it was just removed completely.

Suggestions for the Mai Trin fight

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


Don’t get me wrong, the fight itself isn’t too bad, but there are some changes that need to be made to make it better.

Firstly, the cannon barrage goes on for WAY too long, and it can be almost impossible to dodge it at times. Obvious change is make the attack shorter, and maybe change it so that barrages follow some sort of pattern, similar to the way one of the Bosses from Castle Crashers does his:

Secondly, the shields she has are an interesting mechanic and works well, but I feel she has too many stacks of them, which just drags the fight out. Either make it that between phase she only gets half of them back or just halve them generally.

Lastly… remove Defiant… please?

A sum up of Dragon Bash and suggestions

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


It seems as though most of this is just people complaining about not getting their Jade Tickets.

I seriously don’t see what the big deal is. They’re just weapon skins.

If you want to go complain about that, please go do it in one of the other thousands of topics people have been making here.

Can we please get back on topic with this post and talk about the event itself, the ideas I have suggested and how ANet can improve it for next time? Thanks

Plot Hole: Kasmeer Meade

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I wondered where Kasmeer Meade had disappeared to once you got back to LA. I thought she had just tagged along for some free Ice Cream or something.

A sum up of Dragon Bash and suggestions

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: CheeseJimmy.4796


I think there’s some room for improvement.

Like, a LOT of improvement.

Here are a few suggestions:

Jorbreaker Rewards
100 Jorbreakers later and only one reward? I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty lousy. If you’re going to have a reward system like this, at least give us a few other items along with the must have one. For example, some town clothes or novelty items. Also, drop the amount of Zhaitaffy needed to get Jorbreakers, but increase the cost of the rewards needed (i.e. 1 Jorbreaker = 200 Zhaitaffy, but the Dragon Wings now cost 300 Jorbreakers).

Moa Racing
Instead of making us just sit there and watch, why not make us the Moas and let us do the racing? You’d only have one ability, Dakitten can be used as much as you want, but the more times you use it, the longer the cooldown for it becomes (you could gain a condition called ‘Exhausted’, which increases the cooldown by 1 second each stack), so this leads to some skill involved, rather than just pot luck.

Of course, you still have to pay to enter, but make it 10s instead of 50. All the people taking part get put into a pen, transformed into a Moa, and all the money gets put into a pot. 1st place wins 50% of the pot and 10 tickets, 2nd wins 25% and 5 tickets, and 3rd wins 10% and 3 tickets. The other 15% goes into the money sink. Those placing 4th or lower get 1 ticket. Again, this does mean a bigger selection of rewards and some cost changes. This may sound like a big risk, but this game needs some more ‘Risk vs. Reward’ stuff in it, and this would do nicely… for a start anyway.

Don’t bother with one next time. I don’t see why every event needs to have something happen that could threaten the balance of the world. I know this one was setting up for the next Living Story, but it wasn’t that good. Just a normal event where we can have fun with no strings attached.

Now I know how Yugi feels when all he wants to do is play a children’s card game.

Dragon Ball
Nothing wrong with the game in general (to me anyway), but there needs to be an auto balance or team scramble at the end of each round, as the matches I played tended to get one sided. Also, some unique PvP rewards would be nice. Only getting a single Dragon Coffer from a win is not gonna keep people playing this for long. This would also make the Holograms out in the world worth something.

Mini Games
This needs to be something for all Holiday events, not just this one. There needs to be more smaller games that people can quickly play and earn some of the current holiday’s currency. Easier games get you a few bits of whatever you need, while the harder ones give you more (again, some sort of ‘Risk vs. Reward’ system). These wouldn’t replace any of the larger games that come with the event, but it just gives you something else to do.

There may be a celebration going on, but it sure doesn’t feel like it. You don’t hear any of the NPCs talking about the event or even seen to be partying. They just act as if everything is the same.

That’s about as much as I can think of for the time being.

Any thoughts on what I suggested?