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Necro sPvP video with commentary

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Dont know why people keep insisting it doesnt stack, because it DOES stack. So better switch that one back.

Steal Should Be A "Stunbreaker"

in Thief

Posted by: Cls.9346


Simple as that.

it’s not like this would make us overpowered

I know, that ship already sailed right ?

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Noone knows how fast anet is gonna fix things but given their current speed it will take a while probably. Also necro isnt that broken at least for spvp and tpvp its pretty decent if you know what you are doing.

Necro anti-bot batman.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


No idea whats going on there but looks fun

Which bugs are top priority for you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


“Chillblains not working well” good one. Actually not working at all… Definitely top priority, I could really use that chill for kiting and groupfights.

Oh and the plague signet bug would come right after Chillblains for me.

(edited by Cls.9346)

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


The only useful fix would have been the one for marks but somehow they messed it up, chillblains stil DOESNT work for the full radius. …

For those who didnt know, if you cast chillblains on the floor and its traited and someone walks in, NOTHING will happen. Currently you have to cast it on the top of someone to get the chill effect.

(edited by Cls.9346)

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Prove it or admit your lying. Show a video of you doing that in tpvp. Eng and Guardian can both do that and do more damage at the same time.

oh and how would i get Protection? We have very few skills that give that boon. Or you have to trait for it. And before you say spectral armor, oh ya 5 sec of protection over 90 sec yay.

lol and if you show a video of a Necro just going to into plague form i am going to laugh.

Oh and editing you post after some one else posts…

oh man stop posting on the forums and actually do some tpvp. Both Guardian and Engi as full tank do a lot LESS damage than any necro that uses conditions. Also both professions lose 1v1 again if specced full def. Anyway feel free to bring any character that you think can take a point against me and we’ll see.

In PvP how can you distinguish a friendly well from an enemy well?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Its not pointless, if you have some heal it ticks for over 400. It also adds up with regeneration and other hots. If you or others stand in it the entire time it adds up for around 4k heal. Not all that much but maybe just enough to turn around that teamfight in your favor

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Already replied to that BS with “lol” and a hint for the slow why thats BS.

In PvP how can you distinguish a friendly well from an enemy well?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Every ground aoe casted by an enemy, like wells or marks for example, have a red circle around them. Its kinda hard to distinguish different wells or marks but if they are not red its probably a good idea to stand in them.

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


So you usually win your 1on1 but when you come off a fight a thief can kill you kinda fast. Whats the problem again ? A glasscannon thief has like 14k life and dies if anything kittenin looks at him. 6k backstab is not even 30% of your life and you probably didnt even have protection.

Srsly the only thing that wrong with necro are the broken/bugged traits and maybe the unwhelming power scaling for some skills, everything else, and especially getting owned by thiefs, are just playerskill issues. (From a pvp perspective)

Oh about the necros dont do as much damage as thiefs thing … lol
Because Thiefs can also tank 3 ppl on point for 20 seconds, offer a high amount of group utility and never die against any full defense stuff ?

(edited by Cls.9346)

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


I don’t doubt YOU are getting owned, i said good necromancers win. Anyway from what i can tell from the pic you didnt dodge during unload, its pretty easy to see. If you show me a vid I could tell you what you were doing wrong.

@roger nice opinion. Still wrong though..

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Still thiefs have no counterspec to certain condition specs. Especially heartseeker thiefs cant do kitten. Talking about spvp with equal gears of course.

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


There is no Thief build out there that could possibly beat a good necromancer 1on1.
Your log looks like you went afk when the thief engaged. Pop DS, dodge, fear … Use plague form when he pops thief guild. You can still blind, fear with mark, and chill.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Sooo you made it to lvl 30 in pve with a necro. Well done.

A more complicated look at the necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Good post although I disagree on wells or corruption beeing bad. Imo fixing the current broken stuff (fixing not buffing) and maybe some small changes to cooldowns or durations could very well balance things out.

necro staff skills are slow than mesmer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Necro staff skills take 1 second to cast and trigger instantly, maybe you had lag ?
Id like a better fear, too but i would prefer the duration increased to 1,5 seconds base.