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Lets discuss Engineer builds for spvp

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Rifle turret really serves no purpose other than becoming a blast finisher without the KB, but the Surprise shot helps a lot against the meta. I have to have the quick instant burst to compete against thieves or mesmers and suprise shot/SD hits hard with 25 stacks of might. I’ve had the most success with that build in TPVP against all classes and builds. The burst is also more frequent with Flameblast/Surpise shot (CD less than 7 together) than grenade barrage.

(edited by Cooltar.2608)

Lets discuss Engineer builds for spvp

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


These are the 2 builds I’ve been using the most back and forth. I really try to stay away from Cele as much as possible.

HGH/SD Rifle- Elixir Gun, Flame Thrower, Rifle Turret

Condi PP w/ Krait runes and Reflects


Flamethrower Serker ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


It’s decent and not very viable for tpvp, but It’s fun to play. Flame blast hits like a truck. You can also hit surprise shot in between detonating Flame blast.


People are invisible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Second time I’ve seen this. Players are completely invisible and untargetable. They can hit you, but you can’t hit them.. They can also cap buffs. I took a bunch of pictures in succession to show the issue.

- Lambchops, Non-Meta mediocre engy.

Supply crate makes you turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Lawl. I get called a turret engy for running thumper with my CC setup all the time. Why do they have to say such hurtful things?! No one gives my nades and FT any credit.


Well Rounded Carrion Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


You make a good point with the 4% crit chance for IP, it doesn’t feel like it’s been an issue, but it definitely would make a difference running Int rather than Battle. I went with Melandru for the toughness, rather than the might stacking. Hoelbrak may not be too shabby to try out tho.

Well Rounded Carrion Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


This has been my latest Yolo/TPVP build for back point bunking and also mid fight support/cleave. Works well for pushing far, decapping, & 1v1. I needed something different than the typical Celestial Elixir S/TK/Nades.


  • Melandru can be swapped out with Forge or Earth runes. I went with toughness based runes for additional survivability and Melandru for the condition reduction. IMO Build doesn’t work as well trading the toughness for condition based runes.
  • Battle Sigil can be swapped with something else of your choosing.. I chose this to help increase my condition/power damage.
  • Build is surprisingly tanky with 24k health and 1300 toughness. Protection Injection is OP.
  • Rifle is not for AA, but more for control. Most of your damage will come from burning, nades, & rifle #3, but the power ain’t bad.
  • FT is situational. The AA can be good to insure IP procs or additional burn. Oh and it burns through objects/walls! I like to activate Incendiary Ammo as soon as it’s available, so the CD is closer to being back up after it’s first applied.
  • CC and let your conditions do the work.
  • #4 FT firewall is underestimated and is easily unnoticed in point fights or can be used to throw down on downed opponents. Don’t forget blast finishers/leaps.
  • Thumper turret can be swapped for EG or TK. I may start trying it more with EG, but the CC fits my play style more.
  • Rumble + Overcharge shot = A good start to condi burst.

- Lambchops

(edited by Cooltar.2608)

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I can agree that HT is overall a better heal hands down. AED has at least been fun and fresh to play with, even if it’s medicore and needs more tweaking.

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


You can’t disengage with AED really and ht is way better for that. AED makes it so you can out live and burst anything to death before they kill you. You are forced to play reckless and poop out damage as fast as possible. It’s tricky, but ya will have a pretty good laugh when you keep come back to life 2 or 3 times and win a fight. I can’t say its viable for tpvp, but it worked well in Yolo queue.

Can’t use it while cc’d. have to really rely on goggles for the stun break to cast it if a warrior had ya pinned.

SD/AED Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Lambchops’s YOLT “You Only Live Twice/Thrice”

Use AED at 5k health if you want to benefit from Automated Medical Response
Play like you want to die.

- Lambchops 587th rank 80 engy NA

Opinion on engie grandmaster traits?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Synaptic Overload is really good with turret det and will work with any kind of knockback. The main build I play is a 30/0/0/20/20 SD/bombs and the quickness with SD is pretty brutal when planned out (especially if you start bursting right after big bomb hits). Just don’t waste it getting up from overcharge.

- Lambchops

Something I noticed when I see AR.

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I’ve noticed it too fighting meta condi engys. I believe it’s from Transmute.

- Lambchops

Woodstock's PvP Engineer Tips and Tricks!

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Good to see someone post these! I love doing that Acid bomb jump from the treb to the wall on Kyhlo. It’s saved my kitten so many times. You can also rocket jump it on the other side (that has the little roof structure).

Another quick escape in Khylo from the clock tower is to acid bomb from the edge of the capture point, out the middle window (towards home or far). You’ll completely fly out, miss the ledge, and land on the ground without taking fall damage.


(edited by Cooltar.2608)

[PvP] The Return of HGH?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


It’s great for team fights in TPVP. The new toss Elixir S and B are pretty uber. Toss Elixir S is good for escapes, downed teammates, and surprising. Toss Elixir B and overcharge shot are fun as hell to set up for grenade barrage burst. I would say it’s one of the better builds for guaranteed team stomps, solo stomps, and cleaving.

- Lambchops

Best Engi DPS? Bunker? Hybrid?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I use this build in my TPVP group for assaulting the far point. I can pretty much out bunker their bunker by constantly throwing them off the point. Has decent survivability for 2v1’s.


sPvP problems as a HGH condi engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


This is my main build I use for Hot Joins, Solo, & Team TPVP (I’ve been running it for a couple months now). It’s great for team fights, stacking might, and ccing the kitten out of anything with no stability (1 pull, 1 launch, 2 turret knockbacks, 1 big bomb). Warriors I try to kite with net shot, glue bomb, confusion stacks and fire bomb if there stability is up. Necros you can cc them to death if they don’t fear you first. Smoke Bomb is great for escaping and stomping. Also the turret det blast finisher happens where you are standing and not where your turret is.


Flame Turret Overcharge - Function issue?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I’ve been playing around with the overcharge function on the flame turret where it disperses a smoke screen/field. It doesn’t seem to always disperse the smoke screen and only seems to disperse it when enemies are within the turrets range. Shouldn’t the smoke screen work all the time whether enemies are in range or not? Am I missing something? It’s nice to drop, overcharge, and detonate for the AE stealth, but if it only works when in range of an enemy it’s kinda pointless.

- Lambchops

Would a SD bomb build work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Yes and it works quite well (not sure with pistol & shield though). I’m using a similiar build for spvp & tpvp, but I’m using rifle & accelerant-packed turrets.


Tesla Coil Build - SD/AccelerantTurrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I’ve been playing a lot with another variation of the build using Bombs in replace of the rocket turret.

Fire bomb + Big Ol’ Bomb & 2 turret detonations = 9 stacks of AE might that lasts for 30+ seconds and then all the extra might stacks from Battle sigil.

I’ve been using smoke bomb with the turret detonations like crazy. Since the detonation blast finisher happens where you are standing and not where your turret is placed, all you have to do is stand in the smoke field and blow up a turret (no matter where it may be). Skyhammer has been a lot of fun because on points A and C right before turning the corner into the point, I’ll throw a smoke bomb, get stealth, use magnet while invis and then toss them over the edge with launch or a exploding turret. They never see it coming .

- Lambchops

Tesla Coil Build - SD/AccelerantTurrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


That’s a fail on my part. I assumed they were increasing the blast radius on the turret detonation, but they do not. I’ve recently swapped it out with Empowering Adrenaline with constantly dodging (or you can use Incendiary Powder).

- Lambchops

Tesla Coil Build - SD/AccelerantTurrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I’ve been playing quite a bit with accelerant packed turrets in combination of SD. I’ve tried to come up with build that has decent burst, can survive against condi classes, plenty of ccs, and decent group support.

Healing Turret
Tool Kit
Rifle Turret
Rocket Turret
Runes : Melandru X 6
Sigil: Air


  • Typical toolbelt skill SD burst combos.. Surprise shot, Throw wrench, & rocket turret, whatever.
  • Surprise shot w/ SD is instant and can also be used while disabled.
  • Rocket Toolbelt skill can crit and do 3k + SDdamage w/ your burst, but it’s not instant like surprise shot.
  • 3 more knockbacks from detonate turret.
  • Detonate Turret throws out SD, does 1.2k damage, knockback, & is a blast finisher. Combine this with your burst.
  • Detonate Turret is now kind of a stun breaker. It can be used while disabled/knocked down. If you’re sitting on your turret while stunned..blow it up and knock your enemy back “As long as he does not have Stability”
  • Throw rocket turret down after using rocket tool belt skill for extra fire power, until you’re ready to blow it up for healing or as a knockback.
  • Escaping….Throw down turrets behind you and blow them up when the enemy gets close as you’re running away. Players do not really pay attention to turrets and will run through them.
  • Throw down turrets on downed players while you’re finishing the enemy/or rezzing an ally. If the enemy shows up and blow it up and knock him back while you still rez.
    • It’s fun to ping pong your enemy around with turret placement/detonation, launch, & magnet.

Typical 1 vs 1 starts with initial burst, launch, and placing/blowing up turrets on top of the enemy to keep them cc’d until they’re dead. Be careful when placing/blowing up your turrets. Rocket turret is more beneficial placed down until the rocket tool belt skill is no longer on cooldown (ONLY if you need extra quick burst). Using your healing turret too early will mess you up. Who cares about rifle turret? Always blow that kitten up. (I try to only use the turret between the surprise shot cd.) I’ve tried experimenting with other turrets in replace of rocket turret, but I keep coming back to the rocket turret. IMO projectile toolbelt skills work better at range with SD.

- Lambchops.

Revolutionary HGH build...

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I’d suggest…

- removing 10 pts from Firearms and adding 10 into explosives for 3 might every 10 seconds when you use your healing ability.

- Keep your Firearm traits as Rifle 10% dmg and Improve range (or reduce rifle CD). Improve range is probably more important in WvW…If it was SPVP I’d use reduce CD.

- Adding battle sigil to your rifle (3 might every 20 seconds). I feel like this is the backbone to help keep your might stacks up.

-If you don’t want to go +10 more into explosives, I’d go 10 into tools for speedy kits for perma swiftness & +10 more crit dmg. You already have the crit chance (especially with Elixir B.)

-Adding (2 Fire, 2 Hoelbrak, 2 Strength) Might duration runes (fairly cheap on AH/TP).

- Lambchops

Glyphs wants a flamethrower.

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I like the FT. I’ve been having a ton of fun with this SPVP build using a combo of Nades & FT. Nothing meaner than hitting a group with incendiary ammo & frost nades. Plenty of might stacking with Firewall/blast finishers. The Autoattack isn’t bad either. When you have high condition damage there is nothing wrong with hitting a group for 1.5-2k and then an additional 700 1s from burn damage.


Static Discharge for Dungeons?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


This my favorite SD Dungeon build that uses Wrench, EG, & Goggles (or whatever utility of your choosing). I use a combination of Knight and Zerker armor. Use your tool belt burst, run to the enemy, use all your high damage short range attacks (Pry bar, blunderbuss, rocket jump (to hit twice)), then acid bomb to put you back at range. Wrench will give you some survability with gear shield and EG is in general great for team support. Acid Bomb hits hard (and hits at least 5 times) and is fun to launch around with.

SD variation w/ Net Turret Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Definitely more beneficial. I’ll give it a whirl. Healing Turret is still pretty clunky to me haha, but doing that could allow me to move 20 pts of traits into something else.

SD variation w/ Net Turret Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


SD does fire with the net turret belt ability. I’m using Elixir H instead of healing turret because of Cleaning formula 409, but healing turret could technically do the same job.

SD variation w/ Net Turret Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Hey guys! I’ve been playing around with this build and thought I’d share some footage (New to this whole video capturing thing) that I’ve been collecting over the last couple of days. Hoping to capture 1 on 1’s with it soon.

PS. Don’t hate on my build too much. It may not be the most optimal, but it’s a good time. I’m constantly tweaking it.



Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


This is what I’ve been running with my Engineer Lambchops.
I went 20 into Elixirs so I have decent condition cleansing with Elixir S and H, but it does decrease the damage quite a bit using Elixir S instead of Googles. I like the survability against condi classes.

There’s another similar build I use that focuses a bit more on survability.
0/20/10/20/20 with the valk jewel in place of the zerker.

Flame Turret vs Rocket Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I’ve been trying out the flame & rocket turret since the patch and it seems to me that the flame turret is worthless compared to the rocket turret. Has anyone else compared the two? I know that the smoke screen could be good when used situationally, but the rocket turret overcharge “knockdowns” are much better.


Tpvp build list.

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


This is something I’ve been running for a couple of weeks now with my engineer Lambchops. Main damage comes from rifle, throw wrench, & acid bomb. Acid bomb is good for throwing down on cap points and hits like a truck when proccing lightning. It also procs area retaliation from super elixir.;TkAg0CvoqxUjoGbNuak1MoA

Superbly versatile and evasive bunker build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608



I use this build mainly in SPVP, PVE, and WvW. Mine’s a little different. In SPVP I went with Grenades over the flamethrower for quick burst during skirmishing. (Pop Barrage and kit refinement). Wrench is amazing for WvW…you can pluck enemies from their keep or pluck them on the run and then launch them to your teammates with your rifle. Grenades are always of course good for spam. EG is good for support and dropping acid bombs.

In PvE I like to run flamethrower rather than nades. My stats are pretty similiar in PVE to how they’re laid out in the SPVP build I’ll link at the bottom, but they’re scaled down a bit. For PvE I like to run up to the enemy, Hit them with jump shot twice (Jump and land), Blunderbuss, Acid bomb backwards, flame blast (Make sure you hit them with the piercing and blast. Acid bomb practically puts you in perfect position for this).

I’m using a combination of Exotic Knight and Cleric gear in PVE because I like the double elixirs for healing.;TsAA0CnowxgjAHLOOck4Mg4ExMAA

Kit tricks! Post yours here.

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


When encountering Melee (Burst Warriors), I like to drop acid bomb, (drop kit to stop the jump), Sit on the acid. Prep Gear Block. Block his lame burst attack. Followed by a Pry bar, Launch, net and jump shot. I even sometimes run circles around them with slick shoes so they keep getting knocked down haha.

There’s this thing I do called “Plucking”. Steal 1 opponent from the enemies zerg and toss him to your team. Use Magnet to pull him. Get in the direction you want to launch him and throw him to your team with your rifle. Hurray!

I also use acid bomb like I’m playing Quake Rocket Arena. I love that ish!

Ps. Don’t underestimate Turbo Whale.. He’s got skills to pay the bills.

Lambchops The Engineer

Adding an evade or Leap Finisher to Acid Bomb

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


I use the acid bomb as one of my main abilities in SPVP. It’s high damage and ticks 6 (?) times. It’s kind of tricky to use, but when used correctly, it can beat up a thief. I don’t think many people know this, but you can actually stop the Acid Bomb leap from happening if you drop the kit immediately after you throw the skill down. I use it for baiting thieves and ready my gear shield when they want to burst. It’s great for evading and setting down on cap points where several enemies are dueling it out with teammates. I also use it to power down opponents after they’ve been downed. throw it down and run away and it’ll finish them off. I don’t really feel like it needs evade or a combo leap. I think it does the job perfectly if used situationally.

-Lambchops the Engineer.

Build details –;TsAA0CnowxgjAHLOOck4Mg4ExMAA

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


Lambchops’s “You Better Weaponize” Build. (Build is meant for those who can swap kits quickly and adapt on the fly);TsAA0CnowxgjAHLOOck4Mg4ExMAA

This build utilizes purely weapon kits. It’s well rounded stat wise, good for skirmishing, running interference, support, and for moving quickly to cap points. It’s great for dueling, frustrating your opponent, and for adapting quickly. It has decent damage and decent burst (25 crit chance, 58 crit damage). I personally always have to use the wrench and EG with my third weapon kit varying from Flamethrower and Nades. Damage is based solely on Power.

Example for Combos for Wrench/EG/Nades
-Net/Jump shot/Grenade Kit Attack w/ Grenade Barrage
-Launch/Jump shot/Net/Blunderbuss/Acid Bomb (put a gap between you and your opponent)
-Magnet/Pry Bar/Launch/Jump Shot/Grenade kit attack/Grenade Barrage
-Throw Wrench/Magnet/Blunderbuss/Give your opponent a new orifice
-Acid Bomb (sit on it and prepare to block for stealthy burst thieves/Then Pry Bar and Launch/Perform favorite combo). Grenade Barrage and Nade Kit attack work well too.
-Pry Bar/Launch/Jump shot/Net/Blunderbuss/Grenade Barrage & kit atk)
-Jump shot on to cap point, Grenade Barrage/Nade kit atk, and acid bomb (good for multiple occupied enemies on cap points)

A lot of combos are possible, but it can be tricky constantly swapping kits. I like it because my Engineer play style has that Arena FPS feel, even if I do sometimes screw up my combos.

Escape Methods Examples (Face the enemy if you are going to use acid bomb as an escape method. It throws you backwards)
-Acid Bomb/Caltrops/Block (If you are still getting pelted).
-Jump Shot/Acid Bomb can be used for jumping over gaps
-Launch/Acid Bomb, this gains you a ton of distance between you and the enemy.

Condition Clearing (clears 3 conditions max every 16 seconds)
-Drop Antidote (Med)
-Super Elixir Kit Attack (EG/Also clears conditions for close team members)
-Super Elixir (EG)

Healing (5 abilities to heal)
-Bandage Self (15.5 CD)
-Healing Mist (Regen from EG, tool belt. 30 sec CD)
-3 health packs (12 sec CD each)
-Double Super Elixir (16 sec CD)

Comments/Other Tactics
-Constantly swap “#6” Med kit for constant swiftness & vigor (every 5 second). Also if Endurance is full your damage is increased by 10%.
-Med Kit also has “Drop Stimulant” for fury and swiftness for 11 seconds (20 second CD)
-Rifle and All Weapon kit cooldowns are reduced by 20% (Except Nades)
-Double stack Super Elixir
-Weak against condition builds (Can clear a max of 3 conditions every 16 seconds, —Swapping to EG will instantly clear one condition every 16 seconds.)
-Plucking – Pluck enemy opponents from their zerg to your team to pound on. Use Magnet (wrench) for the pull, swap to rifle and use the launch ability to throw your enemy in the direction of your team. Throw a Net and a party.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I know there are things I’m leaving out and I’ll probably add more thoughts to this post as they come to me.

(edited by Cooltar.2608)