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New player looking for guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Hey all!

So the title may be a bit misleading. I played Guild Wars 2 at launch for about 2 months and at the time the game was not really for me. After trying a multitude of MMO’s that have come out over the past 2 years I think I solved my problem. I play World of Warcraft and raid with my guild, whenever I tried a new MMO I was looking for a replacement for WoW. Then it dawned on me, I tried treating Guild Wars 2 as a WoW replacement when it’s not meant to be (in my case).

Sorry if the above paragraph was a little random, but I like to give as much information about whats going on with my mmo life!

With all that being said, I last played at launch for about 2 months. Reinstalled the game and I am totally overwhelmed with almost everything, so many new features! I’ll give a short list of the type of guild that I think I would feel best suited in.

- My character is on Yak’s Bend (not sure if it matters because I think I heard about..mega servers? or something like it) I am not opposed to server transferring.

- I do still casually raid with my WoW guild, mainly on tuesday/thursday nights if this affects anything at all.

- I consider myself on the casual side of playing GW2, I may play 7 hours a day or I may not play for a day. I’m taking my time so I don’t get burnt out on the game like with other games in the past.

- I’d prefer a guild of people who don’t mind “new player questions”

- I like the idea of scheduled events, it helps me remember when I should log into the game. I think I remember some guild events in PvE? But I honestly do not remember

- Right now I prefer the PvE side of things, but I really do not have much experience doing WvWvW and would love to try it out with a group of people. I’m not incredibly fond of the competitive small scale PvP.

- I am only level 26 necromancer but I am leveling fast.

If anyone has anymore questions please shoot me a message in-game or on the forums. Thanks for taking the time to look over this newbies looking for guild post!

Couple of ele noob questions!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Thank you for the reply! Although I’m not sure how I feel about attunements switching constantly, I guess that’s just the lazy me complaining about it hmm.

Couple of ele noob questions!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Hey all so I just came back to GW2 since release and I rolled up an elementalist and I am having a blast (pun intended) playing fire staff with him. Although I had a couple questions if anyone could help me out!

- I consider myself a PvE player more than pvp, is staff viable/best for PvE group situations.

- someone in my guild was saying that staff does need to constantly switch between attunements, is this true?

-is there a certain best attunements for leveling or is fire best?

Couple of noob questions!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Greatly appreciate the tips thank you! I think I may worry about multiple weapon sets as I start to do normal dungeons around level 30, just having so much fun with greatsword right now

Issue choosing a class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I might roll up a great sword Mesmer, that gets me all kinds of excited now

Couple of noob questions!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I apologize if the answers to these are in my face and I’m not seeing the but I figure I’d ask!

So I played GW2 at launch for about a month and I want to play again a lot. I never rolled a Mesmer but I love ranged more than melee. I consider myself a more “hardcore” PvE’er than PvP.

- are Mesmers still considered the class that kites 100% of the time or else you die?

- is great sword viable for end game fractals or explorables?

- is there a preferred gear stat set I should look for for dungeons/soloing?

Issue choosing a class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I have not but I heard mesmer is a super kiting class? Not sure if I would like that so much. Are they still all kiting?

Issue choosing a class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


So I recently just picked up GW2 again since launch and I’m having a blast playing my new elementalist. But now I’m sort of doubting him and not sure if I really want to play one now. I have a Necro and guardian around 40ish from way back at launch and have yet to touch them since.

I’d like to think my favorite play style is an interesting range class I suppose and ele isn’t as interesting to me as I hoped. I’m just not sure what to do! If anyone has any opinions on a fun ranged class/spec ideas. I have this problem with EVERY rpg until somehow gives me a spark that makes me go oooooh.

Lowbie looking for guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Thank you all for the very I formative replies I really appreciate it! I do apologize I forgot to add sever doesn’t matter because I have no issue transfering to a server for a guild.

Also I might add that having a guild with somewhat scheduled events is amazing! It really gives me something to strive for and level for!

Ill be home around 3pm EST from work today and get back to a few of you! Cheers all!

Lowbie looking for guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


EDIT: I have chosen a guild, thank you all so much for the replies! <3 this community!

(edited by Crabsy.8637)

So what's in the Future of GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


You know part of me wonders what would happen if they did add in “raids”.

Lets say 10-15 people in a raid instance where its treated the same waykitten mans (zergy but you can use strategy to not die constantly) and there is entirely different armor from just the raids. Another token set if you will that has it on unique raid gear LOOK but the stats are the same as the other gear.

I think that might be kind of cool to add a little bit bigger instanced PvE to the game, raiding for the looks of raid gear? Hmm

Which Salvage Kit Do You Use?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


What would you suggest for sub level 80? Im 20 at the moment and I buy the 88c salvage kit (can’t remember the name) and ive been salvaging white gear and salvage items and vendoring everything else blue or green. Is that the best way to optimize money/crafting mats while leveling?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I had a guardian character named Crabzy and I deposited about 50s in my bank and then deleted the character and made a new norn guardian named crabzy as well and then the game wouldn’t let me log in, I guess this happened during the roll back. So now I have my new guardian but the 50 silver is missing from my bank.

A few very random Guardian questions!

in Guardian

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I really like those traits a lot. I will admit and I am being more selfish about it but I may only take the damage/radius increase traits for symbols for leveling. I love the 15 point zeal listed. Guardian just got a whole lot more interesting because of this symbol jargon

A few very random Guardian questions!

in Guardian

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Oh wow I can’t thank you all enough for the help. I am super anxious to get home from work and make my Norn hammer guardian. I am having a hard time looking at traits on my phone but I have a question. If I want to do lots of damage of with my hammer but beef up he symbol which trait lines would work best for that? Also are there traits that make the hammers symbol actually help wih damage?

<3 you all!

A few very random Guardian questions!

in Guardian

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I agree the last attack of the hammer does feel really slow but I do love everything else about it, I’m just not sure what to use now

A few very random Guardian questions!

in Guardian

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Oh wow thank you guys you helped me tremendously! I think I will settle on Norn guardian with a hammer, that cultural armor still sticks in my craw tho so maybe I can buy new armor every 5-10 levels like on my other characters.

Another random question, is the guardians support abilities more passive or active? I notice a lot of passive things, like the virtues and hammers protection symbol.

A few very random Guardian questions!

in Guardian

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Let me start off by saying I have a level 60 human warrior and it felt boring and generic to play so I shelved him. I have a 63 Asura necromancer but I’m a little sick of not having much burst damage and having a small character to show off armor so I shelved him.

At the moment I have a level 10 Charr Guardian but I might reroll Norn because of the armor looks. I have a few super random questions of anyone can lend a hand!

1. Is it viable or slower to kill using a Hammer? I’ve been switching between hammer and great sword and I feel less squishy with a hammer, maybe a placebo effect? But would it be dumb or really slow to level with a hammer?

2. I love the way Norn looks in heavy armor but I hate their cultural armor, are there craftable armor that have a more guardian feel or plate armorish feel? Also if I some day want to go for the legendary weapons do I NEED weaponsmith?

3. What are people favorite dye choices for the guardian look? I am awful at color coordinating (my real life wardrobe is scarey)?

4. And finally, anyone who is level 80 do you still love your guardian and feel its not a pain in thekitten to play? (by pain I mean struggling to tag mobs in events or fun to be support)

Sorry for the mishmash of questions but these are things I’ve been curious about with guardian and I have yet to get a character to 80 since playing since head start and I’d love to commit to one character I love!

Leveling build questions!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Alrighty thank you for the tips.

Oh and about the staff thing I was curious if there was a 100% staff usage build viable for pve leveling, sorry if that wasn’t clear!

Leveling build questions!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I have a staff in my swap but Ive yet to use it….. >.>

Also for the gear stats do I not want toughness at all?

Leveling build questions!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


So I have a few questions regarding leveling. At the moment I am a scepter/dagger condition Necro 10 curses 10 spite and 6 is in he toughness traitline(forgot the name of it )

1. I am huge on looks and I’d love to use a staff a lot cause they look cool, would a staff build be viable for leveling? If so what trait spec/skill slots should I use?

2. I recently purchased my cultural tier 1 as an Asura. But the runes I am using is minor afflicted, krait and centaur I think so it’s 15% more bleed duration. Should I be using different runes for the scepter/dagger spec?

3. For a bleed trait spec which type of gear should I look for in terms of stats and name? Before I got my cultural tier I was buying all “ravager” gear.

Thanks for any help! I’m really just trying to spice things up since scepter/dagger is getting a tad stale and I’m not totally sure what I’m doing!

A slight issue with ME!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I’m in a guild of GW noobs but for some reason no one does anything and I’ve know these people for awhile too which is odd.

A slight issue with ME!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I was thinking that but GW has made me dislike the traditional mmo formula haha. I think I may need a break or trying some PvP in GW I don’t know!!

A slight issue with ME!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I will start off by saying I absolutely love this game it is so much fun. I started playing day 1 headstart and at the moment I am at 200 hours played with these characters:
60 human warrior
40 norn warrior (deleted)
36 Asura Necro (main)
26 norn ele (deleted)
26 human engineer
And various low levels that I made deleted.

Here is my issue, all day at work I read reddit and the forums and get hyped to play when I get home. But when I get home and log in and start to play I just get deflated and kind of force myself to play because I want an 80.

Basically I am having a hard time getting into the game now than I did a week ago. Have I played too much? Do I need a break?

I have a year of Rift purchased but I am regretting buying because now I feel obligated to play it which might also be contributing to my weird feelings.

I love every aspect of GW2 really but I’m feeling drained while playing it as of the past 3ish days. Am I a mental case or does anyone have any suggestions to get me amped up while I’m playing? (I super love my Necro)

Completionist + indecisiveness = insanity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


So i may have had a revelation! So sitting here at work doing nothing it came to me.

I love greatswords but warriors feel plain too me.
I love the norn light armor but I really dislike elementalist and Necro.

Greatsword Mesmer! I want to try this class weapon combo but i heard weird things about kiting? Anyone have any insight on fun/quality of Greatsword Mesmer for nothing but PvE leveling?

Completionist + indecisiveness = insanity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Maybe ill try dual dagger and see how I like it. Constantly resin mining minions seems like a total pain!

Hmm it is intriguing the daggers had the highest damage I had no idea about that actually might be fun. I’ll need to read up more about it! Thank you!

Completionist + indecisiveness = insanity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


I partly want to make a Necro but I have a few hang ups.

- do you need babysit all he minions? I sort of hate babysitting pets
- I’m not super fond of the staff being all targetable aoe’s so i was thinking dual dagger for melee, would that make sense?

Ugh so confused!!!!!

Completionist + indecisiveness = insanity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crabsy.8637


Ok i will start off by saying I fracking love this game and it is so much fun!

I have a major issue tho, I am a Completionist and I love finishing zones so that is super fun for me. The issue is I can’t choose a profession to play.

In head start I made a norn warrior to level 40 and go bored so I made a bunch of other characters mainly human and norn races. Didn’t try Necro, ranger or Mesmer.

Right now I have a level 50 human warrior and it’s pretty fun but feels a bit plain and generic. I have around 30% world completion for him. Now I really want to make a Norn Necro because it seems interesting to me. Now here are my issues that is driving me insane if I reroll for a 4th time:

- I feel like if I keep refilling I’ll miss out on lowbie instances because no many ppl will be doing them
- I feel like I’ll miss the initial fun of Orr but I hear some of the DE’s are
- it might be tough to re explore hoalbrak for a 4th time

I feel like I am insane for thinking this but is it ok to reroll mains this early? I like being in the flow with the community but I feel like I’m restarting alllll over again.